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dear deer
sometimes I can't tell if I articulate myself poorly or if people are just really dumb
first for for middle class white guys with low self-esteem
it is usually a mix bag
My dick doesn't work. I can get boners but when I go to jack off my pp gives up. I think it's from the Zoloft.
>the same fucking thing happened AGAIN where by browser froze and crashed after I made the thread, but before I could post the link the old edition
What is going on
i feel seen
It only does this when I’m making a NEW
please create the new early. have it ready at 300. im sorry people chose mine instead of yours.
Miss comunication leads to uncomfortable situations
I don’t care that people aren’t using my late new. The lack of basic functionality of web browsers in current year is just annoying.
That happened to me too. When I was on antidepressants I couldn't cum to save my life
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currently 95 and i am sweating a lot. this is not comfy.
just slurped down a jello cup
Waah waah
Try harder next time!
I have size 15 feet and a 5 inch penis
heavens to betsy
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Hm really makes you think
Land'o Goshen
she doesn't look that hot
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Just search /cum/ in the catalog
nevermind she's kind of hot
all that matters is that she's a non-deformed woman. she ticks both of those boxes so she gets to earn $700 in 5 minutes
You aren't middle class
Your parents maybe were, but you aren't.
The low self-esteem comes from your downward social mobility.
I mean yeah, but then how else am I gonna find the Mexico hate threads at the same time?
Where is my internet wife
what is "chaotic neutral"?
ruining the function
I remember I called a Moroccan an African and he got angry
at my place
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Morocco is not in Africa
How sunburned/tanned is your neck by now?
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I’m no redneck
President Arse just got couped in Bolivia!
They are african by definition
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left upper arm is numb
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cute guys
did you know brazil has D E E R S?
>did you know brazil has D E E R S?
Mine is getting pretty red because from jogging in the afternoon.
apply some cum. it will heal within 5 minutes.
Well thats stupid
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For me, it's the water deer.
Bolivia has to have a coup and constitution change every 20 years. It's the rules.
That's a dog
Bolivia is an unfortunate country.
How are you doing now?
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I have a certain affinity for Père David's Deer, as it has kind of a funny name
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Was thinking about getting a 125cc license but I just did the math again and even with the bare minimum of required driving lessons and all the test fees and whatnot I’m looking at 1800USD at least
Fuck this fuck ass country niBBa
Elsewhere a shit ass 125cc license is like 20 bucks and takes 15 minutes doing a silly parcour in front of the instructor
Here I need to attend 12 90 minute long theory lessons, do a total of 12 45min long riding lessons on highway, autobahn and during night time, pass a written test and a driving test
Also I need to wear full safety kit LOL sitting on a fucking piaggio scooter
A man watches yuri and nobody bats an eye, but a woman watches femboys frotting and everyone loses their minds… That’s society for you ..
Oh I forgot the 4 additional 90min theory lessons that are also mandatory
He looks like his name is Pierre David
Viewers of both genres are mentally stunted
Genuinely one of the better sitcoms from the early 2000s
Can't say that I agree
Despite the species name, he’s actually Chinese
Is the Bolivian coup, local rebel dictator or CIA approved?
Can’t say that I disagree

(Have never watched it)
2000s kids be wearing a long sleeve t-shirt under a button-down under a button-down
Wooo-eee, getting kinda tired
It’s a military coup in response to the elected officials trying to fire a top general. The coup attempt actually looks to be failing now. U.S. officials are currently not officially taking a side, and are merely urging for calm (ie tacitly supporting the coup by not condemning the coup, which is generally the default); also the U.S. has been involved in Bolivian coup attempts in recent history, so it seems likely.
You’re a sussy baka but oh so ushy gushy
Drinking lots of Colon-Blow™ for the procedure tomorrow. Not bad really, going smoothly
Ah I can't stay mad at you
archaeology is starting to prove that the bible is all true
Show me the archeological evidence of heaven, hell, and the beings inhabiting these planes.
It’s all around you
>It’s a military coup in response to the elected officials trying to fire a top general.
To be more specific, a Bolivian top general threatened to do a military coup if Evo Morales were it run in the next election, so the incumbent Morales allies fired him, and now the military is attempting a coup.
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My biggest crush in high school who turned me down and laughed a bit at me with her friends just died of pancreatic cancer

That’ll fucking teach her
*were to run
my poopies are so dry and sticky they always leave smear marks in my toilet when I flush (wanna see?)
>That’ll fucking teach her
She presumably is not learning anything while rotting in the ground thoughevertheless
I enjoy a bit of schadenfreude looking at exes burning out and going crazy after I break up with them, but I don’t think any have died
just got called a scotch-irish slur
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that'll give the whore something to laugh about. Also anon, good on you for having the courage to approach her and try to ask her out or whatever you did, a lot of us here would never be able to do something like that
the colors don't run liberaltard
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My old high school crush is now dating some guy who's uglier than me
The only religion that makes any sense is sun worship.
You can actually see the sun
No life would be possible without the sun
Every living thing would die without the sun

It's the only thing it makes sense to worship
You don’t know that
My first ex was going to be an oncologist and I just found her LinkedIn and she never even got her grad degree she just works at some pharmaceutical research company and whores herself out in cosplay, I sent her nudes to her parents after she cheated on me so maybe they stopped paying for her school
far far too drunk
My junior high crush became interested in me a few years after high school but by then I only liked dating girls a few years younger than me, so I did not reciprocate.
This dude's handcuffs are pink.
wtf is up here
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you have to be gay to join the police in Canada
lol canadians are gay
5 more days until my gibs check comes in and I can resub to my favorite streamer
damn that's pretty fucked up :/
See people like you should be drafted and sent to the front lines, if you survive, then you deserve your gibs
>poor people deserve it
yeah, nah
I tried to join the military, but I was rejected for being prescribed adderall as a kid
Weird I never heard of that happening
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In a hypothetical world without Russia or the USA and without current alliances like NATO, if the countries with red, white & blue flags went to wat with the countries with red & white bicolours, it would be a pretty close war I think, can't say who wins for sure
Americans be like: I wanted to join the army but they found out I'm a kissless virgin and now the government gives me 2 billion dollars every month for not being able to adjust to society... my life fucking sucks man
A lot of girls from high school popped out a kid and you never see the dad in those pictures
damn canuck women love vampires
I’m busy
Do vampires not show up in pictures now? I thought it was just mirrors. Can't keep up with vampire lore these days
I think old cameras had some reflective part of its mechanism that would render vampires invisible in photos. I suppose that wouldn't apply to modern digital cameras
Britain, France, and North Korea are both nuclear powers and have fairly competent militaries, with a degree of combat experience from periodic backing of American imperial expeditions or French neocolonial stuff. Australia is also a good goy Jewish war veteran.

Turkey, Japan, and Poland are fairly strong militarily, but lack much combat experience, and don’t have nukes.
i dont get it
i thought kissless virgins had no choice but to do a government job
Damn nigga you right
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How can we guarantee our victory?
Che Reddit, madonna
someone please convince me to kms
running away from facing your problems again anon?
If you truly believe your life is worthless than you should just do whatever you want. You are going to die some day anyways
Me. I cause trouble to both sides. They fear my aggressive neutrality.
Am I autistic or retarded for being allergic to bureaucracy? I can't get this shit done.
*wind blows my hair back, exposing a hairline that starts at almost the top of my head*
Autists love bureaucracy thoughbeit
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So I've been trying to find a job in Canada to get work visa but it's fucking impossible since I'm not a doctor or a PhD. How exactly did all the indians and asians get into Canada? When I listen to Canadians complaining about immigration you'd think there was practically an open border, but it's actually really hard...
I'm in the same boat. Bureaucracy is a tool of tyrants
Student visa + job lined up before you graduate
Have you tried being Indian and applying to a fake school or getting hired by a company that exclusively hires people of your ethnic group and hires everyone of your ethnic group who applies to facilitate visa fraud?
questions for americans
Do latinos in the USA mix with each other or do they stay separate in their own ethnic groups?
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Here is a video of a muntjac, a type of deer from Asia
They mix with each other and they mix with whites pretty frequently
bit of both
there's a "puerto rican" neighborhood in my city but I think most mexicans and sudacas miscegenate
Idk about canada but most countries accept engineers too and that's only a 4 year degree.
why don't whites mix with blacks more than they do with hispanics when they have more in common culturally with them?
Whites and Hispanics are closer in culture than whites and blacks
Hispanics are barely "Hispanic" after two or three generations, most barely speak Spanish
is this "latino" identity strong? or is it just kinda vague and they generally refer to themselves with their nationality instead?
>is this "latino" identity strong?
>or is it just kinda vague and they generally refer to themselves with their nationality instead?
>Whites and Hispanics are closer in culture than whites and blacks
i frankly don't believe it
To me blacks and whites are nearly identical. You both have the same base anglo culture, american identity, protestant religion/mindset, english language, etc
Mexicans and the likes are strongly hispanic, catholic, with foreign identities, very different honestly
Every Mexican family has at least one white son or daughter in law
All the mexicans and puerto ricans I know prefer not to date or marry between the two, but some do it anyways.
Usually I hear them say it's because they don't like the other dialect/accent
Blacks think of themselves as the antithesis to whiteness
Their food is and language is different but their behavior is closer to us
Blacks are ooga booga. Hispanics are not so much. You're getting caught up on historical labels and theory rather than how things work on the ground
Race is a bigger barrier to friendship than culture. The Aztec race is more compatible with Europeans than Bantus.
>Their food is and language is different but their behavior is closer to us
are you talking about blacks here?
you literally have the same food, but it's the behavior that's a bit different. at least in the south you have the same food
cowboy/country culture comes from mexican culture, you can't say mexicans very different from the rest of americans.
this is very surprising

>aztec race
they're all mixed tho
cowboy country culture is only a thing in the southwest
Most hispanic immigrants try to assimilate to white culture to some degree. Blacks like having their own sub-culture. Hell I was just at a white party and a friend wanted to bring a black plus one. The host made sure this friend told his plus one thet he would be the only black there. This kind of warning wouldn't be given to a latino
They have in India these immigration agencies to whom they pay for the purpose of streamlining immigration to Canada (or other countries, for example Australia). They have business partners within the host countries that will, for example, hire their immigration clients. Furthermore, a fair amount of them are illegal (intentionally overstaying visas).
I like when I'm the one doing it, not when I'm facing it myself.
do tell me more about my country's culture monsieur mumed jbmbabwamae
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Income brackets, pretty much. It creates cultural divides of living in generational poverty/generational wealth that clash, it introduces concepts such as gentrification (whites in, blacks out) and white flight (blacks in, whites out) that separate the races and are both largely result in overall wealth of an area, etc. Hispanics have a far wider range of wealth and success and thus have created a racial culture that doesn't conflict as much.

A different angle: historical economic incentives for hispanics to immigrate into America also lined up with becoming a citizen and building generational wealth. Now Hispanics are closer to Whites in literal physical senses because their income can agree more often and place them in the same residential zones.
>Hell I was just at a white party and a friend wanted to bring a black plus one. The host made sure this friend told his plus one thet he would be the only black there. This kind of warning wouldn't be given to a latino
i don't understand
what's a plus one? why did he warn him that he would be the only black there?
>The host made sure this friend told his plus one thet he would be the only black there. This kind of warning wouldn't be given to a latino
This wouldn't happen in Canada.
>they're all mixed tho
African Americans are all Mulattos, too. I’m talking about the distinguishing aspect of their genetics.
>what's a plus one?
When someone invited to, for example, a party, brings along another person (who wasn't invited but is allowed to come as a "plus one")
I was the only wypipo at a black party once and it was kind of awkward
ay! look at the white boy go!!!
I deliberately avoid blacks, as if segregation never ended. Simple as.
If you're invited to a party then your plus one is someone you bring along who was not necessarily invited. If someone is hosting a party and doesn't want plus ones, they may specifically say that.

He warned him bc many whites and blacks feel uncomfortable if they're the only one of they're race at a place. And we behave differently in social settings. This is in the south btw, so it may differ by region
Segregation de facto still exists somewhat in housing and churches.
So it's more of a class divide?

very odd that you would point out to somebody that they would be the only one of their race in a party
honestly i don't think i can understand because it's so different here
but that's interesting
My mom is so mean to me
>So it's more of a class divide?
It's not only class though, as if blacks and Hispanics were interchangeable if only their material conditions were different.
You're neglecting the IQ phenomenon
life goals
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Bought broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, milk, zucchini, apples, and peaches
from my pov it feels like whites and blacks are only different because they perceive themselves to be very distinct and antithetical groups. it's like you both really want nothing to do with the other
i don't see what would make you so incompatible despite all the things you share together. the only way you can argue you are is with racist ideas like>>199046540
I put vagasil in my bussy and now I'm growing a blitty and blabia
Blacks commit crimes at shockingly high rayes. They have lower IQ scores. When they move into an area it goes downhill fast. Those are facts. What you are talking about is a liberal fantasy.
Race denial is completely delusional
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Where my vegan sisters at
Get off of /b/
I think that a blahpipo in leafland can expect to be the sole blahpipo in any given room. Wypipos THOUGHEVER...
Shontrelle, is that you?
>very odd that you would point out to somebody that they would be the only one of their race in a party
You're viewing it as if the only thing separating whites and blacks in america is skin color, but there are also cultural differe ces that have developed in the few centuries that we have been a nation. More recent immigrants from africa aren't necessarily subject to this
It's pretty crazy to me that the US still has "historically black colleges and universities" where even today, most students are black

British universities are all pretty mixed I think.
Lol my dad went to HBCU as a white guy, and he received scholarship funding that is reserved for minorities
I almost never interact with non-Whites in a personal capacity. Just stuff like them being a cashier etc.
>you know what bud I feel like an ice cream... make that a TUB of ice cream ... I mean who's stopping me *devilish*
>bike to Sobeys
>I choose THIS ice cream... what a steal.....
>ring it up at self-checkout
>enter payment screen
>left my wallet at home
>tell the attendant to bring the ice cream back
>embarrassed myself
>go home empty-handed
>it's a sign
The thing is that blacks actually get preferential treatment in admissions to regular universities, in addition to those institutions that cater specifically to them, none of which are highly reputable.
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I agree in the sense that I won't attribute it to race and would much rather attribute shitty behavior to poverty and crime culture, but those two attributions line up with race. Whites and blacks ARE very distinct and antithetical groups, and there IS an endless amount of statistics, examples, fatherless households and generational poverty zones to prove it. But distinction comes from culture, culture comes from wealth, poverty culture is crime culture, good luck changing America to meaningfully change that. If you did, you would see a whole lot more Marques Brownlee and a whole lot less... violent felons, I guess.
banned the 500 dollar ahri skin one too many times qq
Love triggering the foids in here
It's like fly fishing
doesnt exist
do you guys actually believe black people are inherently subhuman retards
that's kinda sad
Interesting. Did he experience any racism? People singling him out for being white?

>those institutions that cater specifically to them
I assume anybody can apply for this universities right? Maybe white people just don't apply to them because they think they won't fit in or whatever
Phone, wallet, keys, water. I don't leave my house without them.
Pretending that race doesn't exist won't make it go away. Also Marques BROWNlee is a faggot.
The difference between blacks and whites pretty much disappears if you remove fatherlessness from black communities
I don't either but it happens
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lost my bus pass
>do you guys actually believe black people are inherently subhuman retards
Yes, and they've not proven otherwise.
I have toned down the racism in recent years because I myself am a subhuman retard
Whites do the same as blacks but on larger scales
literally me but i'm still the most racist man i know ironically
not a huge fan of the metroid games desu.
Who do you think you're fooling?
Equality literally means sameness. Individuals are not the same, and groups of people are not the same on average. I know that different groups are different, obviously. That doesn’t mean I think they should be destroyed or something; it’s just a different ecological niche, and they’re evolved for life in Nigeria or wherever. I don’t necessarily want to live near a different group, or marry someone from a different group, however.
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numale take
poverty culture is irrespective of race even if racially dominated by one of them, white trash exist too, in fact felonius trashy behavior has been seen in all races as long as they think doing crime is something to be proud of and the system just trying to put em down and sheeeeit.

and education, opportunities, whoops i'm talking about ending the generational poverty zones that creates criminals

i hate criminals and actions, not races. to say otherwise is not taking accountability for actions. to ignore the patterns of where the criminals are is to put yourself in danger. Wouldn't worry about a black dude in a wealthy neighborhood, would worry about EVERYONE in a poor neighborhood.
Whites destabilize nations and then justify it because they brought democracy or whatever the fuck
Whites dropped nuclear bombs and colonized every continent
Then will say "it's because we are so superior and everyone else is weak"
Maybe blacks are violent because whites are weak then
Hitler wasn't a Jew
Stalin wasn't a Jew
George Bush and lbj weren't Jews

Which brown or black people have inflicted the same amounts of violence as these regimes?
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im done talkin about blapeepo and ytpeepo for today but i think we made some good progress in solving racism /cum/ so give yourselves a pat on the back yes all of you
Woman post
Go away
>Wouldn't worry about a black dude in a wealthy neighborhood
I would, and I'd wonder what he's doing there and if he'll rob something or commit a violent act because statistically it's likely.
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>go to supermarket
>buy ingredients to make potato salad
>box of cereal to munch on in the morning
>6 pack of non-alcoholic beer cuz I gave up drinking
This country is fucking doomed. How am I supposed to save any fucking money when one bag of shit costs this much?
>bruh you need to make more money
HOW? Rajeesh will do twice the work for half the pay, why would they give me more money?
why the fuck are you buying nonalcoholic beer?
just buy soda, moron
non-alcoholic beer tastes poisonous
Stalin, LBJ, and especially George Bush were all operating on behalf of Jewish banking interests. ZOG.
Because soda rots your teeth so I try to not drink it all the time. I have no cavities and I never plan to.
Wow white people are pretty retarded and niggerish for letting that happen
>just buy soda
Disgusting suggestion
/cum/ niggas be like
"this dr pepper too spicy"
Haha, very funny, nigger
But I love Dr Pepper
Stalin was an antisemite who purged the Jewish Trotskyites, forever destroying Jewish power in the Soviet Union, was murdered by Jewish doctors, and is therefore now considered a valid target for criticism/condemnation in Kosher discourse (while Trotsky is not).
once again fighting the urge to drink because my life is empty and meaningless
The Bible says "to whom much is given, much will be asked"
If white people are really more capable of intelligent, then it makes sense that they will be the ones to whom it's expected that they build hospitals and cure diseases etc. But it doesn't mean they're better because white people do use their greater intelligence to build terrifying weapons of war as well. If blacks are lower IQ then it makes sense for us to expect less of them and also for their evils to be more localized.

I see it as how men look at women acknowledge that women are retarded. But then men get angry at women for being stupid. You have to be at peace with women being stupid, you can't acknowledge that they're stupid and be angry that they aren't men. Like you don't go and get a tiger and then when it bites you, cry that it isn't a Chihuahua
Drinking just makes things worse
make some good decisions today
eating one meal a day
>I don’t necessarily want to live near a different group, or marry someone from a different group, however.
I'd marry a woman if I like her and if she likes me and wants to marry. I wouldn't care what "group" that woman is from. Personal qualities would be important to me rather than membership of a "group" (by which I assume you mean "ethnicity").
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Stay strong bro. Don't do it. I did once, it nearly ruined my life permanently. You gotta soldier through it. If you give your brain an easy out using a drug you'll fall into an effort pit you'll have trouble climbing out of.
Paris Hilton is testifying to Congress about child abuse laws or some shit

The funny thing is, I feel like if she had self awareness then she'd realize that her reputation is kinda self defeating towards her cause

But then again the USA is genuinely stupid enough to let Paris Hilton influence their opinions.
>Interesting. Did he experience any racism? People singling him out for being white?
Yeah, he has a few stories. He actually attended there during the OJ Simpson trial, which was a very tense time for race relations in the US
Most mediocre "sex tape" of all time. The celebrity worship here makes people reharded.
I'm unironically gonna have to go down to one meal a day to have any money left to save. The faggots running our grocery oligopoly have finally realised just how much price-gouging power they have given that people MUST eat, and the government is doing exactly NOTHING to stop them.
Which celebrities have good sex tapes
Wow I killed the general
Party foul
hope your potato salad comes out good, anon
My mom is watching the news

Wow how depressing. No wonder we have a low trust society
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4chon is so slow rn
even /pol/ threads from this morning are still up
everyone's watching the big ball game
Pamela Anderson is the only one that comes to mind. I can only get off to erotic asmr these days anyway
We should change the boycott into a full-out HUNGER STRIKE. It actually fits the theme of the protest (food unaffordability).
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there's only shit games on
Plastic whore
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Have we reached the peak of capitalism?
I have embarassed myself repeatedly in this thread and likely made other posters uncomfortable enough to leave.
I was lying we're all out having sex
kim ks video was pretty hot but rayj really ruined it, and also I don't really get turned on by just face and some cleavage and some butt footage, but back in the day it was pretty great
Remember to rotate your mattress
lol its real
saved to my wishlist ngl
If we don't count the 13 where the other side was blatantly cheating, the US has never lost a war.
rotate, flip, turn on it's side, treat that mattress like kim kardashian!
just lost 2 lbs in about 3 minutes
She's not even here right now you dunce
Isolationism is the best policy. I wish we'd become a nuclear pariah state that annexed Canada, expelled jeets, and cut down immigration to zero. Let Europe grow some balls if it wants to repel Russia and China.
I effortlessly maintain 175lbs
From what? Cuming?
There's no money in isolationism.
I effortlessly gave your mom 175 pounds
my mom is dead....
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>2 lbs of ejaculation
Yeah, because he gave her 175 pounds.
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me irl
I'm sorry
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Aw hell nah he creasing them motherfuckers
im spending too much time in /pol/
then stop
eat healthy, you live healthy
your brain plays by the same rules with the media you consoom
Are you fucking retarded
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chuddy op
I don't like when people are mean to mexicans
It's become unusable and has been since the various waves of re ddit immigration c. 2015
I only drop in for habbenings
I hate when you burp big and so much air collects in your mouth you gotta blow it out like a cigarette
buncha nancy girls ITT
Thinking of buying a pendant, choices are 24k gold or platinum, but platinum is cheaper why? One would assume platinum is more valuable
Wait until around midnight est, this place turns into a hen-house.
Same but honestly if they can't handle the grit and cringe of 4chan then they should fuck off
I got up not long ago, it's almost 6pm and I'm having microwaved coffee. C'est la vie my friends
How do I fix this? My captcha keeps disappearing
hardest working french canadian
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>microwaving your coffee
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if you are microwaving coffee god just get a stovetop coffee maker you'll thank me
bro is seriously phone posting
Every single cordless vacuum I've used has a battery that lasts about 2 seconds and barely has any suction
he's not french, just gay
Steamed a quarter head of cabbage and once it cooled I picked it up and chomped down on it like an apple
*laugh track plays*
we aren't in war time yet anon, you don't have to eat something as grim as boiled cabbage
works on my machine
Steamed, not boiled. It's more nutritious and flavorful.
sounds like my cheap $20 bluetooth earbuds
this nigga eating cabbage
Yeah but cordless vacuums aren't 20 dollars
literally nothing wrong with cabbage but you nappy headed niggas be getting the shits from eating vegetables
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Bro you are so dumb.
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honestly what's your fucking problem? can i live? is that allowed? FUCK you guys
Ypipo be like "I'm ubermensch" and then "is that... TAP WATER?! AAAGGGGHHHHH"
only at cabbage grove
>no no no nono i can't drink this i can't i forgot to replace my brita filter
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just ate a brisket sandwich with queso and onion rings. a side of fries, a bowel of baked beans, some brisket burnt ends, a chocolate chip cookie, and a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
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i shouldnt use it
french canadians are forbidden by law to learn english so you won't find them on this side of the internet
bowel is right
it is clear from this thread that none of you are getting enough fiber in your diets.
I just purchased tickets to Peso Pluma
My doctor wants me to cut out carbs.
^sir shits a lot
I got like 40g of fiber today. Can't imagine getting under 25g like most people.
I've got IBS, I need no help with shitting.
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>omg, are you guys talking about fiber? I LOVE fiber! i take 5 shits a day and eat beans while Im pooping!
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i have NO idea about what makes a good diet. all i know is that my weight is grim
I rarely go more than once or twice
t. fiberanon
once or twice an hour*
Lean protein, vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and healthy fats, all in limited portions

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