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Upcoming /cum/ bro national days edition
Greenland anons welcome too!
>danes seething
the only greenland anon I see here anymore is the Eskimo seething one
recently I found "Eskimo" is considered a slur now
yeah that's why I used it
No it's not
I want to visit yukon one day
Why is the Americhad covered in mud?
kill yourself
binging j-pop videos again
you should visit alaska too
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What would you do for a Klondike Bar™?
Have you been there?
wikipedia says it's pejorative and I believe in it
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I drew this
I have
Pretty good
I did a cruise that went to both Alaska and, via a bus, the Yukon, yes
>Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine
lmao even
that's either an obese clansman or the perspective is a bit off
I don't care about Russia or Ukraine
Are you a leftist doing the "uh oh I tried to make my opponent look racist but accidentally made them look strong and manly" thing
good, maybe he'll smarten up before engaging in politics before he's even had his first kiss.
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I suffer in Florida i dream about living in a cold place and seeing snow
forced meme, very low energy
He's going to a special educational prison colony
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It's not a meme, I'm just posting some pics of her
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so you two are just roommates, right ?
You could find a Canadian snowbird and switch houses with him for the winter or something, leafs love Florida
>leafs love Florida
My grandfather was a leaf
Sorry but she does NOT have the organic energy of any of the Emmas posted to /cum/ so she cannot be /ourgirl/. Even Anya was more high energy folks!
pushing the panic button rn
orange cat vibes
And i cant do that i live with my parents
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>Leaf turned yet another American woman into a Canadian Cock Concubine
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find a flaw
there was a time when we had a lot of tripfags in /cum/, none were good posters
>chevron defense gone
holy fuck america is so back
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where did everyone go?
canadian supremacy scared them off.
im contemplating my recent life choices and pondering into the nature of things
It's over
just learned that some places in california have 70 degree weather all year round. heaven on earth
>in california
stopped reading
might as well move to guatemala or sentinel island
i'm still gonna vote for the corpse of brandon but i'm not gonna be happy about it.
Your mom's House
Something that I think is funny about California is how the Mexicans extirpated all the Blacks but they can't really complain about it
>irrational cali hate
mark of a chud
"California" and "heaven" should not be used in the same sentence
I masturbated to this photo
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Gayson tier shitnime spam coming up
thought you stopped reading at california
thats not jason
That wasn't me, it just turns out multiple people hate California itt. Go figure
do you hate the weather and the nature?
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Pic related is California if I set immigration policy
I said "tier"
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would you wear butts on your feet? i would and will.
where are they going?
I'm makin pussy niggas push the panic button
to distribute pure VRIL to the other 49 states
California is actually the only state that matters. The rest of you poorfags are welcome to come join us once you wash off the muck of your flyover state.
Ruined by homeless people
how did joe biden mentally decline so bad. he looks like he's reasonably healthy
idk ive watched too many clips where violent cavement have turned movie-like paradises into lawless wastelands. where do you suggest i go if i still value good manners in people
tainted batch of child blood from the Illuminati supply got into his cycle.
california always attracted anarchist types
dawg he's 81, he was already declining when he was elected in 2020. Dementia is common at that age
After Mustang drivers, landscapers are probably my least favorite people in the world.
Being president ages you like 40 years, so Biden is actually about 120 now
Remember indiappster from 2015-16? Wonder what he is upto haha
what about pitmommies, those cyclists in the leotards, or vegans?
no fucking way bro is it you??
Newfoundland, New Brunswick, PEI, Nova Scotia and District of Ungava not being part of Québec. Also Ontario touching our butt.
>7 AM
VRRRRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmm.... ... ... VRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmm... *yells in spanish to the other landscaper* VRRRRRMMMMMMMMMmm... VRMMmm... VRmm...
nurses and real estate agents are the big ones for me.
>blows leaves onto your property and pretends that he can't hear you yelling at him from 3 feet away
newfoundland is a dog
Labrador is also a dog
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What happened to those two gay anime Canadians
You supposed to be cooking breakfast or sumfin
A 4'9" Asian boy's chromebook.
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According to my records you already posted this song
Where's the schizo paki brown incel?
This picture gives me an intense and almost palpable sense of dread and I'm not entirely sure why. I look at this picture and can't help but think that something is deeply, deeply wrong. Something twisted and vile, like pure evil. I don't know. It's just a picture of a cat.
OMAD is a powerful tool to control one's weight
you got me
Wakanda for Nordic people because they lived in burrows before the Romans.

Crazy how mexicans, Coptic Egyptians, Romans,Greece,Japs barely talk about empires.

On the contrary I think it's better if people forget what we did to them lol.
He's either here less or stopped using the nameas much recently
im back from walmart.
>Coptic egyptians
based history knower
btw Haiti is disappearing as a country as we speak
what did you get
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Everyone eventually falls. In everything, sports, music, art etc...
To think, if the French didn't import a bunch of blacks there, it might be a nice place
pizza, rice and nesquik cause anon wanted me to buy it
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disappearing? my good man it has been legislatively decapitated for a fat fucking minute

i mean ok fine what happened this time
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This would be a net gain for the world
how many haitian refugees you guys got down there?
im sure that anon is very happy that you finally got the strawberry nesquik
if he's here tonight, i will let him know.
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wait a minute. how did you know i got strawberry nesquik? I never mentioned the flavor.
Powder or syrup?
I don't live in tijuana but a cousing of mine says there are quite a bit of them working over there. The public perception of haitians is that they are honest hard working people with a chill attitude compared to the rest of immigrants over there even other mexicans.
syrup. it was the smallest one available
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If we're going to let a third of a million haiti refugees, entering legally or illegally, stay with recurring extensions for a country that seems to be indefinitely fucked, we should really just annex haiti and make it the 51st state. i mean fuck it.

or maybe it can be kenya 2 but i don't see any refugees going to kenya thats sall im saying. the world needs to thank us more often
>one soldier having an entirely different rifle
Thirdie armies are pure SOVL
Can't you do anything right you bitch?
What a strange post, I have no idea what you're trying to say here.
that wasn't cool mr. jeet, say sorry
>i don't see any refugees going to kenya thats sall im saying
somalis, tigray, tutsi, and fags from uganda flee to kenya as refugees all the time.
Redeem my nuts Hop Sing!
what do you mean?
i mean in relation to haiti. man not gonna lie that roster sounds pretty nightmarish too lmao
definitely the commander. he's got a real plate carrier and a better helmet
>we should really just annex haiti and make it the 51st state. i mean fuck it

I was gonna say there's be international outcry, but it's not like there's even a real Haitian government to protest
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Kenyan army kinda looking fresh as fuck, I like those light colored helmets quite a bit.
>Officer gets American rifle (cannot even use the same calibre), American helmet, American style plate carrier
>grunts get chinese/soviet surplus
like I said, pure SOVL
LOL I know right
It was BYOG day
(bring your own gat)
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Also look at their riot police, thirdie kino SOVL
>have car problem
>somebody makes a youtube video on how to solve it
this era is actually not too bad
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CUMMYPIESSSS, im drinking covfefe
Syrup tastes better and I don't like it.
captures a scene with the radical and exciting nature of early neoclassical artwork... i kneel
im drinking vodka
im drinking vitaminwater
I prefer chocolate but anon wanted me to buy strawberry. hence i got it for him.
How about the rest of the country anon. Have you seen any increase in africans at all? Just curious, my town has all sorts of folks
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just had a 12 oz vanilla latte *with the works* myself
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i am drinking boomer monster
Trouble with me is im too easygoing
>buy seem duuude weed at the dispo
>its trimmed like absolute shit
Weed was better before it was legalized desu
we have native rez weed which is not regulated shit's way better
man i am so done with that era of my life where i had to do cringe night meetups with the flakiest piece of shit loser i have ever met to do a cringe plastic bag trade. now i can walk into a store and get frozen sorbet weed... like its just no contest i'm sorry i can't even pretend otherwise.

...though making makeshift sodacan pipes was fun admittedly
were early european farmers swarthy?
>last upload two years ago
>A 480p movie clip with extremely loud music in the background
>6 million views, 480,000 likes
Yes very much so
based & true
Living in California, if lock my car doors randomly at any point of the day, there's probably like a 5% chance that some homeless person will freak out out of nowhere because he thinks I locked my car specifically because of him (or her)
>American is brown
>Canadian isn't sihk
If Canada is white we are white, if brown we are brown.
Also the earth isn't that small.
My dad likes to constantly remind me of this as well as the convenience of cell phones
tried to say a gay thing in an ironic way but i think i just came off gay
Do you live in the SF bay area?
Kino di tutti Kini
I assume people who do this are gays in denial
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>tried to say a gay thing in an ironic way
people who do this are somewhat zesty themselves anyways
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You are not from California

Why do flyover fags think the whole state is overrun with slavering hordes of shambling homeless?

This is my neighborhood in Rancho Cucamonga. The only homeless dude I see hangs out and begs at the supermarket
no if i was gay i'd tell you
I'm not homeless nor am I confrontational about it, but happened to me a couple times. Like chill bro I'm not trying to steal your car
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I was chilling outside a karaoke building waiting for it to open so me and my friends could have some fun and there was this Crackpipe Johnathan walking around having a conversation with the Forces That Be and I'll admit it I got distacted doing the White Man Math of how much sound pollution locking my car would make and the longest distance (calculated with the pythagorean theorm) he would be in his circular rudimentary stealth game pathing to figure out if it was worth locking my car

I guess this is all to say I know that feel brother
How often do you get In-N-Out Burger?
I don't think so. EVERYONE wants to go to the US of A. Any city that's not immediately right next to the border has virtually zero immigrants. Everyone is essentially stuck in these places. Very little amount of people settle down in mexico and if they do they still want to cross anyway so they don't spread to far from the border states.
I hate cars that fucking HONK HONK when you lock them. I nice little beep-beep like my toyota is all you need.
I wish I had the silent lock functionality yeah that would be a nice qol
Naw, man. You're stupid. If he's not gonna respect you enough to not act ubatz in public, you don't have to respect him enough to try to muffle the sound of you locking your door. At that point social niceties don't apply. If you're gonna act like you ain't got no god damn sense, I'm gonna react accordigly
i just burped so hard it kinda hurt my throat haha
Once a year I treat myself. It's so good if I didn't exhibit these stoppage protocols, id gain 150 lbs in a month.
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dear /cum/...
Niceities? He was in deep heated debate with neuron-fried geometry demons and circling the parking lot with a sublimaze swagger. I don't want him to start assailing me and my car this isn't about being polite at all
San Bernardino
Right around the corner from rancho
are you really gonna go your whole life without attacking a stranger?
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lol, lmao even
Well if you lock your car door he can't get you right? And if he starts getting feisty drive away (or run him over)
i wasn't gonna vote but I might now just to make this guy do it
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need a gf i can send apu pics to
The way cuckservatives go great miles to distance themselves from racists and Nazis is the same way leftoids should distance themselves from soyboys and trannies
that’s the spirit :)
our lot as sons of adam
>San Bernarghetto
Makes sense
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You a bitch nigga
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I mean they do, and I'm talking about both sides here. Most liberals and conservatives are completely reasonable people who do not make it their entire personality and do not rope when their political sportsball team loses. I have a chunk of friends who I full well know we do not agree on politics and... I mean that's fine. The internet really feels like such an unwound place where the absolute extremes of behavior are magnified and spread around to create this horrible image of reality when reality is like, you go outside and people are decent.
After being in the heat, I go indoors and crank up the AC. Then I get naked and let the ceiling fan cool my balls
Anyone who tries to live outside of the system is liable to be arrested
I send weird pics and gifs to my wife all the time just to see how she'll react. She's gotten so used to it that she doesn't even respond half the time. Feels bad man
As every American should
would you love her if she turned into a worm
Don't do damage control for ca every again
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It was really hot on Monday but hasn't been for the rest of the week and that pisses me off. I wanna use my AC dammit. Be hot.
just me or is portuguese a shit language
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Bravo America
Say what you will, but his campaign was a juggernaut and had kino aesthetics
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does she send pictures back?
ty finland
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that's some baby shit, THIS is bravo america lmao
He did have the rizz
Yeah I like Obama in a very apolitical way. He was just a funny guy to have in office.

Obummer, also known as Trayvon Martin's father
Don't you ever get tired of being tedious
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brats needing correction
eating dry ramen like a cracker right now
not just you, it's horrific
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For me, it's Azucena

She makes the best coffee in the world (Mezcla Azucena)
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I don't buy into the whole BLM, but Zimmerman started the whole thing. If some guy started following me, I'd be sketched out too.
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I'm sick of these pooniggers. When will I have cpnsumer grade LLM to filter out everything related to jeets
Is she one of those nudist Jains
The Jeets have taken Oslo??? How?? WTF is going on???
Would suck on them desu
dear god kamala harris please no
Thank you janny
You're gonna have your salary doubled at this rate ;)
I am watching a streamer doing a stream on twitch rn
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He was a neighborhood watchman, and the dindu attacked him.
you're doing just fine nothing to worry about you have an accent but it sounds totally fine
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Went to the Pet Shop Boys concert today.
Idk if it was my seat or the venue but the sound was fucking shit.
Boomercore with seating only.
The amount of obese people was shocking. So many fat fucks who could barely walk down the stairs. It wasn’t even like they were old, idk maybe 45-55 year olds. They didn’t have a railing to hold on to and that made them struggle real bad. You know that shit fat people do when they have to work really hard to lift their fat asses up a step with one leg and then they quickly slam down the other trying not to lose balance? Idk I just despite fat people.
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so tired today even though i got a good night's rest.
More intelligible than the average *rench canadian
i recognize him from /lang/. hes trying to get an american accent
i'm not good at teaching something like this, but your "and" sounds like its coming from the bottom of your throat. when we see "and" our mouth widens a bit and the sound comes from the top of our throat. I hope that makes any sense
jesus this is just sad
that's pretty damn good tb h
"I may be a complete retard but uh... i can the uh... where am I again?"
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Biden 2024
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All just show anyway. After the debate them niggas was ripping clouds together swear on god nc
total desperation on their behalf. never seen anything like it
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I'm hangry
this goes hard
>that signature
You mean you prompted it
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>put a 'groid in the grave
>escaped all charges
His ancestors smile upon him, can yours say the /cum/?
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Anyway good night my guys
evens i vote for trump
odds i vote for biden
dubs and i can stay home and not vote
Obama was a proper president
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According to the Good Book, Mr. Judge should let these homeless people sleep in their homes.
soon they'll make it illegal to sleep in your car
>doesn't lie
>knows right from wrong
Guy lies all the time and supports a genocide
Slayage that redefines yass
currently in seattle, just saw my first homeless person
They off that Bhutanese shadowgarden-grown Dark Evil Pack ™
>replying to a JANNIED post with the same thing that got him banned before he evaded
Are you sure this was a wise course of action?
Why should you be allowed to sleep in your car unless it's on your property? Can I put a tent up on a public parking place?
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your first? dude when i was in seattle homeless encampements were constructing blighttown from dark souls 1
It wasn't deleted when I pressed send
kill yourself
sexxo with homeless crackwhores who have nice bootes
It was a warning only telling me that politics belong on pol^^
Besides, it's not NSFW
It's kind of endearing that you can tell she's soaking in her only 5 minutes of mass male gaze she'll ever have
same reason you're allowed to park somewhere as long as you follow parking limits?
>you can park as long as you want here
>unless you're parking here and homeless, then it's a ticket
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wolverine 1 requesting evac, how copy?
Accidentally just subscribed to a tranny's onlyfans(free OFC), just got bamboozled
is it gay to listen to tears for fears?
This the type a nigga that reminds the teacher when she forget to give out homework
>warning only
Jeez must be nice not to be persecuted by the janitorial volunteers
Politics is bannable
>FK posts something about the Norwegian government
>jannied for politics belongs on /pol/ within 20 seconds

>Brian spamming gay scat porn
>stays up for 6 hours
It wasn't political I posted a politician. I've also posted Obama And Biden. Big deal
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it's that inherent sexual value. you can tell because girls who have it either convert it to cash or hide it well because it's worth something. girls who couldn't get a dime throwing their shit out there like it's mardi gras.
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just saw a 4chan pass user, haven't seen that in ages
pretty soon when you get pulled over the police will ask you to see your lease
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Back in a day we used to joke about passes
>Brazilanon posted a guy jacking off in a webm
>stays up for over an hour
>I said America isn't a serious place the day Trump was convicted
>instant ban
Really makes you think.......
I was surprised to learn that many jobs nowadays will run your credit. I've had the same job for 10 years so I didn't have ven know
why are police ticketing homeless people anyways? yeah bro this homeless dude has 500 dollars totally. ironically if the homeless person actually has 500 dollars you just financially obliterated someone actually working towards not being homeless at some point

oh wait it's just for-profit prison recruitment nevermind
Yeah if they can't pay they go to jail
More money for the shareholders!
They also run the email you applied under through some checkers to see what you use it for
i have never been so sure in my life that trump will win
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Madonna Santa that is some grim shit
gotta make sure you're a good goy. being "employable" is actually an insult.
Junkies and schizos refuse treatment and shit up public spaces. This is designed to discourage them.
I can see this too. People willingly being a public nuisance shouldn't be tolerated
Biden has to be under so much stress. when he loses this election he's gonna lose his purpose for being alive. dead within 3 months
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my sister has fallen for the barefoot shoe thing and is now trying to push it on the rest of the family. this has only happened because she started getting bunions after she refused to take my advice and get properly sized shoes.
even pol isnt talking about trump or biden as much as you sick cunts are
The previous ruling was "you can't ticket them if they have no place to go, aka shelters are full or nonexistent". So if there's ticketing that wasn't allowed that is now allowed, it's 100% giving them zero place to go. Where are they supposed to sleep? This is shrimply making it illegal to exist.

THAT BEING SAID, bitter pill to swallow is that many cities that had many years of pro-homeless pro-rehabilitation but they made rehab optional and prison sentences hilariously lax and it led to people in Seattle smoking crack in public (it is a fine in Seattle to be belligerent to a homeless person) and robbing people to just go through a revolving door and be back on the street the same day. The cities failed to deal with the homeless problem and now the federal government is picking the meat grinder option. Well, I dunno about you but if rehab isn't going to work I at least want to be able to walk around and feel safe in a city which gods I haven't been able to in Seattle or New York for my entire time I stayed in either of those cities.

I told you the pill was bitter
I’d probably consider getting a pass if this website weren’t so ban-happy. I’m not paying for an account that’s going to be unusable half the time
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>wear white shirt
>immediately get it dirty
life, amirite guys?
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i have a cool blue and white outfit i love to wear but the white hoodie has had this stain and i've run it through the wash like 4 times and it never comes out. where's my fucking wineaway i'm gonna nuke this fucking STAIN
>new at 291
Way too early
If you think about it, BIDEN won
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this has happened to my khaki pants the last 3 times i have worn them.
has there ever been a scene in a marvel movie where captain america rides on his shield like it's a sled or a snowboard? asking for my dork geek friend not for me, I definitely would never want to see something like that.
It's raining!
someone make a real new
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america needs the food weather from cloudy with a chance of meatballs. but i aint ever see anyone campaigning on this anymore
well I ain't never seen two pretty best friends
Real new
I moved south east towards rainier because fuck the city. They get what they vote for.
fake news both are too early
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someone hit my car.
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save fifteen percent or more on car insurance
sleeping in a car is much better than a tent as it looks cleaner. also I see RV's all the time at walmart at night
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it's annoying but doesn't matter that much in the long term since i am going to sell the car and cancel insurance in 2 months. just a real pain to deal with now, they're probably going to have to replace a panel and strip + repaint two other panels.
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sorry it happened anyways, it sucks
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thanks fren

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