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Japanese government matchmaking.

for men:
>don't look like an otaku
>be at least 175cm
>4500000 yen per year salary (literally poverty tier wage)

The standards are so low. I'm moving to Japan.
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>be at least 175cm
tfw not meeting even the standard for little Asians
>be at least 175cm
So, only 10% of Japanese men qualify and mostly zainichi. Got it.
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4.5m yen is above median
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>>be at least 175cm
That disqualifies more than 78% of Japanese men.
You forgot the most important, be black or Indian
bruh why are they so little? Even chinese/pajeet zoomers here are 5'10" at least.
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Over time the government will need to lower the height restrictions or maybe this is a eugenics program by the Japanese government to improve the population of midgets?
You missed the part where it says that only black men can apply.
there's literally no actual advantages to being avove 5'8 in modern society if your job isn't sport related.
>b-but women
women are not rational creatures.
this is so weird

do they not eat enough calories or something?
The jamon were short. Nearly all Japanese have jamon DNA in them.
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This is literally minimum wage burger flipper time.

It basically means, as long as you've got a minimum wage McDonald's job, a Japanese woman would fuck you and marry you and give you children.
My high school physics teacher thought it had to do with milk. Nutrition and health overall is the most commonly accepted explanation.
I think in Japan people are often encouraged to eat until they’re “80% full”, so possibly yes. You’d have to take a more detailed look at their diet though.
If this and OP are both true than the Japanese government must be very out of touch with their population.
This. Jomons have Austronesian DNA and were hunterer gatherers before the Yayoi people came. Look up the Jomon period before Sinicization. Jomons are also shorter than Yayois which is why Koreans are taller than the Japanese to this day.

>The fossil evidence shows that the Yayoi people were 5–8 cm (2–3 in.) taller than the Jomon.
>Their race mixing lowered the height of the Yayoi people.
>Modern-day Koreans are about 4-5cm taller than the Japanese and it's increasing each year.
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disqualifies 100% of /int/
But there are no yayoi left in modern Korea. Koreans come from northeastern China
>4500000 yen per year salary (literally poverty tier wage)
You don't suffer in muttmerica, it's literally my salary and I have a respectable job.
bwc makes up for it
I thought I was looking at the Romanian flag, but that's a Belgian flag.

$28k is literally less than a McDonald's wagie here.
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You're simply incapable of suffering, half of my salary is wasted on rent.
I make 22000 as a junior software engineer.
Imagine going to university for that, you can't suffer in America or Canada.
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Koreans aren't from China. Chinese genetic migration came from the south, Koreans genetic migration is from the north.
>be at least 175
I just barely cut it but all other males in my family besides my brother don't
Japanese men are not as tall as northern Chinese or Koreans, even most of their gen Z probably falls short of that
To be fair, rent is $1000 minimum here, unless you share, then you can get it down to $750, maybe $500 if you're lucky. Do pretty much the same, half your wage to rent.

We all suffer the same.
>>be at least 175cm
Isn't this higher than the average male height in Japan? How is it acceptable for your taxes to go toward something that discriminates against you?
Kek lower the birth rate nip bastard better world.
Stop mutilating children’s genitals.
Holy shit, I made 39,000 CAD last year from remote costumer service job. The Europoor meme is real.
At least I'm not a streetshitter.
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>tfw too short to sexo girls in fucking Japan
it's over, i will never get to pass my genes
You cant live in canada with 39000 CAD.
Zainichi Korean larpimg as a Korean, dunking on japs.
Should have drank more milk Mohamed.
Yeah yeah, forgot to put "inb4 poo in loo" or whatever. I'm not jeet by the way. I'm a french leaf.
t.manlet yank
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I'm not a n*fri, my growth was stunted cause of some kidney disease (dad is 183 cm, mom 169cm and younger brother 185cm )
Isn’t 175 for japs like top 10% of height?
The old man does not use that dating app.
You can if you rent a small 1 bedroom apt in Montreal. It's fully furnished and includes electro, heatig, water, internet and a washer dryer combo. All for 1,175 per month.
it also has トーク上手 which means you can fluently talk japanese
99.99% of gaijins are filtered there
isn't real estate unaffordable (not really better here though) because of chinks though?
That height percentile chart is for 20 year old Japanese men
Its like that in Vancouver and Toronto due the chinese. But nation wide because of bad immigration policies.
Rent has always been a boomer issue. North America or Europe. Boomers own vast amounts of real estate. And then it's investment firms. BlackRock and BlackStone own nearly half of all real estate in the US.
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mentality ill.
I'm not even asian yet you assume i'm korean? lol, the only one who's mentally ill is you.
>tfw when taller than 98% of nips
it doesn't matter when my face looks like dog's ass
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>the only one who's mentally ill is you.
>He dosn't notice his obsession with japan

No,it's you.
>don't look like an otaku
It's over before I begin. Game's rigged from the start. Let me reroll.
I don't get it, are these like the requirements for registering the gov tinder? Also how come the age requirement is so high? Also if men have a height requirement, why don't women have a weight requirement?
>I don't get it, are these like the requirements for registering the gov tinder?
It appears so.
>how come the age requirement is so high?
Because women chose that age.
>why don't women have a weight requirement?
Because that would piss off women, and feminism won’t allow that.
Being a manlet in modern society is like being a jew in Nazi Germany.
Can I send a letter to all japanese women
>dont look like an otaku i am ashamed of our artistic supremacy
Dear japanese women
All men.
Jews weren't treated that badly in Nazi Germany tho.

OH, I get what you mean now.
nta but do you know about fabrics? I have a wierd tanmono i am trying to understand, why does it have 4 layers?
>>199175868 (OP)
The average Japanese man earns 4M yen per year, which is about $25,000 USD. After taxes, he's down to about $20,000 USD.

So that's a pretty high bar. The money requirement disqualifies at least half of all men, and the height requirement disqualifies about 80% of all men. So maybe, at the very BEST, 10% of Japanese men meet the bare minimum of the average Japanese woman's requirements.
its not gov tinder.

OP choose pic from random dating party in countryside of Japan.

>開催場所 金沢
金沢 is hokuriku region,not tokyo.
jfc, it never even started for you
We're not all tall dinaric people, some of us are just slavs
Most of my chad normalfag friends are my height or even slightly shorter and they have 0 problems at attracting girls
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nipponcel revolution arc when??

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