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is Unit 731 common knowledge in Japan today? What do they think of it?
just a bit of banter mate
Who cares? Stupid shit like this and the holohoax is used to guilt people to submitting to zog.
back to your containment board faggot
didn't happen, it was a chinese vaxx research facility ran by western scientists
They actually don't want you to know a whole lot about 731 because Dr. Death was protected by our government.
Why did the CIA do it bros?
I can't believe Americans or jews didn't create a fake person named doctor life who was trying to battle the nip guy. It's the most obvious thing to do ever. They could make him save six gazillion of Chinese and then use it as a leverage when there are negotiations with Chinese
>Fuck the ZOG.
Annoying faggot
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>>Fuck the ZOG.
>Annoying f-ACK!!
Hello Chinkspammer.
it was zainichi or something saar
You're right
You're hispanic larping as a Japanese, posting from Okinawa.
You will never be japanese Pacito. No amount of broken english will fix this
This guy is the epitome of BASED ngl
What is your favorite Ishii's experimentation? This one is kinda legendary
Yes, post them please. I want to hear funny stories about shitskins dying
Japanese are honorary aryan.
Next time do it to amerimutts.
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>Marutas tried to run away from our experimentation, so I ran over and killed them all
Unit 731 is anti-Japanese propaganda by China.
The most important fact is that Shiro Ishii converted to Christianity in his numbered days, and Jesus justified all his actions. Such generosity only comes from great christianity. kek

>According to his daughter, Ishii became a Roman Catholic shortly before his death.[29]
They probably have some mega cope about it
>Gaijin nigger still larping as a Nip as if everyone doesn't know who he is already.
Kek kill yourself faggot. No amount of nipfaggotry will make you Japanese overnight.
He would've still known that he would burn in purgatory for a while if he was a Catholic
Someone please translate this to English
Yeah that's very cool and all David-kun but I want to hear about evil experiments conducted by whypo.
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>he's still larping
Have some self respect lmao. You're just embarassing yourself at this point. We get it, you want to be Japanese so badly that you'd probably blow some Nip dude for it.
welp, Japanese will be enslaved and taken to China in the next World War
>rapes a 12 year old and only gets four years
What the fuck happened there.
>unlike we japs :)
Paco please. You can stop larping now.
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Murray Sanders himself admited that he was outsmarted by Shiro Ishii.

>Sanders defended his decision in press interviews, stating that he had been "duped" and outsmarted by Ishii and his subordinates.

>He also served as a consultant for the Japanese pharmaceutical company Green Cross, which had been founded by former members of Unit 731 after the war.

some based man created his wikipedia page

Don't know why you guys love clowning Japs today, they're all cucks that voluntarily replaced their masculine culture with anime. None of the Japs here has ever done an evil thing in their life beyond animal abuse.

Leave the past in the past. Japan is a budget travel destination now. Just go there and NTR some Jap moron and fuck his girl. He'll thank you for the privilege, sigh, and jerk off to a vtuber as he dumps his remaining cash into gaacha.

They replaced worldly ambition with plastic and anime because they're a bug people. Seriously, they're not worth our ridicule.
So you can't give me any actual funny detail on experiment on niggers, shame. Also whypo had always liked Japanese.
The first catholic missionary to Japan Francisco Xavier literally said this
>The people whom we have met so far, are the best who have as yet been discovered, and it seems to me that we shall never find among heathens another race to equal the Japanese. They are a people of very good manners, good in general, and not malicious.
Because we don't care about Asian problems. Hitler made a mess in Europe. If he went to China and killed all the Han, we'd give him a medal for being a diplomat. Let them have their cope, they don't matter
What did the Mongols do to Chyna during peacetime. Being a cuck and virgin will do exactly that: won’t do anything around hordes of seething traumatized barbarians
They are really going to get found out once they have been fucking around for all these years.

It won’t be just extra nukes, Chyna got plans to drag out their suffering for a long time, they have been planning this for decades
The anti-human brutality that Asians are capable of makes Germans and Russians look human.
Sounds pretty based to me t. Japanese salaryman
Yes they're already finding out that they can't just live in a hermit kingdom anymore. They have to deal with the real world and they are not prepared for it at all.
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>After their victory, the Japanese expected Americans to wantonly rape Japanese women, kill or imprison Japanese men (soldiers specifically), hoist American flags over Japan’s temples and castles, overturn the Japanese government, and take Japan’s natural resources for the glory of the US of A. For a brief time after the war, the Japanese military was even issuing cyanide pills to young women so that if they saw Americans approaching, they could avoid being raped and impregnated by blood-crazed American conquerors, drunk on victory.
>Japan was so certain her new American overlords would be violent, greedy, sex-mad hellfiends that the government actually quickly opened state-sponsored brothels - specifically for the “recreational enjoyment” of Allied forces, and encouraged American soldiers to visit them so they would spare the “respectable”
>It was actually the Occupation forces under the direction of General MacArthur who declared the brothels illegal a year later, stating it was undemocratic and unethical for a government to force women into such work, which the Japanese at the time found quite surprising.
Why did he shove in an umbrella into a dead Korean anus?

>On October 28, 1992, 26-year-old South Korean sex worker Yun Geum-i was sexually assaulted and murdered by U.S. Private Kenneth Lee Markle III.

>Yun was found dead with a bottle stuffed into her vagina and an umbrella into her anus.[4]

Yeah we're not evil like them. Dude I've been dealing with fob Asians for years and they're still amoral AF. They have no values of charity, human dignity, or compassion. We have to date Asian women and teach them empathy
This thread is further proof that 2 were not enough.
You burned all the pictures, what did you expect
If you do non-human things, you're not human. Catching babies on bayonets and eating people is demented sick behavior that should have been properly culled from your nation but you tricked us with anime culture.
Btw I recently discovered Kenneth L. Markle III's facebook account and his kids too. I'm planning to send a msg to his kids, just wondering how American kids would react when they are informed that the dad is a gook killer and a necro fucker. lol

Kennet Markle - ken.markle.7
Ken Markle - ken.markle.7
Mickey Markle - mickey.markle
Kellen Markle - kellen.markle
Lilly Markle - lilly.markle.31
Avery Markle - avery.markle.90
Steve Markle - steve.markle.16
Ethan Markle - ethan.markle.1
Connie Markle - connie.markle
Lilly Markle - lilly.markle.14
Don Markle - don.markle

Keyser, West Virginia
this nip is my favorite schizo
extremely cringe larp David
I'm not Christian and we didn't have medical torture experiments. Also the Vietnam war was wrong and we should have never went in.
>One measure of the magnitude of the enterprise is that the Academy had approximately the same number of employees at ABCC in Japan in 1950 (1,061, of whom only 143 were not Japanese) as it has today in the entire NRC–NAS complex (≈1,100).
There were conflicting objectives in the undertaking. On the American side, there was recognition of the urgent need for research on the medical and genetic aftereffects of radiation, but the military authorities also had interest in the offensive and defensive implications of atomic radiation. On the Japanese side, there was an unmet expectation of medical care coupled with a suspicion of the American motives.
Sounds like your hate is misdirected.
All I wanted to do is to show that you're overreacting as further proved in>>199147329
wish they'd ban this pajeet under the japanese flag
We have not thrown babies on bayonets. What are you even referring to?

I think you're trying to say that any kill is immoral because you die at the end of the day but a mercy killing is 10000x more moral than whatever happened in Japanese POW camps.
>citing wikipedia

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What if americans were lying?
If you don't understand English then don't post. ~90% of the ABCC were Japanese.
Also Slavs are not white.
>anno took inspiration from this
It's true and denying it is embarrassing. Learn to be humble like your German counterparts.

So sick of this honor bullshit culture when y'all deny war crimes left and right. It's a fucking sham. Im not fooled by anime.
You're talking to a foreigner lol. He's not even Japanese.
I will never stop liking Japan no matter how much fake atrocity propaganda is made up about them.
Your politicians are also puppets but they're puppets for our puppet lmao. You're not even controlled by a puppeteer, just another puppet.

Anyways mercy killing someone is 10000x more merciful than medical torture experiments like injecting them with rubbing alcohol.

Mercifully butchering a cow quickly is 10000x more merciful than Frog sashimi.

Do you get it now? You amoral bug man? Use logic to learn if you lack empathy.
I think the country that has mass circumcision is amoral personally
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What do you mean?
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wikipedia will ban misinformation
One day he took some sample tissue from himself to the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Medicine and asked one of his former subordinates to examine it, without telling him to whom it belonged. When he was told that the tissue was riddled by cancer, he proudly shouted that he had thought so too. No doctor had dared tell him he was suffering from cancer of the throat. He eventually underwent surgery and lost his voice. He was an earnest student of medicine to his last day, taking notes on his physical condition. He told his old professor Ren Kimura who came to visit him at that time: "it's all over now", writing the message because he could no longer speak. Shortly before his death, he asked to be baptised by the late Dr Herman Heuvers, former President of Sophia University in Tokyo. Dr Heuvers and my father were acquainted with each other since before the war. My father had much respect for the German people and their culture. He was baptised into the Roman Catholic Church and took the name Joseph. It seems to me that my father felt relieved somehow.

—Williams and Wallace, "Unit 731: The Japanese Army's Secret Of Secrets" (1989 p.298)

He was such a kind granddad dude. So kino and cool anime kawaii. Oh he lead a torture campaign ruh roah.
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The temptation of the BWC was irresistible
No I went to read papers on ABCC as you recommended and what I found is that not only 90% of those muh evil pigskins were actually Japanese but also that the agency witch exist ONLY to conduct research also had double function to prevent epidemics as stated in the same paper I posted earlier
>The first laboratory was established in coaches on a train that the U.S. military had set up to handle unexpected disasters or possible epidemics
>Seething this hard because nobody cares about fake made up atrocity propaganda.
Mick you have 5 seconds to explain how circumcision is worse than medical torture until death. Go!
It's better to be dead than Jewish.
What's your favorite anime dude? Mine is One Piece.

Then being a Pole must be equivalent of medical torture.

Didn't say that. Asked you to explain how it's worse. I know you're likely drunk, I need you to focus on what is being said here. you can do it
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Of course he would say nonsense
He's a typical retarded netouyo lol
>Then being a Pole must be equivalent of medical torture.
schizo nip is seething again lmao
when the fuck did zog give half a shit about unit 731?

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