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mayfair superkings edition

smoking is good for you subedish
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Clean it up sub-edish
Business idea: bin capitalism
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f1nn5ter subedish
Stroking my moss ball
Lad waiting for the bus has a very swag pair of skinny black jeans adorned with all sorts of pokemon
What kind of asian gf should i get
>Look, there’s so many young women who have been — including a young woman who just was murdered and he — he went to the funeral
>The idea that she was murdered by a … by an immigrant coming in, and they talk about that. But here’s the deal, there’s a lot of young women who are being raped by their — by their in-laws, by their — by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by … just … it’s just … it’s just ridiculous. And they can do nothing about it.
Is this who doc was messaging?
Waiting for the bus and this ugly cunt keeps staring at me
Imagine a thread without spaintard
oh, you think it's funny do ya?
Who’s that son?
Remember this post
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Asian girl asked me out for a date in Minecraft
I didn't even know she was a girl until she messaged me
She had been secretly liking my posts
state of this country, state of the situation in america and the west by and large has suddenly got me very worried
the presidential debate was the final straw
i don't think its sensationalism anymore to say the west is utterly finished now
we had our time and its over
it's the easiest solution in the world
it's never been more over
that's it this is fucked it's completely fucked american politics is over and they did it on purpose
getting the daily does of Alan Brazil & Ray Parlour me
Watching clips of the Biden-Trump debate. Mad how Biden is allowed to run the most powerful country in history and can barely string a sentence together. Almost makes me appreciate Rishi and Keir.
they have no loyalty they're selling everything to the chinese
If your main income is salary/wages you're literally working class
That's what it means
Nope we are beyond that now. Whites are too mindraped now, we'd just be stuck in an endless cycle of self destruction
Bolamb Plumpf
It's funny how NEETs are closer to the capital owning class than to the wagies.
you sound like a loser faggot
Michelle Obama. First black president.
New obsession
Methanol jars on fire
Methanol, is that right?
Forgot link
I've.been shown this person before and the algorithm says its time to go all the way :3
Feel like I'm on thin ice at toil. Could get sacked if I don't get my shit together sharpish.
ahhh, who cares, fuck it
6 eggs, scrambled, down the hatch
Funny that
Ive been watching youtube for the last 2 hours at toil
Is there honestly no protocol in America to get rid of a clearly mentally unwell man in high office?
breeding my arsehole by pushing poo out and sucking it back in slowly an sensually
Toothpaste and water
Bike pump it up to high pressure and heat it up
Once it has cooled down you transfer the nebulized toothpaste to a aerosol can or whippet
lighter fluid is a far superior drink to meths
Linus tech tips wife is a dog
Suffering from stiff willy syndrome
Same disease that Celine Dion has
>first marriage
east asian
>second marriage
SE asian
Was there a more depressing band than Travis? Don't even think Radiohead are that bad
Bike pump
Pump up toothpaste
Connect thr Bike pump to a tire nozzle and the other end to a needle inserted into.the lighter
To fluorinate the lighter
Punch a fash
wow a nothingburger
Vodka and paracetamol
Piss in a bottle
Add toothpaste to thr bottle... clean water
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how are these 'people' even alive?
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Liberals are something else
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theyve been filming the new brit adaptation of Hocus Pocus
Everyone around him just ignores him, simple, don't need a protocol when we have a world class shadow government. You dig?
yh rorke 72 year old mark hamil is definitely writings xeets on xitter
Orange peels are biowaste
If they were flushed down the toilet it would probably cause problems. Potentially also if they were mixed wit sulphuric acid and poured down the drain. This may be thr next best car battery in thr ocean
Jesus the cope
>Mark Hamill
>a liberal
He's a leftist, far from being liberal.
What would happen if you sat on thr toilet and a fruit fly flew into your butthole? What if it walked around on yojr prostate for a few days
Why would a leftist support biden
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Did he really say that?
these people actually believe that out of the entire population of the united states joe biden is the best possible candidate for president?
very bizarre... troubling... almost makes me wonder if they've been paid off because it's so nonsensical
Don't see how shadow government is a conspiracy theory, it's got to work that way. No way it doesn't, too much at stake.
He’s not wrong
Why would a liberal?
stop being a pedant
Putting 1 toothpaste tube up my arse every 3 days for 30 days then checking myself I to hospital
$170k for a basic mercedes. are these cunts taking the piss? i'd get one for $120k but 170 just isn't on
i am smarter than all of you
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Holly Valance donating to Reform, Alicia Silverstone raising money for RFK

Why are the early teenage crushes all mentalist?
the tube or the contents of the tube? and is it coming back out or you are leaving it in there and not pooing for 30 days?
He's the best candidate when he's up against trump
Because biden is a centrist neo lib like the rest of the political classes
stupid bastards think they have the right to speak to me but of course they don't
Yeah I meant the contents of the tube, not the tube
And posing it out if I feel like it
The Biden performance was as bad as the headlines suggest. (Most) US media isn’t like the U.K.’s It’s an objective take. Trump lied through his teeth, of course, but the focus on Biden’s fragility is necessary & correct. Can’t see how he survives this. It’s all very sad.
trannybros our response??
>Reform activist describes Rishi Shnak as a “f***ing P**i” and says “we’re f*cking kicking all the Muslims out the mosques and turning them into Wetherspoons.”

>Another says the “f*cking degenerate” Pride flag was promoting “nonces” & “our police officers will be paramilitaries”.
he's a radical communist satanist
neoliberalism is a commie word, kys
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That first one is obviously a labour falseflag
>/brit/ poster describes Rishi Shnak as a “f***ing P**i” and says “we’re f*cking kicking all the Muslims out the mosques and turning them into Wetherspoons.”

>Another says the “f*cking degenerate” Pride flag was promoting “nonces” & “our police officers will be paramilitaries”.
who will deano vote for on july 4th
>27 years old
>only £101,000 in combined liquid assets

i fucking failed, lads.
Michelle Obama. Immune to Trump. Black. Strong and black. What else sets them apart, basketball. LeBron James. Britain will fall.
i posted mine in an earlier thread xx
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Bit racist
Not really relevant to being trans or not is it
If indeed everyone hates her it would be because she's annoying not because she's trans
Of course some people (bigots) would hate he solely because she's trans but that's not all people
Imagine being a teacher at an all girls boarding school
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i'm partly jewish
i went out for a meal the other day with 2 of my friends. i payed on my card for all 3 of us to avoid hassle
when i asked one of my friends to pay me his end he called me an "insufferable kike" before reluctantly sending the money he owed me

was in in the wrong here? was i just supposed to pay for him?
With my reputation?
>not a multi trillionaire by 30
found it thanks to this link >>199096236

Post YouTube recounts or diaries and other personal/1sthand experience videos of mental asylum patients talking about their fucked up experiences? I was pretty bummed out about it yesterday and (only for a second) kind of realized what that reality would be like and saw what it would be
He's obviously in the wrong for racially discriminating his supposed friend
What a silly post
that's fair enough
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why is life so boring
i think he said it sort-of banterously, he doesn't live in the area and i did say to him it would be "my treat" but i didn't mean i'd pay for it.
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The lads
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Might come out as a lesbian troon who is attracted to cis fem girls and try and guilt lefty girls to shag me
> i did say to him it would be "my treat" but i didn't mean i'd pay for it.
Confused as to what you did mean
And a lot of salt (even potassium- both is in toothpaste) would cause the Ca to come out and calcify the prostate. So would fluoride
it isn't, life is absolutely wonderful and this world is filled with such beauty and magnificence that if you look in the right places you will never be bored.
obviously made up
deary me rorke, go outside and meet people
stop living in a fantasy world
Yeah if there's one thing that's guaranteed to get toxic men shagged by women is coming out as trans
You are braindead
nice mate. real nice
tell us about them
rorke late for work because he won't get on the bender tube
i meant like it'd be a treat that i arranged, i'd drive them there etc, i'd pick the location, didn't extend to me paying for him
There’s no excuse for banter racism, he should have checked you’d be ok with that kind of joke but why would you say it was your treat if you didn’t mean to pay for it?
Semen retention is bad for the prostate
Just funny looking rocks aren't they
Miracles of nature
ever shove them up your arse
poo is beautiful
Extremely rich people with few problems in life
Still got an hour left of toiling need this last guy to leave so i can buss out the vape and start vaping ygm blud
obviously made up
deary me rorke, go outside and meet people
stop living in a fantasy world
need a hobby
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anyone want anything down at bunnings?
is that good? are you looking to have your prostrate removed? doesn't that make you unable to piss or unable to not piss or something?
He did and he's got many brownoids seething
I honestly might vote for him
Why would you gym and vape
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Poster below is from here
big poo you are beautiful
Don't want my prostate removed
It's just annoying me. Not really. I am actually just eating only like 1 gram of fiber a day
Have suspected for a while that the most blatantly offensive in the crowd are false flags. Got that feeling with BNP in the 00s
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Your grandfather wanked for a five year period between the age of 13 and 17, married at 18, shagged your gran 300 times and never touched his todger again. You'll be alright.
Is mouse nonce Count Dankula’s ex wife, or is this just a general Scottish behaviour?
Want to do pediatric surgery

Seems to be leaning more into the australian accent after leaving america for a while

It still fucking splits my brain down the middle with every pronunciation of a word like 'wat-eh'
genuinely looks like my cousin kek
Trans gf ta
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kinda a dick move to record it and ruin his life
why not just talk to him in private and tell him to not do it anymore
he did genuinely sounded like he wanted to change his ways

I can exist alongside other people without getting g jealous or mad or fucking off
concocting a poo
You love nuts
Cos i can mate and i can quit whenever i want i just dont want to so get off my back about it yeah?
Think I might start researching my family tree through ancestry.com or something. Anyone got any advice?
Oo you're moody
>Anyone got any advice?
Dont need to cos my mum did all the hard lifting
don't understand how guys like this have wives and I'm still single, I'm no great catch but come on
Doc Rivers. Run Doc Rivers.
why not pay a professional genealogist?
she's used to hard lifting m8, trust me
Yeah i am mate i havent sucked a vape since 2pm now buzz off
FamilySearch is better, and most functions of their site only require a free account. They’re Mormons, and they have good records, as the Mormons have this really weird practice of posthumously baptizing everyone who has ever lived into Mormonism in absentia.
I tore up my polling card and I'm the proxy for several people under my care and I lied to several more saying they were registered for postal votes when they aren't (you have to reregister every 3 years). This will be the lowest turnout ever and I'm doing my part. Seems fitting that emocracy should die on the 4 of July
Isn't aussie car tax fucked?
for legal reasons, no
Got it in 3
sorry adieulet
won't be voting because my one vote won't make any difference (there's no argument against this)
going to call my first album this
that's true
not all of them but there are three nuts that I do really love
reported seasideMARK for benefit fraud, his days are numbered
Another Channel 4 racism expose by a shrieking brown journalist
Boring Boring Boring!

democracy only exists so elites can evade criticism by telling you they did the absolute bare minimum to consult with the people
It's fucked to the extent that we have zero local production and the luxury car excise system is stuck in the 1990s when we did have a local industry and Tesla 3s didn't exist
Gonna buy a samurai sword
why are wagecucks such evil scum?
do they get bullied at work and feel they have to take it out on sensitive NEET souls?
Yesterday I forgot to eat my toothpaste because I went only for a 20 minute nap
how is he a fraud, he's cleary too stupid and mentally ill to work
shut up nigga
did a wagie diddle you
Luxury car tax
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mental how peng she is
watched a few bits of the US president debate. brain damaged morons the pair of them.
Shite isn't it
Mental how your dad and your grandad could just save up a bit and buy a great big bastard V8 Holden or AU Ford of some sorts like it was nothing, yet you are not allowed to do this and it is somehow considered progress
genuinely mental how life is just objectively shitter in every way, we just have smartphones now
I too have learned that abruptly stopping benzos is dangerous
brain damage is still more capable than the mind controlled goons we have
he's mentioned before that his rent is basically paid twice each month which is how he can spend lavishly relative to other benefit claimants and recently let slip he has a small allowance from his rich family trust that pays it
Stored piss in bottles for 3 months absolutely nuke fruit flies in the bathroom if you open it up and add H2O
you can claim benefits and still recieve money from a trust
That's my house
i might just be the smartest investor in the world
wish i'd watched it now
might go buy some goon and have a pissup in my smelly bedroom
lend me a fiver
sun worship
making love to the sun
literally about to shower then go do this myself
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so much this

i'm voting for Jill Stein desu
Bide the toobtpasbe
you only have 666 dollars and 70 cents LOL
My dad bangs on all the time about how he nearly bought an E-Type jag when he was in his mid 20s but the dealer sold it and he bought a Mercedes 230SL from him instead
Just boggles the mind
Most of my troubles could be solved by working a job I enjoy and also being a multi-billionaire
mn spreading viruses online and irl
your dad's a tarq
Company I work for appointed a German CEO and is now appointing loads of Germans to the board and they are all really turning the screw, can't believe how much work I suddenly have to do for £42k.
Appendix dwelling e. coli producing fluorinated things from fluorinated tyrosine or DMT
never owned a car
never owned a house
probably never will
based Octopus Energy going to pay the electric car owners to charge their cars. love electric cars, me
... and that's a...?
lmao he deffo isn't
need a lad hanging out my arse tbqhwylngl
in the 80s and 90s an e type jag cost about the same as a new ford fiesta
It has become clear to me that my only options are to either come into a vast some of money, enough that would allow me to live out the remainder of my days without working, or to simply end my own life.
And I mean putting the e. Coli INSIDE the appendix
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>Bide the toobtpasbe
this. roadtax and counciltaxbergs shan't be getting my money
I'm a black briton
TIDF out in full force today
Joe Biden or the democrats are Bigly about giving the black people money
i own both of those but it's overrated. always got to be spending money on them.
trump is better
mad how greta thunberg is a complete mongoloid but with her tarq heritage can change the world, yet (you) are physically and mentally normal and can only aspire to own a home
Just diarrhead into the toilet so hard and when I stood up thoughts of God and Jesus came I to my head and I almost felt like crying like God might or maybe Jesus but I'm not
I've literally never thought about rape, I never think about it
And ate toothpaste
i'm a diagnosed autist
what are you umming at I just said I don't think about it, stop being weird you're such a weird freak
I don't think about rape
The sun's facking gone
Time to eat vitamin D again after stoping because I ate nettles
use to pull my wilkins until it was raw to are holly’s kiss kiss music video
>check /brit/
>nothing on Biden's floundering display on r/all
HUH? I want clips, I was too tired to watch it
I left the bottle of coca cola in the freezer just long enough for it to turn into a slush when I opened it
it's beautiful
don't post on reddit m8
omg cody it's like a pop-sickle
do you add vitamin d to milk in the uk?
milk is good
ill turn you into slush if you carry on
check Nick Fuentes's twitter
Imagine being a male pornstar in hungary in the 2000s and getting to shag all those stone cold fitties and bimbos up the bum
no popsicles are solid
this is a soft fluffy slushy
you would love it
I like milk but not drinking a whole bottle of it or gettkng a smaller bottle
The last time I got milk I drank it all easily and enjoyed it
this it /brit/ you want /fatoldyanks/
peak ear porno kino that
elite girls in lingerie taking single straight cocks up their arse and fanois
none of this triple anal and piss clean up eastern euro nonsense today
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rip Jamaal Bowman
he lost because the jews HATED him
imagine having sex with a woman in her vagina
Just really really fit girls in really sexy and slutty get up taking a bit of cock on camera and enjoying it
why can't they do it since?
couldn’t achieve this so attempted sex with a poofter in his arse instead and did not enjoy it
not thinking about it.
is /cum/ broken
i reckon if i were bent i'd be a virgin slayer: just line up the incels and see them desperate for human affection and use it to diddle their rectums. maybe expose them to some cheeky monkey pox too
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This chemical isn't a blood cancer and won't look like the reverse of a blood cancer chemical because it has a >=O
get the ferry tickets booked
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Just had a nightmare.
Who won the debate?
Is it true that you get your payment every week, but also need to pay rent every week
a question for our spergs
what am i poisoning myself with when i eat corn chips (crisps?) from a plastic container? i stored them in that after opening the bag of chips a few days back
sorry to say lad, it's over
Any voting Reform man in?
I did this for a few weeks and developed an insatiable desire to suck on anything phallic
i eat her poop
no thoughts behind those eyes
Just had a look at /soc/, I thought it used to be lots of rating threads of attractiveness and so on with a few dicks, now it's all gay tranny cock threads.
I got rated 7 to 8.5 on there when I posted in those threads a few years back.
Toillass has a meeting with a woman from a training group because she's trying to get an NVQ. Managed to turn up late, McDonald's breakfast in hand and hair in curlers, utterly clueless about anything she is
i'm on nofap...
A girl rated me an 8 on there once. Means fuck all as I don't get any matches with online dating.
I've never been rated there because I've never posted my face there because I'm not an insecure freak
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this is my life today
Her shits taste delicious.
feel hungry af nigga
Corn chips are made of polystyrene.

a way to use 20 different letters in four words in wordle
just had an awful semi wank and the cum dribbling out like water
feel like shit for nothing
posted my willer on there a lot and my arse just a few times when steaming
I wasn't insecure when I posted it
Therapistein told me her eldest son is bisexual and has a non-binary bf who's incapable of talking about anything but meerkats, might start looking around desu
slow down
you move too fast
you got to make the morning last
opened the window and it smells like literal shit outside
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Enjoying my friday "off" work because I only officially work 4 days a week? No, spending the time doing research and learning shit for my job.
I've been awake 38 hours
I had a great tit fly into the office yesterday then later on a collard dove into the living room. Fucking birds are all trying to get into my flat.
alqy ueua dain ivck oeky
Really don't need data on how unattractive I am, prefer not to know
i am NEET
get a lot of attention from birds do you *slaps your knee*
>Late June
>Pissing down
Not on really is it
time for a little snooze maybe?
The fact newer 2nd and third gen paki diaspora wouldn’t honour kill their race traitor sister for this simply shows how cucked pakis have become
love it was getting sick of that wog weather
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At workberg
it's a good omen
but still I find it bizarre that britons don't use window screens
I couldn't possibly live that way, I need windows open 90% of the time
I'm so happy to no longer be a NEET, relatively speaking.
If only
Hope you go down for election fraud pal
it's pretty typical but. connections to the homeland are basically dead after the second generation. poles or pakis, it don't matter
It's not common, I just live next to some woods so get tonnes of wildlife. Saw a muntjac and a cat having a face off last week, hear tawny and barn owls every night, bloody squirrels are screeching all day here too.
Not sure what's going on here
thank you for your sanity
That's what they get for moving here, to get cucked.
Been thinking of putting a screen in, sick of having a massive fly get in the flat whenever the window is cracked open for 15 minutes
"computer says no" :D

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