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Americans don't deserve autonomy edition
C*nadian "criticism" (cope) will never be taken seriously
There's already a thread up you fucking cringe moron
Guys can I use you credit card for my classic wow subscription? I promise I won’t buy anything else
So why did the feds integrate schoolchildren at gunpoint?
who's watching /debatekino/ later?
Great day in /cum/ history. Just blasting /cum/ everywhere.
I hate watching cringe so I'll just read the summaries afterwards.
No chance. I've sworn off debates since 2016. Masturbatory fancy boy "politics."
This is the 8th edition so far today
I'll add: States aren't really free to govern themselves if federal zogbots are going to force people to interact with negros like some goddamned police state
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this is literally u rn
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because this isnt a good democracy
Thoughts on the Elden Ring dlc?
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>import millions of negroe slaves
>fight union troops to keep the negroes
You ever been to a school with blacks? Chimp city.
all me btw
I don't play elder cringe
yes, a HBC as a matter of fact. Horrible people, but I also made some smart, fun black ffriends as well
I think black people are the way they are because of the CIA
>non sequitur: the post
Too hard
gonna sound like a casual but it's just getting annoyingly difficult

from keeps listening to their try hards that need every game to be harder than the last. DS3 has the best balance.
I know, but if I mention my field of study someone will try to argue with me and flex their youtube education
That's just how people are here
how is any of that a non sequiter. its literally what happened
What happened to this relative of president López Obrador:
What if they say they're in the field too

Simply repeating that you have a phd and everyone else has "YouTube education" doesn't do anything. You just sound smug and annoying without having to back it up (textbook narcissist)
Ds3 is too balanced to the point of being boring
Loved the undead settlement though
>/cum/ anons
>advanced degrees, especially PhDs
never had sex
don't really give a shit man
>You think your pretty anonymous, huh? Heh, well listen hear bucko, let me tell you...
I don't think you know the meaning of this word.
How about PooHD
4chan gives you a warped perception on reality just like twitter
go to Thailand, it will change your life
i warped your mom's perception of reality
University of Mumbai alumnist, ama
Don't know how my reply offended you like this
>Simply repeating that you have a phd
re-read what I said
Also, you're kinda proving my point
>just catch HIV from a Thai ladyboy, incel
I think I do
>the south imported slaves
>the confederate army fought to keep their negroes as slaves
>you're complaining about being around negroes
correct, that's why it's important to take some normie perspectives in from time to time
you know there are other countries with legal prostitution
The difference is that Twitter isn't anonymous, and people make opinions that they don't actually care about for the same of being accepted and retweeted and hearted etc
In 4chan I like to believe people are a bit more honest since there's less dopamine to receive for being a lowest common denominator
>how do I use a condom, its too hard i give up
Gotta be brown, actually probably black
good, that means your mom wont keep being unemployed
feeling blessed today... god is good
Inb4 atheists seethe at this post
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I find it difficult to orgasm with a condom on. Not sure if this has to do with being uncircumcised and the condom interfering with normal foreskin movement or what
This is why I still come here. I want to read people's pure, unfiltered dog shit opinions.
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Nobody wants to be around them though.
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>subtly restarting the religion debate
good thing the south brought them over to live on their property then
real new
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>samefagging this shamefully
love it when you post this
Stop seething
If those ZOG northerners didn't force integration at gunpoint, it'd be a lot better. Similarly, the standard of living in South Africa was far better under apartheid.
Condoms are enlarged around the tip to make room for the foreskin, it's not that. I have the same.peoblem and I'm circumcized. Though a big part of it I found out was using regular sized condoms. I switched to magnums and it made things a lot better
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Twitter is much worse don’t get me wrong. But I’d say this site is still a net negative on most of the anons here.
I only really go on /cum/ these days
So is it observable fact at this point that fk being here legitimately makes people not want to post?
>itd be better if we leave them uneducated and barely literate
interesting theory
Sex is mid with or without condom circumcised or uncircumcised
Okay but what about all the starving children in Africa? Are they blessed to?
They could have their own schools and institutions. Their standards are always going to be lower anyway re: IQ
Jews brought them there
Jews are the ones that bought them
Northerners are the ones who wanted them back in Africa
>ate a whole bag of kettle corn
>running to the bathroom every five minutes to shit out popcorn sized shit nuggets
How’s your Thursday going friends?
>>itd be better if we leave them uneducated and barely literate
>America spends additional billions on them and they are still uneducated and barely literate
Not sure what your point here was
Wow anon I'm impressed that you had sex uncircumcised and then circumcized yourself for the sake of testing this theory
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ah yes, their own institutions
IQ is a spook
Also, blacks are mostly still uneducated and barely literate lolmaooooooooo
we shouldn't be spending any money on them, other than ensuring they remain isolated and that they stay in their countries
ummm... not my problem
God doesn't exist
4 negresses killed in the 1950s doesn't compare to the horror inflicted on white civilization by having to accommodate violent subhuman negros. Did you forget that 13% and 50% statistics?
This general was a lot friendlier and funnier when it was less active
Most of the activity here is coming from debates between seething retards
Blacks also burned 100x more of their own buildings during various chimpouts so I dont see how a handful of incidents like this mean anything by comparison
He has forsaken you.
Doesn't seem to be a problem desu
>This general was a lot friendlier and funnier when it was less active
you mean when schizo/namefags spam homofaggotry to themselves? yeah sure loads of fun
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>canadian voicing his opinion again
That's even funnier
Watching people acting with such confidence saying the most retarded shit ever is the funniest thing about this place. Who wants people talking nicely about what shit gaynime saw last week or how much bread they made? that's boring as shit
>"punjabi mamba"
>insulting Canada
lol visajeet got denied
It ebbs and flows. It really depends on the mood of certain highly opinionated regular posters. It takes very little to direct a general
Hey Canadians how much have you payed in carbon taxes so far
Yet he couldn't refrain from broaching the subject. How about that!
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Go sleep in your igloo
who says grace anymore?
tired meme
Going to go to the farmer’s market want anything?
not sure what happened but the non-white americans seem mad
no we aren't you stupid nigger retard
get me a cucumber so I can put it in my butt
racism outside of /b/? Against the rules!
anyone else wfh and regularly jerks off while on the clock
no, I'm unemployed but I drive to office buildings to jerk off in them
yeah, also sexo if the missus is home
based, it is a basic human right to jerk off wherever you want
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Now that the dust has settled,
COVID was a total scam, right?
>tfw my cock is too big
How will I ever recover from this
Trips of truth, yes idk how anyone can reflect back on it and conclude otherwise. Some people are just too egotistical to admit they were wrong.
The liberal always comes here with his clapback humor, but principled racism always kills his already sick spirit.
Here we go again!
Show me a photo of God, then I might believe in him
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I don't care, the lockdowns were extremely comfy. I miss the pandemic so much.
This reminds me of that meme where the tranny calls chud every name in the book, but then the chud says "he" and the tranny explodes
Idk if it'll be the same for you, but the normal ones always felt tight and after a bit would squeeze the shit out of my dick till it looked like a taught sausage. If that's the case for you maybe try magnums once
the only thing i'm liberal with is my heart.
i love you guys.
>i miss everything being objectively worse
You talk a lot about ego for someone that thinks they know the truth of everything
t. normalfag that goes insane if they can't be in public
I barely remember it
A little gay there bucky.
>brony james drafted by the lackers
The nba is so cucked lmao
thanks fren
God is not a man living in the sky. God is ineffable, beyond words and images. The iconography of religion is like a finger pointing at something. It isn't the thing itself.
no worries fren, thank you too.
i'm sorry anons, but you are deserving of love and kindness and happiness.
also i want to see your penises.
show me your penises.
thank you.
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usa is playing like complete shit, bros
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>normie live like a social outcast does challenge
>unbearable pain and suffering
I'm a libertarian actually
first time watching?
This is why animism is the one true religion
no, but the red card was stupid
when did you know you were a gay contrarian?
>God is not a man living in the sky. God is ineffable, beyond words and images.
Unironically, is there a good Bible passage about this?
Probably around the age of 9 or 10
I'm with you
The feeling of being in contact with nature is the most religious thing I've experienced
We're the worst debaters except for the politicians debating tonight
>watching debates
lmao get a load of this queer
Just wanna see if my guy wins
Speak for yourself
Americans care about the intellectual arguments
There are no intellectuals in politics.
Nixon had one of the sharpest geopolitical minds of his time
Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago for 12 years, dude
No he had not
O say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the pony-filled sky,
O'er the meadows we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the pony's soft neigh, the rainbows in the air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
But what about the other 3 verses?
Ok fine but he played the piano really well
Yah, and they ended up in politics. Not very smart i'd say.

And the ponies prance free, their colors in the air,
Bringing joy through the night, as our flag waves with care;
O say does that star-spangled banner yet fly
O'er the land of the ponies and the home of the sky?

In the meadows so green, where the ponies roam free,
Under skies filled with love, may our hearts ever be,
As the ponies unite, in a land that is fair,
O say does that star-spangled banner yet share
Peace and harmony, in a world that's so rare,
O'er the land of the ponies and the home of the mare?
Love him or hate him, you can't deny Obama's cander.
Im a left leaning centrist
Biden will brag about inflation being down as if he didn't cause people to suffer from it for at least 2 years straight
eating ground chuck
Obummer, also known as Trayvon Martin's father
what the fuck did you do to chuck? he was a good friend.
crazy to think how hard the brony fandom died

the only thing left is Leebaiting
will the candidates who are debating tonight bring up the new dwarf fortress adventure mode beta update? fingers crossed
I can't believe the Dems went with Biden as their front runner. Basically guaranteed to lose the election
it's still pretty active
Notoriety kills most niche fetishes. No one wants to be known as that one pony freak around the office
is cnn livestreaming the debates online?
only a retard would think that the president has a meaningful say over inflation.
Yes, I think so
Maybe they want Trump to crash and burn for another 4 years
they're excluding German IP's from streaming it because Germans are at higher risk of radicalization, according to research

(I'm not defending the decision, this is just CNN policy)
It's a spectacle to keep the masses engaged, to make people think they are helping steer the ship of democracy.
Meanwhile, the deep state pulls all the strings. Whether it's Biden or Trump, the deep state always gets what it wants. When you are an adult, you'll realize this and observe politics in an uncaring way.
Cause realistically they had no other option

You can't throw a literal who at Trump, they would get smashed by name recognition alone. Biden is a household name and has incumbent advantage. We'll see if that's enough, but it's still a chance.
please save me americans
name me 1(one) member of this so called deep state
Former president Donald Trump approved almost twice as much borrowing as current President Joe Biden during his four years in office, according to the Committee for a Responsible Budget (CFRB).

Trump, who presided over the federal government from 2016 to 2020, approved $8.4 trillion in new ten-year debt. But incumbent president Biden, who defeated Trump four years ago, has approved $4.3 trillion in new borrowing, said a new report by the committee.
From who? Are the Danes still bothering you?
I like having friends. I like going to the pub and having a chinwag and a pint (chinwag means chat).
??? A pint of what? A pint is just a unit of volume.
>God totally exists!
>Source: trust me bro
Biden will bring this up when Trump tries to go after him over inflation and Bidenomics
Mourning day today frens.
I admit I was wrong about it...? who do you think I am lol
NTA but Hillary Clinton for sure
I'm ridin with Biden NIGGA
I need 10 dollars more stuff in order to qualify for free shipping
Any suggestions?
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A pint of beer. In the UK, draught beer is sold in pints.

Also the UK pint is slightly larger than the US liquid pint for some historical reason.
trump prints money, we get sitimulus checks
biden prints money, we get bidenomics

see the difference??
on what retard
little plastic dinosaurs toys.
Anything, it's Amazon
ssd adapter and ship it to me :D
If I was running for president I would just say that if you vote for me, and I win, you will get a check for 3000$ in the mail if you're over 18. You would completely sweep with this strategy.
At the pub, are you allowed to start a conversation with someone you don't know? What's the protocol?
then why did andrew yang lose
When President Biden took office, the unemployment rate was 6.3%. Today, it is just 3.4%. That’s the lowest in 54 years.

I thought Republicans like jobs not handouts
Blacks only like Trump because of the stimulus cheques, he should just promise those to get an extra 30% of the Black vote at least
How was I supposed to know it was Amazon dipshit, you could have been ordering from bad dragon for all I know.

Maybe order a book on how to properly communicate in English, written for preschoolers
Cause he's not as handsome and chiseled and charismatic as I am
NTA but why are you being so aggressive chill dude
my girlfriend just dumped me cause I got her fucking some taller guy
I went on /pol/ for the first time in 4 years and holy shit the board has gotten even more mentally deranged
I don't like Trump, but at least it will be great entertainment seeing how many laws Trump will break this time.
LeBron's agent made this happen btw
There will be lots of streams on YouTube. I'm using the PBS stream.
No, don't trust me. I'm not compelling you to realize God. Continue with your flippant arrogance.
if you're on this Laotian autism imageboard you should automatically be for Trump, guy is pure entertainment
The furthest west I've gone is San Antonio
You GOT her fucking another guy? Well you reap what you sow, you cuck!
Don't reply to the mousenonce
If I ran for president my strategy would be to harness 100% of the the incel and brown vote by promising free white AI robot GF's for every male
I don't think it's very typical especially for younger people who will just go with their friends. But if you're some old guy going to the village pub by yourself, and there's other lonely old guys there, I guess maybe they strike up conversations between each other.

I assume it's probably similar in American bars.
Plan for the evening
>bike ride
>spaghetti and meatballs
No you didn't but it makes me laugh
Is this the way to Amarillo?
Every night I've been hugging my pillow
Dreaming dreams of Amarillo
And sweet Marie who waits for me
Show me the way to Amarillo
I've been weeping like a willow
Crying over Amarillo
And sweet Marie who waits for me
sounds like a pleasant evening. do you have a nice bike or a beater? i was thinking of getting a new trek or cannondale, i've never owned a bike as an adult.
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What's the 'stan' thing? Is that a tiktok thing I thought you kids might know
Arrogance is claiming that you know there's a god, despite the lack of evidence for any god

I'm not mousey
Out of my 9 years of using 4chan I think I've been on /pol/ for like 2 minutes
Alright, fuck off then, mate
something cringey kpop girls say
i know but i can't be fucked to explain sorry
it comes from this eminem song about an obsessive fan.
it also moves too fast, how DO you guys use fast boards
it's basically being a cringy obsessive fan of something
Comes from the eminem song "stan" about a fan who is obsessed with him
/int/ is a fast board
reading comprehension helps.
comes from stan lee who created the stanlee cups
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Only time I've really used /pol/ was to post Biden memes after he won and b8 the boomer schizos
Fuck off yourself
I've been using a beater which is very pleasant for this sort of thing but I'm getting a racing bike
My lips are chapped as shit. It would seem that Colorado is dry.
I might go for a bike ride this weekend come to think of it. I have a very nice bike (Ti frame Merlin) but havnt ridden in ages because any time I've had the urge to get on a bike, I take my motorcycle out instead
The height of /cum/ debating
isn't half of /pol/ bots
not compared to /sp/ during sporting events or /pol/ THOUGH

>reading comprehension helps you when threads archive in a few minutes
you are NOT a PhD candidate jej
What bike are you looking at
/po/ is a fast board I agree
odds codeblocks

evens vscode
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/pol/ is 25% actual boomers, 25% schizophrenics, 25% incels on the verge of shooting up a school, and 25% federal agents
Felt B performance 105
It's time for me to go now, but I hope you get back into it anon
5 hours remaining
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For what
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me fucking your mom
i have to click a link to a website
unless i receive an email before the 5 hours
I have a post from 2016 that's still there.
My name is Alberto Jones
I'll call you Al
Spinster looks like that
avoid schizo gf
F1NN was groomed
Here is the oldest active thread on /po/, posted in 2016:


You can still reply to it, although it has reached the bump limit so it will eventually die
avoid gf
They remove replies to artificially extend its lifespan, check the archives
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I remember when /i/ still had a thread up from 2013-2014 a few years ago
Jannies doing something good for once

Interesting. Also the unofficial 4chan archives are pretty crazy, keeping posts that I would have posted a very long time ago.
Do presidents even have power
They can invade or nuke any country they want at a moments notice
prayin for my nigga biden tn manifest that dark brandon energy
biden will get my vote if he goes full punished dictator mode during the debates
/cum/ debate watch party on the 'cord
or is it
Link in bio
I'm a niggaaaa
im not even registered to vote
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I'm not watching the debate
I'm a renegade.
I'm a rebel without a cause.
I'm a maverick.
Why would they do that
too much pain
I'm a pioneer, I'm an explorer, I'm a human. And i'm coming.
We should form a team, we will both pull of heists and apprehend villains.
I'm a rebel with a cause
I'm a girl
I take estrogen
I don't want to watch the debate so I'll just get live updates from your guys posts here
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I'm going to play vidya for the ultimate distraction
I'm not going to give you updates, bitch
cope, you won't be able to resist liveposting about it
I'm going to give you updates, bitch
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I'm a defiler, a betrayer, a backstabber. A demon.
I'm a friend, trusted, dependable.
Required reading for /cum/ attendance
what game
these tortilla chips suck prolapsed asshole they're too salty last time I go to a huwhite grocery store for tortilla chips
me if i was orange and fat
I would watch it but it starts at 2am in our time

So I'll just read the news stories about it tomorrow morning
go to the old new
one... last... post....

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