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improve our society edish
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Canslad is smiling back at this woman
what party is this candidate running for?
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Good old reliable reverse psychology, never fails.
how do we combat the far right without reducing immigration, lads?
remember when they said covid was here to stay and we'd get waves of it every year? not heard anything about it for about 2 years
Concentration camps
The Wankingmeoff Party
who is this semen demon?
mandated cute paki gfs for all the incel rorkes
he wants a peng gf from utah, colorado or wyoming
voting lib dem
who's this then?
reckon it mutated to become more contagious and less dangerous
Roman emperor played by Denzel washington in Gladiator 2. We turn to Mark Kerorke for his analysis...
I want to help the far right and reduce immigration.
Erin Crawford
need turkish gf
Why do you want immigration? Pro tip : da food isn’t an answer
Got it pretty recently but fully vaxxed so it was just 2 days of feeling gummed up and staying home to stop the spread
you really are an idiot, aren't you?
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i want a vaguely retarded appalachian gf
Anon our government is right wing and increased immigration.
I'm going to remain being a boring centrist.
when was the last time he was in a film that wasnt shameless trash
Interesting how only woke people ever got covid.
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Why is work so fucking difficult
they are just scottish people with different accents
every single equaliser film is retard kino
You're actually vaxxed?
lol... Just.... lol
fuck it man fuck it
dissolve the union break it up break britain up I don't care anymore
We are the woke mob
We read the Guardian every day
Lads, what if I went and made a game about /brit/

What's your job, lad?
Rorke hacking his guts out and claiming he's never had a sick day in his life
if only they'd make historically accurate films like the original gladiator
rudeboy toy
He's playing a rich nobleman, Rorke
do I detect sarcasm
why'd we vote leave again
its a flaming transdemic, rorke
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>game about /brit/
I wonder what it would look like.
think ive got covid. or the flu. sense of smell n taste has gone awry. joints and muscles sore. been like this since saturday. sick of it
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are nige said to
Quality role
are egg
do you want to double your BTC fella? send me message;))
To leave the communist EU.
thug's hobby
new COVID variant on the go lad. Summer variant...nasty strain. As long as you're up to date with vaxxes you'll be fine.
business idea: 12 years a slave but laurence fox plays the main black fella
for me its watching youtube videos in popout mode in front of 4chain
Call me mental but isn't there bigger problems facing this cuntry then ladyboys existing
What's your favourite gimmick?
Mine is the one where we all pretend to be socially awkward virgins lol
Voting for Freedom Alliance me
think roles need to be given according to talent not race
change jobs every 1-2 years for a ÂŁ20-30k pay rise
never worry about doing well, always had the confidence that I’d be the top performer
it usually turns out that way too
Voting for the Sucking a Golfball Party.
Voting for the Sucking a Golfball Party.
paid 5 grand to do a course to become a fully qualified gas safety engineer. it doesnt start til august tho. starting wage is 35k so thats alright. think i become self employed as quickly as possible
writing protect trans kids on my vote
good man. Someone's got to do it.

contemplating becoming a HGV driver myself
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Protect trans kids... from mutilation
just looking at prozzies on adultwork

>My partner drives me to and from my appointments. This will always be as discrete as possible. He will not wait around during our time together, but will return to pick me up.

looks like she stinks
>dyed red hair
How will just a course make you a fully qualified engineer?
never deleting this app
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We need to ban all male immigration and only import qt girls until the women outnumber the men 2-1 and deport all the brown men
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screaming in remembrance
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Proudly brought to you by HUBLOT
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the fuck is that lad
ktim on the right
normal relationship in 2024
I thought yanks were all about calling tradie jobs Engineer?
need her milked
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mad how barely any of these gimmicks are relevant anymore
Nature hates white people.
The proof is it allows whites and nonwhites to breed. It could so easily have made it impossible like with different breeds of animal.
they teach you and then get you working withing a company to build a portfolio proving you can install gas appliances then you get on the register
feel like SHIT
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Explore your perks with Shell GO+
Would you mind brown people if they were unable to produce offspring with whites?
but then you wouldn't have been born
Visited the Cromwell statue today and I was like fucking hell come back will you mate?
Supported a black owned business today lads
What kind of game? Browser game? 3D game?
>deport all the brown men
So I take it you'd deport all your brown sons too then.
No, not from anything I've seen. Mostly a technician is 2 years of school and an engineer is 4+ for anything worth a damn.
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from my sister's nstagram
Because Rorke was absolutely desperate to replace Poles with Pakistanis
They didn't appreciate it. They never do.
Keir Starmer seems alright. Like I'm imagining him standing next to other world leaders and he actually doesn't look like an odd-one-out silly sausage like the past three pms we've had.
You subscribed to my mum's onlyfans?
clapmeat of heavy duty nature made for hung thugs and goons of the croydon neighbourhood
Sounds like a good deal, hope it works out.
Tell me how Brexit didn't help Poland
No more young Polish women coming here and having brown babies
Brexit has prevented over a million Polish mulatto babies
Wish all girls looked like this.
But the economy means they won't get the proper Maccy D's required.
they sure did
not yet
having a heart attack i reckon
her bf is black lol
Do you use goons as a pejorative?
her arse, have you ever shagged her up it?
you've done it all
you've broken every code
tired out today for some reason
not even had any drugules
Only a BBC could get beyond her arches
Do love a big fat girl, me.
There's an indian lass at my KFC who's like 400lbs and very short but it all goes in her arse like just a ridiculously sized arse fuck me.
>what song do we pick for this elderly life insurance plan advert, mate?
no it isn't
My "gimmick" is making outrageously funny and original posts.
Got a day of actual physical toil looming
with whiteboy blockers of that CALIBRE she can only take BBC shmeat
no on the contrary
My gimmick is posting poo and blogposting and not replying to anyone
Had a horrible dream where I found out my brother was clogwog
Had to kill him, stabbed him about 60 tomes and then ripped his upper jaw and skull from his neck with my bare hands
now now it's just a bit of indigestion i reckon
*dials the funeral home*
"yeah you got an extra large coffin?"
nature hates whites because it allows them to have offspring with nonwhites
nature doesn't mind if the human race returns to monke
it was used for viagra iirc
Rorke on his deathbed:
>Okay I didn't have children but at least I didn't go out with that cute brown woman from work... I couldn't have brown children, that would be degenerate...
>*beep* *beep* *beep* *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*
White women have a higher change of conceiving with a black man.
the cronem out there handing out raw blackenings to pale ones lads
nature doesn't need humans to be super smart
all other species are retarded and have existed for millions of years
what leads to a man ending up here posting cuck bait for hours on end
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what /brit/ boys dream of and desire
First election, 2010, I voted for Pirate Party.

Second election, 2015, I voted for Conservatives.

Third election, 2017, I voted for Labour.

Fourth election, 2019, I voted for Labour.

Fifth election, 2024, I will vote for Labour.
I wouldn't go with a brown women because I don't like them. Find white women the most physically attractive and on an innate level
severe mental illness
No father figure growing up
>Pirate Party
absolutely fucking based
NEED them to return
this will be the first time I vote
What are cronems? The word sounds funny lol
Been wanting to get a prozzie for ages but have been so niggardly with my funds lately
the mandem
The sort of cringe I see in these threads makes me glad I left as a little kid, I like visiting but fuck me living on that shithole island would be hell.
mate that's racist
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The Huak Tua girl and Shaq
hitler has only got one ball
Been considering it too but worried it would feel like a huge waste of money
Cronem crowbar dick
Mental how I can tell you're a yank from this post alone
mental how there exist people who can swim literally for days without stopping
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flyberg been real quiet since this dropped
the other is in mouseys hall
Based Pirate voter
bet she has a black bf
Mental how small black people's heads are even when they're massive like shaq
tiny tiny little braincases
Cronem, meet the Cronem
they will be the progenitors of the human species expansion into water habitats supported by genetic engineering speed up the process of adaption
>fitty Reform bird

The perfect woman, our son would be called Nigel.
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Why do some blacks have big round foreheads then?
Quality engineer
Think JK Rowling is a bit of a misog innit.
Cheer up.
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Yes and thank fuck for that. This nation may also be in a death spiral but at least here it's not illegal to point out why.
small braincase. low intelligence
did you do a physical test to prove that?
Like who?
take the car wash seriously please
typical irish diaspora
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>Lads, what if I went and made a game about /brit/
Nature does not care one jot if the white race goes exist
If it cared it could so easily have made it impossible or at least harder for different races to make offspring, by making the offspring infertile or something
just always so tired
mate you're not even spelling words properly anymore
time to stop being racist, yeah?
Nature doesnt care about anything it's not a being capable of caring
Yeah, she probably is Irish diaspora
bit counterproductive to go back into the water dont you think since our ancient ancestors came out of the ocean n tha
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the mind boggles
haha yeah l'm alright just tired
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was just saying this down the pub
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>wallace and scromiting
kek never heard that one before
Not a big fan of Poles
Arrogance without cause
only some will go in the water, the rest will stay on land. then they will build underwater houses and start underwater farming or hunting.
If nature cared for white survival it would make mixed-race offspring infertile like mules and lebras
Nature is basically telling us its OK if we devolve
Yeah which is why it's important to preserve our race ourselves. If we left everything to nature humanity would be extinct by now, or at the very least would not be the dominant species.
My life is fucking pointless

>28 years old
>live at home
>hair is thinning
>kissless handholdless virgin
>no friends for 10 years at this point
>wasted 1000s of hours playing games/posting online
>hobbies/interests are all solitary things
>poor social skills
>panic about being exposed as a virgin
>don't have the confidence to talk freely to people out of embarrassment and timidity in case I'm mocked or rejected
>afraid to show my own personality around women
>filled with regrets and humiliation
>only girl I ever confessed my feelings to, who I thought liked me, mocked me
>will never have a family of my own
>relatives similar in age to me are starting families
>assume every women I meet either isn't interested in me or has a BF/husband
>constantly self-conscious and critical of myself
>feel awkward and start panicking whenever I'm in a room and relationships/sex/romance comes up
>given up any hope of ever having a GF or sex without paying a prostitute
>never had a female friend so I'm clueless about how to interact with women beyond basic conversation
>tried using Bumble, hardly any likes
>started a new job earlier this year and still worried I've made a mistake

My only interests are 4chan, gaming, exercise, reading, films. Might just try getting as muscular as possible.
not entirely sure that i, or anyone else here for that matter, asked
no it isn't. speciation happens gradually. it's not instant. when speciation starts it can still be undone, however it can be promoted instead. that's a choice for humans.
if everyone stopped having kids after 9/11 we'd have the immigration problem sorted and everyone would be happier
u ever just want to respond to the text but u jus cba
they said he could become anything he wanted... so 27virge became... 28virge
Nature wants humanity to return to monke and live in mud hut favellas
What's your most controversial opinion in the context of /brit/ - what will get the most disagreement here?
ktimming hard
mental we live in a world where count dankula is a serious political influencer
why did liberalism stop being the dominant political ideology in the anglosphere?
i more and more often hear terms like "WE should build more housing", "the cost of living is too high, WE need to do something".
all of those solutions require a collective action, a STATE mandated collective action, a classical liberal would argue that the proper solution is to enable individuals themselves to solve their own problems by removing regulations on construction and putting more emphasis on private property rights.
Don't care that Starmer's wife is Jewish and he's raising their kids Jewish
I care that he's clearly subservient to his wife and lets her have the final say
Is this a man we want as PM?
shagging with women is cool
Nobody cares if you're a virgin, you're not a teenager you already lost whatever race there is
Just accept who you are and that you're responsible for your own circumstances and do what you can to change your situation to be closer to what you want
Online trimetric RPG. Find me a nu waterChippy at ALDIs.
not though is he? not really
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mate you are not going to want to hear this
but it very much literally is as easy as going to the gym, getting a non-digital hobby that involves more than one person, and just worrying less
i hope this helps
It doesn't matter mate, PM is just a figurehead
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need to go camping innacomfywoods
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>dominant political ideology
there is no dominant political ideology in this country, anon.
there is no ideology.
there isn't even politics.
There isn't even a country. Or an anon. Or a there.
>It doesn't matter mate, PM is just a figurehead
I know we all laugh about being rorke but I'm actually sick of schizo freaks like that shitting this place up with these annoying takes
>*outside your tent*
l thought everyday we above ground happy day?
is he okay
British Islanders are a woke hivemind.
not even globohomo?
heres you
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Watching the POOtugal match

So funny watching Ronaldo break down in real time over his loss of ability lol
they need to take a shower, hit the weights and get a clue desu
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If you woke, just go to sleep.
You're describing the Irish diaspora who are Labour loyal
it's not
my work is stressful, and isn't fulfilling, or worth what i get for how hard it is (30k)
Ronaldo has now had as many shots as Scotland at Euro 2024
so quit
if they get through this game martinez needs to grow some bollocks and drop him
just a goalhanger these days
you know what I want a greyhound
I think they're good dogs
the bloody bastard woke mob bhenchods
perhaps the financial crisis where the state had to become a stakeholder in various banks and financial institutions. people are still sore about giving the banks so much money we wish we'd get that kind of government help ourselves.
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Hope this isnt me in 3 years. Time for a green tea and a haircut
must be weird being irish born and raised in britain and then going back to your "homeland" and it's literally just the same as britain

what kind of identity is that, i wonder
The Rorke mob
nah ronaldo needs to start every match until the end of wc 2026 and statpad
Yh even his free kicks are shit now lol
I want Kier Starmer to arrest anyone who says the word woke and force them into a reeducation camp where they are forced say what they mean.
del GATO
dogfighting should be a legal and regulated sport
it's tsuuuu
what's minimum wage these days surely that's about ÂŁ25k, why would you stay in a ÂŁ30k job you hate
it's g
minimum wage is like 21k
I agree
dropped your woke mob membership card mate
30k is pretty much average uk wage (actually it's 33k but that's only a hundred a month difference)
Chest day is the best day.
really think Triggernometry is the worst thing Britain's produced in awhile
Mad how I can't get hot coffee from shops anymore because some dumb bitch in America spilt some on her lap and sued everyone within eyeshot because her hot coffee was too hot
anyone going to fold on saturday
going by myself haha
Mad how I loooooove starbucksss lieeek ommggggg liekkk
i mean actual dogs. fighting dogs. pitbulls and the like. not larpers flying around in old timey planes.
isn't it two russian jews presenting
name 1 british party that doesn't support gays
why do you enjoy burning your tongue you mad cunt
how is flying LARPy if you're actually flying
couple of neeks moaning about the woke mob
they are woke and annoying
fucking grim ill be in bed before this starts and waking up before you freaks have gone to bed
why would anyone care
I want to but I don't want to leave without having a new one lined up
it's okay to be gay
will probably stay until 5am myself x
What would you know about ethnic identity new world runt
I suppose that's one way of looking at it. One is a snivelling runt who kisses up to anyone with clouth and the other is a dope who vacantly stares at the guests. The snivelling runt cant stand the dopey one but since he's a dope I don't think he's caught on yet
they are woke themselves
how is it larping if the larpers are actually on a horse?
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The Clash
>BBC spent time and effort filming Glastonbury in 4K HDR
>only upload bog standard 1080p to their Youtube channel
>only show 720p on iplayer
they're pissing away my license fee on fancy cameras and i don't get to see SHIT
woke woke woke woke woke
mate I just want to afford a house
they'll sell the 4K HDR blu ray for 80 quid later in the year
a woke house
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Need more characters like this
surely it's no more time or effort whatever resolution they film with, just costs more
uhm a lot more than you considering ethnic identity is considerably more complex in the new world
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be funny if you came round as I'm waking up to suck me off aha
would let dua lipa shit in my mouth
Might have a fucking wank
she's a common trollop
That's hardcore. I'm against it.
rorke blaming the woke for his own failures
same but with ryan conner
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fuck off
mental the media complain about the woke media
more like pua shita
Fighting dogs is a British tradition. It's part of our culture and heritage.
thats a good thing
Just mutts of varying shades. My local pub is probably older than Canada
woke getting rorke fired for a tweet from 9 years ago then telling rorke to stop blaming them
Haha! Imagine if your parents, family and friends saw this post that you typed? Imagine if one day in the future, there will be a piece of software that will be open to the public for anyone to trace everything and anything each individual person has ever said or done on the internet?
now they will make robot flesh slaves
colleagueberg hates fish so im going to have sardines for lunch tomorrow
boss says he respects everyone regardless of their ethnicity or sexual identity. But he hates fat people.
That would be awful! Thank goodness it will never happen!
ocean called, they're running out of shrimp
need, NEED a BF
its time to update the Equality act to include fatphobia
more fats than gays
come here, boy.
>. But he hates fat people.
fucks sake i'm gonna have to watch another half an hour of this shite
can barely keep my eyes open
can respect slovenia but this has been a tough watch
You can't stop being black, and not everyone can stop being gay. You can however stop being fat, just put down the sodas and move your ass more than just to the fridge.
solvenia slovacia its all goggledook to me
Looks shit
based lol
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2 hours 47 minutes left on my torrent
its getting hard work to find torrents and seeds seem down all the time
You can also stop being a faggot though
You don't NEED to suck and fuck cocks
/brit/ legends Poleaboo and Diego will return on Friday to discuss the GE so look forward to that
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