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3 amigos edition

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Which are you? Grade B myself
none, as I am a leaf
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>working remote, dog is currently sleeping next to me, got two roome temperature glasses of water
it's going to be a comfy morning.
Might need a new computer. Mine is 8 years old
a fate worse than death
Grade C Italian
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>only slept for like 3 hours last night
>been up since 5am
>walked to the dispensary at 10am
>sun so bright my eyes were burning for the entire walk both ways
Correct, ground zero of the jeet-pocalypse
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stay mad
It's not as bad everywhere here. I've seen a few Indian priests in Catholic churches but when I was in college there were not many Indian students.
yes Americans try to jump on the jeet-hate train but you just get a smattering of H1B visajeet slaves and the ones that sneak in from Canada. We have millions that have come in the last 3 years alone in a country with 40 million people... you do NOT suffer like we do here
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grade aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Aren't they mostly poor Punjabis too?
What should I get for lunch bros?
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I'm having a veggie and Jack cheese scramble with sourdough toast and avocado. Having burgers later, so two meals is plenty.
yes they are literal street shitters from Punjabi villages who pool all their money to send a single jeet to canada to get a "degree" from some diploma mill so he can work minimum wage and send 90% of it back
i ate 3 oreos for breakfast
I saw some apartment listings in Canada where it was like $600 canuck bucks for three beds in a single room, vegetarian only, or like "one white female and seven brown males". Heard they hire and discriminate based on caste too
Plebbit said some diploma mills are run out of strip malls lol
>$600 canuck bucks for three beds in a single room
that's not even the worst ones, one went viral here recently and he was renting a bed in the middle of a kitchen for $500 a month lol. This is why the jeets that come here go insane and regret it immediately but they are stuck being slaves.
>Heard they hire and discriminate based on caste too
yeah they do that all time and also only hire jeets from their own ethnic group or state
We do have a really nice hamburger place attached to the same building as my office. Little pricey. I'm in the midst of a move so I may opt for some cheap pizza.
I haven't eaten breakfast yet but it will be biscuits and gravy
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If you have a folder with old pics of me, you're mentally ill.

I honestly quit breakfast on weekdays I just have like 3 cups of coffee.
>strip malls
exactly right, you can see some of these """colleges""" on the second floor of a rundown strip mall. It's a joke, and like half the damn jeets here have fake student invitation letters obtained to fradulently get a visa anyways. Our government knowingly allowed all of this and all pretends to stop it now because even the most leftwing plebbitor leafs hate jeets & immigration
sounds like projection
Most of the South Asian folks I've met in the US are pretty similar to East Asians. Obviously it's a different cultural vocabulary but they seem to be alike in their desire to pursue a petit-bourgeois lifestyle and ensure that their kids are able to take advantage of all that America has to offer.

Interesting to see Canada dealing with the social reaction from an influx of poor immigrants. After years of smug e-Canucks tut-tutting us about how awful Trump was, it's like they all woke up one morning and learned how to be racist.
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what toppings
When I save pics of 4chan posters, it's the cute femboys I fap to. If you save pics of me I can only assume you're gay. I'm not cute so if you're attracted to me you're gay. QED you're mentally ill.
>After years of smug e-Canucks tut-tutting us about how awful Trump was, it's like they all woke up one morning and learned how to be racist.
I'm serious when I say it's like the biggest cultural change that's happened here in decades. We were the biggest retards supporting unlimited immigration despite common sense or any sort of data. Now even Blacks here are telling jeets to fuck off, hell even the jeets from past decades want it to end
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>I fap to femboys
>I'm not gay
I never denied being gay. I'm gay(happy)
On a pizza? The place near me let's you get 2 slices and a can of soda for $7. You can get either pepperoni or plain cheese. I get the pepperoni if it hasn't been sitting out too long. Generally I go for whichever is fresher. If I make one myself at home I like some pepps and a little hot honey.

The burger place is one of those deals that charges you a flat rate and then lets you pick whatever toppings. I like some fried onions and mushrooms in addition to cheese.
Do you deny being homosexual?
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nothing worse than old pizza that's been sitting under a heat lamp all day
There's no such thing as homosexual. I deny the concept of sexual orientation. There are normal people and paraphiliacs. You're attracted to me and that makes you a paraphiliac if you're a man. If you're female hmu.
>even the jeets from past decades want it to end

You see a similar thing with legal, established immigrant communities in the US. They *want* to assimilate and hate being associated with poorer, dirtier people from their countries of origin that just hop the border to get paid under the table and send some money back to the old country.
Sounds like some cope Jason...
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i have pics of your bocchis (the rock(s))
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No, you're just low IQ and have happily imbibed pozzed contemporary nonsense.
Again, sounds like cope Jason... I'm sure you'll accept yourself some day.
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>zoomer just doubles down on the buzzword
I fap to cock and bussy, little bro. You're brown and play transout76.
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also don't forget, a lot of brownoids look forward to living amongst wypipo and don't want to be back in their old shithole again
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>I fap to cock
>I'm not homosexual
>I avatarfag with anime girls
>I don't have AGP
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I fap to cocks.
I watch tranime.
Gay anime website.
You're brown.

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majority grade A with a dash of B, C and D
>You're brown.
I'm not doe
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>b-b-but this jewish encyclopedia says liking femboys is gaaaaaay!!!! You have to conform to my pigeon hole double digit IQ worldview noooooooooo!
You're like 5'8", and brown, lol.....
I'm 5'10" and white doe
>jacking off to men isn't gay because [schizo nonsense]
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I'm gay(happy)
Yes I am a sex worker, Yes I am a human being.
The term is homosexual
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You know what's worse than being gay? Playing Fallout 76 lol.
>thread is ruined again by some 5'6 mexican faggot named Jason
I've never played Fallout 76
Fuck it, I’m going to play vanilla wow in 2024
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holy SHIT
trips never lie
trips of truth
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creationists gonna love this one
I left my cellphone charging all night! Fuck! Overcharging leads to a shorter lifespan of the battery! Its so joever before it even began! Trump!
though he is not of the latino persuasion
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I'm almost done lifting weights and getting sweaty. Gonna shower and finish shaving my belly, cock, balls and ass. I thought about shaving my whole body but it's such a pain and I don't feel like it.
nobody cares
I care
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nigga youre not feminine you look like a 30 year old nigga, stop shaving theres absolutely no reason for you to be doing so
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Who's gonna tell her?
Probably grade D judging by how trashy and/or retarded my family is
He will troon out in a few years. The denial is strong
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Why are you thinking about me sexually? Are you gay? I shave so I can swim, bro.
Yes, I'm bisexual
>Why are you thinking about me sexually?
Youre no sexual
>Are you gay?
>I shave so I can swim, bro.
nigga you dont fucking swim youre an incel and stay inside all day and create fantasies about your little sister kys
All the really old families in my hometown (the ones all the places are named after) degenerated pretty badly and are mostly trashy. It's in South Jersey though and one of the families was the Jersey Devil family so maybe they were never anything other than trash.
Okay, I do question your taste if you think I'm attractive albeit.
lol brown
7 billion years to us is 7 days to god, clearly his creation process took a while to complete
My family was grade a, but the family lore goes that my family lost its landholding after my ancestor wrongly killed a man. Now we're all pieces of shit
It's all made up, stupid. There is no god.
One thing about me is Im a fuckass nigga
T rex actually had feathers and used its “legs” to fly
niggas in paris
fuck that nigga
he from 63rd
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Hate it when people post anime and include "ok guise time to shave me COCK" in the same post. I can't immerse myself properly in imagining the poster to be the anime girl attached. The apu posters on the other hand are a lot better at fitting their role of being small and good hearted lads, I can believe that quite easily
A on my father side, C on my moms side
Father is Grade A, mother is Grade C
I look like this and do this
Dubs decides what race I play in classic wow
I bet you rub your smooth thighs together like a slut
Anime girls with cocks aren't that alien, you have a weak mind.
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Philadelphia is one of the most depressing cities to live in as an American. Not just because it's a violent shithole (It is), but as one of the older American cities you get to see barely functional retards squatting in ruins with architectural styles that represent every period of American prosperity. I know it's like that in other cities too, but the fact that independence hall is here makes it worse for me.
white human male
best race (tauren)
on a side note is there a way to recover your account? i cant remember what my email that I used was and have a new phone number...
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Well there must be because we came about and can comprehend his creation
I hope you aren’t still giving blizzard money
Troon posting is obnoxious, Jason didn't always post like that thoughever
Yeah, I think we need to change his meds. Maybe go back to canned food as well
yeah because his dysphoria is progressing
he used to have high T, someone post his civil war general outfit
I didnt see many homeless when I visited. Which is weird because I took as many buses as I could around the city. Admittedly I didnt see much of south philly, but germantown and La salle station were pretty ghetto
I'm going to shit out my ass, if that's alright with you all
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I got my hardcore warrior to lvl 30 on whitemane.
Bocchi the Rock changes a man.
>civil war general outfit
The chud I knew who browsed /pol/ in high school and was obsessed with the military and the Nazis was a closeted gay and trooned out a year ago (hated them too before he did it). I wonder why that is
Americans be like
>banana for scale
sudaca tier honestly
my life is looking grimdark
Only Reddit-Americans do that
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i like a little inclusion of anime girls to visually spice up a thread but it may not be healthy for Jason the Shaved Cock after seeing today's thread participation
I watched bocchi and it didnt turn me into an attentionwhoring homosexuual
It's almost june 29th
people who couldn't comprehend god's "wisdom" also couldn't comprehend multiples of 10
Serve the Emperor
Shaving your cock makes it look bigger
I've never shaved my cock
>and was obsessed with the military and the Nazis was a closeted gay and trooned out a year ago
why is this so common
so did he turn into a trans nazi now or is he a stereotypical tranny now?
>he a stereotypical tranny now?
stereotypical tranny, but I can only surmise that from social media posts, I haven't actually spoke to him in a few years
I'm a fully trained 10th level mystic and theologian . I understand things you couldn't possibly comprehend, so spare me your remedial attempts at sagacity
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>I'm a fully trained 10th level mystic and theologian . I understand things you couldn't possibly comprehend, so spare me your remedial attempts at sagacity
Happy june 29th.
Im a fully trained bitch ass nigger
Are you coping right now, or seething? Or both?
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>why is this so common
people who are not gay do whatever they want and don't really give it much thought
people who are getting gay feelings get paranoid, they start mentally trying to avoid things they attribute to becoming gay, they become more radical to distance themselves from "the gay", but all these attempts to be "less gay" just create a mental entity in their mind of being gay. that's why some people see anime and think "cute girls" and other people see anime and think "WHAT IF THIS MAKES ME WANT TO BE THE GIRL? NO NO I CAN'T WATCH THIS IT'S ON MY LONG LIST OF POSSIBLY GAY INDUCING CONTENT I NEED TO GO READ MUSSOLINI'S WIKI PAGE AGAIN OR ELSE I MIGHT GO FULL BLOWN GAY"
This may come as a surprise for you but nazis are indeed socialists
It's weird how fascism is given so much weight on the political spectrum when it existed for like 25 years max, has socialist elements, and is opposed to Conservatism
I could just run the game locally and fill it with bots but that is lonely
>eating more
>prioritizing protein
>look pudgy and out of shape and still can’t get up to 160lbs
uh drompf is a nazi fascist you dumb chud
what kind of protein are you prioritizing?
Should add that I am working out and jogging. I thought it was implied but I’ll also state it explicitly
Milk, tofu, nuts, granola, some meat when I can afford it.
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>horrible bmi, weight 130
>eat a ton of food, pasta, lettuce, all throughout the day
>horrible bmi, weight 127
what the fuck
Philly is great to visit but I couldn't live there. The trains here have spoiled me. I can't deal with SEPTA's piss and shit smell anymore.
soy innit
a lot of calories
a lot of fat (a lot of calories)
Im already underweight, and now since Im broke, I eat even less
Fascism and nazism aren't the same thing but they're both socialist ideologies
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we are going to make it one day
i cant WAIT to get paid at 12am tomorrow!!!!
Oh yeah, olympics this summer
Yeah this is why I admitted to myself that I'm bisexual. My preference is for women but it's a lot easier to just be honest when you pass a good looking dude on the street and find him attractive. It's not worth denying it to yourself and having this whole identity crisis every time you see a fella looking hot. You just pass him and enjoy it the same way you'd enjoy a beautiful woman.
no buzz, very low energy!
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Me when I drank too much
I hate the way American TV presents the Olympics. They insist on putting the US basketball team in prime time so we can watch LeBron James hang 30 on Angola or something. I wanna see the sports I can't watch every other time of year.
Fascism doesn’t mean anything anymore. No two people are talking about the same thing when they mention fascism
/sp/ is going to be filled with /int/ tourists. i never go to outside /int/
its filled with /int/ tourists right NOW because of the euros and copa america
Dubs decide if I pay for classic wow or I run the game locally with bots
why is /cum/ popping this morning
Me on the right
Dubs decide if Im a fuckass nigger or a stank ass nigger
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/cum/ is POWERFUL
Because the only other active threads are shit.
Lmao it's unusable rn. Every international sporting event makes that board shit itself inside out.
I made the thread
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i dont understand how people use fast boards, you look away for 45 seconds and it either archived or hit bump limit lol
you should be THANKING me
the post timer has completely ruined game threads. Something could happen right after you post and you have to wait a minute to acknowledge it and by then there's already 50 posts saying the same thing
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/cum/ is how I scratch my blogging itch, and I'm feeling that Thursday Life Introspection that makes me wanna scratch. Oh, and the amphetamines do that too, my CNS is getting zapped like a lightning rod in a tropical storm right now.

Expand on your thesis.
During like a world cup final or something it's good meme harvesting territory. Just pick the choice ones and drop them in your preferred group chats.
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>Oh, and the amphetamines do that too
Yeah its retarded, it's like gookmoot has actively made every decision about this site based on what will make it worse
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>have a soccer group chat with two buddies
>one is from spain, so he's literally fanatical about it
>Im the only one who ever posts anything in it anymore
I want to watch Mutahars video about opera x but his voice is so damn annoying and it's too early to deal with his face
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Spare yourself, Mutahars is not worth watching
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Showered and shaved my balls. Gonna read isekai while I WC in OSRS.

I wish there were more good isekai. I downloaded a couple series with female protagonists and those are usually good so here's hoping.
to be fair, you have to have a single digit IQ to enjoy isekai
He actually is, but I gotta download the video and run the audio through a voice changer or some shit. He has good info but I can't stAnd to look at him and his voice makes me want to hit things
got 'im
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I don't know why, but I can't usually understand French that well, but when this guy speaks it I understand almost everything.

I wonder what regional accent he has, because I find that strange
It's such shit. It's so depressing what's happened to anime as it becomes more dependent on the money generated by a western audience. Like every show is about some boring twink ignoring his 8 wives and winning magic fights with his everything proof shield.
yah. You can look at an upcoming season of anime and at least half of it will be some reincarnated/body swap isekai bullshit
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Chill out, Isekai is not new and seasonal sloppa anime is DEFINITELY not new. As always, as in every art medium, there is more crop than cream and it is up to (You) to find the good stuff.
meh. I've always watched anime primarily for escapism so it doesn't bother me
>posts gacha
make that a sub-zero IQ
Yeah, anti-isekaifags are posers and don't even watch anime
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>Yeah, anti-isekaifags are posers and don't even watch anime
Oh I acknowledge all of that. Preparing new series for a western audience now happens on an industrial scale, so there's less quality control. No one is sorting out the crap before sending it over anymore. Easier to just send it all and let the market decide.

But it's just a broader trend I notice, not just in anime. So much narrative media is shunning the idea of adult situations and emotions for eternal adolescent wish fulfillment.
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This is what I mean. This is Richard Linklater talking.
Working out gave me about 45 minutes of purpose. Now I’m depressed again.
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If I had to guess why that is, I would unfortunately assume it's because the world is really hopeless for newer generations right now. Like, priced out of getting a home, going through multiple economic upsets, lonelier than ever, no wonder people turn to escapist settings where things are nicer and the world is less evil.
anybody watch their local news here? you should, can be interesting
big story
>SUV hits cow in the road
>cow bounces into other lane where a motorcycle hits it
>car drives into it
>as car was braking a truck rear ended it
>another car from other direction hits cow again
>The ideal candidate will have a minumum 2 years professional gardening experience

First ancestors unironically came here in 1796. They originally started as bankers in Virginia but they must've fucked up bigly since they eventually moved west and became farmers.
such a nice day outside, cool weather, walked to the amazon locker to get my furry tail, got home ate some pudding, just chilling until i have to go to work. life is gooood
how does one get 2 years professional gardening experience lmfao
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Replace Canada with Brazil
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wut the fug
postpartum... psychosis...?
I understand and sympathize. I am among the lucky portion of the population that is doing pretty well. My job pays me well, I have love and friends in my life, I'm pursuing my dreams and passions.

I understand the value of escapism. Videogames, dumb movies, anime, pulp novels, all good. But I fear people let life pass them by and use "escapism" as an excuse. All generations have faced crises and grappled with hopelessness. All we can do is try to work through it and reach a brighter tomorrow.
All generations have also used escapism, just through drinking to forget or other unhealthy habits. Unhealthy habits have existed ever since we discovered fire, it is a bad decision easily made by the human condition to cope.
America and Europe will never be White again. There is no future to look forward to short of nuclear war. Nothing will ever improve or be good in my lifetime.
Business idea:
You all send me money and I get to be a NEET and stay home all day, capiche?
black people come up with the most horrible names ever they also come up with the BEST names ever
>my furry tail
just did 20 pushups
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Imagine walking into a bar and then never being seen again.
Well said, anon.
people are posting screenshots of their credit scores to flex now
Funny how "bum" means "homeless person" to Americans, but it means "buttocks" in Britain

Funny how "smoke a fag" means "kill a homosexual" to Americans, but it means "smoke a cigarette" in Britain
quads going to a based anon yet again
which "people"?
does fag not refer to a gay person at all in britain?
honesty time i have no idea what my credit score is or how to check and i really should know by now
its not mine actually its for my friend
cant wait for Bruce Buffer to introduce the candidates before tonight's debate
steam summer sale in t-minus 10 minutes
my credit score is very low because i dont use my credit card. fuck who ever invented this
I don't even know mine but they email me offers a lot so it must be decent
cant wait to drink myself to death watching two clowns fight over who's going to ruin the country more
just people I went to school with
they're insufferable
I've got $60 in a prepaid credit card from blood donations lets go
hamburger for lunch
>who ever invented this
i cannot speak, if i speak i am in big trouble
its a beautiful summer day and im working, isnt this sickening?
itll be shit, like always
From the point of view of a lender, there's some uncertainty because maybe you won't pay your bills. You haven't been tested.
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OwO rawr :3
let me guess its the jews
>how dare you save your money!!!
fuck bankers
cool it with the antisemitism
credit scores for certain things like renting is dumb
cope poorfag
It’s not about using the credit card but showing you can consistently make payments. If you have low credit history you can get a guarantor or a cosigner in order to get a loan or lower interest rate
Young people here know that "fag" means "gay" because of the American internet, TV, etc. So you might hear them use it. Older people might not know that meaning, I dunno.

I guess the more British words for a gay person would be "poof", "poofter", "bender", "battyboy".
my credit score is 400-600 somewhere in that range i really dont care tho
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it's all so grim
I once photoshopped paychecks for an onlyfans whore I went to school with so she could rent an apartment
I swore off "debates" after 2016. Don't watch em, don't partake in em. I can educate myself.

You wanna discuss something we disagree on? Make your case? Hear mine? Great. Let's talk. But I can't stand these little fancylads shouting over each other and playing verbal judo. Nothing gets settled and no one has their mind changed.
crazy how your credit score can immediately go up just by paying money to the companies that handle credit scores
I mean, people know what "bum" means here too, it's just not used in everyday conversation
mine is in the 750s because I am an authorized user on my mom's credit card
That is pretty funny. Humorous even.
I honestly prefer the shitflinging. Shame that the Trump campaign agreed to the rules by the Biden campaign though.
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>my moms credit card
apparently my credit score is in the bottom 20%
*sexual image that causes arousal*
Describe what you see.
Honestly I think it’s just to eliminate the amount of applications they have to go through. There was one renting company I almost used but they wanted me to answer a fuck ton of questions and give them pictures of my pets and my car, so I just went somewhere else. If you ask around more you can also find a lot of old farts who rent/lease out their properties but don’t advertise it or use any online shit or third party managers
The credit reporting agencies don't know if you've been saving money. They only see information about your loans and bill payments and they do the best they can with that.
>fuck bankers
That might be exactly wrong. Your banker can see you've been saving money because that's where you keep adding to your big pile. So your bank might be the most willing to lend to you because they see information other than a credit score.
your cute penis and bummyhole
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The man just wanted some cigarettes

Fair enough. Another funny one is "fanny pack" which Americans say, because in Britain, "fanny" means "vagina". The type of bag that Americans call a "fanny pack" is called a "bum bag" in Britain.
landlords fuming
/cum/ming should be an option desu desu
I did something similar because I needed proof of my social security so I just put numbers where the ********* was on a paycheck or something
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faceless woman with a 6 pack and big boobies
Evens I play on a public classic wow server
Odds I play locally offline
I assure you, my genitals are both dark and hairy.
thats how i found my current place, i got denied by like 4 real estate companies and then i just found a place on facebook and didnt even pay until like a week after i moved in
elab, face hidden or blank like a manequin?
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both are fine
>use credit card for groceries and gass
>pay it off every month
Boom your credit score with be be near 800.
every <20 year old mmo has no SOVL and only zoomers/children play them
Debates are just for people who haven’t made up their mind anyways, so it’s useful with multiple candidates. but literally who the fuck wouldn’t’ve already made up their mind between two people from competing parties? Probably sudaca towelheads from germany or some shit
noooooooo it's the principle of the thing, you can't just accept the world's flaws and be pragmatic about it
What kind of low IQ jarhead is motivated by job security kek
Wizard 101 was sovlful shut up
what the fuck is the name in the bottom right

The plants of the Americas completely mog the rest of the world
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Works on my machine.
Yeah mine's in the 700s somewhere and I have no idea how. Shit's easy.
Those are great, but I just love bread made of wheat.
The Clerks TV show is honestly way better than you'd expect. Think about "I'm not your mate, fag!" All the time.
there are not mexican on /cum/
Yeah there are quite a few differences. In Britain many of us have heard the different words Americans use through American media.

British words are still popular here though. Like "mate", and "football" instead of "soccer", etc.
So bored
Welcome, thanks for joining us. The gap needed to be filled.
Oi cunt
You carnt wear that colour here
Imagine eating food
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I dont know any excel formulas because the only time I ever used it was in like 5th grade to make stupid graph charts for science projects
I'm fasting rn, but yes I am imagining that. Constantly.
Should Puerto Rico be a state?
I don't see why not
Celeste for $1.99 is a good deal.
I wonder what would change (other than PR's representation in Congress)
You can really trust a guy with an ugly wife. He probably has a good heart
I know I'm poor enough to qualify for free dental and medical care but can I convince the ghetto clinics that I am? We'll see in 5 hours.
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do orientals just lack empathy? Im an unempathetic autist and think this is way too far
Go in speaking a second language (not Spanish).
Good luck anon
Yes, and so should DC, or at the very least DC should have senators

Also the number of senators for a state should be proportional to that state's population. It makes no sense that a state with few people gets the same amount of representation as a state with tons of people.
I know a bit of tagalog, but these places never have translators for tagalog in my area, it's all spanish, blegh. Besides I'm too zoomer clean cut to be mistaken for a FOB flipper, I don't even own any sandals or flip flops, sigh.
I would marry a fucking land whale just for the green card
>proportional to that state's population
That's what the House of Representatives is for. You're basically saying you're against the bicameral system -- just get rid of the Senate entirely. You might be right, I don't know.
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learning about cisco webex. it's boring.
>Also the number of senators for a state should be proportional to that state's population
Uh that's why we have the house of representatives. Look up the connecticut compromise
>brit too retarded to understand a bicameral legislature that balances state and population representation
why does this easily pleb filter so many people who claim to be political? kek
The United States should have a House of Lords. And the Americans in this thread should be the lords.
I don't really blame yuros for not getting it tbqchwyf.
Their countires are comparatively so small that they just tend to be much more federalized
I know more about politics than you
>It makes no sense that a state with few people gets the same amount of representation as a state with tons of people.
it makes perfect sense, you moron. Almost nobody lives in wyoming or montana, doesnt mean they should have less say then any other state. Otherwise California and Texas would decide every election
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so then you should have no problem with my statement as it doesn't refer to you
Both rear blinkers are out on my car. Sos I takes it to Jiffy Lube and they say it's not the bulb, but the flasher, so now I gotta get BOTH rear assemblies replaced. And meanwhile I'm driving around like one of those annoying mezzamortes who don't signal (whom I hate with a passion).

I e become what I swore to destroy
Hell yeah brother. End Taxation without Representation. DC's case makes even more sense than Puerto Rico's.
Im just saying the truth bruh y u so mad copesetheelollolaolslslkd rent free n shieet
Yeah stuff like the Electoral College and some of the weird constitutional law concepts are really obtuse. I don't blame people if they don't get it at first
You didn't try to change the bulbs yourself? Bulbs are easy to replace and they're really cheap. You might be getting played for a fool. Try to only make left turns so you can do the courteous signal of sticking your arm out of your window to signal your that you're turning/merging.
I'm not mad at all I'm just wondering if you're really the brit or something
I’m more grossed out because it’s raw. There’s nothing to emphasize with, it obviously died if it was cut like that. Predatory animals are a lot more gruesome, that frog could’ve easily have been tossed to birds and torn limb from limb before it died

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