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The scrandemic
spacex rockets: steaming as
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square plates lmao why
greater surface area
looks like Ping Pong John farted on it
ready or not
yeah we don't give a what
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not had a poo all weekend
a square will fit inside a circle with equal diameter/width
you can have a circle with the same surface area
cute as heck
anyone else got food autism? cba chewing me just blend everything

probs eat healthier than most lads ITT though, my shits are HUGE
but it will have larger dimensions
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What do you think about my dessert boots?
Yeah, officer, this one here
need a bf
fucking HONGRY but got nowt in the fridge
might just have to eat ice
americans wear jeans in their house
couldn't really care less about them if i'm honest
reckon this is it for me
sunburnt to hell, writhing in pain, and any movement sends up this agonising burning sensation
hi x
hey x
kamala 2024
*powerbombs you into an ice lake*
It costs you absolutely nothing to make immigrants feel unwelcome. No excuses.
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a nice hot chocolate whilst listening to music after some Elizabethan Mixture pipe tobacco.

The perfect way to wind down on a Sunday evening.
the internet's sole purpose is to make you feel shit about yourself
kek true
just ate something dead crispy and salty that was in my bed
not sure what it was
maybe a bit of a chip or something
>Elizabethan Mixture pipe tobacco.
Tarq freak
from pence to vance
does it make any sense?
It was invented by the US military, so if you ever wonder why the Internet feels cold and reactionary, that's why.
Feeling lustful.
the only curse of having beautiful pristine white skin
using cartesian instead of polar co-ordinates is subjective
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When will YOU join the army?
any hufflepuffs in?
Dreaming of a better internet

Anyone else?
If an immigrant woman with a pram tries to push past me in a que (which they often do), then I just move in front of them to block their way as if they don't exist.

No courtesy should be shown to unwanted foreigners.
>the hundred is back this week
fundamentally you can fit more grub on a 12" square plate than a 12" round plate
*Stupefys you*
>not goodyear welted
gf called me a gashpiece in go outdoors
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got some CLASSIC louis theroux on
which one?
the 200000000 get was defo a mod
Bitter, jealous, misanthropic virgin.
for me it's the one where he trained to become a wrestler
law and order in philadelphia
went to see it at Lords a few years ago
was alri
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Trump worked Biden into a shoot
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woke brigade wont like this
business idea: porn but it's believable
That's how the cocaine - which was mixed in the kebab - got into my body.
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Why don't we just sterilise India?
funny that i appear to be reading a lot of posts referring to politics and non-british culture
funny that i was banned several times over the last month for the same
what /brit/ boys dream of and desire
on £57k in yorkshire me, thank you BAE systems

no pajeet will ever take my job, 99% of the population of preston are too dumb to compete for it

I will never be fired, made redundant or anything as long as I live. Simple as.
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well you sound like an educated chap who deserves the role so good job fella
Putting on mumbergs dress and boarding a small boat to claim asylum from the Trvmpenreich
nothing to get hung about
strawberry fields forever
You'll be made redundant by AI
Think I'll become a femboy
wtf are they wearing
might make a post about politics
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post bum
what's your position? Engineer?
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>Think I'll become a femboy
On the dole by Christmas
craving.. meat
me too
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The sweltering summer of 1992
need a cock in my arse
think i'm going to get off the wine and onto the lemsip now
need to rid myself of this cold before toil
need 16 year old femboy with a pink arsehole to bounce on my cock
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And a lead earring

having a nifty wank (the gay erotica website before you ask not the wank being nifty)
drinking the 5th bokkle of kingfisher of the night. no toiling for me til thursday x
the lemsip won't precipitate the end of the cold. just mask its symptoms
Has anyone here ever learnt a trade or works as a tradesman?
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What would you do if you saw Don Marko irl?
did you get bullied at school by any chance?
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welsh arses
No, I'm not a shitskin.
i'll precipitate the end of your life kid
Birth of the Premier League
Barcelona Olympics
Nirvana at Reading
Kevin Nash
Big, big summer
well that will do me okay
as long as i get to sleep tonight i'll be okay
not really slept all weekend cos i've been all achy and sick
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plumbing and heating engineer lol x
That's all mine btw
Trades are white, sirjeet
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Mr Thorax
just awful
LOL. No. Browns do menial work. Humans do not.
fucking leaf
soletrader jeets have whole empires but their only customers are other jeets. it's mad
alright lads dial the poofter nonsense back a bit
Corr imagine how comfy life would have been as a coffee and spice merchant in 18th century London
>Trades are white, sirjeet
This poster has brown skin
lovely body

not a fan of the tattoos thoughbeitever
How'd you get into it?
What's it like?
Are the fast track training courses (eg https://www.accesstraininguk.co.uk/) legit?

Is it worth changing career to at 28?
nah i don't think i could live with myself cos i;m not an evil cunt
so bored i'm going to bed, at least ill get a good nights rest for toil tomorrow

gonna get a gold star off toilberg i am
lol every tradesman and skilled construction worker is white
pipe yo incel ass up ngga
>Is it worth changing career to at 28
The virgin trade course purchased for £8,000 through a website

The chad apprentice position with your mate's uncle
What's the problem?
reminder that trademong is cashisamong
done an apprenticeship myself and was lucky to be out with a guy who's shit hot at what he does.
my cousins husband done the 8 week course gig and he's alright but has the right attitude and has a decent amount of aptitude. 99% of the guys who do them are fucking morons who are literal bombscares.
works shite at the moment as cost of living is getting worse, wouldnt bother your arse. be a plasterer instead x
how do you think "coffee and spice merchants" made their money? but exploiting the colonies
and all the canadian posters are jeets
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looks like a revolution 60 character
thinkin of fast...
doing a trade is fucking stupid. get your AAT done and get a comfy office job in finance
I'm tired of not having any real definite skills. Got a degree but it's not a STEM one so it's basically useless in the workplace. That's why I'm thinking about becoming an electrician or carpenter maybe.

Dunno how you get into the trades without knowing someone. I always see articles bemoaning a lack of workers but it seems impossible to enter.
The older I get the more appealing the idea of just ending my own life rather than working becomes.
>give green parts to republic
>keep orange parts in uk
>eternal peace

why aren't we doing this
nothing good in my life
Thinken of getting a Skoda Superb for the next motor vehicle.
>office job in finance
Incredibly tedious and you'll have to work with vapid Deanos.
if you do end up getting into it DO NOT go self employed straight away- find a decent company to work for and properly learn your trade first.
Wrong. The remaining parts of Ulster should be in Northern Ireland.
Not at all, you work with nerds and old women
malted milkies :3
oo err
hang on a bladdy minute
dire biccies
i have a made a legitimate and peaceful request for cheddar cheese and pineapple on a stick
Oh yeah I'd definitely do that. I don't particularly want to be self employed anyway.

So do you think the courses here are legit?


The company is listed on the City and Guilds website as a trainer.
peng cock
>her willys bigger than mine
God she's so cute
How did Biden found out he is no longer in the race?
Eeny-weeny, teeny-weeny
Shriveled little short dick man
he was at home drinking bran fluid
I think there are still Protestants in the green areas, and Catholics in the orange areas. So plenty of people would still be unhappy.

Big fan of that sketch
called my boss toilberg last week
Wish there was a real life /brit/ club where we could meet and enjoy some alcoholic beverages, pool and darts.
We could help each other out and exchange advice.
It really wouldn’t be that much different to a Masonic lodge from back in the day.
There are probably loads of us who have been posting with each other for a decade :/
>will all be called northern lagos soon anyway
who cares
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I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people.
it wouldn't be the same

imagine reminiscing over /brit/ memes irl omds
imagine the smell
BO & smegma
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Congratulations. Mr. Fontiane, you got a son.
walked past a masonic lodge today
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danyew day wewis
Relapssed to bbc porn and made another black man hinge account
just scranned some beans on toast

top tier meal
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britmeetupcord on a maddone
cockmogs me
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me on the left
they'd all get it
so we're just meat to you?

fucking pig
think i was autistic until i had my first wank
ahhh sexo
I think we’d ideally have some rules on ‘presentability’ and other stuff.
Yeah but it would be a good laugh
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Need to stop making these accounts ffs the jews have fried me brain
tranny was eye-fucking the shit out of me in a cafe earlier
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back to toil tomorrow
i thought we left europe? why are belgians still allowed in are ingurlun?
Hope you were wearing goggles.
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Dreading it
arbeit macht frei
/brit/ boys kissing each other
was she one of the fit ones or one of the unkempt man in a wig ones?
hahaha, how lil timmy gon cope now?
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why is he such a cringecase?
loool you lot are deluded, the /brit/ club would get raided after a month because somebody starts bringing child slaves for the sex dungeon which no doubt how of you would shag
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Mr. Peckerwood can't handle allat
loool you lot are deluded, the /brit/ club would get raided after a month because somebody starts bringing child slaves for the sex dungeon which no doubt how of you would shag
you don't see brendan frasers posted much anymore
so theyre going to make the olympians swim in that poo water??
LOL shieeeet
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this is perfection
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a real shame
/pw/ is such a shit board
No actual discussion of wrestling, just stupid fucking LOL NASH JANNETTY DIMES MELTZER KWAB spam
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I keep getting messages
umm the double post glitch happened again
proper fit yeah, looked almost like a real woman
>he said whilst posting twitter screenshots

get your head checked
ummm diegz, you feeling alright?
need it
no one wants to fuck a landwhale with horrible tattoos like that
imagine being fat with no tits too lmao
cant cuckposting freaks find better material?
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his shit isnt fucked up anymore though is it
Lil timmy been real quiet
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i do
you don't understand the irony of your images

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I keep getting new messages Mr Peckerwood
is it gay to go into the same stall to piss with your mate if the toilet's packed?
Now post all the ones that ignored you or blocked you
what is this
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Mr Peckerwood I am getting like one message a minute
haha swc mad asl
sometimes me and my mates hold each others cocks when having a piss just for a laugh and that
reminder that the asparagus knew

sometimes me and my mates hold each others cocks when having a piss just for a laugh and that
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Renters find life less worthwhile than homeowners, according to a government report.

Tenants are more likely to report lower levels of happiness and live in poor quality housing compared to those who own their own homes, the annual English Housing Survey found.
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mmhmm lil timmy aint never gon receive dis type of treatment
having a smoke
We need Georgism
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but the outcome is not guaranteed is it
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the scrandemic
just think about it. not only has he been spamming brit, but also spamming to these women. all just for this fetish.
>that necklace
well that's a given of course she's a slag
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the buy-to-let landlord cries out in pain as he strikes you
white self hate
what app is that
holy based
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fuck off heathermong
cronem clapper
could easily buy a flat at this point but dont want to commit
think it's time to beat arcanum for retarded half ogre with zero intelligence
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>could easily buy a flat at this point
if you don't commit your changes will stay in your local machine
You should be making plans to move abroad not worry about buying or renting.
the asparagus knew
She fine as hell
Her insta is lucybennett.x
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wouldnt even need a deposit really
maybe 5%
can afford to borrow the whole cost of the flat

*force pushes to master*
infinite zest
does his gf know he's gay?
dog owners are mentally ill
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based 'toise
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what kind of retard loses a tortoise
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>wouldnt even need a deposit really
>maybe 5%
>can afford to borrow the whole cost of the flat
noticing some spamming and or flooding in this thread
about to cum
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bbc draining lips
we NEED BBC in this household
shit poo!
cravi ng the british broacasting corporation
Got a loving gf who says of nice things to me and makes me feel loved. However she is bluepilled on a lot of things, worrying really. She know I'm not that way inclined and doesn't seem to mind although I haven't gone full 14/88
is it worth buying a flat or nah
based black man putting coal burners in their place

squealing how clogger's lineage is ending with him and its his single mother's fault
buy a clue first
heathermong is worse than spainnonce
better than doling out to rentberg every month
imagine if the actor was white saying that
thinking of gfbergs big tits
still have to pay ground rentberg and maintainencestein
it's riskier
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done em here
right that's enough
pack it in
proper clapmeat
its not great
Tough for Timmy out here
you can't post the politics
u've all been done
*posts yank politics*
janny can you do something about the BBC spammers shitting up this general 16 hours a day thanks x
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janny cant delete his own posts x
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I'm helping you by showing women to avoid
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Rorke's sister while Rorke is posting about the Jews on /brit/
this cat is getting raped

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