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Kurva anyátok edition.

previous: >>199137267
Mă cac.
nega har doim olma ishlatasiz?
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VIDEO Elena Lasconi va fi candidatul USR la alegerile prezidențiale. Apel către Nicolae Ciucă, „un domn cumsecade”, să o susțină
Hát ezért végképp kár volt felkelni.
Pentru asta chiar nu a meritat să mă scol.
This really wasn't worth getting up for.
Es war wirklich nicht wert, für dies aufzustehen.
hatalmas gyaru csöcsök!
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good morning frens
Météo dimanche 30 juin : les orages s'éloignent, chute des températures à l'est
Par Gilles MATRICON, météorologue
mis à jour le 30/06/24 à 07h57

Après une nuit et un début de matinée très orageux, le temps se calme, mais les nuages sont encore nombreux accompagnés de quelques averses dans une ambiance rafraîchie par l'arrivée d'un air océanique.
A viharok miatt kis részvételi arány lehet a francia választásokon. Szarkron kaff. XD
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Reggel felébredtem és egyből felizgultam
Ezzel néha én is így vagyok, aztán segít rajtam a bn
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Még egy nap néger béen nélkül, szenvedésem határtalan.
time for bido gaming
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henlo bros, enjoy this Holy Day
combatting the hangover
what are you playing?
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the best GTA radio station
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i'll try nightmare reaper again
san andreas was the last one I played
I need a beer
t. beerless
i just need cold water but im too lazy to get up
that's legs
t. leg watcher
thats a man anon
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a hole is a hole
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>capital v
dumbass tamás
You could be walking around in Mockba and be surrounded by trannies and you might not even know it.
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sziasztok Vggers
this is the sight the average Rusyn male wakes up to at mornings
mornin' gentlemen
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isn't Moskau like the gayest European city?
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Yes it is full with whores and trannies.
whose electrocardiograms are those
also nice butt
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no msgk to go to a school trip as a job duty with
is it true?
I said nothing
looks like the sloppest slop, would
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Nem számít ebédnek.
it's just potatoes and pork desu
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yeah and a feliz navidad to u too young lady
simplicity is often perfection
just kill me already
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what do I buy to have her wave at me like this
t. has too many games but cannot resist steam-chan's charm
>what do I buy to have her wave at me like this
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I was considering getting an 'Eck
just my golemish goy needs, I don't even need such a device
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i like having a deck, but still i used it for like 20-30 hours in the past 2 years
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dopiero teraz kurwa zjarzyłeś o co chodzi
ty kurwa
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>6 months of sleep
that sounds really nice, i chose that
I desperately want o have sex with a woman or hug a person
i already let that idea go
which one? a hug?
I meant any hug, a woman-lovingly hug, a mom- or sis-dear hug, or a bro-hug
I'd fucking hug you right now anon, give you a can of beer and a ciggy
or do you mean the sex part
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need a dumb younger woman with her first tattoo and a nose ring (to own her heckin parents)
any of you got a young sister, I'm a good oji-san
luv The Clash
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Somogyi incelmuzsika jöhet?

>which one?
all of them
im out of icecream fuck
akár jöhet is
okay, AC on
this is unbearable
Czech anons, is ‘Pilka’ - Jewish surname?
it isn't here, no idea why it would be over there
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meh wasted
total waste
i got so tired of personafagging on 4chan
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I often get quads or 5s on the fast boards, they are all wasted with the stupidest shitopsts
On the internet I stumbled upon this Czech called Jan Pilka who was shilling genital mutilation of males, and a few Ashkenazis seem to have the surname Pilka.
taking a nap before the austrian gp, will shitpost if i fail to fall asleep
nahát, egy román ellopott valamit, ami nem az övé, ilyen még sose történt a világon.
I need her tiny cute boobies
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gonna take a nepnap
the meds I cureently take seem pretty convenient with "programming" and "reprogramming" my tulpa-like nonexistent dream person
so here I go, gnite
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Rina confirmed a virgin
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I hav boob :)
Merkans think shoot and scoot is the current meta
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they're right though
csak olyan dolgot tudsz ellopni, ami nem a tiéd nem?
me too
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v4 is anime incel general
good reminder and true
bought a semperit vödörnyi peaches from the gipsy lady in the village
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enjoy your juicy peaches
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napped a bit, yawn that was nice
dreams had: none
then what don't you understand
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the fuck kind of animal is this supposed to be, a donkey?
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seems to be an Asian woman anon, I'd ask /an/
name 3 things worse than a warm beer
i unironically went there for help once
needed them to ID a cat on a gravure set
apparently it was a blue Abyssinian
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don't you make mulled beer in the winter?
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I go there every now and then for maximum comfyness and an overload of cuteness
the coziest board imo
>legs and tummy
nice, thank you anon
my abrams got taken out ffs
a sore prostate after the 4th shag
getting burned
someone tossing a cigarettacsikk in your asscrack when wrenching
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Halott szar.
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i saw rusyn on bnat today
whats bnat?
roma bikája van az uborkás viviennek
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better int
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random anime transport torrents board
bant has it's own imageboard
is it a faster board than /int/?
it's p slow
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oh :(
surprise Zlovak draw against England today
Foodora fags only hire nigs and jeets on purpose, native whites can't even apply.
>Windows: works
>Linux: works if you
I don't use Fedora most of the time, more like Ubuntu based distros are regular Debian.
alcohol kicking in
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ACTUALIZARE 15:30 Toate sondajele arată că forțele extremiste vor veni la putere cu un scor zdrobitor, în timp ce partidul președintelui Emmanuel Macron se îndreaptă către o înfrângere umilitoare. Cel mai recent sondaj arată că Partidul Adunarea Națională, de extremă dreapta, condus de Jordan Bardella, un politician de doar 28 de ani, are mari șanse să obțină majoritatea absolută în Parlament.
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Romanian is in my top 10 langiuages no cap.
cringe thread
y-you too
i'm gonna watch the vaks beating the anglos, food and shower untuil then
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poor Ukkos
i feel bad for those guys
zelensky should be hanged for his crimes, but too bad he never will be
Szarkron lól.
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yeah this looks like some kind of serious mental illness at this point
I just hope my irl Ukie bro will be okay
but please let's not get /pol/iti/k/al here
what crimes, if he werent burger puppet ukies would be under rus*ia already
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yesterday my thread with riko in the op was moved to /bant/
Akkor sem leszel nő.
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that's bad actually
I need to trim my soibeard again
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/kurva anyátok/ now is nothing but news title spam and rice. which is better it's ever been
opened a beer
/ka/ is dead but for good, maybe we will resurrect it in a few years
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jeszcze /ka/ nie zginela kiedy my zyemi
pedo's going to the slammer in a few weeks
or at the very least he'll be facing a criminal investigation
doubt he'll come back, even he can't be that big an idiot
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I love beer, I love Cypress Hill and I love women
where (online) do I find mentally ill junkie Hungarian grills to chat and exchange lewd messages with?
Also what chat apps do I have to download, t. boomer
why do you want to talk to magyar women?
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i need a boywife and a smol femcoka
I just want to talk to women and Tinder/Badoo is not an option
you Madziars seem exotic enough
any updates about the suing case?
feeld. use free location spoofer
You do know she is just wearing a strap on?
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>A dating app for the curious
what am I in for exactly
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szisszifikálódj te ostoba szűz
some guy keep yelling at me in arabic
>you speek arabeec
>you speek arabeec
no he doesn't you dummy
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deprived libertine nympho cuties in your area
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I don't want to change /ka/. in its current state it's good as it is it just needs more rice
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shut the fuck up hazánknigger
going forward
all i'm going to say is that i wasn't shitting
te ne niggerezz te fideszes zümi csicska
miss that little degen cutie like you wouldn't believe
I hate poles so much they actually voted for this
everyone not from Warschau hates Warschau mostly for its gayness
it wasn't just warsawians who voted for tusk's party
due to the socialist system people will vote for the guy that has already signed deals with them for the sole promise of sustaining the status quo and gaining benefit for the cost of dignity
Oh well, yeah, majority of Poles are brainwashed fuckheads, I agree
yeah, also the West, which was German lebensraum, which is more pro-Tusk, who is pro-EU
Polish voting trends are too easy to notice
>I am le redpispecial and don't own a TV
cmon man
it already did, let it go
Karigeri is the same, only he's a bit more focused on theft than identity politics
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I don't watch TV but you can't tell me that people who lived through 2007-2011 and 2011-2015 period aren't brainwashed if they voted again for that German dog
40 replies in 14h
geri won, chuddies lost simple as
yeah but karigeri is a mayor, poles have a karigeri as their country's leader
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did you know that Football Manager of all things had its theme song once
alright I get you. chill and have a beer, it's on me
>le EU is bad le ruzzia is good
do polish chudderinos really
both are bad tho. and the EU could be good concept the problem is the actual politicians leading it
I want both to leave us alone. But that would require convincing our agents to betray foreigners they serve and work for our cunt or kill them all
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my irl friend got a gf
they are both normalfags/ex-anonymous and look so cute togeher
I mean both he and she look like fucking bydlo chavs but the smiles on their faces make it for me yay <3
also, she wants to see my kysing scars and I'm not sure why.
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>boot up Squad
>everyone speaks either french or arabic
I want your polish bussy
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quite literally china is the only good option
they would be maters I'd gladly serve
fully agreed
I want a Catholic grey mouse to marry, so I think we are incompatible
People's Republic of China isn't the same as Chinese Empire. The Emperor fled to Taiwan after Commies took over and ruined the country's culture and history
I'm top and extrovert
are you a woman (female)?
better than USSR gommunism. and also vietnam is the only country in history where socialism actually works
asians do everything better
does it matter at this point
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Catholicism seems to be a right way of living anon
I went more Catholic when I was out from home recently
>Vietnam’s economy is a developing mixed socialist-oriented market economy.
it still supports free markets, it's more like nordic "socialism"
Yes, I am not a fag and homosexualism disgusts me desu
>Yes, I am not a fag and homosexualism disgusts me desu
extremely based
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I have been going to church every Sunday since start of this month and even Confessed all my sins so I could participate in ritual of Communion
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i like polish posters more and more
vaks are destroying the anglos haha
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literally Jesus-pilled and literally holy based
I am also considering to the local church every Sunday now that my sorry legs are in better shape
> it's more like nordic "socialism"
yeah but viets aren't letting in floods of shitskins into their country
absolute vietnam superiority
theism by its very essence and nature, is the most lethal adversary of the liberty we cherish. especially the catholic church.
what I find truly fascinating about you catholics is your intrinsic corruption and inherent vileness, which stem from the very nature of ur belief system, which promises salvation, redemption, and purpose, regardless of how malevolent and duplicitous your actions may have been in life

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extremely based
i'm a catholic too but i wasn't in a church for like 2 decades now, should i?
i'm not a christian but this is a very jewish post
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I'd move to viet nam if it wasn't for their tropical weather
I can't stand summer even in hungary
i'd only move to japan desu
With the exception of Christmas me too sadly.
that dude is a child toucher and he loves to seethe about menorah people all the time
if he means all jews, not just the religious ones, then based
ac gave me a headache :(
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>w TVN raport z grudziądzkiej plaży
>cytując komiks Wilq Superbohater "ale przecież w Grudziondzu nie ma plaży"
20 lat żyłem w kłamstwie co do jasnej kurwy
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>is the most lethal adversary of the liberty we cherish
It is not. Jesus taught us that we have free will and can decide whether we want to commit good or evil and if we fall down the spiral of bad deeds we can still look for redemption and forgiveness that allow us to come back on the path of righteousness. As for the corruption of church, it sadly exists and it's nothing out of ordinary since priests are also people and they also are capable of doing evil even tho they are supposed to be moral guidance for the people, this however shouldn't be an obstacle for somebody to be a Christian, priest as figure is a middle man between God his children on earth, if the priest fails to fulfill his role you can still look for another one or communicate with Mr God via Bible and prayer
why did he do it
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great post polish bro
there is nothing based about a child toucher piece of turd
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sure but jews are evil and if there's anything demonic in the world then it's them
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last time I went there (not for tourist reasons) was my daughter's baptism, 18 years ago
the last time I felt.. refreshed? inspired? i's not even my esl-ism, I simply lack the word
>daughter's baptism, 18 years ago
how fucking old are you?
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bész in máj fész
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smoking a ciggie, taking happy pills and going to nap for an hour
gbye frens
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wake the fuck up
i see how it is
since we think a cult is necessary, let's take a page from the mightiest of them all, the Romans... their actions, passions, and heroes were what they admired. these idols lifted their spirits and inspired them, giving them the virtues of those they worshipped. a follower of minerva wanted wisdom, and courage filled the heart of someone who honored mars. every god of that great people was full of energy, and they filled their worshippers with the same fire they possessed. each Roman hoped to be worshipped someday, aiming to be at least as great as the deity they looked up to....

yeah BUT what do we see in christianity’s weak gods? what does this fool’s religion offer you? does the grubby nazarene trickster jew inspire any great thoughts in you? does his dirty, repulsive bitch of a mother, the shameless mary, stir any virtues in you? and among the saints in the christian heaven do you find any examples of greatnes, heroism, or virtue?
this miserable belief is so lacking in lofty ideas that no artist can use its symbols in their monuments. even in Rome, most of the decorations in the papal palaces come from paganism, and as long as this world exists, only paganism will inspire the spirit of great men that is the truth cahotlic boy
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kívánod a funcimat anon?
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>quite literally china is the only good option
they would be maters I'd gladly serve
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stfu 'file
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>christianity’s weak gods
You may be uninformed but there is only one God in 3 persons: The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Jesus literally resurrected people and healed them, He also silenced the storm once, not to mention He didn't fall for Satan's tempting
>fool’s religion offer you
Purpose, redemption, hope, divine justice and ability to meet loved ones and Mr God in the afterlife
>does the grubby nazarene trickster jew inspire any great thoughts in you
He died for my sins, and loved everybody no matter how tainted with sin they were, He was also full of wisdom that is true to this day
>does his dirty, repulsive bitch of a mother, the shameless mary, stir any virtues in you?
She was a great mother who Jesus respected and yes, she was a virgin and even if not she couldn't have been with anybody but Joseph due to the fact he is directly linked to Juda just like Jesus
>and among the saints in the christian heaven do you find any examples of greatnes, heroism, or virtue
aside from Jesus himself, there is tons of martyrs who refused to turn back from God even if it meant death
>this miserable belief is so lacking in lofty ideas that no artist can use its symbols in their monuments. even in Rome, most of the decorations in the papal palaces come from paganism, and as long as this world exists, only paganism will inspire the spirit of great men that is the truth cahotlic boy
LMAO, I guess monkey ran out of ideas
I'm sure they're going to take you very seriously.
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just wanna inform you that the word salad shitter is a known pedophile who touches his nephews
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great post anon but you arguing with an extremely evil extremely malicious freak, he won't listen
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>on the internet

just post music
Why don't you go back to your containment thread? Oh, that's right, it's fucking dead, because you killed it with your non-stop asinine malding. Are you going to destroy /v4/ too? You really are like cancer.
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not him but this person ruined /ka/ >>199190545 and he is the one currently sperging ITT too
before he opened his mouth we had a decent thread
I am going to destroy the fact you are allowed to walk free on this earth. that's what I'm going to destroy
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hülye skizó megint azt hiszi a képzeletbeli ellenségeivel beszélget pedig én csak a katokakukkokat jöttem basztatni
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no steetshitter language in this thread saaar
Nah, /ka/ died because it became the personal sandbox of a single deranged individual who pushed everyone away with his boring spam and mind broken rants.
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słyszałem, że jebali w dupe wilka
i nie raz a kilka
yeah this guy >>199190545
yes it did, doesn't change the fact you diddle kids
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ettől szokott felizgulni a szűz
meg ettől
I'm talking about the Archive Diver, who keeps digging up ancient post and archives entire threads, just so he can fight his imaginary crusade against non-existing people. I'm warning you, this is the exact same thing that killed /ka/ and it will ruin /v4/ as well in no time. Aside from a single Pole, this thread doesn't have non-Hungarian regulars.
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he had to
well that's false because it has about 3 poles, a chezch, a moldovan and so on
also /ka/ died because I left lol, you are a complete moron
pretty sure that's the "i want to kill Vitya voters on the day of reckoning" guy, not the pedo
why go through all the trouble of rescuing him?
what made him change his mind?
It died years ago, when all the interesting regulars left.
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nah, it died when I left
also /ka/ never had interesting regulars, only mentally ill attentionwhores
/ka/ was only good for mildly autisting shitposting and nothing else
you have to let your retarded personal vendetta against me go, and realize that i was never the bad guy
i made the threads kept the tradition, and bumped it on slow days so people could post when they had time for it
it's sad that it ended like this, i was hoping we could make it to the 10 year anniversary, but whatever move on
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/ka/ is literally better it has ever been
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>was my daughter's baptism
kuniarz miał córke?!
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jó, leszarom a faszságaitokat attól még elmondom amit akarok

with that plural I wasn't referring to actual deities but rather to figures or concepts within chr*stianity that I see as lacking in comparison to the vibrant, heroic, and inspiring figures of Great Roman mythology. I despise the intentional misinterpretation of my words and the way I see it, the rest of your post is just cynical yapping so I propose you hear me out kindly...
moses, jesus, mohammed—all these bigtime hustlers and mind controllers—knew how to tie their madeup gods to their own endless ambition. they were pros at using these gods to hook the people, always making sure to ask them or make them say whatever served their own interests. today everyone knows they played that game to keep their power and influence.
so let's reject both the hollow gods impostors glorify and all the nonsense surrounding a ridiculous belief. free men shouldn't waste their time with such trivialities anymore. let's make the total eradication of cults and religious divisions a principle we spread across the globe!. we won't stop at just toppling the church; we'll crush the idols once and for all. superstition and the elite are always closely linked, isn't that clear? historically kings have always relied on religion to prop up their thrones. bbut now that it's shattered—thankfully, forever—let's not hesitate to demolish the very thing that supported it.
I hear your viewpoint and understand your frustration with organized religion and the manipulation of power through the guise of deities. It is true that throughout history, religion has been used as a tool for control by the elite. However, I believe that it is important to approach the topic with respect for those who do find solace and meaning in their faith.

While I agree that it is important to advocate for the separation of church and state and to challenge harmful religious practices, I also believe in the value of individual spirituality and the freedom to believe in something greater than ourselves, even if it is not rooted in organized religion.

Let us strive for a world where individuals are free to practice their beliefs without fear of persecution, where critical thinking and empathy guide our actions, and where the pursuit of truth and justice is paramount. Let us work towards a future where we can coexist peacefully, respecting each other's beliefs while upholding the principles of equality and justice for all.
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christianity seems more based and based to me every single minute
just the fact that vile garbage like you are so against christinianity makes me want to start practising my long lost religion once again
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I said interesting regulars, you were never interesting. You spam the same shit every single day. Haven't you realized already that no one cares about you? That's why you need to reply to your own posts, because people couldn't care less about your boring shit.
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>muh ebin pagans
Varg sisters.....our response?
boss wanted to kill him personally apparently
>I said interesting regulars,
no such thing ever existed, like i said only mentally ill attentionwhores, and they don't worth a single shit
>Haven't you realized already that no one cares about you?
cool. i hate personafagging anyways
>That's why you need to reply to your own posts
false, i don't reply to my own posts
you are literally too low IQ to realize that there were at least 4 other people posting asian women
like i said you mentally ill hatred and personal vendetta against me affected your critical thinking and you just type total non-sense
kössz gpt atya
boss or captain?
it'd make sense for the maguro boss to want him dead
but this ep showed nothing of the sort
People always want to be part of something greater than themselves and their is nothing greater than God thus making it impossible not to have people believing in absolute
his brother, boss
what sluts
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>false, i don't reply to my own posts
Except when you literally admit this.
I still remember the Great Purge, when you got banned for obsessive spamming and half of the thread went with you, because all of them were your posts.
not my post, you are mentally retarded just as i said
Ebihara or Hamada?
i want to read this manga desu senpai
Tbh all of you are the same to me. I don't give you nicknames and don't create an entire fictive personality for you. I only see retards.
don't even try to "reason" with the pedophile just tell him to drown in battery acid
well cool now that you admitted that you are a liar, fuck off
lmfao you fucking retard
why are you even still here, you know it's going to look bad on you
Go back to your containment thread. No one wants you here. You don't add anything interesting to this thread.
but the cartoon looks very, very good
well voiced too
i was the one who revived v4 and i make most of the thread
fuck off
call me a pleb if you want but if there's an anime as well as a manga, i'll go anime only every time
it's the superior medium
lil' present from Under Ninja
Again, go back to your containment thread.
I will bake new one gimme 5 minutes
piotrek friendly content
this is my containment thread, i made most v4-s in the past few weeks, and the thread is alive because people want to post here and be here
now go and cry somewhere else loser
get a life lmao
why are you so mad?
you're going to get one soon
the 15 to kind
/ka/s first lmbtq couple oh my gosh I'm gonna cry guys you're so cute together

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