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Stop this stupid thirdiefight
You idiots don't even have any reason to argue you're on different ends of a continent
ArgieGODS mog us.
I will not tolerate any bad mouthing against Mexico
argenpinches tongue my anus
you're both shit
I murder all that say bad things about latinxas
fuck mexico and argentina
pinche pocho
Colombia mogs both
The world wants this
It all started when some Mexican media distributor began hyping them for the world cup so they could sell more subscriptions.
Argentina then obliterated the delusion and mexicans attacked argentinians all over the internet out of seethe.
We don't have any reason to attack them other than their unprovoked hatred for us.
Football cannot justify your failed nation states and continent you stupid fucking thirdie
learn spanish retard
Death to Argentina!
Mexico is great!
>Football cannot justify your failed nation states and continent you stupid fucking thirdie
Learn to read you absolute moron.
I'm just explaining the supposed "rivalry"
Go back then
Football isn't something worth arguing over
you only do it because your country is literally the only joke economists have
At least Brazil can correctly argue they're in BRICS and thus relevant
Yeah you go back to Italy.
Argentines don't even think about us. But we do think on them. It's mostly envy.
We don't. Fucking moron.
Read, monkey, read and understand
They insult, we reply, no football involved in our side
>Yeah you go back to Italy.
Fuck off chicaca
exactly! No more brother wars between white, aryan nations
It's Argentinians making 90% of the threads and replies unprovoked though
shut the fuck up retarded pajeet
imagine fighting over niggerball lul
I'm genuinely jealous they don't have to live next to prietos, I would almost trade our economy for theirs for that privilege
he's lying, it's not about football, nobody watches football anymore.
you see, argentineans love racism but they also love playing victim. ask any other south american country.
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>he's lying, it's not about football, nobody watches football anymore.
After they stab their TVs they don't
>claiming BRICS is relevant
t. Hans Liu Zhang
Anon they literally border venezu*la
Least retarded chi
i love their women and their steaks but they have something called 'fernet; which is fucking awful and a satanic abomination
its like alcoholic mentol, tastes like garbage
It's Italian.
it's shit but you learn to like it. also if it tasted like menthol you had the mint version, the classic is even worse (better)
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>But we do think on them. It's mostly envy.
Why? Your economy beats them out by a fucking mile, there’s no opportunities there. And if the US gets around to declaring an ground operation against the cartels, which is looking increasingly likely, then you’ll beat them out by a light year.

Give it a couple more decades and Monterrey will probably mirror Shenzhen.
argentina is safe, their people are attractive, despite the memes they eat better than us, theyre less poor than us, they always beat us at sports etc even after some 20+ years of economic autism. all they need is a good government and theyd leave us in the dust (if we arent already)
you're next on Israel list
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>all they need is a good government and theyd leave us in the dust
I'd honestly expect that to happen to Mexiland sooner than Argentina. Though, I'm mostly referring to El Norte being in the up and up. Which could even break away if Mexico City got in the way of American-El Norte manufacturing

Can’t say much about central Mexico, and I'd expect shithole states like Chiapas to always be poor. No offense if you’re from there :P
I'm chicano and I had an Argentine friend once before
>Give it a couple more decades and Monterrey will probably mirror Shenzhen.
soon fellow regios, vgh
milei will fix their economy and then they will laugh at us for eternity
mexico just voted in a literal communist with unlimited power, nafta isn't gonna get better for us anytime soon (especially if trump wins)
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>mexico just voted in a literal communist with unlimited power
Your commie president will be pressured to step in line. Both Americans politicians, especially Texan, and Mexicans from the north would protest hard
>nafta isn't gonna get better for us anytime soon (especially if trump wins)
Not true
yes true, amlo already conceded to trump, only reason factories arent leaving is because it's still cheaper to do stuff here, but sheinbaum could change that
>Mexicans from the north would protest hard
The old stock has been demographically suppressed really hard by mass migration from the south and center, leftoid candidates have a good chance at winning their elections here (and sometimes do so, as seen earlier this month), which would have been unthinkable even 20 years ago.

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