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it was real, all of it edition
>reform candidate says something racist
>tory gets exposed for gambling scandal
>keir starmer does a 180 on another policy issue
>ed davey's got a disabled son

rinse and repeat ad infinitum for the last 6 weeks
oh thank goodness i thought the evil bitch was still alive

and yes i want you to greentext me for this

and yes for that too
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Jews are white you fucking prick
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don't know what to do
Like I said you fat cunt, that would require him to come clean and admit he was hired as an actor. Do you honestly think that would look good to Channel 4.
britta was better
ponder the aroma
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doing a propaganda of the deed
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listening to creedence and eating galaxy minstrels
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This type of gf but slightly uglier so shes no insanely out of my league please
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If a girl told me she was a gamer my kneejerk reaction would be revulsion
hello me 8 years ago
>rorkes lined up to elect BORIS, the man who boasts about having a muslim great-granddad, openly talks about how great diversity is, never actually cared about brexit and used it as a vehicle for his career, and ended up putting forward a deal that was practically identical to May's, and elected him in a LANDSLIDE to get brexit DONE and STOP THE BOATS
you deserve what you get
how is someone called jim sterling born in 1984 lmao
sounds like he should be a manager for Blackburn in the late 70s
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too big
short for james
because labour were the alternative
the wings on her eye shadow shadow do a lot of the work btw
it's Stephanie Sterling now, chud
how is that appropriate?
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Don't care
Still voting Reform
this fit the bill?
spoiler that hog
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might shill are nige for some pence
that's a bloke
There are people called Jim still
Mainly scots but still
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where's his cock
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your mum's a bloke
southgate is 5'10
>Authorities had hoped the operation would be a “massive search” but less than 12 members of the public had arrived at the meeting point before it began.
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Rorke on the tube
what was the point in picking the lamp up
*plays that funky music*
getting blacked soon
he's 6'0, at worst a hair under
Harry is 6'2
Rishi is 5'6 (claims 5'7-5'8)
just did a highly satisfactory poo, feeling all emptied out now
>need to go out
>Start nervously shitting piles of brown mush
Brains irreparably fucked lads
'arry is a tory?
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On the exercise bike
good lad
need to get back on mine myself. broke my routine when i went on holiday and never got it back.
really helped me mentally just churning out a 90min ride everyday on the bike.
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>On the exercise bike
Explain how she was evil
kind of a weird name when you think about it
an exercise bike would implying that you get no exercise when riding a regular bike
mental when he was a big fat ugly bloke he was a tory but as soon as he became a beautiful women he became a green party councillor

gives you pause for thought rorke?
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I should start a kidney bean farm
Don't be a commie chud, vote Sunak.
You have IBS. Go to a doctor. It is very treatable
er mate his willy is out
that's not allowed
unironically a nicer cock than mine
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what you gonna buy for this steam summer sale lads
it's funny because the reverence we have for artefacts and archaeology wouldn't exist in the first place without the british museum
only place i ever felt comfortable doing this was NYC because i was never far from the hotel room and there's a blanket of heat that envelopes you

a good sign of wealth is how little you need to carry because money is the placeholder for everything so if you have enough money you effectively already have everything
american bitch took a shit on my dick last night baka.
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Already bought some bits
Like 7 games for £36
I have anxiety. It just manifests itself through IBS. I have no gut issues if I'm just chilling at home all day.
nowt because steam won't work properly on windows 7 any more
bit sad really but i refuse to upgrade my os
This lad posting on a pentium 4
hackers gonna enjoy exploiting the security holes lad
Received the government bonus on my Lifetime ISA de lods
It lovely
Think I might have just given myself quite severe food poisoning
wtf her left leg looks weird
I feel bad for not enjoying Baldur's Gate 3
It seems like a really soulful person would enjoy that kind of game
>windows 7
my man is still keeping his tamagotchi alive and shit lmaooo
i know
i don't use it for banking or shopping any more
Never understood the obsession with Windows 7. Seems like a classic sign of a midwife if you ask me
Mad how John lennon x yoko ono's wmaf relationship was mocked relentlessly and seen as degenerate and unnatural by normies only a few decades ago
Even if you're not bothered about security flaws and bag fixes, using a 15 year old OS is just retarded
Like think of all the new features you're missing out on
Even things like modern window management are missing from win7
have £800 to last me until the 27th July
they were right
the white men who date asian women are losers
>degenerate and unnatural
like all interracial relationships
a midwife?
do you mean a housewife?
a midwife delivers babies
she was very ugly tbf
Cringe ass shiesty millennial halo music brah
going to get some autism sim dlc i think
How come the average person in this country is a 35-45 year old midwit who votes labour or libdem
Is Britain just destined to have this cattle poulation forever
it's a miracle I've never done this considering I don't practice food hygiene whatsoever, don't wash the food or my hands before preparation and regularly consume stuff past it's use by date
mad how john and paul used to wank together and its not really brought up
Yeah they should stick it to the man by voting conservative
a midwit would be able to turn off auto-correct at least
Thinking about going pro as a clown
he had to get a gook
beans on toast, so basic yet so filling
pop cheese on top and you need nothing more
you're joining the tories?
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Evolution has just passed you by.
pffttaaaaa ahahahhahahahaahahahaahahaaaaaa
Guys how do I get Elden ring to run on windows Vista
I would be voting tory to spite labour inbreds but sadly tory is indefendable so might aswell vote Reform
delete system32
Three (3) poached eggs for lunch
the cheese goes under the beans so it melts better
beans on cheese on toast i call it
it's a great combo though
Good post
anything else?
You're telling me a hunter poached these eggs?
human biological development is stagnant. in the natural state, selection pressures help humanity to become more and more optimised. in the modern world, selection pressures are battled against, so we won't be pushed to be more optimised, even though the world around us has changed so much in the modern era.
do you lads have any tips on how to avoid panic attacks when going out in public?
bizarre how asymmetrical my body is
nostrils are different shapes, eyes are slightly different heights, beard and even pubes grows completely unevenly left to right. proper genetic freak i am
No chick fil a sauce?
going to begin drinking shortly
Clearly not as stagnant as your fucking posts
a middling wit
just squatted some weights
clearly has his wallet on him
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yeah i've got a couple of tips
breathing like pic related
and a visualisation exercise combined with an anchoring technique that i'll write up for you if you want
just keep forcing yourself into uncomfortable situations until you get used to it
actually we're now just selecting for height, facial attractiveness and low level sociopathy (for financially succeeding in the modern world)
mongs that might have died before are surviving but they certainly arent reproducing at a high rate
Called getting a grip and stop being a hysterical mong
>a good sign of wealth is how little you need to carry because money is the placeholder for everything so if you have enough money you effectively already have everything
Not really
those aren't good traits
does your right ball sit higher than your left ball too?
accept that you arent cut out for life and end it
actual babies who start crying and hyperventilating when they have bad thoughts in public
been thinking of doing this
going out a few times a week and forcing myself to talk to at least 1 stranger
and the internet isn't real life, go outside and look at couples.
They're obviously not your traits
This is not very helpful and is bordering on nastiness. You should apologise to that lad.
Andy serkis transitioned??
bizarre power outlets
says who? they're traits that tend towards success in the world, what other definition do you need?
just standard european
not going outside. public wants to kill me, i know it. they're plotting schemes behind my back. not today, mister.

Captcha : PYATD
Violence is being bred out
Sociopathy is caused by trauma
No such thing as a low level sociopath you probably mean a narcissist
Sociopaths are like autists they have little to no emotional empathy and prefer their own company. They would never pair well with a woman
next time at least cover up the face so I can somewhat convince myself this is a woman x
australian outlets mog them im afraid
Maybe if you cover up your face you can convince people you're a person
british ones too
continentals have not style
>what other definition do you need?
Not unreasonable to make judgments about the long-term suitability of human development
Latger bodies require more energy, for example, so if food ever became scarce (as seems quite possible for a number of reasons) then being tall would be a bad thing
As would low-level sociopathy in a case of infinite growth being unrealistic (which it is)
>mumberg calls and asks me to text her if i want anything from the supermarket
>send her a message
>doesnt even bother to read it, comes home with a bunch of random shit and says every basic item i asked for was out of stock
sick of this, always makes empty promises to sound nice but never wants to follow through. fuck off you silly cow
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humans shouldn't be just like any other animal just going for any old trait, they need improved mental capabilities and traits that support that, not some peacocking traits like lowly creatures.
>Violence is being bred out
No it isn't.
fine i probably meant a low level psycopath then you pedant
not lowered empathy enough to be a proper violent lunatic but just enough to not allow emotions to cloud decision making
is she fit
i've crashed more parties, solo, than you've had hot dinners son
played on stage, busking, the lot
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just had to look up how to wire a plug cause i couldnt even remember the colours. i am a failure i wonder how ive made it this far
never heard of SZA
glastonbury looks awful
slop for the braindead masses
>never heard of SZA
Is this another "subhuman mark" clip?
troonpilled globohomo clownworld
how many plugs is a man really expected to wire in his time?
no shame in looking it up
yo it's wu tang clan we got rza and dza baby
he's going to convert them all to cis
You're still not understanding what a psychopath or sociopath is and how rare it is
I’m a good person.
My parents raised me right.
might start cooking soon
i'll prep pud first and leave it to the side before cooking it
becoming somewhat of an angry video gamer
One of the most cringe, out of touch and middle class things I’ve seen at
Glastonbury. Crowdsurfing a lifeboat representing illegal migrants.

Being open borders at a music festival which has a gigantic fence & very high security. So edgy.
Yes trust the plan cath copers
very nice
sociopathy is very common
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haha what a prat
Two questions britbros:

Realistically, who's gonna win the election? Who will be new PM?
What will be the biggest change after that party wins (and a new prime minister is elected)?
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>we are looking for a motivated individual

No it isn't
Narcissism is
its actually over
Based Farage
you dont know a damn thing
great channel. nick johnson who travels around murican cities great too.
fucking hell are you really going to be that autistic about it
fine, an individual on the mild end of the anti-social personality disorder spectrum
and they're not rare, moderate to severe cases fill up every prison on earth
why do some people have really dark rings around their iris? it's really attractive.
dunno why everyone cries about the license fee
loads of countries have a state tv company and they all pay for it with their normal wage tax, ours is the only one that's slightly optional
more wogs
Sir Keir Starmer will be PM and the only question is whether he gets a majority or a super-majority
the highest birthrates are from low iq short ugly inbred brown 3rd worlders
>Sir Kier Starmer
>nothing but more despair
Why are you here then, Mr Good Person?
wish i had a dishonest QT ( read: cutie ) audience
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>Realistically, who's gonna win the election? Who will be new PM?
very obviously labour will win and starmer will be the PM
>What will be the biggest change after that party wins (and a new prime minister is elected)?
there won't be any huge changes because fundamentally neolibs are still neolibs and believe in changing nothing other than who's steering the ship
bad mums and even badder daughters
good for him
i thought trump would be fucked when he picked a fight with the fake news media, but people see through a lot of the bullshit nowadays, and populism is clearly on the rise
why did you reply to me 3 times? fuck off
one can dream
the zombies will fight to the death to keep the BBC, it's the only voice they trust, and that's exactly why it needs to go
a "super-majority" isn't a thing
imagine being scared of kuenssberg
went woke
What do you call having a 300-400 seat majority
It'll be hard to make this country worse, but Labour will certainly try
you'd have to be some sort of twat to vote labour over reform
I didn't, schizo
Lots of people in prison have emotional empathy therefore not making them ASPD
you mean yours?
imagine walking into the same trap twice
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Hes here right now posting with us
a majority
a super majority has an actual definition in america that means something
it means nothing in britain
all majorities where you control the whip are super majorities here
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>Realistically, who's gonna win the election? Who will be new PM?
Most likely Sir Keir Starmer, pic related, the centre-left guy (equivalent to your Olaf Scholz)
>What will be the biggest change after that party wins (and a new prime minister is elected)?
I think they would try to implement some of their headline policies soon after the election, ones that will grab attention, even if they don't make a huge difference. E.g. hiring a few thousand extra teachers for schools. Negotiating a settlement with junior doctors who are on strike. One of the big arguments at this election is that British public services (hospitals, schools, etc) are in a bad state.
There are no Labour-Reform marginals
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wtf i have these. shame about my poo eye colour though
The Financial Times editorial board, the beating heart of britain, think geriatric Joe should step down. a grim day for america
when I die I will most likely be reincarnated as a drain fly
amer lying about his age i see
dont really know where this gimmick of calling everyone a narcissist has come from
pop the VPN off mate, nobody believes for a second you're japanese
When does height actually come up irl?
ok retard
nobody believes for a second you're british
if farage wants to stop pakis from coming over here (he doesnt, just a hypothetical), should just show the entire country this post
wanking to asmr after doing a cheeky cry
t. doesn't understand how parliament works and gets his understanding of politics exclusively from american youtubers
Easily identifiable
sick of old bastard milling about doing fuck all useful and bleeding the working man dry for rent
might stand for election on a campaign for TPD (total pensioner death)
what made you cry
alright how many of you are non-british polishmen or pakistanimen
>equivalent to your Olaf Scholz
What happened to Corbyn? Is he shilling for Russia nowadays? All I know about Keira starmer is that he couped corbyn somehow
1. when you are herding large farm animals
2. when you are a peacocking creature playing a social game
remember as recently as 1 week ago when if you pointed out that Joe Biden clearly had dementia you were obviously a bigoted Donald Blimp supporter who needed to have his comment(s) deleted, his account banned and his thread(s) locked?

straight down the memory hole
starmer kicked corbyn out of the party and corbyn is now standing as an independent with principles
you're supposed to be my friends
so hot with lighter coloured eyes. the contrast really makes the colour pop.
you are, for one
my dad was adamant trump was senile, not biden
now he's saying biden must step aside
dont post on reddit me
bet you've already spaffed to this haha x
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was going to make a post about how much i love cooling towers and while i was looking for a picture i saw this monstrosity
im absolutely livid, lads. what the fuck have they done
It's still "a thing" though isn't it
It just means 2/3rds control
5 (five) new barbers have opened up shops on the high street of my small town, what's this all about then?
they're both ancient retarded blokes
labour will win, kier starmer will be PM. main changes will be better funded public institutions but the differences won't really show up (e.g. less potholes, police responding to burglaries, lower NHS waiting times) until 4 or 5 years have passed
and by then it'll be a new election and the tories will argue that labour have done nothing and there's lots of new public spending for them to cut.
because they get all their opinions from media that tells them what to think
Completely organic, nothing to do with money laundering
everyone needs haircuts lad. Your highstreet NEEDS 7+ 'Turkish' (Algerian) barbers.

stop noticing things
neighbourhoods being encriched by some of the 1.2 million hardworking wogs brought in last year by our wog prime minister
>well my dad says...

Grow up.
there has to be a better way to design these things that makes them more beautiful like churches if they are going to be there for a really long time.
means drugs are gonna become a lot easier to score in your town lad
smelly brown sex traffickers and/or drug dealers putting their money through the books so they can 'legitimately' buy brand new audis and bmws to pick school girls up in
Sometimes I sleep with my eyes open
but it doesn't mean anything
have 2/3rds of the seats is functionally no different to have 3/5ths of the seats
as long as you're a strong enough government to be able to push your MP's votes the way you want them then all majorities are super majorities
it just doesn't mean anything in the context of british politics
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Voting Trump
Voting Farage
a women is actually actively messaging me on tinder? and not replying with a one-sentence message every 7 hours? amazing.
and they stay open until 9pm so definitely lots of haircuts being had and lots of money going into the tills
they should look like the big clothes iron in FLCL
>but it doesn't mean anything
Yeah it does, it means 2/3rds majority, not sure what you're struggling with
public institutions will need better funding once they're catering to another 4 million illegal migrants
Even my shorter, uglier, poorer and weirder mate bagged himself a bird. And she’s not even that bad looking.

What’s a nigga got to do these days man
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i love anime steam so much lads
but having 2/3rds of the seats means what? nothing
it's an arbitrary number
stop wondering why your brown barber wears Balenciaga and drives a 24 plate BMW X5
got no mates me
humans aren't even a perfect creation
didn’t have this experience cause i’m not a yankified politics mong
I noticed them too, and the people who park their cars, go in and come out within 3 minutes
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omg sameeeee
but i go on dates, and then wonder why women are put off by me
tell it to me straight, all memes aside, can this country be saved or are we too far gone now?
>visibly bruised knees
what did the steam troons mean by this
>but having 2/3rds of the seats means what?
Means you've got a ton of seats mate
>arbitrary number
maybe he has a kind heart xx
all the things in your post should be banned
wish I had a cool hobby. only things I like doing are gaming, reading, working out and watching films. feel like such a boring freak
mental how get a wog prime minister and suddenly he brings in millions of his wog mates
makes you realise that all this yapping about wogs integrating and becoming British is a load of bollocks

the only Brits are those with British blood
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thank our horse riding, milk drinking, conqueror ancestors
More than me
it's just a retarded thing to say
even gove was saying how retarded it was and it means nothing
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well said Dua
2 nothing countries
we only ruled korea for 36 years
and how long englishmen been ruling ireland again?
I hate to say it but the jews have the right idea
you're only british if yer ma is british
same. dont feel like 'consuming' things is much of a hobby, anyway.
i could see myself getting into table tennis, badminton, and/or bouldering.
gonna get some beers and watch switzerland v italy
they will yes
Thanks for the answers anons.
What about rejoining the EU? Is that on the table with labour in power?
get a motorbike lad
then you can spend a couple of hours every weekend flying round bends and possibly wrapping yourself round a tree
Are Sardinians really that lactose intolerant?? Thought they loved their maggot cheese
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If only more immigrants were like her and actually integrated into the culture then (and also be fit women)
about 800 years haha
your wife's son isn't british
It's never mentioned alongside the "tens of thousands" pledge but Cameron said they'd integrate the wogs that were already here. 14 years later and the argument is that British culture and people never existed in the first place.
cool it with the anti-semitism
Girls with big brown areolas should be getting milked by white men
want bacon eggs and bean but ive got no clean plates to eat off
Might move to Turkiye
judeans are an extinct group
i doubt it, the EU isn't popular enough to justify all the concessions we'd have to make to rejoin. it'll take 10-15 years of "improving relations" to even think about rejoining
>What happened to Corbyn?
He was kicked out of the Labour party (equivalent to your SPD) because they thought he wasn't strict enough on condemning antisemitism when he was the leader. If I remember right, there was an argument over whether Labour was doing enough to distance itself from antisemitic supporters of Palestine. Corbyn said that he thought the whole issue was being exaggerated just to criticise his leadership. I don't think Corbyn really is antisemitic, but he was perceived as not being critical enough of antisemitic supporters of Palestine.

As the other Brit said, Corbyn is now standing for parliament as an independent. He may win but he might lose his seat to the new Labour candidate.

>Is he shilling for Russia nowadays?
I don't think he's a shill for Russia but he has a long history of supporting pacifism and being sceptical of NATO. So if he was the prime minister he might call for negotiations with Russia or something. I dunno.
I think you've eaten quite enough

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