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pertamax for reminder
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>thinking its vtuber
not playing your glorified jpeg collector ccp shill
mlei male look like this
its gook >>199958736 thoughever
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even worse
vtubearyan gem
negro poster btfo
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I'm single and very happy
ngl bini is mid af frfr
Forgot to share this
In nutshell, a guy (zoning supporter) found out that his "TOP/favourite" school aren't that "favourite" afterall (and subsequent meltdown (using gif))
>nah... ini... bagus... Sekolah negri favorit emang pada anak orang mampu semua.. Kalo gak TINGGAL DEKAT SANA(karena gak mungkin sekolah favorit di pelosok) ya pasti karena masuk karena suap dll.. Asli heran w, benefitnya apa manusia babi kek so op menentang zonasi? Apa dia protes karena gak bisa pake jalur fulus?
>_Sistem NEM yang nilainya publik : Ah paling nyogok buat masuk
>_Sistem zonasi yang bisa titip KK: wah bagus ini untuk pemerataan, pasti tidak ada kasus sogok menyogok
>_And this guy has so many upvotes. Seriously, sometimes I am confused about this sub.
>lu idiot ya? ingat kasus yang anak ui itu ada cerita disuruh kepsek distribusikan kunci jawaban un? gw juga ngalami hal kek dia dulu.. waktu itu selain gw cuma ada 2 anak lain yang nolak nyontek.. salahsatu yang nyontek dulu berhasil masuk akpol.. Masuk akpol padahal nyontek pas un!!! Lu pikir nem itu apalagi kalo dari sekolah favorit nilainya jujur? kalo di kasus yang w lihat sendiri, dari ribuan anak cuma 3 yang jujur babi!!! ZONASI FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!!
>_Sekolah favorit kok nyontek? Pfft. Lu sebetulnya masuk sekolah abal abal, yang klaim bahwa itu sekolah favorit.
>_Coba logikanya jalan dikit. Orang nyontek kenapa gak ada yang 100 semua nilainya? Apa penyebar kuncinya bodoh, bisa banyak jawaban salah?
>_Kenapa kalau satu sekolah nyontek semua tapi nilai bervariasi? Padahal kuncinya dibagiin ke satu sekolah. Bahkan selalu ada yang nilainya hancur. Apa berarti dia volunteer untuk nilainya dijelekin? Hahaha.
>_Dan poin terakhir yang gak dijawab, kalo sistem nem bisa nyogok, kenapa sistem zonasi enggak? Lololol.
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No wonder you people are fat

>_Unlike you, I actually went to actual elite school, who has actually been at the top (Rank 1) of UN nationally at the time. None of us was fraud cheater. I know every single person in the school year because we are less than 100. If your fake elite school cheated and they couldn't even bother to reach top 10 (who are all FAMOUS private schools except mine), what's the point of cheating? Lmao
>Terus gak kek w lu gak berani kasih tahu nama sekolahnya.. berarti apa? bullshit!!!!! cuma ada 100 orang dan lu kenal semua? vibe vibe swasta, gak mungkin negri cuma 100 anak mustahil!! Dan lu bilang sekolah lu rank 1 un? mana ada rank gitu.. yang dapat rank mah muridnya di rank dari semua anak sekolah lain kek temen w yang w bilang.. Kalo TEMEN LU kebetulan dapat rank 1, lu ngapain bangga tolol!! kan bukan lu yang juara kontol!!! Ada sih rank sekolah tapi mustahil sekolah murid sedikit dapat, karena pemerintah cuma hitung TOTAL nilai bukan RATA RATA nilai untuk menaiki rank negri jadi negri pasti nerima SEBANYAK MUNGKIN minimal 500
>Dari cara bicara lu, lu dari sekolah swasta biasa yang kebetulan ada anak jenius masuk kesana dan lu bangga banggain rank anak jenius itu sebagai rank sekolah keseluruhan padahal aslinya tanpa tuh satu anak, sekolah lu ampas kan...
>_Katak dalam tempurung, tapi sangat yakin dengan world viewnya sendiri. Dari dulu sekolah diperingkatkan secara rata-rata dari EBTANAS, UN, sampe sekarang UTBK. Lu nggak tahu hal ini karena sekolah lu dulu itu fraud, jadi gak ada yang bisa berbangga dengan prestasi kayak gini dan akhirnya gak pernah publik data kayak gini.
>_No, my school was a public school. See ya later pleb.
>avg 76.62
Wkwk, someone who goes to B to C-tier junior high was pretending to be from "elite school"
Ayen is fit tho
Hansem pula
If you don't like reddit why are you so obsessed with their users?
If you're blue collar worker, no one would bat an eye. If you're slim and ask for another helping , people would assume you got parasitic worm on your digestive system
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Anti intellectual religion
learning globohomo speak is a mistake, yes
I’m single and very sad
What's banana ketchup taste like flipbros
because he is a redditor. Redditdogs are ruined this thread
Rasanya pacaran malam minggu gimana?
>If you don't like reddit why are you so obsessed with their users?
I don't like reddit for various reasons. But, that doesn't mean their users must be wrong at every instance.
Obsession? It's just a convenient example of how an arguments about certain topic goes down. Or how certain people trying to win an argument by pretending to be X, and it turns out they're not X.

In this case, this one pretend to be someone who graduates from "elite school" are making fuss about his headmaster leaking answers. But, his school `SMP negeri 20 pekanbaru` doesn't made to the shortlist of top 100 junior high school (2019). By my estimate, his school probably ranked around 10k-15k out of ~40k school by 2015 data. Data from recent years are actually way worse. averaged around 57 out of 100. That's like D to E-tier, which make more sense why the headmaster are so desperate to increase the school's performance
But we don't care about any of that.
Why are you bringing their argument here?
nobody cares nigger, go back
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Buddha sits and starves to death
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beware of cegan
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meanwhile Jesus sacrifices himself to satisfy the cannibal nature of people of his race, whites.
>people of his race, whites
Wasn't he arab
putting my penis in your sister (unprotected)
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>Why are you bringing their argument here?
Because... isn't it cute and funny, when retards try to win an argument but fail miserably because of their inability to form coherent reasoning?
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whites and arabs have the least denisovan admixture, whites are just homo sapiens + neanderthal
My dream is to become so rich that I don't ever have to deal with or interact with people again.
Maybe, but we don't care about what redditors are arguing here.
How about you share those to your telegram group friends?
find a rich man
I'm rich.
just kill yourself lol
unfortunately, you need to deal and interact with people A LOT in order to get rich
Good to know, Daniel Plainview.
What's somebody like you, doing in a place like this?
Do you come here much? I swear I've seen your face before
>anon doesn't want lulz
Soury and somewhat sweet.
There are far worse redditors itt, like the tangalog antipedo, the tangalog sex addict, and the tangalog blogposter who post his meal to justify he got a silver spoon on his unwiped ass
[other flag] anything is always better than [own flag] anything
Said by the guy who sucked Banterfag's tiny dick when he's around and loathe when a smarter version of him comes around.
>said by [headcanon]
But I still love you guys flipbros
Do you have a crush?
I played with the Fold 6 today.
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She's pregnant with rendi sperm afaik
Ill buy Xiaomi Flip
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Then explain THIS !!!
Does lineage os work on folding phone?
Folding phone features are not yet in AOSP yet I'm afraid
I do
She's my coworker >////<
Do you have an archive/album of Negrito pics?
moon america
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im already an itoddler so im good
I like handsome girls
Well shite, I thought I could just throw GSI on it as long as I could get the bootloader unlocked
How about beautiful boy?
Fuck you, Jesus is jewish
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I know just how to whisper
And I know just how to cry
I know just where to find the answers
And I know just how to lie
I know just how to fake it
And I know just how to scheme
I know just when to face the truth
And then I know just when to dream
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forgot my pic
nope, he's a jew, which makes the betrayal of the jewish people to him even more atrocious desu
not white then
Stop being antisemitic bro
Test again
It's not an advantage, in fact you might wish you were average instead. All eyes are on you.
Test reply
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Bila habis sudah
waktu ini
Tak lagi berpijak
pada dunia
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Why isn't it working...
Love hurts love scars
Love wounds and marks
Any heart
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Bila rindu ini masih milikmu
Kuhadirkan sebuah tanya untukmu
Harus berapa lama aku menunggumu
Aku menunggumu

What happened?
For me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrMrCybcv6k
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Cerita ini tak lagi sama
Meski hatimu selalu disini
Mengertilah bahwa ku tak berubah
Lihat aku dari sisi yang lain

pengen nangis udah lama gak ngeliat dia ngepost thirst trapnya lagi
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Try to post a screenshot of their Plebbit thread, otherwise nobody even cares to click your link, retard.
Puji Tuhan, udah sadar ya dia sekarang
pagi gan
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Pog pagiii
Today is asadha guys. Recite dhammacakkapavattana sutta, if your lucky youll be añña-anon.
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>Today is asadha guys. Recite dhammacakkapavattana sutta, if your lucky youll be añña-anon.
Satyameva Jayathe
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While recitation is commendable, enlightenment isn't attained through luck. The Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta offers a path, not a shortcut. Perhaps a deeper study is in order?
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filipina scammer didnt had compassion for the autist afluent with a good heart brown man.
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explain yourselves
I don't even know any 4 of them
I mean luck in case of anna kondanna, hes already fulfill the pre requisite to arihant. Therefore his enlightenment while listening dhammacakkapavatannasutta. If not well its a nice solid sutta
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Venerable Ananda spent countless lifetimes cultivating merit before achieving Arhatship upon hearing the Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta. While anything is possible, relying on Sutta-lottery for Anāgāmi might not be the best strategy. ; )
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tummy upset
you already know
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orei ero
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Malaysian and Indonesian bros, what are Indians like in your country? In the Philippines, they're mostly students. Some do live here permanently but they are very few numbers.
I've never seen them outside of textile market
They're gang members.
Pretty okay for the most part. They kept it to themselves and were not as rowdy as the jeets in other countries. I personally met one in an internet cafe asking me to play Left 4 Dead 2 with him and the other is an engineer who lived here for years.
Have you ever thought about dating an Indian college girl?
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tskr T~T
Pajeets could be divided to two: those whose Indian ancestors has reside since (or before) colonial period (or born and bred here) and those who don't.
It's possible to categorize indians to those two categories solely by observing their behaviors and mannerisms
You described mleis
>You described mleis
Hmm, no. I'm talking about the pajeets in here, Indonesia. I'm not talking about peninsular malaysia, their local pajeets, and their bizzare you-are-"""malay"""-if-you-are-muslim.
Born-and-bred-for-generations pajeets and fresh-from-the-ganges pajeets has clear differences, even when the local pajeets doesn't have indo blood and both of them physically very similar
That's mleis thoughbeit
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aseanbros best bros
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Watch your tongue indos, unless you want us to start charging rent
Both malaysian and their local pajeet have different behaviors and manners compared to our local pajeets.
For example, our local pajeets don't talk loudly when talking with their families while going around the mall or supermarket.
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>local pajeets
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I really sat through 2 hours for this slop. What a cope movie for loser nigger faggots! You can literally content farm on tiktok and make $10k a month, fly all over the world and connect with ambitious business owners. Instead you choose to scrub filth and spent your time reading gay little novels and gay little tapes. Ancestor cry.
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> I thank You Saturn-sama, for my Total-Gòngfěi-Death:
> I thank You also Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification:
AMEN: So must it be.
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olei elo
ya allah pengen nangis banget sumpah
where thaikot dough
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>ya allah pengen nangis banget sumpah
jawak gem
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What game is this desu?
thaikot dead again?
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last post with maew

Little girl's name?

Eroi is her name?
jackie chan looks old now
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I can make the runner stumble
I can make the final block
I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle
I can make all the stadiums rock
I can make tonight forever
Or I can make it disappear by the dawn
I can make you every promise that has ever been made
And I can make all your demons be gone

But I'm never gonna make it without you
Do you really wanna see me crawl
And I'm never gonna make it like you do
Making love out of nothing at all
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Is this bobcut
looks like it
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new june vid dropping 7.5 hours
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malay look like this
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her nipples probably look very nice
western philosophy vs eastern philosophy = man vs spirit
neanderthal vs denisovan
why the neanderthal cannibal thinking focus on the man?
why the denisovan non-cannibal thinking focus on the spirit?
at starvation situations, the neanderthal cannibal analyzes the other man, the denisovan non-cannibal analyzes himself (the spirit) at not eating.
social sciences developed by whites did focus on explain the others but not themselves, thats the reason they still didnt got into the conclusion that whites are the only race that made genocide on all continents.
if at starvation situation, the denisovan non-cannibal did focus on the spirit then the nothing, the zero
the number zero comes from the denisovan mind, Roman and Hebrew numbers dont have the notion of zero.
which one is more anti-civilization, the whites that analyze the other humans to kill them or the asians that do not try to analyze the man?
gunpowder created in China was used for fireworks meanwhile once in the hands of the whites, those used the gunpowder for weapons, 90% of the modern weapons design come from the white mind.
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pagi pogi
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Sometimes I can't enjoy things because I remember people I hate also enjoy them, so I get frustrated because they don't deserve it.

I know gatekeeping is worthless, I try to ignore it but I can't.
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Pingin ngerasain hari minggu jalan jalan sama pacar
wake up, chuds
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it's 7:30
Nice pit
that's not a kot
I think I broke up with my boyfriend today
And I don't really care
I've got worse problems
The day I'd make $20k a year with less than 1 hour of commute, I'd start living like this guy lol.

I have 6 years before turning 30. And 11 years before turning 35. I'll go out and work in a normal job, but I'll maximize my free time to create some digital products
i havent slept
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go back to sleep bro
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Who's asking tangalog tramp
guacamole nigga penis
Have you guys watch caspian report? Malaysia gonna be the asean silicon valley. We need to tone down our talking when talking to slei mlei
Will it still be controlled by cokins?
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I did.

Malaysia will have to be careful with its ambitions to become rich with its renewed tech hubs, since it's a very different era now — the lessons they've learned from their past failures might turn up more useless than useful now.

They're gambling with that exponentiating digital-tech industry, but so is the rest of the world.
The most "major" obstacle of the said industry is how it can be powered by Green Energy™ and so avoid that inevitable global carbon tax.
>asean silicon valley.
good. Time to move to malaysia finally
Stop talking about us.
Humble bragging, huh?
Koala Lumpia
Most indonesians will only able to double their minimum regional salary after 5 - 10 years lol. And by then, their workload would triple.
philipinx is over
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They can take out your family and friends

They can take out your religion.

They can take out your life.

But they can't take out your lust.

Never lose hope.
>We need to tone down our talking when talking to slei mlei
tell that to that tai boat poster lmao
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>now she says she is expecting
that's my fault for not protecting
>believe in caspian report

And by workload, i mean responsibilities
They'd breed like rabbits, get into debts for buying a house, etc...
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21 jul is onani day
stroke and shlick it!
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I hate leftoids so much it's unreal, glad that 66 happened here
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IndoAnon face reveal
female on left is not 53
she young girl
Why did she need a jawa husband?
I'm going to look for internship again. I hope the pay is at least 3 mill and there's 2 days of WFH, with chances of getting hired as a full timer.

are you rifky?
what position are you interested in?
next riot when
If such internship doesn't exist and i have to find a fulltimer role right away that pays 5 mill with 8 to 6 work hours, then what can i say really.
Why would you get an internship if you are already graduated?
Just get regular jobs, even PKWT is better than internship.
I'm graduating in november.
Ya udah kelar sidang kan?
Minta SKL lah cuk.
Naik Mazda setubuh dengan kuda
Naik Toyota setubuh dengan kijang
Pengen bersetubuh Rolls Royce
>Sweet Spot of Criminality
Further explanation: People on the range of deep red and red are retarded enough to not understand the consequences of their action (precognition). But, they're capable of operating tools with simple instructions e.g guns, cars, etc
wuwa or zzz?
Graphs says IndoAnon smarter than white on graph!
Well he is Chinese after all
it's over for wypipo
Stupid Kevin, Indons are just retarded, not that Islam is anti-intellectual
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Are the Whites and East Asians (the Japs and The Koreans) friends? the real competition is with the (Ashkenazi) Jews that have the average iq around 107-115

As intelligence goes up, happiness often goes down. Both the mentally retarded (<80) and geniuses have experienced kind of mental suffering. To the extent, that being average is enough for functioning in order to live such a short life. Fuck
Explain Paki then. Oh wait.
Anon, I often see you often sending obscure link, whether it's Reddit or Xitter with various alternative frontend mirrors, what addon do you use?
Islam should have been gatekept as much as possible (what would have happened if it were?)
son of phuket whore posting dogshit threads again
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>To the extent, that being average is enough for functioning in order to live such a short life. Fuck
That's the state of our nation, where social harmony (conformity) are actively encouraged and high-achievers hide, because the "average" people would held them at contempt, instead of looking up to them as role model. The "average" person would thought that these successful people doesn't deserve the fruits of their labor
I hate Sundays.
why did i wake up after 4 hours of sleep
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Because you hate going on dates with your gf?
>what addon do you use
Who needs addons when you can
>memorize the domains
>use bookmarks (or bookmark the instances lists)
>use macro
In fact, redirect addons often loads slow instance, which contradicts one of the purpose of these front-end alternatives: fast loading
No, Sunday is just a glorified Monday.
We won?
For me it's saturday.
Same desu
Why do you hate it? I hate it because my workload is twice as much. This is when you will see who your real 'friends' are. My coworker rushes up to do the easiest task while I do the hardest one. It genuinely make me hate humans even more
Oh I meant I hate Sundays but love Saturdays.
Nvm then!
It's jogging time. You are jogging every sunday too right?
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should've been that overrated boomer mike tyson getting humiliated by based Jake
mma shitters are beneath him
No, I don't have a running shoes...
ok zoomer but at least jake's better than logan
Buy a cheap pair from the bundle or online?
Every day since I was 16 except Sunday, the day of the lord.
Just walk then. Everyone should walk at least 70KM a week
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