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If leg lengthening surgery were safe and easy, how many men in your country would get them?
fake, they made the right guy shorter
leg shortening surgery?
I would get it on only one leg to appear more interesting to people
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>I would get it on only one leg to appear more interesting to people
I think I wouldn't. I complain about my height all the time, but making just my legs longer feels like cheating and not actually being taller
You would become physically taller but not mentally
Does it work proportion-wise? Shouldn’t the torso be longer too or it’s not noticeable?
Well if I could take hormones that made me grow I absolutely would
Dude it's femoid tier smoke and mirrors.
You seriously expect it to not look dumb under scrutiny?
have you heard of the castrati ? those singers that had their balls cut off before puberty to sound more like a woman, funny thing is they were much taller than the average person because testosterone stops you from growing
>testosterone stops you from growing
really? why are women not super tall then
don't know about women, but for those men that had their balls cut really young they were fucking tall, also they never lost their hair, it's a documented thing
I don't think I have a lot of testosterone
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This is cope for those without the resolve to do it.
there is a video on yt of some kid, well a man technically, a 20 yo that never reach puberty and he was like almost 2m tall, obviously the downsides being he had the voice of a child, bones and muscles too, no facial/body hair at all and most importantly the lack of maturation in the cock area, so it's not all sunshine and rainbows
Nah, my legs already are long and I'm tall enough to not be a manlet. It would look freakish if I did the surgery. It fucks with both your brain and legs.
how tall do you want to be? and how tall are you now?
we are a relatively short country, but we are not as obsessed with height.
i personally will get it, going from 182cm to 192cm will make people finally respect me.
173cm, I would like to be like 10cm taller
how are the white devils treating you in germoney?
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I'm sorry..?
you are either a white child or a brown man, i have seen some of the white devil expats we have here, they are 190cm+ tall.
Manlet bros please don't fall for this one. You risk shattering your goddamn legs over the slightest impact after the surgery.
same number of men who would undergo penis enhancement surgery if it was a realistic option
estrogen and testosterone cause your growth plates to close (sites where bones can grow and get longer) Hence why people usually stop growing after puberty
Nah, the bone will regrow
How fragile are his newly lengthened legs though?
but this one guy proved he can run after the surgery still
leg surgery, finasteride, trt NOW
Sounds like a stupid myth but I don't know anything about the surgery. However if it's anything like orthognathic surgery (which also involves breaking the bone to move it and holding it in place with titanium) then the bone will simply heal and grow over the metal. Of course orthognathic surgery is only moving in terms of millimeters while leg would be inches so maybe that affects stability.
it's barely a bone amd easily break
This but unironically
looks wrong and disproportionate
I figured it must lead to brittle bones right? And what about the proportions between your shins and tighs? Do you have like 50cm long shins and still thick manlet tighs? Will your calves stretch down the length of your new shins or are they just sort of lumped up right under the back of your knees?
why do this?
to intimidate other men?
it's so pathetic.
it's impossible for you to always be the tallest guy in a room but it's definitely possible for you to be the strongest.
would you risk being an amputee just to please your ego?
I'm just under 6 foot so maybe if it was an a routine non-invasive as possible surgery with minimal recovery
then again would it be worth it having weak leg bones for the rest of your life and not being allowed to play any sports
you tell me
it's really popular india
well indians are mental midgets and will project their insecurities no matter what.

if you change your height they'll bully you for your skin, change that they'll bully you for your nose, change that they'll bully you for your eyes.

indians shouldn't be the benchmark for anything
any tall guy that puts the same amount of effort in as a manlet in a gym will surpass the manlet immeasurably, so no, height is not irrelevant
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