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r attenborough edish
This is the one
that's d attenborough
I can't take it anymore, I just want to die
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someone pull him out before he drowns...
He might be d attenborough but he's still r attenborough
Whats the best drug to find a girlfriend on
the limitless drug
Alcohol by far
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>met office saying this is the coolest it's going to get for the whole day
better put the heating on
And the humidity?
Have a cousin who is 2 years older than me and she's very attractive. When I was 16 I was at her parent's house and went to the toilet upstairs, noticed her bedroom door was ajar and had a little peek in.
Saw some knickers on the floor and, in my virginal adolescent testosterone addled state, decided to take the risk and give them a big sniff.
The smell is hard to describe lads, it has a touch of the gameyness of my own boxers, but there is this pistachio sweetness amongst it.
Heavenly, I've had sex twice since then, but I swear that moment imprinted her on my brain because I regularly fantasise about shagging her.
I'm 25 and she's 27 now and still just as leng.
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Good movie, I have it downloaded to rewatch
It always makes me do stupid shit. I am thinking cocaine but that's expensive so can I cheap out and offer birds at bars bumps of mephedrone or speed instead. Shaggers said if I give birds drugs they'll trade me sexo
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Took a 20 minute shit and washed my arse with water and it still feels like I could poo out more
>Shaggers said if I give birds drugs they'll trade me sexo
GHB especially
Me after a Sunday lunch at nanberg's aha
You're tricking your brain into making sexo chemicals innit
Doesn't that just pass them out. I have never done drugs and doing my research.
My dealer

Which one wise man
whys it called tenorife then? is it full of tenors or something? lol
*dives into thread*
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I just did a ghost poo, coffee worked well.
can't wait to get home from work and have a pooey shitwank
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really need a shag (i'm a 30 year old virgin)
enjoyed this x
Phor bugs crawling all over my skin on my thighs and butt and feet
Find manchester kinda problematic, should make it a nonbinary word
normie women have started unironically sharing these memes kek
Reckon our British blood compelling us to jump off high places may be why bungee jumping is so popular in New Zealand
Try speeddating
get on the psyllium husk lad. Gay bent arse bottoms swear by it.
Take fluorinated DMT (only the good one tho8gh) or fluorinated LSD
mousey get some pasta down you and get some sleep
Fluorinated psyllium
These memes will unironically probably save a few incels from entering into a cope relationship. It is better to be a alone than to be with someone you despise.
Fulminated DMT
>is it full of tenors or something?
No, that's Wales
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nothing like that here, apps are the only choice
Also if you go to a dealer are there do's and don'ts to avoid getting stabbed
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took her for a drink on tuuuuesday (8)
Or orange peels work
go to bed lil nigga
women truly have 0 self awareness, literally no different to a mushroom
mmhmm she want dat longmeat
Claim you're jewish and find a jewish matchmaking agency
It's true for him
last relationship was with a fat girl and it's honestly better just having a wank. Cruel to the girl aswell and turns you into a bad person because you have to lie all the time and lie to yourself. What did it for me? Going to a concert and seeing guys standing behind their gfs with their arms round them and imagining doing it but with my arms fully extended round my her. That and the fanny smell.
humidity doing me in
POV the mice family in the walls aren't scared of you
Mouse, whats your thoughts on asbestos?
whats the fanny smell like?
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How do you know, I thought this place was anonymouse
i have a cousin who has always been a fat useless cunt, she posted some meme about men 'hatfishing'
every photo of hers is her ugly, filtered 3x face and her depressing fat girl cleavage. the lack of self awareness was astounding, literally a walking amoeba
i was slightly wrong actually, she's a crackhead now, so she isn't fat anymore
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what motivates channels like lonelycreap who get no views after years of posting? do they still think they'll make it as a content creator one day?
Going to bed soon. I'm going to have to sort my life soon, but for now I'm just going to enjoy this summer day sleep. I'll wake up to something my nan has cooked me, and enjoy the last few hours of sun with a nice cup of tea.
I'm 38 years old.
sour, putrid, mix of urine and fish. Doesn't even do it justice similar visceral, primal gut reaction to when you smell a dead animal.
why didn't you fix it 15 years ago wtf
night night rorke
maybe he's on full PIP so his time is his own
on the arse end of my 20s and i have nothing to show for it
Nigga what the fuck u doing, if she's fat you just tell her it's a sex and fling thing and don't dedicate. Then at least it beats wanking
I think
surely not the case if she keeps herself washed
don't know
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would rather shag a tranny than a fat lass
depends how fat if they're fat enough or fat around their genital areas then the sweat starts soon after they get out the shower and never really goes away
this image is grim
My life was on track 15 years ago, but something happened a few years back
night night x
Shalom brit
no different to writing in a diary except its stored digitally instead, there's an old guy who does multiple short updates every day and he gets barely any views but still does it

i quite enjoy the comfiness of it https://youtube.com/@everydaysabonus
This image is reality, no mindbending will ever change the fact you're simply shagging a dressed up bloke
I eat Emma Watson’s poo
took her virginity when she was 29 and then felt bad to dump her straight after like I was contemplating doing then said I wanted a relationship when I was absolutely steaming and felt too awkward to go back on it when I sobered up so just kept on for a few months. Genuinely didn't even like looking at her the bed would sag when she lay on it.
Cockmogs me!
not everything is about money

where would we be without rodger's documentation
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Good Lord, my cock is going to fucking burst.
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Need her to hurry along the Solo-->B/G-->BBC conveyor brlt
Same goes for sara jean underwood
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>Need her to hurry along the Solo-->B/G-->BBC conveyor brlt
>Same goes for sara jean underwood
these call centres just hate us run of the mill rural irish people, don't they? before, you couldn't get a job with them if your accent was too 'strong', but nowadays, they're full of foreigners. Almost like they never cared about accents in the first place, or they think foreign accents are better than us, or that foreigners are better than us.
Good Lord, my cock is going to fucking burst.
why is she always recording or taking pics I don't get that part of the meme. do women do that? i'm a virgin btw
>there's not even an irish person in ireland now
so true, granny
mental how shes a 42 year old school teacher and posts pictures like this on her social media, surely she knows all the boys in her classes are wanking themselves silly over her
I'm a grower and I can tell that if I'd been circumcised my flaccid penis would just be my glans.
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>i'd rather be gay than normal
riveting stuff from generation z
she's 100% letting dem yutes tap raw
i dont know about recording actually in the act of sex but women / girls will definitely try to get pictures or videos of lads they like, i think they do it as some sort of 'proof', in a casual setting that is, im not talking about actual couples taking photos together
Don't you ever get bored of this?
want to smoke weed but everyone will be out in their gardens and it smells too strong
it's all just hedonism. having hedonists teach children is also just disgusting.
Sorting my life as we speak.
of course she does and she loves it. she probably shags the black ones anyway
Good lad
leftypol sexualising black kids again
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>she's 100% letting dem yutes tap raw
felt no changes since my first time posting
anhedonia'd out me arse
Mental how Google has all my data and could probably calculate exactly what I'm going to have for lunch on the 3rd of August 2025 yet YouTube can't recommend me a video I'm actually fucking interested in
ignore non whites in every capacity
do not acknowledge their existence
not if you're posting here
interpol went to shit after antics
who cares? not like you can get in trouble for smoking a spliff on your own property
all people are atheist until proven otherwise by show of devotion to god, and righteousness.
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>interpol went to shit after antics
I've pood thrice today
Coincidentally had 3 vada pavs last night
rorke accusing his mother of conducting a "humiliation ritual" by asking him to put the bins out
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5:45am lads

Waiting to start me toil and have a reign energy drink on the cards
Do these handbags serve any purpose
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*farts so violently the resonance causes your body to hit its natural frequency and makes every blood vessel in your body explode* corr pardon me haha
Imagine driving something heavy through them
>surely she knows all the boys in her classes are wanking themselves silly over her
That's the whole point
I'm Irish Diaspora
rorke hiding nootropics from his mum in his nasolabial folds
How do I filter an entire country?
is it possible without being a tranny and using 4chanx?
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I might be the biggest retard on the internet
Would have told you if not for that vile little transphobic comment
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timmy aint do nun
It's an honour to meet you, make yourself at home
rorke mate just admit your a benchod ffs
so does the belgium flag blacked poster claim to be a black fella who shags loads of white women or is he just a white lad wanking?
reckon i could quite happily move to america desu
imagine driving your truck to work grabbing a cheeky XXXL starbs from the drive through while listening to Creed
id do quite well there i reckon
just another dysgenic nonce with no roots (single mother upbringing)
belgium flag blacked poster
*checks that I still have internet access*
Bored out my nut at toil
Might just cack me kecks for a laugh
More women need to be like the girl in the background. Lots of extremely cringe female behaviour goes unchallenged.
dimitrius go to the toilet and take a SHIT
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it's cloggy (this pic broke him btw)
watching two fat nerds talk about a new star wars show l'm never gonna watch
Can only imagine how repulsive a nigjeet is.
you're the only spacker begging others to install spyware and you reply to your own posts LOL
oh lawdy poojeet seething kek
no postie yesterday wonder if he'll come today
it's spainpaki
yeah he larps as a white football fan but it's pretty obvious he's a wog
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is living in rural britain and in urban britain like living in different countries? Or are they more or less similar, just different infrastructure?
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no you are not, interracial spammers are
so they are a couple? Why are they naked all the time
Sucking a fucking moss ball
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when your in a gay benchod completion but your opponent is rorke:
Damnable bot
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>Average male thigh circumference
21 inches
>My thigh circumference
25 inches

not good is it lads
Fat cunt
why the fuck would it peak at 6pm
that's absurd
alri thunderthighs
>The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled Was Convincing the World He Didn’t Exist
so true, how can people see this and still deny
The other generals aren't this mentally ill, but sadly they're not in English
>how can people see this
see what?
Kyle odom etc etc
wog weather this
Stuffing mouseys furry moss balls up my bum
You mean his furry mouse balls?
They're all into anime which is wank
Buzzing off me tits on a very strong coffee
I'm mothballing this thread
Made chatgpt say nigger
Oh my god today is a scorcher
Total scorcher
but if believe he exists, then what? not much of a trick is it
Could I take my pension out and put it all straight in the stocks and shares ISA?
Been smoking a lot of weed lately
if anime replaced lgbt and interracial and avatar spam here, then the general would be better
Wanna look at my thighs
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keep posting this in the copa america threads and it makes the latinx angry
highlight of my day that's for sure
making a curry
Would you rather have the occasional anime post, or the tranny spam and our resident schizophrenic
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do you use sunscreen /brit/
nigger skywalker
and then for some reason he has to get bummed by a judge or something?
take it out, lose it all in the stock market is the play here
Only if I'm spending ages (like 90mins+) in the sun without shade, which doesn't happen very often
Wow thanks Disney
I moisturize and put sunscreen on my face every day
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No I'm a tanned aryan
incel thread is that way
British people eat pork pie and Cornish pasty
black pudding and beans and spotted dick
Recognised Palestine in 2024:
Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, The Bahamas, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Slovenia, Armenia

145/193 countries (Israel & Palestine excluded) now recognise Palestine (75.1%)
wish you redditors would keep your shit on your own site
No and I pay for it every summer
My aunt lives in Florida and her skin is basically red leather.
I love salt and carbs so I would get super fat in Britain
Exciting times!
isnt there two of them? Do they see PA and Hamas as the leaders?
I find it funny how indian right wing is pro isarel and western right wing is pro Palestine
People do need a constant reminder how awesome elephants are
PA have west bank
Hamas has Gaza

International community only acknowledges PA but Iran and Qatar support Hamas
>western right wing is pro Palestine
not our fault americans keep turning normal words into slurs or innuendo. e.g. faggots, dick, bbc
vets are fucking useless called about getting medication two days ago and they haven't called back
true right-wingers are, cuckservative israeli wire types aren't right wing
del GATO
so what does this mean
ferociously checking my emails for job updates
I always confused between veterans and veterinarians
My mate in uni said his father was a veteran in the army but I always pictured him treating military dogs
Worst time ever
midday poo for me
this obese, alcoholic, mentally-retarded, self-harming, unemployed, smelly, lazy, broke-arse waste of space has a girlfriend. what's your excuse, lads?
literally what are you on about you incel
wasn't really a difficult question was it pal
What do they taste like?
*sigh* yet another poo
I don't want a woman willing to settle for that
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Alri Emma Watson
got big floppy gyno tits but canr afford to get them removed
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how do i get a bod like this
Does it feel nice to play with the nipplesteins
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This is what I crave
not gyno, lose weight
>t. obese mantitted abomination
be 5'5 and weigh 8 stone
There is a new strain of wojak going around on twitter, featuring an expressionless, average build wojak, fucking a morbidly obese female wojak. It's as grim as you imagine. Particularly grim are the faces. Blank, staring, nearly contemplative. These two people are completely lost in thought during the carnal act.

These drawings represent the plight Generation Z faces in its pursuit of connection. This generation (the author's own generation, it's worth mentioning) has set the record for singleness and subjectively reported lonliness. The reason that the miserable man fucking the fat woman is important is because the experience is universal, either literally or figuratively.

Meaningless sex with someone you aren't actually attracted to at all. Who hasn't done it? And having done it, who hasn't had that crushing realization? "Oh my God, I feel the same" Nothing was healed. Even during the act, you don't actually feel better. You couldn't even look at her. You have to think of something else while you do it. There is no passion or lust. You have successfully made one of life's most beautiful gifts into something ugly.

I don't mean to be a misogynist. The plight of the fat woman is just as dreadful, because she knows. She knows that she is being used and that she is using in turn. I don't believe that anyone can be so naive. Maybe she was that naive the first time, but not anymore. She is lonely and suffering the cognitive effects of her lonliness too. She has seen the shock and horror on her lovers' faces when she suggests a more serious arrangement. She has stopped suggesting it.

This meme expresses bottomless neuroses, i.e. sexual status, the pursuit of pleasure, how we are perceived based on our sexual preferences, the performance of sex, the boredom and horror of aging, the boredom and horror of sex itself, the inability to fully connect with others. The list goes on. Is it any wonder that Generation Z is the loneliest cohort by far?
i'm 75kg
Yodelling out me japs eye
Why do people hate on seaside mark anyway?
Honestly how did some small insignificant island off the coast of north west Europe end up colonising a country 10 times it's own size with barely any effort.
good luck
built different
that bryan johnson is a werid bastard
Making little finger puppets out of my spare pubes
mgiht go beach and take pictures of clappers
alexander hamilton
*surreptitiously licks the wet grout*
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they don't have sex the meme is false
where did you copy this post from?
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fat bitch
seaside mark is dead we are just hearing the gasses releasing
You're next hopefully
mad how some little creep just spams porn here all day when he can

not on
>living vicariously
>through an alcoholic neet
>on 4chan
triple cringe
Just run a blade over your throat you sad incel. No-one gives a fuck about your fat stinky hero.
based illiterate
Fucking stupid RETARD
We're literally all in here:
The irony, you little mutant cunt.
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i think they make videos for the original reason (cause they enjoy making them) not the new reason (to make lots of money shilling retarded shite nobody needs to massive consoomer retards glued to their phones)
are king looking peng
I do yeah
got the good stuff that only needs one application unless you take a shower

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