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Why is the world getting so chuddy?
Is this what it felt like in 1930s Germany?
wtf is a dei
fuck anglo initialism fetishism
DEI was propped up by easy credit through extremely low interest rates, as soon as those rates went 3% DEI was done
>White man has to rely on the brown man to chud-up and remove DEI

Man, it's really starting to seem like the brown man's burden
Thank you for your service sir
>1930s Germany
Fascists were proto-DEI. They complained that certain fields were over-represented by jews and that aryans needed to be given more jobs
>waahhhhh niggers aren't getting jobs they're unqualified for this is literally fascism
Because everyone just saw the frontrunner for leader of the free world almost have his head blown off due to DEI fuckups.
You already killed Microsoft a long time ago, we're talking like 12 years ago.
>yeah bro men who chop their dicks off aren't women
>every timmy in a 5km area gasps in shock
I just don't know man

I was on the internet very early on (late 90s) for this place, so I had firstie friends for a very long time, they weren't nearly this cucked before. It's like after 2016 somebody flipped a switch.
Nadella saved Microsoft after a decade of stagnation under Ballmer.
Nadella literally saved Microsoft, you clueless retard. If not for their end user operating system monopoly (Linux is irrelevant in this space), Ballmer would have killed the company.
The Googlejeet on the other hand is a clown.
I'm talking about Xbox, I don't give two shits about the OS.
DEI is easily the greatest contributor to workplace discrimination as it build resentment and reinforced racial borders in the work place through it's initiatives.
Giving Xbox terminal cancer was Don Mattrick's work.
>after 2016
2012 was the end of the real internet.
So the person in charge is only responsible when good things happen, you just confirmed that you're diaspora.
DEI = woke = Black samurai and faggots in video game and movies

Sweet Baby Inc is DEI, they put black people in Nordic God of War
You niggas are aware that we (the western world) are heading towards some neo-feudalism dystopia, right? No fun allowed.
And that's a good thing!
Well, if you are someone well connected with the neo-royalty, sure.
You have no idea how large corporations work or what CEOs even do.
Mattrick was the head of Microsoft's gaming division (the Xbox guys).
Nadella was the head of Microsoft's cloud and enterprise group (the sell-shit-to-other-businesses guys).
Put your two brown brain cells together and figure it out.
>Why is the world getting so chuddy?
Businesses are collapsing and looking for easy places to put the blame.

>Is this what it felt like in 1930s Germany?
Yes, but this time the USSR will walk all the way to Paris and denazify all of Europe.
I'm 115% white and the king takes the blame for everything, welcome to true European culture.
>People concentrating on the women when retarded dude bro sniper couldn't kill the dude while he was getting yelled at for an entire minute climbing the roof
Yeah, because it's funny in a pitiful way. People at least used to be honest about women not being fit for these jobs, now we have to pretend like they are while memeing the fuck out of it behind closed doors. Clown world.
btw, what are the odds to shot off the tip of ones ear from 160m? with some not really accurate gun
You don't like to see TV shows on Netflix with 1m60 45kg women who beat the shit out of 2m 110kg guys ?
Good to see Loony Troons will no longer be essential in their propaganda
>a DEI team
Out of how many? This reads like red meat for chuds to get their gullible money.
It's because the Nature is always correcting the unnatural.
And humans are just part of Nature, we strive towards something that we naturally, instinctively desire and it won't stop until that scratch is satisfied
There is literally nothing more unnatural than anti wokeism and nazism. For humanity to prosper both must be ritualistically purged.
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there is nothing more unnatural than globalism
nationalism is natural, nazism is not because you need brainwashing
but nationalism just adcicates that every nation has it's place in designated areas on earth
Europe for Europeans, Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians etc.
there's nothing more natural
Because Qatar and the gulf are using their oil money to buy up parts of major corporations and replacing the DEI stuff with islamic ideas in direct tandem with Jews
>conveniently leaves out the american and australian continent
What did chud mean by this?
Thank you for your sacrifice in helping to bring back racism, curry sir.
The world became 100 times more racist since woke era in early 2010s.
90s, 2000s = racism was off. No comment about Will Smith, Westley Snipes, old Bruce Lee etc
Based and neofeudalismpilled.
Globalism is the natural result of technology. Nationalism is a disgusting man made meme that only brings suffering. The fact you think otherwise shows that you have no grasp on reality and must be removed from society.

Every day in which you do not lay in a mass grave is a crime against nature, love, justice, and wisdom.
The peoples of Asia will continue to manipulate the white devil, until he has torn Africa asunder. Best timeline
Diversity, equity and inclusion i.e. faggy bullshit from liberal arts shitters and what is often surmised as "woke"
it all started with the Penny Arcade Dickwolves controversy + Felicia Day saying she felt "unsafe" around nerds (her fucking target audience) + Anita Sarkeesian somehow coming into prominence and being propped up by feminists and game journos
>nationalism is natural
>nigga from the original most genetically diverse cunt in Europe praises nationalism
my countrymen are in fact retarded
more like ied lmao!
>115% white
maybe if you were a drop more brown you wouldn't be so adamantly dumb then
European is European
Technology is not natural. Check mate + you should be euthanized
It was an inexhaustive list retard
Americas for Indigenous Americans
Australia for Indigenous Australians
Antarctica for Antarcticans
t. Moroccan
>It's like a flip got switched.
Major media companies went woke, then enforced their political views on everyone they could.
Most early Internet chuds became full time lurkers after the great ban waves.
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so Windows 12 is confirmed good? I had enough of reactshit on my taskbar and MSN
>replacing the DEI stuff with islamic ideas
such as?
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>federal reserve lowers rates
>taking a loan is cheap as fuck
>investment funds start trying to get more picky with who they loan to
>introduce a set of arbitrary metrics like gender composition of directing board / emissions per workers / etc.
>an entire industry of bottom feeding companies appear, their entire business model is "we'll audit your company and give you a good score if you hire us to do these seminars, so you can continue getting your 0% interest loans"
>"we're also going to accuse your higher ups of being racist bigots online if you refuse btw"
>this goes on for the 2010s
>now that interest rates are going back up those companies don't want to ask for as many loans
>the only reason they were spending a bunch of extra money and hiring substandard personnel was to qualify for those cheap loans, and they're now gone
a lot of industries announced slow cuts to those programs like 2 years ago, that had nothing to do with it
Ironically globalism
That "ummah" stuff will become common overtime
Well, the fact a brown man is there to call shots proves that DEI is no longer needed.
BlackRock's GIGA JEW is not going to like this.
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>Globalism is the natural result of technology. Nationalism is a disgusting man made meme that only brings suffering. The fact you think otherwise shows that you have no grasp on reality and must be removed from society.

>Every day in which you do not lay in a mass grave is a crime against nature, love, justice, and wisdom.
Windows 8 was ahead of its time. Windows 10 sucks. 11 is too infantalized.
>Windows 8 was ahead of its time
yknow i used to vehemently hate germans on this board for being nazis but i completely understand why they did what they did know. i'd join the fucking SS if it paid well at this point
>ignores NT entirely until XP
>ignores 98 SE
>ignores 2000
>ignores 8.1
zoom zooooom
Thank you for your service to this great country
I mean yeah at this point it's pretty obvious that the globalist elites want to turn the world into some multicultural capitalist-communist hybrid dystopia.
Basically the worst parts of capitalism(corporatism, few billionaires and massive global corporations with massive wealth inequality) and communism(authoritarian ideological one party state with the illusion of multiple parties but all are controlled by the same groups) combined with the complete destruction of national and ethnic identities(a divided multiracial/multicultural population is much easier to control).
The only thing you and every son of a bitch posting here under the US flag knows how to do, is kneel to blacks and worship transsexuals, fucking faggot. I can smell the cock on your breath from here. You believe that men can give birth. Anyone competent at your workplace has been replaced by a DEI hire. Go kneel to George Floyd and set yourself on fire for Palestine
The sniper couldn't take the shot because a stupid woman in charge wouldn't let him.
This, it was Occupy Wall Street that led to this
Whites genuinely dont care about those anymore, they are competing with blacks for white women
diversity quotas
no way there are people out there who think the M$ is a good company in any way
No thought ever went into DEI other than "white people must be replaced"
Think about it. Who are you going to have a better work relationship with, the darkie with zero experience who was hired because of his skin, or the darkie who was hired entirely based on his extensive experience in the field?

Yes you'll be getting a LOT fewer if it only hire based on talent and skill, but at least you get actual workers that can exist in teams without being concrete collars on their white colleagues trying to stay afloat.

Nothing builts racism and resentment more than seeing people being given positions they could never have gotten otherwise if not for quotas. If all you have to offer a company and potential coworkers is your black hide or a Mexican surname, you should KYS.
11 can't even moe the fucking taskbar to the sides, what were they thinking?
no need for diversity only need for indians (caste specific)
yes unironically.
we should divide the earth into millions of swiss cantons that only concern themselves with local issues because people aren't capable of thinking larger than that
>white replacement is so bad even the supremacists got replaced
Vee is it you?
The shot would've at least penned trump's skull if he didn't turn his head right before the shot. He got very lucky
Thank you for doing the needful saar
I take it as definitive proof that the universe or whoever controls it absolutely does not want anything to ever happen.
They just kicked all the worthless idiots posting those "day in the life of" tiktoks where all they do is eat nice lunches and hang around in the workplace relaxation areas and whatever retarded shit.
Millions of women made jobless.
Now they only have the endless money from their onlyfans. Barely enough for their daily restaurant visits and starbucks... how can you be so misogynistic and incelly??
lol keep dreaming, these locusts will find a new grift
thank you sir
There is no "unlock taskbar" button on windows 11 you schizo.
He also killed the Xbox division which is double based. Fuck consoles. Real niggas pirate games on they PC.
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