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if you're feeling confused it's okay
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*writes my name on the wall with my own poo*
Spent my 19th birthday smoking cigarettes in the park on my own
Things really haven't improved in the years since
covid lockdowns never happened
alri Jethro
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Toil in a Paki area and the local Tescohen is absolutely covered in Pride stuff, bit humiliating for Ahmed and the lads to have to work in that environment
I have never had sex
I'm 34
Mumberg saying she might fly over and stay here for two weeks in a few weeks

Bit cheeky that innit. Am expecting lots of my family to start treating this place like a free AirBNB now that I’m here :/
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alri bob dylan
Spent my 26th birthday incel walking in the city on my own
This was class
get in!
cheeky blowjob from mum on the cards?
least mentally ill porn addict
>And other incel short stories by Anon
alri richard ramirez
ngl i do find it slightly mental that there are people who will watch hours of nonce hunting live streams a day and have 'teams' they follow and support
Bit of a weird post mate
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>class traitor

Honest day's work for an honest day's pay.

Good public community facilities like libraries, swimming pools, trains.

Strong on crime and anti-social behaviour.

That's my manifesto.

But it feels too late. Can I becalm or imprison every knife-wielding roadman in London? Can I make all the coked-up white van drivers stop screaming at people for delaying them by a few seconds? Can I stop every slightly greedy shop owner from underpaying his staff?

Like there's a lot of decent people in this country but it feels so tilted against them..
alri bobby sands
yer da supports the nonces
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That's because nonce hunters are insecure and nonces themselves
utterly arsed up my life
Jon Richardson is oddly peng
don't care still voting tory
average MLS fan
omg look at them in the pub! drinking pints and watching footy! they’re just like us proles!
Meeting of the punchable faces club
delicious cope
Trump is going to win
Reminder: you're a class traitor...for being sad at the startling decline of the working class
you'll make a deal will you yeah? a little deal?
Arise Sir Poo Barmer
Least retarded MIGA customer
get them in
get them housed
get them wanked
Sir Cum Sharter
>Yes, the most powerful man in the world may not know where he is or what he's doing, b-b-but...le orange man!
>But it feels too late. Can I becalm or imprison every knife-wielding roadman in London? Can I make all the coked-up white van drivers stop screaming at people for delaying them by a few seconds? Can I stop every slightly greedy shop owner from underpaying his staff?
just remembering spaino's cringe larp as a black lad
get the neghole pozzed
What's the most tarq thing you own
For me its a golden lighter
the council estate i grew up on was only for employed men with families when it was built in the 30s
by the 00s my street had maybe 5 families that went to work, the rest were on the dole, dealing drugs, selling themselves, on drugs themselves or actual pikeys and of the 5 households that went to work one or two still sold drugs as a side job
I support Trump, I'm voting Farage, I watch Charles Veitch.
I'm informed, I'm patriotic and I'll never surrender to woke.
good post

Ask salamanderboi to fix it, he's used to it
had repressed that don't appreciate you bringing it tbqhwyl
Thanks for your input, rabbi!
A set of Le Creucet trivets
This "woke mob"...are they in the room right now?
We have Sussex
We have (had) Wessex
We have Essex

No Nosex though
until /brit/ was born
post of the year
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Spainnonce is a literal compartmentalising psychopath BTW.
Not bad
>Jon Stewart
>John Oliver
>First election I'm eligible to vote in
Fake post, don't believe even reddit zoomers are paying attention to these people
no sex for rorke
why does rorke fill me up? (fill me up)
buttercup baby
just to let me down? (let me down)
and mess me around
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stopped swearing as much because of gimps like this
cannot WAIT for the heroic IDF to root out those HAMAS rat devils
why are resentful leftist povvos always antisemitic?
and an obese paedophile
this how steve albini died?
that kid who set up the no cussing club back in the day knew what was up
How can I be a psychopath when I feel deep empathy for how schizo you are?
anyone else’s dadberg autistic and has no mates?
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nth for the baddiedem
Bradders looking rough
dadberg is autistic but in the sense that he gets obsessed about things and researches them for hours and is really into tech. He has mates but doesn't really like anyone and gets angry at people who don't do things properly.
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corr, just imagine her soft flesh wrapped around a muscular black man
please stop posting these
Getting a bit too schizo for my liking lads, I’m gonna nip down to the beach for a swim before lunch

Catch you lads later x
imagine not having it filtered
imagine replying to it like the fat waste of space you are
never watched a single episode of taskmaster. Woke shite
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>Watch the UK election debates
>Watch the yank election debate
>Watch French election news
These are the people in contention to control some of the strongest countries in the world? This is the best we can do?
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i'm not a waste of space
oh lordy trouble so hard
oh lordy trouble so hard
It's by design
sounds based
hope you drown x
Mumberg not have a job?
Big with the cockwomble gang
animal cruelty
I hate this website.
samefag sycophant paedo
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i'm volcel
no don't stop posting here :(
Me after moving to China getting in shape for my beautiful Chinese wife
/brit/ boys and their masculine lovers
poofs really be like that
Karl Lagerfeld travels a lot
Karl Lagerfeld travels a lot
love throwing it back on my man, he be leaking when he in my bussy
Why are you muslim
They're leaders of peacetime
this is absolutely true
Spamming today, are we
when you tickle elton john a lil too much
Just came out to my parents as based
Well yeah
I'm non-binary
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friday innit brev wheres diego senpai mandem disappearin like flies round these ends brev inni
the woke mob are a bigger threat to our life than the italian mob
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because it's the correct religion
We need to talk about Toxic Spirituality.
Just broke my fast.
VERY true.
How so?
He isn’t a psychopath. He’s a fat manchild trying to wind people up on the internet.
Don’t make out he’s some dangerous nutter, cunt couldn’t knock the froth off a pint.
Not gay but just had a wank to a south american trap called b00t
LOL, reckon John or Furnish occasionally involve some thug yout in the mix?
astute observation
I should be a janny im here for several hours a day anyway might as well get paid for it
Any of you lads got the new covid yet?
Moronic post.
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How so? He’s soft as shite.
walled so hard
well, someone managed to outschizo mousey
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what's his end game
Imagine a cara do cidadão fazendo isso enquanto ele limpa suas lagrimas.
This is why you need 4chanX installed
No hablo espanyol amigo
John McAfee rising from his grave
why is latin america such a cursed continent? did all that human sacrifice tear the veil or something?
It's "flag-br", if you're in ublock
what am i missing
>The children were often molested and tortured simultaneously for prolonged periods. Victims were stabbed with a screwdriver in the buttocks, hands, and feet to having their buttocks flayed with broken blades that Garavito had placed between his fingers.[28] While alive, Garavito severed their genitals and placed them in the child's mouth. They were extensively beaten, burned, trampled and often showed deep cuts in the back, belly and throat. In some cases, they were sexually abused as their intestines poured out of their belly,[9] impaled through the anus and out of the mouth,[24] and stabbed over one hundred times.[13]

Garavito's climax would occur when he had decapitated the child alive[41] or cut the throat as he finished before leaving the severed genitals in the mouth of the severed head.[9][39] Necrophilia with the victim's corpse was also occasionally involved in the crimes; sometimes prematurely, as Garavito could only achieve orgasm by beating and stabbing his victims during intercourse.[26] The children's bodies were all found completely naked, bearing bite marks and signs of extensive sodomy. Containers of lubricant were found near the bodies, along with empty bottles of cheap Colombian brandy. Most of the corpses showed signs of prolonged torture.[42]
I'm fine with you guys blocking our flag. That's better to your mental 'ealth.
leftypol telling teenage girls who like football that this is what they need to do
Preferred when we were talking about tuppences
they don't shy away from some jamaican themed sleepovers
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does wikipedia really need to inform on exactly when the paedophile rapist murderer climaxed?
You should be happy to be able to host friends and family not treating it like a chore
As a Brazilian, I'm sorry in behalf of my compatriots.
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women are women's biggest enemy
what is this lad
Um, it's cited by a reputable source, sweaty
Brazil must be a weird place with all the ethnic diversity.
Do your job you useless cunt
one of the worst days on /brit/ for a while
/int/ is never taking janny applications
but janny is never on the job
this is not right
fix it
complain here https://www.4chan.org/feedback
190 going mental
Come on lads get the e-janny working
Ublock is what you want
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luv em x

inconceivable post
going to take a break for 30 mins and come back when the jannies pull their finger out
I think diego is dead
class yeah was it? Class
I need a janman, I'm holding out for a janman
hope he met a nice girl who is keeping him occupied
It's time to range ban brazil
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I'll be honest , it's mad how much penger's lauren gotten since she started watching one piece

almost back to her peak x
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wtf is going on in here
Mad that some 1s and 0s achieved what years of BBCposting couldn't
Morning janman
Walking privileges revoked
would love to rape her
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that room smells like golden virginia and custard creams
Mad how much benefits I can actually receive, and I'm not even a mong. I really wonder how the state affords it all
British women don’t look like that, i’m sorry
Love How Soon is Now
I'm voting reform next thursday
what about you?
the middle class gets taxed up to their eyeballs lol
love spending their money
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rare that julia looks the cutest in a twin/gyaldem photo, most of the time she's the fiercest x
Mad how I legit can't tell if this is a real film scene and I should be amazed by the editing and coordination for the one actor, or if it's simply just AI slop
Me and m' family will be voting AI Steve.
Yeah at the end of the day it's Reform for me and all
are you retarded?
you're an idiot x
Miss Teranderson
fapping my bonor
just remembered that zoomers don't watch films
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>Reform: 0 (+0)
Had a 5th birthday party here, it was nice there was music and dancing but I drank too much of the punch and vomited and it was all kinda hazy haha
Conservatives: 0 (-320)
Going to decide who to vote for by flipping a coin. Heads and I'm voting Reform. Tails and I'll vote Reform.
remembering back when i used to use Buyee to get shit from Yahoo auctions and send it here before covid lads
I'd get a box of clothes, old computers, a cheeky games console and some bmx parts and id have spent about £200 and there was fucking loads of it on there, id just stick a bid in and usually win with no competition. then id get it shipped over, say the items were worth a tenner and customs wouldnt care
not like that since covid, covid absolutely killed collectormongs
watched one of those 'black rap fan reacts to dad rock' videos a few months ago and the bloke literally said 'what's interesting about this kind of music is how much instumentals are in it, you're supposed to just vibe with the music'.
He literally said that like it was a revelation.
Tronald Dump will be the next president
Rorke freaking out when every coin he throws lands precisely on its side without falling
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would scran that crisp from their armpits x
Gonna be honest with you. That doesn't look like a safe place to a 5 yo kid to get drunk.
they do not exist in the same dimension to us
Yeah that's Reform too
cant count to 3 her
Attractive girls doing stupid TikTok videos makes them less attractive
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>Grandmother, 52, is beaten black and blue by gang of feral yobs who stamped on her head while she lay asleep at beauty spot
no it doesn't
l agree it's so cringe its actually grotesque
arr rook same
rorke, you know african americans invented jazz, right?
This is an official notice from MI6, the United Kingdom's Secret Intelligence Service.

Your activity on this webpage has been flagged for potential violations of UK laws regarding child pornography. As a result, your browsing behavior is currently under investigation. The UK government has stringent regulations to protect children from exploitation, and any infraction will be taken very seriously.

Please be advised of the following:

Investigation Initiated: Your online activities are now subject to detailed scrutiny by MI6 and other law enforcement agencies.
Potential Legal Consequences: If found guilty of violating child pornography laws, you may face severe legal repercussions, including imprisonment and registration as a sex offender.
Cooperation Required: We strongly advise you to cease any illegal activity immediately. Failure to comply may result in further action, including possible arrest.
For more information about UK laws regarding child pornography and the penalties involved, please refer to the official legislation or consult with legal counsel.

This is a serious matter. Your cooperation is essential.

MI6 - Secret Intelligence Service
woman at work doing her diego routine about jesus saying shell pray for me
Actually it was invented by Jews (white)
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Cool. Now he is pretending to be me.
When a black says “he a good boy, he dindu nuffin!” it falls very different on our ears than it does theirs.

To them, it is incredibly unfair that a man could be a good person for all his life, then be put in jail for one moment of theft/rape/robbery/murder. While the Westerner considers himself to be a higher consciousness battling an inner animalistic nature that is to be tamed and controlled, the African views himself as a blank slate unto which emotions are pressed. In the heat of the moment, a spirit can possess another otherwise “good boy who dindu nuffin” and cause him to commit crime. The African always views himself the moved and never the mover. The horse and never the jockey. Their brains fundamentally are different to ours.
I for one found it very interesting
Not voting am I? Not a democracy fan I guess you could say.
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proof: https://youtu.be/i_fwPM9sWEg?si=gWM_O5a6aysxFTZu&t=423
Jay Slater? Gud boi dindu nuffin
belly piercing makes a woman ugly
The Irishman is a nigga in white skin
rorke just saying shit now
Right so this is "toil" then is it
oh my fucking days
literally never heard of Sabrina Carpenter before 2 weeks ago now she's non-stop everywhere so l'll assume she's the latest pop industry plant
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piffff, beware bro, janny deleted a couple of mine. I'm anticipating a warning soon
oh no bros we cant spam our folder of boring tiktok slags looking like retards
all the grotty cucks are posting about her because the phrase BBC is in one of her songs
rangeban liverpool
can't stand pretentious cunts who think their comic books are sophisticated cos theyre written by a jap
wonder if buchaill na canna will be posting tonight
seethe harder plebe
Oh no you see the internet and streaming apps destroyed the old studio system so now everything in the top ten is purely the natural triumph of musical talent
What's your favourite Drake song?
gimme 3 hours and a multipack of space raiders and ill find jay slater no probs
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the one about starting from the bottom but now the whole team here (nigga)
Currently listening to I don't feel like dancing by the Scissor Sisters
Why you draw smiley face on snek?
She used to call me on my cellphone (pla pla)
the heart part 6
they're sisters? any videos of them scissoring or owt?
lf l could pick one woman to be burned alive it would be one of the gyaldem dont care which
voting reform because i am evil and i hate everyone
slag posting is /brit/ culture, the gyaldem are a variation of tradition

gyally demmie digits sexoooo

read vagabond then dare to make this post again
dont like that was listening to that when vet rang to tell me to put cat down
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What happened in 2010?
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any other athletic black men in this thread?
If I could murder five people with impunity, it would be the five most prolific tripfags in this thread. Not sure what I'd do with the other four kills.
bloke who came to sort the mold in my kitchen out caused an odd reaction in me
i mean, i swear i'm straight, but he was something else
beautiful blue eyes, hollywood face and his aftershave was heavenly
not even joking when i realised i fancy a man, and he wasn't even feminine

worrying development
l like her reluctant bj/facial vids nice forced vibe without going too far

more Sir Keir greatness
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God's plan
>i swear i'm straight
can see her bum the whore
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if you like her you're a paedo. simple as
reckon anyone's ever lost their virginity with the chase on the telly in the background
honestly not doing the 'not gay, but' meme, this is the first time a man has made me feel this way
would love to watch him shag my wife
does verstappen really deserve US$55m/year?
just reinstalled starfield
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>his aftershave was heavenly
rorke's gf's pov
Shouting out the answers as I pump away
Feeling my bird get wetter with every right answer
>Wait, you mean to tell me this YOUNG and ATTRACTIVE FEMALE with CATCHY SONGS is becoming...POPULAR? This is a conspiracy! The jews are behind it! I'm calling Rorke immediately!
serving this stupid old biddy at retailtoil and she refuses to pay by card because she thinks it gives me access to all of her details and i will know where she lives and everything she buys
Wish I were retarded enough to roid up
yeah there’s one where ones sitting on the floor and the other crawls into frame and starts licking out her pussy
you can't "call" rorke
he doesn't exist
he was also a foot taller than me and kept smiling at me and i got butterflies in my chest and stomach
lads, what do i do with this information, i have a gf
she's 25 lmao
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gillian mckeith im a celeb
Such as?
mad how you can just inject yourself with muscles these days
Where do you find the highest quality bulls in your country
Rorke gf is a black man? That doesn't make sense.
Makes perfect sense now
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Yeah twins but no scissoring

Seen their /mug/ edits on /sp/ lool

I've never spaffed to soogs, only edged before cooming to a Yorkshire hijabi

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