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three lions edish
sabrina carpenter is a worthless whore, a literal prostitute
I'm Angael-Yorxan
what’s her name again
This is the half-Jew who is trying to deny the English of their Anglo-Saxon Englalande heritage.
Mobile phones shouldn't ever cost $1000
You're literally just sucking down soviet propaganda wholesale you retard
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Duuuude! We’re like… from the same freaking tribe bro! That’s awesomesauce broski! I love being English!
exercising and reading during breaks lads
done with this wretched self-imposed slavery
Why? They're pretty useful items that literally everyone wants
Have you ever seen The Death of Stalin? My friend told me it's funny. I might watch it tonight.

as i said, it is completely alien to you. you can’t comprehend it exists
>Now in the primitive state of the kingdom after the Conquest those who were left of the Anglo-Saxon subjects secretly laid ambushes for the suspected and hated race of the Normans, and, here and there, when opportunity offered, killed them secretly in the woods and in remote places: as vengeance for whom when the kings and their ministers had for some years, with exquisite kinds of tortures, raged against the Anglo-Saxons; and they, nevertheless, had not, in consequence of these measures, altogether desisted
yeah its good classical british humor
implying there wasn’t constant ethnic tension in the soviet union and several mass deportations of entire populations
Back in my day phones cost like $50
And an extremely good one was $300. Average was $100
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currently buying ephedrine online
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Me and the kebab gf.
As I said, soviet propaganda has done a number on you
yeah its funny. judging by threads on /tv/ it seems to piss off both rorkes and leftypols because they both take the topic of the soviet union so seriously and its a comedy
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could heem this silly bint in a fight
i am talking about russians in modern day central asia
been obsessed with this film recently
it’s quite funny
it’s got steve buscemi in it. the dad from the hangover. the guy that played lucius malfoy.
they're misunderstanding intentionally because they're ideologically motivated to deracinated the Anglo-Saxon man.
They do NOT like the fact that the term "Anglo-Saxon" excludes all brown people.
That's brilliant!
Can you get me American citizenship? For the tribe
yeah its funny even though it is anti soviet propaganda bs

Holy Sex, I love Turkey now
and yet it is me that has actually been to central asia for extended periods of time. and you have never left your smelly bedroom. curious
viet cong tier behaviour

it aint me starts playing [lute edition]
is a medication equally spread across a pill?
like say a pill is 4mg and you split it into quarters will one of those quarters be 1mg?
imagine there’s some tension there too
Hell yeah fellow Viking! I can get you a job at my dad’s dealership!
need to her to worship my BWC
It's not okay to let people or life break you down but a phone doing it that is okay. You can be broken by a phone and its even a good thing because you can't just not be broken by anything. This phone broke me (and that's okay). It hasn't been a short amount of time and it isn't a long amount of time. With this phone I just can't
So you're Muslim, Mexican and a Marxist?
Mmm as it were
a lad admits to being Jewish and then in that same thread we get Anglo-Saxon denial and commie propaganda
It's obviously all you. You're obviously the Jew.
Generally, yes
There’s usually at least one channel for you to break it in half. I’m to take .05mg of my medicine and I cut a 1mg pill in half for it.
>and yet it is me that has actually been to central asia for extended periods of time.
During the soviet union?
you are anglo saxon but in general it means pre norman while “english” means recent history/centuries. post norman.

no one is denying the history or existence of english people you’re just having a meltdown that anglo saxon generally refers to dead people(because no one lives 1,000 years ago)
not really, some of the natives think russians are arrogant and that’s it. of course you have you’re weird schizo chud nationalists online but no one gives a shit about them. there isn’t tension like in the uk or usa
was once told by my doctor to split a 5mg pill in half to get a 2.5mg dosage so I think so yeah
>1 cut in half
Now I know how >spellcheck mong feels
why the fuck would someone spend extended periods of time in central asia
there's fuck-all there
it's fucking cool, innit?
it's from a book called Dialogus De Scaccario from 1180. Just historical accounts of England by a Norman called FitzNeal.
Mexico is where that stupid faggot Trotsky got ACKed
Whatever whatever
I cut a .1mg in half
breed with the locals and form your own army
shes white herself, lad
i am not a marxist or commie

Well then
just made a rock so heavy i cant lift it
ah, right. it's just another cohencidence then? OK.
mental how trotsky was once imprisoned in nova scotia
Just curious but how long have you been tapering for
Asking because the Australian psychologist is talking to people who've been tapering for like 6 years, or say that some effects came after 6 years
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>she’s white
*taps the sign*
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>Christ on a bike
just sucked a cock so heavy i can’t lift it
Phoar imagine
If big B.J. was still alive today, he'd definitley be an active /pol/ poster
the outer hebrides or as I call them the swarthy seafolk
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>member of the Hellfire Club
No he would be leftypol
it stands to reason that if the russians (who made up a larger proportion of the population in central asia during soviet times then they do now) came us some kind of colonial force then these countries would be riddled with the same kind of weird racial dynamics present in somewhere like south africa but that isn’t the case
this nigga must have been smoking crack
Aren't you at least a bit disappointed in Samsung and how rich they are, and powerful in SK, and in Google (the billionaires), for their phones being so bad? Do you not care about a workman or tradies quality of work? Are you not ashamed to be using an android phone, willfully? To take all that they give you and then still keep buying more?
need a gf who looks beautiful without makeup but still decides to wear some occasionally
Don't you feel a bit silly? A bit cucked? Are you a machoist?
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Sex with british girls in school uniform in the class room. bend them over the table, skirt down and Bratwurst between the ass cheecks... that´s how im rolling
now you realise that white has nothing really to do with acrual skin colour, it's a status symbol.
hate to admit it, but leftists do kinda have a point when they say race is a social construct. It isn't anymore, but it definitley was back then.
>one of the antisemites from before thinks this other anon is me
Kek, why are fascists so mentally ill?
That does not stand to reason at all. South Africa is very different to, say, Zambia, or Malaysia, in that regard.
he was a known party boy, french women adored him because they saw him as a rugged American man even in his old and fat age
He also liked to eat them out
dirty fucking nonce
“white” is some shite yanks made up to mutt the world into oblivion
imagine eating out a women in the 18th century, my lord...the diseases...
unironically bragged to a girl about how good I am at detecting Jews while i was coked up
no even joking
I am good at it tho ngl
Android phone users are the sort of whites to start balding and then post on 4chan their hairline saying "this is why the white race is going to become extinct"
This is exactly how they are
>It isn't anymore
what is it not then
I’ve always thought that he was joking a bit like this
Like when people take his Poor Richard character at face value and not a bit mocking towards rural farmers
peterposter has picked his target for the night and has locked in: android users
Shut up
nowadays it's just a biological reality.
Whites are from Europe
Blacks are from Sub-Saharan Africa
Yellows are from East Asia
Poos are from India
Dave would’ve made short work of you
zambia and malaysia don’t have significant populations of white western people. malaysia has a lot of chinese and indians, i dont know much about malaysia but they seem to get on fine - again because they weren’t some colonising force
wouldnt be surprised if the white identity thing originally meant aristocracy. like a common englishman wouldn’t be considered white but a noble or rich man would.
it was more dependent on belief and social status though rather than inborn ethnic makeup. some of my ancestors were irish catholics. if they had converted to protestantism, only spoke English and declare alliegance to the British crown would they have been considered white then by the likes of Franklin? I think white meant “just like us” (British/North German protestant landowning men). Remember the king and a lot of the aristocracy had recently came from Hanover.
which countries did you go to
Normals wish they had the power of autistic eating habits, like eating near-plain oats for breakfast every day and eating salad without any dressing
Don't you see that there is more to life than working on your computer operating system or being held back by or tweaking or taking longer to do something on an android phone- which is not only.dysfunctional but also ugly
It's diego
He probably went there to rape children
eggs and beans every day me
been to both kstans and uzbekistan
I wonder which fetishes are caused by organic illnesses like brain parasites

i reckon foot fetish is definitely one where there's something curable there, like if you eat a certain root you kill the bacteria that was giving you the fetish
talmudic projection moment
Android users are the sort of people to receive a preprogrammed stimuli and output a trained response
why did you go there
You love jews thoughever
Yes I use Android, yes I am an Anglo-Saxon
THIS is the /brit/ i love. Late night, calm vibes, plenty of posters, good posts floating around, and interesting topics of discussion.
>Britain, Canada and Australia all use imperial
>only the US gets shit for it
Oh for fucks sake not this again. Always the iphone freaks being like this

Also Spainonce is an iphone freak and alot of very braindead redditor posts i see on other boards tend to come from iphone users.
People who use android are far more likely to be the types who stink of piss in real life. You know the sort
Where the fuck does Australia use imperial
I suppose some people use it for personal height
Same except i usually just refer to myself as English like a normal person would outside of 4chan.
wanted to learn russian and live somewhere really different for a while
I’ve been an iPhone user forever but I’m switching to an android next upgrade. I just can’t take it anymore
I failed to launch
yous don't use imperial?
fucking traitors
anglo-saxon status: REVOKED
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I'm less efficient now that I have an android. I'm less of a person
Android phone users are only like 0.6 of a person
That's not me fashy.
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Wait commiemong, you're half-jew?
Oh this is rich
watching young sheldon
oh yeah, I definitely believe
if there's one thing Jews are known for, it's being trustworthy
wish I had just blown up on the launchpad
I don’t think Canadian or aussies use it
Come home, anglo-saxon man.
fucking hate boomers
Hate boomers do you
The Samsung app clock app has a 2 out of 5 star rating on the Samsung app store, because the clock they made doesn't function properly
Not commiemong and i never spouted any commie crap.

You are a proper moron arent you. Wow.
You don't function properly
Diego missed the bit in the bible about the camel and the needle
There's a new laptop called The challenger. It's great, but the touchpad keeps blowing up
I have an android phone
Diego measuring the eye of the needle
You’re formatting your posts exactly the same as before
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>Yes I am an Anglo-Saxon
>umm achktually, the Norma...
holding hate in your heart leads to hair loss
i get called diego so much the real diego must be seething
Canadians do for sure, their system is basically identical to the British system with metric used for science and shit and imperial used in daily life
I'm pretty sure Aussies do too, even if they don't use miles
Works perfectly well though
Arent you clever mate.
yeah hate em
it’s over lad. you’ve rumbled me with your schizo power….now everyone will support nato or something
While using an android phone it is like a constant but unsourcable odor of something close gone slightly mouldy. My phone doesn't understand what a plural is
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boomers, you say?
beautiful anglo music
boiling a load of jersey royals to make a potato salad
dressing will be olive oil, lemon juice, zest, chopped mint, and shallots
at 2:30 lad? madman
Don't ever expect your android phone to do something. Always do it yourself and babysit the phone and then trend on egg shells around it
hate em
Millennials be like "those old boomers SUCK"
Zoomers and Alpha be like: -_-
>A landmark new citizenship law came into force in Germany on Tuesday with an explicit requirement for applicants to declare the state of Israel’s right to exist.

anyone else planning on becoming a new german asap?
a man's gotta eat
Not like he has a job or any responsibilities or and real purpose in life
whats your jewdar say about me
Android phone users and people on Linux are hipsters just without a job or in education
iPhones are basically fisherprice toys (and that's a good thing)
lol noob
i need more information
what's your opinion of Anglo-Saxons?
>braces both his arms on the wheel at moment of impact
mad how incompetent this guy was from beginning to end
No actually they're a phone. Go root your phone and connect it to the computer to epicly hack it and install a new keyboard or font so you can type out posts about how much you hate chrome
Youre not Anglo Saxon you idiot. You just arent. Stop coping.
Go type in 20 characters or make a shape on the screen and use your unlocked Android phone to play games at 12 FPS I mean watch ads with game breaks
pretty good blokes
>iPhones are basically fisherprice toys (and that's a bad thing)
Oy vey!
The Eternal War: The Eternal Jew Vs. The Eternal Anglo-Saxon
bizzare show from the jewcord tonight, they are certainly using more out-the-box tactics then the normal “trannies love palestine” and black penis spam
Why did you have to type that in all caps? Are you mentally stunted?
Reading .pdf files is not enjoyable on Android. The phone has fucked up even that. And I've tried both Microsoft and Google apps for it (the reader app that came with the phone no longer opens)
might join scientology as they're one of the only public groups opposed to psychiatry
i get emotional when i detect jews
just another judaism for white people which is why rich people love it, like freemasonry
As do all utter morons.
see, if you weren't a Jew you would've said "we're pretty good blokes". you've given yourself away, Jew.
Sounds based
For me it's how much everything jumps around the screen all of the time constantly and with every press, on Android. They should make everything jump around even more and cutter the massive screen with tiny windows of screen real estate where it is safe to tap on e rrywhere, especially because even though it's crowded km still forced to move to the top of the screen all of the time which makes my wrists snap
ate cupcakes
>trannies love palestine
It's true, but theyre just useful idiots of a larger hate movement so i dont really take it out on them except when they get violent ofcourse.
>black penis spam
Sounds like something youre more familiar with than any imaginary "jewcord"
Make my internet cut out randomly again and make me wait 60 seconds to .take a post too. Make it cut out more often than just for getting a voice-mail message or randomly
Make me use 5G but somehow get the websites to buffer still
Wish you'd all die and leave me to samefag in peace
should be illegal to be as openly jewish as this
Might come up with a new gimmick
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tarqs in the loo
I have a Norman derived surname and am literally an Anglo-Saxon.
Good looking lad
heathernonce can i make you a website where you just spam about earwax tonsils and argue with yourself? ill do it for free, and maybe even pay you if you stay there
attitudes like yours are why Israel needs to exist
they're so obvious, aren't they?
it's the fact that they can't even hide their disdain for the white man that always gives them away
>learn russian and live somewhere really different for a while
Have you heard of Russia? You'd have loved it
That's only the second-most sore his bum will be that night heheheheh
maybe jews could stop acting the way they do and they could be the harmless “white people with a slightly different cultural background” that they pretend to be
your mum's a tart
what part of "secretly laid ambushes and killed the suspected and hated race of Normans in the woods" did you not understand, Norman?
so you can't detect without me literally telling you that i'm an anglo saxon. very poor jewdar
>think about getting a pizza for lunch
>"Mmm yes, spend a lot more money on something a lot more unhealthy than just a sandwich"
Being an adult sucks!
Might cum on my own face for a laugh
Love apple tarts me
I'm dodging the schizophrenic posts in this thread like Neo dodging bullets
I think heinz mayoracha sauce brings out the salt taste more
And I'm going to be using less salt anyway because it's hot. And I gdt food for my brain with yhr sugary energy drinks anyways (with CO2 too!)
This is with a squirter or two of it in the water as it heats up with the last 100ml of mayo or so to slowly get through it

I like putting the kebab shop burger sauce in the boiling water too for some egg powder and to get the taste in
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Go to a vegan gluten free pizza shop
Cheese and tomato is actually good for you BTW and you can get some pesto on it or even seafood
Shouldn't you be asleep instead of typing out schizophrenic nonsense like this
>Psychiatrists as a group suffer from particularly high levels of stress, with the highest levels of job dissatisfaction

>Surgeons have the lowest levels of depression and stress and the highest levels of job satisfaction.

funny how the most intelligent and talented field of medicine are stable while the laziest and dumbest are a fucking mental mess
what's that site that has a bunch of onlyfans stuff for free? asking for a friend of course.
>Half man, half animal
>Half male, Half female
>Up, down
>Left, right
>Day, night
>Black, white
now yuo see...
It's called Pornhub
took an annual leave day today lads. just want to enjoy the beach and this wonderful world innit. i haven't had a weekend in 8 months since i took on a second job, so this is my first non-public holiday day off in 8 months. i'm keen to get back to work though
>>Surgeons have the lowest levels of depression and stress
I seriously doubt this study
Oim taking a day awf werk m8 to go to the beach m8 yeee get in there rito
Took an annual leaf day today
*Hangs on a branch*
was just saying this down the pub
erome has some OF on it (look up mae679, she's fit as fuck)
think you're talking about the one that's called something like "onlyleaks" or some shit, I can't remember
surgeons don't spend most of their time talking to patients and are most of the time praised for doing something that they find simple

psychiatrists spend all day talking to the most unwell in society and are hated by most of their patients for doing something really quite difficult (trying to make the insane somewhat sane)
eamonn holmes sex arse
>psychiatrists spend all day talking to the most unwell in society and are hated by most of their patients
I'm a psychiatrist?
could be a difference between empathy havers and non-empathy havers
Surgeons are known to be actual psychopaths
the midwit reddit aussie is here
My life is so depressing and shit
Classic midwit take, speaking on behalf of people who are far beyond bis intellect level
ah yeah thats the one thanks
i'd hate to be the midwit aussie. i've got a very high iq and a masters degree so i don't think it's me
my neurosurgeon was always happy and lackadaisical when talking to patients
good at his job, fixed me up, not perfect though a common complication did happen to me
You're up at like 3:00 a.m bro haha
are you a lazy dimwit who thinks sitting in a chair all day pretending to listen to people counts as a job
Plenty of educated, high-IQ midwits out there
welp im gonna save all of these for later heh..
what happened to your brain
correct, i don’t think it’s you. midwits always write using capital letters
>high iq midwit
Great Grandad Bazza's Anglo-Saxon genes let me blend in with the forest hobbits, they had no idea I was part Norman. Done in a few of them Norman cunts meself.
How about you save your soul and go to church instead
apparently I can become a shagger if I change my mindset
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the gf
nothing wrong with jacking off m8
so much spent on her tattoos, so little spent on her orthodontics
Its not though is it
Sniffing my fingers
would take a billion neuroscientists working with a billion psychiatrists until the end of the universe to figure out what is wrong with my brain
Based orthodontic anon
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the detectives are out tonight i see
low T, low IQ
Can’t stop farting today
would probably take even more to get you to shut up
Love again: wanking at ten past three
(Surely he’s taken her home by now?),
The bedroom hot as a bakery,
The drink gone dead, without showing how
To meet tomorrow, and afterwards,
And the usual pain, like dysentery.

Someone else feeling her breasts and cunt,
Someone else drowned in that lash-wide stare,
And me supposed to be ignorant,
Or find it funny, or not to care,
Even ... but why put it into words?
Isolate rather this element

That spreads through other lives like a tree
And sways them on in a sort of sense
And say why it never worked for me.
Something to do with violence
A long way back, and wrong rewards,
And arrogant eternity.
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imagine all the saliva building up in her mouth
hmmm yummy
>low T
where do i start with making a youtube channel?
midwits always think of themselves as intellectuals and better than others
definitely not looking at a specific poster
dentists and barbers and other people in the medical field really see us at our worst
why would i need a psychiatrist to tell me i'm perfectly sane and conventionally physically attractive when mumsy did so 20 years ago?
You are mentally ill, stop it.

testosterone isn’t produced in the brain it’s produced in the bollocks
Psychiatrists are people who were intelligent enough to squeak through medical school but not intelligent enough to actually go out and practice medicine. This is the source of their depression and high suicide rates, and they're reminded of it every morning as they drive into the office for another hard day of prescribing the same 5 to 10 drugs across various 15 minute appointments. Repeat that until retirement and it's a dull, meaningless life, and as a bonus most of their patients just end up harmed and angry by their pseudoscientific "treatments"

I promise we will only see psychiatrists mental health improve if the lobotomy comes back
if you're on 4chan at 3AM you're obviously mentally ill
let's be honest, none of us are normies
yeah but it's activated by the brain
the engine cant work if you dont have the key
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I'm not a normie but I don't have anything wrong with me in a clincal sense
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>6-year-old boy drowns at South Jersey summer camp: 'We are absolutely devastated'
that's what you think
the severely mentally ill often lack insight into their condition
Engines can work without keys actually
what if you're on night shift though
(i am not on night shift)
yes if you hot wire the ignition switch but that's not really the point
not like this
New Jersey? or UK Jersey?
how are you supposed to throw parties in terraced housing
I'm a bit neurotic but I chalk that up to spending half my life here
My point is that they can work without keys and you just proved it
I'm not yhr other anon by thr 2qy
the act of hotwiring is a key in and of itself though
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the yank won’t even quote me. he fears my intellectual wrath of facts and logic too much
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>yeh, cunt said I wasn't Anglo-Saxon cause of some Norman geezer. Glassed the cunt, told him right then and there who was fuckin England
It's not the key 5houhh
Fucking shut up you twat
massive temptation to hatpost someone just now
once you’ve had psychosis a couple of times you can notice it building
This is a one off for me, but i really doubt it is for any of these antisemites convincing themselves they have it all figured out (when they really just got brainwashed by /pol/)
It's kind of sad when you think about how much of their lives all a proud users have wasted
look at this fanny scared of upsetting his neighbours who he never even speaks to
Did he say new jersey?
>This is a one off for me
what's it like?
I've been through phases of thinking God is sending me messages and stuff but it's like I always have a base level of schizotypy and sometimes it gets worse for a bit
should’ve brainwashed by /k/ or reddit instead i suppose
holding mondo
let the bodies hit the floor
Mental how the first thing you see when you open the YouTube app isn't even a YouTube video anymore. It's ads
Not for me, got premium
would never let some weird cucks take care of my hypothetical kid
like that but full on delusion where you are totally convinced god is sending you messages. also had mild hallucinations innit. now i have times where the mental elves build up for a bit but generally just living better stops them in their tracks, worse case scenario i ask dr soyberg for some jewpills for a bit
good thread
I agree.
Bro is 27.4% Scottish.
can never be bothered enough to watch it tbqhwy
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