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What are blood donation services like in your country?
I've never donated blood
I almost pass out every time I get blood drawn
you can sell plasma for like $500 a month. blood donations can't be paid because of some gay law.
Ok but does the government give you chocolate cakes and one free coke? I think India is better in this regard
nothing, they only pay for travel cost or parking cost to the blood donation station. at least it was like this in my case, then i donated my blood 10 years ago.
So you’re telling me the government doesn’t give you chocolate cakes and one coke for free, like in India? I think India is better than germany in this regard.
>So you’re telling me the government doesn’t give you chocolate cakes and one coke for free, like in India?
nope, you get mostly nothing. not even a fucking chocolate bar and one coke, greedy bastards.
they give out cake and teddy bear here
plus you receive back the blood you have donated if you found yourself in need of it (free, presumably)
AB+ subhuman like me no need in the system
I'm anemic, I can't donate even if I wanted to
No but when I pass out the lady sometimes gives me animal crackers and apple juice to raise my blood sugar
Uhhhh okay so what you mean to tell me is that the government doesn’t give you chocolate cakes and one coke for free? I think India is better than your country in this regard.
We get frequent donater points. If we donate multiple times, we get a lovely budget tote bag boldly labelled with the donation center's name.
I'm thinking India is better than my country in that regard.
you get a $20 amazon gift card
Yeah I have O negative type blood.
No I won't donate.
Fuck off!
Are you a woman?
Ok but all other considerations aside, does your government give you chocolate cakes and one coke for free? No? Then I think India is better in this regard.
Yes definitely, India is better in this regard.
Just wait to know how it feels when you need six bags of rate O- blood. Most people like you suddenly start donating thereafter. Hmm... wonder why
You can't sell blood or plasma. You get chocolate (ca. same weight as blood you've given) and chocolate. Rules for donations are very strict, eg I was refused cause I've been in Thailand last November (malaria risk). You get tax exemptions.
you get cookies and tea, which is a much healthier option than Coke - much better than India in this regard.
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I'm A+.
Also if you'll do bunch of donations (like 6 litres or something like that) you get an "order" and bunch of bonuses like free transport, priority in healthcare queues, etc.
My mother and my brother are both O-. If one of us needs a blood transfusion, then the other two will pitch in.
Why do you have anemia?
Malnourishment, I've had it since primary school I think
>go to blood bank and donate

No, I don't think I will.

t. O- universal donor
if you need a blood donation here you will likely end up with a new disease
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>you can sell plasma for like $500 a month
Wait, I can make bank with this shit? hmm maybe I will reconsider it
While it may very well be the case that your country offers certain incentives for blood donation in the form of monetary and/or gastronomical incentives, and in spite of the bountifulness of said incentives (however compelling they may be), it must still be noted that your government doesn't give you chocolate cakes and one coke for free when you donate at a blood bank. From this simple fact it naturally and irrefutably follows that India is better than your country in this regard.
Lots of Spaniards are O-. Actually my O- apparently comes from my Basque ancestors. I don't imagine that Spain is running out of O-
"non profits" here give out t shirts, juice and snacks, then they sell our blood to hospitals for much higher prices
the organisation makes no profit after paying their massive salaries and political donations, chud
Hmm ok. I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but in India the government gives you chocolate cakes and one coke for free when you donate at a blood bank. I think India is much better than your country in this regard.
chatgpt, do you have a source for that besides one reddit post comment with one upvote
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all the Mexican food we get in Bongland has lots of beef in it. You should be fine sm h
you're supposed to avoid caffeinated drinks like coke after giving blood because it dehydrates you
whats plasma
The liquid in your blood, companies pay for it because it's used to create expensive medicines
My source is the fact that in India the government gives you chocolate cakes and one coke for free when you donate at a blood bank. I think India is much better than your country in this regard.
So bongland has mexican food but the government doesn't even provide chocolate cakes and one free coke when you donate at a blood bank? bloody britishers. India is much better in this regard.
source? In any case, in India the government provides one free coke AND chocolate cakes. Surely the chocolate cakes offset the dehydrating effect of the 1 (one) free coke. I think India is better in this regard.
It's something you give in exchange for chocolate cakes and one coke for free.
More like $400/month and only then if you donate every week twice.
I do it occasionally just when I want an easy $100 to spend on booze and food

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