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rorke's mum edition
built for bbc
join me on a bike trainer lads
90 mins everyday. i dont use any trackers or anything, just up the resistance to as high as i can mantain, bumping it up even further for 5-min bursts now and then.
thought about making it a 'smart' trainer with sensors or shit, or getting a smartwatch, but it's all a distraction, really.
health and fitness is easy

don't eat overly processed foods
eat in a balanced way (aka no vegan or carnivore meme diets)
do a bit of physical activity most days

that's it. most angloids can't do it and are fat
stupid fat arsed slag
obviously, my swc couldn't get past those cheeks
haha I’m just a bit tired y’know haha just tired is all

*falls into a volcano*
if you want to destroy your T start riding a bike
for me it's getting my steps in and lifting 4-5 times a week alongside not ever eating fast food
simple as that
LOVE when women pretend that covering up in tight-fitting clothes is modest
i dont think you know how anatomy works
*leaps in to save you by grabbing your ankles and is caught by a chain of /brit/posters a la Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa*
feeling deeply curious
Shut up diego you tiny poof
sent a picture of f1nn to my dad and he lovehearteye reacted to it and typed 'she's lovely'
my dad is a femboy chad without knowing it
just coming to the conclusion that my gf is a right whiny twat, lads. every fucking day all i ever hear is
>my tummy hurts
>my head hurts
>my feet hurt
just non-stop whining about bullshit. will eat junk food then have a bad stomach then go on about being so sick of eating shit food as if someone forced it down her throat. absolutely 0 accountability or introspection. sick of it. if i say anything to disagree she will literally never challenge it or giver her opinion, she will just sit there silently and pout as if i smacked her across the face
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had 3 days off of /brit/ because of janny's wicked ways
glad to be back here posting with the lads x
Chrissy, what's this I'm hearing about wanting to destroy me?
tranny discord fiction
yes actually. better quality natural foods produce healthy gut bacteria which uses food in take more efficiently. a lot of fat people aren't fat because over consumption. they're eating quite small amounts like when they're on benefits. it's that what they're eating is like potatos only in the form of chips and crisps which are pre digested by a processing plant so their guts are probably barren inside , their body has no idea what to do with what is essentially food that has been already chewed by factory machinery and only given salt and sugars for flavour.
post the webm

you know damn well what i'm talking about
you the lad who refused to cut her fruit?
Got me cock out again
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he's undeniably peng lad, not woke I just like what my dick likes (and my dad clearly does too)
I'm trying to bulk up for the first time ever really but I'm always a little worried I'll gain fat and not muscle.

I have been working out consistently for the first time ever though. I've tried on and off for years to lift weights, I'm currently at 8 consecutive weeks and adding more reps each week.
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Pedola moment
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After seeing only foreigners in my remote rural town today im going to probably kill myself in the days to come

Maybe i will wait until the Euros are over and then do it. Idk. Basically i have nothing going for myself and seeing my country go shit is fucking my brain, i want to wash my eyes out with bleach right now.
Seeing shit change like this, the same places you grew up in turn into wog breeding grounds is just disastrous. I feel so fucking shit right now.
Word filter now
All women do this
coldplay are dull as dishwater
safe boring dross for NPCs
>better quality natural foods produce healthy gut bacteria which uses food in take more efficiently.
Oh I see so fat people destroy their gut bacteria so that they suck up less calories do they, makes perfect sense that
ameripaki ref is on to tell us all to trust the science
is this the
just reading this post I can tell you're not going to make it
you write like a cuck
Based Muscle Bull.
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could outshit all of india, she could
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its that little lad in The Boys meant to be a tranny? why has he got a weird voice
I like yellow
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if they're eating more because the food they do eat isn't fulfilling then that's still a quality of food issue long before it becomes a quantity of food issue. ergo, you won't solve it by teaching them to count calories
rorke about to pretend he wouldn't because 'fat acceptance woke' or something
We've all got our cocks out then I take it?
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can you take a few wogs with you? do a bit of clean up like
girlie what the DUCK
rasheed is right about alcohol
surprised how bland the accent is
>you won't solve it by teaching them to count calories
And yet that's the single most effective way of doing it, strange innit
Fucking bitch.
Listening to Joy Division's The Eternal while watching this and it's oddly fitting
Thats all weve got guitarwise these days. At least in the 90s the country was dying but you still had music.

What the fuck do we have now really?
I prefer this to skinny women
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just imagine throwing her down on that bed and going for it
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had a bottle of wine every day for a month and my stomach has grown into the size of a XL basketball
rorke can't hack it
preferably unwashed and unshaved
all the weight watchers classes in the world won't make a dent in obesity crisis
It's me. I am the Last Samurai.
Liquor gods win again
Coldplay are good, fuck off Hans
rorke ain't getting past those cheeks LOL
>me eating her vaginal yeast like
Weight watchers does all the shite you're talking about too, retard
alcohol needs to be banned
a clean and sober state
coldplay are the epitome of a safe mid band
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> Coldplay are good
P in V
you know
hanky panky
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I'm Miss Sugar Pink, liquor, liquor lips
Hit me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss
I'm Miss Sugar Pink, liquor, liquor lips
I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch
I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch
I went to a weight watchers when I was an obese 17 year old and lost my virginity to one of the fat women who went there
I'm slim now, but I would NOT want to watch a video of us two piggies going at it. I had to stop half way through because I was so hot I was going to pass out
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Based and straightedgepilled
My granny died at a coldplay concert you cunt
uh oh boner alert
thinking back to the covid days when i wfh and i was taking orlistat daily
my arse would randomly leak and id frequently shiver and be dizzy but my body looked great
just got off work
neets will never know the feeling of being able to completely slag off the rest of your day guilt free because you’ve already been productive
>b-b-but I don’t feel guilty
cope you know you do
just imagine throwing him down on that bed and going for it
would absolute batter that cunt if I saw him irl
oh ye the fat bint who runs the slimming world class at the community centre is in charge of subsiding agriculture and food manufacturing is she aye
Everyone starts dancing when Viva La Vida comes on.
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Rorkes mum tried stealing from my shop this morning
Not in this weather girl
might perpetuate a questionably legal wank
A lot of people eat the same shit, some are thin and some are fat.

Its metabolism, insulin, etc and its genetic. I eat tons and i am not fat and never have been.

Only way to realistically do it is close pandoras box of easily made food. Make it harder to make -> less youre able to eat.
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rorke and his mate
Bizarre non-sequitur, have the night off to sort your brain out
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australian rorke saying shit like "oldie but a goodie" to nobody in particular
Cheers for the suggestion. I need sex
just bought a wood pen and a metal pencil
>the strokes
>white stripes
>the darkness
fucking HATE all that horrid early 2000s music. made for people who wear bootcut jeans with oxford shoes
who is this
Embra mentioned
she's albanian
>. I eat tons and i am not fat and never have been.
That's because you do not "eat tons" relative to your height.
Everyone who says this is just utterly unaware of how many calories they eat, and how many they need. Every time.
shes as english as emma radacanu
Based post
that's just a normal filter fool
>its genetic.
no it isn't. it's developed in utero
Might wear my bootcut jeans with oxford shoes tonight.
Me? Get all my news from the front page of Chatropolis
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women with fat arses like this are unable to wipe properly so whenever you bend one over you are greeted with the hot stench of years of poo buildup
prefer cambridge shoes me
whats the shop x

>Nearly half of the British people on antidepressants could quit taking the drugs now with a doctor’s help and avoid the harms from their long-term use, a new study has found.

I had no idea long term use of anti depressants was harmful. I'll need to begin tapering my dog off of his Prozac immediately
the full length version of the Grandstand theme goes hard
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why do lgbt faggots always talk about love
what they advocate for is just lust
It's both
so no drawbacks whatsoever?
literally nothing wrong with wearing jeans and oxfords
don't know
who said theres anything wrong

give ur head a wobble
it's developmental more than it is genetic
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Asian women are goddesses
Shan't tell you x don't want any mongs paying a visit
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Give me one reason the IRA wasn't based
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you tell me
My gf is fat with a comically huge arse and she showers after her shits
>jeans and sheux
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No mention of Keane? Based.
You just hate distortion on the guitar in pop music.
On some days ill eat a full packet of fallafels, humus and 4 wraps as a single meal

On others i can eat 3 pizzas as a single meal. Or a full packet of biscuits.

I can eat 10+ pancakes, ice cream and all or 10+ roast potatoes and still have room for cake.

Im middling height.
They lost
dua lipa
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Rorke has yet to respond to this...
can tell what street its on from the pic x
If you loved her you'd like her ass clean after every shit
Wouldn't mind shagging Dua Lipa tbqh lads
keane had a couple of decent songs desu
much maligned. better than bums like the kaiser chiefs (who were shit)
Kill her and tie her neck to a tree branch
Who gives a shit half the classes arent even white at this point
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>I eat tons and i am not fat and never have been.
Nerds love historical losers for some reason. Nazis, Soviets, Confederates, IRA. All losers.
There is more than 1 IRA. The old IRA was based but when the meltys over Ulster were mostly senseless
ukraine too
The big-brained centrist chads always win.
What is this retard doing
I once brought up arse stuff and she unironically starting crying, she's oddly prudish.
>go outside
>everyone is wearing the same shoes Nike, Adidas, NB, Lacoste, birkenstock, etc
>brazilians wearing the slippers

no originality whatsoever
nobody loves the natives
i have zero respect for anyone who needs SSRIs or therapy. you have submitted to chemical slavery.
fat people eat obscene amounts of food
always munching away at something
like pigs at the trough
>3 pizzas
What kind
Yeah and
jews aren't chads
ktim but with alcohol
i think i recall a few decent keane songs. kaiser chiefs are a good shout though, horrendous group. any 'rock' band that was played on the early seasons of top gear basically
A bloke treating a living sex doll like a living sex doll? Not really hard to respond to. You'll never be more than a fetish object, no straight or gay man will ever love you.
feel gay, sad and gay

knew a guy that looked like this when we met but then with the boozing he was that guy but with a beer belly
really odd physique
Why are you talking about exceptional days? This isn't relevant information.
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modern mens fashion is so dull and conformist
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>>brazilians wearing the slippers
just the way God intended
Brits Out
Somalis In
The Soviets invaded Poland too.. but you only declared war on Germany, what's up with that?
my great grandad was buried with the irish flag on his coffin and they did all the gunshots and that at his funeral
t. irish diaspora
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What's this fetish called? Roll Play?
Based Taliban enjoyer
driver died/passed out at the wheel?
those are barms
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I woke up on Champs-Élysées to the Djembe of Ghana
Yeah, a fine lady from Belize said "You got the spirit of Fela"
Yeah, the young one dripping make-up lift her hands up to holla
Well, I gave her what I got but couldn't handle her broken heart
I guess this is some form of cope?

Nobody really stands to gain something by saying they eat a lot. Why give a fuck really, its just what happens.
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he fell asleep while driving

many such cases
CD one of this
good lord
drink 4 litres of full fat milk a day for 3 months and then come back and tell us you gained no weight

you're exactly the same as a fat cunt who insists they don't eat much
His voice also carried. This is my favorite video of theirs. Very 90s British imo.

VERY offensive of you to ASSUME that
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This is an EXCELLENT way to become diabetic, congratulations
They're just ignorant of the amount they eat, that's it. No one who is sedentary and eats a shit load of food is slim.
i don't think it's a fetish
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he won't be in rush hour 3
I'm a sorry pathetic virgin creature
A German was making pro Hitler posts in the Germany Denmark sticky and the other Germans said he was gonna get fined and arrested and so he got scared and deleted the posts and then the other Germans laughed at him and called him a pussy for deleting the posts.
Count your average daily calories and then come back to me.
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'f just sent me this
hahaha fucking hell
this bloke got that CD for fathers day
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where is he going? :D
i have identified with these sentiments
why are drivers so arrogant and entitled
Me but I was saying jk Rowling was cool on twitter
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thats a bloke
being trapped in a cage makes you edgy
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cyclists are worse
clogging up the road wearing their spandex
nonces the lot of them
ooooo mhmmm yes my dear another one please mhmmm *BAAAAAAP* oh my what a naughty one *BAAAAAAAAAAP* oooo caught me.off guard with that one
is that cheese I smell? oh my
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A toast, to /brit/!
Like those dr oetker ones, or fresh ones of a similar size
despite all my rage, i'm still just a poo in my pants
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rorke speechless
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Noticed that a lot of tiny women and huge blokes troon out.
Nice kitchen that
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feel like this after 2 months not going gym
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oh yeah how many people do they kill every year?
Vile rodent like creature myself
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alri joey
keking at this

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games gone
I'm tall and fat and feel embarassed when I go to the gym and can't lift heavy weights. I know that no one cares, but I've been lifting dumbells at home and will start going to the gym once I can comfortably do certain exercises with 20kg dumbells.
Also, it is probably just a good idea to have some weight at home.
between this and all the stats/analysis shit taking over the game
we need to stem the tide of enshittification
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all these supposed mental conditions are just fancy ways to describe being an annoying twat
lass from stranger things looking hench these days
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straight men shag mtfs
gay men fuck ftms

interesting that
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sums them up
>mention cycling and fitness
>a fat gets angry and starts posting his folder of drivers acting like wogs
Ah yes
this is really what /brit/ boys dream of and desire
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what a perfectly sane world we live in
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it's time to find some new webms
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>28 jay slater
was waiting for the punchline, then i realised that the punchline was me :(
could do with a few million more of these in our country
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wow shes ugly
vingegaard on a mad one
got loads of peng massive bogies in my nose x
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omdz looool
KTIM except im all alone and drinking myself to death
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varg is gonna love this
cycling mikey?
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What's the male equivalent of a big rack?
They should define offside by cock position
im not a fan but watching the glasto performance and you can tell they are genuinely passionate and trying to put on their best show for the fans and i can respect that
c jay slater lol
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need slapping down

>A new search is under way on Tenerife for missing British teenager Jay Slater following calls from Spanish police for volunteer help.

>On Friday the Guardia Civil asked voluntary organisations and members of the public with expertise in difficult conditions to come to northern Tenerife.

>Authorities had hoped the operation would be a “massive search” but less than 12 members of the public had arrived at the meeting point before it began.
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OH LAWD I don't know if the architect can handle this one
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>28inch Waist
Built for tiny shota cock
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>Ukraine war briefing: multiple casualties in Russian attack on Dnipro apartment block
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my pawg gf is in dire need of a bbc blacking
jay slater is burning in hell
genuinely couldn't care less for the fate of this common criminal
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Not sure why youre getting annoyed. Its just what happens.

Even at my worst i was sedentiary and i went through a stint of macdonalds multiple times a week, pizzas, cookies, ben & jerrys in 1 sitting. Just multiple large meals a day.

Still wasnt fat. Its luck of the draw.
Tenerife isn't THAT bad m8
neighbours and dealing drugs in the ginnel and I don't think they know I have a camera there
what can I do with this? I'd prefer if they dealt drugs elsewhere
What's wrong with that
this is me but i DO eat a lot. like, seriously.
to the point where im thinking of adding a 4th meal to my diet
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Word filter now
this....is everything
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So you're harking back to a brief period of binging and pretending it's relevant to your whole life
NEED to see /brit/ turning into bulging, virile muscle freaks.
nowt unless you want a brick through your window
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Most modest muslimah wife.

Erm anti israel bros...
You simply don't eat a lot relative to your height
Aesthetic hands.
Is it true that if you walk a lot officers are going to ask if you're ok wandering around without a car? Or that the neighbours will see you as weird and potentially dangerous?
sanest chinooks
Mad how the entire world cares so much about how white people think that they attack their own for embarrassing themselves in front of us
>another angel looses his wings
The neighbors will definitely see you as weird and a stalking pedophile in my country. Officers aren't allowed to discriminate against vagrancy anymore officers stopping you for just walking around is a thing in the past.
That's a pornstar, that's more shameful than dating a trans woman.

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