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*Breathes in*

Gobierno de rojos; hambre, desempleo y piojos.
>Import 3 million migrants in a country of 80 million (Austria is similar btw)
>unemployment increases by 3%
Umm neolib pro mass migration bros why aren't they working?
>mostly nafo Country's
who, germany?
holy shit sweden and france surpassed us, i thought we were the kings of unemployment
Nice try putlermort shill vatnik zigger, everyone knows evil White people are the ones not working and doing the raping and the assault and robbery
>portugal sitting well below the chud five
Sorry chuddy get some new material.
Keep in mind unemployment only counts people looking for work. Imagine all the worthless leeches not looking for work and just living off of gibs. Keep that in mind when you see a country like mine doing well on a statistic like this,
I have no idea what these two replies are trying to communicate
zigger on VPN is trying to make it look as if putin was some kind of defender of white race (even though he is openly pro-muslim and pro-mass immigration)
>Umm neolib pro mass migration bros why aren't they working?
I don't think you understand how economy works
unemployment being very low (below 5%) is bad for the state because it means that there's likely a shortage of people willing to work, which is why government may choose to increase immigration (thus enlarge total workpool but also unemployment)
>Keep in mind unemployment only counts people looking for work. Imagine all the worthless leeches not looking for work and just living off of gibs
Is that how it works in Norway? Here, you have to be registered with the unemployment office as "actively looking for work" in order to receive gibs and file reports on your efforts etc.

In any case, it's almost all foreigners who make up this statistic.
new sovl ranking just dropped
There is no correlation here, all of the low unemployment countries besides Russia have high rates of migration.
russia has very high rates of migration
>Keep in mind unemployment only counts people looking for work
Dette er feil, staten har utmerket god kontroll på hvor mange innenfor en gitt aldersgruppe som jobber minimum 1 time i uka, alle som ikke har minst 1 time arbeid i uka regnes for å være uten arbeid, helt uavhengig av hvorvidt man er registrert som jobbsøker hos NAV.
Not really compared to their population. It's also mostly just from CIS countries.
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>Dette er feil, staten har utmerket god kontroll på hvor mange innenfor en gitt aldersgruppe som jobber minimum 1 time i uka, alle som ikke har minst 1 time arbeid i uka regnes for å være uten arbeid, helt uavhengig av hvorvidt man er registrert som jobbsøker hos NAV.
Norway is a strange country indeed.
Yes but if you have declared income of something as low as 20 euros in November that defines you as having sysselsättning=occupation.
And if you have income from sick or youre not capable and also you can get money from job training Wich also excludes you from this statistic.
holy based
Nesten alle land i vesten regner en person som har lønnet arbeid minimum 1 time i uka for å være sysselsatte, inklusive Sverige.
These are two different things. OP is talking about unemployment, as are SCB's statistics.


https://www.scb.se/contentassets/8ab23deb3310477a9dad083750ec0355/begrepp-och-definitioner-aku-2021-02-22.pdf (page
Arbetslös. Se >>199158812

Två helt skilda ting i statistiken.
here's where I come to cry
Correct link:

dont worry greece i bought more olives today!
I like this statistic.
Arbeidsløse beregnes her i Norge ved å trekke fra alle innen en gitt aldersgruppe som ikke har lønnet arbeid eller er registrert som student ved et universitet, hvorvidt de er registrert som arbeidssøkere, får uføretrygd osv. er irrelevant.
As I said, Norway is a strange country indeed. There are many problems with this. I don't work. Nobody in my family works. But that's because we're rich. We're not unemployed.
Italy's actually not been doing the worst for a change since like 2019-2020
can Russia stop winning?
it's bad for them though, means they are running out of men to work or fight
2 more weeks
unemployment close to 0 means there are is not enough people looking for work, meaning you're tapped out on manpower. hence why russia is mass immigrating people from central asia and africa
USSR had zero unemployment and almost no migration and did well and won a war.
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Even the worst country is just 12 percent?
4percent is nothing. That means anyone is working. Let’s make a fuss after the number of your country goes to over 50 percent and till that time just shut the fuck up
Spain, your social issue isn’t a social issue actually
Germany is actually higher but our corrupt government uses tricks to lower the numbers
example: unemployed people have to do useless courses and during these courses they don't count as unemployed
USSR also collapsed, no longer exists and ex-USSR republics are still lagging behind to this day
this is a list of europe though
gr8 b8 m8
The unemployment is actually higher in spain, the government does a trick where they inflate the number of people that are employed by artifically adding up people that have multiple job contracts
Are ‘niards just lazy?
youth unemployment is the problem which is sky high in Spain (and here as well)
I guess we're whiter than sweden now
Ours is 6.8%
the siestachad sits atop the unemploymentbranking, not because he can't work, but because he prefer neetdom
USSR created fake jobs also
NEET pride worldwide
12% unemployment doesn't mean that only 12% of the population doesn't work. "Unemployment" is a legal term that means a very specific thing. If you look at labor participation stats, they paint a much more dire picture.
young people not working, having family and shaping their own life is not a problem?
Loads of those "unemployed" work in the black economy THOUGH.
>In any case, it's almost all foreigners who make up this statistic.
and everyone in sverigetråden
Are you calling me a drug dealer
Im sure our would be much worse than Spain's if we didn't fudge our numbers.
>be the hardest working people in europe
>almost have highest unemployment
What's going on there greischers?
They recently passed a law for 6 day work week It will look even worse
"Work smarter, not harder"
how can someone be unemployed in Europe?
>dude, just sacrifice yourself for The Economy (pbuh)
>*economy crashes anyway because the US stock market priests couldn't predict shit*
>woe unto us! The Economy (pbuh) is angry at us, we must sacrifice more! More generations need to be sacrificed!
>If we sacrifice The Economy (pubh) will trickle down its blessings! Have faith!

It's like rain dancing.
third worlders are so fucking clueless
very insightful
What shoud i do to work in Equinor norwaybros?
Spaniards, you can come here as our domestic helper maids.


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