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How could we have forgotten?
When will we remember?
Herrenvolk democracy could have been saved if he won.
for me, its Buford
>yankee free mason
free masons are the good guys.
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Why yes, I do have extremely fibrous shits from eating lots of fruits, vegetables, and beans.
Most inept leader of the union army
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Let me see your war face
The last time I shat more than once or twice a day I had eaten something bad
that's why he should have been president instead
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Bolivia status?
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Still irrelevant.
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full of food and sleepy. it's time for bed.
where is everyone
Your mom's house
Bros! Did you hear??
Dr Disrespect has been CANCELED!
Disdain for Americans
I will never again sleep next to a woman even half as attractive as the woman in this photo. I want to kill myself
Just watched some TikTok edits and now I want to climb K2
>I will never again sleep next to a woman
Disdain for Loyalists
Spinny isn’t here she facilitates a lot of conversations here in the background
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>Just watched some TikTok edits
She's busy glorking on my schlong because I promised to pay for her neo-vagina
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I'm going for a night walk in an hour
Why is /mena/ so gay? They've always got zesty op's up.
make sure to wear something reflective and bright, you can never be too careful
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hate being socially autistic
stay strapped
Dear god you're a fucking autist. Take this to /his/ you autistic fuck.
Anons Shocked to Discover Other Anons Autistic
the diagnostic criteria should have never been expanded and should have remained a disease for people who bang their head against the wall and need caretakers
how do the autists on /his/ not get tired of arguing endlessly about the bible or atheism
my mom and my sister smell the same when they sweat
I don't think my sweat smells like my father's bc we have radically different diets, but idk
>my mom and my sister smell the same when they sweat
same and my sweat smells like theirs. my dads smells different
have your mother and sister compare by smelling both of your armpits.
how do the autists on /int/ not get tired of arguing endlessly about race or women
*sweet home alabama starts playing*
low IQ coomers and /pol/ brainrot
i will never sleep next to woman
When my sister gets back from the gym you know my ass is running straight to the hamper
did you run out of toilet paper?
what does she smell like? More nutty or sour?
for autism, I mean
I actually get really depressed when I think about Indians flooding into the country. I saw an indian walking by the side of the road in my 99% white very rural town. How did he even find this place wtf
Unfathomably based OP, pleb filtered 99% of /cum/
Most people online like to argue about these things so they can avoid personal accountability (atheists) or feel morally superior without actually being a Christian (internet tradcath/orthobro larpers)
*screams fards and shits*
>see cute girl at the city market
>"hey anon did we go to the same school"
>nope sorry I don’t remember you. I don’t remember that many people from middle school
God damnit, I only realized minutes later that I’m supposed to lie and say yes I remember you. Worst part is, is that I DID remember her once I thought about it
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why is every general on /int/ the exact same?
>all weebs
>annoying uoh memes and pedophiles
>unfunny /a/ memes
/cum/ feels extremely normal compared to the rest of this board
I always found it interesting how anti-anime /cum/ is compared to all other generals
We are averse to hoe scaring posts and enjoy actual discussion
me too. theres a lot more mexicans where I live and its fucking rough. i hate it here. i'd move to europe but they have a bunch of browns too. where the fuck do we even go?
uhh seems like you haven't looked in that many generals. The only one that's right is how at least 1 regular pedo is nearly every general
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Saw a video in Tbilisi, Georgia and the bus was totally full of Indians. They are in even the most obscure places now, the entire world is getting Jeet fatigue
You see, I don't really mind mexicans all that much. They're christian, and they're at least a bit more familiar than people from the other sode of the world. I lived in the uk for a bit, but I could never get used to the south asians. Very grim
/cum/ has been pro-anime since its inception when CIA would go around spamming his yaoi doujinshi
i'm racist

thread theme (OFFICIAL)
same. it also makes me realize that all these anime spammers on other boards are likely ESL non anglo-sphere retards
Feel like the weebs here have been slacking lately. Remember that Lain spammer? Nigga would kill the thread singlehandedly lol
only esean, lat, suomi are like that really
I killed him and ruined his life so he stopped posting
my town sucks so much there are no local indian food restaurants I love butter chicken man... can't someone teach mexicans how to make butter chicken, I don't want indians here but the alternative is NO BUTTER CHICKEN
every general on 4chan is shit
>someone spamming a certian type of image to avatar fag (usually a character or type of animal)
>someone who always posts replies without replying to appear 'angry' or 'cool' its just gay
>someone using obtuse lingo or slang to avatarfag
>someone who shows up every day to vent about innane prattle no one who isnt a care bear or a hypochondriac could give a shit about
>someone who posts so much autistic OC shit that they are other a elaborate troll or actual aspie, will smother the thread in 200+ posts easily on slow boards
/cum/ is actually kind of good for not having these
The heart and soul of /cum/ (jason) is pro anime
Idk what you're all talking about
jason is gay, so he is an outcast
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Based trips of basedness
No saaar. Food doesn't justify your presence here. Go back
Its because Americans are the only real people on the planet, the rest are like pitiful caricatures of what it means to be a divinely inspired creation of the Universal Sound.
We have at least 2 of these thoughbeit
you can't make me drive 20 minutes in any direction to get butter chicken and biryani rice you can't!
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I know you're probably just shitposting but it's really depressing how much Americans hate themselves now I wish you guys still had some dignity and chauvinism
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Shower time bros.
I think I have some kind of rash on my armpit. Smothering it with deoderant didnt do anything, I was up all night scratching it, and even after a shower its still driving me nuts
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I am loyal to Jacksonian Democracy.
McClellan is MY president.
I do think that the average 4chan user is more americanized than their average countrymen. As a result a lot of foreign posters here occupy a space of strangeness and familiarity that borders the uncanny valley
>Smothering it with deoderant didnt do anything
probably made it worse
Why does a chicken coop have 2 doors? Because, if it had 4 doors it would be chicken sedan
You're probably not sweating enough to get rid of it then once you take a shower it dries your skin up too much and makes it itch
deodorant is really overused by the unperspirant
ok if i take off my shoes?
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>canadian humor
In Canada you take off your shoes when you enter a house
alright man
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wtf ICE deport this foreigner
>think I'm having a friendly disagreement online
>Suddenly person is angry and calling me names
Some people truly are mentally weak
This is great
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what about when you agree with them but they just start arguing with you anyway? niggas be perturbed online
ive been sitting down so much my legs feel funny. hopefully a blood clot forms and kills me
I sometimes tell lies on here and start arguments on the basis of those lies, and I actually catch myself getting angry when my opponent makes a good point in the argument. This site make you crazy
nigga u goofy ahhhh
>Over three decades, Ricardo Salinas Pliego became one of Mexico’s richest men with a mix of political connections and tough tactics. Now, his bank is at the center of a U.S. federal indictment accusing a Texas congressman of accepting bribes.
>U.S. federal prosecutors say a Mexican bank channeled $238,000 in bribes disguised as consulting fees to Rep. Henry Cuellar (D., Texas) to further the bank’s interests in Washington by influencing U.S. anti-money-laundering legislation, according to an indictment unsealed Friday in Houston. The lender in question was Salinas Pliego’s Banco Azteca, according to a U.S. official.
As a mexican how should I feel about this?
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Anon don't say that
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latinx are incapable of not being corrupt, america is finished because you let them in
Where I live is incorporated as a city, but its population is less than 10k
There is no McDonald's or Wendy's, only a couple small grocery stores, schools, locally owned restaurants and gas stations. Nothing ever happens, and it's awfully quiet except for the boomers and their goddamned lawn mowers and leaf blowers.
This is my America.
That’s a Chinese man
You're not contradicting him
Isn it based that a mexican bought an american politian? Or he at least rented him
do you commute somewhere for work?
Bro 10k is more than 5x the size of my "town"
I’ve heard people say his name but I don’t know anything about him and don’t care to find out
A quarter million dollars is surprisingly cheap.
i need to lock in
My work is remote
you must really live in the middle of nowhere
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its kinda crazy doe cause ladies find it comfortable to sit with their legs closed while when dudes do it its uncomfortable
yachts always seem so small to me, no matter how expensive and big they are
it's really not crazy we have our peanus and balls there
Your towns are in desperate need for some diversity, some culture
It’s just like a house on the water, unless you’re ultra rich and fond of wasting money
not sure i'd enjoy that, yea it's nice and big but you'd also have to deal with a 36 worker crew
This anon is SERIOUSLY ambitious
if you were conceived in a test tube that means your parents were scared of having sex with each other, which is probably a fear you inherited which is why you don't have sex
I heard from a mexican program is more like 600k though, maybe there is more
I guess you're more of an "automated smart home far away from other people" kind of billionaire.
you cant really be away from other people as a billionaire, you need security 24/7 but yea
We have a mexican restaurant already
i think tomorrow i'll pace around restlessly trying in desperation to fill the time until i can go back to sleep again, maybe listen to the same 4 songs over and over for while
> unskippable cutscene
i suffer in america
This is literally every American city outside of the main city or cities
A lot of Canadian small towns get their local businesses crowded out by chains and franchises. Anywhere large enough to have any businesses at all seems to at least have a dogshit McDonald’s and/or Tim Horton’s, but having local stores and restaurants seems to be a luxury of larger settlements. It’s a bit like something that I read IIIRC about Dollar General (?) sucking up all the small town market share
Almost every small town near me has a dollar general and a subway
I dont see what the big deal is with subway. Ive never had a bad sub when I got one made
dollar general isn't even that cheap, but they have a lot of handy random stuff. Their fruit and veggies suck though.
/cum/ niggas be like "yee haw I live in a small town" and it's 30 minutes away from a city
how does proximity have any effect on population size
the $5 footlong ruined this country
I ruined your mom with my footlong
Something interesting I've noticed is that when north americans say "small town" they're almost always referring to population. I think "small town" in other places refers to actual land area
think its a $10 footlong now in canada
>whole wheat bread (toasted)
>rotiserrie chicken
>red wine vinegar
>no mayo maybe some mustard
>some other random stuff as I see fit
>chocoloate chip cookies
there is literally nothing wrong with subway but it's a bit overpriced
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In leafland they have become comically overpriced in recent years. a footlong steak sub is over $13... not a combo or anything
I got a tuna salad sandwich once. Never again.
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Hell yeah honestly. I love stopping at Timmies or McDicks when I'm in a small town like Hope. These small but not tiny settlements often have their own independent stuff, too, sometimes semi renowned such as The Blue Moose in Hope, BC, which incidentally happens to be the surrounding area in which Rambo: First Blood was filmed.
it's actually almost $11 before tax for the cheapest footlong lol
>not getting the sweet onion dressing
What's the cheapest sandwich? Veggie?
bit disingenous to bring up population size when you're just an exurb for a city nearby
He said small, not isolated tbqchwyf
yes veggie is the cheapest followed by the cold cuts and some others like that. In recent years they even added a premium veggie sub that costs like $13 as well
more like Cope
are you the atheist who loves weed?
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>person in front reaches their hand out for a high five
>i shove my hand for a handshake
hate this cringe
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no, and frankly I feel insulted you even suggested it
this is it for me. if they were still $5 foot-longs, or if someone gave it away for free, it'd still eat it. it's just not worth it anymore, subway has always been a lower tier of fast food and the prices aren't justified.
the writers are women, the devs are jeets and the director is a jew
Oh oh I know this one.
What is "Every Blizzard game since 2005".
if you think about it, moot indirectly led to the election of Donald trump by creating 4chan, and by extension, /pol/ and Qanon
I got nothing done today
every modern game more like
I checked out 2 books from the library and returned some CDs
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if you think about it, a woman gave birth to hitler, stalin, and genghis khan.
seems best to avoid women, they seem like trouble.
I wasn't joking earlier. The $5 footlong destabilized the entire fast food market. They started to struggle, and it's a big reason why it's all over-priced slop now
yeah I agree completely. I don't know who is paying to keep all these overpriced fast food places in business
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How much is a sandwich from a Pret a Manger in London now? £10?
browsing reddit/r/all
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nasty farts
Those are three of the objectively greatest men in history. wtf I love women now?
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why do they do this, why do they got to use abbreviations for everything? is it to purposefully make it harder to remember?
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This reminds me of a Joseph Campbell quote:
>Man does not enter life except through woman
>360 cals
This is unironically why Subway is the only fastfood I'll even consider. At least it's possible to eat Subway and not turn into a lardass subhuman ob*se motherfucker. Though of course even 360 cals is still a tall order for just a 6-inch sub, so it's best to avoid subway altogether.
I entered between your moms legs
How're y'all's Hero's Journeys coming along?
We hired a 22 year old at work.

Yes, she's hotter than my wife.

But she's not my best friend. She doesn't make me laugh. She hasn't seen me at my worst, and decided she loves me anyway.

So, I'll pass. Thanks.
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I've found yet another masterpiece. This one's in a janky children's playground, right next to a statue of a power ranger, and the cast of Winnie the Pooh
I'm not the protagonist unfortunately
Yeah, but her pussy is really tight and wet and warm and it's been molded by millions of years of evolution to pleasure your cock and force cum out of it.
You'd kinda be stupid not to give it a go, given the opportunity
why did the sculptor feel compelled to handcraft a griffin cock?
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I already completed my heroes journey and now I don’t know what to do with myself
>so it's best to avoid subway altogether
you can just make subs yourself even with the high grocery prices it would be cheaper here. it's the sauces that usually raise the calories to a ridiculous level anyways
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2nd weeknight in a row that I spend getting drunk on the 'chon while listening to melancholic black/death metal.
>t. the Ebony Warrior
for me, its dungeon synth
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I'm still on the road of trials. Big ordeal coming up apparently.
only thirdies are close enough to animals and have enough SOVL to bring them to life in stonework
unfortunately that did not extend to this minotaur
Yeah, I'm probably in the same place. Let me know if you see an ORDEAL in the distance.
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Is that... bad?
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>what is the ORDEAL with airline food??
Here you go, big guy

Society apparently deems it to be bad.
(You)s are such a fickle thing. I’ll post an image in response to something someone what saying, and it’ll get no (You)s. The topic comes up a week later, I post it again, and it’s a hit; over a dozen (You)s.
Maybe help others complete the journey
it's still cool. it obviously took a long time and a lot of work. hopefully plenty of people are able to enjoy it.
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>post something on /cum/
>no (you)s
>post exactly the same thing while crossboarding
>a lot of (you)s
it really do be fickle
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For years, I've maintained a spreadsheet of all my posts and the number and timing of the (You)s each one receives. I've analyzed it extensively and now have proprietary information that allows me to optimize my posts for engagement. Sorry, but I won't be sharing my discoveries with you.
I grew up in Texas, but I currently live in Colorado, and holy shit it is so much better here. I'll probably live here for the rest of my life.
I have a headache. Might be from not drinking enough water.
Canadian bf
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Most of the (alleged) Coloradofags here complain that it's much worse than it used to be thoughbeit
it's easy to farm (You)s if you actually engage in discussion with other anons.
this is called a conversation.
incorrect, we have a lot of people who do that indirect reply thing. also
>1 reply
>(you) farming
i dunno how i ever did homework t-b-h
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I've been infatuated with the US since I was a kid. I care more about the wellbeing of the US than here or anywhere in Europe. I actually get sad when I read about problems in the country, whereas I laugh at migrant gang rapes in Europe
90's kids shows were very different
That's true, but it's still one of the better states to live in
the longer you are out of school the harder it is to go back to studying.
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That's cool, thanks for caring about us. You'll find that many of us have fond feelings for your country too.
Isn't Colorado half CHI now?
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>Herrenvolk democracy
>the most successful example of this by far is Israel
Ironic, no?
Gib finnish gf
I feel very inferior in the presence of other people. Not sure how to fix this
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They are mere mortals like you. Fuck 'em
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become racist, you will feel superior to some of them at least
Can you give more detail about that feeling? Inferior in what sense, for example?
shit game. Everything post city folk has ruined animal crossing
You're POOPY
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>that's his wife
well at least it's not his son I guess
I just feel like people know I'm a loser
why is everyone kinda stand offish in the US
t. mexican tourist
Stand offish how?
multicultural societies are like that
That's a man.
ura man
Depends on where you are tbqh. People are more willing to interact in my area (80% white).
you're stinky
On the contrary, Ameriblobs are overly friendly and conversationa, at least in my experience.
>The 55-year-old New Jersey native recently started a YouTube channel, Nikki and Jim, with his wife Nikki, a 26-year-old trans woman from Norway.
Like very no nonsense? Like I'll try to make conversation with random folks and they just say something to be polite then leave it at that.
At least in my city you can approach anyone anytime and start talking about random shit.


That's weird, it's mainly wypipo here. I think they don't fuck with my vibe.
That's how Anglo-Saxon culture is, and mainstream US culture is fundamentally Anglo-Saxon.

Honestly, Americans are probably the least standoffish Anglo-Saxon people. But that's a low bar.
I think it's Yuropeon culture more so than Anglo-Saxon culture. Americans are far more chatty than Yuros are.
>That's how Anglo-Saxon culture is
niggawat, unironically very friendly and will engage in small talk with complete strangers unlike most of the globe
The U.S. is more German than Anglo in a lot of respects
I thought it was only germans that didn't like strangers. Coincidentally germans don't like me.
On the contrary Germans are very boisterous, just look at Oktoberfest
I think there's an important distinction between Northern German culture and Bavarian culture.
Germans are (relatively) nice once you start talking with them but they usually won't make the first move and really like staring at people. At least in my experience
The staring creeps me out they are sizing me up to rob me
what are northern germans like?
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Coffee and sesh time, lads.
bit late for coffee, michael
someone shows their gyaat at the function and you think that of me? no, i am the rizzler
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yeah i be listening to stereolab, im not gay
>I think they don't fuck with my vibe.
you probably look like a bitch ass cholo ese
you think my santa muerte necklace gave me away?
You'd think so, however I got up at 6pm today.
need alcohol
haha, if this isn't a larp you are a dumb mexishit indeed
Uh oh is listening to Stereolab seen as gay lol
have alcohol
Of course I don't wear a fucking santa muerte necklace dude
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kurwa bober
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if I had alcohol I would look like this
BREAKING was going to make some food but my hunger abated
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Yeah, some Americans are definitely chatty. That's part of why I suspect they're the least standoffish Anglo-Saxons. But when you go past the surface level, even the chatty ones are very anglo -- distant and indirect. Quite different from anon's Latin American culture.
>pic of femoid
>clearly AI edited and not real face
>nobody else seems to notice
Maybe the NPC thing wasn't a meme
If you want to mingle, best go to a place where that's expected like a festival, farmer's market, club, bar, etc. Ordinary people going about their business are not so trusting of strangers.
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i'd look like this
friend said "when we were wrestling i felt like i could let out my inner child with you and i could be myself and i had so much fun" and all i was doing was grinding on his ass and making his hand touch my dick
im the lowest of the low sick perverted loser, everyone laugh at me...a disgusting bitch
bro a straight man doesn't talk like that
You're both flamers
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Is it true that zoomer Americans drink much less alcohol than older generations? Or is that just a meme?
The psychology of a gay bottom is like a woman but with more intense cocklust
I want what Israel has but for the American South, Lower Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. (new england and the west can get sharted)
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d-does this mean you agree?
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They probably don’t consume as much beer as we do but my little sister and her friends are alcoholics.
Israel is a nation state but they prosecute people for hate speech just like Canada does.
I hate alcohol
I just do psychedelics
Straightest American
The statistics show it's true. Weed is big among zooms.
I'm going to pee in your butt
They do everything (reading, teen pregnancy, smoking, drugs, drinking etc.) less than previous generations except social media use
i just want the ethnostate herrenvolk democracy part, like what America was in the Jacksonian period. I don't like the hate speech part.
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They’re getting high on their own supply (of poison pills they’re supposed to be feeding us)
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Bottom right is intentional thoughbeit, they unironically support it because they think a Jew's right to live in Israel supersedes a goyim's right to prosecute him for molesting goyim children
Get the nyew ready please
I don't got 300 seconds
I watched a 16 year old give birth in a motel 6 hot tub
it was the most beautiful thing i've ever seen
I'd rather you not
I guess a lot of things could be going on.

Maybe there's some "impostor syndrome," like you know intellectually that you've accomplished some things, but you don't believe it at an instinctive level.

Maybe you care too much about what random other people think of you. There could be many reasons for that.

Maybe you idealize other people, like you forget how much failure and fakeness everyone is hiding. It's like when people spend hours scrolling Instagram every day and (unconsciously) start believing that the staged/edited/curated lives in the photos are real.
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