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Walker Texas Ranger edition

Previous: >>198977400
Assange sub edish
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Good morning /med/.
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Saw some lovely examples of the female sex this fine morning.
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outside or are you checking females on internet before 9?
Outside, during my walk. I see the latter all the time kek.
You know how when you and a person are walking on the same sidewalk but in the opposite direction you instinctively look at each other? If I recall correctly she had headphones on so it must've been whatever she was listening to because one of the aforementioned specimen, as we came close, she lifted her head up and as we did that glance she was smiling and biting her lip and I swear to God I got shivers.
The lower half of the Euro bracket will be garbage fr fr
I thought I fucked up big time but it wasn't so bad, it was my first exercise in the learning process in my company so my boss was understanding and he saw that even if I made some mistakes along the way I planned things well enough.
Irl coomer
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Feeling quite wretched today lads. Pathetic, simp ass, desperate for attention retard.
So an average day huh.
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Hang in there.
Here, have this gem I saw at work.
Also I need to wait until 12h30 to disinfect my hand. No water in the building kek. Maybe a sign I should stop drinking.
I hope you don't always feel like this, or at least work will get you out of this groove.
kek nice one. It's true, at least we aren't janoids
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>need to use git
Git is great THOUGH.
quite useless for my needs though, i'm getting annoyed by some stuff
What are your needs?
Git is different to other ways of saving stuff so is a bit weird at first but once you learn it you'll see how much better it is.
destroyed some thor worshippers with Poseidon in hard difficulty on bossman's dime

just consult code in a ide instead of raw file, but apparently to open the files i need git and to parameter keys and sheiit
will just use the raw files i think
The public private key thing is so annoying I agree but once you set it up it's done.
Don't be lazy.
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did generate a key but then it felt unclear, might ask for some help about it but i hate this bullshit fr fr

>don't be lazy
you're asking for too much, NPNW
Yes it's explained like shit in tutorials and there's no reason not to allow just using account and password when information is not sensitive so you don't care that much about security but it's what it is.
I think I'm staying home unfortunately.
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Good day frens.
That comfy feeling when you come home from the gym and gulp down 35 grams of protein.
just go to the park and look at cute maltese women
I hate /ck/ so much it's unreal
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Why though, looks like a usual board to me.
it's full of edgy 40 years old that think anglo cuisine is good and all they talk about is frozen american slop or shitty food combination
>"humm cum and pasta is totally acceptable and shitalian cuisie is overrated anyway"
they costantly lie to themselves about having good and healthy eating habits while eating literal shit every day
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>mogged by a little girl
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>gypsy girl with long, curly hair wearing short shorts that don't hide the lower part of her butt
Based titty monster
@Malta : >>>/tv/200511090
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What are some movies to watch now that it's summer.
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I WILL fix a gypsy a girl.
I'm not the guy doing worst at my company's training, at least I got that going for me.
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Is cultural appropriation a problem in your country, /med/?
I try not to fall for ragebait in my country
If, and only if, you are willing to see something really disgusting that shows the limits of the human body, check >>>/fit/74578559
Why would something so innocuous enrage you.
Is it because of the iphone.
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Maybe you should slack less
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>I try not to fall for ragebait
>Seethes when I call myself an incel
Love you Veneto (no homo)
I don't think I will.
i feel bad because so much time spent slacking at work was not used to better myself but at least i'm not alone fr fr
Andalusanon is a fellow incel so we have a common understanding of how the world works, me and you are on different planes of existence
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>aerie is too whiny
>can't handle emotional maturity
Stupid AI doesn't even understand the characters. Aerie isn't "emotionally mature", she's a dumb whiny wingless fairy; a broken toy and naive optimist who belongs in a cage.
I kneel. All I do is eat and sit in front of the PC all day, and I have but a fraction of his power.
Man was born to rest.
mashed potatoes, chiggen, pepper bell, simple as
No beer?
No. Mashed potatoes is the novelty here
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Why do neurodivergent folxs always eat the same thing?
It's le hard to cook.
See >>199023931 though.
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>unmatched again
I contact her, she asks a question, I answer, and days later, this happens.
Dating apps only work for chads
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I miss her bro
she could've been /our-girl/
I knew the girl I hanged out with was pure luck
How else am I supposed to meet someone
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Spices girl always reminded me of Brune. They have the same phenotype (sexually attractive female).
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it's summer sale (in France)
I've bought a new pair of sport shoes,

>look good, feel good, play good

what about you, frens ?
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Damn, at least you're getting matches, I ain't getting SHIT
Do you keep the convo up? If so for how long? Best meta is to skip the talkie talk as soon as you can for an irl meeting.
She's a goblin once you look closer though
It's as quick as I said.
Something like :
>Hey [female], [comment about one of her pic][one question relevant to her profile]
Hi Brune, [answer], [question]
>[Answer, question]
No answer until the unmatch
Brune confirmed fakecel?
Che scarpe hai comperato?
Truecels are a dying breed
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One of the aforementioned unmatch
Didn't like her eyes anyway :^)
Sad, she looks very sexo
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>>She's a goblin once you look closer though
If the problem is one of perspective, then the solution is to shift your perspective.
>charismatic, well-travelled chad with good job
Romantic success is an inevitability for such people.
Maybe that wasn't you but you confirmed I was a truecel though
Tell me Mr Andalusianon, what good is a match if you're unable to meet

Think she is Slavic fr
Air Jordan 38 Low
I play basketball
Cool, I used to play basketball as well but I was terrible
I'm just joking Brune-sama.
>Think she is Slavic fr
Makes sense, she looks Asiatic.
When I was in Czechia I saw some girls that looked kind of Asiatic but with blue eyes.
The eye shape was a midpoint between European and Asian.

seriously, it's not that hard if you only want to spend the night, I've done plenty
but if you want to find a real gf
that's hardmode
I hate you sexhavers so fucking much.
in french, it could be translated to "very good"
You gave her the ick.
>it's not that hard if you only want to spend the night

Based, the only sexhaver I respect is Gironde
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a lot of girls in the "how do you communicate" have "i forgot to answer"
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Hmmm I guess we would need to see the content to be sure but it might be a bit too conventional to keep their interest. What you're doing is a solid strat but maybe not enough for them. Maybe try switching up the format, not asking questions but giving a rizzly comment, then waiting for her to ask you stuff.
We're getting closer to this conclusion with each passing day. Don't forget his secret dates with a qt for months.
booo more for me!
I blushed irl but you can't see it. My instincts tell me you'll join our camp soon.
> giving a rizzly comment
Provide examples of rizzly comments
>Don't forget his secret dates with a qt for months.
That was honestly surprising btw, good for him
It's all about context and her profile of course.
For instance if she got a lot of fisherman type tattoos, you can say she looks like a very hot Popeye.
She might get pissed off or laugh but there's a higher chance of getting her attention I think.

Might be of note but I always do shit like this and I get 0 matches so I'm not the best person to give counsel to anyone.
Give us data Gman, how many matches and how long have you taken to get them?
I never got any on Bumble nor Fruitz, maybe because of a mediocre profile.

On Hinge I got 3, all within 2 months of installing the app.
>one scam (uses english, too pretty, talks about cryptoshit)
>one femcel who sadly lived too far away, we slowly stopped talking
>the girl I lost my incel passport to

After that, nothing. Leaving comments on their profiles don't help me getting matches it seems.
I got the date for my thesis defense, it's next week.
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Had a mental breakdown.
>>one femcel who sadly lived too far away, we slowly stopped talking
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godspeed, anon
I wish you best
I wish me a 5 out of 10, anything else I don't care about.
I need out of university.
thesis is for doctor level, yes ?
No, I'm doing bachelor's.
Thesis is I think the generic name for any dissertation in the US, but I'm not sure.
Just stop caring.
OK, I get it
here we use Thèse (thesis) for doctorat level,
mémoire (memo) for master
and bachelor, I don't remember...
Literally the same Andalusanon, mine is on Wednesday
When I'm in doubt on a profile, i just look if she smokes or not

Feels so fucking shit when it's over, can't imagine how bad it is in the case of a real relationship
felt like i had a reason to live fr fr

Let's go!
In Italian it's "tesi" for every level
What I did when I used Tinder for starting a conversation was to mention something about her profile, pictures...

Her eyes are weird but she looks quite nice overall.
Good luck
If she smokes, good
If not, into the trash it goes
yeah it was. She had also just gotten into a car accident so it seemed like she had quite a lot to deal with. I wonder if I should text her again...
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The day is short, and the work is plentiful.
Did some pruning today, the branches at the base of a tree trunk were useless.
Then I got rid of them, and in the process I managed to injure my hand despite wearing gloves.
It's the little things.
Obviously I have a lot more to do but I will not try to complete everything today.
Leave something for tomorrow.
Slow and steady does it.
I'm so goddamn hungry.
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Why do you want cute girls to smell bad and die of lung cancer? Why do you want them to go blind and suffer from arteriosclerosis?
They do this to themselves, thoughever.
Man I just smoked in my room and it smells like ass in here - currently coughing up a shitton.
>Leave something for tomorrow.
Even if I do all the work today, I'll find something new to do tomorrow. It's in my blood.
83 years old gramps assembled some (not heavy) shelves and fixed them onto the wall last week because he was bored fr fr.
It's good to remain active, especially for older people.
Sometimes when I'm bored, I wash and vacuum the car.
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went to the beach w the coworkers
got pressured into swimming so I went for a swim w everyone but I didn't have swimming trunks so I think everyone saw my willy bc it's white underwear
Did you make sure to have an erection to impress the ladies.
Indeed, I was pretty happy to hear that.
We'll have to go all out to send you guys our energy!
>smokes or not
honestly not even a dealbreaker for me anymore. I'm not a big fan though but it is what it is.
>felt like i had a reason to live fr fr
At least it's good that you felt that way for a while and sadly, the pain of breakup is useful to make you mentally stronger too. You will be more ready, more experienced next time.
>get a boner while watching a dude
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I was very cold so it was the smallest it can ever be
one of the girls said I had a nice body and insisted on rubbing sunscreen on me bc im very pale tho
I still got it
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>asian manlet from belgium gets more attention than me
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they're all kinda ugly or just old so no
it's the exact same dynamic as highschool tho which is somewhat funny
the guys make passive aggressive remarks on how gay I look while the girls take selfies with me and joke about adopting me
gonna be like dat until I hit the wall
not looking forward to it
just cutemaxx
come on, man
you're not mother Theresa, she doesn't need your help
>one of the girls said I had a nice body
she's fat ?
2nd girl i see saying she loves mulet haircut

I have a mullet and they keep petting it
you know what to do...
no but she's like 35 so a milf ig?
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They are innocent victims. Products of their environment.
Flush your sin sticks to Hell, where they belong.
Read an interesting rumour saying that Israel shot a missile into our waters as a test two days ago.
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fat coworker guy keeps joking about being a pedophile
>Flush your sin sticks to Hell, where they belong.
First time this month, only because I'm back home and my parents bring out my crippling social anxiety.
Nice frog
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pic related?

interasting, i guess it would have be detected
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Maybe he thinks you're underage, and his "jokes" are testing the waters with you.
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>he could have had a cute Lawful Good virgin elf wife who honestly loves you to hold hands with and raise two cute elf children with
>instead went for the old Chaotic Evil hag dominatrix dark elf slut with a body count in the hundreds and has her crush his balls in a sex dungeon
your choices confound me
Aerie is literally the perfect wife, no other mainstream CRPG has had the balls to have a "get your wife pregnant" quest that ends with her giving birth and your baby boy joining the party, and then have a happily ever after ending where you PLAP PLAP PLAP her again and have a baby girl
even after her mutilation at the hands of the slavers she remains a much better person and much prettier elf than Viconia ever was

also in BG3 she doesn't show up while Jaheira is an old hag with adopted children and Viconia is just an evil old hag, so I assume Aerie was the canon choice so take that.
Nothing mentioned locally. I saw some videos of the alledged thing flying over Israel towards the sea but nothing else. I doubt the government will mention it out of it's own volition if this is true. The distance is around the same distance between Tel Aviv and Tehran.
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>tfw israel strikes malta instead of the mollah
It would be hilarious if this did happen and it happened with the government's approval.
Btw when I hurt my hand yesterday I was rewarded by seeing the panties of an office qt when she jumped down from a high platform in her summer dress. My suffering wasn't in vain.
Nah not to help her but have some news and maybe try something since I'm getting lonely. I mean she was pretty interested. The only issue was distance.
huh, you professional entourage seems quite gemmy.
Didn't play II yet but the choice seems clear.
Sorry Imoen, I'm switching to Aerie.
Catnigga remember last summer I told you I planted a prickly pear pod? I just noticed that it is growing something, most likely a second pod.
>Are you sure you want the missile to fall in sea my friend? There is this car that would do a perfect target
>ahah no there's no one inside
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Viconia's inclusion in BG3 was a mistake and her characterisation so poorly handled that I think we can all consider it to be non-canon. I'm sorry that you prefer disfigured, suspiciously young looking ayylmao-faced elves and are unable to handle a strong-willed beauty, but that doesn't mean you should go around saying mean things.

Also, I named the mage in the last RPG I played Brunhilde.
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thoughts on this one
not sure
he is spanish
the joke is that he's 15 years older than me so he says he was chilling being 20 on the beach having drink whiley watching me build sand castles on the same beach when I was 12
he has a similar one for one of the girls
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>Catnigga remember last summer I told you I planted a prickly pear pod? I just noticed that it is growing something, most likely a second pod.
Joy halves and misery doubles.

If you had half the sense of a lackwit, you'd get rid of that thrice-damned devil plant and replace it with a strawberry bush or perhaps some thyme.
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Aerie really is the best girl, don't fuck up her romance by being too horny tho
heeeeey look at here it's detective Stabler from the SVU
get a hold of yourself

>Also, I named the mage in the last RPG I played Brunhilde.
kino name, so I'll forgive your outburst
I already have thyme.
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Is he attracted to 17 years and 363 days old girls? That's horrible, americans would imprison him for 20 years.
Being attracted to people under the age of 20 is weird for an adult, because they have nothing in common.
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The front populaire gf
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The first funny cat picture I see on a profile (bitches love posting their cats)
My andalucian sister
Which part of the handle of a shoulder press machine should one hold?
The red, or the blue part on pic?
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The no pasaran gf
>from belgium
why do morbihanoids insist on that
giving me the ick
Good day med am back.
I checked bank account and got my pay.
For some reason it's 2250€ bucks this month, maybe there's a bonus during half year ?
prime vacances probably
what's the wage normally
fr fr i'm not paid so much more depsite being in fucking ile de france
the blue ones would get you wide shoulder (put lots of Kg here)
the red one would tone the front of it (put light weight but lots of rep)
remember to keep your back straight
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One has to ask themselves, if Aerie is so great, why did she not appear in BG3?
How do French people pronounce "swipe" on dating apps? Do they say "sweep"?
post body
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the femdom stare.
i think i pronounce sweep
this is the kind of word i never use so i will pronounce the way that feels natural until someone else use it and then i will feel wrong
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because this was the canon ending
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>big titted egyptian

saw an arab bird asking for the weight benched, built for andalu-sama
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This looks like the sort of woman you'd run into during a heist, immediately after removing a valuable urn from its cushioned pedestal and turning to leave. She steps out of the shadows and commends you for your progress thusfar, then orders her goons to seize you.
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perfect and literally me (except chuddy)
oddly specific
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It's the evening, it's supposed to get COLDER fuck.
So far, summer is looking doable as long as I am in the office for the AC or at home with drawn shutters and letting the fresh air flow at night.
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>top qt, stacked, ruined by tattoos and piercings and unnatural hair colors
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But that's clearly a dude's hand.

Things are getting spicier by the day.
i noticed, but she can post a dude arm with her cat fr

saw a girl called Isis, catnigga SHOCKED
My exgf and purple hair and a septum. We broke it off before she did her Star Wars TIE fighter tattoo thankfully.
Won't make a big difference but I'd take the blue ones because they would allow you to use your middle deltoids more.

"Toning" is just having a lower body fat percentage and doing higher reps with lower weights won't "tone" you.
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>at home with drawn shutters and letting the fresh air flow at night.

I thought /med/ cuntries have AC and its only the North that have none.
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>The dogpill isn't rea-CK
She looks menacing.
they really are. I'm not ready for it. Really turning into a heatcel.
Nah I don't think any euro country is prominently ACpilled.
Things are changing with the rising temps of course. I believe building the /med/ with white surfaces and small window openings would be better for us and the environment though.
Around 1550
that's a big bonus, perhaps 13rd month split between summer and december
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Another word in my beautiful language ruined by zoomers. What will they take from us next, I wonder.
Yeah I think it's that.
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>half of the qts on the street with no bra
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Choose wisely
The GTV was bloody beautiful
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>>big titted egyptian
praise pharaoh
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I don't know dick about cars, but I think the best looking combo is a black lincoln town car third generation (FN145) from the early 2000s painted in black

not that I could ever drive one, I've been driving a nissan leaf and going back to manual transmission is a fucking nightmare I hate it so much normal cars are now beneath me
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>I don't have money
>Spends 20k usd on charity
>Still hasn't paid off student loans
Not bad

Hahahaha :D
Change E for I, F for T, J for P, and I would write "literally me"

33... OMG! :O

Mmmm <3


Just one digit away from ἀλήθεια
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Americans have too much money. Somebody should take it from them.
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>France - Belgique
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The orange Nord gf

I had pizza for dinner, I really enjoyed it
thanks youtube suggestions
I agree
What 'za? Prosciutto mayhaps (I can assume for sure it wasn't quattro formaggi)?
Tonno e cipolla, and I took some of my mum's pizza with cherry tomatoes and mozzarella di bufala
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Drinking on the quays at 30°C, getting effed up on gintos and heat.
Front populaire gf, unironically would share like 80% of my values and opinions, except le chud thing.
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>yfw she mentions gypsies around you
pondering what to buy during the clothes sales
I don't really need to buy anything this summer, I got a nice cotton-linen button-up a couple of weeks ago

Btw I'm watching Georgia-Portugal, Kvaradona scored
Nice French track.
>Kvaradona scored

But Penaldo won't accept this

can't find the recent video about the original guy
although there is another very similar
Oh well, the recent tweet that inspired it
the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=990EqKE3fvg
I recently the YouTube one, as in I came across it, but I didn't watch it before now.
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is this relatable to call centre employees?
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G'devening GENTS
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I've seen your script
prove you're not an elf
Congrats for mogging Portugal
Enjoy the wine, mon ami

eight million six hundred and ten

I am still shocked, not just winning, but by 2-0
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>eight million six hundred and ten
I believe you, fellow Man.
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The mountain elves of Sakartvelo dealt a decisive and eye-watering dick punch to the Portuguese national ego today.

They have been humbled, but I worry for the Slovenes. The tiger is most dangerous when wounded.
>Austria - Turkey
*Sabaton starts playing*
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you lusophobia is evident
we already topped the group after last match, I didn't even bother watching
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I prefer the term "lusorealist". When a man casually peruses some Ancient Greek literature and discovers that one of the earliest known names of Portugal - Ophiussa - means "land of snakes", what conclusions should he draw?

In any case, I hope your national team perks up a little bit. With the way the fixtures have been arranged, we will not get to face each other until the final.
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this is your so called "best ally"
The sneaky Brazilian tries to sabotage the world's oldest and strongest alliance. What is the primary motivation? Fear? Jealousy? Either way, he will not succeed.
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I can see beyong alb*on lies
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Olissipo thing was only in Lisbon
also that's greekoid lusophobia
we literally invented the "Bell Beaker culture"
regardless of what archaeologists say it was actually a unified and extremely advanced empire under one Emperor Alberto Barbosa and this was their territory
we defeated both of you
(portuguese are just spaniards)
Still alive?
>/med/ survived the night
Just to witness the horrors that the light has uncovered and that darkness mercifully hid from us.
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there is no mercy in darkness, in the dark you are the prey
John 3:20-21
>For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
>But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
only the Light, the TRUTH, can set you free

there is great evil that lurks in the dark, do not embrace it.
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Darkness is the default state of existence.
Light came later and disrupted the harmony.
I can't fault you for that assessment, but unfortunately for you you yourself exist and the primordial darkness does not anymore
based knwoer
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I need to stop drinking, didn't sleep well. Need to be more careful of my health.

Impressive! I was getting ready to bake.
Norway is now a med ally.
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This is what I want them to believe.
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I'm afraid I would have baked before you.
I'm almost disappointed that the thread survived.
The thread survived the night and avoided final death. Good. I increased the distance of my walk this morning.
Good morning /med/.
I would have been thrilled to see what kind of OC you were ready to deliver. It'll have to wait a bit longer.
Btw I made some friends in the tramway yesterday going home and we complained about "crazy people" in public transport. Good people, only got their names but might meet them again some day.
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Hello frens, how’s it going?
Started the day by staying 20 minutes in the toilet. It was huge.
Currently "hiding".
Nice way to start the day indeed. Did quite the same. Woke up dry like perchment at 5am and went to spray some wet alcohol poo.
So that's out of the way at least.
I should've left the house.
You still can, no? Maybe a nice morning walk to feel the fresh sea breeze?
I just returned from my walk.
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Med boy summer is OUT... Brat girl summer is IN
AH, then you're in quite the pickle. Read a book in another room? Maybe watch a movie or something.
Honestly I relate a lot to the hiding kek. Reminds me of time friends of my parents came over and I was still in PJs.
It becomes a Metal Gear Solid mission with you switching in and out of rooms to avoid detection.
I'm currently in a seperate place with my phone and the parrot.
It's all you need really!
Trying to keep him quiet.
The way your write it makes it feel like some horror movie kek.
I imagine the parrot making a sound and the worker immediately perking up and investigating while you stay hidden.
I parely felt the extra distance desu.
Yeah I mean they won't peak but it is unwanted attention.
The reason he's next to me to begin with ot because he's scared of the drilling noises, and when they're not doing the noises he feels the need to fill in lol.
My belly is a bit fucked. I hope I won't puke or shit myself at work. Would be embarassing LOL
yeah I see what you mean
Eaten anything unusual?
I want to walk the Victoria lines one day.
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can't wait to go to the park at summer time, just after work
Impossibile soffrire in Francia
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Tummy's acting a bit weird and felt like I was going to shart when I was only 100 metres away from the gym. Had to come back and fr it's the second day this week that I'm skipping gym.
Right wing media is seething at the portuguese because somehow it's their problem that hungary didn't qualify for the next rounds in the UEFA.
I wonder how Croatians feel about this:
I for sure feel great
>Video is not available
What was I supposed to see?
The coast is clear.
I hate myself.
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>intense need to shit
>go to the office bathroom, seeing too late that the cleaning lady was cleaning another stall, on the phone
>ass starts exploding diarrhea, sounds echoing off in the bathroom
>cleaning lady suddenly stops talking and acts like she isn't there
>keep shitting loudly to assert dominance
>take my time wiping and cleaning my hands while she's still hiding in her stall
>leave the room empty and proud
lots of alcohol. Considering I have a sensitive digestion, it sure doesn't help.
That's bad.
The thread is still alive because death is afraid of Chuck Norris.
Based. You should have jerked off too. I'm also on my way to take a shit but there's no cleaning lady because I'm alone in the building. It's also my last day here before official holidays.
I wonder if they will give the euro to Ukraine to own the Russians.
More for me to collect.
Zaccagni's goal at the last minute a few days ago
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This but without the red thing and the purple hair.
One guy one jar (from the video where he gets a jar into his butt and it breaks inside) just died in the ear front in Ukraine (he was Ukrainian).
Today I will have a huge merting that MIGHT change my career for the better
I have been shitting myself since the day I got this proposal
I will update /med/ later hoping to bring some good news
The anxiety is killing me
I decided to jerk off one last time at the workplace since it's my last day here.
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how many heroes must die in this war
Cosplay chicks are of unsound mind.

Everything to make those fond memories of the workplace.
Wow that's some antique meme.
>I'm alone in the building
spooky, where is everyone?
>proto 1 guy 1 jar causes Yugoslav Wars
>1 guy 1 jar dies in Russian invasion
RIP to him but that's quite a coincidence, this link between anal insertions and armed conflicts in eastern europe.
>without the red thing and the purple hair.
how can you fail to recognise a Raven cosplay?
are you a boomer too old for that show or a zoomer too young to remember it?
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When the winds of fortune change, some build walls and others build windmills. I hope to hear later today that you've been promoted to a position where you never have to deal with a customer ever again.
Maybe they didn't have that show in Portugal.
Had a nice ftira.
I can recognise a Raven cosplay, I’m just imagining an ultra hot goth in bikini at the pool, without the cosplay part.
Another day of wasting my early 20s fr fr no cap bussin.

Right. I'm sure they are seething. I saw an article saying that the manager of the scottish team was blaming the referee for losing just because they didn't give them a penalty shootout or whatever it's called after one of their players fell to the ground which is the fault of a hungarian player (even though the scottish guy pulled him at his shirt which is what caused both of them to fall).
Fr these niggas (footie players) know a lot about acting
Don't worry, all humans wither away slowly.
Yeah nowadays it's all acting ffs
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>drivers' license lessons and 30 hours of driving cost 630 euros
Fr I thought it would be more than that. That's pretty cheap if true.

It's not about withering away. It's about not doing enough things before withering away.
I remember paying almost 400 for it but I'm old so.
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Office qts walking barefoot in the office. Catnigga might get a job real quick.
I wish you all the best my fren. No need to worry, you will make it, I believe in you!
>Wow that's some antique meme.
Old but gold
>spooky, where is everyone?
Today it's only me. Classes have already finished but we still have to go our workplace until this week, so I jerked off and now I'm rehearsing an oral presentation that I'll have around the 8th of July.
>Everything to make those fond memories of the workplace.
That's the good thing my bro.
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I WILL buy your game now.
Built like a dude.
>By law the water tap in the kitchen has to be connected to the water main provided by the provider.
Haha nice way to syphon money.
Chloe more like Cloaca. Is she in the sequel? If yes it means her ending is canon, which is the worst choice they could have made.
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>rogue trader dlc trailer drops
>new companion is a psychotic goth girl who loves murder and the god-emperor
bros... this marketing strategy is too effective on me...
I'm already considering pre-ordering just so I can play through it again and have this lady absolutely fucking RUIN me...
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The only reason you think that is because whenever you leave your home and walk the streets, you only see males who have small shoulder width. For me, someone gifted with godlike shoulders, even the average man's shoulder could be considered feminine.
Tldr: estrogen in the water makes men look like women which makes healthy women seem a bit masculine at times.
My source? Revealed to me in a dream.
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Opinion dropped. Only portuguese posters' opinions matter on LiS.
>politics discussion at lunch

I guess it's Zemmour dancing to the song, almost shared it yesterday
are you a female?
I'm serious the only person I know who likes the blue haired girl game is my sister
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>drink to much coffee
>get palpitation
>get a hard-on for no reason
>intern get in my office at the same time
what a fucking sad day
>are you a female?
I have a female soul in a male body. And btw that's a good thing.
>get a hard-on for no reason
photo or it's fake and you
You really want to see it? Kinda gay.
>or it's fake
Well it passed on its own, thankfully.
>and you
And I?
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>Office qts walking barefoot in the office
Is there a performance review coming up? Maybe they're doing it to distract you, so that the quality of your work takes a nosedive and they get the much-coveted promotion.
>facial piercings
Put that litter back in the garbage can.
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All the males in the vicinity look like this.
The females are even scarier.
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You take your time, we'll just wait here. Not like some of us have places to be or anything.
Catnigga... I.... literally already baked 20 mins ago >>199062796
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>bakes a thread and does not link it in the old thread afterwards
I exhaled audibly from my nose in exasperation.
I can't be bothered to search the catalogue, I'm not even switching to the newer thread until this one is archived.
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lol gay
abhorrent taste as ever catnigga

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