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tekken edish
tekken the piss with this jf new
fuck anime sub-edition
sausage undies them

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wife game me a thigh job lads
feel personally attacked because i buy underwear off temu
did we just lose bros?
Gotta stay here and wait for the GETs since /bra/ is dead
is poleaboo still alive?
just torture lying in bed wide awake
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worldie shoes
honestly it's true viagra is evil and sinful
was just thinking about it the other day
old men shouldn't be diddling people
rizz 'em with the 'tism
natty from kiss of life riding my cock
Had a groundskeeper like miss trunchbell in primary school, it was soulful looking back at it now

She was a 2nd gen immigrant, her dad was a German ww2 vet
father of lies
sucking a bollock
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haha based
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get yourself one of these and a cheap tablet
just anything that plays videos
and bluetooth earphones
heaven for me, that
was he an Auschwitz guard
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Why people say that british are ugly? Where this stupid stereotype coming from?
Indians are the ugliest also, mixed don't count
some spider is going to be sitting on the wall thinking "what is this cunt doing" when you whip that out
Rubbing my clitoris
the working class are pretty ugly
jannies are control+f searching for the name of the 45th president of the united states, deleting the post and banning whoever posts it
just so you know
thinking about me?? x
this guy is such a moron
one of the most annoying voices in human history too
Using wet wipes? Using a bidet? It doesn’t matter. Cleanliness isn’t the issue. No matter how well you clean yourself, 20-40 minutes later your ass will start itching and you’ll have to wipe again and when you do, all manner of shit will have be there on the toilet paper after you wipe.
Ayatollahs in Iran, Russians in Afghanistan.
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Like everywhere? I just have seen too much articles "british are the ugliest in the world!".
Is Liverpool a shit hole
No xx
when i was in usa there was a warning on the "potato chips" that they cause "anal leakage"
maybe that's what you've got
Just created a fetlife account.
Really? How
^~^ <--- me to be honest
Do Muslims actually wipe their arse with their bare hands?
Probably. I eat like shit. Too much fast food.
All food in America is fake processed imitation food.
Do shit eat Irish fuck really fuck sheep and die from lack of potato?
>All food in America is fake processed imitation food.
I mean same in russia but anal leakage? How is it possible
6 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

3 For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.

4 But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.

5 For every man shall bear his own burden.

6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.

7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

11 Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand.

12 As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.

13 For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.

14 But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.
if (tome)

then DontRead;
it's a big city with nice bits and not nice bits
rorke’s gfs
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r he tyf arpe ueer dkr is o
And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
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No more brother wars
nta but there's an ingredient i can't remember in yank crisps that genuinely does cause sloppy arse ruptures, it's a laxative of some sort
how long until
you missed it
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Good post
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just did a smelly loud trump in my undies haha
what AM i LIKE??
that was quite a long time ago my friend
the ingredient which caused that was discontinued not long after it was introduced
I'd like some poo crisps
there's actually no better feeling in the world than being pisssed
Remember when they switched from Google to cloudflare captcha and the website slowed way down for a week because all the retards and bots couldn’t figure out how to solve them lmao
Still see some people complaining about how hard they are
being pissed on is nicer
here we are then the drunk boys
eating curry chiggen friggen noodles in bed lads
be careful of the chilis
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yeah it was in the late 90s
"olestra" or something innit
They allow this, but banned harmless cyclamate.
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out out out
out out out
all wogs out of my pnw
Got churchtoil on the morrow
And I’m a bloody atheist!
come here you old codger *gives you a cuddle*
india has a state that has an elected communist party in charge
such a bizarro country
men love doing manly things only men can do
only men can crossdress so it is one of the manliest thing ever
Moving there now
I have witnessed female crossdressing many times
read a book about those lads
commiemong packing his bags and running with a giant cartoon ball of dust behind him after reading this
beware beware be very very ware
the entire coastline of america is pretty much the kinoest place on earth
Nothing will change
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I will sort my life out.
I will find a 90 IQ aryan bride from ohio
I will have 10 chudlets.
The outer banks is waiting for Australian studs to take it by storm
if honey's what you covet you'll find that they love it because they come in every shape and size size size
Are you sigma male? Skibidi dab dab yes yes
*lifts up your shirt*
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theres wild horses there
what a bizarro country
I am quite flustered
what's funny is that this genuinely spooked me a little as a child
done him
teeheehee NO
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what a stupid bastard
AI's gonna take his job
NC is the greatest place on earth
new uni semester tomorrow but i think i will do some drinking today
I want to go there
got the bobby sands one?
uni isn't till september you drongo
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is norf caroline near where the apple ancient mountains are?
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cant hate it but theres something inexplicably hideous about the way you guys build basically suburbs next to the beach
Yes, us and eastern Tennessee have the best and tallest parts of it. I live here
Come home (we’re full[of mexicans])
thoughts on the appalachian trail?

Haggis and the white pdudingg
Beach houses are sovl
I used to go to church camp in the obx and there were some beach houses right next to an old civil war naval fort
an aging population is a scary thing

inverted population pyramid
lots of old people (who can't work or really support themselves)
few young people to actually work and take care of the elderly
old people, now the supermajority of voters, vote for more resources to survive/sustain themselves
naturally this is through taxing the young
increased financial burden further exasperating the difficulty of having children
leading to less children and an even higher % of the population being elderly
leading to more elderly favored taxes
pic related
not to mention just having a bunch of elderly dying alone, there literally not being enough nurses to wipe their asses, let alone money to pay for them
It’s cozy and fun to hike but be careful around bigger areas and especially Asheville. Looooooots of drugged out crazies and schizos that will rob you or straight up attack you.
not my problem
pic related
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pic in question*
what the hell is this
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you ever been on sneed's ferry?
You need to respect your elders chud
Did nobody ever teach you to respect your elders?! Just respect your fucking elders!
tongue is burning now from the chilis
do you enjoy being such a boring cunt? tell someone who gives a shit
Just deleted my fetlife account.
woah there bucko
Those small coastal towns creep me out. I used to do disaster repair work after hurricanes came through and they reminded me a lot of true detective. Never know what’s going on there. Not enough people to keep an eye out. Could be doing anything.
i heard the best way to soothe a spicy mouth is to massage your eyes gently with your fingertips
dunno how it works but that's what i heard
It really, really, really doesn't have to be. If we weren't all importing immigrants it would be cozy as fuck. I am entitled to 3 free boomer mansions.
What’s fetlife?
hmm drinking something sweet is the preferable way
I have blueberry lemonade mixed with blackberry perrier and it's working ok
wacky bruce has a new friend!
introducing bucko bruce
from hasbro
so you're not going to rub the chili juice remnants in your eyeballs?
that's a shame i thought i got you
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Going back to sleep
Bradcord, make sure we get the >>19999999
I didn't prepare this food so there's no capsaicin on my fingertips anyway I'm sorry
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He's so quick
He's so fast
He's so quick, he's so fast
He's upper-class player / He's on the crossfader (?)
DJ Shadow with the scratch
Moves through town like a skater
Come on, rock
Check out the cut you suckers

surprised at my tolerance desu
11 bevvies and i'm still standing & more or less lucid
Forum for fetish stuff.

Sorry, thought that already sent the reply.
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Nice, only ever heard Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt by DJ Shadow.
Have you ever heard of Cut Chemist?

I don't wanna stay up all night to check some digits on some smelly website :(
mad how the greatest american films were made by italians who probably weren't taking it that seriously
Seems like a good forum. Just not for me.
>Any content distributed via the Xbox 360 Store will no longer be available to purchase. This includes games, trials, add-ons, avatar items, apps, gamerpics, game trailers, and videos. It also includes purchases like gamertag changes on Xbox 360, Xbox subscriptions on Xbox 360, in-game purchases, and video content via the Microsoft Movies & TV app.
Time to move on and forget about the past. I know it looked like it was going to last forever.
So does Japan
We all need to have sex immediately. Then, no more immigrants.
heard of him but not heard his stuff
i like it
i like the bass
No physical games? You're fucked.
my skate demo files....
slitty eyes learn to read
britain cries out for big beat revival
How does big beat sounds like?
sub bass + distorted bass + distorted guitar-like synth + synth pads + punk vocals + industrial drums
Once there were mountains on mountains
And once there were sunbirds to soar with
And once I could never be down
Got to keep searching and searching
Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love?
Wonderful, wonder who, wonder when
Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy?
Drink to the men who protect you and I
Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high
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saysoyyzibh sufijif
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why are the polish so based
Sounds good, ngl. Added to my upvoted playlist.
I can save us. I know it.
I must be only one in a million
>British cuisine
makes me laugh how people think russia are stronger than NATO, we haven't even given ukraine any substantial deep strike capabilities yet

this is why russia pisses their pants over arming people in the middle east, if they start strengthening israels enemies america will give ukraine bigger and better weapons to start blasting russia with
the yanks gave them some 80s missile trucks and putin was fucking cacking himself lol
Does writing to your MP actually work. I want more national holidays.
i want more tins
*sends a nuke to your country*
She forgets that the females are the prime beneficiary of the hard penis
>the yanks
More like the wankers LMAO.
why do brazilianoids LOVE russia
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Shot my handgun at the range today
third world attraction
i feel like i'd be an incredible crack shot (dad was in the top 0.1% in the army and he's from a heavily military family) but i've never touched a gun in my life

unless a bb gun counts
I am a Celt but I Anglicised my name because I adore England and have embraced Anglo supremacy
why do australianoids HATE russia
common sense
on 13 tins

if i die of liver failure i love you /brit/
Trish stratus
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i was a crackshot with my airsoft mp5 (pic related is the closest i could find)
used to plink miniatures off the top of my telly with it
lent it to a mate and never saw it again
i got one from a turkish black market and my mum filched it after i almost put my sister's eye out braying it off the wall lol
sore white fannies
1 pack of m&s trout flakes
5 mcvities chocolate digestives

corker of a brekkie lads
cant believe how well i can hold my drink whjen im 90 pounds sopping wet
Did you have a brew with those biccies?
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i dunno bro they do p well in warno
i got mine from a market i think
car boot sale or something like that
got one of these bad boys through a mate as well
£20, and he also said it'd been "illegally modified" to shoot the little airsoft balls a lot harder
i just liked it because it's like the p90 in goldeneye
black coffee + 1 sugar
Why are they so determined to abuse children?
>i just liked it because it's like the p90 in goldeneye
for me, it was the pencil gun
gay poop
coffee without milk is a sad drink
Naa. Iced coffee in the morning is divine.
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>Alabama father 'shoots dead his wife and four children under the age of 10' at pastor's home after kid's birthday party
good morning lads
hope you all have a great day
yea with milk
brabley wouldn't laugh at that
hope i have the worst day of my life me x
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you're not wrong mate
i'm gonna have to start making iced coffee if the weather stays hot
it's such a faff though
Hate myself and want to die
black iced coffee i mean
no milk
no sugar
>it's such a faff though
I make the coffee in my moka pot.
Put ice and cold water in a glass, then pour the coffee in.
Piece of piss.
to live is to suffer
everyone should strive for this
watching old documentaries about The Troubles. mad that all of this happened in your backyard
Business idea: audio erotica stories
Unusual sequence of flags
I think every town I've lived in was bombed by the IRA (Wembley, Guildford, Aldershot, Brighton)
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i do it very differently
big jug with water and coffee grounds goes in fridge overnight
pour it through a filter into the coffee pot the next morning and add ice cubes
i forget how many hours it's in the fridge exactly but i usually do it overnight
Oh right, you mean cold-brewed which is slightly different, but far superior if done well.
do i look gay
Did a morning wank to Nacho Vidal titfucking Harmony Reigns in a Spanish bar in public
In desperate need of an Anglo honey to put her gob on me Yank cock
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getting the daily does
It exists, didn't liked much.
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cold-brew, that's it, and you were talking about iced coffee
got my lines crossed
yeah i re-read your moka pot method and you've got water involved twice, which will dilute the final drink
cold-brew is a cunt to make and clean up after as well but it's fantastic
i've never actually had iced coffee then
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A date with Emma Watson that ends in a mating press creampie.
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you lads talking about iced coffee got me wanting an iced coffee so i made one
most gleeful Russian
Fruity little hands typed this post
The coffee from the moka pot is pretty concentrated, almost a double espresso really, but not quite as strong.
obese diabetic hands typed this one
have been told on multiple occasions that i give off 'brother vibes' im a 27 year old virgin btw
you look fine mate why are you a vrgin
Girlfriend you did not just go there!
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>hey, we saw you across the room and really dig your vibe
>do you want to join our polycule?
because he's clearly a boring insecure cunt
>"All of Poland sings with us, fuck off with the refugees."
love it when a tiny minority put on a big spectacle and get btfo by the (not so) silent majority
need these ugly nonces rounded up and shot in the back of the head
hard to believe ill miss >>200000000
im sure it will be terrible
not sure, women arent sexually attracted to me
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I'm reclusive and look like Paul Dano but I've had sex with 8 decently attractive women. Step it up lad
any good gay wanks going?
just stay up for it lad you won't want to miss it. what was >>100000000
join your wot? actually let me stop you
whatever it is, no
hiiii x
getting close now
i will do full frontal full backdal and full sidal
if you look like this and dont shag you're either the most insufferable cunt going or you have fish odour syndrome
Irish bros
just DON'T be yourself bro
be someone that acts confident and relaxed, but also get that intense eye contact in their face
enjoy watching them get all nervous and clumsy
i was a virgin until i was about your age
i was shocked that a woman wanted to have sex with me
then afterwards it made sense
they probably are mate
every girl i talk to has 0 sexual chemistry with me and i've been outright told on more than 1 occasion that i give off brother vibes, now im just old and being a virgin makes everything even more awkward
Guys think it's bad when their gf sends them a 50-word text
I used to have a crazy girl who would send me entire Word documents, 1000+ words
Bro don't post your picture to 4chan
Have errands to run but want to have a stab at >>200000000
Yeah mate only 1500 posts off
rather urge self like our
after turning hard eyed festive errand rabbit
right here try arpeggios here for us only
(say you sigh sufi)
*Titfucks Harmony Reigns while the whole thread is watching*
lmao I meant as in I've got to go not that was my effort
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>Community person
That's a good one
*Text her*

I didnt know you were a little fuck WO'AH
any rustaceans in
fn main() {
let x: core::primitive::u8 = 0;
println!("{}", x)
He made the right decision.
Say something nice.
dont have that dog in me
something nice
>a community person

say "Looks like you have nice boobs plus you're not fat, yeah I'd fuck you"
At least he was a gentleman about it and didn't just sperg out and call her a slag or something.
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Say something else nice.
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/brit/ is a bunch of woke nonsense
gents' has urinals innit
really no reason to have dedicated bogs for w*Men
permission to bounce on it sir
Can you believe we provide literal farm-animal pissing troughs for men while women just get more stalls
so the year is 2024 and we have gooners simping for porn stars
*takes a poo in a urinal*
Yes, because blokes' anatomy generally allows it
digits decide what i wank to
gay porn
whats the 199999999 get going to be
how far off until we hit it
that's what you think until you're pumping away like a pornstar and they're grabbing you and pulling you closer and making porn faces
just give it a try
if you don't like it you can go back to being clark kent again
this lad's wanking to the don today
first harry potter
Trembling with excitement. On the edge of my seat
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hard to fake that confidence when i dont even know how to handle a woman though
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4chan grinding to a halt as 1000 bots start up for the digits
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when i get back from my shower there better not be 2000000000 get
gets stopped being fun when scriptfags ruined it
I actually got the last big get in /brit/
something like "imagine if the guy who got it posted nonsense" or something like that
if you fake being confident, eventually you start to feel confident
then you're no longer faking it
give it a try
chin up, shoulders back, nice and tall, relax, enjoy
no you didn't be quiet
warming up
Yeah and we could eat off the floor as well
Read the bible instead
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but i did
hard to wank to that though
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The volume is so high that scripts would be useless
Harmony Reigns
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not true
Yeah tell me how a script is gonna help when 200 people post at once
you'll see
fuck i need to think of something funny for the get if i get it
a sinister bradley maybe?
post the deer
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Got the perfect gimmique for the get
someone make the new but not me i cant be arsed you see
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