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You can't start threads early edition

We just can't stop blasting out thick /cum/
It's a particular talent
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>femanon enters /cum/
>a perfect plato-tier society treats her equally
>posts herself to destroy the equal footing we all have while fighting in the marketplace of ideas
>autismos protect fundamental mechanics of the society
>/cum/ lives on
sounds good to me
Stfu nobody cares loser
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i wish woman were like in the chinese cartoons and liked nervous feminine guys
ventured outside for an hour for the first time in 2 weeks. I was disappointed and let down by myself and others. Some cutie girls and big bundas were seen. All in all it was a 7/10 excursion
I look like this
are we gonna hear about the radical leftist antisemites tonight
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smile away smile away way smile away (do-we-do-we-dah-drop do-we-do-we-dah-drop)
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>the radical leftist antifas on our big beautiful leftist campuses
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/cum/ escucha puro corrido santero
those are for babies too scared to cook chicken
french anons taste in bands suck, that datsun band is bad, the band is good but their songs suck goddamn french have no taste no clayss
guess you'll just have to do it the old fashioned way
How many times has Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy? asking for a friend for international research purposes
are brazilians spics
rapido grande
I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton
The best song he played on wasn't even written by him

ariba grande rapido gringo yo s0i el mijo culos
>go to Costco
>drop by the food court (indoor) for a hot dog
>Pajeeta at the next table
>decides she wants to adjust her ~4yo son’s clothes or something
>she stands up, picks up her son, and has him stand barefoot atop the table, the surface off of which everyone eats
I can’t even express my level of jeet fatigue. The behaviour of these uncivilized grugs is literally nauseating.
keep all politics, racism, and especially misogyny OUT of /cum/
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check this out instead
Real talk tho who my /cummies/ voting for in Joevember
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only one dream, music
one of the 3 best italian songs
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/cum/ is an anti-foid general, always has been, always will be
do we have any whores who post tits
I get it, you're a george contrarian
i dont vote to be desu
Go to /r9k/ then, faggot
Are you the pooner LOL, trying too hard…
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wonder pets, wonder pets we're on our way!
to help a friend and save the day!
we're not too big and we're not too tough, but when we work together we got the right stuff!
gooooo wonderpets, yaaay!
I genuinely dislike the Beatles.
Ridin with Bidin
my nigga harambe
They unironically do NOT have the same hygiene standards as the rest of the world. They will stick their hand in soup and think thats fine but if you use a fork or spoon they think it's dirty because other people used it
4 hours remaining
don't tell me you guys wear shirts at home...
I live in California so my vote doesn't count.
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its over
US has to beat the best team in the group/tournament just to go through
>in the current year
i love trannies man fuck
need a beautiful and kind girlfriend to rub acne cream on the carbuncles on my back
>/r9k/ was overtaken by women
how did they let this happen
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they did this
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>/cum/ is an anti-foid general, always has been, always will be
Biden is unironically probably being injected with drugs as we speak
need a beautiful and kind boyfriend to rub acne cream on the carbuncles on my back
cinamoroll is the realest nigga foid I have ever met because she is honest about the fact that she smells, all other girls claim to not smell and every single one of them are lying
leaf tranny clearly did not appreciate my anti-foid comment
this is a test of the gay broadcast system - i am gay
>you have an outdated concept of what a board is like
>that means you’re a newfag
did you make the spinster collage?
one time I left my room and I had a pile of dirty dishes that I was taking to the kitchen sink and my dad saw me and he gave me the most hateful stink eye face lol
I just got the notification on my phone, thanks. Gotta make sure it works in an emergency, these tests are important.
/r9k/ is 100% failed normalfags
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the stream is going to be fucking hilarious
cream it up bfranny
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got my big bottle of cheap shitty wine at hand

hope blumpf delivers
>his only reference to the board is something extremely old and outdated like you'd see on plebbit or some screenshot repost thread
>no I'm not new
Simple as
r9k used to be so comfy but women ruined it like they do everything
Isn’t Trump going to be doing the big reveal of his VP at the debate? I’ve seen speculation he’s going to pick that jeet Ramastinky, based on certain statements the latter has made
Last time I checked /r9k/ it was the same incel threads.
r9k was always the opposite of comfy
people go there to go insane and hate life and every organism
>not downing hard liquor like a man
that's why it was comfy
I dont have any hard liqour
I used to like /r9k/ when it was brand new, based on the OC-only concept, but then I left when incel faggots and freaks started shitting up the board. Don’t know how many years ago that was, at this point.
Correct on both points
I'm chugging monster energy, because if I drink 2 in a row I get a little buzz
What time does the debate start
50 minutes until /ourguy/ Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. wipes the floor with his debate opponent.
>drinking an energy drink this close to sundown
remember those hugfags in r9k

hated those niggas so much
they should have this in the debate

50 minutes until wait where am I
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caffeine gives me energy but I can sleep on it. Also I usually fall asleep around 3am
Just to clarify the level of how gross this was, it wasn’t that Pajeeta had her jeetlet take off his shoes and then stand on the restaurant table. He didn’t have shoes at all, so he’d be tracking a mixture of sweat, grime from the floor, bird shit from outside, etc onto the table
Do you think I could find love in /cum/?
>ask question
>question is answered presumably by accident in the next post
do you work night shifts to make that sleep schedule work?
The used to be very circlejerky, almost reddit tier about it
I work part time from home
blackpill me on hugfagging.
i use arch btw
>millions of these arrive here every year with an infinite supply in waiting
Grim, woeful even
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>biden is guided to the podium by his wife
>trump shuffles out like a fatass
>60 minutes of schizophrenic ranting and dementia stuttering
>biden stands around 5 minutes after the debate ends
>trump shitposts on chud twitter
>rest of the debates are cancelled
instead of a debate where no one is interested in ‘marketplace of ideas’ bullshit, and everyone just wants to who can be the biggest bully and dunk on the loser from the Bad Guys’ team, they should do some kind of combat sports like UFC, or even something sillier like a big paintball match, maybe best of 11 rounds or something
There are allegedly cocaine tours in Colombia where you visit where they actual cook it up. Would /cum/ take it.
The simulation is breaking
Thats a girls name
Fuck yeah
Would you fuck a girl named Robinette
/cum/ is a straightlaced and sober general. please take your degeneracy to /bant/.
robin wasn't girly enough already so they added a feminine suffix to it
No bro
no because there's a 100% chance they're at least 70 years old
Coke is one of the only drugs I’ve tried and actually enjoyed, so I consciously avoid it (as opposed to not wanting to do any of the others), as I could see myself easily getting addicted.
I'm not really into stimulant drugs
sex with nico robinette
I would hold her hand and go with her wherever she wanted to go, for any reason.
If she was cute and smelled good then of course I would
Nikocado Robinettocado
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a few beers deep
2 peanut butter sandwiches.
redpill me on marijuana

should I take gummies or smoke it
absolutely not
i havent gott drunk since that time i spent christmas or new year completely by myself and 3 bottles of cheap whiskey playing Blood and Doom 2 drinking until I passed out
i think it was 2021
Smoking vs edibles are essentially different drugs, as certain psychoactive compounds in edibles are destroyed by burning when smoked. Both suck IMO
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yes checked
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This guy will slowly fade into irrelevance then hit peak popularity when he inevitable dies
who's sweating more right now, the biden team or trump team?
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for me, it was buying cheap shitty E&J brandy and watching christmas movies in my dorm after everyone had left to go home, crying myself to sleep
Take it easy if its your first time. Stoners don't realize how strong modern weed is
I would recommend smoking it first since it's easy to over-do gummies
Keep in mind that people sometimes don't get high the first time they smoke
you should smoke it to start and then gummies when you're a little used to it, edibles and drinkables in general are longer and harder to measure how high you're actually going to be and your first experience should be something you have a good amount of control over. smoke, see how you feel, smoke some more, see how you feel, etc.

also be aware it might not hit your first time, you can get through that by smoking more but going from smoking basil to completely zooted is a turbulent experience
you guys are such drama queens LAMAO (laugh ass my ass off)
First and only time I took that green was through edibles and it gave me a massive headache
ay yo pass the migrane grass
> it's natural which must mean its safe
cyanide and uranium are also natural you dumdum.
that time I had a great time. oddly liberating
shut the FUCK up
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Biden is less competent to perform well in the debate, but the media probably also has his back, and will likely announce that he purportedly ‘won the debate,’ regardless of how it actually goes.

That said, there does seem to be a degree to which the Jews are turning on Biden and backing Trump, as Trump appears more likely to back their Gaza/Lebanon holocausts, so it’s a little hard to say how post-debate media coverage will pan out.
>he doesn't inject uranium to radmaxx
pussy faggot
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if i was part of the PR team for either of them i would be prebaking a noose right now not gonna lie
So when are women going to start dressing like fembois to fly trap gay tops?
all men die but not all men die whining
all men suffer but not all men pity themselves
You're not helping Israel enough JOE
30 M I N U T E S
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imma be real with you anons, i don't care if joe biden dies his first day in office, the president could be a tamogachi toy for all i care, all that matters is that he's not republican.
not memeing.
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i just think it's crazy this guy won the debate thats all
How bad is Trump, really? I say deport them all. A couple of fraud never hurt nobody.
so edibles would theoretically be better?
I'm voting trump because his 2nd term will probably be really funny
Well he tried to overturn an election.
Trump isn't a typical Republican, if he were a neocon I'd agree with you
Trump-tards won't like this!
Edibles tend to last longer. You can’t necessarily say whether edibles or smoking are stronger, since that’s primarily dependent on dosage. The effect is different. As I already said, I dislike both, but relatively speaking, I guess I prefer the effect of smoking it.
Watching Biden is just painful. Literal LITERAL cringe inducing to the point of physical pain in my gut. He was probably a an eloquent politician like 30 years ago but the man is dying for fucks sake. Trump is insufferable but he is the eternal businessman and it seems dementia hasn't got to him yet.
No... did you read any other reply given?
except he didn't
this 2bh
Your mom tried to overturn my erection
he's obese, a boomer, and a bigger israel shill then biden

fuck blumpf
Biden was never overly charismatic but him aging just makes it so much worse
They feel about the same. Supposedly edibles are slightly more psychedelic, I'm a lightweight either way so just experiment
How do I watch the debate knowing trump has already won? I really want to watch it without realizing what the outcome is going to be but it's almost pointless because it's pretty obvious at this point who will come out on top. I need some solid advice on how to enjoy this debate. It's almost like watching a movie only to have it already ruined because you can figure out what happens from the previews. Any help?
the only times he's ever been charismatic were during his vp debates
If Trump wins will they deport my family which may or may not be in the US unlawfully
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politics schmolitics.
share with me your favorite country songs.
i'll start:
Wait so you guys didn't overdose on the 2020 copium? Well this year for sure.
yes, and that's a good thing
If you’ve never had weed before, in case this isn’t obvious, something I would suggest is that you not smoke a whole joint, at least in one go like smoking a cigarette. Potheads build a big tolerance, and need lots of it to feel anything. It’s possible you might get unpleasantly too high just off one or two big drags, if you inhale properly, let alone smoking the whole thing. Have a little bit, and then let off for like 30 minutes to let it set it, and have more if you feel you need it.
>How do I watch the debate
why would you even bother to watch? you're not gonna learn anything new about either of them and CNN has it on a delay so they can delete any funny clips you might see of biden shitting his pants so who cares
Are the health effects of smoking weed different from smoking tobacco?
When did you think debates were ever learning opportunities? You can read their platforms online. Debates are American political theatre. You all love this shit more than any other country.
whomever wins please stop the supreme court from raping any remaining respect i have for it with their own decisions
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I watch it purely for entertainment
has he started ozempic yet
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I believe they did rig 2020 (obviously; they admitted it), but it’s water under the bridge, and not worth much consideration. Once they got the electors together, certified it, and such, not much could be done. Anyone arguing otherwise was some weird grifter trying to do nonsense legalism like sovereign citizens.
I always chooch off like maybe a sixth of the joint maximum but I also accept I need nothing for a kick
you shouldn't be putting smoke in your lungs
Which recent Supreme Court decisions do you disagree with?
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I’d argue it’s worse, since weed can cause serious mental health issues, like making you schizophrenic or homosexual.
Not really. All smoke is bad for your lungs, you can burn/hurt your throat you still get a kind of tar buildup residue in your body, maybe slightly less industrial chemicals are found in weed but it's still significantly harmful, all the dangers of smoking are a bit overblown anyway just don't smoke the equivalent of two packs of cigarettes a day and you should be fine.
>I believe they did rig 2020 (obviously; they admitted it)
>but it’s water under the bridge
what? it would be the most serious thing that ever happened in American history.
of course they rigged 2020. the amount of fraud was insane.
the civil war was probably more serious
phenomenally kino taste anon, very nice.
my hometown used to have dedicated bluegrass on sunday mornings and I always enjoyed driving for groceries while listening to those. they'd bring in a lot of small-time guys you'd otherwise never hear, plus the greatest hits.
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Snyder v. United States ruling: you can pay gratuities freely as long as you are paying them after they do something
This is the article I was referring to, in which they more or less admit to rigging it
You're freely admitting it's possible if you, you specifically, started smoking weed for a good amount of time you would start having gay thoughts? This is something you want to admit to everyone itt? That it's possible for you to become a faggot?
it's not gonna be very entertaining because of all the gay rules the democrats insisted upon because biden is a dementia riddled corpse who can't think on his feet, so it's going to be incredibly lame.
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Here's a question: when does the debate END?
one of the most serious things*

This article is way too long for you not to summarize the key points.
when biden figures out where to go
What's your opinion on more modern blue grass artists like old crow country show or billy strings?
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I don't even know when it starts
if it's not from the bribery region of france it's merely sparkling corruption.
>canadian libshits be like: dis reading 2 spicy
>what? it would be the most serious thing that ever happened in American history.
Historically illiterate post. Most (all?) elections are rigged. Tons of historical examples; have you never heard of the Tammany Hall political machine in New York? The Battle of Athens, Georgia?

in like 10 minutes
ftmpooner is cute
pop me a link brother this one says in 2 hours
>This article is way too long for you not to summarize the key points.
That’s why I posted a screenshot from the article in this post, you total retard lmao >>199089142
can't be arsed it starts 9 PM eastern
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>2020 was rigged and stolen from Trump and they admitted it. My proof? Tammany Hall.
You ask for something substantive for a specific question and you receive two Wikipedia articles and "This happens all the time!"

This tells me nothing.
seeing the bugs in the corner of my eyes again
cool it with the drugs mmk
I already have stated above that I don’t smoke weed, because I don’t enjoy the high, and one of the only drugs I’ve ever enjoyed (given to me by friends, never purchased or possessed) was coke. Stating that weed also makes you schizophrenic doesn’t mean I’m schizophrenic.
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Brace yourselves: this general will be plagued by Biden and Trump talk for the next 10 months
https://www.youtube.com/live/axZAtOxx-aA <3
>country general discusses the politics of its country
Yeah but you just stated weed can make you gay so you have to admit if you started smoking weed it's entirely possible for you to start wanting to suck on a penis. That's just fucking weird to think and say.
its always been that way
my man biden is 100% leaving the public eye if he loses
>post screenshot with highlights
>post full article
>this is too long, I need a brief summary
>refer back to screenshot with highlights
>this is too brief, and not specific enough
Maybe you’d enjoy the full article, that I posted here: >>199089217
Really great discussion we’re having here
holy fuck I just watched the Kamala ad and it looks like she aged 15 years
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>wanna be VP?
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>coin toss for podium position and the last word
clown show already
everyone knows wagon wheel and dust in a baggie, the former has been a classic for a while and the latter is well on its way.
in general, i like modern bluegrass because i think its one of the most authentic genres out there. it's legitimate poetry about what real (usually poor) americans are living with, and is both smarter and more technically proficient than what you'll typically hear on country radio.
nobody goes into bluegrass for the money.
whats the stream people are watching
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nigga looks like a cross between chris hemsworth and Fuentes
the election should just be a football match between each candidate's home team
We're not having a real discussion. I'm asking you questions and you're posting a few lines from a long article and a Wikipedia page for Tammany Hall. Looking at that image just begs the questions:

Who are the cabal?

What industries and ideologies do they comprise?

Working behind the scenes how?

Where's the part where they, whoever they are, admit to rigging the election?
Vagina Pussy Kamala Harris
Just tell me how it goes so I don't have to watch it.
I value /cum/s analysis more than the words from their mouths
modern warfare 2 1v1 on rust sniper only open mic psychological warfare greenlit
why is /cum/ slow as fuck rn
Is there a way to see RFK's little sideshow? I know he has no chance but Im voting 3rd party anyway
It's quite fast actually
first in american history!
I'm an empath
When Pol is here, I become racist

I want Pol to leave
First what
the coin toss is kino, don't pretend otherwise
> no studio audience
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>you say that 2020 being rigged would be the biggest thing in American history
>I say that rigging happens all the time, implying it’s the norm. Not particularly notable, and certainly not the biggest thing in American history; posted two examples
>at discretion of the moderator
it's rigged
>stream dies

joe doesnt sound so good
This isn't supposed to kino, it's supposed to be respectful, mature, and educational.
Bros, why does Joe look so lost?
And what is Tammany Hall supposed to tell me about the 2020 election?
joe drink some water
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>its trumps fault!
> facts
> facts
> facts
who cares about this nerd shit
call the other guy a loser
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yep............... these are our candidates.............. eeeeyuup.....
holy shit already over for joe
>Biden’s self-introduction sounds like a mumbling getiatric
>Trump didn’t say anything
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>not knowing the infamous Time article where they admitted powerful groups conspired about the election but seemed to think it made them heroes or something
>asking for the source
>getting mad anon didn't summarize even though you would have rejected it for not having a source
niggawat some of you mfers just love arguing innit
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god how can you listen to this grandpa and feel he should be in charge
this is pathetic, he sounds like he has dementia
didnt understand a single thing biden said
You’re retarded
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Imagine voting for a candidate compromised by Russia
Next person below me gets to kill both of these old geezers
mumble rapper voting block:
What is blud talmbout
The powerful groups you can't name, or say exactly what they did, or show me where they admitting to election fraud.
Surprisingly competent intro tbqh
This is cool and all, but can we talk about how Boeing has been straight up killing people?
is joe literally sleeping on the debate stage?
>t. trumptard who injected bleach in his arm like orange daddy instructed him to
we rockin good bros
Trump also sounds sickly and low energy. Not sure I’m going to sit through this whole thing.
we're not the greatest economy in the world? what the fuck, objectively wrong
I'm not a trumpfag at all, but he definitely seems sharper than joe
and epsteins black book still hasnt been released
Biden sounds like he has throat cancer compared to the last debate, jesus
i'm waiting for joe biden to clear his throat insanely loudly and a giant green glob comes out and everyone will be able to hear him again while the green glob runs off stage
fuck me this is rough.
I wish America was irrelevant so the whole world wouldn't pay attention to our circus-tier politics.
in all fairness to CHYNA
making it early
and biden sounds fine?
holy shit biden looks terrible
Does anyone else think Joe Biden is going to kick the bucket within 5 years from now?
Ya this isn’t as entertaining as I was expecting
Do you think after getting elected Trump will get "the talk" and become pro-Ukraine like Mike Johnson?
how does blumpf think we were going to get out of afghanistan with dignity?
joe literally looks he doesnt even know where he is
I don't think the Ukraine or Gaza wars have been kind to Joe's mental health.

fag that's gonna get janny'd for being early and political. in fact he's gonna be in here soon deleting all our posts.
Way too early
>all the thereapeutics
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Just wait. The early part of the debate is pretty much rehearsed.
Yang would have been the best president in 60 years
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>third world nation
bros... we fell out... is it... true...?
We a third world country with a gucci belt desu
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>making sure we continue the sopranos
okay biden makes a solid point that show slaps
holy fuck biden can't string together a single coherent sentence.
>with with with the covid uh I mean the uh look if we finally beat medicare
You're all talking dhit about thr other side.of what you like but really you're both idiots and are all idiots because you have to vote between these two people and have no other choices simply be cause the elites have chosen these two people for you ot you
Ron Paul *
>all these people coming in and being put on social security, he's trying to destroy social security
uh...isnt that good?
watching biden reminds me of my grandfather who had alzheimer :(
i have stopped watching
You live in a fucking monarchy lol>>199089889
Thats a good thing
>a complex but not really complex
holy kek
Sorry, anon
oh nonononono
what'd I tell you
lmao janny
This is a massacre
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>janjan deleted the other thread
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guys we can't talk about the funny old man show we have to talk about what dinners we made or something
jannies can suck my fat nuts i'm not talking about this on /pol/
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3.78 MB JPG

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