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pyaari waves edition~
Good to see afghands and Pakis fighting each other
Ye kon pyaari hai?
meri hone wali biwi~
what are the chances of an india vs afghanistan final ?
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saffers are the definition of chokers, so pretty high
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your reaction when chink ayaka flopped?
i wish to by 1500sqft vacant plot in south delhi
what could be the price
time for a /paki/ general to keep retarded schizos at bay
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why is this?
you tell
left is a indian zainichi
what's the appeal of these games? i once found a group of this game and I thought game and it was full of 305 year olds. The gameplay is nothing to brag about.
it's crazy they're practically identical yet hate each other
what's the cause of this?
Wuwa is my first and last gacha game yaara. Haven't played Genshin.
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the non-indian looking ones are afghani immigrants in pakistan. The one you posted is an afghani pashtun as well.
Surah 47:4, “So, when you meet (in fight with) those who disbelieve, strike at their necks till you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (and take them as captives). After the war lays down its burden, then either show generosity (free them without ransom), or ransom (to benefit Islam). But (Allah adapted this way) in order to test some of you with others. Those who are killed in the way of Allah, Allah will never let their deeds be lost.”

Surah 9:5, “When the forbidden (4) months of Islamic calendar have passed, then fight the polytheistic wherever you find them, capture them, besiege them, and prepare for them each, and every ambush. But if they repent, offer prayers perfectly, and give obligatory charity, then leave their way free. Surely Allah is forgiving merciful.”

Surah 9:29, “ Fight against those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the last day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and Allah's messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of truth (Islam) among the people who were given the scriptures, until they pay the security tax willingly, and feel themselves subdued.”

Surah 2:216, “Fighting (in Allah's cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it. It may be that you dislike a thing and it is good for you, and it may be that you like a thing and it us bad for you. Allah knows, but you do not know.”
Islamic mental infection.
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Washrooms in my office.
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zzz soon
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Just remembered gazillion dead palishitian kids
Just remembered Islam is the fastest growing religion worldwide
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He aditi maana kabhi-kabhi sare jahan mein andhera hota hai
Lekin raat ke baad hi to savera hota hai~
this and it's a good thing unironically, and i say this as a kattar hindu
dinduism is a meme religion now
our ancestors would be ashamed to see what our people have turned hinduism into: a mix of idol worship with bollywood and cricket, no real devotion to the faith, no real religious practices
seeing retards spit paan on that newly built temple told me everything about this neo-dinduism
it's just a scam for low iq people so that the high iq people can profit off temple donations
fuck off dalit
Now make one for gobarnas who benefit from like ten different reservation schemes but still cry about the one reservation scheme that they cannot leech off from.
go back to bharatchan
it must be pretty exhausting for you ro find a safespace since you have turned yourself and this country into a giant joke on the global stage
yeah literally all the big banks give loans exclusively to upper caste faggots who run away from the country
i am not a dalit
i am muslim
i can literally smell the smelly pedocellah ITT
but don't dare point it out because it destroys the gobarna narrative of them being oppressed and shieeeee
they are just losers who failed their meme exams and have to blame the lower castes and dalits instead of telling their parents to stop forcing them to studycel
even the recent NEET scam was done by upper caste people.
all major scams in this country are done by upper caste people.
jio was a mistake
the biggest scam done by my ancestors was to let these subhumans live and reproduce like the k2as they are
That's the gimmick about Indians, especially the high castes.
They just don't see India as their home, or Indians as their people AT ALL.
To them, this country is just a temporary home until they find a suitable country to run off to and anchor.
There's a reason why they kept this country undeveloped for nearly seven decades after independence and kept the lower castes, dalits, muslims uneducated and poor.
Why bother going through all of that when the end goal is to simply move to the west and be a good sepoy for the very people who destroyed our country?
it hardly surprises me anymore because all upper castes literally care about is emigrating to the west, so they do anything in their power to leave
Ordered two classical Buddhist books (Dhammapada, Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamakakarika) and one Dalit book (Ambedkar's Buddha and his Dhamma)
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>wake up
>be chamar
why dont dalits just stfu
literally every one feel disgusted by them
Listened to this Dhammapada audiobook too. Its great

triggered much ?
and the coping begins
noticing how they do not have any argument since even they know what i said was true
gobarnas are so pathetic
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Calm down Dalit bro. All Indians are Dalits in disguise.
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low iq jatts
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They have never read Guru Gobind Singh. Fake Sikhs.

make one for "jatt" sikh
Guru Gobind Singh mentions Yogis being taught Yoga by Bagwati. And SGPC retards say Yoga is not part of Sikh Maryada. Its such a sad state that corrupt organisations like SGPC holds authority over Sikhs nowadays.
What GPU are you currently running? And when did you last upgrade?
intel processor integrated
Most ethnic conflicts in the world are between people who look phenotypically similar
Its not even an ethnic conflict. its religious conflict.
sikhism is not even a real religion.
when hindu Khatris saw their brothers being killed women being raped in afghanistan and punjab they questioned the brahmin priests why don't they preach violence like the muslim maulanas do ? The Brahmin priests replies that it doesn't matter because Islam will fade away by itself within 2 centuries. But the khatris weren't satisfied with this answer so they created a sect where the priests preach violence. Now they converted low IQ Jatts to their sect as well, these were the same jatts who didn't cared before when the afghans and turks were massacring their people.
Nowadays these same low IQ jatts propound sikhism as a totally independent ideology. In reality the arya samajists, ISKCON, lingayats etc are more philosophically different than the mainstream hinduism than this temporary sect called sikhism. The high IQ khatris are leaving sikhism rapidly because it serves no purpose in modern era.
Ka2wa madarchod
>What GPU are you currently running?
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Mobile
>And when did you last upgrade?
i have a gayming laptop pyaare
i can't upgrade
Its main goal was to end Brahminism. As only Brahmins were allowed to learn Sanskrit and read Vedas and Puranas and non Brahmins were left ignorant and without philosophy they were just stuck with Rituals. First Guru Nanak aligned himself with the Samt Mat of Kabir Das, a newer more liberal philosophical movement free from Brahmin's regulations, which led to the creation of Adi Granth. Later Guru Gabind Singh sent some of his followers to Kashi disguised as Brahmins so they can learn Vedas and Puranas. From that he wrote down his interpretation of whatever important things were learnt into the common language of lay people, which were then compiled into Dasam Granth. Basically making the things from those brahmin regulated texts available to lay non brahmins
Based if true. Violence is the supreme authority.
Yeah. Therefore Guru Gobind rejected Soy Vaishnavism and took things from Shakt Puranas, which has things like animal sacrifices and talks about Wars and stuff. Animal Sacrifice is still performed on Holi in the Gurudwaras which don't come under SGPC's control. A major one is Hazur Sahib.
imagine the smell
rtx 3060
Nobody is answering the second part of my question. How often do you guys upgrade your PC?
once it dies
bought my first PC in 2009, worked till 2019
second (laptop) in 2015 still functional
third laptop in 2022 using it right now
congress is already preparing for maratha elections
Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy grants Rs 2 lakh loan waiver to state farmers
i have rx 6700 xt that i built about a year ago, and it sucks
i dont even use my pc anymore since it doesnt even play gta 5 on lowest settings properly
textures dont load, objects in the overworld dont load, frames start hanging sometimes
really off putting
i prefer playing games on my switch and phone much more than on my pc
i have already decided to buy a playstation 5 for gta 6 and dokev
i feel like the guy who built the pc for me scammed me, but i dont want to think like that, so i will just forget gaming on pc forever
I do the same with laptops. My pc though is still fine, but with a 1660, I think I need to upgrade.
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State Congress unit president Nana Patole demanded the Shiv Sena-BJP government declare a loan waiver for farmers along the lines of Telangana in the legislature session beginning in Mumbai on June 27.
I just play Skyrim and morrowind. They work fine on my 2017 bought laptop.
yeah, my luck with electronic devices is just terrible
bought a microsoft surface pro years ago and everyone thought it was cool, and suddenly it got display flicker just a few months in after purchase
bought a new phone this year, and with just a little slip it drops and breaks its display
had to put out 7000 to get that fixed
my switch is the only device that has stuck with me without any issues for more than 8 years now
that's why i am just going to stick to consoles now
Just GTA V or other games too?
i havent tested other games
but gta 5 is the only one i want to play
i dont care anymore though, i dont like pc gaming anymore
playstation 5 will stick around for like the next 10-15 years, seeing how people still play gta 5 in 2024
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>it was always an anti-brahminical patriarchy religion sistaars
fuck off ambedkarite jatt
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>we are bengali tier women worshippers saar
lmao how is your mtf transition going ?
PlayStation 5 is nearing the end of it's life cycle. So is switch, the only good alternative to PC gaming. If I were you, I'd get whatever new console Nintendo makes as a successor to Switch and, if you're willing to burn your fingers again with PC gaming again, a steam deck. Imo, switch games are way too expensive, so is playstation games for that matter. Even if PCs are more expensive to build, in the long run it's cheaper; assuming of course, you play a lot of games like me beyond GTA and other normalfag shit.
nah, i only plan to play gta 6 and dokev
ps5 will be enough to last a decade
i dont ever want to get into pc gaming
for switch, i will decide whether to buy the newer version if the exclusives are good
i loved botw, mario odyssey and kirby and the forgotten land, but most of the switch games just feel too short or incomplete (aside from botw of course)
mujhe pyaari chahiye yaaro ;_;
mujhe toh sirf mobile gacha games aur doom khelna pasand hai
This nigga spending money on jpeg lmao. Most of those weeb crap is for mobiles anyway.
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>this is the guy calling you a subhuman dalit
m1 macbook or whatever runs games like call of duty 2 and iw4x so im not complaining
>1 month experience
>This nigga spending money on jpeg lmao
i am f2p pyaare
i dont spend any money on microtransactions or buying games
mogs me ;_;
Who made this meme? It uses progressive language but against Ambedkarites, who I have never seen them go against.
>Who made this meme
fully automated
type anything you want https://glif.app/glifs
No I mean who wrote it out. You? It's like a left wing meme mocking left wing thing.
>lay gta 5 on lowest settings properly
Is the video card that bad? I don't know the ongoing trends in the market because last time I built a pc it was in 2015 (mainly for gta V)
Check your cpu temps once maybe
kekaroo of course they have to make ai memes since they dont have brains of their own
>No I mean who wrote it out
the AI did, sir
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gtfo with your glowhole chamar
>15 underage redditfugee neetfag studycels are responsible for flooding this site and shitting up the boards
that's all it takes to ruin the reputation
"Bombay HC upholds Mumbai college's hijab ban, dismisses Muslim students' petition"
why ban hijab to enrage muslims ? why give them a reason to feel threatened about losing their religion ? banning hijabs will only make them more conservative
chup madarchod
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nope it was just me
complete ban is fine but partial ban would do more harm.
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The Indian Elliot Rodger will be born when a BTechtard goes for placement only to find that all companies are only hiring foids for globohomo diversity requirements. Having a penis automatically disqualifies you from getting more than 10LPA salary. TFD.
the ban is also on burka
majority of Indian Moslems wear burka a full black tent covering hiding face

practically ind govt shoud ask Moslems to wear hijab instead of burka in public spaces which is big security thread
"Telangana: The Cyberabad police arrested two robbers who tried to loot a jewellery shop in Medchal while wearing burqas, after conducting a recce of 10 jewellery shops in Hyderabad."
Do a one for marathas
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Western investors & corporates push this women representation everywhere
Enough AIslop. Everyone, post your top 5 anime.
Muzzoids running to comment how RSS is terrible under every patriotism reel
Dexter's laboratory
Courage the cowardly dog
oil money at work

japslop isn't any better
i dont watch anime
i only read manga
You really think Pakis are only hate by hindus and vice versa? Retard. Pakis being hated has nothing to do with islam. Its because pakis are dalits + Muslim
Johnny Bravo
The Flintstones
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Keep promoting lower castes into positions of power and this happenes.
Reservations needs to be removed as its not real meritocracy. Saying this as an OBC person from Kerala.
Lets be real, some gotras are incapable to be competent people and no amount of ""progressiveness" can save them
i will report this to bhim army and have you arrested.
delete this immediately
Literally a western funded group to divide Hindu vote shares
It came at the time of 2019
>schizo propaganda
back to chodi
I never use reddit, muzzie, why dont you go back
tell your rubbish women to take responsibilities of women instead of taking up half the seats in college and job market, gobarna cuck
it is not surprising to see you cry like this on an anonymous forum since you have no balls to keep your woke garbage women in check and have to resort to seething about muslims because muslims keep their women in check
>the chamar is the one crying about women getting affirmative action
pot, kettle
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love seeing gobar-gaumutra nationalists cry like this everyday
these sepoys deserve all the humiliation they can get since they have already turned india into a pseudo colony of the west instead of taking inspiration from china and becoming self reliant, and have decided their new religion is to worship white colonizers instead of hindu gods
india cant even create their own systems and their own alternatives to popular sites like youtube or twitter
now be a good little pathetic punching bag to the entire world lmao topkeke
gobarna has to bitch like this because even his women steal job seats from him aside from fucking abdool and mohmad on the side
pathetic unmanly cuck, bet all gobarnas are hijras
^dalit subhuman scum
Why do you dalit subhumans hide behind everyone from k2as to niggers?
do not entertain the newfag dalit r/librandu refugee
ambani saahab reached his village last week, and he's new to the internet
would let him rim my asshole while getting jerked off by the qt next to him
china developed because of werstern capital and stealing ip from West
all dalits are faggots
Dude you are cringe as fuck. especially when you post outside of general.
seething gobarna
it must be embarassing to be humiliated on global stage by literally everyone lol
yeah they're definetly not laughing at (you) too lol.

>saar pleej saar im not like the rest of them im one of the GOOD ones saar

and you accuse everyone else of sucking up to whites, lol
Great. Atleast they will not breed
why do you think i care? lol
i love seeing your pathetic kind crying everyday because you have to actually live outside india and be a good sepoy to your whytemasta
i will live my comfy life here in my india
teri ma ka rape kar dunga bhangi
bhag ja idhar se
stop replying to literal untouchables, retards
keep seething gobarna
love how linduism is now synonymous with gobar and gaumutra
so much for le lindu rashtra and muh akhand braphat
go cry some more about rayseesum
Dalits have always been weak willed throughout history, the new cope that they were muh orginal Indians is a thorough lie.
They are banished to dalit untouchable status because of their incapability to grasp spirituality and act less impulsively.

No one is orginal inhabitants to India, the island broke off from africa to merge into asia
he's a christian
that is still converted filth
you cannot "convert" your untouchable genes
brahmemes have contributed nothing to this country besides chanting gibberish in temples and playing with gobar
^dalit tier bait
all scientific/historical/cultural contributions to India have been by brahmans and other upper castes.
>pseudo colony
don't talk nonsense read news

Russia is preparing for a visit by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which is expected to take place in July Reuters reported, citing, Russian state news agency RIA, on June 25.
brahmemes making up lies
a tale as old as time
playing with gobar is the biggest achievement of brahmemes keke
funny because dalits were the ones who used to pick up human gobar with hands
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Sikhs were only 1% of Punjab, they just nerfed the entire north west South Asia, Sikh Empire at one point was equal to Afghanista in size.

Also i dont think Pakistan Punjab is actually Punjab, sure they speak Punjabi, but that was done by the conquering Punjabis from Indian side.
Lehnda Punjabi is a mix of potohar, rajput, multani, saraiki, kashmiri, mirpuris and its a hodge podge of people that spoke Punjabi, none of them are ethnically Punjabi, namsayin?
cool story nerd
If UP and bihar are excluded, india will probably be an upper middle income country with hdi 0.7 atleast
UP needs to be divided more, 200 million people in one state is just too much responsibility. Each parts of UP is just too much different anyway.
stop being a bore
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Haplogroup obsession is something done by white people.
I'm 29
I'm tired of studying
I need a job
fuck me
Because their women keep getting racemixed
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just met a couple of your people
I thought you fags are skinny like on youtube
they both kinda big, with thick but short facial hair, darker skin then me, and about the same height (I'm 178), maybe south indian?

before that I met an older guy too while ordering food
picrel, can't blame him. it looks like the slop you have back home
seems to be muslim since I point out it have beef/cow and still order it
speaks little to no indonesian, I help him order in english. rushed out before I can talk to him

so I met 4 pajeets in a weeks, the question remain
wtf are you doing here?
dunno my man reversed poland
I suppose one reason i would visit indonausea is to bang discount Japanese whores for cheap because weaker currency.
Then again we have our own kind of discount Japanese whores in our own country and in Nepal too which is more accessible but I think half the fun is doing it far away from home.
mujhe chut chahiye yaaro ;_;
The entire world is our lebensraum.
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i hope no other indian is awake right now, but i will say it anyway
these loser gobar-gaumutra nationalist indians came here after they got banned on reddit
their incel subreddit was taken down, and so they decided to migrate here to chimp about muslims, low castes and dalits and drove away almost all the good posters who used to post in /desi/
now, it is /bharat/, and every single day, these underaged redditfugees do nothing besides seething and talking obsessively about the same few topics
they even have discord servers, telegram channels and whatsapp groups for coordinating and planning
they basically use these to decide which boards and threads to raid, which anons to ban (they also have an ultra nationalist trannyjanny in their gang who lives in germany), and they are also behind most of the blacked spam all over this site
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>they are also behind most of the blacked spam all over this site
Itni projection to mera 4k projector bhi nahi karta~
Hope this pyaara lungi and his bangali discord buddy get the help they need.
That pic literally shows a server with the romanian russian gore poster, incellah and a bunch of others coordinating indian gore spam lmao.
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Is this the fabled incellah?
That server has nothing to do with my post that you just copy pasted gobarna brahkek.
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>s-stop exposing us!
>almost all the good posters who used to post in /desi/
/desi/ was fucking dead all the time.
bhag randi ke bacche Mohit tere maa ki chut
the pic you posted is from bangladeshi incellah discord who spam anti Indian content here
atleast read the content before posting
you lying newfag k2a loser trying to gatekeep people here
fuckoff to r/liberandu reddit safe space & whine about muh fascism democracy in danger
do you think low IQ dumb retard care reading the content of screenshot
he is libarandu reddit refugee
Mujhse shaadi karogi?~
Why are pakis acting like they are the ones trying to distance from us? Nigga nobody wants a paki to be associated with us. Your an embarrassment to South Asia, to Hindus, to humanity.
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gn pyaaron~
good night I guess

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