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monke do edition
how do i delete the op image do we vote on it
what the fuck was zigazigah anyway
Only shaggers pass on their genes
There now follows a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party.
pakis out
Thinking of moving to a different country until this all blows over.
just escape to the extended family house in the country
Any advice or help on how to fall asleep? Got to be up for toil in 4 hours you see.
Reform will never win
The civil service will not allow it
why do you want to delete it? also you're retarded
put your head on the pillow and shut your eyes
*immediately changes the channel*
Rich yanks say shit like "Where do you Summer?"
have a wank
Need for Speed: Underground 2. The game that broke me. I got it for my 12th birthday. It was expensive and my family were poor but my older brother had an xbox and would let me any my other siblings play. At first it was great, I spent many hours practicing, as often as I could spare. I played hard. I struggled. I was never good at video games and often lost at Nintendo 64 games and the xbox was no different. But this game would be different. I'd be the best. I practiced and did challenges and never raced anyone. I didn't tell my friends I had the game, knowing they would want to play. I had to be ready first. Finally, after months of playing and practicing I agreed to play my siblings. My older brother beat me. He was good at gaming and even though he had never played this game I was able to rationalise it. The winner stayed on so it was a while before I got to play. But then my younger brother beat my older brother. He is also good at games but I suspected my older brother went easy on him. I was confident and ready. Then I went off the road and destroyed my car. It was a slip up. I demanded a rematch. I lost again. By that point I was fuming. Shouted at my younger brother until he left and my older brother told me to shut up. Finally I played my sister. She was shit at games. Even the Sims. She was terrible. I could beat her at any games we had played in the past. But typically I lost. In hindsight my head wasn't in the game. I had a losers mentality. But now I was seething. I went to the kitchen, grabbed a knife, went back to my brothers room. Chased my brother and sister out of the room by threatening them with the knife. They hid in the bathroom while I grabbed the game disk and snapped it in half then threw it in the garden. When my mum got home she went mad. My dad gave me a smack. They banned me from playing games for a month and assured me they would never buy me another. It didn't matter. I never wanted to game again and for the most part I never have.
lol they really do

british equivalent?
I don't think anybody has said that in about 100 years
Was so hot a last night I ordered a fan even though it's just going to end up getting delivered as the heat wave ends. Proper melt, me.
Thinking of Charles Le Gai Eaton, the English convert to Islam who was opposed to third world immigration.
u've been done
was about to say 'no we dont' but then noticed it said rich yanks and hung my head in shame and self pity
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If you're cutting my hair you WILL be a somewhat chubby, shorter, pale woman with a few tattoos.

They give the best haircuts. Not letting a dude touch my head. Kinda gay honestly, ruins the whole experience
should've bought more console games
my pc cd-rom collection is worthless
there will be another one. it's not like summer is over already right?
lol I did that last year came in good this year though
Turn 30 in september and I've been growing my hair out since last summer. Had a shave a few days ago and got ID'd at the off licence.
Can never get into therapy sessions if it's with a man. Only cute women for me please
Have a weird skinny Iranian man do mine
Comes out great every time
seems a stupid thing they don't know your face? It's a local shop.
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want an american gf
yeah that was the bit of logic in my purchase. Still got July, August and September to go. Doesn't change the fact that I bought it just because the thought of a fan being delivered helped me sleep through the heat that night
Wasn't my local, ended up having to go to my local because I didn't have ID.
Nigga going through belated femboy stage.
had sex with her once
Cody bro you know we got to the Hamptons every vacay
Should always carry ID you mong.

Absolutely sick of freaks in shops kicking off because they have no ID and therefore can't buy their shitty Peroni.
Sucking a cody in the summer Hamptons
That was a needlessly hostile reply EW, I didn't kick off, I just put my beers back and left.
I didn't carry my ID because I haven't been ID'd since I was 20.
Hunter are you going to Martha's Vineyard this Fall?
that's a white American woman
for me it's Olivia Rodrigo
he's just jealous that you're likely prettier than him.
hispanics are noit whiote
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I thought she was mexican
spainmong samefagging
the collection of human phenotypes of the british isles.
somebody make this book
Sorry, I've had bad experiences with people kicking off when questioned about their ID. It's quite distressing.

>put my beers back
This puts you above 99% of people. Who just leave shit around shops and expect the staff to tidy up after them.
>that's a white American woman
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Still winning right?
Okay, no worries x
Conspiracy theory: Employed Woman doesn't have a job
Can these Gen Z rebels win Myanmar's brutal civil war?
Jenna Ortega is a white Latina
if you want a more accurate stereotype it would be spending two weeks at your parent's house in the hamptons where you invite all your friends to stay and then you go on a month long vacation to a bunch of retarded places like iceland or croatia and then you spend the last month and a half in a do-nothing internship at an investment bank and make $80k for doing nothing all before the next semester starts at NYU (your sister was the smarter one who got into columbia)
mental how bad he's mindraped you
damn. american democrats won't like this. neither will rishi or keir or boris or any of those.
hope not x
no such thing
Really liked her when she played that loli in that series, the school uniform really did it for me
The absolute state of you. How are you not too embarrassed?
had a sex dream about a former coworker and went to see if i still had her number but i don't
i see she still has a linkedin profile though
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So, you support fascism.
Yeah so we can't prove this god PHYSICALLY exists, but we know that all the symptoms of there being this god exists. Look, here's the symptoms: lists them.
Sound like rubbish logic to you? That's exactly what psychiatrists do for a lot of mental illnesses.
same tb h
name a mental illness symptom that isnt provable
Don't care just think Military Junta sounds cooler than "gen z rebels".
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>Reform candidate 'said he wanted to slaughter migrants and have their family taken out'
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all provable, dont know why you dont believe in bulimia
Out here on the perimeter there are no stars
might go for a walk
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checking in with the telegraph today
self defeating personality disorder.
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>might go for a walk
Big 'gull strikes again
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Bangers and mash, a lindt chocolate bar and coffee down the hatch.
I'd vote for the anti seagull party, sick of them shitting on my car
Unbelievably based
>At one point Parker tells voters Reform were "kicking all the Muslims out of the mosques and turning them into Wetherspoons".
refuse to believe this man isn't a plant
Sven it's like 1am
What are you doing
Night shift at the whore house
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I too am checking the telegraph
Is this man running for Prime Minister because I'd vote for him.
exceptionally scrannable arse
Genuinely believe the only schoolteachers that are happy teaching are maths teachers
erm sweetie we removed and reworked it into proper diagnoses so that means we got it right all along x :)
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Rorke, is something wrong? You haven't touched your Pride Month™ sausage.
Can't wait for this meeting of megaminds
Whoever "wins" we all lose
Kek hours ago, for tea Ireccon you lot call it
Here's one they didn't remove yet: Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Get going then
These actually look kind of scranworthy.
might crack open some nasty white wine
kek that ones hilarious, isnt it just a somewhat bad period?
im genuinely curious what dsm 6 will look like
popped down the Australian aisle I see
lmao okay rorke
Jesus lord almighty this Jonas Brothers song is shit
>random bloke comes out of nowhere to volunteer specifically for farage's campaign
>at exactly the same time channel 4 begins an "undercover investigation"
>all the other campaigners and farage's top team say they have no fucking clue who the bloke is and have never even met him
>bloke speaks like a left-wing reform stereotype
Come on
A stop light has grown feet

Dunno, drank a aus wine robersons something that was so easy down the hatch it surprised two people
Two cousins getting IVF, grim
State of Western fertility, women waiting so long to have kids they just shrivel up
Not cheap either it's like £6,000 a pop
For me it's the faustino 2012
twirls mog flakes so hard i really don't see what purpose flakes serve
May I suggest a South Australian Cabernet Sauvignon or Shiraz mmmahhh
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well said
been hit with a sudden burst of hopefulness
Gave your mum a twirl on my cock
They're both shit
jesus i really cannot fucking remember anything since my brain surgery i legitimately forget things within 30 seconds all the time
Gies us it ya barsted
Spreading thin layer of vegemite on toast
doing an incel read of this thread
Kek i just drink what the customers leave behind. Will keeo those in mind tho taaa
Any escort stories fellas? Wish they were legal here
i miss the gay porn dance poster
man my memory has been completely shot since my brain surgery i have trouble remembering what happened 30 seconds ago
Begin with your family.
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millions must try.
jesus i really cannot fucking remember anything since my brain surgery i legitimately forget things within 30 seconds all the time
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
all provable through brain scans or patterns of behavior or thinking
No biological marker is diagnostic for ADHD. Although ADHD has been associated with
elevated power of slow waves (4–7 Hz “theta”) as well as decreased power of fast waves (14–30
Hz “beta”), a later review found no differences in theta or beta power in either children or adults
with ADHD relative to control subjects.
Although some neuroimaging studies have shown differences in children with ADHD
compared with control subjects, meta-analysis of all neuroimaging studies do not show
differences between individuals with ADHD and control subjects. This likely is due to
differences in diagnostic criteria, sample size, task used, and technical aspects of the
neuroimaging technique. Until these issues are resolved, no form of neuroimaging can be used
for diagnosis of ADHD.
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curse you bayle
All made up
Just excuses for being a shit person and not taking responsibility for your actions
being mockedf for being forgetful
Takes two to tango
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What's there to tell really?
Make phone call
Girl arrives at hotel
Put penis inside
She leaves
-200 notes
Feeling of emptiness follows
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"Personality Disorders" are Jewish fiction writing
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/pol/bot activated
that article is 2020, what I posted is from DSM-5-TR published in 2022.
where's toothpasteposter
Irish flags are always miserable twerps
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Narcissistic Personality Disorder doesn't exist. Even psychiatrists said as much until it became profitable to start categorising people in this way.
Psychological theories are unfalseable. Most of them were invented by Jewish quacks with no medical background.
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debate on in 1 hour 13 minutes you guys gonna watch?
French girls aren't cute unless they speak in English with their French esl accent
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Goyim psychiatrists finally realising that everything Jews taught them was a lie
na ive got toil on the morrow so im going to bed now
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how do normies find the time to watch all this slop
any vampire man in
Ok schizo calm down and take your meds
Great thanks. I'll be sure to watch that.
Nourishment for the mind.
It's a graphic parodying superhero cinematic universes. It isn't real.
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Look at the names. All the psychiatrists calling bullshit on these so-called disorders are non jewish
quite the model she
Nothing nourishes the mind like seeing two senile guys throw childish insults at each other
reminded me to take my BPD meds thanks
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Diagnostic Criteria
A. A persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes
with functioning or development, as characterized by (1) and/or (2):
1. Inattention: Six (or more) of the following symptoms have persisted for at
least 6 months to a degree that is inconsistent with developmental level and
that negatively impacts directly on social and academic/occupational
Note: The symptoms are not solely a manifestation of oppositional behavior,
defiance, hostility, or failure to understand tasks or instructions. For older
adolescents and adults (age 17 and older), at least five symptoms are
a. Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in
schoolwork, at work, or during other activities (e.g., overlooks or misses
details, work is inaccurate).
b. Often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities (e.g., has
difficulty remaining focused during lectures, conversations, or lengthy
c. Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly (e.g., mind seems
elsewhere, even in the absence of any obvious distraction).
d. Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish
schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (e.g., starts tasks but
quickly loses focus and is easily sidetracked).
e. Often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities (e.g., difficulty managing
sequential tasks; difficulty keeping materials and belongings in order;
messy, disorganized work; has poor time management; fails to meet
f. Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require
sustained mental effort (e.g., schoolwork or homework; for older
adolescents and adults, preparing reports, completing forms, reviewing
lengthy papers).
g. Often loses things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g., school materials,
pencils, books, tools, wallets, keys, paperwork, eyeglasses, mobile
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JoJo's back
All me
Should just be called "shit personality disorder" because people who claim to have these "illnesses" are shit people
cos flake is better in ice cream
extremely white teeth look uncanny
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The only psychiatrists honest enough to admit their profession is really a fraud are non Jews
Jewish psychiatrists already knew it was a lie and a tool they invented to control and medicate white people
For example, millions of white kids are medicated with Ritalin to treat "ADHD"
how did you remember that you had brain surgery tho
h. Is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli (for older adolescents and
adults, may include unrelated thoughts)
i. Is often forgetful in daily activities (e.g: doing chores, running errands; for
older adolescents and adults, returning calls, paying bills, keeping
2. Hyperactivity and impulsivity: Six (or more) of the following symptoms
have persisted for at least 6 months to a degree that is inconsistent with
developmental level and that negatively impacts directly on social and
academic/occupational activities:
Note: The symptoms are not solely a manifestation of oppositional behavior,
defiance, hostility, or a failure to understand tasks or instructions. For older
adolescents and adults (age 17 and older), at least five symptoms are
a. Often fidgets with or taps hands or feet or squirms in seat
b. Often leaves seat in situations when remaining seated is expected (e.g:
leaves his or her place in the classroom, in the office or other workplace,
or in other situations that require remaining in place)
c. Often runs about or climbs in situations where it is inappropriate. Note: In
adolescents or adults, may be limited to feeling restless
d. Often unable to play or engage in leisure activities quietly
e. Is often “on the go,” acting as if “driven by a motor” e.g: is unable to be or
uncomfortable being still for extended time, as in restaurants, meetings;
may be experienced by others as being restless or difficult to keep up
f. Often talks excessively
g. Often blurts out an answer before a question has been completed e.g:
completes people’s sentences; cannot wait for turn in conversation
h. Often has difficulty waiting his or her turn (e.g., while waiting in line)
i. Often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g: butts into conversations
games, or activities; may start using other people’s things without asking
or receiving permission; for adolescents and adults, may intrude into or
take over what others are doing)
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Wish I had some Ritalin to go with this tree
B. Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms were present prior to age
12 years.
C. Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms are present in two or
more settings (e.g., at home, school, or work; with friends or relatives; in other
D. There is clear evidence that the symptoms interfere with, or reduce the quality of,
social, academic, or occupational functioning.
E. The symptoms do not occur exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or
another psychotic disorder and are not better explained by another mental
disorder (e.g., mood disorder, anxiety disorder, dissociative disorder, personality
disorder, substance intoxication or withdrawal).
Specify whether:
F90.2 Combined presentation: If both Criterion A1 (inattention) and Criterion
A2 (hyperactivity-impulsivity) are met for the past 6 months.
F90.0 Predominantly inattentive presentation: If Criterion A1 (inattention) is
met but Criterion A2 (hyperactivity-impulsivity) is not met for the past 6 months.
F90.1 Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive presentation: If Criterion A2
(hyperactivity-impulsivity) is met and Criterion A1 (inattention) is not met for the
past 6 months.
Specify if:
In partial remission: When full criteria were previously met, fewer than the full
criteria have been met for the past 6 months, and the symptoms still result in
impairment in social, academic, or occupational functioning.
Specify current severity:
Mild: Few, if any, symptoms in excess of those required to make the diagnosis
are present, and symptoms result in no more than minor impairments in social or
occupational functioning.
Moderate: Symptoms or functional impairment between “mild” and “severe” are
Severe: Many symptoms in excess of those required to make the diagnosis, or
several symptoms that are particularly severe, are present, or the symptoms
result in marked impairment in social or occupational functioning.
would it be against youtube's rules to simply upload game footage with the audio of porn
surely not
i mean nothing explicit going on video wise
how would they detect it anyway
think i've got the inside track to something big here lads
long term is okayish, short term is almost nuked
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Now whag triggered that wanker
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This is the only real option
Crosta mollica gelato
thought it was common knowledge that psychiatry was a hoax co opted by the drug companies
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Jews deliberately use vague language to write the descriptions of these pretend disorders and to call anyone who disagrees with their worldview "crazy"
Don't like third world immigrants flooding your country? Well that means you're crazy and mentally ill
In related news the sackler’s protection for causing the opioid crisis got overturned by the Supreme Court today
Bipolar I disorder or Bipolar II disorder?
Everybody knows that it's a racket for the Jews.
Irish freak is looking to get banned
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Call me IDF the way the kid blew up
Xenophobic Personality Disorder.
Symptoms: Big list here.
im irish
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anyone fancy seeing kids get hurt
Antisemite alarm going haywire
accidentally forgot to follow the advice and wisdom I was given when I was younger
i did this once and cried
if they call all personality traits they don't like disorders then one day they might use it for personality traits associated with opinions they don't like
play stupid games win stupid prizes, kid
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You ever worry about STDs?
Don't know why men are expected to be delighted by babies and small animals in the same way that women are, it's weird. Yes, I'd love my own child. I certainly don't want to be the one carrying around, rocking it and going "coochiecoochiecoo". I'll provide and when it's old enough I'll teach it what it needs to know, especially if it's a boy. If it's YOUR child please don't expect me to do anything more than give it a quick smile and a nod. Why am I expected to burst into a display of pure delight? A woman, yes, but not a man. But yet men do and are expected to now. And your cat or your little handbag rat-dog thing? I'm not interested. Men should be more interested in animals that are large and impressive. A fine stallion or mare. Maybe a dog if it is large and fine like a malamut. Animals like that are to be respected. Your tiny malformed, helpless little rodent of a pet holds no interest. At least it shouldn't to a man. And yet I see not men just fawning over these creatures, but out and about walking their own little dogs! It brings to mind the same image as a man trying to maintain dignity whilst driving a smart car. Can't be done.

Just let men be men and stop expecting overblown shows of emotion over nothing. This is why we have balding 30-somethings crying over Star Wars trailers.
im a sensitive young man
bizarre astroturfed psyop by the globalist elite
who buys meme merch
Go onto /sci/ and once in a while you see them discussing how they scam psychiatrists for ADHD medication to get them to study better simply by lying. (they don't do any physical checks or scans since there's not biological cause detected)
Actually a pretty good way to teach your kid not to run off like an idiot.
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you can never tell
howling did this when I was a kid
might go to the wine bar and chat up ladies
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If it were common knowledge that psychiatry is a scam there wouldn't be all these communities
This dude is based and knows exactly what he is doing. The female seethe he generates is worth it alone.
No eacort is going to let you fuck them without protection, nor would I want to.
need to do this
Alright but fuck pitbulls or animals that harm/maul inncocent humans and other pets
wtf how do those other kids come out of nowhere???
Everyone who participates in these "venting communities" is as bad, or more likely worse, than anyone they are venting about.
If you just ignore the narcissistic part and look at them as places for abuse victims to support each other than the popularity begins to make sense
He must be doing this solely to troll women at this point.
>I certainly don't want to be the one carrying around, rocking it and going "coochiecoochiecoo"
i act like this to animals and children directly related to me but not strangers' or my cousins' children
this is tripping me out
Oh, those are worthy of nothing but scorn. It is usually women that love those sorts of shitbreeds anyway. I only like well disciplined animals or wild animals that live out of the way of people.
A lot of if isn't even abuse, it's literally things like parents telling their kids to do their homework
Those groups are always like mental health Olympics. Everyone is competing to be the most ill and the biggest victom. Very bizarre, and they're always women.
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Imagine if Ann frank was the prime minister of Israel. How do you think she'd respond against Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis?
Same as Netanyahu since all Jews have hivemind. It's what makes them such a powerful group
Genuinely get annoyed when kids cry when they get hurt, they're doing it for attention and that needs to be curbed as quickly as possible.
I suppose I'm biased because my little lad is a proper little warrior and never cries when he falls over.
yeah fair enough that I guess, just was ranting because I've been exposed to too many eager-to-emote men and it just sickens me when I see it
I never conquered, rarely came
Sixteen just held such better days
Days when I still felt alive
We couldn't wait to get outside
The world was wide, too late to try
The tour was over, we'd survived
I couldn't wait 'til I got home
To pass the time in my room alone
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homework do be abusive tho
Hide behind some big walls and play the victim card
Oh wait, nevermind-)
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>Genuinely get annoyed when kids cry when they get hurt, they're doing it for attention and that needs to be curbed as quickly as possible.
>I suppose I'm biased because my little lad is a proper little warrior and never cries when he falls over.
clueless yank
Noticed there are lots of videos on YT with titles like:
Classical Music that goes hard
Classical Music that be bussin
Classical Music that finna make her cheeks clap
and shit like that.
These niggas even step one toe out of Eton upper echelon society they will be bullied into the next realm or murked.
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Almost as if everyone outside of those circles are uncivilsed savages.
Can't wait for Homelander vs Soldier Boy
It's funny how zoomers are so easily fooled by the "down with the kids" shit nowadays. How is it any different from from a teacher saying "chemistry is totally wicked, dude!".
The dutch are a bit much
Amerikino starts soon
well? is it finna make her cheeks clap?
More like the common man is resentful of wealthy indred aristocratic freaks who think they are above everyone because they inherited wealth earned by their ancestors in the middle ages.
I need to become more affable
I think its because it's easier for older millenials to actually know the lingo due to the internet. A lot of that 'totally radical dude' stuff was cringe because it was usually out of date.
just fucking rangeban america and canada, ill lurk if i have too
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where to watch? I want to see if cope america is any better than euro slurpfest.
Jealousy is very unbecoming, maybe your ancestors should have worked harder hmmm?

hmm, makes sense. Still fucking cringe though
dont think he be meanin copamerica bruh
going to not be much different from this im sure
Black Person Listens to Mozart for First Time??? REAL WOW AMAZING???!!
I agree, it would probably be cringe if some 38 year old said bussin in person, but online they can kind of get away with it.
pure fire

Feeling rather JEWISH this morning
Maybe me or my offspring will "work harder" at taking the wealth out from your six fingered, webbed hands you tarq freak. Don't step to my mandem yeah? Stay in your gated pedo community cos if I see you on da block yous finna get frimponged.
Fuck Plasterine
lol he's not wrong
Have a negroni. Have two.
ohhh, the debate. Not really interested tbqhwy
Buy ephedrine online
>Maybe me or my offspring will "work harder" at taking the wealth out from your six fingered, webbed hands you tarq freak.
You won't
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thanks pizza hood
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now they're talking about stopping a labour supermajority they really done threw in the towel

knew it was truly over when some tory whale that gave them 2 million in campaign money said fuck that paki 1st time in my life I'm voting labour
Charlie Ireland
Neither will you. You're on 4chan at two in the morning so you obviously aren't part of the elite. Neither am I but at least I'm not fawning over them and rushing to their defense you VILE FROGSPAWN.
Stop whinging and get a job.
It will be a new dawn for the country once Labour are elected
>Things.......can only get better
in this world there are two kinds of people: people who are fucking, and people who are getting fucked
Im not white im not white.
sucking on a negroni
Im seriously not white. I'm just not.
It's sad.
Here's how Rishi can still win:
chin up lad
i'm trying my best here
quit being a bitch about it
I will be voting for my own bollocks this election
You want to get a job? Or would that take away from the time you spend sucking off rich men that wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire? Go let Mogg pipe you down if you love him so much, vile fawning cockroach.
I will never be white like the Dutch
I will never be white like the Germans
I will never be white like the Scandinavians
I will never be white like the Russians and Russian adjacents
I will never be white.

I desperately want to have sex with a man
No. Just no.
arent we all
what you playing at janny?
So yeh
mexcrement owned
Sorry just felt like calling some a tranny and a yank just happened to drop by
calm down rorke
Mental how its frisay thre 2927t
yeh dont worry about it
Tranny site made me wait 300 seconds

Someone plsss
ah yes lets make another yank politics thread after the previous one got deleted for that reason

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