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Songs From The Big Chair edition
eating an entire bag of chips. wondering if there's any end in sight or if I'm just gonna eat the whole thing
what flavour
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There are two distinct types of southern whites.
>the hillbilly/redneck type
They're cool
>the other type
effeminate pussies with gay accents who hate racism and sexism and only vote Republican because they are slavish golems of Israel, basically they're just a different flavor of shitlib retards and they're fat cucks with no soul or personality, they probably have approximately the same testosterone level as some limp wristed commie retard from Seattle, and the same mediocre IQ too
And I mean it when I say they have no soul or personality. These people have never had an independent thought in their life.
Oh and they're manlets too by the way
sour cream and onion
dogstein is loving life
cool ranch doritos still do it for me after all these years
fuck off nobody cares
Fuck off. Someone make a proper new that isnt this.
aussies be like "aw nawr!"
Yeh i facking HATE them i do
there's an aussie word for when you're mad with someone and I can't remember what it was
don't have a drop of irish blood in my body
i'm german diaspora
americans be like "the boobonic plegg"
im irish diaspora
Come on now CHAMP
italians be like "ciao"
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based me too
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>Fuck off. Someone make a proper new that isnt this.
it was ropeable (chatgpt told me)
Played diablo 4 for like 12 hours straight today then just uninstalled
Not fun
Gonna play shogun total war 2 tomorrow (today) having some choccy biscuits and dip them into some milky tea
Max comfy
How was your day \brit\ ?
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Someone once said aussies call their mates cunt and their cunts mate
the concentration and discipline of a monk
I'm American.
woke up
two iced coffees
breakfast of fresh tomato bruschetta
toil for 9 hours
came home
8 cans of lager
elden ring
marco pierre white youtube videos
brit shitposting
fishfingers and chips currently in the oven
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smoking rn
watching paul mescal on chicken shop date and blushing a bit when he smiles
I get iced coffees from McDonalds sometimes but they're absolutely loaded with disgusting sugar
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oh my days
Why do people think he’s so good looking. Just looks like a normal bloke
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Even worse
It's a fantastic, timeless record, last track on it really doesn't get enough attention. The A E S T H E T I C is overwhelming
I think their followup is extremely underrated and might be better though. Seeds Of Love is such a cool record.
No ketchup?
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He was in Normal People as the sexy lad. It's mental how succeptible people are to stuff like that, if someone is in a film where all the other characters act like they're incredibly sexy, the general public will come to believe that they're incredibly sexy. It's the basis of Margot Robbie's entire career.
i just make the coffee in my moka pot, then put it into a glass with ice and water, roughly 1:1 ratio coffee to water
no sugar
it's such a refreshing morning drink
Keke they do be like this
anyone here get nonced as a kid

how hs it affected you
>It's the basis of Margot Robbie's entire career.
You had a good point until this sentence. Now you just sound bent.
Yeah prefer not to say
i wish
oh my days they really do
Australians be like "you're a poofta"
Bruh I'm so tired of eldenroll
In just fed up of the entire genre
Used to love them, just cba now I want something different
Been looking at this game called manorlords, looks super chill anno 1404 kind of feels
Also for some reason just had the urge for pancakes... saw some nice mango passion fruit pancakes in tesco, might have to grab some on the morrow (in like 12 hours for lunch)
Jennifer Lawrence is ugly as dogshit and she's a woke feminist bitch who hates white men.
Dogstein barking at the normgroids. I don't mind.
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need German gf
I stand by it! She's a good looking woman and a good actress but by no means hotter than any other mainstream actress going. But Wolf of Wall Street and Suicide Squad both, in quick succession, depicted her as the hottest woman on earth with the main characters lusting over her and she suddenly became a sex symbol. It's more about messaging than her actual looks, can add Once Upon a Time in Hollywood to the books too.
>Infant dies, Stockton police arrest parents for suspected child abuse
I saw her butthole. I liked it.
Would you fuck her?
>woke feminist bitch who hates white men.
It's k, just identify as a black female lesbian and gaslight the shit out of her till she breaks and then take advantage of her vulnerable state of mind, physically and mentally )in a video game, on a private server, hypothetically... of course.
I mean, if she were offering... sure?
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Post-2010 actresses all look look ugly or at least kind of weird looking if not completely ugly.
They don't really cast 10/10 beautiful ladies anymore. Probably a woke thing I expect.
Last 5 posts were all me... dead thread
17 proxies ofc
alri spaino
>I thtand by it! Thye'th a good looking woman and a good actreth but by no meanth hotter than any other mainthtream actreth going. But Wolf of Wall Thtreet and Thuithide Thquad both, in quick thukthethion, depicted her ath the hottetht woman on earth with the main characterth luthting over her and thye thuddenly became a thex thymbol. It'th more about methaging than her acthual lookth, can add Onthe Upon a Time in Hollywood to the bookth too.
i don't play a lot of games really
besides fromsoft, i love the yakuza games, and the legend of heroes series
don't play much else
maybe some blood bowl from time to time
apprethiate you taking 5 minutes to type thith out
desu i havent seen much weird or outrageous "adult" pepe and wojack stuff. maybe im just not looking, or maybe they dont get posted, but remember how dark dolan memes got with the nephews etc
Good for YOU
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Do you love foxxy foxx??? :3c
the boys
dolan think of the children
sounds like you're sort of soliciting pepe porn here
yeah i love my life
cute friend
Favourite gay song? Mine is Relax
Come one, you've got one, don't pretend.
So we looked at the data
why does 2016mong love the abused cat video so much
Paul Rutherford looks EXACTLY like my Dad and I don't know how to feel about that.
and it shows that it's definitely over
But what if she was waiting quietly at the bus stop and smiled at you? Would you talk to her (fuck her)?
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the they/them missus
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Im a what? a 2016 mong? What?
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Horror movies used to be just entertainment. It's fun to watch something spooky.
But lots of horror movies post-2012 no longer feel like entertainment. It feels like the director revelling in pure evil and gloating about it. It's sick.
Hereditary is an example of this. That's not a fun spooky horror movie. That's pure evil and the director is telling you "I love this shit."
get him shagged
Jewish director hmm
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Why does the cat look like that?
That's a great flick and you're just a pleb. I can only guess that your cutoff date of 2012 is when you started puberty or something
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horror movies are an extension of the old wives tales women used to tell children pre technology to scare them from going into the forest. horror movies are inherently for children
There have been movies like that for decades but yeah it does feel like that sort of thing is becoming far more mainstream now, and not just a weird fringe thing anymore.
mk ultra conditioning
>>199131398 me
I have this autistic obsession of pausing right as she notices
I replay this video over and over doing this
When I used to NEET I loved stuffing myself first thing in the morning and then fasting for the rest of the day. Ate fast food like burgers and pizzas and curries and stayed slim enough to have visible abs.
big tits
Forbidden Colours, Ryuichi Sakamoto. Or Sister I'm A Poet
Lunar Home Teleport provides players with a free teleport every half an hour to Lunar Isle. It takes around 10 seconds to cast the spell, and importantly, this can be interrupted at any time by combat, and only can be cast 10 seconds or more after combat has ended (similar to logging out). The spell may also only be used every 30 minutes: if a player tries to cast it before 30 minutes have elapsed, they are notified with the remaining time in minutes.

This cooldown is shared with that of other home teleports. Switching spell book will not allow you to use a different home teleport spell until 30 minutes has elapsed.

As with all home teleports, the Lunar Home Teleport default animation can be overridden with an alternative animation, if unlocked.
I don't even think she's that good looking, too angular and uninviting.
Some spooky bits in Hereditary, but I genuinely laughed aloud in the theatre at the ending where it basically read a wiki article at you. Pure cringe.
forbidden colours is a gay song? wtf? ive blasted this a few times. hope my neighbours dont know the song
fasting less than 24h doesn't do shit multiple studies have proven
calories in calories out
but eating one meal a day is a pretty good way to stay slim
even a large pizza is 2000 calories at most
head is hollow no brainberg me
>They don't really cast 10/10 beautiful ladies anymore.
Plenty of rancid hags from the 90s
I feel like I'm spiritually gay, but I'm heterosexual. I like dressing camp, dancing to the gayest music and I have a moustache and am obsessed with staying slim.
Loads of people think I'm gay, but I'm just not, women give me erections and that is just the truth.
Youre a metrosexual or whatever its called.
very complex and multifaceted character
I suppose my 'fasting' was simply a matter of reducing the window for potential calories that could go in, rather than any inducing any physiological process.
you know what movie it's from right? it's about david bowie wanting to fuck a jap
Yeah, 2000s thing wasn't it that?
Thanks :)
Do NOT gaslight me.
I'm not gaslighting you, you're just mental
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I’m a NEET. A dosser. A waster. A bum. A loser. A layabout. And I love every single minute of it.
Umm, no one is gaslighting you. Go and have a lie down and relax.
Wish i was from a foreign shithole nobody cared about so i could post my face here freely without getting instantly doxxed
might move to Pennsylvania
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I posted my face in 2019 and the thread made fun of my pube beard but grudgingly admitted I was handsome. Nothing came of it.
Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar. Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you. Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster. Have a Negroni. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways. Eat slowly. Tip your server. Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Enjoy the ride.
>you know what movie it's from right?
im 19, am i supposed to? damn, what can i blast out of my speakers for the weekend to let my neighbours know that i dont want to fuck jap boys
Because of the way that my dumb brain works, I always imagine someone putting cream sauce in a cold pint when I start reading this.
Enjoy the ride (but also prematurely get off the ride)
>im 19
*runs my fingers through your soft hair*
Are you lost, little lamb?
playing pokemon emerald
mad how the white thing on his head is a hat and not his hair
sounds nice. stay icey
Mental how Pikachu doens't have a black stripe on the end of his tail.
turns out my egf has a willy and bollocks
just monkey dusted myself
just saw a mexican post bart simpson in drag
Where did it all go wrong for Mike Stoklasa?
Only just realised how much Vice City and San Andreas determined my music taste.
were they keeping it from you or did you just forget to ask
Post the last YouTube video you 'liked'.

They started toning down their comedy a few years ago. They're afraid to say anything slightly edgy now. They would never make the Plinkett reviews today.
gone woke
Mike even made fun of Obama back in 2008. He would never do that now.
how do they even exist when no good movies exist
They're drunk on the 'both sides' shite.
Mr bean. Funny
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need german gf
need the heptarchy to make a return
good post
need to poo
dancing korean girl videos have my cock and balls in a stranglehold currently
this clip of a woman burping after drinking sprite made my willard twitch a bit
I did the same but I was still skinnyfat because I took massive meals. I still do it (with smaller meals) and it makes weight loss easy for the exact reason you mentioned.
just a loose arsehole i think
genuinely mental how people say the most laughable shit on reddit with absolutely no self awareness
Does she have autism?

>Uchino Airi, a candidate in the Tokyo gubernatorial race, stripped during her official public television speech, asking viewers if they thought she was sexy. She asked them to add her as a friend on messaging app LINE and pledged to respond to everyone.
why aren't our politicians like this
genuinely mental how people use reddit
top marks
if a country wanted to change its name is it allowed? do poos really want to be know as bharats?
you want to see angela rayner strip?
Might call my dog Aloysius
mr bean sex arse
well done very nice
lisa nandy personally, bet she has lovely brown nips
I watched The Death of Stalin based on the reccomendations of some anons in /brit/.
Very funny. Quite enjoyable. Thanks for that.
Stalin with a goofy Cockney voice was funny.
need a short and cute but also kinda mid gf
need death
permanent sleep
Never have I ever once thought about violence.
I have a ferret called Aloysius
corr spaff
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Stalin in real life would put a whoopee cushion on someone's chair in government meetings to make people laugh and feel at ease.
He believed that if people laugh and feel more relaxed, they'll let their guard down and let secrets slip out.
Personally think it would feel wrong to loss my virginity to a fat woman.
I would feel disgusting after and probably never get the thought out of my head.
is she doing a "cute anime girl" inflection or is that really how japanese women talk. very grating
lmfao you've never had sex
13 year olds in 2019 can now post on 4chan
any holes a goal de lad
If i want to shag a pig, i'll go to a petting zoo during closed hours
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I have never made love to a woman lads
same but i wouldnt post it anyway cos i'm ugly and insecure aha
shes not even attractive kek

beggared belief diss
genuinely mental
Mental how Scottish and Irish people are closely related to Iranians.
that you, mikey?
Iranians are whiter
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literally me rn (cats not dogs)
Lads starting secondary school this year who were born after Skyrim released
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Neocons and Jews hate Iran because of the Biblical prophecy that Persia will destroy two thirds of Israel in the end times.
getting hard imagining my cock inside this fag's arse
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What's if it's a self-fulfilling prophecy like Macbeth
getting hard imagining my cock inside this fag's arse
Name of girl?
Harry Cox
im staying up late so i can sleep most of tomorrow away
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the king of Europe and the emperor of Asia
glory to UK and Japan
the lads
I suspect there might be a poo up my arse
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Lads born in 2013 starting secondary school this year

They were 4 when Fortnite came out
*sucks it out like a vaccum cleaner*
San andreas is directly responsible for me liking gangsta rap
Life is supposed to be bright and colorful (not in a gay way) and magical, but globohomo wants to desaturate the colors into a dull gray and erase all the soul from reality. And when I say globohomo here, I'm not exclusively talking about the left, mind you. The neocons are just as bad about this.
rap sucks
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Well that's because neocons are left wing. It comes from Trotsky.
Ben Shapiro is a Trotskyite and a closet homo and he supports equal rights for women which is straight out of Trotsky.
rap is bollocks
What's your prerogative
rap is arse
rap is wank
not really a fan of this whole "life" thing
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didn't really appreciate getting 4 unfunny yank (You)s to be perfectly honest
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ahaa great stuff
which is supposed to be better?
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well done
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new release of The Shining
Listened exclusively to Radio X
the top one's too dark
Not commiemong, but the greatest trick that the right has played on the working class has been the lie that our current leftist capitalism is actually le communism.
left looks better to me, richer colors
Looks like a shot from Chernobyl
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The border of the organism does not appear in anything resembling a final position. It is formed elsewhere, and sweeps through the locus like a wave, before stabilizing and deepening, once fitted into place. The final form is reached parabolically, not approached asymptotically.
Was just saying this to my barber
You can't trust old women because they might be a witch.
alri biden
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Terrible night all around
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well howdy
might kms self by doing a 'cide
Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
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It’s pronounced cidre
They’ll never get the curry stink out of 10 Downing Street
Why does Rishi Sunak look so different from Indian Indians
never seen another Indian who looks like him
He was grown in a lab
it may be pronounced that way but how is it written?
Fulfil his legacy.
Genuinely mental how Trump is going to be president again.
Do you have a source for that?
Currently engaged in a peer reviewed study on just that my friend.
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NEED this outfit
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bet the backsplash is stained brown and yellow as well
Ladies and Gentlemen Mr. Burt Bacharach!!!

Remember during the 2000s how the media (even here in Britain) constantly talked about the Westboro Baptist Church, despite them being a tiny group in the middle of nowhere with about 20 members?
forgot what the connection was but I'm pretty sure the "church" was just a front some scammy law firm goading people into lawsuits on top of that
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morning, lads
Yeah, they'd bait people into attacking them and then sue. Weird that they became the big news story for a period though.
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in the new call of duty you have to perform a battlefield mtf surgery and if you refuse or fail they revoke your access to the game
not weird at all, it just so "happened" to coincide with the big atheism movement
I'm being obtuse mate, I'm trying to infer it was a psyop.
farting up a storm
just found out i lack media literacy
my favourite cartoon was mocking....me?
imagine if you spent all the time you've wasted here reading wikipedia articles
not sure if that would’ve been better tbqh
you'd have lots of surface level information about random shit that is probably wrong anyway
not saying wikipedia is perfect but it's surely better than a million trannies images and whatever shenanigans rorke's been up to
What's supposed to be the deterrent of prison now?
You can get on whatever drugs you want, you can have mobile, and if there's a fit lass prison officer you could bang her
>*plap* oh yeah sorry *plap* mate, won't do *plap* it again, don't want *plap* to come back to jail
The social contract is fucked
“I am definitely an ass man. It blows my mind. Talk about simple shapes. Two very simplistic curves. It’s so dumb, but they are fascinating as hell. Its more than that. It’s the way the rest of the anatomy ties into that area — incredible beauty” - Frank Frazetta
i mean in fairness 4chan is mildly entertaining with a built in dopamine reward
you can’t interact with wikipedia in the same way, making it imo vastly inferior as a time sink
anarchotyranny innit
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I'm at the point of the year where my electricity bill is low. It's amazing how much cheaper it is to run an AC than it is to run a heater.
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Mumberg is buying a dog
rorke wants the world
rorke wants the whole world
rorke wants to lock it all up in his pocket
it's his bar of chocolate
give it to him now
scranning une poo
mmm, deliciioso
dining on a black man
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steam summer sales begun lads!!!!!!!!!!!!
shiteing oot a coon coloured poo poo
sucked a whole coffee just then
pondering a debacle
just read an entire book in a nanosecond
unfortunately, i've forgotten it all
used to be aromantic but now i'm afromantic
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epic photo
you enjoy
shite its like that film
mad how gay porn travels in a fraction of a second from anywhere in the world to my smelly bedroom through the magic of science
no, it's epic
enjoy it
Did anyone else hear that?
how long do you spend in bed before getting up usually
good norning
six years so far
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this is insanity
refuse to post in it, someone has to care about the rules!
i'll help u
*does nothin cos i can't help*

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