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You love her lad don't you
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Tell me 3 things you like about yourself /brit/
gareth southgate mouths "bond. james bond" to every james bond movie
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The unvaccinated deserve badges of honour. They had iron will through it all. They bowed to no one. They were pressured by every single aspect of society. Government. Media. Celebrities. Their own families. Their closest loved ones. Yet, through all of that they maintained their integrity. These men are the true noble warriors fighting against uncaring mega corporations. Now the truth has come out, the unvaccinated are wholeheartedly VINDICATED
kinda gone and done myself
got a four-pack, and an expensive craft beer
didnt get a big pack of eight cans as i went in with planning
five is, i believe, less than eight
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The latest from Rowling
>Lolita is a great and tragic love story
Is that the only picture of her that we know of?
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In many ways pal. Such as.
I'm British now, I can't go back.
It's just the look on her face
I remember the second time I posted it in the same night and spaino melted down over it screaming about how it's not a /brit/ thread if you use the same image

The cans, me being a former social worker and the cans I suppose, lad
How deluded are Israelis? Live in constant fear of being bombed
That isn’t an unpopular opinion
I bet Southgate kisses prostitutes.
Reminder: Canslad is a 47 year old alcoholic who posts on /co/'s Judge Dredd general.
It's a retarded opinion
She's 12 and he is a paedophile and obviously an unreliable narrator
Were there ppl who genuinely thought the fuck yeah bacon zombie ninja humor from 2008 was funny? If you were one of those guys are you redeemable or do you have to self-euthanize?
sounds cool, i liked the judge dredd film from the 90s
I've been in situations where a Brit has slaged off Eastern Europeans, Poles in particular, and I've listened to it and moved my head in agreement and they thought I was a native Brit as well. I keked internally. Though we are not Eastern European, but Westoids don't understand that.
don’t see how any of that is relevant
>>199113392 #
>wow, you're openly super racist? that's a reasonable and popular attitude. want to help represent my political party?
This is what leftypol actually says he believes happened.
getting a bit boring
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right get the cans sucked
he's the only personality here that isn't a shitty sn/190 gimmick
I think so, lad
She's been around years from what I know
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Le invisible bike
corrrr lads the girl that just walked past my window with a little skirt on showing off her thin waist, wide hips and exquisitely sculpted round arse fucking CHRIST
it's only a "great and tragic love story" because it's told from his, a paedophile's, pov
It's literally spainnonce on a VPN.
Why don't you ask her out?
be right back forum
have to go do the washing up
otherwise im going to be very angry with myself tomoz
>I'm British now, I can't go back.
so why do you say shit like "my country is much better now", it's not your country anymore
so you agree then
Tell 190 to stop spamming /box/ on /sp/.
Every Friday around 5pm I get an overwhelming, uncontrollable urge for alcohol
And not just 3 or 4 beers, but to get completely slashed beyond recognition. Blackout.
Don’t think this is healthy in the long run.
i wank to women and i also wank to men
*rolls up sleeves*
*cracks knuckles*
What the fuck you on about
Because "my country of origin" is a bit long winded
gareth southgate kisses his sons on the lips
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Need to roughly shag a lad who looks like this. Right in the arse.
it pie night
got a willy
reckon she was about 16, wouldn't really be on
literally me. been off the stuff for a month but back on it because otherwise I just sit waiting for time to pass
listening to kernkraft 4000
People say Briton has bad food but have never had a proper Shepherd's Pie.
i wank exclusively to gay porn women
sure, if you read lolita and self-insert as a paedophile
So get the cans, lad
can't be spainnonce if it has nothing to do with trannies/bbc/politics
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sandford lane massive get in friday night yes lads
shepherds pie goated, as the zoomers say
Farage is blaming the media for his party member's apparent racism? Either blame bad actors trying to set you up, or blame the member himself and distance yourself and your party from him. Don't blame the media. What are they supposed to do? Not report it?

What did farage actually say? I'm basing this on hearsay.
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most mentally ill poster award
How old are you? The BNP was infiltrated in a massive way, this is not new
Always see a cute lass and then think, hmmmm, is she 18, 20-something or 15? Am I a pedo for thinking this girl is peng? Just not worth the risk. That's why I meet everyone I shag now exclusively in 18+ gay sauna events.
haven't been blackout drunk in a long time but I used to quite regularly and I think it gave me brain damage because my short term memory is wank
a clue gained
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Also I like to romanticize about going back when I'm a lot older.
on the bottles
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Passed all my finals lads
What a euphoric feeling
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bit steep
Same, except I got blackout drunk yesterday.
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Will I be drinking? Yes. Will I be downloading Hinge? Yes.

Will I be liking my former co-worker who has an account there?

blog on
>18+ gay sauna events
mate there is literally nowhere else you're more likely to accidentally nonce a kid
That doesn't make you a pedo if she looks older than she is
If you're going after her knowing she's a child then yes you may just be a pedo
Being a pedo isn't inherently just physical attraction

Good lad
People say Briton has bad food but have never had a proper Chip Butty.
nowt wrong with finding teenage girls attractive. long as you don’t make a move without confirming their age first
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nothing ventured nothing gained as they say my lad
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Gareth Southgate
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why is this newsworthy
When drink alcoholic beverages when do you usually stop? How do understand you drank enough?
I remember when i was a kid/teenager i just kept drinking until i puked or fell asleep but now i’m way more responsible
>Upon closer scrutiny, pintmen exude a sort of spiritual aura when in union with their pint. An ethereal look can be seen in their eyes as they are transported beyond spatial and temporal bounds
Sorry lad, but for ME, it's the green one.
the bbc have a test stream which constantly broadcasts a watford vs manchester city game in 4k
wish I lived back when this would rightfully have been openly ridiculed and not in this troonpilled NPC clownworld
>It used to be there were three main phases, child, adolescent and adult. Now there is only child and adult, which means people draw a retardedly hard line at 18. Technically an 18 year old with his 17 year old gf is an adult fucking a child, which is obviously retarded.

used to be just child and adult but they invented the category of adolescent to sell clothes and get people to buy more shit they don't need
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Happy friday lads
Booze o'clock as it were
should i go to a table quiz ive been invited to or stay home and get drunk? how long is a table quiz
sad how mental he's gone, some of his old standup was well funny
July 4th, Reform will win
lookig for a man in finance
The Daily Mail has gone WOKE.
>when do you usually stop?
When I don't feel anything anymore
Next thread theme
I can barely write in english but when i’m drunk it gets even worse
there's a 4th phase which i like to call the runt phase, you seem to be stuck in it
Because it gets clicks
not really I was just too lazy to bother getting it lol
I think I'm immune to covid anyway since I've never had it
not even been sick for 4 years
never drank alcohol, me
mummy and daddy raised a good little methodist
you lads can enjoy hellfire though
You a black fella?
Edward would sue them if they misgendered him
i fucking love whisky
just carry on until i blackout then it's up to blackout me to decide when i go to bed
haven’t read it myself though lol
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Should our drinking culture be more like that of the Spanish or Italians?
They drink wine or beer with dinner, or maybe one or two in the afternoon and leave it at that. They drink more often but much more casual and slower. At the weekend they may have a few beers or glasses of wine while hanging out with mates, eating along the way. Being leathered drunk is a social faux pas in their countries.

Meanwhile we normally stay off the drink during the week, and keep a reserved, tense front on, then come Friday, let off all the steam by going to a loud bustling pub and sinking 8 pints with the intention of getting cunted. They’re casual drinkers we are bingers.
>Crisps in a bowl, for one
>Wine in a highball
>Jamaican flag
>Keys and wallet on the table as if you're heading out
colleague's trying to set me up with his 25 year old twink son
Yoooo rorke got the riddem
yes he would win that year after year
If you go into any event that is explicitely 18+, and an underage person lies to get in and lies to you about their age, how is that nonceing? What else can you possibly fucking do to avoid doing it accidentally beyond only fucking wrinkled old hags and balding old men? Should I just avoid anyone that I would card at a challenge 25 pub?
why did she do it lads?
Watching the yank debate lads

I imagine the incels and their forced "dark brandon" meme are going to sit quietly from now
hoeflation makes this girl think shes a 10/10
Nice chebs. Lovely you could say
Not as lovely as cans, tho
Wish I'd never had a drink myself. Fell in with a bad crowd and didn't have the strength of character to avoid joining in. Ruined my life. Your parents did you a massive favour.
they didn't have to write a fluff piece about him
was just saying this down the dual carriageway
>big natural hangers
Just a big fan of jamaican dancehall x
enjoying an asahi "dry" beer
dont understand what youre talking about because im normal
Why are your speakers so high up
Literally everyone in this country drinks that isn’t a paki. You were just a mong.
Doesn't look British. Middle Eastern?
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The only "wealth creators" are the working class who produce all the wealth that the capitalists steal.

Exterminate the bourgeoisie with Bolshevik ferocity and their stolen wealth will be ours.
It's dry but it's a liquid. How does that work then.
lol this happened to me back in 2019
went on a date with him and I had to break it to him that I wasn't actually gay and that there was just a misunderstanding
turns out his mum has done that a few times for him lol

so anyway I shagged him up the arse out of curiosity and got a blowie from him
quite nice actually
would try again
Don't reply to it.
Continental drinking habits are obviously much more healthy, mature, and just superior, let's face it. Don't like saying it but on this matter, they're better than us. The self-destructive habits of Brit do make us a bit tougher though.
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What flavour crisps?
might bash my pizza and chips in the air fryers
You do like saying it
You also like voting Lib Dem and wanking it to trannies
dry as in more astringenty and less sweet tasting
cause im only a crack
in this castle of glass
Shut the fuck up commiemong lmfao
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I can feel the hangover slowly subsiding. Currently in bed reading tweets about the debate.
The defining characteristic of any beer that's classified as "dry" is that it lacks residual sugar. This means that similar to dry wine, dry beer isn't sweet. In contrast, it tends to have a crisp flavor that's marked by a vibrant degree of acidity.
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Imagine fucking him and kissing him passionately while doing so, corrr...
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Only the best for me, couldn't have cheap crisps with such a fine vintage
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>I had to break it to him that I wasn't actually gay
>so anyway I shagged him up the arse out of curiosity and got a blowie from him
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What phenotype is this?
delectable tumwah
*imagines it*

Ok now what?
Mental how it’s Friday night and none us will be shagging. another Friday night spent alone in a cold bed rambling on /brit/
Dont know sorry
can hear dickhead neighbourberg on his dickhead scooter thinking he's fucking hard
rorke went hollywood
It's not normal to have your life revolve around drink though is it? Yes I was, and still am, a mong. I'll admit it. I'm going to try to be better. Not because of your comment though, obviously.
The ol' Double Ackshually
>Ackshually it is Man that is the deadliest beast
>Ackshually malaria
I’ve drank with continentals a few times and they’re almost scared to get drunk. Look at me like i’m a madman for enjoying throwing back shots.

Us and the Irish are heavy partiers. Love just getting fucked out our faces on drink and drugs. Same as the Scandis. Must be an Aryan thing.
doing your year 6 maths homework? xx
lads might get on the cans in a bit
for the laugh like x
Can you expand on what you mean by this?
he really is going all in on the irish diaspora character
not just brits seems to be a northern European thing to be emotionally repressed and then get bladdered and let it all out. Scandis love getting steaming aswell. Don't think it will change until we live in a Muslim majority country.
Good one.
That's my therapy book
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my wife and her son
what you brit niggas up to then
Anglo politics update
I used to have sex but then my gf left me
You normally send kisses when you’re talking to Year 6 kids mate? :/
alri smeagle how your precious
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chat is this real
Poor bastard. That creature looks like it was choked by vagina muscles while being born
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The restoration of Soviet power in the Baltic region in 1940 was popular
its over
I'd fuck her, so long as she showered her arse crack VERY thoroughly
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>wahhh my daughters
Cheers big ears, now F off!!
Corrrrrrr PHWOARRRRRRRR don’t care what any of you say I would love a go on then
too big
Going to play one of those video games
But what one?
stick em up everybody I'm robbin this place
Happily would slam this hog.
does a man have a penis? yes
fat “people” need to be rounded up and put in camps
spoiler that hog
buck breaking my dad
Might go for a daytime incel walk
gingers could go extinct and woke people wouldn't bat an eye as they don't view them as anything other than just another white person. the inner variety of white people or any people for that matter, doesn't matter to them.
owen jones? isnt that the poof that throws a temper tantrum any time he is slightly disagreed with?
ginger is an anagram for...?
>ethnic russians welcome the re-establishment of Russian power
WOW! Truly a sign of communist success
If the USSR is so popular then where is it? twat
Favourite tunes are Irish folk music but it would give women the ick
Viking/Celt culture innit.

There's a tribe of monkeys on some tourist trap island that live near a bar, and their drinking habits have been studied with interesting results. They have the same rate of binge drinking, teetotallers, and moderate drinkers as humans. Unlike humans, the most extreme and belligerent heavy drinker monkeys are the highest status males in the tribe. Maybe because they're more dangerous.
policy idea: open door immigration but only for females aged 16-25 who rate 8/10 or higher in attractiveness
Nice staged photo you retarded faggot
Never knew this was the context
Learn something new every day don't you
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Very sexy ladies
no that's drumpf
c'mon man
you're supposed to let that permeate inside your head
Er lad, Irish women love them
science(tm) has recently discovered that it's actually the first word in history that can't be anagrammed

don't question it
I bet that mum loves fucking twinks... corr
on the uk garage again
>drink a beer
>instantly better mood
they should diagnose beer for depression
thanks for whoever quoted this blue jam thing, i went to listen to it and its pure vibes
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He did not redeem the jawbone.
What did the person actually do to get locked up? We're not jailing people just for their beliefs now are we?
Workers welcoming the restoration of Soviet power and liberation from capitalists who terrorised them.
Russians in Latvia before 1940 were probably whites.
cowards fear liquid solutions for spiritual problems
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I look like this but white and fat
In Northern Europe as well, ale houses and proto-pubs were importante gathering houses during the winter months when it was freezing outside and there was no such thing as central heating or electricity. Beer would have also been a way to literally drink your calories from excess bread and keep warm in the cool.
The cold dark climate of Celts/Germanics and their thousands of years of genetic adaption to heavy drinking created a culture of binge drinkers.
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>they should diagnose beer for depression
>Russians in Latvia before 1940 were probably whites.
Baseless conjecture in response to a VERY good point
i wish i were molested
is there a translation in croatian for it?
crni doesn’t seem to have the same impact
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k lol
Think /Brit/ needs a bit of Lithuanian folk music to make it more culturally diverse
where have you been?
*fondles your bollocks*
what blue jam thing
>another staged photo to prove his staged photo
That's a good response because you could never order soldiers ro do something they didn't want to do
wow that’s like 20 people!
Yeah well don’t live in feckin Ireland do I
Just find them in Britain
Stop giving the foreigners free lessons.
smoking weed drinking strongbow
mad how the germans and french has produced the worst thinkers, societal ideas, philosophies, and, ideologies
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I'm sorry but you have beer
I know, but seriously, what were the actual charges? "Hate speech?"
I remember the context was being lost so I went back and found it on archive.org for the screenshot. I knew he'd delete it as the image got big so I manually archived it
I recall that Owen did not reply to nor even like his tweet by the way. Also the unavailable tweet on the page was asking him if he aimed for his hairline to look like that
hmm im thinking zased
why is pizza pronounced peetza?
cant think of one swedish person i respect
Anglos unironically produced the best
We’re just sounder. They’re all too serious and riddled with neuroticism, envy, hatred and insecurity.

We’re good cunts and understand basic principles of liberty and individualism. Let other lads be.
The Hinge profile is up
Rubbing alcohol for outside wounds. Drinking alcohol for inside wounds.
Get the Joe Biden/Jimmy Carter debate televised
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growing tired of cheeseplantberg's constant demand for water
>The group’s leader, Paul Golding, was sentenced to 18 weeks in prison, while deputy, Jayda Fransen, was sentenced to 36 weeks on Wednesday. They had each been found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment at Folkestone magistrate’s court earlier the same day.
my gran calls it "pid-zuh"
American philosophers are better than British
I suppose this photo of Latvians happily welcoming German soldiers the following year is evidence that fascism was popular, too
yeah but what specific thing was quoted
Ol' mate's still kicking about on insta but it looks like he's given up on the heavy metal skirted egg and gone for a more reddit look
CRYING OUT for German cock
that was me, it's the perfect thing to listen to at about 2am while intoxicated
humorously some of the radio DJs it describes as dying horrifically, Mary Anne Hobbes for example, still have radio shows today
cant think of one canadian person i disrespect
/Brit/ can't handle so much testosterone in 1 room
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gettem jez
>ancient meme featuring a paedophile
bedtime grandpa
Why do you capitalise the B in /brit/
my dad impregnated my mum when she was 17 and he was 24
yeah, i'm thinking he's based
get this up ya
douglas murray the cockwomble
don’t reply to him
Because Britain has a capital letter.
Was fine when he went though yeah
>religiously aggravated harassment
Could be anything that. I'm guessing he was putting up flyers or something. Didn't think "religiously aggravated" was a legal thing. I wonder if any Muslims have ever been charged with a crime that was "religiously aggravated."
well if the yank debate settles anything
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it's weird how it would be seen as taboo but it's quite natural really
unfortunately you were the result
Are you a bastard
new red velvet just dropped
Mental how prisoners have more sex with women than I do
Didn't he do both at the same time once? I remember him pouring pints or something.
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uft aye
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you can see his BBC in the full clip. inevitable if you lock women up with them
oh boohoo read a book you fucking nerd
Fair point desu you’ve convinced me
proto gf looks exactly like this
The more Scottish and Irish posters a brit thread has the more soul it has and the better the patter.
This is undeniable fact.
I don't think it's meant as a historically accurate show is it? Nobody actually thinks England had a black king do they?
King Sneed
Alri Spaino
too many words innit
They got ones with pictures in them now
Can smell the Irish diaspora in you a mile away
corbyn did nothing wrong tbf
the british establishment just cant have a leader that's pro-working class
instead we'll get more tory lite under starmer
Did you like the song though?
yep. they didn't even baptise me which is annoying. left me wide open to demonic invasion.

t. parents were 30+ years old
you're just jealous of my super genetics.

i think so. only problem is that teenage girls are immature and kind of annoying. they are cute though.
wasn't it the norm for 19 year old men to marry 12 year old girls in Rome?
He’s the best PM we never had :/ we don’t deserve Jez
bet he has a cute little winky under there
>My Mother Takes Cock
weird thing to admit but alright
I do not, ever, click on links on /brit/ I’m afraid
phwoar no way
lmfao what a retard
I'm supposed to hate this for some reason
Yeah way they even got ones where someone reads you the whole thing sometimes they even got ones that are movies

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