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thrice made by me edition
Would a random zoom zoom in Anglo Canada be fluent in French?
im lethargic.
canada as always has the biggest package
You were supposed to degrade me.
absolutely not
No, in fact they would be even less likely than a millennial
walter white didn't do anything wrong (aside from that one thing)
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A better question: would they even be fluent in english?
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>waiting for the truck to deliver my inexpensive luxury goods
everything is pain
Why would a FOB jeet be fluent in French?
literally me
No, they'd speak Hindi or Cantonese
that guy has been on /int/ for like 9 years or so non-stop just doing the leftypol shit. One of our most prolific retards

Why aren't elves real
Welfare niggas who haven't worked in a decade be like:
*his own welfare gets reduced*
>Hindi or Cantonese
>not Punjabi or Mandarin
lmao this niBBa in the 90's or something
I think most welfare voters vote blue
I'm voting for whoever promises a 2024 stimmy
how 2 get neetbux in us
the only welfare niggas I see saying they are going to vote for trump are blacks on social media who believe he will give them more "stimmies" (federal government stimulus payments)
They are real, but you need to take DMT to see them
what if they both do that?
>be over 65
>get injured in the military
>be black
at least that's what I've heard
Go to the Office of NEET Affairs and show them you're autistic
Canadians, you're going to be a decent human being and vote for the Liberals next election right?
I feel like millennials are gonna try to pretend the Trump years were a lot crazier than they were to try and get clout with future generations. Like yeah it got pretty wild there at the end but summer 2020 was the exception not the rule.
the one who promises more, which was trump if I recall correctly, and trumps hit my bank faster
They aren't blue eyed blonde beautiful humanoid-looking creatures though. They're more like hyperdimensional geometric agglomerations.
I know this is b8 but nobody is going to vote Liberal, they just lost the safest seat they held for 30 years in the middle of Toronto. At most the NDP will get some of their votes, the Libs will be decimated, which is beautiful.
>trumps hit my bank faster
a true presidential race
Canadians options this election are vote to import jeets, or vote to import jeets
28 y.o. zoomer here ama
But I don't want DMT, I want elves.
Are all milenials lefties?
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Will Trump legalize weed?
not true, we can also vote for useless third parties who won't get elected (unless you live in Quebec)
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Even the Libtards no longer wish to be associated with Trudeau
It seems like countries with multiparty democracies still collapse into two main sides if you squint a little
Nuance evaporates when the shit hits the fan
Matuseipazz, it was crazy. Waking up every day in terror to see what crazy schizo thing he had done overnight.

And say what you will buy none of it did any good. There's no wall. The swamp hasn't been drained. He didn't Lock Her Up. It was all a bunch of bullshit to grift the rubes who voted for him. If he have actually accomplished anything like the wall or shutting down the fucking border at least he would have my full support. But he's as full of shit as the Democrats, there's no body looking out for regular Americans interests
Zoomers are only 27 now not 28, you are the last year of millennials lol
better to vote 3rd party then the same two horse shitshow that just follow the same politics anyway
Shame. It should be more democratic I think. And so should my country.

A person who lives in a city should have just as much of a vote as a person who lives in a rural area.

The current system means that a rural person's vote is worth maybe 30% more than an urban person's vote. Maybe it's not as high as 30%, but it might be. Or it might be higher.
>Shame. It should be more democratic I think
the founding father realized that the general public is stupid, and they were right. Not to say our representatives arent corrupt and retarded too, but nobody's figured out a good way to police the people in power
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Will there be any actual debating tho?
Best part of Trudeau's by-election loss was how he kept saying it was going to be a reflection of people's mood because it was in the safest seat in the country and he thought he could spin it like people still like him. But he still lost kek
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Democracy is only viable with highly restricted suffrage, and restricted suffrage always seems to collapse into universal suffrage eventually, so it seems like the whole system is non-viable in the long run.
Average Trump admin news cycle:
>Congress introduces something called the WHURP act that will give tax breaks to people who harvest organs from migrant children
>3 day social media campaign: #StopWHURP
>Trump is asked about it while leaving White House to board helicopter and frown at a new Ford factory in Indiana
>"Well you know, it's a very fine, tremendous bill, it's doing many important things and I hope we'll see it resolved very much soonly."
>New social media campaign #soonly
>Jon Oliver goes on HBO, does 30 minutes on the WHURP act
>"You can't DO that!" He exclaims, on the verge of tears "you can't DO it!"
>Monday, WHURP act passes easily.
>Trump vetoes it because the guy who wrote it called him a "dingbat" in 2015
>Conservative pundits spend 48 hours explaining how this is a 8D chess grandmaster level move from Deals Wizard Trump.

Repeat for 3 years until COVID.
No french is dying
In fact I think America has more Spanish speakers then we have French now

I’m glad fuck those frog assholes
allegedly they will cut off mics and force them to actually debate (no audience present)
name calling and slander IS debating
Zoomers are gayer than Millennials THOUGH
I will say, that one night when I thought we were gonna go to war with Iran was pretty wild.
yeah but not spiritually
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He rises.
The reason, unspoken in media, as to why this is such a big deal is that Toronto St Paul’s is one of the most Jewish ridings in the country, at about 15% Jewish. Losing that by-election proves that Trudeau has lost the Mandate of Jewry for his attempt to juggle both Jewish and Muslim voter blocs in the face of the Gaza Holocaust.
bros the steam summer sale is on...and they got the cute anime girl on the home page again...i can't resist....i must buy...
>We will keep you in shitty living conditions, while we live in luxury, for your own good
That’s mostly just zoomer women identifying as bisexual. The rate of male faggotry has barely changed. Females identifying as bisexual is still bad for society, but not as much of a disaster as all the young men trooning out and castrating themselves.
I am a gang member, AMA.
>unspoken in media
>literally read the same thing in the National post yesterday
maybe unspoken in the Liberal media but the pro-jew media was fast to point that out
LMFAO I can totally see Trump asking "Do you know what Sigma Grindset is?"
Anime games are STUPID
Can I bust a cap in yo azz?
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correct. We send more to israel and ukraine on a weekly basis then we've put into social programs or basic national assistance programs in decades

all women are bisexual doe
The most common cut-off year that I’ve seen is 1995, and by that definition, the eldest zoomers are 29 (alTHOUGH they’re zillennials, really)
It's 1997
It’s funny how it always works like that. The Internationalist Jew (“left”) media tries to cover stuff up and calls it a conspiracy theory, just as the Zionist Jew (“right”) media brags about it.
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What a bunch of idiots.

What a bunch of stupid idiot fucktards (with the exception of Jefferson.)
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you mean pan- demi- omni- queer etc. etc. they just keep making up shit lol but you're missing the detail about how minorities keep becoming more gay proportionately
my birth brought about the age of aquarius because I am an aquarius kneel, fags
When society collapses, people like you will be slaves working the fields and scrubbing the compound's while the chads go out on raids and fuck all the female in hedonistic bacchanals
>tfw cancer
based, aquarius chads can't stop winning
Idk I think they were pretty smart
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>It’s funny how it always works like that. The Internationalist Jew (“left”) media tries to cover stuff up and calls it a conspiracy theory, just as the Zionist Jew (“right”) media brags about it.
yeah and how now Ezra Levant, the NP, and a few others are suddenly against Muslim immigration now after spending years saying it was diversity or something
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Nah, I'll just be living in my own little hut making my own food. Chad can go risk to die for females for all I care.
I am a Leo.
Shan't be kneeling, thanks.
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Every time I go to Walmart there’s dozens of guys taller than me, I hate it
when society collapses i'll have nothing to live for and go out in a blaze of glory murder spree until someone ends me.
Nice try getting me to admit my birthday to pin down who I am, 5 Eyes. Actually I don’t even use 4chan, and someone is stealing my wifi
You think they're gonna let you freelance? You have to join one of the raid gangs or they'll kill you and take all your shit.
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2 questions:

1) are you brown?
2) how tall are you?
Benjamin Franklin was extremely based and that's why he's on the $100 dollar bill
Nah, I've got a bunker and they can't find it.
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Never have sex, it's really addictive.
I found it
Adams and Franklin were pretty cool imo.
i prefer to goon and leak
5’9 but the sheer amount of 5’11 guys is what spooks me
I ejaculated in a Mexican woman's pussy and ghosted her the following week.
Lie to me all you want. But don't lie to yourself. You're doomed once society ends

I'm not your stepdad nigga I ain't buyin you shit bitch
Masturbating unironically feels better. Not circumcised either
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Is it weird to be a young adult and still believing in Thunderbird? It's the belief that my family surrounded me with as a kid and it all made sense to me.
White adoptee btw
>he thinks I actually don't have a bunker on a random plot of land in rural North Dakota
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>Washington was the literal "don't speak to me or my wife's son ever again" meme
>absolutely nobody mentions this
Americans are too powerful, if this was Canada, Germany or any other country it would be a meme how they were founded by a cuck
Are there any Spanish generals now besides /mex/?
>Is it weird to be a young adult and still believing in Thunderbird?
yes because even featherheads don't really believe in this nonsense anymore
It takes a while for the bullshit were taught as kids to lose hold. You have to gain enough life experience to see how unlikely all the shit they tell us is.

I was raised in a Christian cult and didn't see past the bullshit till I was 13. But it takes others much longer, depending on a myriad of factors.
Suffice it to say if you're 35 and still believe in God's and monsters, you're a lost cause
/esp/ bro
really really do not give a shit about the election. Might just flip a coin
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CUMMYPIES, im drinking covfefe
Update just saw a 6’5 nigga
There’s a new one for South Americans called “southern cone general” or something like that
Trump, everything cheap, less wars
Biden, everything expensive, more wars
The choice should be simple, unless you're a neet who either has no stake in the world or hates the world
>Suffice it to say if you're 35 and still believe in God's and monsters, you're a lost cause
Whenever I interact with deeply religious people I feel like I'm talking to a schizophrenic
Maybe you do and maybe you don't. Either way, it's irrelevant. You're only you. When the rape gangs come, it's over
/lat/, /esp/
When I was a kid I believed that members of the Pawnee tribe could turn into animals. Kids at school would tell stories about how they had seen it happen
I'm sorry you're undeniably a manlet. You can move to Asia and feel better about yourself
I’m tall enough that I almost never encounter anyone who is taller than me. Once every few years type of occurrence :)
Lat is dead
So is southern cone, I never even saw that one
Gracias muchacho
>tfw 5'10
Any dual nationals here or are we all /cum/mitted to this continent?
Ah I didn’t realize the Southern Cone thing already fizzled out
I'm a filthy American
LOL I know what you mean. It's kind of frightening.
attempting to get a foreign citizenship atm
"Southern cone" doesn't really roll of the tongue like "lat" and "cum"
Yes, but I have 0 intention of ever going to my parents' shit homeland
I want to be a sexpest but I would NEVER seek citizenship in another country NEVER not even Canada not even if they BEGGED ME
Glad we have some rational folks in this general.
Just a few minutes of critical thinking is needed to realize that all religion is on par with mythology
I have two coworkers who have family on the rez, and with exception of them, their respective families do.
It's not like I practice anything—considering there's nothing really to practice. But I'm sort of agnostic about it. Like I am fully aware of the absurdity that is a giant bird god, but looking at other religions—particularly Hinduism—I sometimes think, is mine really *that* absurd in comparison? Like for all we know the big TB could be the only one, just as any other belief's god could be. Who knows. Anyone could be wrong.
You have an unsophisticated view of religion and only believe it's false because it gives you an ego boost
I could have had dual U.S.-Canadian citizenship, if my grandmother hadn’t decided to renounce U.S. citizenship conferred from her American-born mother.
So Thailand is known for hookers?
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i've met some french immersion kids of ontario and BC not being able to line up two words
they were scared of the BBQ
It very much is false, regardless of whatever wisdom it may have
Yes, and ladyboys.
No I believe it's false because there's no proof of it being real
I'd like to immerse my member in their buts
Fuck you
How do you do that from Canada? You mean citizenship by investment?
French immersion is basically a waste of time. I have a friend who took French immersion from Grades 7-12 and somehow he doesn’t speak French at all lmao
Don't be one of those people that seethes over your height
I'm 5'7 and have done just fine with women
>Yes, and ladyboys.
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I want to wear clothes like this, I hate the sun but I also hate sunscreen and washing it off
>only believe it's false because it gives you an ego boost
99% of Internet Atheists are like this now, they will even praise Islam to get virtue signalling points about Gaza v. Israel. Christopher Hitchens must be spinning in his grave
niggas be like
"this suntan lotion too spicy"
ancestry, easiest way /cum/bro
Well yeah. Agnosticism is the only rational course to take. That's why I said in my previous post "how unlikely all the shit they tell us is".

I'm not omniscient and I have no idea how this universe or reality works. There very well could be gods and monsters. Just like all of reality might have been created by a giant sentient Quarter with a twisted sense of humor. I'm not placing any bets on that being what reality is all about because it's not very likely in my opinion. Neither is the Christian god or any other god. But you can't know for sure. It's just not something I'm going to waste my time worrying about because it's so fucking unlikely
sussy bakas
>sex haver
Fuck you
Believe what you want, man.
Me on the left
fuck the stock market.
>99% of Internet Atheists are like this now
The vast majority of internet atheists who came in during the late 2000s/early 2010s were just guys who wanted to be a part of the counterculture. By the mid 2010s it had shifted to anti-sjw, alt-right (though I don't like using that word), and now it's trad larpers. Chuds a decade ago would have been the internet atheists.
It is impossible, And I mean impossible to discuss this with atheists because no matter what evidence I provide, you will find some way to dishonestly reduce it to flying spaghetti monster or sky daddy level
Because all that matters to atheists is their god (ego) being praised
Business idea:
Move to Niagara Falls, Ontario and marry a Tinder whore who’s in range from the American side to escape shithole Canada
You should redirect this hateful energy into something productive so that you can get what you want without being jealous of others who got it first
I wish it were still normal to wear hats all the time
I took French immersion K–12 and was 1–2 points away on getting Cs in reading, writing and speaking. Inmersion is what you make of it.
will be getting my eu citizenship this year
Are these women 2D?
following in c-anons footsteps and superdosing green tea
You have evidence?
That's a big deal, you're claiming to have evidence of the true nature of reality.
Let's see it.
I'm also agnostic, btw
>being productive
Fuck you
Yea. fair enough
genuinely asking, how can you not know this?
My girl is from China and can technically still own land over there (even though they don't do dual citizenship). If shit pops off in the US, I'll go do white monkey work over there.
Mange-moi la raie.
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... where any Québecker with the basic public school english courses can get by in life.
Now this I'm jealous of, grrrr I wish I had the option to live somewhere with good public transport
Of course
Look up "the minimal facts argument for Christianity"
It hinges entirely on historical facts that are accepted by both believing and nonbelieving historians
The alleged L-theanine benefits don't seem to be supported by scientific evidence (yet)
Your "evidence" is always circumstantial at best, and relies on you starting from a place of belief in the first place.

You cannot provide evidence because evidence doesn't exist.
I'm in San Diego. All the hookers I'd ever want are right across the border in TJ.
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I wish I lived in a gloomy country
Satan speaks the truth.
>wanted to be a part of the counterculture
Yes I can remember when virtually everyone was like that, nobody liked the Bush style neo-con evangelicals nor crazed mahometans post 9/11 (nobody mentions da jews thoughbeit)
Can you repeat for me what you think my evidence is, to ensure you aren't strawmanning me? I already provided the argument to another anon slightly above your post here

cleveland clinic dot org seems pretty positive it's beneficial, they're reputable
Cela ferait mal non? Non merci
This is getting into philosophy, so although I respect your approach, I still disagree since philosophy isn't a way to get empirical proof of something.
I'm all about empirical evidence, which is entirely lacking. Our best empirical evidence says the universe began 13.8 billion years ago for reasons that aren't understood. That's all we can know for sure.
I like that vibe too. What are the top gloomy countries? UK and Ireland, the Nordic countries...?
just realized jason rhymes with "gay son" lol
San diego is the one good city in S*Cal
Chicken fried Chicken on biscuits with gravy and mash is the greatest american dinner of all time.
I'm watching trains in illinois at the moment because I don't wanna do anything today.
I'm sorry I didn't see the post you were referring to. I'll look at it and get back to you. I was just talking about the general arguments for the existence of dieties
I took it from 7-9. I found it was useful in terms of learning French grammar and other formal linguistic structures, but otherwise stuff like vocabulary was very dissimilar to how people actually talk. I had to actually spend time in francophone regions to learn it properly. At first, my French immersion accent was so fucked as to be practically unintelligible, and the vocabulary they taught was apparently comparable to baby talk, like the weird stilted language you might hear on a television program for small children. A big part of the problem IMO was that almost none of the teachers were actual first language francophones, so you’ve got people with no French being taught by people who themselves could barely speak French.
>obody liked the Bush style neo-con evangelicals nor crazed mahometans post 9/11
I'm glad the Republicans moved away from that, otherwise they would be fucking dead with zoomers. Trump unironically saved the party.
I’ve heard the sun never shines in Ireland
Also Rwanda it rains a bunch not nearly as gloomy
Slav countries in the winter
I believe in God because it comforts me in my moments of weakness. I'd like to believe there is something beyond what we see. What that is? I cannot say.

I understand the atheist perspective. Religion makes people inflexible. You can do terrible things if you think you're doing them in God's name. If I'm honest, I'm deeply alienated from my own church (Catholicism).
My groin and armpits feel increasingly painful but I'm too scared to go to the doctor.
I didn't think it was heavily philosophical
It draws a conclusion based on some historical claims made by the most historical biblical authors, Paul and Luke
Thomas Paine was an atheist in respect to the Abrahamic God. Based Thomas Paine.
based, fuck canada
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Medvedev said didn't win the Cold War. bros is this true?
I keep trying to save up to spend a week in a TJ airbnb but life keeps on happening, I've only done TJ once in and out in hong kong, was decent but I hear they're overpriced now, and charging american prices like 150 not including room and tip
And we should believe these extraordinary claims for what reason? They defy all logic.
>Religion makes people inflexible. You can do terrible things if you think you're doing them in God's name.
Stop placating to them. The atheist perspective does these things too. It's a human nature problem, not a religion problem.
the cold war never ended
said we didn't*
Hmm, the evidence mentioned doesn't sound particularly strong or conclusive, but that's interesting.
You ever heard that story about Bush calling up the French Prime Minister and doing his whole "Gog and Magog are at work in the middle-east" routine?

The PM literally made his secretary call up the Association of French Protestants so he could get some idea of what the hell Bush was talking about.
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I got to Multiple Attestation and stopped. Dude was right, that shit is getting into philosophy. But believe whatever you want, no skin off my nose

I'm still not buying it
I can tell you're replying to me without reading the argument

You don't have to believe the extraordinary claims. But you need to find an alternative explanation of them as a secular historian
As I said, the argument hinges only on assertions believed by both secular and believing consensus, for example, that Jesus was a real person who lived, and died on a cross
>a textbook example of a deist
>he was an atheist
what did he mean by this...?
Ok as long as you concede that this is over your head, and don't go around saying things like "God isn't real" when you admit that you can't understand the evidence
Trust me the constant rain and overcast in Ireland is fuvking miserable and suicide fuel. There's nothing worse than waiting 6 months for summer and it turning out to be a rainy summer. Good summers come every few years.
Also it's always windy and the cold in Ireland is bone chilling, +8c in Ireland feels worse than -10 in a snowy country.
>Scare tactics
Yeah, Christianity isn't just a tool to control the masses lol.

>God is love
>But if you don't do what he says he's gonna torture you for all eternity

LMAO you people are so silly
>alternative explanation
Simple: people made it up. I'm not talking about Jesus as a person, I'm talking about miracles, resurrection, virgin birth, angels, etc.
>atheist in respect to the Abrahamic God
reading comprehension
Well sure. There's a germ of Atheist thought that's basically just worship of the self. Thankfully those guys mostly self-segregate onto Reddit. I think their sort of glib nihilism is making atheism as a whole less appealing to younger people. They may not be "religious" but they don't wanna be Epic Atheism guys either. They're looking for a third way.
Midwits take thoughever
>Simple: people made it up.
You haven't read the argument

Are you dishonest or lazy
>torture you for all eternity
Even the Bible doesn't say this, only those hole in the wall baptist churches say this
Anon signed up for gloomy, so...
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This is the mexican army checkimg out my property blueprints
If you really want to believe an all powerful man in the sky had a human son that died and came back to life, that's your business
gonna spend about $55 during the steam sale
is that a grrrl on the left is she super sexxo?
>believes in every aspect of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent god
>just doesn't believe in the bible
Nigga that is Abrahamic
I believe what I think is true and I feel obliged to spread and discuss truth, as I hope everyone else does
Okay just don't try making other people believe in your religion, it's really cringe.
You are less religious than us, why are you arguing?
You have poor reading comprehension
I don't care what you think is cringe and you shouldn't care what I think is cringe
Don't be juvenile
The philosophical foundations of American democracy were all written by so-called Enlightenment-era midwits and autists THOUGH
>Don't be juvenile
It's hard not be when you're defending absurd claims (built off nothing but hearsay) of other dimensions, matter appearing out of thin air, and and an all powerful creation being.
Good insurance policy, but things would have to get pretty bad
/cum/bro?? You said something that made no-sense so I pointed it out
> The Bible doesn't say this

LOL you haven't even read your own book
Matthew 25:46 Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.
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>politics in the prev thread
>atheism and religion in this one
I'm actually a massive hypocrite but I'm not going to say why so I don't lose this internet argument
there's a debate tonight
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We need a cooldown you're completely right
Im a stank ass nigger
Do not engage with this retard, he is too busy sniffing his own farts and jerking himself off to his own 'intellect'. Many such cases.
I generally think Evangelism is an outdated concept.

Like you see those "he gets us" TV ads they do during football games, and I just think it's such a waste of money. If there's one guy who doesn't need any more PR (especially among football fans) it's Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
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Are you the same person I've been speaking to for this conversation? I tried to provide evidence for what I believe and you stopped reading because it was "too philosophical"
Instead of having the humility to stop, you STILL want me to not practice my religion, that you admit you can't understand

Stupid AND egotistical... Atheists for you
Circle jerker
I'm not watching that shit
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ayo this team is NOT bussn
>if you're an atheist you just believe you're smarter than anyone
projection. many such cases
It was written by well intentioned white men that wanted a nation built by and for other well I mentioned white men. That it currently takes a different form, good or bad is entirely up to perspective
People with beiber cuts were mocked mercillesly, and scene kids were all faggots. Dont know what the third one is supposed to be
not about theism, you mongoloid
Imagine being so arrogant that you not only believe youve found the answer to the nature of life and reality, but having the sheer unmitigated gall to try to convince others of your belief.

I mean that takes some self-absorbtion that could power a city's electrical grid if it could be harnessed
>but having the sheer unmitigated gall to try to convince others of your belief.
That's the truth process anon
We correct each other
Nta but I read the argument. Is it supposed to be a gotcha or just a "you can't prove it didn't happen" because hinging your beliefs on "well, it could have happened this way" sounds pretty silly
You ever consider that you catch more flies with honey? You keep berating all the dudes in this thread. I question how this spreads the Good News.

The reason people think Christians are gonna institute a theocracy is because we're forgetting how to just be normal about this stuff. Some people will turn to God, some will not. Yelling at everyone doesn't make them more receptive.
Believing you have a monopoly on the truth is a dangerous thing
>because hinging your beliefs on "well, it could have happened this way" sounds pretty silly
No it hinges on "it happening this way is the best explanation for all of the accepted historical facts"
Now do you have an alternative explanation? Reminder (fuck I hate that even have to say this) "they made it up" would not be historically sophisticated explanation
Why would I say we correct "each other" if I believed I had a monopoly on truth

It's the other side who is saying my information is over their heads, while still asserting that I'm wrong and should stop. It's absurd.
looks like sweet life of zack and cody
>Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me. ...whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me - 25:41–43
>you go to Hell if you don't help "the least of his brothers and sisters"
So Christianity is le bad, because you go to Hell at the end of time if you never helped the poor, hungry, and thirsty?
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I wasn’t raised in any religion, and my teenage ‘militant atheist’ phase coincided with Mt Stupid, per this chart
Religion isn't just about what you believe, it's also about acting a certain way and being part of a certain community
religions are just socially acceptable cults
Nta but
>it happening this way is the best explanation for all of the accepted historical facts

But unless I'm mistaken you're the same dude I was arguing with about the Torah being a copypasted Enuma Elish
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Why didn't the higher powers save them bwos... WHYYYYYYYYYY
I hope you read my reply
You've yet to demonstrate that you understand why I interpret the historicity of the Jewish scriptures differently than you
No, absurd is believing in magical tales and things that are literally impossible, but you believe they happened. I mean, you can't get more absurd than that.
they were already declining prior to the Cretaceous extinction event thoughbeit
I offered an explanation of why I believe...... I also initiated this conversation by saying it's impossible to discuss this with atheists because everything gets reduced the way you're reducing it now

It's incredibly frustrating. And obviously self serving on your part
Iirc you said something about them"referencing similar events" or something, I don't remember
it's probably to do with free will
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I look and sound like this guy in response to that news
You can spend 50,000 words arguing why a cow is actually a fish, but when you're done I'm still not going to believe you, no matter what you say because I know that the initial premise is not true or possible.
I think most people who claim to believe some cosmological stuff don't truly believe it.
What about freak accidents and natural disasters
Yes for example the apkallu and nephilim are likely the same entities from my perspective. They are also probably "the watchers" mentioned in Enoch
But I wouldn't use the Jewish documents to prove that. As I said, my perspective is dependent on the Jesus documents
most "religious" people are just religious in name only.
entropy/arrow of time.
What about babies born with horrific diseases
>You can spend 50,000 words arguing why a cow is actually a fish,
If I made this alliteration towards evolution, you'd laugh me out of the building

Because it's a terrible and childish misunderstanding

This is what you're doing to me. You are very much what you are accusing me of being
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>In one of his usual sweeping declarations about a policy change to X, formerly Twitter, Elon Musk on Friday declared that the terms “decolonization” and “from the river to the sea” are euphemisms that “necessarily imply genocide,” the use of which on the platform could “result in suspension.”
Thought he was a free speech warrior?

big sale on hentai games right now but i don't know if i can commit to a second one. big cum loads from edging with them but it's a lot of effort.
Yeah let's talk about something else
Meaningless statement. Cult is just a Latinate word for religion that has come to be a pejorative for religions that aren’t socially acceptable, through its associations pre-Christian paganism.
>[X] is just [pejorative for X] but not bad
>husbands are just rapists that the woman consents to
>geniuses are just retards who aren’t stupid
You want to know why these characters are similar? Because they were taken from the Babylonian writings that predated any Jewish writing by a millennium and a half.
Exactly. This is why so many Chuds talk a big game about being religious and then bounce off the surface of actual religion. They go to mass and wonder why the priest is talking about the parish bake sale and youth choir sign-ups instead of crushing wokeness with the iron fist of trad values.

They get the stink-eye from a Polish grandma because they wore an Under Armor hoodie to church and then they go home and tweet about how Catholicism has gone woke and Islam is the only hope for true alpha men. They've decided changing to accommodate the beliefs of a community is weak cuck shit and then they wonder why they're lonely and miserable.
You've yet to demonstrate why I believe differently

You are desperate for me to accept your explanation on face value, without any attempt on your part to even confront my explanation
christ is not almighty thougheverbeit
You have a God-shaped hole in your heart, and it's made you bitter.
I'm literally a Jewish.
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Alright enough, enough.

Let's talk about something else this shit is stupid
>do you have an alternative explanation
The accepted historical facts stop at Jesus died on a cross. The other accepted "facts" are themselves predicated on assumption of affairs. The alternative explanation for these accepted facts, which is the only explanation that makes sense, is that we don't have all the facts surrounding events that took place over 2000 years ago
Everything is a cult now dude.
Anyway, at the end of the day, Islam is still 100x more schizo than Christianity, since the Islamic Prophet Muhammad is confirmed to have been a pedophile, a warlord, and a bandit, but he's still worshipped for some reason.
he makes the libtards seethe!!!!!!!!!!
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Because your explanation is pure cope and my argument is..
>it happening this way is the best explanation for all of the accepted historical facts
there aren't mexicans on /cum/
>The accepted historical facts stop at Jesus died on a cross.
But they don't.... Not even from a secular perspective

Pauline and Lucian documents occur after Jesus death and are imminently important to understanding the whole Jesus movement
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If a girl likes Friends I consider it to be a red flag
I'd like point out I was FASTER and my edition isn't anti-american
fine, but we'll use mine as the next one
Not if I cAn help that >>199081101
i'll be bumping it :)
Sounds amazing
>They've decided changing to accommodate the beliefs of a community is weak cuck shit and then they wonder why they're lonely and miserable.
Yeah, a lot of principled and frustrated people have trouble conforming to a group. I can understand it: They're probably in the position they're in because they're not natural conformists, they may have been mistreated by conformists, conforming feels like and is a kind of surrender, conformity is seen as bad. But we're social apes and conforming is what we naturally do to operate as groups. You have to learn how to conform well, and with the right group.
my knee and shin are in throbbing pain

why can we put man on the moon but not cure sciatica?
Allow me to offer an unsolicited explanation as to why atheists reduce the argument to "magic". Any argument for faith begs the question and originates from a credibility not yet established. The minimal facts argument is an attempt to establish basic credibility but still assumes credibility before hand
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In the end, I think everyone is going to come back to "Believing in a higher power" as they say whether they want to or not. Maybe not for a long while, but things will change too much for people to sit on the fence. Topics now seen as fringe such as telepathy, spirit/energy beings, and oracularism will become axioms of everyday experience. Skeptics will be mocked endlessly by comedians and social media personalities, and will face increasing restrictions on their lives.

The entire professional and journalistic world will join together against those who don't believe in the weird future Cult of the Supreme Being or whatever the state will come up with, and so will all your family and friends.

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