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Wimbledon edition
More like wokebledon
aren’t the vast majority of your immigrants entering legally?
the ones crossing the southern us border are doing so illegally
More like wombles of Wimbledon
mad leftypol thinks 745,000 net simply isn't enough people
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Imagine if they managed to make a fun and popular tennis videogame in the vein of FIFA
no, the vast majority are trying to sneak in on boats illegally
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Why did this make my dick twitch?
technically neither are illegal
if you show up out of nowhere and claim asylum then you're not illegal
it's effectively an open border desu
wii sports was enough
this morning I was awakened by a terrific banging
Funny how the only pictures on this Wikipedia article are of women https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mons_pubis
The new 'eitch

Not remotely true though is it, illegal immigration isn't even 10% of the total.
Don’t believe you
Hi australia
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i didn't say labout brought in numerically more than the tories
they accelerated the rate of increase more than the tories did
the tories gradually increased it to the current levels, after labour quadrupled it, throwing open the doors
i can believe the tories genuinely want immigration to make the line go up, but labour want to change the ethnic face of britain as much as possible
It is. If you enter on a holiday, work or study visa and then claim asylum it's illegal entry.
utterly despise woke
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I'm English.
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I wish I looked like this and got all the chads and jamal lusting after me, unfortunately I am a fat hairy bloke
this one is well grim
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>I wish I looked like this and got all the chads and jamal lusting after me, unfortunately I am a fat hairy bloke
*throws you into the cell and then swallows the key*
Racists like you need to learn your place
*browses various poo-themed fridge magnets in the /brit/ gift shop*
being attractive is actually quite tiresome
They did, it's called Virtua Tennis, see here: >>199221330

Great game
feels like
i'm doin a big massive poo
thunderous farts echoing through the dark lonesome hallways of my incel flat
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>being attractive is actually quite tiresome
mogs me
So that's why I'm so tired all the time
You've been done, mate
Keep thinking of koopa troopers when I see this lad
I'm not a trannard
It's all happening in America.
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leftypol in shambles
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it'll be
>labour wins
>literal open borders and free transport from africa to gatwick
>"progressive" laws based on ethnicity for maximum third world anarcho-tyranny
>reformists start protesting
>labour: what? this is a labour government! it's what britain actually voted for
drank a big red bull and now my heart hurts
brotherberg told me I put on weight
why is he so horrible
Him status: done
Jovan and his Woke little dog bottled it under the pressure exuded by Nigels aura. Winning isn't for everyone.
why is it surprising to anyone that an untouched, idyllic part of France doesn't want to let hordes of immigrants in
>i can believe the tories genuinely want immigration to make the line go up
They can't even do that right. GDP growth has been marginal at best and by every serious economic and social metric the country is much worse off than when the Tories took over in 2010.
Investment is down the drain, infrastructure is crumbling, wages have been stagnant for the whole tory reign and we are being left behind by comparable economies in the rest of the developed world. The tories have left us with the worst of all possible outcomes
>high taxes but low investment
>high immigration but low growth
>high cost of living but low wages
>incompetence and penny pinching at every level, we can't even build a fucking train line
If you still want the tories in you are genuinely either retarded or ancient.
wonder how often Mr Hurst books holidays in "multicultural areas"
WTF why isn’t this rural French community packed with Africans?!?
I will be voting SDP
>both sides are...LE BAD
Is it too late to vote for National Rally
>we will bring back social democracy
fantasy stuff
leafrorke melty
1984 wasn't supposed to be an instruction manual
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Me: the invisible man she's fucking
>literal open borders and free transport from africa to gatwick
The Rwanda scheme literally did that. By the terms of the plan if you were deported and then committed a crime in Rwanda the UK had to take you back.
zero arse detected
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Orwell was next-level based.
I’ve been reading A Confederacy of Dunces again and am at the part where Reilly is trying to end war by installing faggots in all parts of the government and army so that they’ll be too busy having orgies to use nuclear weapons lol
why do poms refer to the ground as the floor when they’re outside?
Jay Slater was a nasty druggy Deano mong
Why do people give a shite about him?
>uk has 93,723 square miles of land
>london has a population density of 14,600 per square mile
>that means the uk could support a population of 1.368 billion people with a population density of london
it's high time that labour imported hundreds of millions of non-western criminals and refugees to live a better life in Mother England
on a comedown from my first bit of caffeine in two and a half years having recently also quit the nicotine as we speak lad, it was a monster for me
wondering why i did it
was quite mental how much the drink actually effected me though
Enoch Powell
'm up to ma knees in fuckin cow pat
brotherberg told me I put on weight
why is he so horrible
reckon you're just oversensitive
do you want pooey gay bum sex and infinity immigrants but blue
or pooey gay bum sex and infinity immigrants but red?
Stop being fat
Mental how there are adults who don't like fish/seafood
i don't want the tories, i thought that was clear
i just really, really, really don't want labour because i remember what the uk was like before their last government, and what they did
the tories should've done better, but no government was going to recover from labour's death combo of quadrupling immigration, and picking immigrants that would breed violent criminals, and welfare dependents, and social instability at such a rate
the tories look like they tried (and failed) to save the uk
labour look like they tried (and succeeded) to destroy it
roll the blunt rorke
I have an upset tummy :(
never have I ONCE been 'done'
can we get a quick shoutout to Christina Applegate

don’t like any of them
'course no one's done you, you gigavirgin
Have scheduled a doing of you in my diary but won't say when it will be. And then you'll finally get done
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I am absolutely fucking STARVING lads :/
sent him into the stratosphere
What is your height and weight?
On the verge of becoming a virge
interesting how only the woke ever got covid
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enoch bowel
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bellatrix is best girl
If you really think about it all the babies in the maternity hospitals are virgin freaks
love fat women
6’4 15 stone
>i just really, really, really don't want labour because i remember what the uk was like before their last government, and what they did
Blair was the last PM to leave the country in a better state than he found it. You could argue Brown did a good enough job as well given that the economy was recovering by the 2010 election and austerity really did a number on us getting out of the recession mess.
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some are destined to be shaggers, some are not
The ideal woman is someone in their 70s who probably has dementia but they have big gahoogadoogas as well, *ship horn sound*
I see rorke's toilet foaming with much poo
>Blair left the country in a better state than he found it
who the fuck told you that?
I’m guessing you’re really 5’7” and 20 stone whatever those oogabooga units mean
Not if I have anything to do with it
>give birth in a hospital
>neonatal nurse swaps your baby's tag around with another
>raise an entirely different child that carries neither your own genes nor your wife's

many such cases
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vichy france is back
I hope seasidemark dies this year
that's why i'll force my future wife to give birth at home under my watchful eye (possibly chained in a dungeon depending on her behaviour)
Slug of a man.
I hope I die this year
you want to reward failure like the retard you are
the tories had the power to enact whatever form of legislation they wished to completely and fully limit immigration to whatever number they chose

instead paki Rishi opened the floodgates to infinity wigs and their families doing fake degrees
pakis look after their own, and the tories are pathetic for installing one. they must be utterly destroyed.
i also hope that gingernonce dies this year
i remember reading how common this is and being utterly shocked
can't remember how common but i was floored
wish i could find the stats because they're insane
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was posting on blacktowhite (the interracial cuckolding community) and it is astounding how many of those freaks want to raise their wife's black baby
grim cunts
I'd be DNA testing the kid anyway just to be sure now rather than find out when she hits me with divorceberg
wiping coffee from my moustache
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>Let's now go to the map projection room, where I am standing on a massive map of the constituencies
>The path to 326
>We now go to Sunderland City Council where the first results are coming in
>Blue Wall/Red Wall
>Portillo moment
>This is the first time this has happened since 1997/1964/1932/etc/etc
>A remarkable upset, none of the polls expected this
>This seat has predicted the winning party every election since 1979
>This MP has declined to comment on the exit poll, claiming it is too early to tell and to wait for the votes to come in
>[Party leader] is holding a press conference where they are expected to resign
>We now go to Wales/Scotland/Northern Ireland where the battleground looks completely different
>"This is unprecedented, we've never seen this before" says the expert pundit talking head
>instead paki Rishi opened the floodgates to infinity wigs and their families doing fake degrees
actually he restricted it
it was johnson who opened the floodgates
Maybe Gabriel goes to non-white areas too?

E.g. Clive Myrie (the newsreader) does travel shows on TV and I think he's been to Italy (mostly white) as well as the Caribbean (mostly black).

It's possible to like many different cultures across the world.
is there a porn term for videos of women getting dressed in sexy outfits?
i'm not voting tory
if i was going to vote, i'd vote reform
it'd be a protest vote, because labour are obviously going to smash the election because enough voters are too young to remember the last labour government, and the anti-labour vote is split almost 50/50
i'm not going to bother voting
this country is well beyond saving at this point
prepping the bull
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enoch cowell
a paki wog tells you he’s on your side and definitely doesn’t want more of his paki mates over
at the same time he brings in 1.2 million of his mates

and this retard thinks he somehow restricted it? hilarious
Lol shut up you fucking tard
>>[Party leader] is holding a press conference where they are expected to resign
Corr not long now until we see Rishi giving his resignation speech
if I were going to vote*
Hypothetical, subjunctive mood
why are conspiritards obsessed with contrails
it's literally just water vapour

Also reminds me, why does Sunderland always bring its results in first, are they just eager beavers or something????
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are supertramp
vote to destroy the tories at least
they have to know their betrayal on immigration will not be forgiven
Shut up yourself you genuine braindead fucking idiot
>at the same time he brings in 1.2 million of his mates
this was due to the rules change made by boris johnson
how do you not know this? even rees-mogg admitted it
Probably never
dec from ant & dec seems sound
What are they though?
Should I get a sick note from doctor for 3 months off work lads, yes or no
good post
I am heterosexual
I enjoy the female form
I enjoy the female breasts and buttocks
I can even tolerate the vulva
Women excited me sexually
both establishment nonces
What was the moment where in hindsight it was the moment you fucked your life forever?

Mine was not shagging that bird when I was 15
>we must destroy the pakis
>by voting labour
now i think you're a pakistani muslim trying to trick racists into voting for the party of grooming gangs, so that you might one day get to rape a 12 year old
Sweet spot of small population but organised enough to have resources for counting
he could have fixed it immediately
as prime minister he had the power to do so, and he’s been in power for 2 years

you’re delulu if you think he wanted anything different
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hope you soak your head in wax
doing benzos
all me
Morning mate. How are you?

Where do you get your blue lucozade? I can't find it anywhere.
Happy Canada day
Sounds like a plan lad.

When I was signed off after attempting to end my own life they kept giving me 2 week sicklines and it was a ballache having to phone up every 2 weeks. Do I want to go back to work 2 weeks after trying to die erm no I don't think I do actually you daft cow.

In the end I just stopped renewing the line and lived off my savings instead.
Mumstein did that to me
Communism would be terrible for incels. If there's no need to work, what would be the incentive for women to produce porn or become a prostitute?
holy moly
just revived a bee with sugar water
i'm basically a hero
Kill yourself
I’m voting reform, paki idiot
both tories and labour are pro paki, and especially the tories who must be destroyed completely so we can get some real anti immigration party in its stead
If I was a transsexual pakistani paedophile I would vote for the Labour Party as that is obviously the party for me
However I am not, so I shall vote Reform UK. More of a protest vote against Starmer's dystopian regime that is about to take power.
desmond twotwotwotwotwotwo
Better luck next time x
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>vote for the pro-immigration party to tell the tories to be tougher on immigration
if only there was an ACTUAL anti-immigration party to vote for
Upsets the balance of natural selection, this.

Those dehydrated, sugarless bees were meant to die.
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Impressive. Very nice.
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Look what I've done for you
They have a race with Newcastle, sometimes they've been beaten
>Nigel "Poles out, Pakis in" Farage
Um excuse me mate, but I don't recall anyone asking?
>he could have fixed it immediately
he did
the numbers reflect the previous rules
Number of posts between first and last: 75
Time between first post and now: 2 Minutes 12 Seconds
Posts until GET (200000000): 777716
Estimated time until GET:380 Hours 13 Minutes
Reform are tougher on immigration than Tories no matter what memes you pull out
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I hate it when I have to go to the chicken shop to get desi chicken slaughtered in front of me eyes. They stare at me and question ny soul "why me"
I'm a part of nature and I selected that bee for survival
Asking what, whether you're a woman or a bloke? Yeah it was never in doubt from the 5 o'clock shadow on your double chin and your big swinging cock in your aldi trousers.
Oi greasymonkey script. I had this in 2013/4
I knew the guy who scripted this (was in my plug dj group )
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what would you lads say is the best solution to unsustainable population growth in developing countries?
naked under my bedsheets and feeling slutty
it's just the get tracker website you stupid cunt
I am voting for reform though and so should everyone else
staying home is not an option, voting Tory is not an option, that’s my point and if you still don’t understand kys
Fuck up lardboy
time to change colostomy bag
we can start with age of consent laws
File deleted.
genuinely mental that my tiny white ting would have no chance getting past those cheeks
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lets fucking go tory bros we reduced immigration from 200 billion to 199 billion per year
have you been following the conversation?
my position has always been reform > tories > labour

is this not you?
>Worst case with Starmer things are mostly the same as they are now, best case things actually turn a corner
>At least with Blair's immigration most of them were white Christian Eastern Europeans
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Red Meat, Dairy, Coconut, Palm Oil, Cocoa = Saturated fat

Sugars and Starches = Converted into Saturated fat

So to avoid Saturated Fat, I have to eat:

-Non-Starchy vegetables
-Salt, Herbs and Spices, Tea and Coffee

And not eat too much of any of that because excess calories = Saturated Fat.

It's fucking had work lads.
Nigel himself is a meme but several million votes for Reform UK is a hell of a message and helps build up an electoral base for a new right-wing movement for the next few elections to come.

It's literally the only party worth voting for right now, the only one with immigration as its central position, so it would be stupid to not vote for it just because it isn't the perfect/ideal nationalist party we want. We can get nationalism in the future but we need to start with this. If we can't even get a moderate soft-right anti-immigration movement off the ground, we're not going to be able to get hardline nationalism off the ground in the future either.
i know
that was my point
congratulations on almost being able to read
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>It's fucking had work lads.
my mum is a little dim and basically agrees with the last thing that she's heard, and she has this woke mate who fills her head with woke shite and I basically have to correct her again only for her to have her head filled with more woke shite
it's like me and this woman I've never met are having an argument through my mother
nah vagina always easily accessible no matter the fatness of arse, seen that in movies
These days when I onboard at a new job I put in fake information in my emergency contact section.

Had a job in the past where they actually called my emergency contact (my dad) after I quit via email. Fuck off with that shit. If I fall and bash my head at work then I can decide myself whether I want my family to know.
looks like someone's took a bite out of that chewing gum with the syrup inside
<- leng
no need to meat of any kind in a balanced diet
>Had a job in the past where they actually called my emergency contact (my dad) after I quit via email
What, to tell you off? That's mental
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what exactly IS "saturated" fat
>my position has always been reform > tories > labour
That is a bad position.
Tories are NOT superior to Labour. They are either equal to Labour or they are actively worse than Labour. Labour actually radicalises the right-wing and the normies against the left and against clown world by its blatant excesses. The Tories allow those same excesses to take place but lull the dumb normiecattle into a place of sedation by pretending they're against it when they actually triple it.
The left is something to be fought but you ought to destroy the fake-right first. It is far more dangerous.
imagine if you shagged this woman in the same manner aha
when I was at uni I got a little bit addicted to wanking in public toilets
got to the point that I wouldn't lock the cubicle door in the hope that I'd get caught
Would not shag a single one of them
It's a woke lie, it doesn't exist
me but what you can't see is that i'm licking the screen while watching >>199222510
>their betrayal on immigration will not be forgiven
it will though
same as labour's was
this country deserves what it's going to get
Retarded thing to say really
that’s not me, that’s some blairite retard
I’ve just been saying don’t vote Tory no matter what, vote reform, vote SDP, vote whatever anti migration party there is

but never vote Tory, they must be absolutely destroyed
0% Celtic admixture me
100% pureblood
hand related
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That's dominion day
>red meat
>raw dairy
the key to a long healthy life
no it isn't
can be balanced and vegetarian
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rorkes status? Finished
me gwan slap yo gyal batty and aint no ting wrang wit dat
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100% Celtic admixture me
you got soft hands brother
Nah in fairness it was because I was on sick leave for a few months after having tried to kill myself and my manager was worried about me. Every couple weeks my line manager would have to call me to "touch base" and see how I could possibly be supported back to work.

Except I didn't want to go back and the calls were a dreaded nuisance. So after a while I just fired off an email to my manager, CC'd in floor managerberg, saying that day was my last day, formal resignation etc, and I think my manager shat it thinking I was going to try to kill myself again.

She was really nice and I think my suicide attempt, and subsequent rudeness, really did a number on her.
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Can't exactly come out and say that you're bullied for being British because the media will just brand you as a Nazi
it's harder to destroy the fake-right when you're under the boot of the far left
accelerationism is such a dumb idea it might've been invented by radical leftists
>yes fellow right wingers, we should destroy our country as fast and hard as possible to wake everyone up that it's being destroyed
watching dwarf mma and creasing my arse off
y-you too
>vote reform
>labour win
>labour ban reform
well done you fucked yourself
Scranless. Ladless.
got a massive crease right down the middle of my arse
got a pooey arsehole inside that crease
Oh right yeah that's fair enough of them
I reckon:
Labour: 13-14 million votes
Reform UK: 9-10 million votes
Conservatives: 8-9 million votes
LibDems: 6 million votes

obviously this will translate into Labour getting 400+ seats, the Tories something along 100 seats, LibDems between 50 and 60 and Reform maybe 6 seats if they're lucky
>don't vote reform, otherwise you won't be able to vote reform
Got all Cs in your GCSEs didn't you?
theres not enough tintin yaoi out there
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>the future isn't even happening yet
What's a good way to pass the time on a flight?
tories are not better than labour, in fact they’re worse

I will not vote for any mass immigration party unlike doormats such as yourself
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Right that's it, smack time
*lifts you up by one of your wrists until you're dangling and wallops your arse with my palm*
have a poo
reckon the king should shut down parliament
britain cries out for PR but it will literally never happen
Watch one of the movies available to you
>Reform UK: 9-10 million votes
>maybe 6 seats if they're lucky
FPTP is so fucking gay
sleeping pill timed just right so you sleep through it
>One-year-old baby dies at house in Manchester after reports to police of child not breathing
Emergency services were unable to save the infant. An investigation is ongoing.
ever have those farts when you're sitting down and you feel it pop out of the top of your thigh and groin crease?
it's called tactical voting
vote to keep labour out of government
if you're in a seat contested between labour and reform, OBVIOUSLY vote reform
if you're in a labour safe seat, reform is a good protest vote
but if you're in a seat contested between labour and and the tories, then voting tory MIGHT be excusable because labour are literally so bad there might be no coming back from it
How can you play chess on a plane
The Tories aren't any more right wing than Labour, they just have the ideological position of self-enrichment as much as possible while Labour are still predominantly basic neolib centrists.
That may change after thursday when only the schizo wing of the tories still have a job
Not while Labour and the Tories are taking turns at power every few years. We had our chance at electoral reform in 2011 and fucked it up.
how fucking fat are your thighs you absolute blimp
Are Italians white or not? Trying to make my mind up about them. Some of them seem really nice but some of them are terrible
jesus fucking christ am i the only one in this thread that has seen a uk election before?
see >>199222840
Northern Italians are
little rorke weasel getting his head kicked in
The 2011 referendum proposed a deliberately shite system so that it would get shot down
death by vapor rub
I'm not fat
against a chess engine
I guess it's just a case of Italians being "shit whites" like Slavs are
DCSVR (Don't care, still voting Reform)
he caused all this
No. Reform is the only right choice in a seat contested by Tories and Labour. Those seats are going to be won by Labour anyway so best to vote for Reform so that you're building up their electoral support for the next election.

This post-COVID election is like the post-WWI election that killed off the Liberal Party. There's no point clinging to the past. We just need to move on, and start embracing the new political movement.
arabs are really bad at war
italians are really bad at war
just putting that out there
Rude and inaccurate
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what about the Roman empire then?
I think it's quite accurate
voting Tory is never acceptable
you are rewarding those who betrayed you and are probably a paki like Rishi who wants millions more of your pals over
>Those seats are going to be won by Labour
then it's a safe seat, not a contested seat
learn what words mean before you use them
timmy thick, cia harvard experiment. the effects of his devious machinations are only just beginning to unfold
don’t reward betrayal
made a post but it disappeared
Not him but "contested seat" isn't the correct terminology either. They're called "marginal seats".
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vote reform on principle then
i understand that
but if you get a labour government when voting tory would've prevented it, then enjoy your labour policies
they'll be a shitload worse than any tory policy you've ever seen
Ancient Romans weren’t Italian

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