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real thread
hate it when you eat so much its a struggle to get the cans in as well
hot and sweaty sex with kemi badenoch
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are Toyah
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ugly woman
What's this about
Regard the society of women as a necessary unpleasantness of social life, and avoid it as much as possible
reaI noo
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bit extreme
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>born 1980
shit I forgot Coronation Street has been running for like 90 years
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buccal fat
Finally a attractive girl is posted
it's like they've made a entire whole genre just for me
i bet some of yous are autistic enough to enjoy this stuff but haven't discovered it yet
love casting spells. simple as.
Clapton local
wahey the one from my schools on there
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Why must time steal so much from them? It's not fair
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avin a bab sandwich
Looks like shes ready to settle with timmy
luckily for me i love older women
mummy milkies please
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>British cabinet ministers are privately urging the Democrats to ditch Joe Biden as their candidate after his stilted debate.

>Below are comments to me today from 3 people round Rishi Sunak’s top table. It’s very rare to get this fierce criticism of a US president.
What sauce is that? I had doner meat dipped in garlic butter yesterday. Lovely it was.
looks like big mac sauce
Quite like it
Wouldn't mind becoming schizophrenic yano
remember when she used to tweet about her addiction to bbc porn
Burger sauce or "sos" as they spelled it on uber eats
It's hands down the best sauce for a ban and I shan't be swayed
bidens camp already said he's not dropping out. He did a rally today and looked really fresh, alive, and spirited.
Yeah, she a veteran
If Americans vote in the Democrats after they stuck Biden in the Oval Office for four years I'll be disappointed.
fat cunt loves his burger sos
twpberg leakingstein again
Nice to know cabinet members are as fucking clueless as anyone who posts on /brit/
they sound just like us scary
>cabinet ministers
We don't have any cabinet ministers.
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chili sos boss?
Yes, I love that sauce. You can make a similar one for cheap by mixing ketchup and mayo. I forget the proportions, but obviously gherkin would improve it as well if you can chop it finely enough or blend it.
For me it's mayo sos
>He did a rally today and looked really fresh, alive, and spirited.
New batch of meth
thats $60 spent on this weekends 1 man incelparty
Can only imagination wank these days, porn isn't enough to block out the thoughts
That's what 8 fresh pints of children's blood does for you.
vegan cat
they 100% should have given him a line of coke or at least an adderall before he went on, would've been a completely justifiable action by any ethical standard
Haven't done anything explicitely gay but I do have this mate who's very slight of frame, long hair, very young looking and quite pretty for a man. I do tease him by getting him in a headlock or patting him on the bum every now and then. Christ, he even giggles like a schoolgirl. Feel quite protective of him mostly, know he could get done in as easily as a child and I know he gets stares from men sometimes. Must be weird.
posh twat
What do you call it?
Yeah it needs either pickle or pickle juice + a teeny bit of mustard to be proper burger sos and even then it's a bit different to crucials (best brand)
Easier to just buy a bottle of crucials for a pound from Morrisons for when I've got me bab lefties
and then there's Mexicans which have the worst traits of both lol ya fat lil wrinkly midget
you can literally force yourself to believe ANYTHING. drugs do help though.
one of the principles in occult/esoteric stuff is that the mind and the universe are one in the same.
im guessing you got an eighth of weed, three packs of cigarettes, and a 24 pack of beer
I spent a similar amount on my last drinking binge. Maybe £70+. Utterly fucking stupid. Grim hangover afterward to top it off. Got to stop the nonsense.
pickly green
green thing
the white man's cucumber
do i or dont i go on a date with an arab woman tomorrow?
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>1 man incelparty
let's see a pic then and decide
only tarqs and slavs keep gherkins in their house
big bottle of rum, 5 pack prerolls and 2 packs of fags
arab no upgrade to persian
Don't have to be a tarq to make a quality cheeseburger.
haha i was close, you're a man after my own heart
How did you come to this bizarre incel-conclusion?
might try kratom
making your own cheeseburgers is well tarqish
just get maccy ds innit
Has your therapist ever cried along with you during one of your sessions?
Don't go to therapy but dadberg is going to force me to go soon
I had a 35cl bottle of rum. What do Americans call that? An eighth or something? I think they call 70cl a quart don't they? Dunno what it's a quarter of. A gallon?
can confirm i have four jars in my fridge
cope harder i'm a top shagger because i don't stink of weird green vinegar so women aren't repulsed by me
no but i did come dangerously close to exposing my chuddy online habits before my therapist revealed she was jewish
never booked another appointment after that
God are Dua is pure sexo
I have been to the zoo before
if that happens demand he comes with you so you can work out your frayed relationship together. insist that its the root of all your inceldom and troubles
Houdini seems a strange choice for the closer
Lads can women really smell that I eat a lot of pickles?
no but i said something once and her eyes widened in what seemed like excitement
stopped going after that
we call 750ml of alcohol a fifth, because it's roughly equal to a fifth of a gallon. but all alcohol is sold in ml in the us, it's a holdover from when they tried to get us to switch to metric in the 70s
russell brand shagged her in her prime
common rorke w
It's cheaper, healthier, tastier than a takeaway. It is more work but I'm far from a tarq and I regularly make my own cheeseburgers. You can put all sorts in the burger meat. I use Kashmiri chilli powder. Okay that does sound a bit poncey.
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Buggy and a few other bits for the future
is she lebanese? they're well fit
Russell isnt a rorke
yea and they can taste it in ur jizz
>I use Kashmiri chilli powder.
you dirty fucking paki
Lads, you've all given me an idea with the talk about therapy
Business idea: therapy for people who are alcoholics but we keep them addicted and get them to keep attending sessions
Oh right, thanks. I wasn't far off.
hey wise guy what's the big idea? where's the ice cream in this joint?
Cor now there's an idea
donner kebab and chips down the fucking gullet

time to wash that down with a carton of chocomel
I want to go to Staten Island and get a cannoli
Hate people who say this. He's right lad you are a tarq
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rate the dinner order
>Pseudoscience flourishes under capitalism
Psychiatry comes to mind
that's basically what addiction counseling is. I'm in it for opiate addiction and they got me to swap my addiction to heroin for an addiction to subutex. if I don't attend my weekly session, i don't get my prescription. And I'm fucked without my script.
McDonalds tastes like cardboard
Neighbours proper screaming at each other haha. Lads calmed right down now but that was a bit exciting for a second. Right outside my window as well.
You are the least funny person ever
Need to see a pic of your bog after :)
Well done
had this proper butch lesbian at work, she was like second to the main boss
used to call her alison moyet lol
and we charge them money. LOTS of money
Disintegration is the best album ever
been going gym for 3 weeks and my T levels already feel way higher
watching Megyn Kelly talk about that yank debate and all I can think about is her giving me a sloppy blowie corrr corr CORRRRRR YEAH
Got any spare rizzlas?
>best album cover ever
Why cant you just quit cold turkey mate.
If your homemade burgers aren't nicer than MacDonald's then that's on you mate.
megyn kelly wouldn't touch a twp tho
not even the best cure album
You just atink of maccies, nature's own aphrodisiac
you will never get off drugs unless you go cold turkey. stop being a wimp. and don't believe that "you're an addict forever" rhetoric, it's just nonsense. You stop being an addict when you kick the drugs and it's that simple
I was talking more like binge drinkers who are effectively just there because they're retards
Not actual addicts
Hope you're doing well, lad

Problem is Ireland is going through a weird period with legallity and registry for all this shite. There's no proper government accepted status for what is a therapist/psychologist (psychiatrist is a medical doctor so is regulated) so I can't switch into being a cowboy yet
no person who's ever actually been an addict has ever gone cold turkey successfully ever
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>homemade burgers
I have quit cold turkey at least 10 times and therein lies the problem. I always end up going back to it. that's what the counseling is for, trying to help me undo my addiction all together. going cold turkey doesn't really address the core problem.
correct, that's wish if you include the b-sides
Obscene prices. Mate gets a 50g pouch for a tenner under the counter.
Multilayered and fascinating portrait of grimness.
is this teeth common in UK?
deluded yank retard, the rehab lobby has you in its cold, cold clutches
I have. Off benzos and alcohol
alright demetrius
Too bad pale blondes can’t stop their addiction to melanated yutes
just finished watching raging bull
burgers you make from mince are always much better than mcdonalds slop
miss my local paki shop
sold marlboro reds, lucky strikes and every colour of american spirits
got raided because they also sold weed in haribo packets lol
i like the head on the door
I just criticised the word tastier why are you yammering on about maccas
And? Did you like it?
you'd know all about mincing wouldn't you
*smacks you in the bollocks*
gay bastard
Lucky strike, malboro reds or Camels? Decisions.. decisions..
now watch after hours. scorcesses only good movie,
imagine getting nicked mid wank
My viking ancestors came to England a thousand years ago mate. Just because I like exotic foods doesn't make me less English.
fat people with high pitched voices
not an ounce of testosterone in their bodies
I didn't know it was the word tastier you were bothered by.
Yes. The scene where he's in solitary confinement was very sad
Might do.
thanks lad
I actually am doing better. I've been on subutex for 2 years now which means I've been clean-ish for 2 years. My counselor thinks i'm ready to reduce my dose and start to come off it, which is what I'm doing right now.
i definitley won't go back to heroin but codeine will probably be very hard to resist, but we'll see. got to get a job and be a normie, i reckon that'll help distract me.
my ancestors came to England 20 years ago lol
always thought Mean Streets was his best, haven't seen it in a long time though.
knew a bloke at a previous job who was very fat and very very low T. If you heard his voice you'd think it was an old woman and the only way I could tell he was a bloke was from his beard and short hair. very unconfident bloke that constantly self-deprecated and asked for reassurances all the time.

I'm a pretty low T pathetic wastrel but he was something else.
What's funny about that? Are you on drugs?
a thousand years of staying in the same spot and being peasants
imagine the lack of faustian spirit in you
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now THIS is what a real priest looks like
protestant and catholic priests fear the might of the Orthodox monk
im gay and i have autism
where are you now?
shit movie. Casino is his best by far
BEst of luck I suppose.
You mean you did? You're not under 20 years old are you?
Lil timmy be like checking out that new burger restaurant? No emma i have burgers at home
under the sea
nothing more cringe than christcuck trad larpers
Stand if you want to
Stare if you want to
But I got to party
I need me a party
I came here to get ya
But I can't wait
To grab me a partner
And cut a rug up tonight yeah
I found a place (yeah) where we could boogie (ooo)
Boogie tonight (oh)
I found a place (yeah) where we could boogie (ooo)
Boogie (oh oh)
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Love my job

Hate my coworkers
if he doesn't live up on a pillar for no reason he's not a real priest
used to do a funny sort of dancey acting thing to this song
*sends a Cheka squad to eliminate them*
christcucks think i'm a heretic, just because i like divination and don't think all demons are necessarily evil
I don't like christcucks. They've stifled Europe's spirituality far too much, that's why India and the Orient are far more spiritually advanced than we are.
prefer not to say
Nope. Mean Streets far better. Casino very very meh.
killed the thread with this abysmal take
The Malis active it's likely them no we tryna do Muktar and Abdullah
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mental how good this is
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the 1 year anniversary of klarc was 3 days ago
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>christcucks think i'm a heretic, just because i like divination and don't think all demons are necessarily evil
>I don't like christcucks. They've stifled Europe's spirituality far too much, that's why India and the Orient are far more spiritually advanced than we are.
wrong again stick to your mid tier takes boy
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I liked Casino a lot but this bit in the very first scene is laughably shit. Didn't care for the romance subplot either.
fucks sake, 4 days ago now
absolutely typical
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practicing bibliomancy with manga and speaking to God via random numbers (Terry really had a major breakthrough with that theory, but christcucks will reject it).
nicolas cage as amber lamps worker now that's a classic scorecebebize cinema
No need to leave Yorkshire when it's as good as anywhere else. Used to be, anyway.
Think they edited this eventually because it looked so fucking terrible.
Yeah it has to be one of the other doesn't it? Dumbass
>My Viking ancestors
don't understand this post at all
Starmer's Wokenomics will DESTORY the UK
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ublock -> options
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>my viking ancestors
larping cunt
opinions on National Ziggerism?
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The Woke Mod
>Casino very very meh
i think i agree with this but i was knackered when i watched it
do you believe in demonic possession?
if so, what form(s) do you think it takes?
do you think you have ever been possessed by a demon?
have you ever seen a demon(s)?
do you think all demons are inherently evil?
0.65 pence for this post
Yes, 1000 years ago there were a lot of Vikings coming to this region from Denmark. Extorted the Danegeld from the natives and basically did whatever they found ck they liked. My father's name and mum's maiden name are both from those invaders. I'm sorry you don't know your heritage, but I'm sure it's just as interesting.
you can practice bibliomancy with /brit/
there is truth here, even if yous like to take the piss.
>do you believe in demonic possession?
>if so, what form(s) do you think it takes?
little scouse fella
>do you think you have ever been possessed by a demon?
>have you ever seen a demon(s)?
>do you think all demons are inherently evil?
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love reading though memories of x city facey b groups
apparently every old cunt was a teddy boy ladies man who went to bed in a suit and tie
>larping cunt
I don't have any fetishes really. I'd like a lass' feet in my face, that's about it. Pretty boring.
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all i know is that nell tiger free believes in that stuff

so it all gucci to me
cringe larper. there's only one place in britain that has a sizeable viking dna and it's orkney
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Anyone remember the Bart Simpsons guide to life book?

Is funny how on their monsters page, they classify the Jewish golem as a threat to humanity isnt it?

I remember thinking back then how can a clay monster that does a jewish person's bidding be a threat to humanity. Now I know lol
That's literally the name for the Danish invaders that came here and eventually spawned me. What should I call them? My Danish immigrant forebears?
>went to bed in a suit and tie
ktim in secondary school cos i couldnt be arsed to get changed in the mornings
what color braces should i get?
I'll tell you what the Conservative party should do in the next election.
I'll tell you what would really get the electorate going.
If..is that er.. that Maggie Thatcher...
Just flashed her tits about
I'm from North West England and I've always identified more with Celtic lads desu
we have high amounts of Celtic DNA here, lots of Celtic phenotypes. That dark-skinned, dark-haired ancient Brythonic Celt phenotype is common here.
>That dark-skinned, dark-haired ancient Brythonic Celt phenotype is common here.
those are just turkish barbers mate
So why do my parents both have the names of that people? How come my family are all tall and strong and good-looking? Coincidence?
about to cum

what should I scream out?
>My father's name and mum's maiden name are both from those invaders
Fake and gay
she sounds like a good girl. she's probably seen a demon. you never forget that shit.
got any videos of her talking about it? I like people's personal accounts of demons. they are 100% real btw, the only real question is what the fuck are they and what do they want.
>dark-skinned, dark-haired ancient Brythonic Celt phenotype
Literally descended from Phoenicians out of Troy
Yowzer! That's wun heck of a load dagnabbit!
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Ya da sells avon
get a grip you utter spergs. you're no better than witches fighting the patriarchy with your schizo babble
half of European DNA comes from Iranian nomads so no point getting all autistic about ancestry tbqh
sounds cool
Glasto must be one of the whitest crowds left
he's probably referring to King Brutus - the first King of Britain. It's our founding myth.
What do we think about the latest John Oliver banger
>for /brit/!
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she talks about it here
you wasted more time writing the post than i did realising it's not really there
Have the type of autism that makes you brainy but socially retarded, not worth it imo
It's part of a slightly esoteric/pol/ meme, in which black people who claim they're descendants of Egyptian pharoahs say "we wuz kangs." Obviously the full meme isn't autistic enough so they just posted the first word. Still idiotic as well, since I am actually a descendant of the viking invaders, and they weren't kings, they were warriors.
In my country nobody knows who this is
Saw the blue "you" of youtube and got a bit excited thinking it was a (You) for a split second there.
Alright guys. Drinking pepsi max mango.
I dont believe you
pretty much every European founding myth is of originating from Middle Easterners
even the name Europe comes from a Phoenician Goddess
mad that
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what phenotype is this? he looks like he's been transported through time
King Brutus (form where Britain gets its's name) was a Trojan general who fled the sack of that fabled city and founded a kingdom on this island, mixing with the native Celts.
Read Bede, know the history of our island.
It's true. He's not famous over here at all.
Looks Slavic
Technology is scary
some spellbinding australian news today. i feel extremely informed about my country after reading the news
Oliver is a weak name for weak men
Just look at Tom Jones. He is the spitting image of Hannibal of Carthage, a Phoenician city.
what's the source on him being Phoenician though
Looks a bit slavic.
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got a specific time stamp?
she's PENG btw
Troy was a Phoenician city.
I quite like the name Oliver desu
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Shocked. Shocked I tell you.
Trump had better start blaming the Democrat party instead of Biden himself, because they'll obviously replace sleepy joe for the election.
Aethelred, Aedric, Aesthelstan, Arthur - these are strong names for strong men
Video is in Sunderland, fuck knows what kind of ghouls they have there
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Would you drive lorry for 20 an hour?
When the siege and the assault had ceased at Troy,
and the fortress fell in flame to firebrands and ashes,
the traitor who the contrivance of treason there fashioned
was tried for his treachery, the most true upon earth,
it was Æneas the noble and his renowned kindred
who then laid under them lands, and lords became
of well-nigh all the wealth in the Western Isles.
When royal Romulus to Rome his road had taken,
in great pomp and pride he peopled it first,
and named it with his own name that yet now it bears;
Tirius went to Tuscany and towns founded,
Langaberde in Lombardy uplifted halls,
and far over the French flood Felix Brutus
on many a broad bank and brae Britain established
full fair,
where strange things, strife and sadness,
at whiles in the land did fare,
and each other grief and gladness
oft fast have followed there.
Really? I always thought they were Greeks.
The delivery drivers at ALDI (who bring the new stock in) are often very cranky and aggressive.

They don't seem like happy people.
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lads what the fuck is this?
can your pigs really just break and enter into your house and take your shit? why hasnt anyone killed fuckers like this yet? dude this pig deserves to die so slowly.
It's because they're based and you are a tranny
God is PISSED OFF for spreading this heresey, he already hated me enough.
Or maybe he loves me I don't know, he has given me warning of bad things. Maybe I should stop being so afraid of God. I just hate the way he reads my mind.
Yeah pseudoscience has never been the domain of leftism who accused science as being an oppressive tool to control the masses and that Indian gurus knew how the world really worked.
People don't seem to found towns as much any more. Reckon a brand new town, built today with all our technology and know-how would be great.
Well, that decision is largely up to Joe Biden, who's been seeking office for about 40 years now. I don't see him giving up the throne that easily. Maybe if they entice him with teenage girls, but even that's a big maybe
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>British woman, 32, dies after being swept into the water by a wave at famous sea caves in the Canary islands
>King Brutus (form where Britain gets its's name)

In 325 BCE, Pytheas explored the coastline of Britain and was the first to name the island 'Britain' (Bretannike) meaning 'painted' and referring to the people's custom of painting (or tattooing) themselves. His name for the people collectively (Pritani, which became Britanni) gave them the name Britons.
might move there
China does it all the time
Shezhen used to be a tiny fishing village like 30 years ago, now look at it
fat ginger gf's went to bed without unlocking me cock cage ffs
corrrrrrr imagine getting everyone here addicted to opium
china is unreal. such an amazing landform
No that's a load of bollocks.
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I don't think they'd have to fight very hard to show he's unfit for the job.
the anglo strikes
its over
They can't force him to step down
Unironically it's the left who stifle religion and make everything physicalistic, nihilistic and materialistic.
Leftists will dent the existence of male and female souls as well as racial soul.
That guy is wrong about them being Phoenicians.

We don't really know what ethnic or cultural group the Trojans belonged to. Some evidence indicates they may have been related to the Hittite people (Indo-European group in Anatolia) and some evidence suggests they splintered off from the Greeks at an earlier date.

We can't say for sure what they were, but we can discount the theories that they are Phoenicians.
I hate Dutch sport fans

I prefer Dutch weed fans
>Indian gurus
But they're religious cretins
Yeah like I'm going to listen to the bloke from ALDI who thinks he's magically transformed into a woman LMFAO
25th amendment innit. They wanted to get Trump with it at one point, which is a fucking joke if they're not using it to shift Biden.
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dog-sitting for my mum for the next 7 days. going to play the new elden ring dlc.
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Heard London is 30% white but on street view it looks more white than most US cities
I swear they're replacing celebrities with fake lookalikes that have had surgery to resemble the original. There's a few I could believe have been done. Biden and Trump included.

Funny thing is they say fuck off we're full, when they're only living in 30 of the country
Her kids are white ?
Me and Dadberg having a right good drink and talking shite
any "celt" is northwest britain was brought as a slave from ireland by a viking.
doesn't take that much to believe. public figures are basically characters, who says they can't have multiple actors? like some pop star accidentally ODs. you think the people that invested millions in making them famous are going to let that go to waste?
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>redhead irish cuties <3

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