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ULEZ edition
Got a fucking TON of work to do
i'm voting green, the only party proposing a wealth tax
>won't work in practice
don't care
Mate's gay brother has to have his anus checked regularly.
having a go
what's a wealth tax?
first for Walt Disney
wouldn’t bother if I was you
Just a tax on assets held
It's just a thing resentful tards attach their hopes
Very stupid way to construct a tax system considering we already have capital gains
People still clinging to the Tories despite being betrayed by them for decades are the reason why Reform will lose seats to Labour they would otherwise win. These holdout votes for the Tories are letting Labour win seats.
If you're a 'centrist, neoliberal, establishment capitalist', you're more than likely going to vote Labour or LibDem anyway.
If you're a socially conservative, immigration-sceptic, Eurosceptic, patriotic voter, WHY are you voting Tory?? You should be voting Reform.
Once wiped my arse with surface wipes. Was in agony for a good hour.
thanks for the correction, that sounds right
dunno where i got "contested" seat from
Fuck off to /brit/pol
How's your boyfriend voting?
see >>199223097
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>Hi [name],

>We greatly appreciate your interest in Fred Perry and the time you have invested to apply for Sales Assistant.

>We have reviewed your application and unfortunately we will not be progressing with your application at this time. Please continue to check our career site for available opportunities. We wish you all the best of luck in your job search.

>Best regards [other name]
>Fred Perry Ltd
>t. bootlicking arsewipe
Politics nonces fucking gagging for it today. I guess this is what you talk about all day if you have no mates.
Easy mistake to make. If it happens again just rub some Fiery Jack on your arsehole to soothe it.
>t. fucktard
So it's happened AGAIN
>if you don't want the government to confiscate your stuff then you're a bootlicker
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less politics talk
more teenage girls legs talk
I'm voting for my town's independent candidate.
there’s some proper suckers that will vote for tories still
whole party needs to die, it’s full of wogs and pen pusher DEI types, you can see that by Rishi crying about racism (and the fact he got elected in the first place)

also they’ve got a terrible record on other things like taxes, crime, and the military
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the lorry.
it's my stuff now
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children should be taught that there isn't a right or wrong way, only different ways and they are free to follow whichever way feels most natural to them
Chinese Proverb — 'There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same.'
was it necessary for the cartoon model to have such a large flaccid cock?

spare a thought for the button mushroom lads
Reckon Google's correct on this?
I'm voting Reform UK
Still contemplating becoming a HGV driver.

Cost a couple grand to get trained up, big investment.
>investing in a literal ponzi scheme
Fucking delusional. They're going to get demolished.
the first uk general election in 5 years is 3 days away mate
if england were playing in the world cup would you be surprised to see people talking about it, even though you yourself have no interest in football?
Sorry, I've already made up my mind. On July 4th I'm voting for Walt Disney!!!
work in a pub and I've honestly never been happier in a job
England will spawn a win
Southgate will lead England to the worst ever Euros championship since Greece winning it in 2004
Do you banter with the patrons
England vs Switzerland h2h

Games won: 19
Games drawn: 5
Games lost: 3

what's the point in allowing spackers to vote?
>Bellingham handed two game ban for "inappropriate" gesture
it's so over
A bit, getting better at it every week.
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how do I get a hungarian girlfriend to love me
yank blacks were probably the only group in modern history who could stage an actual anti capitalist effort wihch is why the cia nuked them and made them retarded
reform need votes
he's being investigated
>exaggerating small details of an otherwise-true story to make it more sensational and reply worthy

do this all the time myself, always goes down a treat
most of the parties rely on those votes
it's from whence they derive their mandate
Good. He's a nasty little freak.
There's a clue in the image.
should do some brit gimmicks irl theyll love it
I don't think sharia bloody allows it!
>Employed Woman is racist

Sad to see. You'd expect better really from someone within a marginalised group. Can't say I'm surprised though.
I'm always surprised how big those things up on the poles actually are once they come down
I'm surprised you thought this was worth posting
Not racist. Bellingham's behaviour is disgusting, crude and offensive. He should not be allowed to play sport.
Hungarian main ethicities-
>93% hungarian
>3% romanian
>3% german
Did they find the one black guy in Budapest for that one?
this sandwich press was the best investment ive ever made
why i cri?
On the old post-toil purge?
the murdoch press has made a deliberate effort to keep quiet about starmer until sunak is out, but i reckon they'll let loose all the gossip and scandals about him once he's in government and done something to piss them off

he's had a couple of affairs and comes across like a cognitively insane person but this will only be reported by the tabloids after he's pm
Jude Bellingham seems like a decent bloke off the pitch
Still, would prefer if the team wasn't flooded with his kind
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There are no scandals. His wife looks like filth in bed. Keeps her man's belly full and his balls empty so he stays on the straight and narrow.
Buying a Murdoch press for a pannini
>Keeps her man's belly full and his balls empty
Keir Starmer confirmed for CRUSHER
Yeah they're sitting on it for some reason, maybe because it would be much more salacious if they published it post-election
Jew Bellend
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he's cheating on her with baroness jenny chapman
Why did he do it?
Could just eat a Greggs right now lads

Why the fuck did I leave England lol
/brit/ should form a morris dance group
normal people are getting back from glasto and talking bout southgate politics nonces are still no mates virgin freaks
footy in under an hour

where has the day gone eh
Don't reply to it.
wish I could beam one to you lad
fuck politics
they're all shit anyway
we need an actual environmental movement now that the old one is greenwashed and dead and young activists have moved on to palestine because it was never really about the environment for them just wokeism.
should be banned for the rest of the tournament, shameful behavior
Thanks lad :c
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Sent that virgin straight to bed
gareth fuckingretardgate
hate it when some queer on the internet is trying to get sympathy over his dead dog or cat. fucking faggots just get another mutt and stop whining
you can come back any time mate, just pop the VPN off x
the kind of post jfs shouldnt be making in here
I'd rather the queer died instead of the dog or cat
>hate it when some queer on the internet is trying to get sympathy over his dead dog or cat. fucking faggots just get another mutt and stop whining

see >>199223432
>the murdoch press
thought this was an aussie term
https://youtube.com/shorts/8HKJ300y0VY?si=G76YYT67c1TFi7zz I think this is the right link
July 4th will be so kino. Fireworks and watching the Labour supermajority results come in
I’d rather a wog died
too many of them about nowadays, even the prime ministers a bloody wog
true, his brother who is 17 and plays for sunderland is exactly the same proper arrogant cunt family
How do people actually work hard in the corporate landscape
Literally what is actually wrong with you if you can spend ten hours a day uninterrupted in meetings and looking at spreadsheets and powerpoint decks
But then he can’t really say if he’s strictly an optimist or a pessimist and, no, doesn’t know if he’s an extrovert or an introvert, either. “I’ve never really thought about it. I don’t know what that tells you.” He doesn’t know what he dreamed last night – or ever: “I don’t dream.” Just hits the pillow at 11 and – “bang” – is out till around 5. He doesn’t have a favourite novel or poem, wasn’t scared of anything as a child. “Nothing. No phobias.” Hmmm, this is harder than I thought. What about his lovely heather-coloured tie, where is it from and who chose it? He takes it between finger and thumb. “Would you say heather? I had it down as slightly darker.” Quick-fire is perhaps not his format.
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>normal people are getting back from glasto
I thought the new lore was I am on holiday with my parents?
Honestly feels like my life (job, gf, nice place to live) could all fall apart so easily lol
Murdoch was more prolific here thoughbeit
the two game ban was in la liga for real madrid lol
he'll get a fine at worst in uefa, ronaldo did the same thing in the champions league
the wogs just need to go back
queers need death unironically
The higher up you go the less work you do. It's more about being a functioning psychopath near the top.
I’m a developer and it’s pretty easy to spend hours at a time working flat out
most days 7 out of 8 hours will be properly working and then there’s time alike now where it’s a mess of deployments so I’m just waiting around like a retard
AI just cant get the hands right can it
you saved up your pip and got scammed into a timeshare in spain well done we're all so proud!
For me I have to steal girlfriendberg's ritalin to be able to put a proper shift in, can't focus on that boring shite otherwise
went to edinburgh and heard more american accents than scottish ones, the place is riddled with them
politics nonce virgins just have better taste in entertainment
>normie deano entertainment: ohhhhh he just missed kicking the ball in the net, fuckkkk
>saddo loner entertainment: the American president has just said that women being raped by their sisters need to have abortions, the French are having race riots again and Ukrainians are using cyberpunk drones to blow up Russians
Lol would love it if this took off as the new lore
Haven't poo'd in over 24 hours. Immodium is great.
i saved that pic about 3-4 years ago
Would you rather die in an accident or an incident?
I'm voting Biden. He's done a good job
hawk tuah
lots of chinese folk in edinburgh too
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainlad))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaino))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Employed Woman))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spaindog))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(Spainmonster))
4chan.org,4chan.org##.postContainer:if(.post:not(.inlined) > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(SpainGOD))
so let me understand this you think British lads who happen suck on willies should die, but foreign pakis just need a plane trip? you sound like a paki wog
no idea what this is or why it's getting spammed
typical psyop
dont see how the latter is any 'better' than the former other than sadacts acting like being sad makes them somehow deeper
That was SUCH a funny meme haha
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me? voting for the Heritage party
its just all so fucked up
spaincat buying timeshares in luton
Are we still pretending that Ukraine is winning then
Fucking theory test. 90% of questions are total bs
I look at trump's track record and he sucks and I look at Biden and he's way better so I'm voting Biden
get a hot meal scranned then you can drink as much as you like
Yes Rorke thank you for your desperate attempts to convince me over the last few weeks but I’m afraid I’ll still be voting Labour :)
When you monged so soft and blacked in cupboard,
But other knuckles knock ee try to get in
Alright? Hello?
While you lie still, biting hooverbag sweet dust in ee gob
And better than the outside really. Possible. No.
Correct answer is A x
can you look for the record of who asked
>not drinking milk before your booze so you can drive
first one is the wrong one x
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I can. Why?
That one's easy, its the ones about shite like "what do you do when you're behind a horse at a roundabout" that are crapshoots
A girl in one of them street interviews was talking about how you should be treating your man to immaculate yet messy and sloppy BJs cuz you love him
When you naked so shiver in the drizzle, look at clothes by your feet and think “oh yes, warm”, then eat them by mistake.

When you dream be dream but only of a gloomy lobtoast *I’m sad and I’m happy*.

When you park so wrong ee headlights smash bumper breaky shuttle bang bang bang like fucking pinball.

And when your west no longer be west of your east, but above it and mock you like bad candle Jack “ho ha you dim muddle bum”.

And your north south be altogether gone or looney.

Then oo welcome, ahhh oo magu welcome, in blue jam
we cannot live in a world without imperialism. you will have countries that need water taking clouds, making it rain before the cloud reaches a country it would normally reach. it's robbing rain. this is injustice. you can't just take rain all for yourself just because it blows your way. this is immoral. you can't stop this without imperialism. some countries will have no rain at all if others take it.
Sexo Kat
Want someone who just sits there and is a body pillow
that trump biden debate was fucking incredible
anyone who would advise me against that as a form of entertainment needs to shut right the fuck up
>i really don't know what he just said, and i don't think he knows either
who could've imagined it would get that brutal
Rorke ordering a pint of Stella and a glass of half and half
spainnonce smugly pretending to love labour after whining about starmer back when he was a corbynite
Full of intense bisexual lust
who the fuck are you even talking to
For me, it's
>what do you do there are sheep on the road
A Herd them
B Drive into them
C Sound your horn until they move
D Drive slowly
kek he's just a sad disingenuous cunt
Funny how insane the security measures are at the theory test centres these days (to prevent browns taking tests for other browns).

Like you will be patted down, pockets emptied. If you wear glasses they will make you take the glasses off while they inspect them for Google Glass style technology (this actually happens). Airport style scanners. All in service of making sure that you're not a brown person taking someone else's test.

>why don't these people take their own tests?
Because they don't speak or read a lick of English.
recommend me something to watch, lads
Still am a Corbynite but I’ll be overall happy to have a Labour government. Not 100% convinced over Starmer but once we are in power we can get a proper lefty at the helm
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>leave sunak to me
That's positively tame compared to Trump's inter-party debates back in 2016. Lad was out for blood calling people fat and lazy and all. Best was when Ted Cruz tried to get Trump with a 'youre from NYC though' as a mockery and Trump started going on about 9/11 and Ted had to clap for Trump otherwise he'd look like a terrorist lover lmao

Yank politics is a mess
>(to prevent browns taking tests for other browns).
bit of a stretch that
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hello mates
Get the gay porn on lad
Speed past them honking your horn is the correct answer to this.
Dire thread
mousey on a weird one
imagine larping as a normalfag on /brit/ on 4chan when everyone knows you are the bottom of the barrel council flat filthy scumbag that watches soccer on the couch and is disgustingly fat and eats slop
I like women
I meant films
MN suicide livestream when?
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can hear my younger brother and some girl he bought over in the shower together
I say I like Biden

>Rourke drops his piss bottle and shumbles over to his computer surrounded by energy drink and semen covered trash in his dark room
>Gleefully he begins his 20 question rage post trying to make a point
>Do you have loinces, did anyone ask did you get a permit mate, Biden is a senile did you know that?
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check this out mate
Talked about psychiatric people and the algorhytn reminded me c:
starmer will spend the next 5 years lumping 'far left' along with 'far right'. warn about antisemitism and antizionism being the same thing, how hamas-supporters and anti-immigration are both terrorist threats, no platform for any corbyn-supporters. he will be like macron. look how that's turned out for him.
quite the normoid actually, me. have a decent job, go on dates, see mates occasionally. might be the most normal man on /brit/
i remember trump saying he knew all the other republican candidates had taken bribes, because he'd bribed them himself as a businessman
if you saw that in a film you'd say it was unrealistic
Kys m8y
british culture?
Nah that's the actual reason.

White people just take (and pass) the test because it's a piss take. The answers are common sense garbage like: >>199224157.

The test becomes hard or downright impossible when you don't speak English though. Then you get into the realm of having another brown person take it for you, pretending to be you on the day. It's honestly mental how paranoid they are at the test centres for this happening. Your ID will be checked multiple times, this is on top of the checks previously mentioned.
Just threw up in my mouth some monster energy milk and it tasted like oranges or something It tasted sweet
Seething Reform voter detected.
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>i remember trump saying he knew all the other republican candidates had taken bribes, because he'd bribed them himself as a businessman
When they land
And they go up to the terminal
And the little jetty goes out
Are the planes sniffing at the builing?
Why are women so masculine these days?
yanks out of /brit/
What kind of monster? I'll guess mango
Now that my breath doesnt smell the gf and or the bf I don't have don't have any excuse !
how umch foil is dangerous to accidentally eat
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The new Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church has been enthroned and he has lashed out at Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople for being a globalist liberal subversive.
will toryboys have a melty when they lose
rolling up balls of tin foil and putting them up my arse
labour = gaybour

are you gay? im am so i love gaybour
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having a lager, me
>Not 100% convinced over Starmer but once we are in power we can get a proper lefty at the helm
Stop trying to fit in you fucking cringecase.
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>*sips pint and checks phone*
you are such a colossal virgin it actually frustrates me for some reason
breast milk
very embarassing post as per the usual for yanks
lost my virginity to a ball of tin foil
Cope chud
As my Grandad used to say; always sniff before you lick
Same way the chuds managed to get Truss into power, we will get a proper socialist into power.
Remember when the footy players were kneeling for like 2 years and everyone was clapping for nurse skanks
No just the regular monster energy
industrial revolution and all that
hate having food at my mate's house cos he just lets his dog roam while we're eating. don't want your dumb smelly animal drooling near me while i eat a kebab
not really vibing with /brit/ right now
clapping my white ass
So you're saying any "true lefty" will get quickly ousted? That makes sense
Your nan’s minge must have smelt lovely
Paki detector going mental at this one
Show me
niggery niggery noo
really dislike the following words
holy chunage
Too many freaks here rn
every bbc within ten miles can hear it
they’re like sharks with a drop of blood
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offensively olfactory post
sniffing a stench
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Why don't women wear dresses anymore?
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For me it's Reform UK LTD
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>we will get a proper socialist into power
and that'll be good, will it?
watch him cope over this
thoughts on aroma and scent
>>>/int/deutch/ literally looks like a dog
So cute
the good ones do
you just sent a video of a woman wearing one you daft bastard
aroma is nice. scent is on thin ice
what sounds wetter
clunge or minge?
walking around on the ceiling
This guy is also you if you vote for that political party except the economic libertarians
What a bizarre, poorly-lit video
Rorke sitting at the top of the stairs and pretending he’s the chaser
opened the vacuum sealed chicken wings and they smelled like farts
now I feel sick
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Wow that's a new one haha
Watchung YouTube doctors
Clunge is a very wet word
coke zero and marlboro gold for me
shagging mouseys white bussy
same but a balloon. and if it werent for the local myth 'if you bum the chicken you won't be able to eat chicken for the rest of your life and if you do, you will go to hell' i might've bummed some chicken when i was a teen. just glad i didnt
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The new Patriarch Daniil of Bulgaria is conservative and pro-Russian whereas Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople is liberal and pro-Ukraine.
Not as wet as gash
Big chungus Big chungus
Sans undertale
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Why aren't women sexy anymore?
Might watch some family guy
The City holds absolute power
yjk he has the palest white skin imaginable but a horrible stained brown arsehole with loads of hemorrhoids
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Not sure if I should get an Audi S3, golf R or BMW M140i, you could say this is the deano quandary
think Chelsea has their number this year
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Get a 04 plate MG ZR
audi or bmw
never put a cover on my webcam ever me

often wonder if some cheeky hacker has seen me having a go on my wilkins and moaning
quite bored of current politics affairs
>left wing
>right wing
>fringe “third” alternative
yes yes throw a vote and nothing will change either way how quaint
Mazda 6
the middle class ascendant
clunge is wetter than gash, clunge has an almost swampy quality to it
Not particularly interested in the state of Swedish politics
na its bubblegum pink and tight
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aaron bastani from novara media made a video in my city
he interviewed some zoomers and they all said they hated immigration
the mixed race zoomer was most vocal in his opposition to immigration
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It's a bloke core type of evening
personally i think trump winning his second term in 2024 and biden winning his second term in 2028 would be the funniest outcome
you're not allowed to post this
dont think this is representative of swedish politics
Dunno who that is
Sounds foreign
This is why you work in Ikea bro lol
well, we have either left/center-left parties or one center-right party to choose from, but, still counts
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>bossman on linkedin offers me a job for 70k
>get a stiffy
>call him up
>he says it's actually 40k for someone with my level of experinece

death to linkedin
Alri lads, Jay Slater here, just got walloped up the arse by 5 Moroccan blokes
bollocksed me interview
for literally the exact job i used to do and i went and fucked it
no peters
Hope you called him a cunt
Get the Peters posted
He just can't help himself
16 year old trans puss
stop trying to hard to be british
sucking radiator juice
I’m a miserable wagie incel scratching and clawing in the trenches every day for a mere $15/hr be grateful
something has to change
the absolute worst
*dies from cringe*
Might move to Albania
thinking about getting an amazon prime card so i can get 5% back since i buy like 90% of my stuff on it
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aliens need to come and turn humanity into a slave race
Drank some milk and now the vonit tastes like cream
I'll turn you into a slave race animalanon
It's all so tiresome
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If you're planning on modifying then the M140i, just bear in mind it will need coilovers and anti-roll bars because the standard suspension is shocking. Golf R is the best car out the box but needs a remap to actually feel fast
Pic related was mine, remapped to 370hp
Fluorinated epilepsy medication
euro hatchbacks are ugly as sin lets be real
utility? good mileage? checks those, but an eyesore
levetiracetam chemical formulae -H2O Google search returns a benzo :3
when i see an audi i assume they're a paki that drives like an absolute cunt and i'm almost always right about both
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My new job is still a complete disaster 6 months in.

I had to handle a regulatory inspection solo today and it went horrendously. I could hardly answer anyone's questions and I was dropped in it. The auditors were cunts. I'm seriously considering just quitting my job tomorrow.
i love you
>utility? good mileage? checks those, but an eyesore
Also describes your mum
might start bullying the cat
Would love to kidnap her corrr
shit or get off the pot stop moaning
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love putting leaves and twigs on him when hes laying about outside with me
fuck em, let them fire you themselves
mousey barefoot pregnant in my kitchen making breakfast for all seven of our children and counting
Be right back Forum going for a nap while my belly digests this milk. There is too much insulin
freakish pair of posts
Good night you beautiful little freak
we're in here
sleep well my beloved manwife

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