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Francesco Franco edition

Unholy alliance sub-edish

Doppleganger : >>199062796
Good morning. Had an interesting walk this morning.
>Guy lets out a couple of farts as soon as he jogs past me.
>Old woman dancing/doing exercise (has a nice body desu to whatever she's doing is working)
>walked past a minister.
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accurate depiction of catnigga
Good morning /med/.
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>jaw been popping for 10 years now
>so much so I'm used to it and forget about it
>friend tells me everyone can hear it when I eat
>read up a bit more on it and see that if left unchecked, it deteriorates the cartilage and leaves you with a useless jaw
well damn.
Nice woolk, I like meeting fun people when I'm out. Last time I saw 3 dudes on a unicycles and one fell.
kek it kinda does. Kinda relate for some things.
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Good morning sisters. Had some tummy ache as I was waiting outside because a poo really wanted to come out of me, but I had to make that happening wait like 5 minutes. As soon as I came inside and did the needful, all the ache left my body within 10 seconds.
His was one of the several "bonġu"s I recieved and replied to kek.
You should definitely check that jaw out.
Nothing like post-poop relief.
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Brownoid kids watching brainrot in the bus full volume, sharting sounds and all.
Classic imminent poo event. Sometimes you gotta go NOW and even 5 mins feel like an eternity.
Woolking is a nice way to get some slight social contact, always feels good to say hi.
Your thought on "Je partira pas" ?
I read something about that, like a far right song no? Didn't listen to it.
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It is a bit akward for me, but yeah.
I like this one in particular for some reason, or maybe two.

Removed. I should've checked earlier. Found it here.
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Skipping gym again today. So fucking over, eating that many candies three days ago was a huge mistake.
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"Oh my" is what I say whenever I see jugs like the one I posted.
Forgot to blogpost yesterday but the meeting went extremely well
Basically I secured some HUGE projects for the cage and I made them entirely dependent on me
Also that should mean a pretty big increase in my yearly income
Anxiety is over
I can go back to clacking again
You don't seem like much of a slacker
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some niggas think they're slackmaxxer-workcel because they went to the toilet once in the week fr fr
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Me on the back (ugly and perverted).
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I have yet to touch my work computer, maybe I will try to work a bit from 11 to 12
My work computer has a program to control my day so I need to start it early.
They told me HR doesn't control it much but if they want to fire me they'd check the program and if they can prove I don't work they'll use it against me.
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Today has started well (really):
>work from home
>manage to drop a suppliers asking price from 300k€ to 200k€
>rest of the day is an online formation
AKA not doing anything. Started the formation by having the laptop on my lap and doing a massive poo. Now browsing /int/.
I know when to stop slacking (I am 1/4 jewish so when money calls my terroni genes get overwhelmed)
Also I can endure stress pretty fine
did not realize etf world kept going up so much despite the whole covid and ukraine war fr
really need to buy some after our election (will buy etf france too because it will collapse i guess)

med sisters...
I hope you can clackmaxx to your hearts content?
Me? No clacking, but I make sure to slack.


>1/4 jewish
Okay, Giuseppe Oroberg.
Andaluzbro, it’s over…
It's totally over, now that I know that Mediterranean people on average are weaker than Northern Europeans according to a single study I just lost 40 kg in my bench 1rm.
I just lost 75% of my muscle mass after reading this post, it's over medsisters
Imagine turning into a nordoid and your 1RM diddlies shoots up 60kg in a single session.
relax, they have a good grip because they have a bigger incel rate
Nothing a gun won't fix.
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I don't min-max though, that's for gameplay autists who play on Core difficulty.

I did end up finding an appropriate picture for my lichcel eventually, but I can't be bothered to restart now that I've finally left the character creator and written a new backstory for my dhampir.
Molto bene. Since you are Italian, I assume you will siphoning off a generous portion of those project funds for yourself.
Filed a complaint. Let's hope they take it seriously fr fr.

>1/4 jewish
This is an ashkenazi general, sorry chud. Both Shitalians have jewish blood in their veins. One of the portuguese poster is also 1/4 or 1/2 jewish.
Polebro is zesty and that's basically the same as being jewish.
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Who is the other shitalian that is partly jewish?
They will NOT pay bossman or the cage they will pay ME
The cage will get a very small percentage
>getting clients
>being a landshitter
You’re making BUCKS, piedini.
>has a gf

the whole terronia pushing is just defending his interest
>go to padania goy, it's le good
>doesn’t have padanian fog
>life is a party
Terronis don’t suffer.
Torturing myself with some online content.
>the terrone fucks on the regular
>the two polentoni are sexless
Makes you think huh
Tbf I have to study a whole different branch of economy on my own that uni doesn’t even teach while also having to give exams and the final thesis
Also I’m currently not making bucks but in the next months I PROBABLY will
And even if I somehow become rich I can’t spend my money on anything cool since it will get stolen
I am back to the step 1 of suffering
Also polentone girls are way more SEX than napoletane with their SEX dialect
It’s a terroni world, rob or get robbed.
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Good day med am back and it's the weekend
Don’t you work during the afternoon?
I never work on friday afternoons
Yeah and it's a 3 days weekend because I took the day off monday because of the wedding sunday.
Double nice.
All french posters work 30 hours a week doing jack shit in their office jobs, getting paid 3k/month while pretending they suffer sor some reason. The worst offender being the frog guy.
Wrong it's 5k a month
You can use your brain to burn all those calories.

>from 300k€ to 200k€
Not bad, not bad at all.

And that's a good thing.
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I'm fighting capitalism though
I miss chocolate.
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Could anybody help me translate this ? Thanks.
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> I never work on friday afternoons
That’s great.

Do I notice some seething?

It seems to say
>whoever reads this is cursed to a life of se having with a qt nympho
Uh, funny. Checks out, as all Greeks are ultra chads.
Saw the chud candidate for the elections in town distributing posters.
Rien du tout, poisson, rien du tout
removed too now kek
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One teeny eeny weeny chocolate bar is hardly going to set back a week's worth of progress. What if you just gave it a little nibble? Or opened it up and sniffed it a bit?
Seems like it's in English, but written with the Greek alphabet. "listen not, child, these are lies"
Or I'm retarded. Which tbf is probably the case.

Veneto I think.

>You can use your brain to burn all those calories.
I will overclock my brain and learn greek or something.
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The second link still works for me.
Wtf I'm not a Jew
t. dandolo
Sure thing rabbi.
Didn't you say earlier that one of your grandparents was a joo? Perhaps it was piedini all along who posted that (more than once), but I assumed both of you posted such things.
Either way, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aaJUFDf8Bc
> "listen not, child, these are lies"
Makes some sense, thank you very much.
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>tfw reading code
At least you are coding, I'm currently doing Salesforce administration I haven't even started coding.
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I'm not coding, just reading
Not that i would want to code, maybe
but reading the code of someone else, ick
Technically you are from Veneto wich contains Venice and venetians are the closest human beings to jews
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Fun flag game
I like Wingspan OC of me, keep doing that
I unironically got hit by a car on june 14th and could not carry out the end of /med/ prophecy due to after care.
Because of this the doom of /med/ will be postponed to an undisclosed future date. You have been saved.
You know God is on your side when he sends a car to protect you.
A bitch to navigate on the phone.
Getting drunk and eating now with coworkers as it's our last wagie day. Already tried beer and 3 types of wine. Paycheck was fine as well.

Y-youre welcome... *blushes*
Mixing different kinds of alcohol is a good recipe for vomit.
some chud party member literally called Chudeau made some politically incorrects comments kek
BGA has ludo game, do people want to play it sometime ?
Isn't that just rolling with a dice several times hoping you win fr?
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What does /med/ think about nipponese sexo rankings?
You have a weak soul.
certified ick
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It's this game
What are netori, netorare, nakadashi and gyaru ?
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Female gets cucked
Male gets cucked
Vaginal creampie
Japanese girls extremely tanned and with tons of makeup, literal visual sluts. Pic as a very mild example.
Indeed, alcohol is my enemy.
Even a mere beer causes me headache for some reason.
thanks to you I spent 30 minutes reading about local italian politics in the 1970s in the Calabria region
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Thank you fren, it eases the pain of not getting called a fascist scum
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I’ll let you know that the Melon Girl currently the PM of Italy’s party is an offshoot of one of the chud parties on the left of the list.
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I heard that melons are good for you.
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The plan is simple: cumming inside
That woman is a literal rectangle, horrible.

Nakadashi it is.
URGENTLY NEEDED: A cute slim girl with big natural boobs who wishes to restrict someone's airflow with said titties.
God bless the laxative properties of coffee.
what constipation do to a mf
The AC is growing on me desu with the right temperature setting.
That's not the intestines talking, but another organ.
>girl admitting she wants a toxic dude
i kneel
game has too many character choices, it becomes hard to decide even if most are very similar
I think I might actually play the DLC where you play as low level survivors in Kenabres
I watched a video that said completing that first gives you a bonus during the defence of the Inn in Act 1
I am in Malaga right now and its filled up with drunk british scum. Is this normal? Whenever I go they are behaving like animals
Then why does it show your flag as Slovakia.
I am on roaming retard
what's the difference between cheating and netori-netorare?
Málaga is very touristy but whenever I go to Málaga I don't see many British people being annoying.
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how do we stop the Germanic menace?
Cucks know they’re being cheated (and like it).
Is that an icon where Andaluzanon lives? I hope he doesn’t take his paws to the gym eheh.
Also grim at the thought of sharing this country with them.
total murcian superiority
Murcians don't have internet connection to join furry webs.
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>I think I might actually play the DLC where you play as low level survivors in Kenabres
I'm about to start it now. I was told that the ideal time to do it is immediately after finishing the prologue (i.e. leaving the maze), so that's what I'm going to do now. As much as I like WOTR, HoTU had a maze segment right at the beginning of the campaign and it was much better than this one.
The way you compare Brits to animals reminds me of how the Nazis compared Jews to rats. Dehumanisation is always the first step.

A normal person would slam back a few beers and join them in having fun.
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I'll be honest, I just watched the mortismal video yesterday and thought it was better to do it first instead of interrupting after the maze
Italy-Switzerland tomorrow, I'm quite nervous, those guys almost won against Germany, which is one of the best playing teams this year
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just don't fall asleep when you lead 3-1 few minutes from the end
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gonna renew my gym membership
thought my body was good now but browsing fit has made me realize how low in the foodchain I really am
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Hello frens, long time no see, I finished my first month of waging
Future is looking grim, the job is quite shit, I basically only clean fish tanks and feed fish for 8 hours straight and the job is 100% physical, only after the first I will start doing more technical task at the fish hatchery (but still getting the same shitty ass salary only 70€ over the minimum wage), after that my carrer plan in the company is to do the same shit for 5 years to be promoted to earn a whooping 20k a year.
I don't know what the fuck I am doing with my life, I worked my ass off during the master's and graduated with one of best grades the program in order to secure an internship here, as it one of the biggest Aquaculture companies at an European level, and it's seems that all has been for nothing. Pay is shit, job is shit, and I spend two hours a day on the car because it's 60km, I might as well pump gas for a living or go back to the warehouse job.
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These are my predicts for the RO16
Fuck off Italophobic ass nigga
>Isn't that just rolling with a dice several times hoping you win fr?
Anyways, we can try if you want to moselle.

>mature, men 5th place
>crossdressing, women 3rd place
>gay, women 6th place
Holy based
Netori/Netorare being 1st on both is kinda cringe tbf.
is that sector clogged or something?
Sure fren, but it's better to play with at least 3 people, dunno if other medders want to play
But there are Italians in Switzerland desu
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>dunno if other medders want to play
We can always force them to.
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sad sad sad
I don't know what exactly your degree is about but couldn't you get a job in more research oriented places rather than fish farm type places or even aquariums?
if you can travel check out ifremer bretagne or even oceanopolis in brest
I even managed to be a janny there as one of my first jobs so I have no doubt you could get to a more scientific position with an actual degree and experience in the field
it's half aquarium and half research center they also rescue seals and study local breton species there it's a really cool place
your thoughts on briezhoid being on google translate
Did you survive /med/ ?
Yeah, I tried playing solo but there's always no one playing, I think it's because it's a beta game.
That sucks, have you tried looking for jobs closer to you ?
Or if you're travelling a lot why not looking for jobs in Portugal ?
Or what about stop working with fishes and doing something else ?
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is it though
cool I suppose although probably pretty inconsistent
Should have studied computer science.
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I just googled it and went with general consensus. I'm still stuck in the character creator - for the second time in two days. I keep changing my mind about what kind of character I want to make.

Also, it's unfair how much better Arue's evil portrait is compared to her good one (not least of all because you can see her feet). I pity anyone who goes for an uncorrupted Arueshalae romance.
Has any /med/izen ever suffered as much as you when it comes to employment?
You did suffer quite a lot during the hospital job if I remember correctly
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corrupted Arue isn't a true romance, you just turn her back into a succubus and she fucks you while cucking you with half your army
this is what you did for feet on the portrait, it's terrible
I'm going to fix her and I'm going to enjoy it
as soon as I get back from work after today's wage slavery and in the upcoming months as I take forever to complete these games
kinda cringe to be honest kek. Leftoid rage bait to be sure but what's the point?
Very sorry to hear that Galiciafren. Is there a parellel sector where your skills might apply that would be a bit better?
I like this soap.
You really can't catch a break.
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I'll get my car next Friday
>kinda cringe to be honest kek. Leftoid rage bait to be sure but what's the point?
it's a meme you dip
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I only worked there for a month though, while el galiciano's suffering seems to be eternal. I can only assume he was extremely anglophobic in a past life and that's why he's subject to such cruelties.
I didn't corrupt Arue in my first playthrough though. In fact, I went full Disney romance with her as a CG azata/golden dragon and fixed her with love, kindness and patience (this time, I'm going to fuck the spider though).
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it is a bit cringe dough
political parties can't meme
much better than leftist meme such as
Not really, they actually have serious issues with people leaving but the company is making big bucks now as the price of turbot and solefish is sky high, so they don't really care for now about the quality of their workforce
The sector in France is quite good, but I don't speak French and I don't think English alone will suffice, and research here sucks ass, it's means having no wage until you have a PhD while being the bitch of some uni deparment, and even then the wages are abysmal compared to the private sector
>Portugal ?
>Portugal ?
Everything that applies here is 2 times worse in Portugal
Unironically thinking about pursuing a master's in Data Science, Statistics or Big Data, or even doing the DAM FP while I work. Oh, and javascript suck dick btw, I have a lesson on the Harvard programming course and it's terrible
>Is there a parellel sector where your skills might apply that would be a bit better?
Yes, maybe working in labs or something, but that is a bit fucked as the lab position in the company got filled (I planned on getting in the lab department and fucking off to another company when I got a bit of experience)
I'm a Sisyphus that keep getting crushed by the boulder in wagie terms
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can't fault you for that
spidercat cute
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Society failed us again.
Isn't there any other company that might not be as good but focuses on high end products? From my experience, those are the ones that secure the best quality of life when you work there, big ones are obviously strong but live by sucking blood from their wagies.
How about moving to an Anglo country ?
>Oh, and javascript suck dick btw, I have a lesson on the Harvard programming course and it's terrible
What problem do you have with it?
>it's just west med germoids and balk
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>girl with a bio "challenge don't give me the ick"
Moving in general might be an issue with my family situation
Weirdness in general (like null vs undefined), and dunno, it's feels inferior to python while feeling like less in control compared to C
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EXIF data manipulation test
No, you won't be able to rotate the pic via exif manipulation as 4chin erase it
when i download a pic from resizepixel.com it doesn't rotate it THOU
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i'm moving to swizetlang

fuck this cunt, there go my 2k to the tax agency
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How's the family situation?
Good lord
Is your money going to pay for the king's new gold toilets ?
Hearing the honks outside, I suppose we won whatever match was going on
you mean that french king
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He is for creating such beings.
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Ever wondered what happens here ?
Does he speak French ?
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some of the scientists in that brest aquarium had pretty thick accents when speaking french and spoke together in English
depends on your family business but you could learn french while saving up to move out to greener pastures be it france or europe
there have to be similar places outside of france where english is more accepted
crotwink managed to do it in a year so learning French isn't impossible!
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ma doue...
although the left can try all they want I think linkrel mogs any cringe theyve put out in a while
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According to my highly accurate (if slightly old) Atlas, the Queen of Sheba got fucked there and also a bunch of hungry people
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>traditional ethiopian dish
>empty bowl

don't forget to protect your bussy if you go

I just think of the ogaden war fr fr
Trying to rizz a peruana
don't want foreigner gf though so it feels useless
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Fucking hell...
That book is quite gemmy and savage
holy gem, just read the text
did not realize it was this based
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I'm a man with a mission
a boy with a gun!
I got a picture in my pocket of the lucky one
who doesn't know
I'm a big mess
I mean a really big mess
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don't understand the point of that group
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Always worth the effort to get some experience. If you get along well, that's good and if not well you got another occasion to train your rizzing skills.
It really is. It's the Onion's Atlas "Our Dumb World". It was written somewhere in the 00s but it's still very funny.
Seems temping, I wonder If I could manage to make it work, gf should also learn french
Learning french is not really an issue to be honest, I already speak two romance languages, and english is half french anyways, it can't be that hard
My mum needs more care now and my grandma is crazier by the day, not moving at all throught the day is starting to take a toll in her body
And at this rate my father will go crazy too
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>doesn't get new wave
>keep moving
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This page reminds me of /med/'s obsession with Brune and Sanna kek.
Gotta love polmommies
>England winning at pens
Either they win the match outright or they'll choke, even with Slovakia.

Can you try to hold on a little longer in order to get the cozy lab job? I know it's a longshot and might result in nothing, but...
I also fucked around earning basically nothing for 5-6 years of my life at my previous job (1200€ gross for a high skill engineering job lmao), but it all turned right in the end (I did have luck though).
Please don't come to Portugal, you know it's ultra shit.
>javascript is terrible
Incredibly based opinion.

How is your family? And the gf? Still hasn't forced you to cut the hair?

>be gommie
>hates taxes
I don't understand you.

New wave is shit, fren.
Saw your post regarding family just now irmão. How's mom situation? Why is she basically immobile?
I meant 5-4 for Slovakia desu
Not really because I haven't drunk that much, or at least not much as I'm capable to. Heading to home now without any issues rather than being a little tipsy.
Emigrate if possible
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early new wave is gem
you are all 30 thensome your opinions don't matter
Most of this make if fake.
I know because i drew a swastika in Russia over a decade ago.
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Sorry to hear that fren. I'd say you should consider emigrating but I remember you saying you don't want to do that because of family.
Anybody in for a ludo ?
Sorry to hear.
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Supposedly looking for long term (short term accepted too)
She looks like a Dua Lipa knockoff.
Also she looks older than 23. Or maybe it's just me looking younger than my age.
I would cum inside her, if you understand slang?
looks like a brazilian shemale.
I bet she named that titty "Golgota".
I hope things get better fren... I wish we could do more for our /med/ frens going through tough times.
Whatever happens, I know you'll find a way through, you've got a strong head on your shoulders and a big heart.
I think you look a bit younger. Makeup makes her look older but I can see her as 23
There are ONLY two good new waves, and those are Bossa Nova in Brazil and the New Wave of British Heavy Metal.

>living in Madrid
>huge latina asses lurking around
>still virgin (i'm 29)

post videos like this from ur cunt


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That tummy on the second video thumbnail
idk why but they love the BBC so much, maybe because of their mongrel genes
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Don't be a picky eater
Impressive. Very nice
Am cancelling Ludo, looks like nobody wants to play desu
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How many of these are making you losing your organs to the black market ?
Alright, goodnight /soc/.

kek based. Goodnight sweet friend. Glad to know the AC is doing its work properly.
Night fren, you're getting quite /soc/ too mister, going out on daily woolks!
sorry fren, I'd be down for a train game one of these days though!
JS was made for web development and in web development it makes sense.
I think most of the hate JS gets is because it's the most popular language and way too many people try to use it for things that it's not made for.
sorry bro, just wanted to share tits
was about to post a goth for you
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Sweet dreams, my brother

Lol, for the past week I've been thinking about Colorado. Hmmm
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Sex >>> organs
Yeah, i'm suffering like never before
You could move to Madrid and enjoy all the Latina pussy you'd want.
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Wonder what happened to the town after they closed the old tomboy mine.
I can't compete with be BSC, only thirdies surrounded by their own shithole male monkeys consider me as a human
I'd say you are taking a too harsh stance on yourself, considering you managed to have sex in the past.
That surely means i meet some sort of basic requirements, but that doesn't mean i'm anywhere higher than the bottom of the feeding chain
Still, i think i can sell myself better than what i've done until now, so i'll give a try to Madrid as well, i wasn't looking there because in most big cities the number of encounters are too high, i have a friend in Milan that said me girls who he went out with were going out with more than 10 people at once so you can get matches but unless you can keep up with the fight you won't last more than one date or ons
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I think I'm gonna hear bar music all nights all summer.
Can't really get immersed in my bidogames or movies like that can I?
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I thought you lived in a quiet area - or does your new apartment benefit from the HUSTLE and BUSTLE of the big city? I don't even bother trying to sleep until at least 1am during the summer, there's just too much music and noise outside.
>live 5 minutes on foot from town centre
>no hustle and bustle
The joys of living in a sub 25k town.
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Everybody should be forced to live in London for 1 year so that they could understand how good they have it when they go back home.
I saw your thread on Forocoches
My parents live in a quiet area but my appartment is full Hustle and Bustle™.
Construction machinery, cars during the day; alarms and bar music sounds at night.
vgh I used to know that.

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