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what the shit desu
argentinization of their economy
Higher is good right
depends on whomst'd've you're asking
what the shit degozaru*
Smh desu senpai
Newfag russian attention whoring again
God I wish you subhumans would get range banned
>The average salary in Japan is ¥4.58 million per year

4.58M JPY = 26.297 EUR = 2191 EUR/month

and that's before taxes lmao, what a poor shithole
What a shithole lmao
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time to commission more artists on skeb
did the Plaza Accords fucked over Japan?
They kept interest rates negative for decades trying to promote inflation after the bubble and now it's suddenly happening all at once. It's too late to stop it.
>tfw when I lived there it was only 108
I could have been living like a king
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If $1 buys you >1 unit of another currency, then it typically means that the dollar is stronger and will go further in the country where that currency is used.

However, this is a pretty general rule, and it doesn't mean much in the context of certain countries. Japan is a good example of an exception--so is Iceland, where 1 USD:130 IKR. On the flip side, you have places like Bahrain and Kuwait, where the dollar is worth less than 1/3rd of BHD/KWD--but that doesn't mean that you have to spend $3 USD in Bahrain or Kuwait to get a $1 USD-equivalent basket of goods in BHD or KWD. That's just how their currency is pegged.
Japan took on a lot of debt with negative interest rates, now that interest rates had to rise due to inflation the market is worried that they won't be able to pay it off.
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>Japanese currency cheapen
>immdiately became white women's favorite destination

called it
That is actually a Suprise I honestly expected it to turn into the next sexpat destination for dudes.
wtf that's almost the same as what i make now
japanese girls will marry us for status in 5 years at this pace
What’s the advantage other than for sexpatting though? It’s not like someone in the west would actually be retarded enough to invest in real estate in Japan.
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>I just have to wait like a decade more and save up as much as possible until I can retire in the japanese countryside with all my euros
All according to Sneed.
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Trump knows

Trump "Japanese weak currency sounds good to stupid people, but it is a disaster for American manufacturers and others. This is what made Japan into a behemoth."
Why would you want white women? Do you like BLM marches and gay parades?
Germany and France both handled it well so I don't see why it would've fucked up Japan as hard as the 1990s did. IIRC the US trade deficit with Japan wasn't even successfully lowered by the accords and it mostly affected Western European markets.
Im starving
Send the white woman real quick
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>best time ever to visit japan
>too beta
such is life
you can buy a big house there for 50k euro and average meal is like 5 euros with the average taxes being around 10%

they still live better than most of the world desu
you better to not see real japan. your delusion will be cure and you will lose THE ZONE
How will weebs cope when anime fantasy land collapses?
they blame zainiches and kikes
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It is a sexpat for dudes retard, there a shit load of prostitution going around.

I had the time of my life in Osaka and Yoshiwara.

The clientele though is rich asian men or tech bros from the state, you won’t be seeing loser white boomers there.
And it's less than that too. The average is very top heavy. If you look at the median it's less. But you should really be looking at what you can buy with that money in the country, not a flat amount.
>ahahahaa brrooo just use PPP
>you should really be looking at what you can buy
shitholes use this shit to hide poor state of economy
But you were there.
>ppp cope
Welcome to the shithole club kek. PPP cope is the first sign you live in a shithole.
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And Japan still has a larger economy than Russia even tough Russia has more people, vastly greater resources, and large amounts of oil.
yeah, i'm starting to think korea or china might be better ways to spend my touristbux.
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You're looking at "average". Average is pumped up by top earners. You have billionaires bringing the "average" number up.

What you should be looking at is "median", which is what the most common salary is, which is 3.6M yen, or about $22,000 USD or €20,500.
shitholes use PPP to fool their populus. and they being ashamed by rich countries rightfully.
but you, english teacher Bob, use their logic unironically. shame on you bob
But aside from importing luxury shit how does this actually impact people's lives? Compared to America food is cheaper, rents are cheaper, healthcare is cheaper, and people don't really have much of a need for a car. Cities are way nicer than American cities. It's safe here and don't have to fear walking around at night. Streets are way more walkable. There's convenience stores around every block. Now it is better than America? I don't know. But there are definitely plenty of advantages of being here that America doesn't have. And if you put it in perspective, Japan is still one of the richest countries on this planet.
I don't understand this hate for Japan.
Like I'm in Nagoya right now.
I didn't know japs were this stupid. They won't probably understand how bad they really are until pajeet and SEA ***TOURISTS***, not immigrants, flood into japan
WTF? How much are those expat English teachers making if this is how little native Japanese are getting paid?
this is a price all weaboos must pay if they want to live in japan
Shit like this doesn't matter if you're 1) Rich already 2) Have parents to support you 3) Don't care about saving money.

If you're a weeb, the idea of "living in Japan" is all there is to it. You live meagerly, and once your time is up as an English teacher in Japan, that's all you'll have on your CV. These people don't really think about the future of upward mobility.
>Compared to America food is cheaper, rents are cheaper, healthcare is cheaper,
American's make way more money. It's natural things are more expensive there but at the end of the day they have more disposable income.
>It's safe here and don't have to fear walking around at night. Streets are way more walkable. There's convenience stores around every block.
We are talking about economy.
>And if you put it in perspective, Japan is still one of the richest countries on this planet.
Not really. Japan's gdp per capita will probably fall below 30k this year. Japan will be poorer than Eastern European countries and far below any western country.
Nah, the hardest part is if you want to return to your country if you come from somewhere like America. If you have a decent wage in Japan living in the country is pretty comfortable. Now the most optimal way of going about it is to somehow be paid in USD then go fuck off to somewhere in Asia. But easier said than done.
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Air quality
Hate to break it to you but most of the world isn't Europe. Especially by Asian standards. Japan is an Asian country, not European, if you weren't aware.
Japanese food, not only tastier, but also healthier than Euro slop. Japanese life expectancy is longer than Europeans. This is all because Japanese regularly take Omega-3 (EPA/DHA) from raw fish consumption.
>Not really. Japan's gdp per capita will probably fall below 30k this year. Japan will be poorer than Eastern European countries and far below any western country
Japan imports 65% of their food and 95% of their energy, so shit is going to hit them hard this year and the next. And given that the yen will keep falling in value, the belt will just continue tightening.
Most people do the JET program when they're young and most only do it for 2-3 years. Not like most people make a career out of it. It's a fine experience and it's not like you have to only do that for the rest of your life. Like I met a woman who graduated college, did the JET program, lived in Aomori for three years, then moved to Macau where she got married. She seemed pretty happy about her life. Was decently smart too.
>Like I met a woman who graduated college, did the JET program, lived in Aomori for three years, then moved to Macau where she got married
Almost like being a woman is extremely easy. It doesn't matter if you don't have a future career path, because you can just get married and have your husband take care of you, especially in the casino of the world.
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ordinary japs will be too poor to buy robo gf
It's also not like you have to retire here. You can live here for a few years to experience it then just go home. Learning a new language and living in a foreign country are good life experiences I think.
Sounds like jealousy to me. To bad you never had the courage to try anything with your life. I bet you're one of those jaded Canadians that hates the country and hates the people he's surrounded with at work. Then sees the country getting worse year after year and overall just turns into a sourpuss.
I mean yeah it's richer than africa, philippines, indonesia etc. I didn't think you were bragging about that lmao. Your definition is just more broad I guess. Most people wouldn't consider a country competing with eastern countries rich. Western countries all have above 50k gdp. Those came to mind when people think of rich countries
>To bad
Extreme projection. Folks, this is the level of English education the children of Japan are getting from English teachers.
The Earth's population is around 8 billion. If you added up the populations of America and the European Union you still wouldn't get even get to 1 billion. So even if all the people living inside those countries had a better quality of life than the people in Japan (which is highly debatable), Japan would still be better off than 7/8 of the world's population. I don't think Japan's goal should be to emulate the West. Especially considering all those countries are on the decline. I like Japan the way it the way it is.
>Nothing to say
>Feels the need to point out typo on fucking 4chan
>Not even English teacher
So, was I right?
When was I bragging anyway? Not even Japanese. Not even residing inside the country. Just happen to be here right now.
But you were the one who started with,
>Almost like being a woman is extremely easy. It doesn't matter if you don't have a future career path, because you can just get married and have your husband take care of you, especially in the casino of the world.
Yeah okay Japanese live better than billions of starving niggers and street shitter pajeets. That's... nice I guess
And this is some big talk from a Turk. Sounds like you have a massive inferiority complex. Is Turkey a shithole too? That Russian flag previously also labeled his country a 'shithole'.
>Is Turkey a shithole too?
Yeah it is and true me nobody knows what it's like to live in a country with a collapsing currency better than I do. See you in 5 years. Japan will be getting mogged by Romania but it will be richer than Cambodia I guess so it's not that bad for Asia standards
My citizenship is American. Can literally return whenever I want. Ain't tethered to Japan. If it starts getting really bad I'll just go home. But I think you're exaggerating a little. Japan and Turkey are so different.
Japanese live better than anyone else if we take the average person of a country except extremely wealthy countries like Norway, Saudis and Switzerland.
Money isn't everything. My cunt is richer than Nippon but I would love to move over
I know what it feels like to lose your purchasing power slowly but steadily. I know what not being able to buy things you could easily afford a month ago feels like
know a guy who bought a house in japan like 2 years ago. He was bragging that he bought it dirt cheap because of the yen inflation. Because of this his property has lost so much value. Now if he tried to sell it he's going to attain losses lmfao.
Japan is unnironically done if USA doesnt interfere and stop this massive inflation. Also, this is sad to admit but Euro will follow the Yen trend real soon. I think we will have a WWIII admit ourselves because of the crashing economies.
BRICS are going to start seeing massive gains soon
>until pajeet and SEA ***TOURISTS***, not immigrants, flood into japan
They already did years ago you dumb spic
Is there anything worth buying from Japan?
Btw I can get free shipping from amazon jp
I can't imagine it going much lower than 180 to the dollar. While that is bad, it isn't calamitous levels of bad.
Don't be this >>199314869 guy's friend who was dumb enough to buy Japanese real estate. Don't be dumb enough to invest in yen thinking it's going to go back down.
Good for Europoors since 1 euro now gets them more yen. Bad for Nips since it takes more yen to purchase 1 unit of foreign currency (in this case a single euro)
>I can't imagine it going much lower than 180 to the dollar
It will trust me
Yeah, there's many things you have to take into account. GDP isn't everything.
I think the US is actually one of the best countries positioned for the future. It doesn't have the bureaucracy, politics, and centralization of the EU. Doesn't have a demographic problem. America gets more skilled migration, much of the migration that comes to Europe is low-skilled, from African and the Middle East. Asian migration particularly is supposed to skyrocket. Federal government isn't as powerful, so if some states fail people can go elsewhere. Doesn't have as much of a welfare state that is going to turn state finances unsustainable. Dollar will continue to be decently strong. America is large and still has lots of room to grow. The dollar is keeping its own against other currencies right now, even if inflation is up. The constitution of the United States is very solid, even if the people running it aren't the brightest. Unironically, I'm optimistic of the America's future.
Yeah, you can already see the seeds planted. Japan is going to look a lot more like Europe. But a lot of migration to Japan will be from surrounding Asian countries, so migration isn't going to be as bad as it is in France or England.
How did they manage to keep this going on for so long and not colapse?
2-3 years really fuck up your earnings/savings. If you relgiously save and invested in your 20s early retirement is more than possible.
Wonder if Japan's going to tap into their foreign exchange reserves, gold holdings, and overseas securities soon?
They already did. The US punished them for dumping USD to buy yen. And they sacked their currency diplomat this week.
This is still a very good income
Yes, because that is exactly what the average 20 something year old is doing with the comfortable, stable, and high paying job that they have.
That literally what I did, I madw $60k out of college, currently making $105k right now at 29.

Have $400k in investments.
Time to commission more QOS/NTR artwork
The US is the only place with a future simply because they have the money to poach talented people worldwide while the rest is bleeding dry, and they aren't at risk of being mass invaded by africans or muslims.
All other civilized places face demographic decline and possibly worthless refugees to make it worse.
Do you plan to go and retire in Asia or stay in America? But exactly what difference does it make if you get to that stage of your life at 29 or 33 exactly? And I think a majority of people aren't going to be making 105k in their lifetimes, even if they are American.
Foreign currency assets have long since increased.
About 5% of assets are and
I have also just increased my assets in NVDIA and TSLA in this morning
Japanese assets increased 7% last year, but cash still accounts for a high percentage of assets.
because their bubble in the 80's was pure speculation and they had nowhere to go but down.
>BRICS are going to start seeing massive gains soon
Good joke!
Because zero rate environment and also they had a lot of exporters and leading tech companies for twenty years after the bubble.
They are too busy commiting sudoku by teriyaki, please understand
Japan is demanding the traitorous Kishida resign every day. Biden's puppet, Kishida, is unironically the cause of Japan's current troubles. In addition, Biden and Kishida are slowly creating the conditions for the far right to grow in Japan and the best evidence is the Rahm Emanuel, US Ambassador to Japan, who won't shut up about LGBT propaganda every day on his Twitter account and bizarrely participating in LGBT parades and rallies. This is considered very impolite and rude behavior by ambassadors to foreign countries. After all, you don't see Japanese ambassadors in America protesting against gun rights.
America is only good for blacks and Mexicans. You are a naive Japanese who is unable to see the bamboo ceiling / glass ceiling that Asians in America experience. For example, Asians are the last to get promoted to managerial positions over blacks, whites, and other minorities because Asians are considered too quiet and not aggressive enough at kissing up to the boss. Asians also have a more difficult time getting accepted to famous colleges. Asians are also generally invisible in local and national politics.

Wake up to reality, Japanese immigrant. There is a reason why you Japanese are never seen outside California and Hawaii because deep down inside, you Japanese are seen as outsiders by the other 48 states that make up the USA. Not only that but once you start getting old and sick, you will inevitably fly back home to Japan to enjoy your great, cheap and fast Japanese healthcare as evidenced by all the elderly Japanese Canadians who get their yearly health checkup in Japan rather than Canada. Also, even Japanese millionaires like Ryuichi Sakamoto moved back to Japan for cancer treatment even after living 30 years in New York. Ryuichi Sakamoto would have lost all his family wealth if he decided to remain in America for cancer treatment.

At the end of the day, the final resting place for the majority of Japanese expats will be their homeland, Japan. Your descendants will be cleaning your grave during every Obon holiday inside Japan and not outside Japan.
Zainichi plot to destroy Jomonland
American Serbs are also fixing their teeth here but that doesnt mean our healtcare is superior. Also the reason why there arent much japanese in rest of USA is simply that Japan become rich so large scale Jap migratjon wasnt the case past 60 years
needs to be cheaper so i can finally buy the 30 h games in my dlsite cart
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Japan is done for

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