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gone fishing edish
RIP comedy since the PC brigade ruined everything.
Ugly people should be killed
keith "boringlad" strummer
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all shit posts
Any Cotswolds men in?
I want to move there
your suicide note?
the problem is i like the fully clean-shaven look
the texture of my beard hair is awful, proper coarse and wirey
so even with a trimmer, the stubble looks bad
Why are you being mean to me
Do you think Freud theory of men being attracted to their mothers is right?
you ever think about the fact that our only world cup win was when we hosted it?
i have to wonder if there was any funny business
yeah i've heard of home advantage but still
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Any would cup pre-1980 doesn't count
>boss rejected my request for a day off in lieu for working on the weekend
>but is now bending over backwards to try and convince me to take the day off anyway (I refuse because I am not going to waste a holiday like that)
wtf is wrong with toilbergs
business idea : deliveroo except all the drivers are white and can actually find your house without needed to pajeet speak to you
beshitted dildo
going for a bottom brunch with the gf
For me it's the 5 day stubble
Got the Russell Brand phenotype so I look a bit unsettling if I'm clean shaven but I look like an Afghan deliveroo driver if I grow my beard out lol
did you know sir poo barmer's dad was a tool maker?
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but a lot of men are attracted to women who look similar to their mothers
not all pots are black
Isn't this creepy though
Quite simple, he wants you to use up your annual leave
got up late, the day is practically over
it didn't go over the line
yea I’ve had loads of sex dreams about my deceased mother
i am definitely attracted to women with motherly qualities
I have no feelings about my actual mother whatsoever though
Most of footballs history has involved rampant corruption
UEFA just sent home all spanish onfield and var refs except one
Its happening right now in 2024 if you dont think it was everywhere in 66 you’re mental. It doesnt just apply to England though. Go speak to any south american on /sp/ and theyll tell you how sketchy argentina are with how well refs treat them. Definitely corrupt
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idk maybe
personally i'm not attracted to women who look similar to my mum
they playing glastonbury this year?
is there a viable party that is pro bennies but anti trannies?
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And his son is a tool so it makes sense.
so it turns out the woman prison guard is married to a black man

tyrone getting cucked out here
beer is the wine killer
Everything in this world is bribed and/or fake with propaganda and marketing (but I repeat myself)
not exactly
people will look for traits in people that they are used to seeing in other people
very dangerous man me
Yeah, fuck my mum all the time
No thats what you get if you want to leech off your fellow citizens by getting the government to steal from them
if I had a sister I'd probably be in prison by now
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If it was up to me I'd ban justeat and deliveroo and the like, inexcuasble how people have become so lazy they need an underpaid immigrant to hand deliver their food instead of making any effort at all, not to mention their standards of riding bikes/mopeds/cars are third world levels, navigating cities is like driving through mogadishu with bikes and scooters cutting everywhere
They wish I would go ahead and arse my life up
Can't let them get to me
And even though I always arse my life up
Only I can mention me
If that kind of guy didn't exist you and I would have nowhere to get shit from.
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>very dangerous man me
Dangerously based
It's pure exploitation and should be banned yeah.
'I make love to men daily, but in the imagination'
the thought of grandad driving is absolutely horrifying
last time I was in a car with him was 5 years ago and it terrifying then god only knows what he’s like now
I speak like a fucking mong, used to have a lovely speaking voice but it's just atrophied into lazy horrible mealy mouthed SHITE
a certain level of favouritism is to be expected
but how far would folks go in this country, which i've always considered to be interested in fair play more than most
a bit of refball, yes, but not poisoning the other team or anything like that, surely
Barak Obama, but he's died and Origen was correct about the nature of souls: 'uh, let me be sphere'
Nothing like freshly baked bread in the morning :)
london pride today
look forward to the perfectly normal photos of homosexuals behaving perfectly normally in front of children and other onlookers
michael obongo
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you're in this book
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On the sofa with puppyberg and cattenstein listening to some lovely British music
What accent is this do you think?
carnt be shagging bothered
I thought the point of Chinese propaganda was to make China look good
im all wonka no willy
Lovely pint
>Heather Harmon Video Pack, 20.67 GiB
that's tonights wank in the bag
might do some bloodletting
>drawing the red underline freehand instead of using the line tool
what are you like
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right lets get the convicts shagged
'member that meme where every map would show portugal as a mad extreme outlier
found that quite funny, me
Faustian and Pornpilled
I'm a goyslop enjoying normietard zogbot
michelle obama jungle bbc
he's got a brand new car
looks like a jaguar
Mad how if mediaberg wanted to stop Farage their best bet would just be to not talk about him for a few days but they absolutely cannot help themselves from coming up with loads of bullshit that keeps him in the news
>however a food researcher from heilongjiang said there were no such snacks in the province
what a mad thing to lie about
Good lad
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Almost like he's controlled opposition
Don't tell Rorke though
fuckiing get in!
you've heard of the "trump bump?"
in 2016, news stories with the word "trump" in the headline got about 3x as many clicks
hence every single story had to be about trump
maybe farage has the same magic
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Donald Drumpf if you're reading this.... FUCK YOU
my fat cunt neighbours get mcdonalds delivered. it's 5 minutes walk away.
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Feeling Ziggeristic
checking out what kind of autism is on display in the finnish general brb
something magical about the phrase jungle bbc
Rorke doesn't give a shit, he still knows Reform is the only vote worth making
I get my groceries delivered snd the shop is 500m to my left
fucking annihilated that cheeto benito
it's probably more of a social anxiety issue than physical laziness
i can be same way sometimes
just found out im around 40% west african
how many fucking pride events are there?????
ffs need to respond to gfberg
wanna fuck me
reform have been stitched up proper
they create a false flag incident then use that to weave the narrative. transparent. the tories are terrified.
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>In 2023, 9,068 people died by euthanasia in the Netherlands – around 5% of the total number of deaths.
hey those kids aren't gonna confuse themselves
i do yeah lol *unzips penis*
Popping down to Prifddinas, want anything
right rorke

get the experts trusted
Phwooarrrrr get that down yer
atheism leads to sane societies.
all white too
Actually listening to runescape prif music right now because the little flutes make puppyberg do the funny headtilt thing
we need agrarian communes for people with depression anxiety etc
people who cant hack modern society can live in them
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join a hiking club
you'd think there'd ba police investigation into possible election interference or something like that
if you can get arrested for putting up racist flyers, then surely faking a hate crime and publicising it to smear a political party is over the line
two-tier "justice" innit
any 20 something with no direction in life man in?
Best way to ensure you dont have any niggers in your hobby tbf
we should swap the locations of ireland and australia
Love how they shoved all the freaks on one side
reddit pastime
sit him down in front of a tyson fight
What's a 4chab pass-time?
I'd genuinely be the alpha male if I was in this group.
gonna wank again then go to ALDI
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sean lock is alive?
Gooning to your sisters instagram and saving the white race from your nans flat in british colombia (pbuh)
4chub me
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not sure what to picture when I think of the average /brit/poster
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*russel howard voice*
my gf in the green coat
I dunno why I do this
got enough jackets there, Hunter?
i often struggle to imagine little brit posters toiling away at their work
two different clips spliced togther
strange little gremlin creatures in dark caves
skinnyfat, balding, wearing a plain t-shirt and cum stained joggers for the 14th straight day
yeah i suspected it was probably fake but it still makes me laugh
I'm 6 foot 1 with a full head of thick hair and a patchy beard, I'm fat and my face is boring (and fat)
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Germany = boring bastard, the country
*spack voice*
far too many scaggy scummy chavs in this country
anti-white post this
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this is me, get mogged
ermmm.... Hitler?
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why did you save this
saw some pale meat outside
>t. scaggy scummy chav
that you'll never get to shag
Think you're lost mate x
honestly the concerning thing is that most people here are probably normal looking, the person sitting next to you on the train or in the line in front of you at the chippy could be a britposter and you’d have no idea, frightening to think about tbqh
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done that incel freak
once saw someone on 4chan on their phone and they were about 5 foot 9, skinny, with short black hair and glasses
Racismlad on a zesty one
maharashtrian cats moving their heads like
*glass shatters*
Losing to Essendon are you fucking kidding me
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>Boy, 12, is referred to counter-extremist Prevent officers by his own school after declaring there 'are only two genders' and 'there is no such thing as non-binary'
goons and thugs, waking up next to pale ones
and then you realised it was your reflection, yeah?
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this is a pic from the last /brit/ meetup
me on the right
this one of those fake stories like cat litter tray in the classroom?
good energy today
The lads
Old cameras made people look a lot better
Digital HD is anti-average warfare
Good lad
want an italian wife
Lot of traffic heading to Clapton, tonight.......
lets just ignore belgium from now on, make him feel as lonely here as he feels when he's tugging on his little ting to cuck porn
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check 'em
i look like the chudjack meme
lil timmy projecting his pathetic pussyfree life LOL
Fulfil his legacy.
Gavin Plumb was a /brit/ poster
Putin says he prefers Biden

Trump is too unpredictable
awww, unlucky lad
woke troonpillled soycuck clownworld
I'm a nice little soft boy with hopes and dreams, but if you deny me sex I WILL get violent.
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Why are Finns always so easily filtered by the most simple subterfuge
I think I’ve gone WOKE.
too much text tbqh, i liked the simple ones
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>rdj's umbrella hat
what a character he is
>no forced interracial breeding camps
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well that didn't take long
New Nosferatu film looks amazing de lads
already exits and the pale tings do it voluntarily
it'd expect something like that from ITV
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so she just made a porn video and their a degen cuckold couple
The French fart against the wind
They said Rishi was gonna do all this stuff too.

Look, even the WEF has to realise now just how incompetent the UK politicians are. Klaus cannot be pleased that no matter who is in charge they keep fucking up his evil plans. The UK is Pinky to his Brain.
really good jungle mix, this
lil jamal getting cucked LOL
ya seethe?
hahaha my dad's brain is melting hahahah
very worried about our deegs
always leave nerds hanging
no it isn't, that
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leftypol defending this
Shame about the crap cgi
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very worried about our droogs
LOOOOOL clogtimmy in fucking TEARS right now
he lived in a fucking palace mate
so he lived on the street did he?
Ah so this is one of those "beautiful brazilian women" I've heard so much about
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Birdman was right. What did all them books get him? Nothing.
>murderous dictator was OK because he didn't own loads of stuff
The shite you come out with leftypol I swear
she got a clapper but her face is beat senpai
starting to like girls with short hair
At various times, Stalin used about 20 dachas.[1]

Dachas in Moscow area:

Kuntsevo Dacha ("Near Dacha")
Uspenskoye Dacha (Far Dacha, old)
Semyonovskoye Dacha (Far Dacha, new)
Zubalovo dacha, the first one; not preserved [1]
Lipki dacha; not preserved[1]

Elsewhere in Russia:

Sochi dacha (Matsesta dacha)
Malaya Sosnovka, Perm Krai
Bolshiye Brody dacha, Valday, Novgorod Oblast[1]

There were 5 Stalin dachas in Abkhazia[2]

New Athos dacha
Kholodnaya Rechka dacha
Lake Ritsa dacha
Sukhumi dacha, amid the Sukhumi arboretum (now part of the Sukhumi botanical garden)
Miusera dacha
He also used to stay in other state residences, such as Livadia Palace, Crimea or Massandra Palace, Crimea. Alternatively, many of Stalin's dachas were used for state functions, by other high-ranking Soviet officials, and by foreign guests.
Them: enjoying life, making friends, getting outside, doing things they can be proud of and tell their families about

Rorke: sitting inside, seething about brown people and masturbating to cartoon pornography
birdman is right
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We're looking in to the bean market very strongly
styx hexenhammer or whatever he's called
I am awake and I do not wish to be
odds: get a proper shower and a clean change of clothes, and get on with cleaning the flat
evens: wipe my face with a wet wipe, get another coffee, spend the day on /brit/ drinking guinness

it's a fucking high stakes one today
please be evens
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>Linda De Sousa Abreu, 31, has been arrested on suspicion of misconduct on public office following the probe into the sex tape. She and her husband Nathan were stars of Channel 4 's Open House: The Great Sex Experiment where 'experimenting couples' are offered the opportunity to explore 'consensual non-monogamy'

>The then personal trainer from Fulham explained during the Channel 4 documentary: 'Monogamy is a social construct that I think needs to be dismantled'

>Her sister, Andreina, told tonight how she warned her not to mix her lifestyle with her work and said she was now 'suffering the consequences'. 'She's a swinger. She was on a Channel four programme called Open House. I never saw it. It's not the sort of thing I'd watch with my little sister in.

>Linda's OnlyFans reads: 'I am a happily married sexy latina who wants to share hot content with you. Experience my real life, real love, real sex and real orgasms!
how so
fucking hell, shes made for thugs
alright see you later everyone
enjoy your saturday cleaning oddsboy
what kind of books would help these inmates?
don't use tiktok but looking at a video there and the comments are just incomprehensible
Why is it every woman that acts out in public has an onlyfans account these days. The farage milkshake tosser also had an onlyfans
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I can comprehend them just fine
Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
fr fr
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That’s why he was making them shite Die Hard sequels and other random action movie shite for years. He knew he didn’t have much time left and needed to make as much money as possible for this lot. And here they are, exploiting his illness for clout.
the bible
bro think he a part of the team [skull emoji]
I accept your concession
Might ascend
anon learns what viral marketing is
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Archive of every funny /brit/ post
Started putting mustard into my ham and cheese sandwiches. Game changer.
would say more positive than funny
Nigga time traveled from 1792 to tell us his new recipe.
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I’m a smelly 27 year old virgin rotting in my grotty childhood bedroom
bum shape is more important than size
I don't think he knew. During interviews for that stuff you could see he wasn't right. His people were either making him do it or he had no clue what he was doing. Didn't he sign his likeness over to some Russian ad company? All sorts of madness.
ordered some magnets for non noncey reasons but worried i'll be considered a nonce by the amazon packer
>nuclear energy is racist
ktim but 28
you could become a 30 year old turbo shagger millionaire
i sometimes post bradders on obscure boards in the hopes that at least one britposter sees them
What do nonces use magnets for?
the fix is in
Unserious people
...attracting kids!
indeed I did
Why are there so many coloureds here?
just found out what Hybristophilia is
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youd be mad to go food shopping at this time of day
You could help stop it. Go back and offer your delicious meal to people and if you kill the ones who say they can’t eat it for religious reasons, we’ll be saved.
fuck of gang stalker
Had a girl look at me flirtatiously today
Going to install linux on my laptop so I can keep my virginity
They showed this on TOTP the other week, me and Dadberg had a right good laugh at it
gf wants me to fuck her black nigga style
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saw your post on reddit rorke
bro thinks he’s Don draper
don raper more like
Might gain a clue
do you really think that the tories havent already thought of doing all the things that reform are proposing?
the reason they haven't done it and the reason they're not planning to do it is because they can't
nuclear power? we don't have the money or the resources to build them
scrapping net zero? we're past peak oil, net zero is an excuse for managed decline of oil consumption
freezing mass migration? our economic system demands growth at all costs
farage knows all this by the way, his objective is to sell off the health service to the yanks, its no coincidence that the only sector not to be affected by his migrant tax is the health sector
our aging population is an absolute goldmine in this regard and farage and his mates know it
is that true londoners?
who put that idea in your head
I think you're being set up mate
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wahey look at him go
nary a syllable
don't care still voting reform
It's all bloody gone woke hasnt it
not watching this 33 minute video, i'm afraid
on the proverbial mad one
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not reading this shite
get them in
get them housed
get them wanked
oh its that lezzer that killed star wars
Is that the wee psychic lady from Poltergeist?
Why's she got glasses the same shape as her head then
I'm voting green.
got caffeine free pepsi by accident and it's given me a massive headache
>went from Weinstein's PA to directing Star Wars
just shows you anyone can make it
The catberg, as it were
/brit/ is a MAX general
Not as much as the one i now have after reading this BORING post
good lad
allcaps lads love their all caps
goes without saying
smoking drain
Um lads
Max sugar?
snapchat wank toil soon
im out cya
Actually we’re /BLACKS/ here in
you're having withdrawals, get some caffeine in ya and you'll be reet
or stick it out, detox and drink something other than pepsi for a change
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yank meme but funny
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potion seller, i'm going into battle and i need your strongest potions
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falling falling falling
is babylon the great
steady on harold, the bbc posting spam isnt scheduled until 3pm
The new
Got the CeeLo Green on
No seriously lads
why do cunts HAVE to keep doing things why can't they just chill

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