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renang edisi
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this is the thread
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>>eat nothing but 30+ fried eggs every day
>Enjoy cholesterol
That's just a show of absurdity. 66K is enough to buy 20 packs of instant noodles
Like I said. It depends on your commute.
If your parents have another home nearby, then it's logical to live on that property (unless it generate more income than typical indekost rent)
>>It's better to live with your parents
>B-but people in first world countries don't live with their parents! If we want to be as advance as them we must follow in their steps!
If you're poor, then you have to make do.
>"Nrimo ing pandum"
>"Urip ora ngoyo"
Thread Theme
[Dazegxd - Emotion Engine (ft. Kaiyko) [Lyrics Video]]
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>Better than falling for "eating instant noodle every single day" meme
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based kot
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Who hurt you my friend?
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>eating more than three eggs a day
you can kill an elephant with those braps
kys pedotroon
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I'm lazy to make the Indonesian version of fastman/the frugalist shit from /biz/ or /g/, so if anyone is willing to do it, I wish you the best.

>how do i have fun and start saving with 5 million IDR salary?
Depends, first of all, are you on a "rantauan"? leaving your hometown to go find better place for jobs? If not, as >>199183748 said, nothing wrong to live with your parents at the moment until you make it, just don't leech your parents off. If yes, then here's what I can advise you after breaking down your frugalist lifestyle:
>1,5 million for koskosan + wifi
take advantage of free wifi, only use internet data when necessary (checking emails, whatsapp), do your social media when connected to free wifi if offered by your office. Download music, movies, e-book, games for offline entertainment.
do your laundry, just soak your clothes with detergent which costs 10k-30k if you manage to find cheaper one. Also invest in ironing machine or just put your clothes under the bed. Easy life hack.
>2 million for daily meals
If you're living paycheck to paycheck, in another word, you're poor, then there's no point to eating three times a day. Cut it down to only two times a day (brunch and dinner). Learn how to cook, another anon already told you how to so no need to repeat it myself. You only need to drink a cup of water after you wake up, make sure to bring a water bottle/tupperware one for water refill. It truly saves time.
Some advice:
>cut out any unnecessary bullshit like vape, cigars, anything health problem-inducing shit
>use public transportation
I assume you live in Jakarta surrounding, so KRL, Angkutan Kota, and Transjakarta are your best friends. Walking is the best technology.
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>asean anthem
i hecking love essayposting
Well, sorry to hear that. Hope you gets better.
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me on the left
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me on the right
Watched The Quiet Place: Day One in theatre just now. It's pretty good.
why do malaysian talk like sissy faggot?
especially when they speak malay here
haven't watched it yet
lisa, can you teach me japanese?
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aseanbros best bros
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I said, "はい, はい"
Hello everyone!
>raining again
Watch The Quiet Place: Day One
Watch what?
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>malay consume media
>gets obsessed
>wears his chastity belt and aneros, prostate orgasm repeatedly
>moves on
>cycle repeats
You know fags end up in hell, right?
But but imma bit fruity.
Your mom.
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>You know fags end up in hell, right?
avg mlei males look like this doe
Raining what?
kill your fucking self pedotroon
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>Raining what?
kots and dogs
Seems like A Quiet Thread if you know what I mean
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faggot thats a male
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>faggot thats a male
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Watch The Quiet Place
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i cant stop
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have sex
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Don't you realize Jakartans speak the same way?
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Pogi sirs
i didn't know s'poreans are this BASED
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sauce for this?
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yeah that's definitely not gonna work here. you need motorbike due to various reasons. unless our government magically turn this godawful city into a walkable one overnight.
I know I've been jamming to gakumas lately but didn't expect to be this bad, kek
is that the new imas spinoff game? is it gaijin friendly or is it ip walled like original imas?
Of course you need nip VPN as per usual. I'm probably the only autist who jamming to gakumas while driving on JORR here.
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You know what phrase i hate the most from indogs?

"Sabar dong"
When you already ask them to do the things hundred times in the last 5 hours. Why can't they use more polite words like "tunggu sebentar ya". Asian value my fucking ass
action = reaction
simple as
Stop saying things and pretending it's deep
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sabar dong
go back to europe fucking white
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im pretty
good morning to /asean/
Hehe fat
Are indonesians particularly extroverted or something? I made a profile on a chat site and I keep getting messaged by indonesians, more than any other country by far.
Buenyos dias el hermanyos
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>filename: Screenshot_20240630_Trebutchet.png
The hell is Trebutchet?
Indo anon i live 2 hours from jakarta. I need to live in a koskosan
yes being introvert actually so out of place for indonesians. This is why i don't have friends....
Lineage Os default launcher
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i think she's just preggers
we all here don't have friends, let's do a meetup?
where you get your weeb music?
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I am going to send mexicans to indonesia
Please bring Taco Bell with them
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w-will you send them in one part or separate head, arm and body?
>where you get your weeb music?
nyaa of course, but since the CDs aren't out yet I just ripped the digital releases and did the tagging manually.
I knew it lol you'd get the shit from nyaa, anyway I'm new to it, a new kid on the block
post sea-ified meme
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99% of the time you could find it on nyaa. But when I could not, I would start browsing every single torrent search engine and old niche forum on the net.
something like these
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>old niche forums
can you tell which some of those forums should I start browsing?
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Attention all germanic, nordcuck, angloid, and slavic subhumans:

indonesians are black
[...] question mark
>Using LineageOS
Can you use WhatsApp? Zuck has been more stringent lately to block custom rom users and anyone with unlocked bootloader.
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Das rite
Go to soulseek instead
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nah m8 I don't have it bookmarked either. Really depends on what you're looking for. I just scrap whatever I can from search engine, sometimes it gives me nips forum links or so.

Dunno, I don't have one installed in the LOS phone, lol. The thing is I got 2 phones on me all the time. One is for normalfaggots stuff with debloated stock rom and another one with custom rom for personal use which what I'm mostly at. Maybe I'd try messing with magisk and microG again next time when I feel like it.
More like CunnyOS
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>Ardi Sutedja menyebut kurang kritisnya masyarakat kurang melek teknologi terhadap konsumsi produk digital.
>"Kita harus sadar diri sekarang harus kritis, kita harus ingat bangsa kita ini hanya konsumen," ucap Ardi Sutedja.

please post kominfo picardia meme
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The quality of the journalism itself is a prove of the low quality people
i like watching bbc world news however
You Thais needs a new standard of beauty. Everytime I see "Thai beauty" it's always mixed chinese. Same as your BL actors.
wtf is this couchqueenie
Does Thailand have the cinak problem?

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