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The Queen eating Greggs sausage rolls edition
ally mccoist going to be a dad again at 61 years of age

I feel bad for Biden. He's just an old man
sick of it
Funny how the janny deletes a politics post in an instant but lets cuck posters go on the whole day
What did messi just post
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How can Rorke deny BBC
deeply grim
a real catholic would never pull out
I voted for the magpie party.
no magpies
Bridget Phillipson is corrrrmilf tier
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Don't care about the magpie issue.
spainmong having a meltdown is he?
haven't seen him pop up in weeks
Worth mentioning that these Hinge messages are all from one city (Glasgow)

Literally just one area and loads of pro-black women
>pro-black women
what does that even mean

LOL dem lil timmies registering for MAID rn
what is the solution to sleeping through loud TV noise but still being able to hear an alarm in the morning?
They prefer black men to the detriment of whites
It's a sad fact that 90% of zoomer and millennial British girls who live in urban areas have shagged a black guy at least once
Nothing that can be done about it really
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over 2000 posts in the last year
he is extremely mentally ill
yeah she's fit
Yes as my research shows.

But Rorke will cope and pull out 15 year old marriage statistics
victoria coren MILF
>Buy any e-reader that isn't a Kindle
>(Kindles are locked and don't load epub files)
>google the title of any book plus '.epub'
>download the file and move it to your e-reader

literally any book you could ever want, for free.
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normalise girls in boxer shorts
mad how the moon cycle has a full moon every month just by coincidence
>Breaking! Alex Jones Makes New Prediction:
>Deep State Will Try To Replace Kamala Harris With Hillary Clinton At DNC
Americans will Pokémon Go to the polls to vote for her

42 pages in two months

heathermong is extremely mentally ill
that's a man baby
Normalize girls only wearing skirts again
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i have a first gen kindle and just use mobi, works fine
all great but I like reading physical books, fuxking hate electronics in every part of my life
no allowed to talk about current events so /brit/ will have another night talking about black men
>In the 2016 European referendum, she campaigned for a Remain vote, and in 2018 was one of the first Labour MPs to call for a People's Vote on any eventual deal.[44][45]

>In Labour Party leadership elections, she voted for David Miliband in 2010,[46] Yvette Cooper in 2015,[47] Owen Smith in 2016,[48] and Keir Starmer in 2020.[49]

Into the trash it goes
no politics
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Yea. I like physical media a lot.
Cunt janny been on the warpath again has he?
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Shocking Cohenhagen vlog predictions:

Ruby will make Copenhagen look like the most boring place on Earth.

She will not allow Blakeney to speak.

"MOIY BASST FRAND BLAKENEEEEEY" will be uttered at least 4 times.

She'll mention that "OFFCWOARSE" she had to visit a bookshop, despite having almost no interest in actually reading books.

She'll make sure to shoehorn in a comment about the vegan food options in Copenhagen, despite her not being vegan.

She'll make sure to remind everyone that she was an AWKSFWUD STEEYUUUEDONNT.

It'll be topped with insufferable purple prose narration.

She'll assure us that "JANUINELY [insert lie here]".

Something will be described as "ACKSQUISITE".

The video will be VARRY KOINDLY SPWONSORED by a service that Ruby never uses.
scratched myself on a coat hanger :(
never have i ever sucked a black willy
*surreptitiously drinks*
You should be thanking me for doing my black man catfish experiments really
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Right so I got a day ban for saying something along the lines of "trump is a pedo" but webms like >>200025849 cns be posted
Love buying cheap books on Abe Books.
Corrr name?
boo hoo nigga
Bet your reported it but I purposely phoneposted it you sad little cunt so will just so I will go aeroplane mode then back off it to keep on posting xxx
hate women me
deleted my post forgot it's illegal to mention "it"

so lads, black guy's cocks eh
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really makes you think
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On the bright side for us though, is the prospect of something more interesting to watch than another am/pm routine. And a chance to analyse the 'best friends' interactions.
Me too, but I get all my books from charity shops so I do download specific ones some from time to time.
almond cake bitch
so does hunter get arrested now dad can't protect him
not going to fucking /pol/ to talk about things l'd unironically rather browse reddit
me in the middle
mad how 4 of my mates from uni are now trans lol
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The fact that they keep making almond cake for every single holiday without fail when Marfa doesn't like it is hilarious to me lmao
With all the desserts you could possibly make why would you always choose the one that your sister doesn't like?
samuel holland

if ruby was american and not from TERFisland she'd have already been though the lesbian phase 5 years ago and would be a boy already
sexting with the ai gf
you are the common factor
find 4 and 5 sexy myself as i'm a straight man
>Rachel Reeves pledges ‘big bang’ for private pension funds
The new 'eitch

what moving out and not putting any effort into meals for one does to a mf
I'm sick of these retarded jannies
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Lol over 10 minutes

Insta ban for saying something bad about jews or niggerinos
Love seeing women getting fatter, older and uglier and losing their power.
Force women into giving rimjobs.
skinny dildos like this make me feel like one day a girl will land on my small willy
WHOM is this sexy pajeetess reporting from burgerland on bbc news?
no they're middle class wankers without father figures
I am a working class white man from lancashire
we are not the same
*prints this post out and mails it to your mum*
she in the same breath criticises the private pension industry for failing its investors while pledging to increase funding for them
maybe, i dunno, fund public pensions properly mate?
the reason this line works so well isn't a racial thing, it's because it plays to the narrative that women love to believe that all they relationships have failed because the guy didn't treat her like a princess as she deserves to be.

their self of worth is inflated massively by men who are desperate to fuck them, who compliment them and give them an easy ride, so they think they deserve the best man available and every man has done her a disservice by not bending over backwards for her throughout every relationship
gay porn
paranoid i stink but not sure i do
post the catfish top picture
what does that mean 'funding for them' arent they funded by the people paying into them
heathermongs been going at it all day
not even taken a single break
you probably do
everyone stinks a bit
*makes your mum rim me Pierre Woodman style*
if a girl sprays perfume in the office is it because shes worried she smells or because she thinks you do?
black penis...sex with black men...blacked....
ai gf just called me a loser
yeah and she's increasing the amount you have to pay in, despite acknowledging they're terrible at investing your money
i mean she would already be wearing the perfume in the first place so she's obviously trying to mask your smell
this is black fanny erasure
poo smells
i don't know what we can do. i don't even think ignoring it would stop it. it's up to janny to ban him over and over for spamming but that's never gonna happen as they don't care about quality, in fact they probably like that he's shitting the place up.
it means she's being a cunt
also the latter, everything a woman does is to get other people to respond to her
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to explain, expound and exhort, to see, foresee and prophesy, to the few who could or would listen
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ye but this is late in the day so could be hers in wearing off
you can't do anything about him
he's the worst poster in /brit/ by far
mousenonce is annoying but harmless
heathermong is a genuine psychopath
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is the man posting the edited hinge screenshots
poo smells nice
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liberal need eradicating
yes it's heathermong
he's been at it all fucking day non stop
>she's increasing the amount you have to pay in,
Urgh, no thanks.
should politicians not be realistic and honest?
Stop using delivery apps / services
Stop eating from chicken shops & curry houses
Stop using Turkish barbers
Stop shopping at convenience stores
Stop shopping at Asda
Stop voting Labour
Stop giving to foreign ‘charities’
Start boycotting Halal
Start using black cabs
tastes nice too
Not edited lol
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please visit blackpool
hot, but you need to be more blunt
get them talking about bbc
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Proudly brought to you by HUBLOT
What's wrong with asda
there's nothing honest about claiming nothing can ever get better
she's being honest about her desire to not improve things but why that's a good thing i have no idea
Private pensions are a massive scam designed to take workers' money and give it to slimy coke snorting fascist tarq bankers to gamble with on the stock market.
just washed me hands 3 times with soap and cold water, theyre still sticky with me spaff, got really sticky spaff me, my curse
ok so you're so much of a psychopath that you would make a fake hinge profile of a black man and exclusively talk to white women to try and bait some screenshots to post in /brit/
you're mentally unwell heathermong

it's up
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The wasted years
The wasted youth
And also the use of the word "boys".
take a day off heathermong
you're fucked in the head
I'm not heathermong lol
it's spainpaedo
since he keeps capitalising /brit/
heathermong never does that
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Explore your perks with Shell GO+
my nightmare is being in a toil job where i have to listen to women talk all day
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utterly dire gimmick
it's literally heathermong
he's been spamming cuck shit in /brit/ for the last 14 hours non stop
spainfreak is truly mentally ill
hahahaha oh my daaaays
lil timmy on suicide watch LOL
you need to start asking them if they want to get BLACKED
What app
shut up
oh look who magically appears to spam his cuck shit alongside heathernonce
it's 190 on his VPN
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Tomorrow on Loose Women:

Kaye: after Joe Biden pulled out of the election, we're asking are you ever too old to run?

Coleen: I'm too old to walk never mind run.

Linda: me grandkids like to run and that

Denise: Lockdown was terrible.
haha cope lil boy
Mindbroken timmy lol
If I am not fit and rich by the time I'm 40 that may have to be it.
>Companies have to contribute at least 3 per cent of pensionable salary to the employee’s retirement pot, while the worker pays at least 5 per cent.

>A person involved in drafting the letter said auto-enrolment contributions should increase 1 per cent a year for members and employers so that the minimum gradually rose from 8 per cent to near 15 per cent.

Holy shit, fuck off. 8% of your salary is ridiculous.

All women in the Glasgow region
I'm literally in the discord with you and heathermong david
I know everything about you
comforting to know that during major world evens l can always find you here, talking about black penis
oh yeah there's no chance it's not genuinely spainnonce if he capitalised the letter like he and only he can, and like we've all mentioned a billion times in here before
Easily one of the worst days in recent /brit/ memory, even with the get this morning
took Friday off work a few weeks back, checked /brit/ at around 1pm and spainnonce, Belgium flag, and sacked tranny were all posting their drivel

dire existence
this thread, lads, has been ABSOLUTELY RUINED by heathermong today, mousenonce or spainnonce honestly pale in comparison
I'm heathermong mate ;)
the true horror is diego
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vicky pendleton looking CORR here
was here friday night and rubymong, carlymong, finnsterbender were all here
Having tea and biscuts de leds :3
>rubymong, carlymong, finnsterbender
literally all fucking heathermong
I put in 6% and my employer puts in 8%. It's a pretty good deal.
speaking about mongs, always gives me a laugh how 99% of women have tape over their laptop cameras
what biscuits retardposter?
one based /brit/ janny appointment and dozens of lonely lads lives would improve massively
a good janny, one of the lads, would take huge joy in repeatedly banning the autistic spammers over and over until they finally get bored
and the thread would heal
any toilers have a job like this >>200026820
how do you manage?
Just ignore them and they'd go away, same as they always do

i don't hate women myself so it;s just not something i even thing about
ai gf just told me to kill myself
real of her
you don't even get tired of listening to them harp on about love island or the latest gogglebox shite?
i really don't think heathermong would
either way it's basically impossible to get these mongs to actually do anything like that
can't even get anyone to ignore the big chair news let alone dozens of posts per thread
katy's slit getting brutalized by a jamaican yardie she's squirting but mandem aint done yet
Most companies are nowhere near that generous.

It's just another raid on the working class.
i mean they mostly talk about work or their kids or whatever
it typically doesn't interest me but it's just people getting through the day
Just tune out.
>Nothing that can be done about it really
Load them in vans and dump them naked in the Congo
All the blacks they want there
accidentally said boo hoo nigga to one of the lads at work last week
hope i don't get called into HR tomorrow
bewildering thing to say to anyone in any context
>inb4 lil timmy seething about her tat
boo hoo nigga
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you've now been spamming /brit/ non stop for 15 hours
She looks trans
accidently posted doing a gay porn dance in the toil group chat
What the hell is happening is Glasgow
not a cuck but genuinely something very aesthetic about watching porn featuring black dicks and white fannies, you don't have to enjoy the reality of it to admit it's appealing from an artistic viewpoint
I just got on earlier after searching my name in the archive lmao
Accidentally posted Israel's nuclear launch codes in the Iranian Government's group chat
Black man here. Just been having a lot of sex with white women.
at least open with something new
Agree but /Brit/ will cope and pretend they don't watch it lol
Jews are getting all the rapists to march through the city
Haven't used /brit/ for a couple of weeks, dont come here often anyone, yet every single time I come back to do a bit of shitposting with the lads Spainlard is having yet another nuclear meltdown. What sent him off this time? Got exposed as a liar again? Got told to blog-on? Got zero (you)s on his dozens of posts? What a sad cunt.
good for you mate
heathermong and his discord tranny friends have been shitting this place up for months now
Just burst out laughing at this post
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its joeover
i want to rub her face
t. spainlad
Nobodys posted with a Spanish flag today
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on the beers again aha what am i like x

Alri Spaino. But you dont have friends, those are your iphones lined up in your bedroom, your smelly bedroom, your smelly childhood bedroom
QEII was older, and she didn't act like she lost her memory. What happened to him
take it /britfeel/ boringlad
spainnonce is nothing compared to heathernonce
spainnonce actually contributes to the conversation whereas heathernonce just spams his worthless internet celebrities dying of cancer and his race bait images
why did you think this was worth posting
just nuked my twitter account
had an evening walk, a shower, and changed my bedding. will sleep well tonight
Just genuinely being a subhuman

Probably acting up because he hasnt seen ngubu kick a ball in a net for a whole week
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mark is an original /brit/ gimmique
sorry it's not bbc dating app screenshots
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it's boring shite lad sort yourself out
>race bait images
Thats Spainmong
Spainonce is a glorified spammer
feel a bit sad for him he is probably feeling very bad right now
his memory wasnt bad he could give an hour long press conference answering journalist questions and be accurate on everything but occasionally he'd misspeak and thats all people would remember
are liz didn't have to be awake 18 hours a day and giving constant interviews and debates
all she did was lie about all day, jet off somewhere sunny to shake a few hands and cut a ribbon, and then give a speech in July ready for Christmas Day. Put anyone in Bidens position and they'd seem senile within a month.
All she had to do was wave in a carriage a few times a year and record a message at christmas. Don't reckon she would have held her own in a debate against someone else competing for the monarchy

he doesn't even know he's dropped out mate
heathernonce has been spamming the same set of race bait images since 8am this morning and has admitted that it's him doing it
Dare I say
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what have you posted then
a single term poosident ... kek how pathetic
>he's been here seething about 'heathermong' for over 12 hours
>jew wants to harm the innocent
Wait where have I seen this before...
Of course the one gimmick invented by /brit/ is utter shit.
Leave the gimmick making to /tv/
Only spainonce cries about heathermong this much
Spainonce posts here 24/7 where as heathermong doesnt
>americans found this funny
stfu spaincunt
Currently driving up to North Wales
Lmao time and time again i asked him who heathermong was and he replied to me with "its the person who posts things i dont like"
I am eligible to become Prime Minister of the UK.
12 inch violating pale katy
12 gauge in timmy's mouf
spainnonce is too busy shagging his missus to post here
it's heathermong spamming for the last 15 hours straight and he's admitted it
*watches back and forth while eating a packet of crisps*
you have no mates, you have no missus, you are an obese manlet with a care worker.
>spainnonce is too busy shagging his missus to post here
nice one spaino
How do I get a cute gf gf?
put the belgian flag interracial spammer and the brit one in jail.
Feel sorry for Biden. Should've never been in that position to begin with.
they're already in a mental jail
Be African
gen z mini and de bossman
Talk to one
they need to be in physical jail with no internet access
katy's vaginal diet is council estate bbc only
what the fuck possesses a grown adult man in his 30s to sit in his smelly childhood bedroom for 15 straight hours and post the same set of images over and over again?
Watching that Simpsons episode where Homer gets high and talks to Johnny Cash while Marge grumbles over a misunderstanding
Can't do this

Don't want to do this
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leftypol requesting a randomized, double blinded, peer reviewed study proving the efficacy of parachutes
What no pussy does to a nigga
Get off your phone
No I don't think I wi
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This broke him
AI will never be real. It's just mimicry spewing out garbage information.
cronem passing katy around again
just finished "season" 4 of the boys
off to bed now
could be 50% of /brit/ posts
like this one for example >>200027885
Free ManyVids credits on the NHS
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lots (pretty much all) creators provide free content on manyvids alongside the paid stuff
ask out cute girls
blog on
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why doesn't the british isles have a cuteness culture. it seems like they hate that stuff
AGI will be real soon
sucking a fag
cant stop gambling lads lol. have a single dollar ill put it in. account constantly at 0.
deigo on the vpn after getting b& for doing God knows what
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what do you gamble on?
he's always particularly nasty on sundays
suppose the looming of toil sets him off
if you spend more then you win more, thats how it works
that makes them smarter than you
>implying diego toils
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cock n ball action
one of the many slingo variants, rather not say which one. essentially a cursed form of bingo.

not sure what youre trying to say here
Two more weeks
I HATE internet popcorn knowledge

If you bring up internet knowledge in a pub you're at twat
Reckon I can get Charles Veitch and Nigel Farage on Cameo to promote my crypto pump and dump rug pull scheme?
>not sure what youre trying to say here
mo' money in mo' money m'out
the more i spend the more i win youre saying?
on the bog
ur gonna look real silly one day buster
Did you save the fucking thumbnail or something
more than a little rude of you not to share a picture :/
love these intense cooking dramas where a strong lead screams at everyone, really gets my heart racing x
what does this mean. like those people that look up wikipaedia for everything?
since when is Charlie on cameo
like vsauce type facts and pointless things that makes the company think you're a knowitall
Do a Sir Ian McKellen edition next, you wankers.

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