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Dua Lipa edition
britain: Walkers
USA: Lays
Australia: ???
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Kill all officeworkers
The AI thinks I have cavities or something so you probably do too
But thas not.why I'm doing it
I'm doing it for.the fluoride brain reasons
Aren't your teeth totally rotten?
society is a zoo and we all have zoochosis
we're not supposed to live this way
Is this another: source: me I want it to be true and it's what I think
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White women are so fucking over
I believe its Lays everywhere apart from Britain
do yous have McCoys?
rubbish face
>the nerveson the top of my teeth are showing (honestly dont mind it and every breath feels like eating icecream)

Dunno what that means pal
just paid 150 quid to suck a brazillian girls willy
Her thigh is stretched over her hipbones line a snare drum
you couldve just paid me 100
Bad taste
Yeah because you're a fucking retard and grt opinions of people from over the internet and beg for it to be true
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lol. This made me kek out loud
could’ve bought a lot of orange peel and flouride for that. fucked it didn’t you
I’ll beat on your mum like a spare drum
That's no way to talk to someone Toby, you should know better than that
Fuck off harasser
And get a life
I suggest you consult a psychiatrist before you go through with this
Just said 'I love you' out loud just to see what it was like
why aren't we arresting all women? seriously have we gone insane
hmm interesting
I'm not sure if God was actually sending me messages now but I was convinced it was real at the time (he showed me myself getting stabbed and I thought it was a prophesy that I was going to die so I'd get paranoid as fuck thinking "THIS IS IT! THIS IS THE STABBING MOMENT" but it never happened.)
I don't think I believe it anymore but I don't want God to get pissed off at me. I'm terrified of God desu.
fuck, wish I could ask you about your experiences and stuff but I need to go to bed now. I'm fascinated by people's psychotic experiences. There's often truth in there somewhere.
what is this all the blokes she's shagged?
I can't even bring myself to say it
Perry the platypus hyper inflation cumflationator
>paying another 150 for a shrink to tell me it's normal
it's too late for me friend, I only hope my tale may serve as a lesson to others
you're supposed to yell it into a cave so that it echoes back to you. if a cave isn't available your mums cunt will do
Not really

Also iphone goy detected
am i meant to react to anything beyond nice drums and horrible flesh noises?
mad how all the candidates in the upcoming election are expect to have an opinion on not one but two foreign conflicts over which they will have zero influence
twerking my arse under the guise of exercise
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gnotdims (good night off to die in my sleep)
American pistols look like Lego models
currently scrolling through high school classmate's and former friend's instas
not good for the mental elves but it seems I've won.
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The so called tinder profile rank Bank
mad how you've never seen a white or asian person irl
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Bet you feel dumb now huh
Corona beer is attempting to rebrand themselves in fear that the coronavirus tarnished their name forever
Remember leafy?
Everything has to be simplified for retarded mutts over there
That looks cool I guess
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We posting our guns?

This is technically a pistol
Both are awful. Both are just trash women trying to be something theyre not.

A few gems actually in the image but what its depicting overall is trash
ahhh, the good old days when I could bully children on the internet .
Mad how yanks can just freely own guns
Jealous x
>2016 was 8 years ago
oh god..... fuck.
Oh to be 14 again.
Even with the stock out?
You could apply for a shotgun certificate today, but you won't.
No chance I'd even be eligible
You mean free to shoot innocent people and cause accidents daily.
He's buying safety gear :D
Steel toe boots to burn plastics and not a mask but he is protecting his feets still :3
We support Israel.
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>you mean yo shoot people and cause accidents! How could you leb dis habben!?
it was 19 for I lad

personally I view it as the beginning of the end
apparently others view it as an amazing year

there are many perspectives it seems
Well i do personally.
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Male sulfuric acid from oxalic acid
dont think so, what are those
>apparently others view it as an amazing year
Mental how when youre 14 you just see everything as one big joke and dont give a shit about anything
What'd a good source of fluoride
i was miserable when i was 14
20 years later and i've never been happier
>Scotland voted no for something? And?
>Oh, Brexit happened? Splendid
>Trump sounds like a funny name.
Fluoride is a weak base
try adding poo
holy shit i shouldnt have looked at their social media theyre all successful and happy and have fun out with friends and im here yet again
The weak base with a strong acid (absorbic)
Makes the weak vase go into water
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and you're not even wanted here, mad
Remember going from 2017 feeling tolerant of the "orange man bad" stuff to 2018 and jumping on the anti-SJW bandwagon
Every time I make pasta (every day) I throw like a gram of salt on the floor and ice noticed that my feet get sweaty less in bed
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pic rel david tenants son who he is trooning out for celebrity kudos
im a valued member of r/casualuk
David Tennant??
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remember asking

oh wait, I don't
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he is a nonce
A strong acid and stronger acid
Makes thr strong acid dissolve as water
why is heathermong so obsessed with david tennant's kids
Got the Nikon ready for the school run
Yet another childhood idol ruined.

Reminder that almost every famous person you ever looked up to growing up will die within your lifetime. All of them.
Atleast i can look forward to that.
Absorbic acid is a weak acid
*news reporter voice*
they're calling him the good derek chauvin
For what it's worth Matt Smith is a massive rorke
>For what it's worth Matt Smith is a massive rorke
Its funny that. All the people you thought were weird or noncey were actually decent and all the people you looked up to were nonces.

Mental in fact.
Clueless white guy attempts to understand sexuality more complex than a checkered flagpole. More at 11
>Matt Smith is a massive rorke
he told off sue perkins (an actual lesbian) for misgendering some hetero 'non binary' actress and forced her to make a grovelling apology
The forbidden orange juice in toothpaste and orange juice mix
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10 year olds don't have a sexuality, they're children you sick nonce
nigga's wall looks like melted carpet
Apparently if you smoke that shit you can get high. It's called jailhouse LSD.
Crazu how there's an entire political side that isn't allowed, sort of like in nazi Germany
It's good to know heathermongseether is infact a nonce
Another reason to hate your guts.
trans women voices need to be heard more than cis women because at the end of the day trans women are men and men know best
Yeah, that is well rorkeish tbf, put the bitch in her place
misgendering enby folx is not a right wing position <3
He's attended Tory private parties and has also spoken out against "trigger warnings"
I hate the way these retards talk so much
why is it always women as well?
Right thanks for this information. I need all of the facts about what it's supposed to do and the side effects and taste
I sort of know how LSD works like with ergotamine and now I know why it would do that- by cleaving a part off of the chemical. Or ghsg others have the part not cleaved off to make it inactive
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Based Mousey.
I got that information from King Cobra JFS btw so take it with a bucket of salt.
He said the blue stripe in toothpaste is the flouride and if you combine it with orange juice and smoke it and it makes you trip out, or something to that effect.
Phoar *explodes and burns my face off*
australia is an anglo paradise
Doctor Nonce
>man supports a men's rights movement
stunning and brave
It is illegal to post this
The blue stripe part is something off of quora. I think it should work by suckijg on the peel - LSD is put on to the tounge so it should work if it is that
Link the cobra video desu? Surprised he didn't try to incorporate this into his mead
never realized how noncey his hair is
David Tennant was a shit Doctor
Eccleston was better
Decent bloke too, called out abuse at the BBC, RTD and his ilk got him blacklisted for it
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the lesser spotted super autist (American variety)
a .22 could never produce enough power to do something like that to you
David Tennant is one of those scottish phenotypes thats either a good person or a nonce posing as a good person.
feel like smoking weird combination of anything will make you "trip" (read: get brain damage from inhaling toxic fumes)
It's in the first 20 or so minutes of this documentary
ah, a fellow gothic bad boy enjoyer I see. Patrician.
Still a bit stewpid to not just load it into th3 back
"Ergometrine is regulated because it can be used to make lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).[7]"
This by the way

And it is contraviened by grapefruits
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Hes right about that lmao
Grapefruits increase the metabolism of opiates. Used to always drink grapefruit juice before getting high.
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>Doctor Who is a show for gay people
>only gay people tune in to watch it
>ratings plummet
Yeah don't do that m8 that will make you hyperglycemic and slow the breakdown of the drug, and would easily be fatal with codeine
used to be a complete misogynist but now i've done a complete 180 and hate men more than women
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Chat GPT helping me plan the revolution
normies pay to stream music when its free on youtube or over radiowaves
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Yes see ergotamine is LSD with H2O added (a H and OH hydroxyl group), or rather the hydroxyl group cleaved off and the nitrogen reduced
So if orange juice absorbic acid can reduce NH (oxalic acid also adds NH!) then it could be useful in some of the home made penicillins or beta lactamase antibiotics by cleaving off the H from an N and making the N+. See pic and: https://patents.google.com/patent/KR840000768B1 for histadine with N+ in Pic
nah don't be silly it's literally impossible to OD on codeine
Your body can only metabolise 400mg per day, which is only equivalent to 40mg of morphine or 20mg of heroin.
I'm an expert on opiates fr, no joke
>it's literally impossible to OD on codeine
you can OD on WATER
And opiates also inhibit insulin
And grapefruits have a lot of sugar
You know that what you said isn't true also
tipping culture is more of a cultural institution at this point and should be preserved the way european countries preseve their culture and stuff. You wouldnt walk into the Louvre and start smashing up statues, would you?
The fruit flies have found the mould and they started eating it or something, and the mould- usually grayish in some places- is pure white and fluffy. I'm using sat fat (butter) and eggs
Japanese women becoming Muslim and marrying Muslim men, maybe Islam will save their birth rates.
a muslim marxist mexican coming into the british thread to talk about the japanese
And I think thr mould is probably candidas. The color and appearance is the state it's in or type of the specimen
And because it'd white it is albicans candida
It's pretty harmless mould
If ot was possible to get high on more than 400mg of codeine, trust me - I would know by now. I have tried. It does not work past 400mg.
Over my life, I've taken tens of thousands of mg of codeine. I've even taken thousands of milligrams of fentanyl in total.
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but leftypol and spainnonce were saying Farage was FINISHED because of this Russia stuff?
I'm also really glad and extremely grateful for you having not spoon fed me the info about orange peels and toothpaste, vecuzse I've learned so much by looking, but I'm also glad anon has just told me and BLOWN THIS CASE WIDE OPEN
I have autism don't I

It would explain so much
we've been posting in the british thread on 4chan for years theres something seriously wrong with us
so jailhouse LSD is actually real?
Ima try it. The gothic special; computer duster, tooth paste and orange peels.
I wouldn't
Fluoride will be on it. Just buy LSD or something. Do it better than how they do it. Or do it and don't eat it
How much faith can you possibly have in something called 'jailhouse LSD'
today is the greatest day i've ever known
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Als9, computer duster sometimes contains nitrous. Mayne less commonly they use fluoride as well. Picture unrelated
whats your opinion on huffing computer duster?
Probably causes blood cancer

Oranges also act on the spleen (and pancreas), and you shouldn't put fluoride chemicals near your blood
Can't hurt to have less dust
I feel like fluoride also ducks water out of things
just love drugs
I'm like super hans but autistic and retarded
right back where i started in life, possibly lower
would love to be an extra in a star wars film or show, even if it's modern woke pozzed globohomo star wars
it the weekend for me in a few hours de lads
There are no ergovals in orange peels
I also learned a good use for orange peels
Is that you can boil tjrm and make your house smell nice apparently :)

I have better music taste than literally everyone it just takes people like 15 years for them to figure out what the fuck I'm on about

fuck you /mu/
rubbing orange peel on my balls
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Hey they could cast me as an alien

Wouldn't even need no makeup!
And fluoride is antimicrobiotic
She put the orange peels in a dark place
So maybe it needs sunlight too. The UV lihjt for the polymethoxy flavinoid
Australia >.<
And he ate like 9 oranges
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Finally a good post.
North Vietnam is the only country to have sunk a U.S carrier since the end of World War 2
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*strums a few chords*
*crowd roars with applause*
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So cute
Wish you'd be "extra" quiet
Did you know that two or more hudrogens together share electrons? O.O
Theres a football club in the Indian second division called Churchill Brothers
I've done a 190
Mr. Muscle oven cleaner contains limolene BTW
On the old ritalin
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desu it's already starting to fade because everyone's too poor to tip nowadays and they just get food delivered rather than eat out so there's less pressure to do so
Why not mix anti migraine medication with toothpaste in absorbic acid
Limolene's in a lot of things
I'm a little impressed that mouse schizo seemingly never runs out of insane shit to babble on about
GOOD post
Yeah it kind of socks
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Hydrogen fluoride pastiche container, boil, funnel it into a regular mug
And then coat the mug in a membrane that'll wear out over time. Now you get fluoride doses
Sometimes they can be quite pretty, just saying.
there are millions of indians who wont use toilets because they think 'toilet witches' steal the poo
Basically 5AM so it's time to spam fake rap lyrics
Fitness guys always have so many wrinkles. They need orange juice and peels
For the antioxidant effect against carbon dioxide from the muscles to protect the collagen from oxidative stress
Ghana - Hearts of Oak and Heart of Lion FC
Are oranges the best
Remindet that if I had meth ADHD medications then I would be quieter
Except that one day when I spammed about lasers but thst eas a random interest and I didn't spam about chemistry or medicine
Looking for some good love songs to inflict torturous pain on incels with
Blackcurrant is the best. Orange peel is really good for you and I am going to start eating some like my grandad did
Because he's strong and has nice skin. I also like to sunbathe
And raisins contain the most amount of fluoride
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I'm taking girlfriendberg's ritalin right now to get me though this all-nighter
Feels good haha, don"/t feel tired ar all
Skibity, skibity
Blippy in Californii
Blippy carried on me
Toilet Ohio Scooby
I see white boy with glasses and sneakers it's like brain reset to factory default mode lol
is this one of those black american memes i just won't get?
I am not a black no lol.
I have no idea what either of these posts mean.
manlets vs baldies, the war for the bottom
ol ahh nqa
Skibity skibitity
Scatman rizz Joe Biden
Skibity rizzy skibby
Ohio fauntum tax
what the rorke?!
How did William get SO fucking bald
Charles isn't that much of a slaphead and he's 75
Another 2 plates of ash from 50g of tobacco stored
Based arsenic
ash has no use
>mixing beef and chicken
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>ayame starbuck ʕ ◕ᴥ◕ ʔ
I will become a man in the following weeks
Same lad
I can feel my masculinity swelling
Do you get off on going on thr internet and telling lies or something?
You idiot
Ash is great
whats with these homies dissin my girl?
it's funny you can tell when mousey is medicated because he's slightly more coherent
Wigger thread
Dunno but look at Diana's dad's fucking head, jesus wept
I'm evil inside so I need to cause mischief
Tranny or having sex? Or stabbing someone to death?
mumstein bought a new dishwasher, hate dishwashers me, they never do as good of a job as by hand and they leave everything with that weird dishwasher smell
Why don't you have ADHD meds?
Chicken wing chicken wing
Hot dog and baloney
Chicken and macaroni
Chilling with my homie
love that smell
Dadberg finally said 'I can't take it anymore' and booked a flight to another province

We don't know if it means divorce or when we'll find out what it means

Mom is sick and kind of old and I'm gonna have to hold this down until further notice
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this is my life today
>Dadberg finally said 'I can't take it anymore' and booked a flight to another province
Men should not be beautiful past the age of 27
That's when you're supposed to become ugly and wise
you must have a terrible one, mine is great and has no weird smelly residue
Wow she is literally aj anime girl
God white people are beautiful
What are you zooming in on
no because i've used numerous dishwashers throughout my life and they all do it
If you want to make a girl happy say that you remind her of princess diana regardless of how strange and roundabout it is
Biz idea: Every time a Prime Minister leaves office, there should be a nationally televised roast
Half of everyone's faces who are posted
How old are you lad?
before or after the crash?
This picture he looked sad and happy at the same time because of the mouth
His face was conflicting and the emotion was confusing, probably inte tonal
Thank you for your service mousechad
the matrix resurrections is such an awful film, why did they make neo a game developer of all things
i'm expected to believe 50 year old trinity plays video games on a whim?
I'm 26 years old but it's not my fault just like everybody else

Mixup with SSRIs ruined me and left me in a state that made going outside in general extremely difficult and work just prohibitive

I don't really get out much lad
Someone’s stealing all the poo out of the ladies’ restroom.
Never seen it despite being a big Matrix fan
Is it on the same level as Reloaded/Revolution? They weren't great but I still enjoyed them
Right arm of the forbidden one
The best feature to have be erroneous in inbreeding humans is the nose, because you can have nose surgery. Then it's the eyes
SSRIs can be tricky - you off them now? I went cold turkey off mine and that was not a good idea but I think I'm better off now that the long-term withdrawal stmptoms are fading
What's the worst feature to have poor genetics in
had an interest in astronomy as a kid and mumstein bought me a telescope but it was a shitty one and hard to use so it put me right off it, now i've got a good telescope and my interest is renewed
moral of the story: if you buy a telescope make sure to buy a good one
So fluoride removes
H2O. In ergotamine it is CH2O. Then when orange peels dry, the water goes away (and fluoride also dissolves in water at this pH - or lemon extract takes fluoride out of water at this pH)
Anything skeletal - jaw, cheekbones, frame, height
They can (mostly) be improved but require very invasive surgery and/or early hormonal intervention
Oh yeah the problem was that I went off them and that it basically wrecked me

Here's 3kliksphilip's gf that had a similar experience
What I went through was like 10% as bad as her but it still managed to completely ruin my life

you know how the star wars sequels made the prequels look amazing by comparison after years of fans bashing them? that's pretty much what happened there
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you're all freaks
The middle between the nose and mouth
Either on the gums there or lips
Not including things like spina bifida
barring any horrible inherited condition i'd say height. practically impossible to correct
sometimes i drink my cola but then no burps come out and then my tummy feels funny :\
i blame the woke mob
I'm a pretty spiritual type of person and I feel like LSD has or is talking or talked to me saying that I should not
it's weird to me how the man in the moon myth originated in the northern hemisphere because if anything the moon looks more like it has a face in it down here
blimey she looks rough
I could save her
This is an unverifiable drug-scare story dating to the 1960s of a hippie babysitter girl putting a baby in the oven and a turkey in the bassinet. It has been debunked[2] by Snopes.com. T
it's not really a woke film, just a pure cash grab, they even made a meta joke about neo being forced by the company he works for to make a sequel to a game he made decades ago, their self-awareness doesn't excuse the fact that they made a shit film though
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Why'd they do it
/int/ is about 1.4 million posts behind /tv/.
got mindbroken by a dominatrix injecting ketamine into their ballbags
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Left wingers
What became of her on the left?
fhey were unironic incels who got rich then started spending their money on dominatrixes and getting deep involved in the bdsm scene
1.487m by my calculations, i personally would've rounded up to 1.5m but you do you
Presume she finished her A-level and went to uni
Winona Ryder’s hot swinging boobers
khazar milkers
Love tits but unfortunately there's not much you can do with them

Rather like a plume of candle smoke, breasts are at their best when you simply observe their natural motion and don't interefere too much
Couldn't be bothered to check for precision's sake.
Something smells like facking mould
wonder what /b/ is like these days, it was a cesspit when i left 12 years ago, i daren't look
Go on, have a peek
I thought the tallest ome was 10 like barron trump
It almost has 1 billion posts.
Look at this gypsy trash

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