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Canada US relations edition
So who do you think is winning the election now?
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mejican bummies
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Personally, I do not care for politics one single bit. It has literally no impact on my life.
and no im not being antisemitic
This bussy
The decision to pick Kamala Harris as VP does not seem wise tonight.
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i care about it, in the sense that it's a good excuse to get drunk on a thursday
they can't switch now without making it worse
Good thread. Upvoted.
until it hits the fan
That debate sucked. Basically the only fun portion was the golf section.
Is this it? Is Biden finally getting replaced?
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now that the debate is over and he who shall not be named fucked off, it's time to begin my simping.
>tfw no cute polish conductor gf
I think I got another case of jock itch incoming, and I'm almost out of lotrimin. I suppose I could buy more, but I'll wait to see if I'm still itchy later. Funny enough I was just watching a podcast yesterday where one of the people on the podcasat mentioned they had jock itch and are super careful not to get it anymore.
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booty up
das a femboy
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Daniel Larson
but /cum/ drinks on friday
How can they? Only a few months left, who could replace him?
wat dat bootie do
I drank 3 beers and took one hit of the dab pen.
have you seen their pussy?
but what did destiny and vaush think about the debate
I drank 0 beers and took one hit of prayer to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
I watched 3 minutes of the debate and it was so stupid and disgusting. Arguing about Charlottesville and sex with pornstars? Who the fuck cares, I can't afford groceries, fix that you kike ass tonguing necrotic shit for brains geezers.
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>i got an eagle on hole 4, used the driver and got some big results, this country is failing but not that hole
>ev-every part of what he just said was-not true
in the astral realm, yes.
I'm the CEO of Cumerica industries
they want newsom, or whitmer. hillary will definitely want in which means there might actually be some drama.

also biden refused to step down when they asked before the election. lol
sounds like you watched about 30 minutes of the debate
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so who won the debate
If i dont meet a kawaii af japanese gf I’ll definitely find the baddest latina gf
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great post
Russia, China, and Iran
apathy and masturbating to anime
Do not post the mice
There's just not enough time
yeah but would they really want to do it now as opposed to in 4 years? I could see Hilldawg being bitter enough but replacing Biden in only a few months would be chaotic and throw the whole thing into disarray
Fuck this country. I'm moving to Germany.
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germans are poor
Groceries will never get cheaper. At best they might get more expensive slower
Don’t be a faggot
I’m staying no matter how bad it gets, I shit on immigrants for leaving when the going gets rough I won’t do the same
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Is it time to return to the mothership?
No it was literally less than 5 minutes. I would say maybe I just tuned in at the right moment but I bet the entire thing was complete nonsense.
It’s perfectly acceptable to be a shit fetishist here, no reason to move to germany
>Western Europe
This is a stretch by any definition innit
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dat bootie is bussin on skibidi row in sigma, ohio
newsom would be smart to wait, as he's clearly the frontrunner at the moment and the dems have nobody else.

gretchen shitmer and hillary will never have a real shot in a fair primary (something the dems don't have lolol) so they would jump on it I'm sure
i'm unironically planning on retiring in europe.
Why germland? Why not Spain or France or fucking Croatia? Why the land of autistic humorless nuclear power fearing refugee worshippers?
Yeah they talk like inflation will never go away but it exists solely to force people to work or invest so the economy wont completely recede
>Dems concerned about Bidens performance tonight
Wow yeah so they just noticed he's 100% senile
I don't feel too hot
You're the sucker, you're the loser
Scandinavia in general is Northern Europe, along with Iceland. The map is bullshit. Political propaganda.
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>Folks, I've seen it, Biden is only this big!
>At least his son Hunter, he has some inches, he really used that thing believe me
>we've seen the tapes folk we've seen it
What did Trump mean by this?
The reason evil exists is because freewill exists. God knew that if every one did good, you wouldn't know what good was. If everyone was good and nothing bad every happened, you wouldn't appreciate your freewill or know what good is. You wouldn't know what bad was. If you're evil at heart and god didn't give everyone freewill you wouldn't even realize you're evil
Nta but Germany, France or UK are the most moral countries for a white american to move to. Anywhere else it's a delicate situation with smaller populations that we could never really assimilate with
Who the FUCK would want to move to Croatia?!
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bidenbros... I think it's time to call it quits...
lately I've been watching videos of this fat slob cooking meals with dollar store in ingredients
I am sad to report that I am no longer Riden with Biden.

I'm worried we'll get in a wreck
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get some ice
PBS host saying that the Dem advisors she's talking to are crying right now
literally me during my country's elections lol
Wiktionary is the greatest dictionary in human history but it doesn't even get a fraction of the respect Wikipedia gets as an open source free encyclopedia or the OED gets as a dictionary, why?
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How do i lose belly fat im sick of being skinnyfat and im ashamed of looking in the mirror or taking my shirt off
Cheap, in the EU, and close to Germany and Italy
look at this nerd
> skinnyfat
start by losing 30lbs, then start running 5 miles every day.
You can't "target" fat in one spot, just lose weight overall.
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Get him more debate joose NOW
stop eating sugar or carb
do the fat burning exercises like swimming, running
bro's beyond cooked
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All the fitness scammers HATE him, because of his one simple trick
Still voting Biden
Like i said im skinnyfat the only part of my body thats holding fat is my stomach
I love cookies too much
Cardio and eat less? It's not rocket science anon.
To have edibles and fap or not
That is the question
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blame hiro and rapeape for killing the site
shut up nigga
I’m leaving the US because I don’t like the culture. And besides that, there’s nothing offered here that I can’t get in another developed country (besides guns but I could care less about that anyways, it’s super easy to build a gun).
give them bread and circuses......
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This post is quite meaningless to me. For real, I do not know what you are talking about. What do you mean by "moral countries"? Why does it even matter?
It's beautiful, cheap, relatively peaceful. Why not?
Those shoes look stupid
I wish taverns were still a thing
Xi Jinping
theyre called bars
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The wall just got 10 feet higher
European cultures are kind of in a crisis, Croatia only has 4 million people and a rich history, it's kind of fucked up for John Smith to move there unless he plans on completely adopting a foreign culture.
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but i dont want a bar.
i want a tavern
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Ha ha, the only people our wonderful government really cares about is helping wealthy people like me get richer. As Sting would say, every breath they take, every move they make is to benefit the filthy rich. In all those other crappy Eurpean and Asian countries like Germany, Sweden, China and Japan, those governments make decisions to help the entire country but luckily for people like me our government's ONLY concern is helping the rich get richer. Of course hardly anything ever gets done here now because unless it helps the rich our politicians want nothing to do with it.

Yes I love our politicians and I love our government. And I sure love to see more and more homeless and hearing about all the people suffering from all the government corruption, skyrocketing living costs, millions more losing their jobs every year due to outsourcing, millions losing most of heir savings as the market crashes while people like me get richer and richer. And my super rich investing friends always alert me when they plan to pull out millions from the stock market so I can pull out right before the crash and leave all you non rich investors with massive losses.

Yes the finacial system is totally rigged and our government is corrupt beyond belief, every polirtician has been bought off except that idiot Sanders which is why I love this country so much. Can't wait for Saners to go so our government can 100% percent corrupt , that will be wonderful don't your think?
janny deleting any threads that mention the uhhh... discussion that took place tonight
go to new england, they're all over the place up there.
Can I sleep at the bar?
low quality pasta
The Anglos founded countries, not british mutts
getting thirstpilled 2bh
Even CNN is saying Biden's performance was horrible. lol
Lefties are absolutely TRIGGERED tonight
Be careful on other social media outlets, anons
The most hilarious twist would be dems invoking the 25th amendment which requires a 2/3rds majority and the GOP going "nah were good"
cant sleep at the tavern either
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When Trump said
>idk what Biden said and I don't think he knows either
it was JOEVER
I wonder if janny gets $0 based off of overtime or commission
Do you drink much beer?
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>A tavern is a type of business where people gather to drink alcoholic beverages and be served food such as different types of roast meats and cheese, and (mostly historically) where travelers would receive lodging. An inn is a tavern that has a license to put up guests as lodgers.
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>cant sleep at the tavern either
a tavern is a bar + inn what are you talking about
Just exist and be friendly to the locals. Learn the language. Blend in. What else is there? You won't corrupt a place merely by existing. Raise white children and they will be naturalized to the place. Meanwhile you can go to Germany or come here and just witness our ever spiralling downfall. But why do that? You may as well just stay in the US if you want to see the same thing.
absolutely btfo
lmfao i have to see that now
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CNN literally said "it was an unmitigated disaster from the second he walked in
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I'm sure he knew that I was referring to an old timey tavern that I can drink and sleep at, but he played obtuse and said I cannot sleep at taverns, I didn't know what he was saying and I don't think he knew either
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*slowly raises arms*
*opens mouth*
I kept the tarrifs
They are all doomers tonight
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neither biden NOR trump will be bringing taverns and medievalcore back to America
Under 1800 calories again, and drank 86 oz of water
is Quebec the best Province in Canada?
I understand that it’s more about race than strict geographical definitions, but it’s pretty funny that the Finnish Finno-Ugrics get Western status, while the Hungarian Finno-Ugrics do not
That would be Alberta
Because I was born there. I've always felt I was more of a German than an American, and after tonight it is clear which way this country is headed.
That would be Yukon
It's the Whitest major one, so yes (Atlantic micro-populations don't count)
I use Wiktionary all the time
are you hoping to fug German bitches?
ahhh, you were born in Germany? Well, that is factor I suppose. But my point stands. You choose to move from a country in decline to another country in decline. Wouldn't be my choice.
The EU is not in decline.
>Trump bullied Biden
>America bullied Canadian nerd
Is the UnitedStatian population finally healing?
This sucks. We're cooked.
OFC two Jews moderate a debate between two Goyim, whose children are intermarried with Jews, about who will be the best Golem
I was born here, and I'll die here most likely. I'm attached to the mountains and valleys I grew up around.
When did you move to the US?
thank you
about what
Quite a common human experience, historically
what do you fucking think retard
That was probably the best jab in the whole show, but the real one two punch was Biden’s reaction. Sitting there slackjawed lol
The real question is how do Republicans memory hole Trump's waffling on issues like Ukraine
no idea, bucko
So what's up with these rootless people who need to move across the planet the moment things get difficult?
I don't know man, the high was 60F today.
those responses were borderline retarded but it doesn't matter when the opponent sounds like junior at the end of the sopranos
Biden standing there sorta frozen after his mic cut off without making a point were also terrible for him tonight, it's ironic they thought cutting the mics would stop Trump rambling but it just made Biden seem even more out of it
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It's now cheaper and easier than it's ever been, so it often makes sense
The Ukraine question was the only bit of it that I heard (my father was watching it on tv and I was stirring food on the stove at that moment) and it was astonishing how he refused to actually answer it and just narcissitically rambled about military personnel liking him. Was the whole thing like that?
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About a year after I was born.
> Should things go the way they seem to be going, the events of Thursday night may go down as the greatest unforced error in presidential electoral politics since Richard Nixon, fatigued and unshaven, went on-camera against John F. Kennedy in 1960.
It's over.
the mic cutoff change was good regardless of who used it better. i am sick and tired of how shit the previous debates were, this one made one candidate look shit by process of what was said during the 1/2 minutes, nothing else
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>Biden was literally mumbling and he seemed like a stronger leader than the orangutan
What do you mean? I've always disliked trump for being a populist. He'll say or do anything and everything to get people to trust him, even if it directly contradicts something he's already said or done
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Nixon was one of the best Presidents in US history
>need to memoryhole something nobody cares about
bruv nobody voting for Trump cares about details they just want to replace Biden because of inflation or something. The only question is if enough regular Americans will go along with it
All Trump has to do is end the war in pookraine. that's it, that's all, very easy.

And to end the war in pookraine, all Trump has to do is not send them any more weapons. bam, done.
>addressing inflation via price controls
Vote Trump
The thing about populism is that it works because people are very very stupid
having a dementia patient as the president is a great error indeed
The rest of NATO is still sending weapons. They won't stop embarrassing Russia just because it's going to start getting harder. It's an existential fight for them. It would just be a massive waste of the last 3 years of investment at this point
Vote Polk.
Vote Jason
Saying that either of these geriatric buffoons did anything but embarrass themselves and the nation tonight is a good litmus test for politics-poisoned morons
loved this movie
>The rest of NATO is still sending weapons
anon I hate to burst your bubble but like half of the countries just sent old shit then promised to send more later but barely delivered any of it. If USA stops it's really over
I didn't even watch the debate vpnigger. I just know trump has historically waffled on most subjects depending on who he's talking to because he's a populist. I don't know how anyone can trust a man that has no principle other than to make people trust him by any means necessary. Worse than a brain dead in office tbqh
Vote for Trump, please, make the world a favor and vote for Trump.
I napped through it. Looks like Biden showed how demented he js, but the idea that people will change their vote based on debate performance makes me laugh. The USA was the real loser tonight.
yeah well the rest of NATO are also vassals of the United States so if the US says stop the war, it will stop.
Vote Polk and eliminate illegal immigration with military action.
Reddit has disabled all threadmaking except for bots. Go and see for yourself by looking at a new thread.
[Chanting] Heart-a-ttacks, heart-a-ttacks, heart-a-ttacks!
We've still got five months, boys! Things can get better!
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i took a nap earlier and now i can't sleep
>that people will change their vote based on debate performance makes me laugh.
Normally you'd be right, but they will in this case, because literally the only question on the table was "is joe biden *too* senile to keep being president" and the answer wasa a resounding yes.
Vote for Trump, please, make the world a favor and vote for Trump.
Dude are you watching CNN? They are literally saying the race is over. Fuckin CNN.
>old shit
>delivered half
Why lie. They've also started domestic production while Russia is begging north fucking Korea for men and material
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For anyone posting Biden copium or damage control ITT, pic related is from DNC insiders, according to Politico
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Thinking about what I'll eat tomorrow
CNN is a corporate Republican shill network masquerading as "moderate".
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>CNN is a corporate Republican shill network masquerading as "moderate".
Demonstrably false, the US wasn't even the first to start pledging equipment. We were wishy washy on it at first because of putin's dubious threats
holy fucking cope
>article specifically points out the US coordinates all the arms deliveries to Ukraine so they want to trump-proof it by putting nato in charge
>diplomats acknowledge such a move may have limited effect, as the U.S. is NATO's dominant power and provides the majority of weaponry to Ukraine
You're agreeing with me
Chili dogs
yeah but if biden dies they'd have to deal with VP karmelo "cocksucker" harris and she's even worse than biden.

damn you are literally retarded. where do you get this stupid shit lmao
You are implying that NATO doesn't organize this behind the scenes to make it appear as if constituent states are truly sovereign. Only Hungary and Turkey are serious dissenters.
I really didn't expect so many doomers, I expected copium like >>199093578
I had chili dogs for dinner tonight
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You're reading into it what you want to hear. Your best buds at the Kremlin aren't working their way out of this one
You can have chili dogs two days in a row, no problem. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I think he's just very, very dumb
Have you been to Germany since you moved? I left Canada at a young age and only come back a few years ago. The fist few weeks where good but once the honey moon was over I felt like a stranger in this country.
I think they mean they hope he dies before the convention or something, not while in office with Kamala as VP
Living the dream
I'm so out of shape, my arms get tried drying my hair after a shower.
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>thinking I'm a zigger because I point out half of the NATO members are freeloaders while the USA contributes the lionshare
Pretty easy to feel like a stranger in Canada when 80-90% of the people in public are foreigners. I feel like an immigrant in my own country.
I should get the ingredients for chilidogs, thatd probably last me a few meals
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How can I have hot dogs but make it relatively low-calorie?
>Despite presidential debates not normally having significant sway over the public's polling, Biden has tanked a catastrophic 12 points in IA polls.
>Axios quoted House Democrats anonymously urging Biden to step down. One saying that if Biden is the nominee they will "lose 20 seats" with another member advocating Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer to be the nominee.
no bun
True but even with other white people it's awkward. They always assume I'm a forefinger, and to be honest I guess they are right.
use a tortilla or flatbread instead of a bun, but that's kind of depressing
I’ll vote for sleepy Biden just because trump is a shyster. When Biden dies, I’m sure Kamala will do fine.
>hot dog with no bun
Would you care for some walnut sauce or a handkerchief printed with a pizza related map with that, Mr. Obama?
>I’m sure Kamala will do fine.
very low quality b8
God fucking damn. I mean it's just absolutely over. Probably the worst debate in history.
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It's nearly 50% but that's beside the point given the amount of aid coming from the US over other NATO countries, the war would undoubtedly continue
It's like having pizza with cauliflower crust. Might as well keep the bun or not have hot dogs at all, dawg.
Good thing this country is run by jewish gangsters instead of presidents
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did you know there are Oxxos in America??!
Now look at that graph, only germany is contributing anything close to a proportional amount. Canada has barely done anything lol, others like Spain have been "pledging" but doing very little in reality. Trump was very right that the rest of NATO just lets the US pay for their defence
few more hours untill /cum/ cools down and loses its vigor
>smaller one tops
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Do Mexican-Americans really?
sup fags. early happy Canada Day welcome to /cum/
I have a bimbo fetish. Just love the idea of a dumb ditzy woman who realizes her sole purpose in life is to pleasure cocks as a fuck doll
Canada also had a way looser behind. Hudson Bay vs Great Lakes
Fry them with some onions, peppers, and tomatoes.
drinking milk
Being naked feels so good, if I didn't have to worry about people seeing me I would be naked all the time.
try searching "bimbo porn" or "bimbo sex' on google and see what happens
this is the best suggestion yet
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can i live in nunavut
I got that reference lol.
high as fuck watching the ruin of our nation
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Have you considered visiting the Bimbo factory in Argentina >>199093919
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>high as fuck
Do you already have the hot dogs, or can you sub them out for something similar?
The whole of Europe has been a leach for far too long.
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Yo quiero comer pan bimbo
I'm sober but feel high
I'm high but i feel sober
Haven't gone to the grocery store yet. Been watching this POV of a hot dog vendor on YouTube, and I'm craving a dog with mustard, dill relish, onions, and sauerkraut.
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Picture in picture is comfy af
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>no bimbo argie gf
why even live
man i hate being sober...
i will rape and kill all mosquitos and their children
Imagine grocery shopping right after you've watched food porn
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trying to explode the head of the poster who posted that
zamn this is hot
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podnieca mnie to
That's how I feel 24/7, but I think it's because I took an insane amount of psychedelics years ago
Hot dogs with mustard and kraut is the best hot dog combo for sure. Still pissed that Costco stopped stocking kraut
not using a goshpedo new
mousey, i luvv u :)
I'll be using this one
dont use goshcel new. use this >>199094128
It's over
migrating now
ukraine is so fucked
they really put all their eggs into the dem basket
actual retards
whered the replies go?
bunch of posts got deleted, i guess? not sure which ones
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Union Jack posts are gone now?
Never sleep. It just makes it harder for your future self to maintain his sleep schedule.
only 25 more posts unitl the new bros, hold steady
real ghoul hours
rage consumes me
Rage at what?
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Darkness imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
finish what you started
Interesting hobby
some1 make the new
Hit me with your best shot
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can you post a video of your sister kneeling over in tears because biden lost the debate?
why did it look like biden had a wandering eye all debate
please don't post that ever again
Thinking about the leaf who said he's going to raid his sister's dirty laundry after she gets back from the gym
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for me, it's a cozy rainy nights rider doomer gf
I think I hate memes
When did Jason come to Canada
Often the case it seems
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Brothers everywhere
Raise your hands into the air
We're warriors, warriors of the world
Like thunder from the sky
Sworn to fight and die
We're warriors, warriors of the world
did your browser freeze once again?

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