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Bojangles' Famous Chicken n' Biscuits edition
gonna jerk off
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/cum/ is better than /brit/ and I'm tired of pretending it's not
To what?
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that post wasnt me
not sure yet
Americans are usually better than the British at everything
That's why... *sniff*... that's why you can't stay... I'm sorry...
the 300 seconds wait time really made making threads too much of a pain in the ass
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I think the most shameful thing about /cum/ is that there are more Americans and Canadians in /br*t/ than here
Quickly bros, buy Biden gear before they take it down and replace it with K*mala garbo

This post is NOT sponsored by Joe Biden or the federal government*********
>Our system thinks your post is spam.
Gay furry porn.
>start to make thread or new /cum/ when nobody else does it
>see 300 seconds
>close tab
Many such cases
almost 170kc (16-something) and 5 people outlasted leeching at giant mole stood there with lifesteal while they tank and dps
im not gay or a furry
Dark Brandon Mug - Collectors Edition (Rare) - Starting Bid $300
/cum/ succeeds despite Americans, not because of them

I'm not aware of any such rules
why would anyone want that garbage?
>t. trap
It's ok.
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the conclusion you got from this was that women are bad instead of, i dunno, there is a global push to radicalize men and women and make them hate each other down to fundamental ideological levels? there is nothing that says these parties have to pick a gender. i dont want women to hate men, nor men to hate women. this is all wrong...
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"hotpockets!" jingle but it's "black niggers!"
/brit/ is so funding bizarre. It's just a bunch of old dues yelling at clouds and complaining and rambling about nothing. They don't even reply to each other
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going to drink some tea, eat some cookies, and listen to nerds talk about nerd things.
historical value, put it next to your maga hat
why would I want to remember one of the worst presidents we've ever had?
theres probably someone out theres that collects this stuff but it wont be in short supply for at least like 20 years
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cause it's funny
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do brit pipo really?
>there is a global push to radicalize men and women and make them hate each other down to fundamental ideological levels?

yeah it will take decades for it to be worth more than just putting your money in the stock market
I was considering buying a physical newspaper (I've never bought one) with the Trump assassination headline because it might have been worth something when I'm like 80
Trash take. Only Real Men are hot.
biology, and by extension the natural behavior of the sexes
anything else is delusional cope and a fantasy because you don't want to admit harsh truths of biology and reality
>there is a global push to radicalize men and women
except male political leanings has stayed roughly stable whereas female has skyrocketed for liberalism. it's not a 'both sides' issue even if you want it to be, women are becoming radicalized and people are still pointing the finger at men.
women have been pushing to be retarded since the dawn of time
he came back before i even finished putting all of my loot together
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wish we had a janny who banned fag spammers instead of anyone who mentions presidential candidates
Billionaires. the Occupy Wall Street movement ended with the start of a mass publication of social issues which drowned out economic issues, which was so successful it created the 2016 election entirely run off of social issue populist talking points, which rebounded into the "we gotta stop the orange man" 2020 election again entirely based on social issues. we have been severely robbed of any discussion about the thinning middle class and growing wealth gap because we all hate each other. Citizens United v. FEC has been the single largest mistake and corruption power grab ever made in America, and both parties, now funded by the forces that pushed for Citizens United, perpetuate and protect this system. We are being robbed.
i will likely never have sex in my life but what really upsets me is that i will never have sex with a girl with giant jugs
im smoking a fag right now currently
they like trannies too but not old men
I fucked up bros
I was doing good getting over her today and i looked at some old pictures/videos on my phone
That was not a good idea
>I wish somebody would impose arbitrary free speech rules on me because I'm a bootlicker
I already knew you were Canadian before seeing your cringe ass flag
did anyone find it interesting that bye-den's announcement didn't have the official seal of the president and he didn't give a press conference?

they forced him out
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it's okay bud. it will get better
just delete them then
I've never heard of it
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>literal dick and shitlicker ignoring the presidential candidate part
Smartest homofaggot
A beautiful dream, thank you for sharing that with us
The answer is social media companies

If you're a young guy then you might go on YouTube or Twitter and seek out content about bodybuilding, or maybe you'll watch a video that criticises the concept of "toxic masculinity". But then you get served up more and more extreme content to keep you clicking, and therefore you should see more adverts (okay you might have an ad blocker, but most people don't, so that's why social media algorithms drive people to spend more time on their platforms).

On the other hand, if you're a young woman, maybe you'll seek out some videos on make up, and then also videos talking about why abortion rights are important. And again you'll just get served content which plays into your pre-existing biases, rather than anything that might challenge your biases. Because again, the more engaged you are in social media, the more ads you can potentially be served.
there are billions of dumb whores in the world just go get a new one
holy guacamole
I want more national holidays.
nigga im hungry
I always thought they should push for 1 each month. Most months already have one so it's not even that much of a change
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He has a point
this guys DPS sucks so im stopping the moles
at 200kc
200 moles in 1 sitting at 85 range and def though
we just added juneteenth thoughsobeit.
that's not a real holiday and nobody cares about it though
red paint stain on the smock
everyday is a holiday for me
He's not even sticking with his own point in this one. I hope he gets sodomized by a pack of giraffes.
i get it why he did it, he's artists and his whole slick lends itself very well to become an NFT, he could have money to make in it but man it was stupid
Do Americans find it weird how some small regional black celebration from Texas was being shilled as some major black cultural thing that was being ignored by White society?
Whenever most royal events happen the brits get a holiday, but we don't. That's not fair.
it's a public holiday and i got the day off. it's real enough to me.
he became a millionaire because of NFTs so yeah clearly worth it
Britain still has genuine love for the Monarchy although of course not everyone. In Canada it's mostly indifference.
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In a sane country it would be very weird, but lol lmao
I like the monarchy. I want more holidays.
rorke going to his empty office on juneteenth
Welcome to Biden's America
Mexico is too big. We need to take some of that
rorke getting a job working on the television screen stage only so that he can shout really loud at the camera and tell it that its a bad boy
Sure, but only if you give us some of your states.
We already claim they're in this general when they're not
uhh sorry sweetheart, we're also taking Alberta and BC and kicking out the jeets. they can live in torronno
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Both these posts dovetail very well together
>Turdeau in the current year celebrating anything to do with our history or White Canadians
Best he could do was a fake featherhead holiday he himself didn't even bother to care about
This Rorke bloke is a reference to Rorke's Drift, innit?
Will the Tories do it then.
it'll be a nice change to not be called a faggot by mexicans again
I want neetbucks
trump is too old
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I'll call you a faggot for them.
just got back from the hasan stream, what'd i miss
you now don't have to vote for a geriatric

what's your excuse?
how many posts did janny get today
If you can believe it, Tories have an even lower support level for the monarchy. We're going to be the first country to have like under 10% approval for the monarchy but still keeping it because it's baked into our constitution.
CARMelooooooo is low IQ and has an annoying laugh so I'll skip out on that. imagine having to hear her cackle for 4 years?

Nig Nogs
I am the Lawnmower Man
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Why is this double standard allowed to exist?
this made me realize I don't think I've heard trump actually laugh beyond a mild chuckle
Inland Empire is the worst movie of all time.
I hope all those people are miserable inside
>a woman who sucked her way into political life has a genuine chance at being president
Women really do have life on easy mode
why is everyone on twitter either an obnxious liberal or a grifting right wing faggot?

every popular post is either oh noooo who's gonna save us now or some stupid culture war bullshit
the same reason why sleeping with a cat is cute but sleeping with a gorilla is weird
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Rate my gang
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because you're a faggot and told the algooooooo rhythm you wanted gay faggot shit in your feed.
Who must go?
what if it was a female gorilla
i haven't masturbated in 16 days. i literally cannot focus.

it's gooning time
I thought Mulholland Drive sucked too, not a fan of Mr. Lynch
normal people don't use Twitter the same way gaylords that get millions of likes do
yes and the only reason she became veep is because of her indian/black vagina as well so...
im a centrist and want centrist shit in my feed, but that doesn't exist
Sleeping with a gorilla would be cool
idk go follow nate silver and scott alexander or something
centrism is incompatible with social media algorithms
I would vote for Kamala
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why are they just giving him the presidency
>Tories have an even lower support level for the monarchy
How the fuck did that happen.
what about nate higgers and kate hikes??
He was going to win anyways, and this way it's easier to win in 2028 because there's a clean slate and they don't have to run kermolo because she's a terrible candidate
if kamala promised a gf for every neet she would win the election, but the deep state won't let her do that
kamala would win if she promised to make anime real
I still think he would claw to victory just barely this year if that debate didn't happen.
Alaska, New England, Michigan & Washington belong to us mate.
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its over
lol everyone talking politics
Biden was behind in the polls before the debate
15/50 = 30%
if that was 15/30 would = 50%
I'm going by feels not retarded fake bullshit polling
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> election isn't until November
> 4 months from now
We didn't even have primaries and I'm still fucking exhausted from this shit. Just talk about something else.
>How the fuck did that happen.
Alberta and the rest of the prairies dominating Conservatism in Canada. They are much more republican. Throw in all the pooskins, Kwebec, every leftoid under 50, and all you have left supporting the monarchy is boomers or older in Eastern and especially Atlantic Canada. The NDP is openly calling for ending the monarchy, Trudeau ignores it because he doesn't want to lose the Lib seats in Atlantic Canada. Look at the polling on this, it's crazy
how? normally there's multiple debates, there was another one in september? planned
Cope, Biden lost
what country are you fleeing to?
janny gonna have a melty when xhe finds this thread
>They are much more republican.
American influence....it's fucking over.
got a new id recently and boy am i fatter than what i was in 2016 or 2019 i dont remember, i think it looks bettter
They have these dry ass biscuits
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legitimately nothing is going right here, even normie leafs are incredibly doomer now. Trudeau crashed this country with no survivors.
Trump will annex Canada!
Greenland first plz
why does trudope hate Canada so much?
The kingdom has fallen. Someone get the King here so he can sack Trudeau.
Anon the way your country is going compared to ours you guys could unironically use some American influence
He’s French Canadian
it's funny seeing liberals have to act like kamala isn't unlikeable
>you guys could unironically use some American influence
That's been happening for decades. No. I don't want more of it.
not gay but idk if you remember zando freak, he had a nice ass like genuinely better than most chicks idk how
trump still going to lose
She is less charismatic than Hillary and that's saying something
She is at the same time so pretentious yet so stupid
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good afternoon
Didn't ask.
underrated post
Stop corrupting everything you touch
Trudeau seems to unironically believe that WEF, globalist dribble that in the future there will be no borders, no countries, no races etc. and it just takes some elites (him and his buddies) to guide the dumb cattle (everyone else) towards this epic Star Trek future.
>My country is falling further and further behind but at least it isn't corrupting everything it touches!
why do you care, little buddy?
hes right though
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janny is watching me, he's waiting for me to slip up, not today janny
i dont want the american empire to collapse and trump would do that
Just one of those is bad enough. Having both happen is hell. Stop it and be normal
low effort b8, even leftoids don't believe this anymore. Report back to shitposting 101
hello mr bunny
what, are you scared of having to turn your router off and on again?
Don’t be scared homie
Trump will usher in a new golden age albeit
how can anyone possibly believe this if they believe elites exist? there will always be better and worse places...unless they just want everything to be a complete shithole
No, he isn't.
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He says as another Indian family moving in raises his rent and steals his gibs
this is how i woke up this morning
not everyone has a dynamic IP address. I feel for those suckers who don't!
Just made a poop so stinky that the dog ran to the bathroom and started barking
Both are bad retard. We already have to deal with Trudeau. You and cancer spreading is not helping, so stop that
what the hell
describe the smell
its always a screenshot of that, but i never see people typing that on this website
Thomas Sowell called them the 'anointed ones' 30 years ago, it's not much different now. It's a mix of idealism and arrogance.
>You and cancer spreading is not helping, so stop that
The left here earnestly and admittedly base their politics and social reforms on your country which is why we're in the state we're in in the first place
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Lefties only attack AI art because it reminds them their "art" is closer to gas station scribblings than any painting of antiquity sitting in a museum.
They might have the talent, but no life experience or anything meaningful to express, so they dig their heels in the ground, get paid to draw doodles, and call that art.
It was the chipotle I ate yesterday, so it smelled spicypoopy
The plan is working....King George....you will be avenged....
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How does it feel to have a femal president?
We dont
Lot more crazy shit finna happen
We had a female PM once. It didn't end well,
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>burger restaurant
>also serves philly cheese steak
>it's better than every burger on the menu
Every single time
wouldn't know. didn't seem to work out well for you europoors thougheverbeit
>one term president
>one term president
we're accelerating
chaos max
kamala is a scapegoat candidate to lose to trump so they can get rid of her before 2028
who the hell is phil lee and why is his steak cheesed
Don't black people hate Kamala?
It's over
as joe biden said SHE AIN'T BLACK!!
they don't consider her black and when she was a prosecutor she fucked over a lot of black people on minor drug charges
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oh wow superPAC donation stooge vs superPAC donation stooge. the de-corruption process of America will only come when silent gen and boomers shuffle off, and we get some candidates that grew up in the grim times we have.
who's the more accelerationist pick, kamala or trump
maybe its them knowing they are going to get hit and then trying to make it just not hurt as much
slight body horror moment every time I realize my face is covered in dead skin
blacks will still vote for her anyways it doesn't really matter
he is so talented
is he wearing a watch as a collar?
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Remember when Dem anons said Biden was going to be a two-term president? Where are they now?
Imagine electing a woman
kind of a cool look desu, but the world isn't ready for humans to do that
not really, they are trending more towards republicans
a BLACK women chud
barely. blacks will not leave the democrat party
what about that rapper that used to wear the giant clock chain
Not in majority, but even if they vote less than 80% Democratic that's a massive loss for the Dems
This country is stupid and stinky
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i can't remember who that is but for the record i am onboard with bringing a new age of clockcore. everyone walking around with long robes holding big golden clocks and shit
they'll just make up for it with ballot harvesting
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That's a dude.
which candidate will help me get a gf?
bernie circa 2016 probably could have got you some pussy if you told a certain contingent of women you were voting for him
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when you're at a clockcore hangout and someone asks for the time
but i didn't get one in 2016 - 2020
I like men.
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yeah but those kind of girls are the ones you don't want
there's no one you can vote for who will make any noticeable difference in your ability to get a gf
i found my fork, thank god! im still only eating two bananas for dinner. i dont want... cant make pasta and eat it currently
>IG art accounts with 5k followers that draw pet commissions for $25 lumping themselves in with Rembrandt or Michelangelo
Quite funny tbqh
all of them were ugly
Never peel potatoes
I'm predicting a lot of Epstein related stuff to be suddenly dumped on Donnie in the final weeks of the campaign
beggars can't be choosers
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imagine lovebombing her and implanting pavlovian triggers while secretly changing her diet and behaviors until she loses weight, grows out her hair and fixes her appearance uffffff
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cannot remember the last time i saw an owl
You guys are hopeless as far as getting gfs, NOT gonna happen.


Trump would be the better candidate for normies who want to get married cause his mass deportations will lower housing prices.
theres a really loud hoot owl that likes to sit in the tree outside my bedroom window
we have an uneasy relationship because he's cute but he is also really loud
she looks like she could be reasonably pretty if she wasnt fat and didnt have bozo hair but aint that the truth every time, plus she would think she's too good for you if she did that
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This is one country btw
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that's based you should give him meat and make him your fren
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Leafy Gem
>plus she would think she's too good for you if she did that
that's why the lovebombing and pavlovian part is important, dramatic appearance improvements are psychologically proven to dramatically increase the chance of infidelity, divorce, breakups, etc
There's a couple owls who live in the trees near me, I assume they hunt the voles but I never see them, just hear them
oh shit im feeling it
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i have thought before that he was my familiar trying to reach out to me
>just hear them
Sound like this?
there's a whole family of owls that live on my land, they're always hanging around there when we pass by
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based. offer sacrifices to him.

he is.
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>meet up with my friend for brunch tacos
>she spends the whole time traumadumping on me

this is the only social interaction I get al lweek and this is what I have to deal with
>having women as friends
>his only friend is a woman
i'm sorry buddy it's no fun to participate in a one sided conversation like that
were the tacos tasty at least
America PLEASE vote for Kamala and not Trump

Rest of the world
Flavor Flav from Public Enemy
she has other females for friends so ASSUMEDLY this will lead to gf opportunities

Is the oldest presidential nominee in American history, Donald Trump, really what this country needs right now?
Shant be doing that, sorry buster. Gonna vote for the better candidate with the better policies.

now go back to crossdressing, faggot
is trump actually older than biden?
i wonder who smoked more crack cocaine
maybe but first they got to consider you human and not the gay passive friend
>geriatric rapist with brain damage
>better candidate
im glad the tacos were tasty at least anon
don't listen to these other goobers it's okay to have female friends, have a great day
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cope and seethe and dilate and go away
I don't think I've ever seen an owl in real life outside of captivity
theres something very off about that photo
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>she has other females for friends so ASSUMEDLY this will lead to gf opportunities
so far, not sure about that. my female friend keeps me away from her friend group because they react very negatively to men in general and i'm not kidding when i say that. still, she might be able to improve my wardrobe
that's cause they have camouflage but you can see them at night more often
What was in the taco
I seen them all the time hanging around the neighbors calf barn
al pastor, lime juice, onions, mango chunks, and I think cilantro
>my female friend keeps me away from her friend group because they react very negatively to men in general
lmao what kind of fucking weird ass freak girls are these? green hair feminists or something?

girls normally seek out men
British people be like: Americer
>green hair feminists or something
yes mentally, no physically. it's like a bunch of goths, i dunno much more than that. HAVEN'T MET THEM. I don't think it's healthy for them to only interact with other girls and constantly reaffirm each other's apparent hatred for all men
i need me a mouse pad that is made out of PET-01
you wouldn't want to hang out with them anyways. however, once one of the ringleaders gets a bf they'll end this fad.

MANY such cases.
are you in high school or something?
23. this is a liberal college town dynamic lol
do you look like that?
if so hi
Anyone but Bernie
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Got a cool pic yesterday but ended up breaking my wrist. So it's at least 6 weeks of doing nothing for me
i have lost almost 6 billion coins today in this rsps
not by the markets or anything. i mean by making mistakes from me being a beginner, especially with PvM. but i think thats okay
There's a 'SQUATCH in them woods
that is a really cool pic
how did you break your wrist? that's a bummer i know you like to ride a lot that's probably gonna be hard for you
I love eating this
I'm a munch
Doing some bone head shit, really. I kept carrying too much speed into corners because I was in an unfamiliar location and the trail had tons of loose gravel. I spilled twice already not long before, but I just wasn't being smart
>made it before the bump limit
i didnt even know the thread was at 300 dang
it's alright anon it could have been a lot worse, just glad you're okay. how did you ride off the trail if you had a broke wrist? did you just ride with one arm?
Fuck off you are part of the reason I am voting Trump.

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