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dubstep edition
hate women, me
What do you chaps listen to when you're focusing
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>stares at you
your response?
why? they're cute
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>Rather like a plume of candle smoke, breasts are at their best when you simply observe their natural motion and don't interefere too much
looks like mostly just a bunch of porn
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mad how /brit/ just turns into /schizopol/ during the night. where are you all during the daylight hours?
Zomboy > Zomby
so we're just going to ignore the fact that he's posting the mice?
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Despite accounting for 5.9% of the world's population, the Five Eyes make up 33.4% of the world's GDP.
can get 10 tabs of LSD for $50, seems pretty cheap, what's the catch?
he won.
that post is mindblowing. I love playing with titties
women should be arrested for the crime of being a women and creating this society
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>stares back
finally wore the janny down into submission
does that mean i can say NIGGER now?
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Last time I checked was 2013 during that polish prostitutes thing. It was just tranny porn
Although my friend managed to get in that stream of 100 people who saw that oldfag self immolate
women hate you too
the catch is you don't know the potency and they may be a research chemical and not real acid.

they sell test kits though
What's it called
I'm posting while pooing
Can you explain >>199015856
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posting while jogging really fast
We should just cut out the foreplay and get straight to fucking
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This is an Austrian footballer. His name is Leopold Querfeld. He will play for the Bundesliga side Union Berlin next season.
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good morning lads
Kissing de lads on da lips is a sign of loyalty and trustworthiness
leopold whatfield?
buenos días
Imagine G7 summit but it's just indians
still wouldn't agree on anything
Won't be long
probably one of those shittier chemicals called like 2cb or something like that which has a lot of sides
I did 2cb for the first time on acid so I couldn't differentiate the effects but it was a good time
fucking boris oh my days what an embarrassing cunt
Boris mogged here
what's he like x
biden is shopped in its literally his presidental photo shopped in
not specifically 2cb, one of the other goofy sounding drugs with x and a number in the name
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abhfs uaaaa dtvvv ioooo oncrr
just no reason for this to be a gimmick is there
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I didn't think it possible for one poor little white-cliffed country to take so much state-mandated BBC
Whilst in a German prisoner of war camp in 1941, Alexis Casdagli stitched secret messages in Morse code into a quilt that read ‘God Save the King’ and ‘Fuck Hitler’. The German officers, not realising it held a coded message, put it on display.
Got loads of radio stations too
think ur funny right
Brits calling their news outlet BBC was a mistake. Silly cucked country.
WW2 Officer PoW camps sound like they were a right lark
your existence was a mistake
have heard that there's fake LSD out there but 2cb isn't it, apparently 2cp is in vogue these days
Alri Sabrina
Just cummed on my own cock
ignore non whites in every capacity
do not acknowledge their existence
as long as you were in a western camp it wasn't too bad, russians were basically all brutalised and the russians brutalised the germans
>russians were basically all brutalised and the russians brutalised the germans
Fair play lads fair play
someone yelled “hey nonce” and i looked back
I heard it was the Russian reinforcements who did all the nasty shit in Germany.
Is it NSFW to post poo? I've just layed a filthy log that needs to be seen to be believed.
Looking forward to watching England crash and burn at the first knockout stage vs holland
Sorry, had to flush. My Dad is waiting outside the toilet door.
He had his ear against the door.
i rage
i rage against the powers that be, who have taken it upon themselves to so callously deny us the right to post our poos
i yearn deeply to see yours, old friend, but with such impediments i can only imagine its countenance, its stature, and oh the smell, the smell!
though of course images transport not the aroma direct to one's nostrils, they would give good meat to ponder upon
it is
fuck off
Strongest acid trip of all time was by the guy that discovered it completely by accident
This is a fact

The guy was german and he was like "I saw some magnificent colors"
If my club doesn't announce any new signings today I'm going to fucking kill myself
What sort of club lad
Post tunes
A football club
5-a-side is it? What position you play
I don't play football
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You're a 5-a-side manager?
I'm not a 5-a-side manager
Which club
Can you get into 5-a-side as a shitter who hasn't played footy properly since I was a kid?
Sounds like a good way to socialise and exercise
I don't know where out of "you shouldn't do X because bad things might happen to you" they constantly manage to extract "you're saying that this is moral and legal and a good thing"

They made rape illegal. It's very illegal. People still do it

I'd like to be able to leave my bike anywhere without a lock but despite being illegal to steal a bicycle people still do it
A football club
Which football club
alexa, find other arse anal gooners in my area
It isn't odd
Just get it done lads
Stolen Dog by Burial
Sounds painful
did this about 3 years ago and when I'd completed it I immediately stopped running and never returned lmao
>posting talentless hacks
honestly doubt i could do day 1
Yeah, it's shit
Same except I injured a ligament in my knee on the final run so I had an excuse but I think that excuse might have expired a while ago
Far bastards in their 40s can do week 1
You don't have to go fast
my running form is so fucked bet I look like a right spacker
I cope with medical issues by just not going to the doctor
Skrillex x Flowdan need or keep
i'm very lazy
What is the ugliest sounding language?
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Judging by eyes
Borris looks soulful here
Macron looks decent like he has won a good war
Everyone else look like they're trying to bury their past crimes
God fucking lame I came here for tunes

You guys took literally every opportunity to remind everyone that asked and everyone that didn't what "real dubstep" is for like 10 years. You get given this opportunity and what have you done with it
violent bone breaking seizures triggered by images of mice
Not a fan of Chinese
German sounds like someone put a bunch of coins in a blender and set it to purée.
Do you think the year 2100 will be beyond anything we can conceptualise?
proper humpty dumpty walk he has
Based vedic wisdom
Listen to this shit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVN0oEGAAv4
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You'd never say that to my face
bro is 5'7
they’ve been here from the start
Fucking hell
Surely even if you grew up with that you couldn't ignore its ugliness
even its name sounds ugly
I heard Flemish is a nicer-sounding dialect of Dutch.
me: do your worst
life: okay
The rest of China must make fun of them all the time for it.
female patter
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I will do my best today!!!
it will not be enough
had a great post in my mind but it slipped away.
good night.
marmite on toast for 'kfast
this ain't no disco
this ain't no country club either
any east asian language, thai, filipino, vietnamese, indonisian, the lot really
honorable mention is indian and bangladeshi
Bovril porridge for morning supper
*runs away with the yanks great post under my arm*
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Korean sounds nice imo. Japanese gets on my nerves.
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korean/jap/chinese sound so stilted in a way, no real flow to it imo
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>morning supper
Where did the word 'cockwomble' originate?
What does it even mean?
Jesus wept, what a cunt
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I've been thinking a lot lately
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a bu had fati savoo avon voc or r
Swedish sounds nasally and sing-songy. Don't know how I feel about it.
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According to wiktionary, it's a shitgibbon compound of cock + Womble
Maharashtra language
imageboard not linkboard you tedious cretins
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Coffeeberg has gutstein on the ropes, got no time for a shit though
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square to go like
doing a bsp ( big sloppy poo)
I'd probably be broke if I had to pay for all the media I've consumed
controversial but I like the sound of mandarin
despise most southeast asian languages
morning lads, choons
4chan needs to allow posters to post images from URLs.
you can, dumbass
nasally depends on which region, stockholm and örebro has a really ugly dialect but places like norrland & göteborg have lovely local dialects
No you fucking can’t.
Go to bed
you can't post the anyas
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My face when I see a Tory Twatwaffle on my morning commute.
Know any good Swedish JOIs?
i think the leak under my sink has fixed itself
absolutely abhorrent forehead
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I'm doing it RIGHT NOW you giga-retard
Can guarantee it hasn't
you're probably right but it hasn't leaked overnight
don’t really know what joi means so no
can't wait to meet christopher hitchens downstairs
Except you aren’t. Not without some kind of extension like 4chanx or something.
/brit/ not ChatGPT
normiecattle is a great turn of phrase but it's just the 4chan autist equivalent of saying "goyim" which has similar connotations
What happens in Norrland?
Jerk-Off Instruction
Basically a porno where a woman tells you to wank your willy
is this a mousenonce post
You've gone and got sick on my trainers omg I cannot be bothered with this
>women speaking
make it illegal
went to a beach party once with some friends from school and there were like 6 or 7 of us lads and one girl
her dad found out and showed up and went mental at us because he thought we were going to gangbang his daughter or something, we honestly had no intention of doing that, she was just our friend, what a paranoid man
I've got to be honest mousey mate, I haven't done chemistry in over a decade
no shit
you don't need an extension
literally paste the URL into file explorer and post, you fuckin moron
my grandparents beat my mum black and blue for a similar thing when she was 18
i don't visit here often enough to recognise mousenonce posts
wish my hands weren't so clammy all the time
I wouldn't trust my daughter with half-a-dozen teenage boys in a secluded location either
the dad probably did something like that when he was a teenager. guilty conscience, projecting etc.
>Pollen levels today are VERY HIGH in England, Wales, N Ireland and SW Scotland
stay safe
but they are
Don't care.
>Ascorbic acid donates a H atom
More like altruistic acid haha
No one cares.
Hello /brit/, hope this post is finding you well...
Dear Sirs,


Your faithful servant,


P.S Poo
Don't care.
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>Didn't ask
you pissed out a black hole
ChatGPT providing no answers
Son of a bitch I’ll be damned
Wou'd you trust yourself
i've always equated "feelings" with getting caught; they both get in the way of my money
mum's gotten mental and abrasive in her old age, won't allow herself to enjoy music or films or anything because she thinks everything is satanic
pour a little rum into my cider
leftypols's feftypol and seftypol
alri james joyce
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Mental how someone will just be able to make an AI video of you doing whatever in the future.
She'd not wrong!
Off to toil
Not as stifling this morning but I believe it's going to warm up later
Nothing mental about that.
going to quit my job if they bring in a mandatory 2 days a week in the office
makes me side with warwick
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Grey out here
New Attenborough portrait by Jonathan Yeo unveiled
sorry we need jungle im afraid
Are they considering doing that?
People have been sayinf my employer will do the same but most of the company is on remote worker contracts now so don't think it would work
We must rail against the ESLification of English by adopting more and more obscure regional slang
maybe but it's consumed the core of her personality, she'd much rather feel angry and paranoid than just enjoy life
Looks green to me
looks like the old man in the swimming pool dressing rooms who abused me in 1998
can’t wait til this globohomo mouthpiece gets outed as a nonce
proud to have conceived this notion
talking about it start of next year
absolutely refuse to commute or work in an office
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the Pyramid Stage, MOUSENONCE!
*crowd goes mental*
another tough day ahead thinking of something to do while NEETing
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s fa hav bavo aavor utor doc in o
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hate this cunt
peach orange lime mango pineapple
le angry neoliberal establishnent man
found out that a lad at toil was in my class in primary school and we just didn't recognise each other for almost a year
Bumderworld - Born Shitty
I'm fucking fucked
Already too hot
Dead sweaty me but there's not much sun and a pleasant enough breeze

I went to a Deadmau5 concert two years ago and one of the opening acts briefly covered this banger. Great show, I got covid and it was totally worth it. A nice lady chatted me up, a large fellow gave me a hug and I went home safely afterwards.
My favorite Taylor Swift song is the one where she says “oh dear my bum is pooey again” and she farts into the microphone.
fucking reeks of BO in here
*sprays some Lynx around*
why do so many famous people turn out to be nonces?
And the flourine dissolves in the water
So it goes to the top position?
Reckon there's loads of nonces out there but only the famous ones (or the truly giganonces) gain enough notoriety to become part of the nonce zeitgeist
Wow great post. Smelling through the internet AND spraying deodorant in it. I'm really glad that you posted this
I had your mom in the top position last night.
harder to get a satisfying dopamine hit when you're rich and adored. that's why theyeither become a druggie/alcoholic or a nonce. the substance abusers are actually the good guys
I read that about 5% of men are nonces.
substance abusers are actually the good guys
>the substance abusers are actually the good guys
interesting take tbf
thread just took a concerning turn
because of you
My arse feels like it has got poo in it to since using a bidet
Brexit means Brexit.
they get nonced as child actors
Bit bloody foggy out
I don't know why does eyes wide shut feel so believable to me

Why do I feel like the random normal people that I walk past in the supermarket have strange sexual inclinations that they hide from the publc
is that film any good
It's his worst movie but yeah it's still pretty fucking good

Watch any random youtube video essay if you want to digest just ow much is going on
Anon just went eEEEEEEE E in my head to me :3
ok cheers
Please make ke work towards studying more and getting towards having a desk and having one ASAP
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1 seat
Fluorinated warfarin && last
They should just do away with the fptp system, and reform the house of lords whilst they're at it
Arse feels like I need a really toxic piss. You won't k ow what I'm talking about
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I do
I look like that and say that.
>Please wait a while before making a thread
yeah dont think i'll be bothering then
make your own fucking thread
gf is such a spiteful little bitch she cant fucking stand seeing me sitting doing nothing
not my fault you laid in bed til last minute like the lazy lard arse you are and now you’re stressed running round last minute for work so now she wants me to cut up her fruit for work and pull the plug out the sink because she doesn’t like the look of the water
You fucked it.
gimp should have checked the catalog before make a new thread tbqh
Neat album

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