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Wind turbine? Bathroom ventilator? No!

Former FΥROM.
It will never be Aimos
Look at them map

See something? Thesalloniki is Greek. Because it has NEVER been slavic!
the image implies ventiland existed in the 1913-1945, such delusions bordering F20 should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with ventis
>The establishment of a distinct Aromanian national consciousness, however, was hampered by the tendency of the Aromanian upper classes to be absorbed in the dominant surrounding ethnicities, and espouse their respective national causes as their own.[45] So much did they become identified with the host nations that Balkan national historiographies portray the Aromanians as the "best Albanians", "best Greeks" and "best Bulgarians", leading to researchers calling them the "chameleons of the Balkans".[46] Consequently, many Aromanians played a prominent role in the modern history of the Balkan nations: the revolutionary Pitu Guli, Greek Prime Minister Ioannis Kolettis, Greek magnate Georgios Averoff, Greek Defence Minister Evangelos Averoff, Serbian Prime Minister Vladan Đorđević, Patriarch Athenagoras I of Constantinople, Romanian metropolitan Andrei Şaguna etc.
crazy how quick threads ago when bulgarian faggotry is the topic
Greeks as usually being too short sighted and self-obsessed
it existed before the dinosaurs tatarchuga edna gnasna
You're Romanian bro
ai em roman
>A further problem arose when the Patriarch Grigorios placed an anathema on Ypsilantis as an enemy of the Orthodox faith, called on true believers to remain loyal to the Sultan, and denounced Ypsilantis for "a foul, impious and foolish work".[8]
Vlachs were seminomadic buddies with medieval Albanians though. The reason Romanian and Aromanian have quite a bit Albanian loanwords
Why did Bulgaria chimp out in 1913 ? They could have keep their gains from last year.
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>in 894, corrupt byzantines start taxing bulgar merchants
>in response, the bulgars invade byzantium
>in response, the byzantines bribe the hungarians to attack the bulgars in the back
>in response, the bulgars bribe the pechenegs to attack the hungarians in the back
>thus the bulgars win the "war", and byzantine loses territory
Same reason Serbia let Montenegro, the rich touristic trap seaside part secede, but spergs about Kosovo.

Muh old heart of country
Incredibly low IQ
Old Great Bulgaria isn't even on the Balkan bro

uuuuh mai naistina e vreme da si opravq pasporta
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several reasons
mainly the tzar had already disobeyed the great powers / russia by annexing east romalia, without any problem, so he figured it'd be fine

also, he did have a deal with the serbs, that bulgaria would get macedonia after the 1st balkan war, but the great powers created albania, which was supposed to be the serbian gain, so serbia decided to claim macedonia
it is true the serbs liberated macedonia, even though the deal said bulgaria was to liberated it, but bulgaria was too busy trying to siege constantinopole, which again the great powers did not allow (russia said they would invade us if we did)
also there was VMRO who were active as well, so its not fair to say only serbia liberated macedonia

bulgaria was fielding a much bigger army than the serbs, and had already won in the serbo-bulgarian war, which the serbs started
the greeks mainly had a navy, and no read interesting in slav populated macedonia

what the tzar did not factor in, is the romanians and turks breaking the peace treaties and backstabbing bulgaria

in hindsight yes, he should have accepted russian arbitration, most likely he would have gotten over half of macedonia
цигaнe №5 caкaм дa ми гo cмyчe
macedonia isn't really "the hear of bulgaria"
the capital has been moving west and was in macedonia at one point, but still. veliko turnovo and presval are i would say much more so the heart of (danube) bulgaria
realistically bulgaria doesn't have a "heart" as we are a migratory people
>they cant claim anything since they never legit ruled over anything.
Serbs ruled over Kosovo less than the Ottomans or the Bulgarians
>we are a migratory people
no, we're not and for real eби cи мaйкaтa тъпaкo
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not an argument
thesis passed plagiarism check
satan bless chatgpt
ц︢pьcтвo блъгapcкoe was a meme Kingdom
What le?
Vlach still in shoole
Only me and 1 other greek has an iPhone ITT
Pathetic poorfags
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тoвa e yпpaвлявaщaтa кacтa cлaбoyмeн идиoтe, oгpoмнaтa чacт oт бългapитe ca пoтoмци нa мecтнo нaceлeниe

aйдe хoди глacyвaй зa Иcтинaтa и caмo иcтинaтa и cи eби мaйкaтa
I have an Iphone and literally only use it when having coffee with femoids
only albos have iPhones
still debating about buying that s24u
I moved away from appleslop and am never touching it again
Post tits
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I can remember times where it wasn't
damn, maqedonia got big
I've never been to Halkidiki because I see it as "too Bulgarian" as it is, I don't want to imagine what it would have been if it ever became actually Bulgarian.
Just move to greece already faggot. You can legally marry there now
Slavs are like that, their larping never ends

This is why Greece and Turkey must forge an alliance to occupy their lands like the old times. Our military strength is unparalleled and if we cooperated who would stop us?

Triple lol
>Serbia, Montenegro
Not Balkans
They'd join us
>Greece and Turkey must forge an alliance
>we didn't assimilate enough Slavs into Greeks, we need more
the post
>we didn't assimilate enough Slavs into Greeks, we need more
>the post

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Ill remember this post when they come for you
rightful greek land
You need to hear it again so there it comes

Skase MALAKA alvane
alcohumans wont stfu outside
bottles were smashed
if god was real he'd annihilate them with god powers
>euphoric redditor dreaming up marvelian alliances
+1 yoike
Still no Kostur and Lerin thougheverbeit
Thought this was a map of stefan dushman's empire
you reminded me I ran out of alcohol
You are REDDIT, bro
Sorry but Turkiye gets the islands and Thrace and we get Aegean Macedonia this time
Just showed someone the port of Piraeus for saying Bulgaria is a skata hole

Only balk bvlls are allowed to say this
>They'd join us
I will join you too, brothers. INSHALLAH!
scataholes extra grumpy today, we must be doing something right
also wheres that poor maymun after i earned his early salary in 10 days?
you're hilariously helpless in being unable to muster anything better of a reply
Best case scenario is your second and FINAL napalm'ing
Al-hoholism is russian culture doe
That isn't hilarious, hilarious is how you managed to lose every single war you've ever waged against Greece
Oh really do you think you would be able to hold 4 neighbors for the next 100 years? Also Albania gets Cameria and you go back in syria or egypt or something
>who will stop us
Bulgaria will ally with turdkey and take northern greece and the entirety of munkeydonkeya will be divided with albos just like we'll take eastern serbia and leave the rest to albos. You'll be hiding caverns and islands of southern greece.
Romania will be tasked with finishing off hoholistan and we'll join them after we partition the balkans.
weak minded creature
I don't give a fucking fuck about any of that dumb shit from history.
None of it changes the fact that you still are a dumb as brick and hopelessly unable to come up with anything meaningful to what I said. Which I guess explains why you seek glory in the pages of history books since you have nothing better to show.
greece's strongest soldier, the vuterast, will not allow this
>Greeks and Turkey must forge an alliance
Ewe no
just open islands so I can buy cheap gyros no need for fake faggotry besides a bunch of poor Slavs won't end your country neither delusional Albanians or Macedonians
you need aoe damage to flush them out, piss in a plastic bag and toss it at them from the roof
I am the most determined person ITT
Whatever happens, in all scenarios, the former former yugoslav republic of fyrom is getting destroyed
You are to become the balkan equivalent of zone rouge from the battles of France and Germany in ww1. That thought alone brings me joy
Mentally ill neets fantasizing about taking neighboring land when they can't even take a single drop of pussy
1st floor (the real one) thoughbeit
what I do really need is a machine gun
>taking Monkeydonia
>not letting them be a buffer between us and Albania
it's good you're not in charge of anything
>Bulgaria will...
Let's be real for a moment: Bulgaria (or rather what's left of it) only still exists because of the extremely favourable for us geopolitical situation we're in.
Alk reading like a youtube comment section today
Nope, Macedonia welcomes all ethnicies and religions and treat them as equals while asyrians and arabs in your country assimilated and neglected 100000s of Albanians, Bulgarians, Macedonians and Turks so payback will come with interest rates
Yes, I understood your mental deficiency from the previous post, no need to write all this shit to prove it to me again.
Good news then

>your mental deficiency
It wasn't me who couldn't do better than "greentext + ifunny image"
>see now, we backstabbed you in the civil war and tried to secede the lands you lived on for centuries so you'd join yugopooria
>proceed to lose the said war

Your payment is the fact you are allowed to leave. Cams weren't this lucky.
I accept your concession.
No need for a buffer when we can have nice neighbourly relations with Albanians as we have always had.
You won
You lost
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>Macedonia welcomes all ethnicies and religions and treat them as equals
That's how we lost our empire.
yoikes, another redditor
BW2? Or what else is every war?
im for peace
why bother? let him have his delusions (and ifunny images)
Bulgaria deserves another BW2
eating sausages with feta
eating futa sausages?
Im just curious to here about it since last I recall we had 2 wars total against Greece. BW2 and the 1 day stray dog war which ended before it even began.
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alas, we live in a society
For BW2 we would first need to liberate territory for the rest of you, a mistake we will surely not repeat.

judea declares war on england
Russia liberated you bro
Raining outside
We liberated you bro
I hope uskub is flooded bro
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skopjan detected
From Jews by sending them to Auschwitz*
More like there is a tornado storm
Sasko STOP you selfish prick
>bro bro bro
Just realised Balk spoke like this before zoomers did
Why bro?
So true!
bro hasn't been paying attention to my mindsperming campaign
I made it big here bro
Be like bro was like YUGE early 2010s meme
Bros it sounds like a world war outside from the hail
you now remember the 2012 mayan calendar meme
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which site is that? I normally use Ventu(Venti)sky
Bro you're just an unconscious Ikisperma
Microsoft© Windows™ Weather®


oh damn you now remember 2012 was 30 years ago ;(
here's how to get with a woman

1) observe her for a few months, and learn when her periods are (she will appear grumpy for no reason). about a week after their periods, girls start ovulating, which makes them horny
2) ask her out, and make sure you have alcohol. unlike for men, alcohol literally turns women on.
3) wear a perfume. but not just any, there are perfumed especially designed to be aphrodisiacs
4) ???
5) profit
>here's how to get with a woman
why the fuck would I ever want that?
>here's how to get with a woman
literally why would you do that
You have watches too many hanime
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Imagine that mental gymnastic just to catch a fucking menstrual bag
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Rain is steering clear from Tataric lands as if it were a Macedonian
does smelling like a sweaty ashtray count as perfume
That's why you go after trannies, bro? Scared of a little blood?
It's crazy that me and Ros are under same cloud right now
He's from Brashov doe
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Windy is by far superior
t. 12k hours gsv and google maps veteran
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I wonder why it be like this
Usually we have the worst air quality in the world bar India
>Windy is by far superior
Ok, but how? I don't see a difference from Venti-ski
Raingods are cleaning our air.
sit y'all's asses down, an expert is talking
>every single poster ITT is an USHKUPIAN
Total USHKUPIAN victory.
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This is the Shkupi experience
hopefully they bless you with 90% humidity
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How do they do it?
Evil creature.
Saharan dust.
What would a 50C degree weather with 90% humidity be like?
>what the tzar did not factor in, is the romanians and turks breaking the peace treaties and backstabbing bulgaria
what an idiot, it was obvious turks would try to reverse their losses and they had already squabbled with Romania about Dobrogea. I guess muh prussia in the balkans myth got to his head
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i don't know what happens in each and every part of the world
perfect weather to fix the aging population+housing issues
0 pensioners would survive
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>no age verification needed
>there's tons of them
uggo jew goblin body
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>housing issues
Nah, property will be just bought up by real estate agencies. You won't own shit.
Why we will never join EU reason number 59860357
type bedava (free) and izdiham (stampede) to youtube and see how turkmuns crush each other for trivial shit

free camping chairs
free sweets and toys for kids (but adults also join in)
free baklava (the most famous one)
free carpets
free towels
free bread with tomato paste
free Knafeh (Künefe)
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recep was pretty funny when it came out because he was a copy of a classmate of mine, a fat turk from peshtera
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Look at the disappointed beyazturk presenting news about the maymun antics of karaturks
Unironically saying this, early recep ivedik was extremely good. He parodied the stereotypical rural turkmun but this was before the movies when he only had a sketch show. Movies became basic comedies, some of it is meh but later on became a stupid cash cow.
A better comedy that also appealed to masses is Kolpaçino. I dunno if you can find it translated. Heavily inspired by the movie Snatch. Really captures the turkish underground criminal element the slangs the attitudes and the like. Became a cult classic.
One thing I never understood is the conservatives love of beyazturkler on tv. They never want maymuns. Movies and tvshows about maymuns are not liked, presenters are never maymunic. It's weird.
like the state made some tourism ad and there is not one hijabi on sight, zero. you would think you were in iceland or something.
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We let Turks present our news whilst you let Balkanites present your news

Look at this pvre Turkomongol
tannu-tuvan throat singing looks
I dislike anglos a lot so i didn't watch any of that shit like snatch rocknrolla etc i get the idea but i just dislike them so much i can't stand them for a second.
Turks are really weird people, either there's that retard that larps as we wuz le epic empire or you get that lighthearted rural tard that cracks jokes and actually is nice to be around, like some farmer or something like that, the first kind is trully insufferable and comically villanous when you think about it, bugars on the other hand are the opposite, the rural selyak maymun larps as a big guy while being laughingstock while the humble decent noble man bets on humility and courtesy
Pvre Yörük bvll
Mangasar, is that you? I thought you claim to not understand Istanbulite Turksih.
beyazturks here desperately try to trace their lineage to europe in order to distinguish themselves, I'm sure you encountered it
>my ancestors are from bulgaria/thessaloniki/bosnia I'm not a maymun
Turks throughout history are the biggest white worshippers yet they chose a muslimaymoon religion. Why?
Mehmed 2nd cursed us by not converting. Now no amount of secular larping will make us european.
being a t*rk is like running westwards on a ship that is going east.
>being a t*rk is like running westwards on a ship that is going east.
Lmao, pithy as fuck
Pity. Being a balkmoon is like running eastward on a ship that is going west.
>be me
>meet up uni colleage turk farmer
>we go to his place to bbq with his friends
>bunch of turks 3 gals 2 dudes
>my ancestors are from bulgaria/thessaloniki/bosnia I'm not a maymun
>nobody cares dude
>why are you all here turks anyway lets go to students town to do drugs and get fucked up
>meet other people
>fuck around
>they realize nobody gives a fuck, they start hanging out with other people instead of being turkcels
>invite me to their weddings n shieet in turdkyiv
>dont go
>go to Edirne to shop with my parents and get some shit vanned so i dont have to pay mad shit
>meet up with some of them
>invite them to my town
>we go hiking and drinking for 2 days
>they frequently visit
I actually pity turks a lot its like they're really having it bad over there or just being schizoid, i gave this little manlet friend of mine a double barrel to shoot while we were drunk as shit and he started crying like a little child, i also took them to this sacred thracian site and stuff and they had some sort of religious epiphany or something,
I just accepted my fate. My only consolidation is that we will never have a civil war I guess. No way in hell EU will allow 80 million maymunic refugees.
damn, thats nice. Guess they are rich being able to travel abroad and like. Passport is very expensive and you need to pay for visa application 100-150 euro each. Turkish government also forces you to pay every time you leave the country. You literally buy a stamp and show it to the border police before leaving.
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HOLY SHIT! A massive storm is raging outside and my first thought was "how do wild animals survive this?" (inb4 "they don't lol") and for whatever reason I also thought of storks, STORKS (!) with their nests high and exposed to all the wind, gusts, and rain, wtf?!
idk man weird people, the dude from my uni was a blonde blue eyed pomak that married a blonde turkish girl go figure, yeah they had money i suppose but thats some fucked up shit ppl are on right over the border
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hmmm, whats wrong with this picture?
You are in the bosom of EU, we are a 3rd world shithole.
apple watch is shit
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Whenever rains I'm happy because education system here brainwashed me to equate rain=water levels on dam
rain means dams will be filled up
but dams are bad! Syria and Iraq have a lot less water now
I like rain because maymoons are inside and quiet.
you aren't describing anything out of ordinary, I really don't understand why you present it as some kind of a really wild encounter with space aliens or something
yep, droughts fucked them up, and dams made the situation far worse one reason half of them moved north up here.
I would've said water wars might happen here but there is no one to wage war against.
Nice take.
I have loud maymoons so goddamn much its unreal.
>beyazturks here desperately try to trace their lineage to europe in order to distinguish themselves, I'm sure you encountered it
I've been told some Bulgarian Turks who moved to Turkey say they're Bulgarians, much to my dismay lmao
>random internet retarded map is being retarded
oh wow, who'd have thought
Wtf is that one random red spot in russia
yes I like hello
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>ww3 starts
>i get conscripted to die for israel
>sitting in a trench by myself, guarding the bg boarder, low supplies
>a horde of 10,000 turkish soldiers are ordered to advance on my position
>as soon as they reach my trench they surrender because they don't wanna be turks anymore
oh you tell me, I hate the extroverted people here. The entire beach would be empty but fuckers would lay their towel right next to you, then their impish kids start to shout and throw sand in my direction
flashing eu passport gets you laid plus why on earth you want to say "I'm a mun"
Hello, good night
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i'm cultural ambassador of Kosovo AMA
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tanya the evil but in the maymun cinematic universe
That says more about you than it does about me
how are things?
>why on earth you want to say "I'm a mun"
the forced assimilation of Turks in Bulgaria would make me think they'd be averse to the idea of presenting themselves as Bulgarians instead of Turks
no roaches allowed for now
um ok, if that makes you sleep better at night why not?
join eu soon or they will swarm in
being foreigner is exotic I guess. plus turkmuns worship anything that comes from west.
well met
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what's going on here?
milf booba
You're watching Polish tv for whatever reason.
Pomak Turk on the left, Maqe Turk on the right
our international reputation increased +1 points
funny how balk always dies right after midnight when kids are put to sleep by their mothers
Ushkub tap water is the tastiest mineral water on earth but I would swap it with trash tasting soft water in the blink of an eye if I could

Every year I have to disassemble my plumbing because concrete forms in every drain and fucks up the water flow
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they got scared when they saw your standard issue globohomo bayonet covered in fresh shit and you walking with a noticeable limp towards them
>tap water
>is also somehow mineral water
>but it's not soft
>concrete forms off of it in the pipes
real F20.0 hours
No it's not me
It comes from the tap and is filled with minerals, retarded Mongoloid
So anyway guys how was your day
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ventilator goes vrrrrrrrrrrrt
Special weapon f20.0 charging status: 20%
>my wife this, my kids that blah blah blah
insane that these wifeposters have completely infested twatter
literally witnessing social media boomerify in real time
Boomers here are more active on social media than zoomers yet they constantly complain that zoomers stay on social media. Idk what alternate reality they're in.
Dinaric BVLLs.
ne zamaraj incelchugo odi spij
Saw some polls in greece that said that far right/neo nazis get about 20% of total votes right now. Isnt that insane? Do they want to liberate le constantinople and shit too? Are they pro russia?
They just want to kill us.
the only thing they've had a mind to liberate is homosexual asses from the tyranny of propriety
Bro, you voted for a woman
Love this game.
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Ideal wife:
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>be albaboonian
>argue on the internet pointlessly with komshi about fruitless topics

meanwhile in his cunt
>live with pain
>do nothing
very romanian thing
low ROI activity
There's literally no good way to earn shekels.
just ask your parents to find you a good job bro
VMRO won, im sure your father has some connections
I fucking hate life and I spit on g-d for creating it.
don't hate life friend
You are too weak to impose your will.
:( No.
WOW tourists dancing in a club
It's over
Why does the average balkmoon turn into a peacock when he gets a little money?
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Good morning boys ! :)
pay close attention
Omg is that.... a nigger.. WITH A WHITE GIRL?
This is literally the end...
there's nothing to pay attention to. Albanians can't afford those clubs, it's all tourists, black or white
are you the diaspora on vacation?
those nogs are literally brought by the cuck albaboon "rappers" and those girls are their friend group. Stop coping, have you paid attention to the niggerishness of zoomers?
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Imagine fucking his mouth!
Why should I care what stuck up richfags do? They do drugs and even engage in gang activity. Is really having one of their whore women friends dance with a black guy as bad as drugging her to oblivion?
>2(two) albos ITT
that wasn't you vlach?
Why does an Albanian call his fellow albos albaboonians?
Kosovo is Serbia
Imagine tolerating these subhuman cucks, why aren't they getting slaughtered is beyond me. Albaboonian is the appropriate until there is erasure of these subhumans. I always wondered why we get raked on when all I know is based people, looking at that video. Its obvious there is a problem
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I couldn't care less about either whores, nigs, or normalfags in clubs
>Why does an Albanian call his fellow albos albaboonians?
spontaneous enlightenment?
You sound like tourist or proxyfag

Speak Albanian to prove you are one
he is in fact a diaspora tourist
he shows up here every now and then to seethe at whores. not that there is anything wrong with that but it seems to be pathological
Well maybe he should be mad at his parents for protesting against trad and isolationist communism, not sperg here. Tf is a democracy supposed to do?
like a true jew he envisions comfortably inhabiting the degeneracy that has infested our country under the premise that he can always escape back home and enjoy ethnik entitlements should it come to that. to see his fellow ethnikettes who should be only for him being naughty with others instead brings him great distress.
>In the future there will also be a commitment to Germany's special historical responsibility. During the Nazi era, Germany began World War II by attacking Poland and killed an estimated six million European Jews as part of state-sponsored genocide. For this reason, those who take German citizenship will have to declare themselves when it comes to protecting Jewish life and stopping the development of a war of aggression. Anyone who does not share this view cannot receive German documents. Therefore, the catalog of questions for the entrance exam will have to be adjusted.
>Passports can also be revoked in case of antisemitic incidents
Most retarded thing is when diaspora men/women complain when opposite gender diapora marries with locals of the host country.
If you wanna be so protective, go back to your country???
>If you wanna be so protective, go back to your country???
I did but you subhumans still complain
kys mangal
um.... no. :3
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ugh, time to get out of bed
That dot in Russia must be hell on Earth.
and now for some news

>faggots celebrate anal in bg, n.mk and moldova. protected by zogbots
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWWiUe-uv1c
- https://bntnews.bg/news/-sofiya-praid-2024-zapochna-na-ploshtad-knyaz-aleksandar-i-v-stolicata-1283008news.html
- https://bntnews.bg/news/bez-zadarzhani-priklyuchi-shestvieto-chast-ot-sofiya-praid-1283016news.html
- https://www.bta.bg/en/news/bulgaria/695391-capital-city-hosts-sofia-pride-2024
- https://www.bta.bg/en/news/balkans/695536-5th-skopje-pride-takes-place-in-republic-of-north-macedonia
- https://globalvoices.org/2024/06/25/russian-lgbtq-activist-attended-the-pride-march-in-moldova/

>bg wamen protest the patriarchy
- https://www.bta.bg/en/news/bulgaria/697294-protest-against-patriarchal-violence-staged-in-front-of-sofia-s-palace-of-justic

>bgs perform satanic "yoga" rituals
- https://bntnews.bg/news/v-svetovnite-dni-na-yogata-demonstracii-v-44-naseleni-mesta-u-nas-1283047news.html
>meanwhile, churches are falling apart
- https://bntnews.bg/news/hramat-vav-varnenskoto-selo-kumanovo-se-nuzhdae-ot-speshen-remont-1283031news.html

>bg 10th graders with lower results in math and reading than last year
- https://bntnews.bg/news/pod-50-tochki-e-sredniyat-rezultat-ot-vanshnoto-ocenyavane-na-desetoklasnicite-1283372news.html

>new poll: 60% of bgs would rather work for a foreigner
- https://www.bta.bg/en/news/economy/697502-45-of-young-bulgarians-prefer-to-work-for-bulgarian-employer-survey

>shit and bacteria detected in varna beach water
- https://bntnews.bg/news/vodata-na-problemniya-oficerski-plazh-vav-varna-e-chista-otchitat-ot-rzi-1283240news.html

>russia blocks bg propaganda outlets
- https://www.bta.bg/en/news/world/697056-moscow-announces-restrictions-against-two-bulgarian-media-outlets

>china teaching agriculture to romanians
- http://www.china.org.cn/world/2024-06/26/content_117274083.htm

>romania celebrates a pagan shirt

>romania launches AI overlord
- https://www.romaniajournal.ro/business/romanias-first-ai-powered-legal-virtual-assistant-launched/

>bg and croatia science institutions cooperate
- https://www.bta.bg/en/news/balkans/697265-cooperation-between-bulgarian-and-croatian-academies-of-sciences-highlighted-in-

>croatia arrests dr. nigger-word phd
- https://www.eureporter.co/world/croatia/2024/06/24/anti-racism-activist-racially-profiled-and-detained-at-zagreb-airport/

>kikes start stealing money from greek churches
- https://www.albawaba.com/business/israel-impose-taxes-armenian-greek-and-1574065

>weather: 13 abduls arrested in greece for starting forest fires
- https://bntnews.bg/news/bitkata-s-oganya-v-garciya-13-dushi-sa-arestuvani-za-predizvikvane-na-gorski-pozhar-1283207news.html

>latest on the wars (they're still killing each other)
- >>>/pol/chip
- >>>/pol/chug
- >>>/pol/uhg

>today (27.06)
- the bg orthodox church celebrates St. Sampson
- in 1941: the kingdom of romania kills over 13,266 kikes
- serbia celebrates St Vitus

>free games to keep
- https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/freshly-frosted-c636d0 (up to 1800)
- https://store.steampowered.com/app/2071500/Islands_of_Insight/
- https://freebies.indiegala.com/the-last-hope-atomic-bomb-crypto-war
- https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/sunless-skies-bb4947 (as of 1800)

>old news
- https://desuarchive.org/int/search/text/and%20now%20for%20some%20news/country/bg/filter/text/
Bro, got get testosterone injections, seriously
Thank you for the interesting news stories bro.
i inject myself but not with testostewone... :3
you need negro AIDS semen injections
Now you know that people move away from balkans to not be near other balkanimals.
I feel sad you didn't have a father growing up and you ended up in such a mess. This is why the state needs to become a role model for young men and that's why America has completely failed in this for the past 30 years.
>negro AIDS semen
That's redundant.
t. negro semen expert
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Last meal
the kind of shit people here post as their food makes me really sad
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>Why are you defending Russia by pointing out American attempts at instigating conflict? American interests? I don't support them. I'm on the side of democracy and human rights. American violations of my moral standard? Honey that's a whataboutism. What are you, Russian? We are defending democracy, human rights, and self-determination. Yes America should respond to authoritarianism with violence. It may not be perfect, but it's the best system we have.
Bro I am manlier than you
>t. bourgeoisie scum
You don't even have facial hair, "misses manly"
no, retard just learn how to cook, it's not that fucking difficult
A father isn't fixing that twink.
>manliness is an appearance
woman moment
maybe a 'daddy' would fix him tho?
my father was very present in my life and 100% of my social circle is men who consider themselves 'manly' and call me a faggot.
this is no accident either.
It's probably the kind of fixing he'd like.
Sounds like you are among fags.
>Sounds like you are among fags.
Well I am around (you), so ...
>100% of my social circle is men who call me a faggot.
so you get off from verbal abuse? interesting.
Being called faggot has no effect on me. After nearly two decades of it I'm pretty used to it.,
We can't exactly put you next to let's say, Jason Statham and declare "there are two males".
Because Statham looks like a man and you look like an offshoot generic homo that escaped the Eurovision song contest
Damn, they let you tweet on your execution day?
>After nearly two decades of it I'm pretty used to it.,
so you're telling me you've been called 'faggot' since early childhood?
I'm not that weak anon, I'll show you! lets wrestle! ...oh, it seems as though you have pinned me down on the floor without any effort... how unfortunate...
yuh uh
i don't have the strength to do that, but you can kill me if you want. oh, you don't have a gun? well i guess you're just going to have to use your hands...
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So how are you guys

I am at a cafe place enjoying the morning
Wrestle naked covered in oil
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I'm sorry for being ugly anon. I wish I can be bettrr for you... :((
>coffee is Sashko's buzzword for underage children
It makes so much sense now...
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this fucking retard larping as me isn't me by the way. DEATH TO FAGGOTS.
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Im at a cafe
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If only you knew how bad things really are
Do you ever sleep dude
Sashko, it's 12 o'clock over here
just because you felt embarrassed about your posts in hindsight doesn't mean you didn't make them mangal :)
the beard suits him
O shit, I just realized that Sashko never smiles. What's up with that?
if i was trying to advertise myself to local hummusexuals on /balk/ i wouldn't use half a year old pics to do it.
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Sashko, programmer edition
>he wishes death to himself
The turk homosexual probably likes this.


New thread
Yes babe didn't we agree for you to strangle me?
I don't.
im not a faggot my larpsonas are.
This is the balkan ambient.
what has the church ever done for anyone except maybe take in cigani and feed them
that would be antisemitic

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