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imagine nuking your entire life for a 30 second shag lol women are such a meme
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never understood this
turn that off
Just realised he's watching it on a computer monitor
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Read the rules, retard.
Just found out the surname Kennedy (Ó Ceannéidigh in Irish) means "wounded head"
whats funny
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high jump is mental
wonder what preceded this
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would love to know the story here he's a proper runt that bloke. cuntish move to suckerpunch someone like that.
poignant when you used to have friends and still have them but are on your own every single night because the friendships are all entirely confined to whatsapp now
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cans grandad you cannae be making news this early
cute sticky out ears
mad how JFKs son crashed his plane into the sea
This but xbox live
Alright guys. Been sleeping. What did I miss?
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Black is more than a colour

Its a way of life

*sharts in the subway*
reddit posts
odd posts
twitter posts
JFK Jr was a stud
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no peters
shh dua lipa on tele
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i wonder if he knew he was dying or if it was instant
I didn't link it, lads
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Just liked my former co-worker's profile on Hinge.
>Tfw no 6ft Serbian qt high jumping onto my penis
the celtic race
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anon discovers dark haired rich people who can get expert skincare and tans
Well he was conscious between the first and second shots, probably not afterwards considering his brain got splattered over his wife
you sound quite desperate ngl
dua lipa is fucking shit
fuck off you boring bastard
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>you sound quite desperate ngl
He's at the centre of it all
Fit tho
you now remember the wellerman
the special needs one
Love a woman burping on my cock as she farts in my face.
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would rather have a wank not even joking
>spainmong seething OP cause his wife is uglier
lol what ran past him
Lmao was just reading about this the other day
Oh shit that's true. I apologise.
What are you playing at you ARSE
Only ever shagged one former coworker, she was a chubbo. Shame because I work at a luxury clothes company, we have so many fit women it hurts.
very niche but i like it
why are the beat and general public two different bands when as far as I could tell they have the same members
couldn't pay me to endure glastonbury
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Need his farts.
spainwogs wife is his anime pillow lol
Corr, peng as
One Direction and Wanted
Incels such as we are forbidden from shagging the prime stock.
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>would rather have a wank not even joking
whats the difference between kino, sovl and comfy?
Cheers, lad
Hes not really the anime type is he?
Peng hapa birds
Enlightenment is realising that you're a cunt and the kids who bullied you in school had a point
Got the Inspector Gadget theme tune stuck in my head.
Bad picture, she is fit, that doesn't show it well
worst thing you've ever done?
>Please be respectful.
Oh dear, you missed that "rule," didn't you. Looks like you're not actually that bothered about strict rule adherence. So why are you banging on about the rules?
*walks in a straight line to Makkah*
Who are also pineapple-looking?
Who is this shit cunt?
ill tell you what they have in common instead. they're all terms used by utter runts
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dunno. had many a wank over alicia silverstone in clueless though
>turn on glasto coverage
>wogs rapping on a rainbow stage
>turn off glasto coverage
Another evening I'll be sitting reading in between your lines
Because I miss you all the time~
you just know it in your heart
Threw my shit at someone.
Respectful of foreign cultures. Not of fuckwit poltards like you.
don't know but it'll be to myself
Can't survive as Holland for more than five minutes in EU4 lads, oh my days.
I was the smallest lad in my year, and came second at the high jump just because I was the only lad who could do the fosbury flop. The last who beat me broke the school record and went on to be a pro rugby player. Must've looked weird, this tiny kid and this massive kid competing for first place at the high jump.
Going to wind down for 6 hours and then go to sleep
No video games or anything.
Might watch a movie and eat something.
Mental how Christianity and Islam is basically the same thing
John Kaspersky flying missiles in my neighbourhood at the site of this
i pissed through someone's letterbox once while steaming. it was only mid afternoon as well so they could have heard the noise and come to see what it was, just seeing my little pecker poking through
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got that 2016 feeling
Not up for this debate today.
Awful bait anyways.
Wanted to shag Lauren Laverne for the best part of 20 years
fuck sake
Are you trying to bait diego out of hiding?
Do you have any movie recommendations?
i'm calm now
i'll calm down
but i'm shaking
depressed as anything lads
got a date lined up tomorrow but i dont think im in any state to go
I'll step in for you lad
Is she fit?
me when the missus is bent over the sink doing the dishes
just remembered school records were a thing
SCREAMING turns out the slag prison officer who shagged the inmate is actually married to a black fella and cucked him
Belgian cuck seething

is this a tarq thing
nobody ever did a high jump at my school
Mental how close she is to being a perfect 10/10
Unfortunately she has no waist and her chebs are a cup too small
Mad how every country in the world is going right and we're going left, absolutely cursed island
dua lipa more like ugly munter
What happened, mate?
tbf i'd take pj harvey over dua lipa
i need a fucking drink after all this excitement
*pours myself a glass of milk*
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I'm sure the prison guard slag will be fine.
Just like the yank one who got half a million dollars after shagging all of those cops
>worships the same god just has a different prophet
oh my DAYS
It's OVER for BBC posters
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mad how crimea is our clay
That's not what it says. Are you writing the rules as you go now? And even if it did mean that, you don't complain when you see people being disrespectful of other cultures in here. Stop acting like you care about the rules. There's one guideline that happens to suit you, so you're using it to stop people saying what you don't want them to say. Pathetic.
so she's brazilian? is it brazilian culture to do what she did?
didn't get made a boilermaker :(
I'm starting to think you're just overthinking the concept of 'friend'.

If it's a person that shows up where you are that has the same interests and will support you in a time of need then it's a 'friend'.

This is part of a greater theory that you've developed that's just 'normies tend to view things in a very one dimensional way, don't overthink it'
>worships the same god
Christians have no reason to accept this from Muslims
It was only for sports day.
Fuck sake lad we been having a comfy thread without spainwog shitting it up with his boring incel shite.
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Grim Grimsby Dad of three jailed for corpse sex in mortuary
Mental how Putin shagged his boipucci
Recent movies i watched
Children of Men - pretty good, got that British indie movie feeling
3:10 to Yuma (2007) - Solid modern remake. Good acting ofcourse with the cast on hand.
Fury - Honestly wasnt much of a fan. Few good characters and honestly just a bit sick of americans.
i mean the inmate definitely looked mixed
mental. makes sense now, the ukraine support that is
Watch a comedy film/stand up set to try and boost your mood.

You'll probably never see her again if you bail on tomorrow. She agreed to go out with you, thats a good thing - might as well see if she's decent company
ya da shags dead bodies
>That's not what it says.
Yes it is.
Mental how Ireland and England are basically the same, lads
Both enjoy the cans
mental we live on an island
sex is disgusting
feel old when people are talking about movies I watched over a decade ago
channel 4 undercover?
Mental how the link doesn't work please upload a webm of the prison guard shagging the prisoner
Why did you start your sentence with 'i mean'? Are you a poof? A woman perhaps?
Oh fuck's sake, lad… fuck's sake… come here… *hugs you firmly*
Might just wind down for a few years. Got loads of time. Might eat something in the meantime.
no we don't

be quiet
not him, went to Grammar school and we did high jump a few times.
just want to say that newstalk in ireland had a reporter go undercover to a protest to try to start something but they failed and got caught, but one of the people with him was english sent over here. so the same could be happening in britain.
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What in the FUCK is going on over there (and yes obviously she's white)
Based, need all white countries to forget our differences and link up
I saw the first two although I barely remember Yuma's plot. I do remember enjoying it though.
Fury just looks shite to me.
You've spilt half the bottle you muppet
why women cant stop shagging inmates?
Lads, i'm going a deep rabbit hole here with this sims game
Isn't this just the plot of that emma stone porno?
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An island of despair.
That's actually the squirt from his girlfriend as she gets railed by jamal halfway across the room
I remember from random thing like a video game someone said in a soi face kind of way "OMG ITS JUST LIKE FURY" and it kind of put me off ever watching it.

Very weird because it came out 10 years ago and i remember when it came out but i never watched it.
the duppy share?
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they're gonna hook him up with an elon neuralink and his first words will be bring my white bitch back!
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Ya see, /brit/, here's the thing. In this business, the fact of the matter is, it's about dimes.
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where did it go
Is really, doesn't feel like one does it
It says "please be respectful." You added the "of foreign cultures" bit because you made yourself look like a tit.
been diagnosed with insanity me
Wheres Mousey?
Wheres Diego?
Wheres Mikey?
underwater x
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No it says
>This board is for the discussion of foreign culture and language. Please be respectful.
all gone to glasto together
wonder what kind of tit he looks like
something wankable hopefully
B+ player
Ah you mean 190? He's here
they should make dams and reclaim it
dua lipa looking fit
if a male guard ever shagged a female inmate, you wouldn't see video of it. Instead, you'd see video of his public execution
It looks like a poor man's Saving Private Ryan. The little wimp becomes a hero at the end after getting his fellow soldiers killed and all that shite.
Wonder what kind of stuff is down there
Reckon i should name my first born hapa child after one of /brit/s hall of fame
wearing a chamois leather from her dad's car wash
When your mum says "My arse is a bit sore from the last 40 men. Please be careful" I don't go easy on her cunt
>Dogger Island
>Dogger hills

Our lord and saviour drowned the degenerates, hallelujah
Sex may be illegal but eating their poo isn't, just saying. Even straight from the bum. Not illegal. So I'm just saying that.
it would shut off a large number of continental european ports including some of their largest ones and economically destroy the- actually lets dam it and reclaim it
Name him mousenonce
>Sex may be illegal
It is, unless one of you underage or retarded
the 80s and 90s look so comfy. looks just like today but without the social media and all the wogs
They play The Strokes on classic rock stations now
Yes. And calling someone a retard is not being respectful.
What kind of Asian did you shag?
And the rule is about respecting other cultures, retard
you are saying sex is legal unless someone is underage or retarded, what?
That + all the "meaningful quotes" littered across the film. It really is.

Its funny because i literally watched both films for the first time within a month of eachother.

Actually hated both films but tolerated certain themes and moments.
Might start crying if those two lads keep on arguing
There were some browns, but it was okay to mock and bully them back then. We had one paki kid in our school and a running joke was that he was so poor he got a cup for his birthday
back of the sofa
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honestly his freedom feels like it was memoryholed and it happened this week
90s was insanely comfy, feel bad for lads who didn't get to experience it
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Most autisitc thing about me?

Been calling dadberg by his first name since I was 3 because I saw Bart doing it to Homer in the Simpsons and thought it was the funniest thing I had ever seen and just never stopped.
People at school thought I came from a broken home.
gooning as we speak
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Not very respectful is it? I take it you're not too bothered about the rules. Me neither.
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Lads, this sims game is fucking great
I got mods to give my sim the dole
And he's on the cans
This is the greatest thing ever
anyone watching are dua?
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no need to cry, they made up
Not very respectful is it? I take it you're not too bothered about the rules. Me neither.
Siobhan back in the Sugababes, serious reunion
Very weird how low key it was, some people have said all those Democrat emails got deleted as well, no idea how to check that though
>90s was insanely comfy
>t. Nostalgiamong
mate you've had your arse handed to you, give it a rest now
Nice boobs
That's quite funny. I've got a YouTube playlist of about 3000 webcams and I only ever look at anything in the first 200 or so
No but to get back on track, it's not illegal. You know. There are lines. But erm, eating their poo is not illegal.
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just like the time don invited joe over to the whitehouse for a home made octopus dinner
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>Not very respectful is it? I take it you're not too bothered about the rules. Me neither.
Where does it say that? It doesn't. It says please be respectful. And do you see people observing this rule anywhere on here? Do people complain that this rule is being broken? Nope. So windy your neck in you sad sack of shit. Whining about the rules. Get a grip. Report me if you're so offended by politics in your precious /brit/, to which you contribute fuck all except pathetic whining.
Is it weird as a zoomer born in 2002 to have experienced the 00s and early 10s as a discount 90s?

I just remember everything being shit from the 90s, movies, video games, texhnology, music, etc.
I didnt even come from a poor family we just didnt bother
wondering why i ever stopped drinking lads. will probably remember tomorrow
Consider myself a rather chill person but I genuinely legitimately strongly believe that dropshippers should be strung up and hung to death
Funny. My cousin hates Saving Private Ryan as well but I think it's alright.
Wonder if Carol Vorderman will continue her fight for government transparency and against corruption when the Labour Party are in power
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>Female prison officer who was 'love bombed' by convicted rapist into sham romance and smuggled drugs into jail breaks down in tears as she is put behind bars for four years

not being a sexist but why are all women retarded?
Should be practicing the art of hanging yourself pal
Pretending you won the argument doesn't make you right, it makes you look like an underage twat. Learn to read.
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Rorkey's Special Sunday Menu (£11.99)
Here I was thinking the SDP was becoming a serious party.
Imagine his head being crushed by a hydraulic press. Slowly. You can hear the skull giving way for a good ten minutes before is caves in, and even then it is slowly pressed in like a sponge while the lad spazzes out and screams and pisses and shits everywhere.
Can’t be doing with reform after the Putin love and the racism
I’m either voting labour or I’m not voting at all
>Where does it say that?
Right here
>This board is for the discussion of foreign culture and language. Please be respectful.
See >>199123757 for the applicable logic
Biden shoulda brought out his weed nigga side last night

>I've got a YouTube playlist of about 3000 webcams and I only ever look at anything in the first 200 or so
genuinely no idea what this sentence means
what do you mean 3000 webcams?
and people say reddit isn't funny cmon man
driven purely by emotions
got the Our Lady Peace on
can't remember the 80s but the 90s yes
He looks exactly like the kind of person who would cry that the rules are being broken.
Going to put her on now Dadberg's asleep
nah they're just beautiful and need to be protected basically
We never progressed past mummy/daddy in our house. Now that I'm an adult, I basically never address my parents because I feels awkward to say mummy/daddy, mum/dad (feels so weird saying it), or their first names. I just always have to make eye contact with them, never call for them.
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If you were born after 9/11 you never experienced the good times
>Canslad what did you do on the weekend
I played a game for girls and made myself and was an alcoholic on the dole for a while

Not looking forward to telling the toil-fu that one
funny guy
>>Female prison officer
this phrase is becoming almost as much trouble as "female teacher, insert_age_here"
women act based on their emotion in that moment. it's why they should never be in decision-making roles
Alri Chris Benoit
You didn't experience the early 00s either you fucking fetus. You barely experienced the latter 00s. Just accept that you are a 2010s childhood mong.
Good man
>after 9/11
What if you get sexual benefit from eating their poo, seems like sexual.contact with a minor, especially if you ate it from their bum.
Still voting Reform.
why arent there more films about the Falklands?
Not woke enough
ya ragin lmao
this is true but it also includes protecting them from themselves sometimes
That's fucking rancid. Anyone over the age of ten calling their parents "mummy" and "daddy" needs to be shot. Fucking weird incestuous cunt.
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Labour are a racist party pass it on
the gay porn demons keep dragging me down
Alri millenial tranny
Literally just watched a video where are Nige said that he doesn't like Putin and that Putin is a bad man
Will vote for whatever party puts Gazprom back on the London stock exchange so I can finish my trade from 2022
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It is what it is, the world changed forever after America got arsefucked by Bin Laden
after 11/9
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>t. wasn't there
sounds like one of them deep fakes
think he stated he no longer says that x
Got 8 ciders 3 beers and 3 bags in

All will be gone by 6-8am
I call my parents mummy and daddy when speaking to them but I refer to them as mum and dad to others
I would play wow if it didnt have a subscription
Never said anything about a minor. "Sexual benefit" is not a real term. But urrr, yeah I don't know if eating it straight from the bum makes an errr, difference.

Based Nigel. Shall be voting Reform on the 4th.
Hamilton comes from old english Hamela and tun
alri baa baa
I just can't bring myself to vote for them because their candidates seem like nonces
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Shall be voting labour to cancel out your vote
Nah that's exactly what it was
hello 2016mong, back from the dead are we
After I stopped calling my parents mummy and daddy, I call them my mum and my dad, never just mum and dad, even when talking to siblings
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Voting Corbyn
Born late '98, cunt. I don't even know if I'm a zoomer or a millenial. But I know that even I barely experienced the early 2000s. Late 00s? Yes. But lets not pretend that any of us were really taking note of much before our sixth birthday at the earliest.
not much going on over there
Not really much to tell. Galtieri chanced his arm and got blown the fuck out. Reckon the lads who took part in the actual fighting would rather just forget about it and not have it glamourised.
Does the Falklands War have enough content to justify a film?
Like loads of different webcams from around the world, don't know how else to explain it
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It doesn't say be respectful of foreign culture. You're adding that bit because you want to pretend you care about the rules. Which would be sad enough. But doing it because you saw a conversation two people having about politics and it upset you is monumentally sad. Just admit you didn't like the political views being expressed, cried about it, and then shut the fuck up. The rules. Report it then. Baby.
there are terms you can search on youtube that give you live feeds of random webcams that were set up with their default setting and are unencrypted, or however that works
I'm not the one crying that the rules were broken.
about to cum
how longs it take to validate your wages

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