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British Roses edition
mad how small and flat boobas look when they lie down
Early innit
A 1970s campy arthouse space opera by an independent young visionary. A hidden gem.
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British roses thread?
[to the tune of Slide Away by Oasis]
'cide awayyy
and give it all you got
buried my penis as a child and forgot about it, thought i was a woman for 26 years until i dug it up doing some garden work
hope she has 50 factor on. it would be a crime to ruin that peaches and cream complexion
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putting leaves on my cat
small and flat boobas are the best!
just did one of those massive chocolate mousse shits that piles up in a big brown mountain peaking above the toilet bowl waterline
I look like the guy on the left

How cooked am I?
I wanna pinch that tittie
That is definitely a minor
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is it possible to suffer when you have access to british roses?
englands only hero has to be born of immigrants and play abroad since he was a teenager because only then would he not feel any emotion associated with the nation and therefore be able to play entirely without pressure. globalism will lead england to victory
just cut myself making dinner. they should invent food handling gloves so people don't get hurt
Is rorke a person or more of an idea
gardening, heh...typical woman activity
what u make
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English roses?
yoi could easily obtain a hot asian gf
He looks like her pet animal on a leash
Extreme power dynamics in this picture
why do women immediately become sexier the moment you know they're bbc only?
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Do pet animals make you pregnant wh*te boi?
As someone who struggles with a cuck fetish, it stems from being into femdom shit. I get turned on by the idea of a dominant woman basically parading around her pet bull that will satisfy her in way that me, her little cuck boy, never could.
well she has the pussy so she has the power
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mental how literally every single problem today stems from World War One
: |
thems white man rules. blacks dont play like that. he'd beat her and not feel an ounce of remorse
> As someone who struggles with a cuck fetish

Could’ve let that out, it’s obvious by your flag.
We like long brown cylinders, you like a different kind of long brown cylinder.
time to break out the strawbs and cream lads. wimbers starts today!
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i want english gf !!
give me English girlfriend right fucking now!!!!!
love mars bars
drinking a coffee right now as we speak believe it or not
yeah the past generally precedes the present
the pot calling the kettle black
yes, you know who you are
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*gives you a hard backhand slap across your face*
Know your place colonist.
blacks are pussies who do anything women tell them to. visit any black household and you'll know that. absolute slaves to their mothers and sisters. slaves to their gfs, especially white ones

the black man's relationship to women is genuinely like a dog's relationship to their master. they do things for treats, look guilty when they're in the wrong, they follow plans but never come up with ideas of their own, always the passive one in the dynamic. when blacks chimp out and beat/kill their gf, it's like a dog going bad and biting. there's no mastery in this act, it's literally animal savagery not even thinking about the consequences (this is why they get arrested literally straight away after, they do it on a whim without any backup plan)
every problem today can be traced backed to some early hunter gatherer spaffing inside a female (big mistake)
It's a miracle that half-dog-half-humans don't exist yet, considering how depraved women can be with their pets.
Turned on the telly this morning and my mrs said 'Ah, the BBC. I loooove the BBC'.
Didn't know the channel excited that much enthisiasm.
no that you say it, mason greenwood still sounded like a cuck when he was threatening his gf
trvth nvke
her tiktok has good videos
time to start taking olanzapine again you fucking freak
I think you're the depraved one m8, considering how you love trafficking in stereotypes
I really love British lady and lads in modest and simple fits
The only reason that joke would trigger you so much is because you're a cuck fetishist worried about relapsing.
an watermelon
uh oh triggered you
Dingo was the baby daddy
>spam your fetish all day every day
>the only reason anyone could be annoyed by this is if they share my mental illness
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feeling that itch again?
>As someone who struggles with a cuck fetish
extremely funny phrase. get well soon
Get yourself a covid test as you clearly have zero sense of taste
>everyone is as pathetic as me
dunked a few cookies in mine just then
Things to do today:

>do my exercises
>get some food in from the supermarket
>put some money on the electric meter key
>go to the bank and get a printed statement for my job application

These things will comfortably take me up to 3PM or later. No idea how employed norms find time to get anything done.
Got a weird ache in my left bicep

holy shit I didn't know US politics got this bad

They're congratulating Biden like a baby or someone with downs syndrome for simply being able to answer questions
more of this rose please and thank you
shouldn't take you until 3pm unless you're a literal slug
I'd shag her
>>do my exercises
>>get some food in from the supermarket
neither takes long
>>put some money on the electric meter key
>>go to the bank and get a printed statement for my job application
employed people don't do things like this

neets act like they've got freedom when in reality they're doing side quests for scrap
wish smoking wasn't so bad for you, really miss sitting in my bag garden with a coffe and a cig and just having a nice think
nictoine seems to gets the noggin joggin
*wish smoking weren't
Hypothetical. Subjunctive mood
The exercises take a long time, several hours.

Then I have to shave and shower. Then walking to the shops and back which is about an hour round trip. I will put money on the meter key and go to the bank en route to the shops.

Also I need to put a washing in the machine then hang it up later. Should hang myself up while I'm at it haha just kidding am I though haha x
had the flu or covid or something since friday. bodies aching all over. fucking sick of it. i havent been ill since the late 00s. need this gone tbqh
started going to charity shops and car boots and selling the shit for more money on ebay, i'm getting better at it too
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That's his wife lmao
how much you making?
It was a German that kidnapped her actually. That alone deserves another flattening of Dresden I think
kys nigga
If you own your own shop or can turn over large items of furniture you could easily make a living doing this.

Loads of the stuff in charity shops is really high quality.
you just know she got that gorilla grip pussy
not enough to quit my job yet, it's the odd 20 pound profit here and there
its only really paying for my pub seshes at the moment, but im learning
doing my tai chi exercises
That can only help against burns.
She's already tanned.
Personally, I don't get tanning. Looks ugly.
erm she looks a little young
very cringe to do this and admit this
A nice subtle tan can be lovely, but women overdo like they overdo everthing.
Met a girl online and after a short chat and a video call she said she wants to bear my children.
What am I getting myself into lads
is there an example where an individual rape has been a net positive for the world

very easy to answer this question if it was about murder but this is a bit more challenging
Had enough of online dating already.
how so
Old pokemon games (GBA, gameboy colour etc) sell for insane money if you ever find any.

Sometimes old people will put bundle listings on for their children's old games, job lot for like 40 quid, with a full set of pokemon games not realising that you can sell a GBA Emerald cart (alone, no box) for easily £85.00.
should just do it ever couple of years anyway tbqh
my mates wife did that to me lel
i did the right thing and only came in her once and then never spoke to her again (after he asked me to block her number)
let me open my big book of rapes and analyze the lifetime outcome of each rape
do the england team still kneel?
Suble tan comes from being outside not sleeping at the beach for a week.
martin luther king shout out to big bro
if it werent for big bro i wouldnt be rapping though
cheers for the advice lads
No idea, probably not because it isn't the current media-created outrage.
whats the current one then?
He's here: >>199212131

And he spends his entire life seething about brown people
mad as in "thats mad!" or "im mad"
good morning sports fans
Good lad
Not sure it's in a bit of a lull. Probably 'Tories bad'. People have got bored of the Gaza stuff so that's been forgotten about.
He means the first one
And you spend your entire life fellating them
isn't really one at the moment but it wouldn't suprise me if there was one about the rise of the far right soon. Woke mob are going to ban egg and chips and frey bentos pies.
The second one
I like the feeling of smoking something for reasons that are above me I can't even explain it

I absolutely hate tobacco and refuse to touch cigarettes

I smoke weed constantly and apparently this is also bad for you
Apparently taking a sweet plant that comes from mother earth and burning it and inhaling it into your lungs is also bad for you
How do i donate to Reform UK in crypto? Those folks seem alright
ummmmmm hello? its now CONFIRMED channel 4, one of the biggest broadcasters in the country hired an actor and fed him lines to undermine a political party in a live election???? is this not going to get a mention???
sorry buddy the trips beat you
you're sarcasm is very unbecoming leftymong
just had some chili and feel mildly unwell, but don't know why. Maybe too many spices
>kidney beans
canned, no risk of lectin poisoning
fresh and thoroughly cooked
Says who?
Women from the british isles are either the most hideous ogres or absolute angels sent straight from heaven to make men svffer
omds fuck off
good on you mate. finding gold in other's rubbish
Your mum must be an angel then, considering she gave birth to your mentally ill self and caused your insufferable posts.
tired of seeing this nigga
don't reply to him
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need anglo gf
Why don't you play the greatest sport in the world (rugby league)?
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she's irish
they just get younger and younger don't they still fit though
is masturbation improved by caffeine lads?
i always wondered who would spend $400 on socks
need a woman with a fanny and a bum and tits and hair and eyes and teeth and that
good luck finding all that in the UK heheheh
why drink coffee when caffeine tablets exist?
i drink coffee for the taste. although I get a headache when I dont
lol hahaha done us again
i spent £50 on a pair of bruberry socks and they were proper shit quality
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Vile hog. Imagine her farts.
my socks have sharks on them
Might become an HGV driver. Seems ideal for autismos.
think it's cos they were fake mate
My mate's older brother (who's like 38) has recetnly lost a shit load of weight and genuinely looks like a chad after spending his entire life fat. He's started coming out with us more, but his personality is very bizarre. He acts like a 21 year old.
dunno mate people say this for a lot of seemingly menial jobs but they'd want someone who isn't going to get sensory overload and flap their hands about when it gets tough
uhm... that is not an "anglo" that is a pure red white and blue blooded AMERICAN!
she said once that she always farts on stage so I can't dissociate her from the smell of poo she's a smelly pooey gyal as far as I'm concerned
british quality. get italian next time
need poeey bum sex with a fat bloke's hairy arse
mad how for all of history until now people lived in small villages and everyone knew everyone and had done for generations
bodied that freak
>He acts like a 21 year old.
He's rediscovering his youthful vigour
Let the man live his life

31 and yet I have the mannerisms of a 15 year old due to my complete lack of social experiences.
what mannerisms do 15 year olds have
I am, I've always liked him, but he's definitely out of his element being outside his house.
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I dunno if I have real autism though or if I'm just a bit weird and shy.
black people born in the UK are the worst.
ah yes. talking about women’s farts at half 9 in the morning
freaks man
What do you want to talk about?
who treats truck drivers like criminals?
He's probably trying to fit in with you and your friends, but he's autistic from staying shut in for so long
the general election
Absolutely fuming, the poo splash back during my night time poo went right up me arse hole
The police investigating all those sex worker murders.
ours are worse than theirs, but it's slim pickings either way
wow what an astute observation Mr yank man
haha good one not

no way they were british, i can almost guarantee you the socks were third world tat as they were fucked after one wash
also italian stuff is apparently no longer worthy of its rep i hear
jewtube 4 minute unskippable ad :/
True, hopefully we can help him come out of his shell. Women will start to notice him, I'm not joking when I say he looks like a chad.
Thank you sire, i really needed that (You).
it takes 5 seconds to install ublock
going to shag my gfs pooey farty arse on thursday before voting then come back and get monged out on ketamine
some truck drivers like to victimise themselves and dodge responsibility for being cunts by bringing up how essential their jobs are
similar to teachers, nurses, i'm sure you could think of more
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Redditors are something else man
I've never seen a british man that isn't attractive as long as they aren't a complete fat alcoholic
I'm happy for him. I'm in the same spot myself, after a long relationship that went south and became fat in the process. I don't want to believe it's over at 34. I hope your mate gets laid.
boggles the mind how people can turn out like this lmfao
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i'm on my phone
The british are an attractive people and the meme that we aren't is obvious brown resentment.
they're literally correct though (apart from the cringe 1930s comparison)
90% of the people on the street, men and women, are fat or obese.

Interestingly the majority of the migrant men are not.
You just made that statistic up
suppose I better get in the shower and was my smelly arse
I use one called AdGuard on my phone (iPhone), works fine.
choose a random homeless person outside the train station to give £20 to every day, people say its stupid because they'll just go and buy smack but who cares? not like they have anything else in life is it, if they want to go get smacked off their tits for the evening then so be it
Just remember that 34 is young in the grand scheme of things. Keep living your life, force yourself to do the things you know you want to be doing and never think of yourself as old (until you actually start falling to pieces).
I believe in you lad.
download brave browser and then watch youtube on the mobile site.
Just from observation. Perhaps I live in a fat, deprived area but the majority are obese.
'italian' is just chinese but made in italy
why do people seem to think I'm supposed to care about anything at all
>Interestingly the majority of the migrant men are not.
Know an Arab who has been here for a year and has become fat in that time.
reddit coded response
spend the next minute 30 watching this and give me your opinion
Why do you know invaders
mad to think this time next week we'll all have our first £2,000 UBI payment from daddy Kier already dropped into our accounts

we've suffered for so long but there's only a few days to wait now
Britain has got a lot fatter, I remember going to Disneyland in early 2000s and it was the first time I'd seen super morbidly obese people was making fun of them with dadberg the whole holiday but now I see them every time I go to the shops. Absolutely hate being in the presence of them utterly vile creatures.
No they're not. Tory/Reform merging wouldn't be fascist, at least no more than Labour amyway. It would just be slightly more protectionist and restrictive on immigration.
crazy how attitudes were back then that these women could just admit to being nonces
Does menial work at my office.
You shouldn’t be speaking to him
>Interestingly the majority of the migrant men are not.
running from police and chasing women at night burns calories
I don't
would rather have not watched a video interview of a lesbian paedophile at quarter to 10 on a Monday morning to be quite honest with you
>Interestingly the majority of the migrant men are not.
Bizarre non-sequitur
Kraftwerk is kind of shit ngl, a part of me wants to like them, but I just don't.
rather be honing your excel spreadsheet?
that's what i'm doing. 6:48pm on the first day of a new fiscal year
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Rorke btfo
For me, its kernkraft
Zombie nation doo doo doo doo doo
even national Cornish culture would be better than living in a paki wogtopia
did pakis bring the printing press with them?
had a pizza right before bed last night and had loads of mad dreams
New: >>199213451
New: >>199213451
New: >>199213451
New: >>199213451
Hate midwit cunts like this.
Brazilian bollockposter on a mad one.
I'm just like the main character from Fight Club, only I pwn people online with facts and logic
>that upvote/downvote ratio
so that's why reddit is an anagram of retard
dude cody did you hear about the freakin brazilian bawlluckposter
yank clown
lost 50lb this year so far like, not bad
what's your secret?
Who can forget the terror of the Nazis bringing in gay marriage and then flooding Germany with millions of useless immigrants delivering kebabs on bicycles?
Fascism always starts like this.
sexy cunt
eating less and moving more tbqh
no, tell me the truth
are you on drugs?
listening to chinese music despite having blue eyes
Sometimes I look at how utterly schizo /tv/ is and feel a sense of gladness that I’m not like that.

just high on life atm
Kind of interesting that most of 4chan is just people involved in act of demoralisation and self-demoralisation.
>I'm gonna lose me job
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farts escaping arses reek
fundamentally, ethiopians are retarded
fatties eating aged ribeye
fund east anglian railways
frontman/entertainer axl rose
french empire and renaissance
famous english abused rentboys
fuck everything and rope
That’s it. I’m voting Tory on July 4th. THANK YOU RISHI!
The crabs who struggle to climb work twice as hard to pull down the crabs who can
what's causing this then?
bizarre that the bbc HAS to give an equal platform to SNP when it's completely irrelevant to 90% of the country
We have been very clear on the fact that we truly, genuinely believe we're going to win on the 4th.
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one in 20 are brown or irish i reckon
The "last labour government" committed to 138 F-35s
The Tories haven't even ordered half that number
patriots are in control
fuck off nige
Think it's to do with more and more people being cunts these days.
Dark MAGA energy
lil bro thinks hes churchill :skull:
do you lot vote? im 34, never had, never will tbqh. is there a party dedicated to getting rid and stopping any more third worlders from shitting up the country or are the right wing parties the type of right wingers that say stuff like 'liberals, theyre the real racists' while continuing to oversee a demographic change that cant end well for anyone?
the latter
just spermed all over my ipad screen
You can’t spell Rishi without Irish.
32 and never voted. It’s just a circus for the peons. We’re just enlightened individuals operating at higher levels. Unvaccinated as well you see.
Half of people have walked out of a restaurant without paying for their meal. And those people are called women.

brexit has been a disaster why are people falling for that grifter's bollocks again
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playig elden ring
unfathomably based
hairline receding
waistline expanding
erections dysfuctioning
>32 and never voted. It’s just a circus for the peons. We’re just enlightened individuals operating at higher levels. Unvaccinated as well you see.
Only just noticed that Ben Shapiro is always wearing one of those little Jew hats, but it's the exact same colour as his hair.
can you shag the horse in it
loooool done em
There's about 50 posters in /brit/ at peak hours on a Friday / Saturday evening. No general election has swung on ±50 votes. Makes no difference whether all of us ITT vote or not. Objectively no difference to the outcome.
Don't care. Still voting Lib Dem.
glad he never green text me
genuinely think it should be illegal to not vote unless you have a valid excuse
Those who are most successful in life are those who work smart AND hard
at least 6 of those are me, probably 5 are spaino, 10 jfs including the irish and some of the freaks here are clearly underage so probably about 20 eligible voters
You shouldn't be able to vote if you're: unemployed, overweight, female, atheist, low IQ, wearing sportswear, nonwhite, under 30
pooing some wee out of my dick
I'm not a voting block with you tards
Half of you are probably voting for homosexual parties like Lib Dems or Greens
The 60s-70s were ridiculously nonce friendly. The sexual revolution opened up a can of worms and nonces believed they were in good company. This is the era where all the major nonces in rock and roll, Hollywood, French academia, British politics, all come out to play

Really wonder when the strong stigma against noncery came back into action. It was certainly back by the 1990s, since there was so much fearmongering about satanic child sacrifice rituals.
Don't care, still voting Reform
Some of us regularly leave the house with no difficulty so it's not a huge effort x
that's really interesting but i'm still voting walt disney-magpies coalition
>Albania's new census shows the nation has a muslim minority for the first time in the post-socialist era

oh my DAYS ummahbros
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Low trust society innit. The elites used their ideological child soldiers to demand and then weaponise "multiculturalism" with identity politics and other indirect methods. This inevitably makes society less cohesive and thus, much easier to divide and rule.

That's why so many people are miserable and isolated, and so many are antisocial cunts. I think this has been happening since before Blair's Labour shut down the community hubs (pubs) with the smoking ban and alcohol taxes, and quadrupled immigration (while bringing the least compatible cultures).
opened brit earlier and everyone was talking about black mens penises so i closed the tab
Life update: applied for a job at coinmarketcap, London
Then bought a shitcoin on eth called groyper
It feels crazy to use eth with such low gas fee
Haven't felt like this in over 7 years
stay the fuck out of my country
you're all dinosaurs
>unemployed, overweight, female, atheist, low IQ, wearing sportswear, nonwhite,
>under 30
not me
But Beltashi are muslim
So it's still 50.67% muslim
time for sex
i don't get it
rrraaaaaghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! *stomps you into a fine red paste*
I know x
thank you
past few months my legs have started to get even hairier and im starting to get hair on my arms which isn't just baby hair
think im finally turning in to a man at 25
sufi are kafir
no wonder I don't goon
the madman
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Three hundred and ten
Oh my days bruv
janny is uppity today innit
really not too bright are you
2 early news. I wonder...
What cunt made an early new?
I did a great post in there as well and was looking forward to the (You)s

Are you fucking retarded?
is this the new?
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triple kill
thank you based janny
oh dear
'tis a sad day for shit-eating early pushers
then a yank ruins it
kill them all
OK you're taking the piss now
ah yes

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