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Do you weigh a real man's weight in you're cunt?
I'm double of yours
I was double yours but then I took semaglutides and am down to 270lbs at 5'9". I will not translate this into soulless commie units, you wanna speak american you're gonna have to learn to measure american.
i weigh 110kg. imagine carrying a 40 kg pack.
You're an obese piece of lard
lol what are you 5'4"

Amerilards are all overweight anyway, fuck you mutts
82 kg
I weight 65kg. I hate eating. How can you even be fat when eating takes actual effort. If I didn’t have to eat to live I wouldn’t eat at all.
I guessI weigh two real men's worth of weight then
just eat less and move more fatass
I am 1.62x your weight at 6'3
>165 cm
>60 kg
>12.5 cm
Boo hoo whatchu gonna do it about twink
Ever heard of hunger? Our hunger is legitamite because our diet has fucked up after so long. If you suffer childhood obesity into adulthood you can't just stop eating and expect not to get pain from doing so. Semaglutides stop me from eating as much and I eat like a normal person now. So suck my fat chode.
>victimweight manlets posting dick measures
Nobody cares
Have a (You) so you don't go home emptyhanded
you care, you big fag
>eating takes actual effort.
81kg, 178cm short king, 43cm chest and 34cm tummy diameter
I swear to God I have shit genes, I can literally not eat for like a week and lose 5 pounds, only to gain it all back in a day. It's frustrating because a worker of mine eats nothing but fast food mostly and skinny as hell. I am 5'11 and 210lbs right now
I'm 185 cm 83 kg or 6'1" 183 in burger units.
66.8 kg and 1.70 m
You eat more than you think tho
>only 70kg
I suppose that's a mans weight, if you're a man under 5'7
6' 80kg
though i might be skinnier i dont own a scale my lowest was 68kg in the winter but i hope i havent regressed that low agian
how about you develop some willpower and discipline instead of relying on drugs fatass
I'm the same height as you and weigh 86kg. You are a dyel incel.
Yes. I'm around 240 lbs
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You're overweight as fuck which is unsurprising considering your flag

Are all of you fucking mutts obese pieces of lard?
I'm 178cm too but rarely touched grass
is our height still considered as tall now?
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I weigh 63 kg / 139 lbs
are you a transgender?
>Brazilian flag
It was already implied.
how didyou bulk lol
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Based. Show bussy or legs.
Holy fucking fuck and I thought I'm obese @ 210 lbs 6'2
At least I can see the rectangle outline of my rectus abdominals when I flex, when was the last time you even saw your dick
my nigga
this means nothing I got 29 and i'm one of the fastest players in my rugby team
there are under 1,75m guys who weights 90kg+ and are jacked af I guess they are obese too
I went through a period last year where I was super stressed and basically just ate fast food and even though I felt like shit I dropped like 5 lbs in a week and my pants felt bigger (drank lots of water too so not just dehydration)
It screws with your gut microbiome and you end up losing the will to eat because you feel so bloated and shit afterwards
How about you develop will power to solve whatever problems you can't solve in your life.
I actually do have will power because I willed drugs into my possession that allow me accomplish my goals in ways that were otherwise always out of my reach. My will is Faustian.
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fatty fatty boombalatty
first you ate
now you've shatty
shoving more food in your mouth
more goes in, it never comes out
you'll never see over your rolls
doomed to seethe about your woes
Please kill yourself
Ah, nevermind, you'll probably die of a heart attack anyway, keep chugging that syrup you disgusting fat mongrel
too much bro
I was just bantering
I'm really not sure. I just always had the appetite of 2 people. It didn't matter what I ate I would always eat too much and if I didnt my hunger wouldn't be satiated and I wouldn't be able to sleep at night.
>Holy fucking fuck and I thought I'm obese @ 210 lbs 6'2
>At least I can see the rectangle outline of my rectus abdominals when I flex,
Fatfuckery is different from one person to another. You probably look at me the way I look at people like boogie2988 or airsoftfatty.
>when was the last time you even saw your dick
When I jerked it last night.
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im 168cm and 60kg
No, I will win. The pain of growing up a fat fuck has hardened me to all social critique. Also >>199051812 isn't me, it's not banter.
I'm 73kg
I weigh around 80 and feel like a massive fat piece of shit, I don't know 100+ kilos fags live with themselves
Depends if you are actually fat or just have muscles. I know a guy who's 6'2 and 220lbs but he's every muscular and does not look fat at all
i'm 178cm and weigh 65kg
i eat 2 reasonably nutritios meals a day as well as take supplements
i go out on long walks/hikes every day
>70 kg
>man weight
don't waste your time, people in south america is not used to see big guys (4u), and they think 180cm is tall and 80kg is fat
I'm 56.6kg. I wish I weighed 53kg again. It's difficult to actually keep off weight.
>eating takes actual effort.
Do you not like cooking? I find it meditative.
>270lbs at 5'9"
uhhh ethnicity?
Nigga if you were 330 lbs and 5'9" then you were basically the same weight as airsoftfatty and nearly the same as boogie

You are a fat fuck and need to stop eating NOW before you die a slow painful death and start having limbs chopped off for PAD and septic risk
English - Norf
I've lost more weight these past months than I have in my life. You should be congratulating me for my weight loss.
congrats anon
I'll congratulate you when you're no longer a fat fuck, I haven't even congratulated myself because I'm still a fatass
>English - Norf
Based, come home Northern man (actually don't this country's fucked)
I posted about this on fit but i got giga ignored.
I weight 67 kg and i am 1.78 m, i wish i could go back to 65 kg but maintain that weight is difficult for me, even if i have a busy work and i work out almost daily.
>inb4 just stop eating
I wont stop eating because of the lack of nutrients, if i dont get the enough nutrients i will feel like shit , lazy and brainlet and thats why i eat eggs, milk and red meat almost daily, but sadly i am a person who gains weight too easy
Are you cute?
I am a hispanic and brown male, i dont think that's "cute" for the american standarts
Thank you Jordanon, may you be spared Israel's wrath.
Well, I'll continue to lose weight.
My ancestors come mostly from Manchester and it's surrounding area which is a place I'd like to visit. I have a sort of racial memory of barrel chested stocky men that exists in my mind when I ever I see my dad shirtless which is occasionally activated whenever I see my kinsmen.
you're welcome man, every little step counts
115 kg
im 110lbs
Yes, I weigh 58kg
hunger is fucked if you are fat. or maybe you are far because your hunger is fucked. what ever the reason you need to cope and endure hunger it's not going to kill you to be hungry once in a while.
You can use a spreadsheet
Do you have a huge shemale cock?
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>Real man's weight
>70 kg
Pinches argentos femboys
I do cope with semaglutides which keep my food in my stomach longer and keep me fuller longer. My stomach has shrinked since I've been on them because I eat less. I know people find it hard to believe fat pipo on hunger but it's true.
You're a fucking pocket princess
Relapse is going to be huge as well as you. Sorry you won't ever get thinner.
I'll be on it forever, the only thing that will stop me from taking semaglutides is if society collapses, and at that point I'd lose by just not having anything to eat. Sorry mr Krabs but I'm leaving this bucket.
I don't know how much I weigh because I'm not a woman.
>”short” king

the internet has ruined your mind
i'm the same height and only on the internet do i see people pretend 178cm is an acceptable height.
in the real world 178cm is short "king" tier
I weight 72 Kgs but i am also a manlet so i don’t look underweight, i just look small
thanks God i live in a “short” country then
I am a fat fuck. 112kg.
Bad choices. I eat a lot of deep fried stuff all my extra fat comes from there for sure, I need to buy an airfryer
186cm 65.5kg
I think the ideal weight is the last two digits of your height in cm. Example: I am 184cm tall so my ideal weight is 84kg. What do you guys think?
>23 years old
>74 kilos
when i was 20, i was 57kg. Beer destroyed me but i am coming back.
I'm a gymcel so seeing the weights in this thread has made me realise how skewed my perspective is haha
I doubt fat people even know what hunger is. They most likely confuse it with something else.
That only works for people under 2 meters. And I'm not really sure if 99kg is ideal for a 199cm person. Seems excessive.
You just said you are cunt
Wtf, i'm 177 and i was like 70 kg. I'm slightly over 30 now abd weight 75.
So 'bout 120kg at 175cm
>English - Norf
Liverpool doesnt count
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Looking for /int/ twink bf
> <165cm
> <65kg
>Optimum Twink Age Range (OTAR)
>South American/Asian flag
>> <165cm
So a little boy, then?
185cm, 80kg
178cm(5'10) and 80kg
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182 cm
78 kg
11 cm penis
You should weight 10 kgs more
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>first burger post is this
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C'est fini pour toi
chinlets are either fat lards at risk of stroke under minimal physical effort, or frail twinks reminding others of certain polish vacation camps. rarely anything in between.
6'2 / 188cm
Just buy a penis extender
120 kg / 191 cm. Used to be really into lifting but fell into depression and have been drinking a fuckload of beer every day since covid.
I'm a 62 kilo skinny fat piece of shit

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