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'ze edish
poo smells lmao
thuggo toy
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doing gods work lad
built for big white cock
Are you guys feeling optimistic about the upcoming election?
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It's Danii Banks (she's bbc only, obviously lol)
"i hea he AMERIGOD BWC irish diaspora"
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what board should I go to for a wnak
What will be, will be
/gif/ of course
Americans full stop. duck off with your grits, eggs over easy, cockeyed cheerfulness and calling stuff from 1910 historic.
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>A diabetic woman was “howling in pain” and died after she stopped taking insulin at a slapping workshop run by an alternative healer who she described as a “messenger sent by God”
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>duck off
might get a gtx 5090ti when they're out
Wank to My thread
might shag my gfs vagina hole what do you incels think about that?
By means of science, we have made some progress towards understanding the world as it is in itself—we can point to ways in which scientific descriptions of the world are improvements on the description based on our bare perceptions, so our aspiration to know the world as it is in itself cannot be dismissed as an incoherent longing. But insofar as this aspiration is coherent, “in itself” cannot mean “without reference to the perceptions of any being.”

We might be led to suppose that perceptions had been successfully eliminated from our account of how the world is if we focus on abstract mathematical models used by scientists, but this is an error. Abstract mathematical models are a necessary part of science, but many such structures exist as models for mathematicians to study. We must be saying something further when we say of one such structure that it is not merely an object of mathematical study, but a true description of the way the world is. This ‘something further’ would include an explanation of how to apply the favored mathematical description, and that would mean matching the abstract mathematical description to perceptions.

Dummett concludes that the single world that underlies the different perceptions of humans and other species can only be understood as being the world as apprehended by a being whose knowledge constitutes the way things are—in other words, the world as apprehended by God. (Dummett, 2006, 103) Dummett thinks that this demonstrates that there exists a Creator who controls and sustains the universe, but he concedes that it is hard to reconcile Biblical statements about God’s goodness with the presence of evil in the world.

heh nothing personal atheists
very bizarre business all that desu
Men who say their spidey sense is tingling need to never see any genitalia of their choice.
New supercomputer for you, to run those simulations as to how you'll lose your virginity
So don't care or what?
soogs is so smart
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>might get a gtx 5090ti when they're out
pale mingies getting permanently stretched out this summer lads x
You didn't have internet in your poo filled shit village 15 years ago
that's it for me, I've been DONE
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>More than 100 killed in crush at India religious event
Always pathetic when some geek lucks into becoming a sex haver and then goes around always bragging it as though 1) it's not the normie default and 2) the girl he's doing it with isn't a certified minger. Sorriest fucking case I ever saw.
Think the rise of reform on tiktok speaks more to the indecisive and fickle nature of teenagers and the power of that platform to get in people's heads
If greens had taken a similar approach I've no doubt they'd be crushing it among that demographic now, Farage is just more social media savvy

Really just highlights why we shouldn't be letting 16 year olds vote or chop their cock off
need a fannard wrapped around my willard until I empty myself of baby batter
any of you alchies ever stopped drinking every day? what do you do instead to fill the time and get rid of the boredom and stop thinking about how shit everything is
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still on a 900 series me
The only board I go to for porn is /s/. Every other board is filled with horrible shit.
all porn is horrible shit lad sort yourself out
you're an evil cunt
learn a hobby that activates your neurons
for me its music production
When men buy toilet paper. Imagine a man in a supermarket queuing up to ONLY buy a multipack of toilet rolls
went to the gym and became a shithouse brick
virgin rage
>the rise of reform on tiktok
vile muck so it is
my stomach looks sonfat
Some athletic type of thing, preferably with some competition to work towards e.g. you take up running and enter a 5K with your mates, you take up boxing or BJJ and enter a tournament. The fear of embarrassing yourself should be sufficient motivation.
>might get a gtx 5090ti when they're out
Was drinking every day but now just at weekends
Running, games, anything that keeps me occupied
A long break of a few weeks helps cut the cravings
do you have female breasts? will you post a picture of your female breasts? thank you
Off the booze
Off the 'bis
Off the wanking
Off the gluten
Off the fizzy drinks
Off the 'tine
All vile muck so they are
When they ask for pictures of your female breasts
For me when I was drinking more heavily I noticed I started getting bad colds a lot, had a weird thing where I would feel off balance walking down stairs, noticed more grey hairs and some other miscellaneous health things. I wasn't drinking every day or even every other day, honestly I don't really think it was related to the drinking but the potential connection between feeling like crap and drinking was enough to compel me to cut back
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what's wrong with ovaltine
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I'm completely out of my depth at my job lads. I don't like it. In my old job I knew pretty much everything. Also, I find the people at my current job a bit frustrating.

It's crazy how much picking the wrong subjects at A Level fucked my life up beginning in 2012.

It caused me to lose confidence, get a useless degree, lost all my friends from school. I eventually got a job via an agency after uni, worked my way into a semblance of a decent role, but then I stupidly decided to change jobs last year. I'm 6 months into my new job and it's not getting any better. It's too difficult, I have took much to learn, I can't do it. My confidence has been utterly shattered for the third or fourth time in my life. Failing my driving test in 2019 was horrendous, but I did eventually pass in 2023 after giving up for three years.

Now. I'm feeling fucking worthless again. It's understated just how much feeling out of your depth at work can make you feel completely inadequate.

The last 10 years of my life have been shit. Aside from graduating in 2017, and passing my driving test in 2023, I've got almost nothing to be proud of.

I haven't had any friends since 2014 when I finished sixth form. My life is fucking pointless. I have no hobbies except posting on here, watching porn, playing games, exercising and sometimes watching tv or film.

Strongly considered driving into a tree on the way home from work today.
seen this one?
A clue very much gained.
Still on the 'chon
Vile muck so it is
A man selecting songs for a Spotify playlist and then naming the playlist - 'Driving songs' or 'Gym songs'
blog on you boring bastard
sent that fat freak flying
Might make a self-absorbed blogpost nobody will read
going to pay for something online but im holding out for the website to give me a discount code first
we're gonna stick you in a box and poke at you with various sharp objects
looks fun desu
/brit/ needs a rage retreat
would release some of the negative energy and turn it into a positive
Diego would have loved this post
she's right, timmy should calm tf down LOL he mad asl
A man that has a Tesco clubcard on his keys.
blgo on
Patrician tier purchasing
Got a few watched items that I want, waiting on a seller offer to come through
Gotta work hard for my pounds, Mr sellerberg
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I want to stick my tongue up Emma Watson’s rectum.
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>oi 'arry show me ya wizard dick
right, any pakis in? i know some of you are pakis. what’s your best curry recipe?
that's 4000 dollars by the way
What's your job? If it's any consolation I have my own house and an easy job and I still hate life.
/brit/ is a pro-reggae board
A man checking the weather for the week ahead.
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amazing how the tiniest "infringements" against jews always causes a moral panic and jews going mental and demanding special consideration
honestly sick of it
>have my own house and an easy job and I still hate life.
Well I don't and I'm also a kissless virgin
Look up bir base gravy recipe
They're all basically that with different spices and aromatics
haha libtards seething
I have gay sex inu
they’re scared of it happening because they know they deserve it
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How long do we think it will take before she does one or more of the following?

1. Wears a white dress or nightgown and twirls in fields
2. Quotes from books, reads to us, or recites to us from one of her own works?
3. Post Oxford Masters Morning Routine
4. Post Oxford Evening Routine
5. Post Oxford Night Routine
6. Life of a daily aspiring author post Masters degree.
7. It is okay to not be okay
8. It is okay not to know what you want to be.
9. It is okay to live at home with your parents.
10. It is okay to not be productive all the time.
11. Role play another tea party or Regency period
12. I read 15 books in a 24 hour read-a-thon
13. Spending a day with my BEST FRIEND.
14. Reorganize my bookshelves with me.
25. Reorganize my bedroom with me.
26. A day in the life of an author.
27. How I keep a Commonplace book
28. Pumpkin Productivity for 2025!
29. A sponsored video.
30. Declares she loves summer, rain, fall, leaves, winter, snow, spring, flowers, clouds, quiet days, sleeping in late, getting up early.
31. Genuinely (with eye squint) loved her time at Oxford.
Not even breathing hard
ain't know way he can handle her LOL
i must not drink the vodka, it will consume me and for several hours of happiness today it will ruin tomorrow
leave it on tattle x
Men on an airplane who leave their seatbelt on for the entire flight, even when the seatbelt sign is off.
All minority groups play these games, just recently Bangladeshis were throwing a tantrum and threatening not to vote labour because Keir said illegals should be sent back to Bangladesh
How long? It'll definitely be before you lose your virginity.
I lost my virginity at 23 to a girl who wasn't even a prostitute and I am still basically an incel
Business idea: /brit/-Tattle crossover episode
absolutely bodied that freakazoid
The sad reality is that decades of traitorous Tory governance and their inevitable wipeout will strip us of the several hundred or so remarkably based Tory backbenchers who consistently voted for actual rightwing policies and voted against policies that were too woke, helping prevent many of them come into law.
These backbenchers have been the only saving grace of having a Tory majority and we have nothing to really replace that in the Commons. The LibDems will vote with the government on every issue and the minimal amount of seats Reform will get will do nothing to overturn votes

Unfortunately the Tories did this to themselves, as the only reason they are now losing is because rightwing voters have abandoned them. If you don't govern like a conservative government, there should be no surprise when you get rejected
press F
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Tattle is 100% female/shagger/normie; /brit/ would get steamrolled by their sassy wine aunt energy
Somewhat me
Except I have no job
And my 12th was fine
Was conflicted over biology and computers
mum said go with computers
and i became a feared programmer
Teachers would fear me
For next seven years until my uni last semester
But ny major in uni was construction related
Which is soulless as fuck field
So that's the reason why I'm a loser now
that is sooooooooo fucking interesting like mate yeah
but if you mix it with orange juice, it's good for you, it's full of vitamins!
cant believe mousenonce died
Cyclists who ring their bell as they're about to pass you on the Canal. Extra points if they're in full cycling clobber.
tried to lose my virginity but couldn't get it up
was very embarrassing
he aint getting past dem whiteboy blockers
Spaino runs this general
experiment gone wrong, shame
just a kid
were you drunk?
are you tall?
Vote Reform
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rorkes mum
RIP young nigga, there's a heaven for a G
I was exchanging a few messages with a guy on insta and then his insta got hacked which gave me the ick. I don’t even know why but I just imagined him flapping his end trying to sort it out and that finished me off
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why do boomers love cruises so much?
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this is us today if you even care
all of the travel
less of the walking
when a man throws confetti and the wind blows it back in his face
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Uh, Spainonce?
is that snow??
gonna need jason luv to get past them
does she get her tuppence out
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Learning philology from youtube.
goodness gracious those are some A-grade clappers
jason luv would suit her very well
is it possible for a guy with a 5 inch penis to have sex with her from behind? don’t really know how sex works me
get the badge in barry
kek based, a yes would have sufficed though mate
that is a not safe for work image by any means
goated post x
Just seen a fanny on /brit/
that’s not philology
gotta make sure my boring gay blogpost has the perfect sad looking wojack so the boys know im serious
think smoking inside is the next bold leap I need to take in life
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just rented this to do some yard work
Jason Luv
Ricky Johnson

the goated BLACKED male porn stars
got a 5 inch micropenis and ive ruined my life over it
think homosexuality is the next bold leap I need to take in life
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History+linguistics=philology if you’re not a pedant wanker.
haha iamgine if that log was me and you was carryign me about haha
It is not a step, but a destination
Signing up for Tubi
how does it turn
and wouldnt it dig into the ground loads
Sorry big-boy, you don't belong with us microdickchads
3 inch MAX
Tori Black in BLACKED's The Big Fight
got the muscle growth hypnosis on
it's not the size, it's how you use it
weird looking bloke
How does any animal with multiple legs turn
weird how the cuck spam and tranny posting started at the same time

just a bit weird
funny looking cameltoe on that gal
need to wash up ffs
thats not an animal mongo
same way a bug does init
one of the first porns i remember watching was her getting hard fucked by some bbcs. wasn’t a bbc only guy back then, would wank to all porn. but i wonder if that video is partly why i turned out like i did
this, desu
He's safe and sound in his smelly bedroom in Birmingham.
what age did you have your first wank?
>are ya winning s- WHAT ARE YOU DOING???
first wank was to some rule34 i randomly came across on the internet
Prefer no to say.
so here we are then, the lads
You sure? Looks like one
sir queer sharter is my president
Hate the feeling of not being good at my job. Why oh why did I fucking leave my old job.

Seriously, don't bother changing jobs. Just get one you can do well and stay until retirement.
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mummy made a lovely tea lads
still havent wanked yet. saving it for a special occasion
To the tune of 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond' by Pink Floyd:

By me? 23
By someone else? 8
pink groid
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feeling TENSE
feeling STRESSED
well done
*throws change in your change jar*
so the yank that tries to join and spams britishisms is female, odd
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mumberg is making dindins
Wank exclusively to gay porn, but I'm straight. Weird.
Bro lost his virginity at 8, I'm still waiting at 28
turkey dinosaurs and oven chips is it
Mousenonce gives me the fear man
How are people like him allowed to walk free
>presidential immunity
absolutely mental idea
license to do anything you like
im straight but youre lying if you say you wouldn’t suck a juicy bbc
steak, veg and potatoes
Diego spending hours mincing turkey meat by hand and shaping it into dinosaur shapes
Not really though
Sex needs me
how so?
marriage = consent
should i buy ghee to make a curry? wont that make it hecking unhealthy?
Some of you need to take the gaypill (or bipill)
> Diego spending hours mincing

what else is new
just isn't. and that's that
wet = consent
Gf wants to dress me up in a dress
its bad for the arteries innit
having a cheeky paneer curry myself
really bad at portion control so imagine i'll eat a LOT of cheese
Weaker than me = consent
The Mrs is going to get shagged rotten tonight lads. The heat and the cheap Mercadona tinnies got me horny af
unconscious equals consent
I seriously have no fucking idea where the mind of men from western countries which are into casual sex is.

EVERY pick-up actions can br classified as sexual harassment, in the modern western countries

the best and the safest pick-up strategy is to marry and have sex at the night after marriage

в чeм я нe пpaв?
not in a niqab and accompanied by a male relative = consent
the onus is on you to prove it's mental actually. go ahead and do that, we'll wait
not gay myself but worn the gfs knickers when she's pegged me before
Where will you be?
Do you think that if after 6 months in my new job I still feel uncomfortable and out of place that I should leave?
Haha cheeky
you don't need consent.
Do you think that if after 26 years in my new life I still feel uncomfortable and out of place that I should leave?
done him
VPN off you boring incel freak
Legalise the ganja sir keir
president biden assassinates trump
has immunity so nothing happens
does this sound like a good system?
zymis sexa
kill yourself child molester
Always feel euphoric after a good thick shit. The slight pain in my arse afterwards makes me horny too. I just know that if I ever took it up the arse from a big cock I'd probably turn gay instantly.
Thoughts on Dr Disrespect being a nonce?
None whatsoever.
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asking for it tb.h
should be burqa
Mental how God put an orgasm button a willard’s length up our bumholes then says we can’t be gay
feeling curious?
why is it that whenever you decide to go for a wank everyone immediately texts you, knocks on your dooor, etc
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I think I hate virgin freaks
>perfectly legal

much to think about
Dr disrespect was too busy defending pewdopie against tseries to notice her age
weird looking bloke
Yeah, you love anywhere near Scunthorpe?
dunno, im not a government system expert am i
proto gf looks exactly like this
feeling sinister
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>Female HMP Wandsworth prison officer who had sex with inmate on camera is married swinger who appeared in Channel 4 doc
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not sure he had much success lads
Matey was in his late 30s when he was messaging her

Definitely extremely noncey and the behaviour of a complete wrongun even if not criminal
toby inventing new forms of spelling and punctuation
her husband is black thoughever
Universe wants you to stop
Happens when I poo
12:26 that wet spot of pumpum juice
Got a smart telly
Hate it
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mad how that happens
Not how it works
Honestly doubt he really cares.
but you are a virgin and a freak
what the fuck name is praful nagund? sounds like an orc
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That’s a Pepe in Grani
I’m an amateur pizza maker and I want to go to Franco Pepe’s restaurant
Not what Diego told me
No different to our own head of state, didn't see the Queen just doing whatever she liked though.
timmy's wildest crush
I'm a virgin, but I honestly want nothing more than to be a muscly lads bottom slut. Never had sex because I'm a bit scared if I'm honest lol.
Find some women sexy, but the idea of having my bussy shagged makes me ROCK hard.
He isnt doing the needful on Jezza Corbyn.
He needs the guilt to cum lol
It's actually from Fatto a Mano in Brighton, but yeah it was designed in colab with Franco Pepe.
think he's leading in the polls
reckon a lot of people don't realise corbyn isn't standing for labour
name on mikey
apart from that time she murdered that woman and her bit on the side
we should be exploring stars and you guys are being horny sluts like cavemen on this bengali chappal sewing forum
how does it work?
our head of state is politically neutral and his no legisltive/executive power
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If our head of state had political power. We have parliamentary sovereignty. Congress is not sovereign in America
new chainsaw man is crazy

Why are you talking like that
cody gakpo is playing a different sport to the rest of these lads
what a player
Point being the UK head of state, i.e. the Crown, and the monarch as a person, is immune from prosecution.
Would be an absolute disgrace if Jez loses Islington North. I will never respect Londoners again.
did he change into a chainsaw? mad
broccoli haired cunt
anyone want to do a virtual hug?
point being the head of state has no executive power as I mentioned
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haha what a posh twat robert webb is
poo screaming
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There’s nothing wrong with a business making a profit. It’s giving the customers what they want
ppl have already told you a million times no
Absolute nonce
Wrote a whole book about what a fanny he is
anyone? :(
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probably a tory

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