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Chie pans
Freshly baked ones
i do this everyday actually
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Pog pagi
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Just found a yt comment about how an american is baffled by how people from Indonesia would donate money to people richer than them.
While red superchat (Rp1M/$70) is indeed a big money for most indonesian, I don't think people who watches foreign youtubers or vtubers thinks that $70 is that big of a money. Maybe even they're richer than the youtuber.
Hell $70 is a big number for some americans.

People still thinks SEA in general is still poor as fuck after watching some documentaries. Western documentaries tends to focus on the shittiest part of a country, to point out the fact that the world is still far from prosperity to their western audience.
My grandma's village, that used to be miserable 15 years ago, is now seeing a significant increase in prosperity. People are building 2-story houses and having family cars.
I'm poor, gib moni please
70$ is still 70$ mate
you could get your cock sucked for less
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read Seitokai ni mo Ana wa Aru
Jatuh cinta itu rasanya seperti apa?
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Kek cimory banyak rasa
Jatuh cinta
Sejuta rasanya
Sejuta indahnya
Oh asyiknya
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Why did he do it?
He couldn't handle getting dumped.
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Budding tits best tits
We're still poor compared to them and that's all right
Don't want them to find out about our growth, our low cost of living and move here like those Russian refugees
green haired one is a boy, if you don't know
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ada cewek friendly dikit langsung ngebayangin resepsi
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Boring khutbah today, but I got nasi bakar as free lunch from Mosque.
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tip: women liked being picked up. both in public and in bed
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nasi bakar is so good
>Don't want them to find out about our growth
some of them already do
even though I'd admit the video is kind of what zoomers describe as "too template-y", what we need is some good ol' gatekeeping
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>tfw no indo tripfag and fujotroon for almost two days
Too late, Bali is full of those people now.
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Kini semua telah hilang (melayang! melayang!)
Bagai burung lepas dan terbang (melayang! melayang!)
Pada siapa ku merindu (tak tahu! tak tahu!)
Dengan siapa ku bercanda (tak tahu! tak tahu!)
Cari-cari apa kucari akhirnya menangis sedih...
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Is this country doing better or worse?
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I'm not getting any richer so worse
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the power of anime/coom op's....
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> I thank You Saturn-sama, for my Total-Gòngfěi-Death:
AMEN: So must it be.
She's the one for me
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Philippines but kino
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ive been a nasty girl
ive been a nasty gurl
I thought indog is so horny.
Until I found pinoy
I've been a Nestea Girl
(ad infinitum)
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Ganyang Tangalogs
What power?
You see, I was going to reply thaikotV2. But, he's having difficulty processing my arguments -- despite I set it at High School level.
The reply itself isn't that long. However, I think he need some visual hints to understand. Therefore, I'm using ordinary image processing. But it sucks at creating geometric objects. So, I changed to the good old tikZ. But, it's a pain in the ass. So, after few hours, I change to mathcha. I hope I could finish the reply this week
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They're coming, we should enforce our visa policy
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...Misusing your autism on non-chinx is unbecoming of you.
>already ruling indonesian and philippines economy
>now expand to australia
let mr lim cook
Dirty bitch. That filthy whore definitely knew she was going to get fucked and she wanted it, she craved it. She wants a hard thick cock in her tight little pink pussy
Why are female children such whores?
> tp
> tf
he's doing it for fun, I bet the feeling is similar to enlarging HRE/Germany/Nazi in CK3 or EU4
huh? which thigh pic?
thaikot buckbroken indogchud so much he stopped posting here lmao
goblok banget KAI
udah tahu kalau pengumuman di website bakal rame traffic malah ngasih website kek tai
just use the mobile app, pak. tahun 2024 AD.
try to settle this down on /diy/ham, but whatever you do, try to discuss with him otherwise you'll get BTFO'd in an instant
apa sih tolol
w ngomong soal rekrutmen blok
does KAI have rss feed for their announcement? If so, I prefer putting it on my rss client to dowloading bunch of (useless) datamining apps on my phone
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>he posted?
we are so back
why so mad, anon?
the one where he showed his thighs and nintendo switch

tipe tipe kaya gini (>>199653600) yang ga bakalan bisa kerja di lingkungan korporat/PNS
kasian ya ......
pagi gan
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Salamat pag
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pride month's over in my country
time for the anti-woke farangs to finally shut up about it
why are russians like this?
What's the final solution?
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i saw a fake taxi™ near my city
i could see through the windows, so i don't think it was used for filming, probably just an ad or cooming enthusiast
I've seen some here too
Should I buy one for my scooter bike?
Kenapa tuh bang
whatever i already passed the administration process
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I'm tempted to try writing a novel again and publish it on kindle and google playbook now that i passed my bachelor thesis defense. But i dont know how to squeeze it between job hunting, practicing interviews, and relearning QA + Laravel. Guess i better off trying to catch up with old friends again to dust off my rotten social skills, or following my mom to work so i can try to link up with her friends. I need to start going to the gym too, all my muscles have atrophied and my wrist hurts so bad from clutching the mouse daily.
indogs are dangerously dumb
Third world will third world
Enroll your kid in private school.
Teach them martial arts and asertiveness EARLY.
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i'm not talking about stickers, car was painted yellow
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How do I describe it? When you see her your heart beats fast and you can't contain your smile. Even when you've planned what to ask her you forgot about it because you're just admiring her, god's finest creation. "her lips, eyes, nose and teeth look so perfect. I really2 love her," you tell yourself over and over again every time you see her. And when you are driving through a rural village and you spot a beautiful house and you start daydreaming again. "I'll buy a house like that, just me and her. I'll try my best to make her happy." Before you know it, it feels like she's waiting for you at the door when you come home. "Ah, if only..." And on weekends even when it's obvious it's heavily raining you still go for a run instead of visiting her as usual because you don't want her to get sick of you. You want her to miss you as much as you miss her. Before you know it you find yourself lying in the middle of nowhere in the rain staring at the rainy sky, water all over your face, hardly able to breathe because you miss her so damn much. It's so painful. You find yourself driving to her place again. It's just a 10 minute interaction, maybe less but it's enough for you. It gives you the strength to get through another hellish weekend. This is what love is imo.
If MKLeddit was still here, he'll prolly spergout about the latest AFA considering I can see adverts on my Fecesbook feed.
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medfag (og), MKL, Ayen, banterfaggot...
even now, I already forgot another namefaggot
how many more will we lose, though good riddance, lol
It is dumb but I still kinda feel bad. They don't want to harm anybody, just a simple celebration with their friends and this is what they get.
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>R u a fag
>...Misusing your autism on non-chinx is unbecoming of you.
There's no evidence that prove or disprove his lineage being chink-free. Well, it's not look like I argue with him because of such reason.
His face looks like Nguyễn Thanh Long
>people are dumb
Nothing new under the sun
>doesn't deny autism
I hate bullies
I'm still here ya fucking mark.
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i saw a guy with a large bald spot on his head at 7/11 today
lucky enough, I have no such friends or else my life is over
it's nothing new actually, he gave a clue to us in the past that he's autistic
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watch out for bears
>From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!”
>He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.
2 Kings 2:23-24
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aseanbros best bros
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Dad thinks buying a gated community house overseas is too much money…

I’m worth $500k far surpassing my peers and it possible within the next 10-20 years based on my calc.

God I hate his dumb farmer mentality.
>>doesn't deny autism
It's not autism. It's just someone being knowledgeable delivering and defending their own argument.
It's analogous to "viva voce"/ "rigorosum"/ "soutenance"
Any [MISEA] members post here?
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Finland migration statuses from last year. Thanks and pls come here unless you are muslim.

We left upstream of mekong 20 000 years ago like majority of Siberians.
that includes you too, you know
I look creepy at night. What causes this
You saw her too?
No but my red eyes look worse at night.
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I look ugly day and night
Same but I'm uglier at night
Is that her gf or? WHAT THE FUCK
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How about eyemo?
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Then don't arrange a date at night
It's alright, she's just his niece
Why can't other countries just follow our footsteps bros???
>Then don't arrange a date at night
What makes you think I can arrange a date?
Don't care. Rewatching The Owl House.
malay race the worst race
should've picked much better one at spawn
Rewatching eternal sunshine of the spotless mind to feel something I'll never feel.
gemoy facade is off now, wowo sounds like a chud who plays civilization map painting game and secretly want to build 1000 years reich
what's her race?
I hope my future wife doesn't suffer as much as I do until I meet her
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What does this feel like bros
Kini semua telah hilang (melayang! melayang!)
Bagai burung lepas dan terbang (melayang! melayang!)
Pada siapa ku merindu (tak tahu! tak tahu!)
Dengan siapa ku bercanda (tak tahu! tak tahu!)
Cari-cari apa kucari akhirnya menangis sedih...
not working for me. i've tried many local eye drop and this is the only one that works for me. i have sensitive eyes and my eyes would turn red after i shower or exposed to aircond. go to any pharmacy and show them this for them to bring it out to you. it's not sold on the shelf.
It's not that bad.
>looks like Nguyễn Thanh Long
of Yemeni descent?
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I've found that AI's hair care advice is much better than some tiktok influencers. Asked AI first when choosing shampoo esp if it contained SLS or not based on the ingredients, and which one was more suitable for my hair type. I even asked to make my hair washing schedule. After following that slop tricks for 2 weeks, my hair feels smoother. AI won, not only for writing smut and horny shit, but it works for girly things as well
>my eyes would turn red after i shower
Same. Thanks
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Why does SEA hate India now? Seems like there was a reversal, despite the influence.
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>It's not autism. It's just someone being knowledgeable delivering and defending their own argument.
>It's analogous to "viva voce"/ "rigorosum"/ "soutenance"
>My lord, no; for libentissimally, as soon as it illucesceth any minutule slice of the day, I demigrate into one of these so well architected minsters, and there, irrorating myself with fair lustral water, I mumble off little parcels of some missic precation of our sacrificuls, and, submurmurating my horary precules, I elevate and absterge my anime from its nocturnal inquinations. I revere the Olympicols. I latrially venere the supernal Astripotent. I dilige and redame my proxims. I observe the decalogical precepts, and, according to the facultatule of my vires, I do not discede from them one late unguicule. Nevertheless, it is veriform, that because Mammona doth not supergurgitate anything in my loculs, that I am somewhat rare and lent to supererogate the elemosynes to those egents that hostially queritate their stipe.
>Why does SEA hate India
do we?
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pagi pogi gan
why would they like india?
indians made them brown, short and poor
they can blame indian influence
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>We transfretate the Sequan at the dilucul and crepuscul; we deambulate by the compites and quadrives of the urb; we despumate the Latial verbocination; and, like verisimilary amorabons, we captat the benevolence of the omnijugal, omniform and omnigenal feminine sex. Upon certain diecules we invisat the lupanares, and in a venerian ecstasy inculcate our veretres into the penitissime recesses of the pudends of these amicabilissim meretricules. Then do we cauponisate in the meritory taberns of the Pineapple, the Castle, the Magdalene, and the Mule, goodly vervecine spatules perforaminated with petrocile. And if by fortune there be rarity or penury of pecune in our marsupies, and that they be exhausted of ferruginean metal, for the shot we dimit our codices and oppignerat our vestments, whilst we prestolate the coming of the tabellaries from the Penates and patriotic Lares.
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This planet is a quarantine center for the various civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy.

I mean:
> Born as White: mindfucked and overzealous
> Born as Black: LOL
> Born as South Asian: LMAO
> Born as East Asian: collectively insane in each of their respective groupings
> Born Turkic/Mongol: literally who?
> Born as Arab: get bombed and/or splintered into warring Islamic sects
> Born as Jew: genetically schizo and the women likes cucking the men
> Born as Melanesian/Aborigine: headhunts each other
> Born as Hispanic: politically illiterate as fuck
because they're kafeer, not Muslim.
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He's only son is gay tho
why is it that most migrants from SEA are always flips and viets. how do you guys do it, how are you guys everywhere
most sea immigrants in south korea are thais
and here people really hate thais
in south korea, they are seen as indian immigrants of canada
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>2016, wonder why everyone hates drake even though he makes good music
>ff kendrick vs drake beef
>explained everything from the start
even before he came, that's the default opinion of Malays Musleemeen. Remember when jeet (Shah bandar/Mayor) allows Portuguese to attack Melaka from inside? That's the start... oh wait, it was even earlier than that, from when Seri Wijaya was being toppled by klink from kalingga
it's hard to come to Finland as Malaysian. I tried it before. Ridiculous bar set for Malaysian while you lower the bars for other SEAs. what neekeri country
Did Worst Koreans hate everybody already?
mlei race is the most average (mid) race of the planet
not too violent backward pipo and not too advanced brilliant pipo either, we are perfect in the middle, we are the default difficulty
I don't know what anime to watch on Friday nights after the end of Kaiju No 8 and the Go Go Loser Ranger. I don't want to watch yapping isekai anime tho.
German prussian ethnicity
maybe it just freak accident, there was electricity leak in the pond and nobody knew that
>Go Go Loser Ranger
What's the appeal of this. I only know the author did rom-com before, and he doesn't feel like the type to do action manga.
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Malay is not a race. It's an ethnicity
Whats the difference
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>made a retarded argument that could be easily btfo by anyone's basic logic and a modicum of common sense.
>spent his days to read wikipedia on topic he knows nothing about, in order to craft his lame come back.
>turn out it was even more retarded and easier to btfo
>"noooooooooo you don't understand me."
holy shit. this is the poster child for the Dunning-Kruger effect this poor sap loser must have the world's most miserable existence if he thinks he can Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V a few Wiki snippets and pass himself off as a subject matter expert to anonymous randos on some Mongolian basket weaving forum.
what a pathetic life. dude was probably the class weirdo who got bullied as a mentally disabled child, which has led him to desperately crave the validation of others thinking he was not a total dimwit.
Malay isn't an ethnicity, it's a state of mind.
My canine teeth were yellowish since I was a kid and I always tried to keep my mouth closed when I smiled. Now they have turned white and I can show them off but I feel like I look terrible. My smile looks unnatural. Help
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selamat malam
good edisi
Who you talking about thai kot?
Have you tried confidence?
I think it's my pedo moustache.
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just a class weirdo who got bullied as a mentally disabled child.
twirl it
Only in Indonesia, and they're just denying it because of jaw*k insecurity
Even the Papuan wants to secede because they're not the same race as average Ind*gs
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why do malay (and southern thai nigger too) love to grow mustaches?
Anti-hero become the hero sort of. The plot are paced decently. The test arc reminds me of Battle Royale, Gantz and Assassination Classroom.
Hitler moustache is not a bad idea too.
>love to grow mustaches
I don't. It just grows back so fast. Within 2 days it's visible again after a clean shave.
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opinions on this guy?
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thais i've been watching are just a bunch of retards who don't know their place
they seem to believe that in south korea they are better sea people who can be treated differently from other sea nationals such as vietnamese, filipinos, indonesians and malaysians lmao
but no one in south korea treats thais highly
in this country, all the thai nationals are whores and they're working like slaves on country farms
thailand is known in south korea for its cheap shopping, cheap golf tours and sex tourism
so why should we treat thais when we are treated so much better even in southeast asia?
thailand is a poor third-world country and a nobody with no importance to south korea's politics, economy or even diplomacy
we are sick of thais whining about how all south koreans are racists
still no one gives a shit about their complaining though
high test
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You guys literally got saved by filipinos, I don’t like thai patriots as well, but Koreans are just as worse and with the declining birth rate I can easily see them cratering to a lower standard of living.

You guys did the same shit with the Jurchens and then got smacked by the Qing.
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one trick pony
Where do you get these pics from?
what a niggerish thread.
yeah we are cunts
i don't deny many of south koreans are racist dickheads
but now most south koreans hate thais
they're even more annoying than indians in canada
even about 70-80 percent of thai migrants in south korea are illegal migrants though
they are worse than the mexicans in the us
i'm really sick of them whining that all south koreans are crazy racists
because i've heard that thais discriminate against vietnamese and cambodians in extreme ways
brown thirdie people's racism on brown thirdie peoples is laughable
their victimhood acting is cringe
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its actually kinda lore accurate....
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south koreans dying from their racism
I could go to SK visa free but I didnt went and I will never go there due Buddha says about to not be a problem for others and my brown skin could cause disturb in Seoul.
This is hilarious.
How is it easy for Thailanders to smuggle themselves into South Korea?
time to rewarch rush hour
What does Torah say
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Interview (cute gay mlei when applying)
>what did you focus on during your school years?
>anal masturbation.

>then, please anal masturbate right here and now
>I'm already doing it <3

can't continue since the next scene is him showing off his dildo lodged in his boypussy, changing position to masturbate in the desk, and spraying cum while prostate orgasming right on the interviewer face. (it still continues after that.)
Just go to Malaysia already.
People says fake it till you made it. Well apparently next week im a preschool teacher and i have no idea what i should teach. Fuck. All my experience with children is rasing them up till 4 years old, got no idea how to teach em shit. All i know is to include play as way to teach them stuff.

Wish i get a wife who treat me like that in the future
Why are you like this? tranime is rotting your brain.
wait it actually said anal masturbation. kek wtf, where the fuck do you even get these images
Just give them gadgets
Watch youtube vids on how to be a decent school teacher.
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Please save me ;_;
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teach them how to say their pronouns
Nah, thinking to give them interactive activity that teach them ethics

Havent thought about it will see

I teach religious study, also i didnt believe in pronoun stuff, it embolden mentally ill people
>religious study,
wtf satan teaches religious study to a children.
btw, joking asides, do you guys teach religion to a kids since pre-school?
>teach religious study
the Torah says about the non-jews (goyim) to be animals and they were created to be exploited by the jews same as they do to cattle.
>He's trying to portray black-and-white logical fallacy on poorly thought moral relativism
>You kept playing personal increduity and ad hominem fallacy
>That's a logical fallacy, appeal to authority
>Sounds like logical fallacy (composition/division)
south korean government granted visas to thais as a favor to compensate for the lack of labor
however, thai people have overstayed and now there are about nearly 170,000 thai migrants in south korea
what's really shocking is that almost 80 percent of those thai migrants in south korea are illegal migrants
every year, thai government begs south korean government not to deport thai illegal migrants wtf?
we are so sick of this
i am not really a racist irl
i have people who are married to filippina, thai and vietnamese women around me
and they are all sincere, hard working people
i have never said or done anything discriminatory to those south east asian neighbors
but what i have seen is that the thai people seem to genuinely believe that thailand's position is equal to south korea or japan
they even know that thailand's wage is less than 20% of south korea's or japan's wages, but they have such a weird self-made imagination
none of filipinos and vietnamese i saw seemed to live in delusion like thais
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Me in white dress
worst general in all of /int/

i'd slam all of you faggots to the ground 1 by 1.
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talking about teaching children, I wonder where edu-eng coomer is now. It's quite fucking scary to think that he is going to be a fully-fledged teacher in a couple of years.
>religious study
banyaking ngaji wan
Fair enough, I remember growing up some thai FOB was starting shit with me saying Angkor Wat belongs to the thais, and I literally could not give a fuck. Since vietnamese were the largest asian group and we were all outsiders.
> *shoots you dead*

Amazingly Bharat behavior by Thailand.
But are there any organized Thailand crime group in the country or nah

Surprisingly enough, a lot of Viets are violently criminal in Japan.
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Is this true ameribros
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Blacks made the place unbearable.
Hispanics and Arab-Americans are fed up with them.
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Who this
Feels like seen him before
btw trolling gook females at Tiktok live.
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> page 9 necrobump
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i do it for free
mist quads
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did this retarded bitch take off her shoes to step out of her underwear god what a fucking retard holy shit
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Never come across his cringe video again after I use Newpipe on my phone. Thank god

How would you keep those shoes dirt out of her fresh panties then?

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