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les edishhhhhhhhhhhhh
Top geezer. BOSH,
Here we are then
This one wasn't linked to first

Janny is a moron
Janny having a sneaky link
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I'm starting to get a bit shaky you know what I mean
I didn't want a new thread personally
the standard morning for brits that move to australia
are... are we safe here?
*rattles the runt cage*
Let’s not provoke HIM further
calm down dear, it's just a commercial!
Would like to apologise for this outburst and will delete the post.
no NIGGER janitor can hold me down
no NIGGER jannies allowed in this town
our home /brit/ is a NIGGER free thread
little NIGGER janny is crying in his bed
very nice. impressive
A 3 dayer for that me thinks
Americans woke up and dumped groyoer
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havin a cuppa
pungent inhuman aromas coming out of my arse at the moment
Janitor Town
business idea: automatically delete all threads with /brit/ in the subject if there is another thread with /brit/ in the subject that has fewer than 310 posts, and also, automatically delete all threads with /brit/ in the subject that have 312+ posts
You better restart your router NOW
think being based is against the rulrs mate
invest in jeetcoin
Now Janny, make sure you bring this attitude every time an indonesian or mexican makes an early new.
business idea: you shutting up
i'm having that buttermint tea after all, and will spark up that cigarillo in a minute
i'll probably end up playing project zomboid later
Janitor watch
One day he's going to shoot himself in the stomach
me the indonesian mexican
Electric heater in effect
Can't hack these temps today
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business idea: doing even more posts just to annoy you
Alri Mr Tate
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good man.
Right nowt discussion going on in here so time to be productive methinks
Two portions of sex, please
Your thoughts on this song?

wouldn't have mncdelivery refuse to eat internet food
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And then force your weird control hold onto others aha
Not been a lot of build up to the Yank election this year
black slenderman onamadone
Blud's a gibbon
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It's a Neofolk type of afternoon
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You don't fancy having a byte to eat then?
Pasta delivery is en route
>Scott Chegg
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>pasta delivery
what the fuck ahhahahahahah
Pasta Delivery for... I.C. Weiner?
faggot shit
Anyone like these shits where you finish with a massive fart so it feels like the shit gets blasted clear by the fart?

This has been a poolad post
need a gf that'll log everything i do and be unfaithful ngl
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another day another pointless treadmill exercise for brainberg
such a shit sport
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she ate the pissy biscuit!
Is there even much technique in basketball or do you just need to be really tall?
Huffing toenails.
corrr what you get lad? a nice carbonara?
love love LOVE it especially when the fart is so massive you get another nugget or two flying out at the last minute, really seals the deal for me
please tell me you don't smoke Hamlets, they're so shit
prefer not to say...
we've got a three for two offer on threesomes at the moment
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Say happy Canada Day to me
exactly what I would have done in that situation
also known as wearing your grandads old clothes
yeah loads but each team of 5 will have a very tall (6'10 or taller) centre and a power forward around the same height
the way spacing works it only makes sense to have two or 3 players that tall
but you're useless in any position if you're not like 6'4 or taller, unless you are super skilled like steph curry who is 6'1
Longest arms I've ever seen
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What. A. G.
Happy Canada day bro
looking forward to how janny will react to the inevitable early new
is he sitting with bated breathe, finger itching for the ban?
we shall see
*points to Mihai frozen in a pod at the back of the thread*
just unreal really
mental how kane would have had a volley if bellingz had missed it
though arry is a bottlejob when i truly matters so would have missed
Don't really see what's wrong with getting pasta delivered. You're putting about as much effort into making pasta into making a burger, more so if you make the pasta and sauce from scratch.
yeah, I call it the encore
What happened to 4channel?
What happened to the poster count?
Thanks man got any plans for Independence Day?
happy Canda Day to me
Getting a burger delivered is silly, too
Gets all soggy and lukewarm
/brit/ is full of conformists who view anything out of the ordinary with deep suspicion
its just easy to make yourself and cheap so why would you get it ordered
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bit bizarre that Laurence Fox still has friends
seems like quite an obnoxious chap
and I say that as a rorke
hope diego is safe and okay wherever he is x
chucking like 20 pence worth of dry pasta into a pan and boiling it isn't the same as making your own burgers, not even close
i'm voting for reform ltd because it's a racist party and i'm a racist. i want history to repeat and farage to come to power in the same way that hitler came to power in 1930s germany. i like him because he reminds me of oswald mosley and enoch powell
I am seen
Good lad
just ordered a boiled egg off UberEats, £6.80 plus tip seems reasonable
would lick that mixed race lass's soles clean
gookmoot realised he wasnt fooling any advertisers pretending that 4channel was a worksafe friendly version of the chon without /pol/ and porn so hes abandoned that idea and instead allowed nsfw ads on sfw boards instead to make money. the postercounter was removed for no reason and incognito image posting has been banned to sell more passes
people forgive people they know for loads of awful personality traits even when they aren't famous
dunno why
at uni one lad in our friend group had fucked everyone he ever met over cos he was a proper sociopath and yet still the group were like oh whatever he's a mate, jsut what he's like innit
>reform ltd
you've never got over people pointing out that every party has a listing on company house have you laddie?
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one of the perks of using a dynamic ip is you sometimes get erroneous ban messages like this one
i haven't been on /pol/ in ages
good to see they're cracking down on the shitposting though
i walked down to the hamburger shop and had a sit down meal for dinner
They're probably all right-wing extremists themselves
Posting on brit from my smelly bedroom and reading
GCHQ making a note of this post
they were training haha
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good lad
I might be the smelliest, most virginous incel in /brit/ tbqh
there's an entire american thread you could post in instead on that day
get those on mobile
had one i got myself like 8 years previous before when i went back to mum's for crimbo
went to post on here one day only to find 'i' was permanently banned for CP. bit of a shock desu. don't remember which board the nonce posted on
job centre call toil in a bit
I'm poking fun at leftypol by including it you mong
nah they're dirt cheap ones today
i smoke mehari's when i can though
the vanilla flavour ones
it raining again
it not right
it never right
fuck it all
fuck it ALL to HELL
going to get a pizza delivered. why shouldn't i
you're having a giraffe if you think Reform is going to do any of that
Good lad, enjoy
fucking freak
Me and my Pakistani girlfriend (one of the proverbial 'good ones') shall be voting Reform
"it" doesn't make grammatical sense
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On the 4th, /brit/ will be an American thread
Alright Diego
get the ferry tickets booked
it gon be alright de lad
it new speak
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everyting gwan be alree
I'll get the filter list prepped then
We have our election on July 4th, when a new parliament (and therefore a new prime minister) will be voted for.
Will listen when I get hoem
There's a few spots in Belfast where you'd pick up an IP on 4G that had nonce bans. All of them were on /tv/
alri granddad
she'll be right
theres not a single good non white on earth
been joined in my room by a dragonfly of all things
i was about to moan that the britney posting was cut short
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i know
sure you will
offer him a brew
does it say “4chan.org.uk”?
what about bob marley?
mcdelivery arrived
no special prize stickers on the fries
are britney
more like shitney
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are Toyah
mediocrewomenmong loves his mediocre women
*jiggles your belly*
fuck you
lmao albanian fella won £200 thanks to your order
just not on
the entertainment industry has much to answer for
Won a free porridge last night
thoughts on the wog prime minister having cry over being called a paki?
are wogs naturally thin skinned and emotional? kids on the playground deal with insults better this pint sized wog
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>Searching for posts with the filename ‘Encourage-women-to-smell-their-poop-to-be-more-inclusive-to-Trans-women-IQfy’.
>1300 results found.
Caught a nonce ban on /tv/ in 2015 for making a thread with little muslim girl saying allahu akbar
The Big Tasty is the best McD's item
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can’t eat fast food anymore, just become ill and grumpy me
Sounds like you have gut issues
Miss the chicken legend me, much better than the chicken burger they serve these days
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reckon it’s poison disguising itself as food
listening to music and looking morose
shit my guys out every time I get fast food
disgusting indigestible shit
listening to morose and looking music
eat usain bolt call it fast food
it was an obvious set up to take votes away from reform
and they call the troons mentally ill
how exactly is a paki crying about racism going to take votes away from reform?
He's about 5 inches flaccid, based on the videos I've seen
back on the zinc + copper supplements

expecting my libido to increase
Nope, sorry
Having problems when you eat food is not the food's fault
My Dad had a full head of brown hair at 50 and now has a noticably thin head of grey hair at 60.
He doesn't seem to care thougheverbeit.
Doing God's work.
it was intended to show to voters that they are the racist party and the tories are the sensible party. could pull back some undecided voters
My knob goes from 1 inch flaccid to just over 5 inches hard so it's possible he's got an 8 or 9 incher.
tasteless grey gruel for tea
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phwoar yes
barely 2 inches flacid me, but 6.5 erect, and a proper shiny helmet
fast food isn’t really food though is it
yeah whatever
Would genuinely only have about two maybe four friends to invite to a hypothetical welding
My penis is ideally sized as several women have told me in confidence and two women and one man have said in public
thanks for letting us know mate
looks good wish i had that
at least its something
talking about dicks again are we?
You're a flaccid knob
why are you serving up the mash like that? looks vile, learn to plate it better
Can't wait for Sunak to lose his seat and the Tories to cannibalise themselves. It's going to be glorious.
slowly losing weight, my hair's getting tastefully longer and I've aqcuired fashionable stubble
this might sound like a stretch lads, but I think I might be good looking
shan't be posting pics
bragley bait
No need to get pretentious Sven
Tea is a drink not a meal
Northern freak
I know you guys don't like it but I made an early new just in case.
My bellend is weirdly big compared with the rest of my penis
bet ur always cummin early eh la
if you have a big enough frying pan you can cook oven pizza on it
just defrost the pizza in the fridge overnight, put it on the frying pan (low heat) and cover with foil
pretty excited about it too
main worry is that the wipeout won’t be as massive as expected somehow, really hope they go under 100 seats
shan't be doing this
I've got a meal for you right here pal
*punches you in the mouth*
>sucking up to yanks this much
could also throw it in the oven
>you can cook oven pizza on it
As opposed to...non-oven pizzas?
how is that a better option than just putting it in the oven
Don't care, still voting Trump
Will continue to use the oven cheers
really quite proud of my penis lads
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I'm tactically voting lib dem in the hope that it makes the tory defeat even larger
excreting brown matter from my bhole
Oh, he's here again. Wonder if he'll have a melty
are you not a bit worried about labour getting in?
we've been voting against mass immigration ever since the last time, and immigration is now at it's highest ever by a mile
what the fuck are these psychos going to do when the public (apparently) votes FOR mass immigration?
Wfh monday is great
Drop into a few meetings in the morning, send a few replies to emails that came in late friday
Fire one up the missus at lunch
Do a bit of actual tasks in the afternoon and head straight to the gym after
hey that's my mum
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>are you not a bit worried about labour getting in?
Do a chemical peel on your penis
Unlock maximum sensitivity
And the very latest from The Woke Mob?
might take shitloads of LSD and write the next alice in wonderland
not everyone has an oven
everyone has a big frying pan and kitchen foil

somehow, mousenonce returned
Can't wait for the Red-Tie Neoliberal Party to fix all of the problems created by the Blue-Tie Neoliberal Party.
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Biden is playing 4D chess as the sacrificial lamb. When they replace him with a younger candidate, that candidate is going to be massively popular and then all the "old man" discourse will shift onto Trump
haha me too *kisses you on the mouth*
thinking about my local football team
the bread gets stuck to the pan ive tried it
how can you have a hob to use the pan on but not an oven? are you camping in the woods or something
>not everyone has an oven
lmao imagine being so poor you don't have an oven
FOOLS ball!
mouseynomics in /cum/
I'm not mouseposter I can posr it
blud is REALLY talking about cooking pizza in a frying pan
jesus wept
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I give off Rockstar Vibes
you mean the democrats are playing 4D chess
biden is a demented elder abuse victim who doesn't know who or where he is most of the time
Dip your dick into hydroflouric acid
Become a virgin again
>thread isn't even half way to bump limit and it's 7 hours old
grim freaks
fucked up my entire life kek
not a lot of ‘did the man kick the ball’ posts when the footy is actually on
odd that
ktim, suicidetoil for me
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reading book
>are you not a bit worried about labour getting in
I don't think you realise how utterly dogshit the tories are at everything. Since 2015 and arguably including the coalition as well they've been the most incompetent government since the war, with only the possible exception of late 70s labour. They deserve to be totally blown the fuck out
Worst case with Starmer things are mostly the same as they are now, best case things actually turn a corner
i did it just now and it didn't get stuck
i didn't even use oil this time either (you are supposed to)

turning on my oven has filled the room with smoke since i moved in here
can't be arsed to clean it
don't even know if it's possible
Still sometimes chuckle about that soyjak image of the people in that Submarine that imploded.
is the man going to kick the ball later
unlike this thread /cum/ doesn’t get swarmed with antipodean freaks in the dead of night
good man
give us a synopsis when you're done
read this but can't remember any of it other than he was a shagger in his youth and stole an apple from a tree
This place as well as the internet at large is full of snide mentally ill cunts so you can't trust it desu
dont give up
i hope so. i'm talking with the missus about spending about $10k/year each on the football, so we had better enjoy it
have forensics check the slug
My favourite African writer
drinking water with ice cubes in it to improve the taste
bet mousey makes some proper weird noises when you're sucking him off
No chemicals
What are you WAFFLING about??
What's stopping you from just moving to the med and working in a bar?
Oh yeah Brexit
On that 1,4,flurobenzene
probably a lump of burned food in there
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says it all really
Yeah you get interesting portions of his life in between parts that are basically the same, saying how God is great. It seems a bit light on the theology
I don’t think it’s even possible to have higher immigration
you’d have to be a retard, a doormat, an utter cuck to continue voting for tories after they brought in 1.2 million wogs
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>Worst case with Starmer things are mostly the same as they are now
you lack imagination
labour could do what they did last time and quadruple the rate of immigration because they want to socially engineer a "multicultural" society
and that's not even the worst case scenario
look at what socialists did to venezuela
you have absolutely no clue how bad things could get
get over it
I run this general
Why would you be a football fan in aus when you have the best sports league in the world right there (NRL)
It doesn't actually, my brother is currently doing just that.
there are higher numbers than 1.2 million
last time labour were in, they brought in 2 million immigrants
fluoride benzoate mentioned
if anyone needs me I'll be in my orifice
wanking my little green willy
>labour could do what they did last time and quadruple the rate of immigration because they want to socially engineer a "multicultural" society
Pretty much anyone who wants to come here already can.
At least with Blair's immigration most of them were white Christian Eastern Europeans, now it's all pajeets and nigerians.
I know what you're doing, just keep posting.
flourine definitely the coolest most swaggiest element ngl

4-FA is a good drug too but VERY neurotoxic
Started taking vitamin d
>At least with Blair's immigration most of them were white Christian Eastern Europeans
where are you getting that from?
People driving in the middle lane on the motorway when you return to the left
Still have no idea how this could be interpreted other than a plan to completely destroy British culture.
We already have rootless multicultural behemoths — Canada, USA, and Australia — to fill with browns as reparations for colonialism.
got high hopes for finding a gf when I take the dog for a walk in a bit
Net migration under Labour never cracked 250k a year. This year it was 700k a year.
I have a bull mastiff
They've all been asleep, it's just turning to morning in North America

It's now 9:43 am in New York and 6:43 am in California
Why didn't jay Slater just walk along the road? I just looked it up on maps, stick to the roadside and follow the signposts, at least until morning
Captcha GYM
probably because he was off his nut at the time
artificial countries created by British colonialism
Because heatstroke makes you do retarded things. He had been on the pills and the bag all night and was presumably very dehydrated.
>anyone who wants to come here already can
and voting in labour sends that message out to the world loud and clear
at least having voted in the tories gives the impression the public aren't happy about it
when biden was elected, there was a massive surge to the us border, because latin americans knew there was now a pro-migrant leader in power
Twerking my bussy as reparations for colonialism
afl footy mate
that’s not true idiot
immigration has never in history been as high as under the tories
they are far and away worse in every way than labour

that’s why they need 0 seats, I voted for les a immigration and they betrayed me so massively I want them to be utterly desyroyed
the evil that men poo
yes, because the door has been wedged open wider and wider
what makes you think labour will do anything but accelerate this policy?

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