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>slavs are good fighte-ARGHHH
those were baltics not slavs though
>germanoids are good fighte-ACK
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kek, I wanted to post the same pic, but you were faster.
balts were just being bullied by everyone
Tetuon status?
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God i wish Sergei Einstein had had historians on his film set to advise him on the armour and uniforms
>Sergei Einstein
He was Eisenstein.
Armour and weaponsin the film are pretty accurate to history btw.
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We raided Scandinavia
This is fanatsy
Never happened
based, you need to retake Rugen.
You wish
>400 germans killed
Not the great victory you think it is
Should've killed more i agree
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>barbarians vs subhumans
yeah i'm thinking kino
the Teutons lost all the major battles to Slavs and were eventually subdued and disappeared lol
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>northern crusaders don't exist
>puccians took berlin and forced cucktler to an hero
You okay there Mehmet?
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>germans are good fighte-ACK
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Does nigium even have an army
we btfoed tectonic order
this but it was the teutonic one
But can they swim?
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This is what actually happened IRL
lmao this is kino
the style kind of reminds me of french comics les chroniques de la lune noire
The Teutonic soldiers in that battle were over 50% comprised of ethnic Eesti men who were part of the Teutonic Order.
When some Lisowczyks joined the imperial side in HRE civil war, they quickly became "Riders of the Apocalypse" there and ktaut mothers scared their krautlings with the tales of them for the next 80 years

in fact, krauts can't fight. HRE couldn't face Ottomans without Hungarian cavalry at all.
> in fact, krauts can't fight
you're yet to win with us 1 on 1.
>b-b-b-b-ut when you were freshly reunitied and we attackedy you on 3 fronts and the 4th was Soviets going in, then we WON
Ahaha. German mercenaries were even afraid of Poles specifically. If there was a chance of Hussars on the field, they demanded double pay or even refused their service.

Germans are basically the Chinese of Europe. Urbanite bugmen with pretense to knightly valor.
Apparently these niggas still exist and are part of the Catholic Church. They also got some crazy ass drip
You are right poles are just superior to us..
Anyways do you think its possible to create neo silesia if i have children with a polish woman?
They were scared off by the Knights Templar
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>and were eventually subdued and disappeared lol
Where have I heard that before
holy shit, le history... repeats its self?!
i freakin love science
you never even held hands, helmut. It's joever for you
history rhymes is a saying among historians

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